The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, January 27, 1886, Image 2

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>■ ■ Hi DAlT/Y BANNERWATCHMAN ATHENS, GEORGIA,'WEDN BANNER- WATCHMAN — r ornoui. oman or City »f Athea* and Clarice, Ocones 8t 1WU, ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION NATES: Din/, 35;.... SunHiy, $t;..,. WsaWy, 31 T. L. GANTT. New York Herald: If the opin ion just rendered ie Kansas by United States Judge Brower is well grounded it wilt prove a formidable obstacle to tbe prohibition move' ■neat aad one on which the advo cate* of that cause have not hitherto counted. Judge Brewer holds that no state can, either b* legislation or consti tutianal amendment, prohibit the liquor traffic without paying for the private property thereby destroyed or injured. “This building, mi chinery and fixtures,” he said, “were designed and adapted for the mkk ingofbeer, and nothing else, for which purpose they were worth fifty thousand dollars; for any other purpose not to exceed five thousand, Thus the defendants are deprived of their property to the extent «f forly-Cvc thousand dollars by the prohibition law. Before the state can suppress the business it must pay for the property destroyed.” This is a new point. The United States supreme court has in several cases upheld the right of a state to prohibit the manufacture and sale of liquor and beer. But it has not passed upon the question decided by Judge Brewer. In a recent opin ion the court remarked: ‘‘We do not mean to say that property actu ally in existence, and in which the right of the owner has become vest ed, may be taken for the public good without due compensation.” But the kind ot property the court then had in mind was stock on hand, not plant. The question now raised is one of such far reaching importance that it is sure to go to the supreme court for adjudication, and until set tled by that tribunal it will be an open question. A new plan for improving the quality of drinking water is under consideration by the Water Board ol Boston. It is proposed to build an open conduit, a mile or more in length, from the outlet of the water system, in which large, rough boul. ders are to be placed. The water, rushing swiftly over and between these rocks, will be so agitsted, it is thought, as to do away with that impurity which depends upon par tial stagnation. Eugene Speer says that a promi nent politician of Waihington told him the other day that Represents tive Jim Blount would succeed Sen > ator Brown in the senate. Eugene certainly has not asked Senator Brown whether he wants to go hacki When Uncle Joe shell shuf fle off this mortal coil, Jim Blount - may get there. The present rule ot dying in harness will hold good in this case, Hen. Thomas Hardeman hyi de clined an invitation to.delivi address before the state agrichitural convention, which meets in Febru ary. This is the first time in life that Col. H. has refused to speak to the farmers. However, he js safely, launched In the post-office at’ Ma con, which is a good excuse. If a man wants to build up a rep utation we advise him never to give an editor advice as to the way he ought to edit his paper. The editor always thinks the man giving the advice ia cranky. The ddvice is generally consigned to the waste basket It seems that convicts do not have a great deal to. say against convict labor, though it is believed that most of them would rather be Entertained in elegant leisure at the expense of industrious people, than to help along with the public works. Some of the fortunate ones whe have been it the table say that President Cleveland is a better feed er at hisatate dinner* than President Arthur.’ Cleveland has the appear ance of being a big <mt«& . 1 tigena*m olaiv rad jron won t itmsZODQHT., v a oraTitvtu. book. Y *7. t Excitement to Texas. Greai excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris. Tex, by the rema rkable recovery of Mr. J. E. Gorier, who was so helpless he could not turn I u bed, or raise bis head; everybody said he was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding relief, be bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King’* Nt w Life Pills; by the time he had taken two boxes of Pills and two bottle of the Discoverv, he was well and bad gained In flesh thirty six pennd*. Trial Bottle* of, this Great Discovery for Consumption free at Lang St Oo. 1 T'C H I N G The Madisonian thinks that H. Bell would make a good gov ernor. Georgia is filled with good timber for governor, but the trou ble is in getting the voters to think Rev. Fred D. Hale, ol Louisville, becoming prominent in Southein states as a powerful evangelist He was born in New Market, Ala., is 30 years of age and worked in lime quarry in youth. UlnOlstasts Instantly Relieved By CnUcura. T REATMENT—A warm bath With Cutleura ifoap. and a single application of mtlcura.tbe great Hkln Cure. This repotted dally, with two or three doom of Cutleura Resolvsot, the New __ utlcura Resolvent, the New Blood Purlter. to keep the bloOdrool. the pen * ration pure and nnlrri»attng. the bo vela open. penol. • esss-Fii yuis sua uses!rseaiiieg, sup IWVSII UpCO, flit lifer aad kldaeyt active, will speedily euro Ee- sema, Tetter, Ringworm, Pv>rl»$ia t Lteben, Pruritus, hcali-Head, i »and ruff and orerr b pocica of Itching. Pcaly and Pimply llnmora of the fleatp ana Akin, when the beet phytlelast romediaa fatL cel lent laid In Brain county, a Harmony drove, CJa „ i/a cultivation, balance lu for- “ fdaco la well-imp? or- 1 and only five mils* IMelsof corn i tea. The wooded I rad Is iuc! MiToM JOHN* ORD, Two L For Sale. loti, SSaM bt feet: each, both fronting on ctllin Avenue, com.r or Dougherty JngjNtrtR of We lot whenca Mra. K. A. CrmwWrS . ... ’oEORUK DUDLEY THOMAS) JeoMtr, Attorney. One four, two, thn For Sale. • ilreet. Trice jId°, Heel Estate Agent. Here is a Chance. To buy Jntt ontttde of the eorpomte Ilmli Jefferson, Jackaon county, Oa,, a beautiful ft with 20 acre* attached, oa whleh there la a a did tannery, circular saw mill, coru cull, gin. ECZEMA ON A CHILD. Tonr moct re'uabtc Caileura Betaediw Sere done mg child to much nod Wet I led like Ray. lag Ale for (he beaeflt of Wore who ere troublid w Hr lltUe girl wee troubled With Bourne, end I tried eeverel doctore and atdlcinaa. but did not 4s her rut r od until I b*«d the Co Hours Hemedlea, whfoh Rpeedlly euiwd her. foe which I owe yon men, ihaoke end nuny ulgata of rrat ANTON B08SMIER, Edinburgh, Ind. Jones & Small are doing a good business in Cincinnati. ' There are souls enough to save in the south ithout going to the Arctic regins hunt jthem up. The pay in the South may fall ofl* a little. It is said of Governor Hill, of New York, that he does notalways steer his craft in the direction he seems to look. It may be that Gov. Hill is a cross-eyed politician. An exchange attributes the scar city of small coins to the children’s toy savings banks. The keeper. peanut and candy stands will not take much stock in this theory: Robbing graves has gotten to be business in the South. The young medical students must have a chance well as the balance of the -world TETTEB OF THE SCALP. as? SR thick RR It ever whs. J. P. CHOICE. Whdetboro, Toss. COVERED WITH BLOTCHES. I wtut to tell you that yourCuUcur* JUtolvent Is magnificent. About litres months ago my Am wueaveirt with Blotches, sod tiler using three bottles of Beiolvent l -hr perfectly cured. - , „ FBKDKRIOK MAITRt 33 Sk Outlet 8k, New Ocltant, la. BEST FOB ITCHING DISEASES. One of our customer* sere four Cutleuru Rem edles ere the Ibest he era fin* for Itching of tho •*** tried ell others rad found no relief until he used yours. V. J, ALDRICH, »Druggists. Rising 8un,0. vivi/vaetw. a rice. vuHuuii, ov civ; Posp, 28 cts,; Resolvent, $1.00. Prepared by the Potter Drucaua juexnicai oo., notion. Maas. Bend lor '‘Hour to Care Hkln Diseases.” PnVKf'F 3 *.? 140 * ^eads, Hkln Blemishes and FlluUaby Humors, use Soap. ,~IO^njKK^ILANFw'lNETa m deliy tolu w th«. fUssUbwd of old U a Cutleuru Anti Pain Plaster to tho aching sides and back, the weak and palnfttl muscles, the sore chest and hacking, h, aad every pain and acbOO? Everywhere. limits of none •plea >'s gin. . — several tout are highly fertilised, also a splendid orchard of famous fruit*. The owner confesses to haring mado more money on this place than any progerty h# ever owned. Ibe sole reason for oweriug this property la that the owner has mor* business than he can I— w r gowae pseaeT bayacajea. efe?%h*!e _ can look after and must curtail. Plica |6,5v0.. Apply to 5. B. WILLIFORD, . • Real Estate Agent. ►et* % s ftOL OVD* UANVILLgRAlLHOAd PAatBhwgu DirunMkM, ILLUSTRATED. The December Number will begin the Seventy—cCondVoluiue of Harper’s Magizino. Miss. Woolson’s novel, ‘‘East - Angels,” and Mr Howard’a“Ini1lan Hum infer”—holding t he foremost placeia cur rent serial fictions—will run through several numbers, and will be followed by aerie! stories from B. D. Black more and Mrs. 0. M. Cralk. ’A new editorial department, discussing topics suggested by current literature ot America and Bu rope, will be contributed by W. D. How elte, beglanlug with January number. Tbe great literary event ot tho year will be tbe publication ofjt series of papers —taking the sbapeot a story, and deplet ing eharacteristlo features of American society as seen at our leading pleasure resorts—written byCUArles Dudley T ' ner, and UlustratM by O. 8. KelohL— The Magtnlne will give especial atten tion to to American subjects, treated by he. best of American writers, and Ulus rate d by tbe leading American Artists WriKu wUttSaflcUbws- ^ „ 188b. Harper’s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. O. I. G. OLD INDIAN CURE THE GEM OF BLOOD PU RIFIERS. Not a cure-all, but an cxceUent tonic, appetiser and blood purifier and in the treatment of FEMALE TROUBLES, absolutely without an equal. Ot this popular preparation the Tele means Old Indian Cure, and many of them are selling large quantities of it This medicine has a stronghold upon the confidence of our people, who regard .1 BA Bn hOneat ml!nl»ln nlil romsilv If la aa an honest reliable old remedy. It is manufactured by a company in Perry ~ • naTlnd’ * i ana acnoc Janldawlm. A bill introduced into the Con neciicut legislature require* insU ranee companies in cases ot total loss to pay the full policy. /"ThoTreoton (N.J.J.Times say*. “New.psper advertising: as an art. Is, perhaps, In (ts infancy, but it has already reached a high state ol tie' velopment, and has become one of the most* interesting subjects of studji connected ] the gretfhtf powerbi the sge—the press. The merchant* of Athena should study this art It would nptonly be good for the: .merchants,’ (nit help the newspapers. Hon. J. Randolph Tucker,- mem' ber of congress from the tojh dis trict of Virginia, has addressed •, letter to hi* Constituent*, in which he will not be a candidate for re- election to the bouse of representa tive*. and that he wiJT retire from the fervice of the state in congress at the eatfbf tne'present term, and devote the rem^4s{ ot bis life, to hit profession, the law.’. Senator Cgiivie, a Kentucky col onel, who has the proud distinction of bfei ng* member 61 the legislature, hat introduced a. bil| in thy state No cure no pay, is the way tome patent medicines read. It is very poor consolation to a fellow after he hat been planted in the bone yard Joe Brown-ia in favor'of silver and raising collardt. Joe is in fa vor of more money, He it for getting rich St you can. Tbe reformer* of Philadelphia have giving up trying to reform. EOBOU OCONEB COUNTY, J “ BRJ MMint JomrR O.^M 6“ Math--- ^ass •U whom Sda'r. of uo lorm tf dtimlRRlon from TilK.aHER, Ordlntry, lsa.1 oMi/m^^TUaai&wtry. lEOHGlA, Tr; 1 »—r —.—4-e*- 1,000 BUSHELS 1,000 McCulloch Spring Oats. 600 BUSHELS 600 BUKT SPRING OATS, For Spring Bowing. _— — mature dajs* Jhej are fret from nisi rad smui. Address SOUTHERN BRED CO. 8.odf.rrUMU.t.^SM!»’ Ga„ who own the original Indian reel,... Tbe rapidity wlth whloh tho dmnumJ for it has fneroased,since itsintiodutilon in oureommuuity, is simply wonderful anil can be truthfully accounted for upon but one ground, and that is the real marit oi the article, for Its advertising ;here has been limited, as compared with mao, other preparations that have been left far in .the rear in th. no. for popular favor.” Harper’s Weekly has now lor more than twenty years, maintained its posi tion aa the leading illustrated weekly newspaper in America. With a constant increase of flttary and apistio .resources It is able to offer for theensqlug year a atactiona unequalled by any previous volume, embracing two capital illustra- ed serial .stories,oue by Mr.Titos. Har dy, among tbe foremost of living writers of fiution, and the other by Mr. Walter Beaasnt, one of the most rapidly rising of English novelists; graphic illustrated of uuuaual Interest to resdera ot all tec- lions of the country; entertaining sliort stories, mostly illustrated, by the best writersJand important papers by high authorities on the cblef topics ol the day. Every one who desires a trustworthy political guide, an entertaining and in tu IJuniiVNi guiuv. mi cuicrutiiiuiK miu in structive family journal, entirely free from objectionable features in either Leave Atlanta ...”**■f* 0 *”* Arrive UslneevUl*. ..... AsooiiaeaAXioa Ts.iv, AoooaaoDAVioa Bun, jsadflt Hgi.r.-J uo . art p m iu'ivlTAriiLraiBnAs.: AesvaOslneevflle»fl!_™It ...... ,M*m * Arrive OffMifc-.- I. - itu 1Z t-S l Z Arrire Ur^urmo Chaflutfo.-.M...... aU freight trams an mu roau osn; ill a a 6.U a m - f.37 s a .1127 p m 7.60 p m ireigni trams on mu roau oarrv prase A^PMsragertmln* mu through toDm yUle ami Hlppmoud wufeout change, connee — icon ing at Dan villa iterD »fib Vw~iid5iB*ilmr!?tol Aliaota .with elf line ®urt*S. Ae. It leavM Blehmond. st sa V m R°. W arrives then si 4.SS p m. % lesvM Blehmond 1 .tt a ■, M arrlveuhen. 7.413 Soso^toi!Si l,W * , “ ,, “ <v “ above Ballons s Burvvt RLunvRCsu Witsoot CssNoa* I On inins Noe. 30 sad 81, Now York snd Atlsi- Qd ^.btrius m *** Q * n “ Donvlllo, ttmnsboro On Inins Noe. 69 snd 33, Richmond snd Dsn AfK sud Wsehlnston, snd Autusta snd Wish turn and Sow Orleans. Georgia railhoagcompany letter press or illuslratietu, should aub scribe to Harpera Weekly. The Volume ot the Weekly begins with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, it wilt be understood that tbe subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the reeclnt of artier. Bound Volumes ef Harpers, for three veara back, in n-at cloth binding, will be sent by mail postage paid, or by ex press, free df expense (provided freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for %100 per volume. Add: SOLD BY LB4DING DRUUGISTS: THE O. I. C. COMPANY, Perry, Ga. this Gr*alBlood purifier,Tonic and Appetiser Is For&jlein Athens,Ob., by Long St Co NEWBLACKSMITHSHOP Noah Johnson desires to state to tbe public that he ha* opened a blacksmith shop corner ol Market and Lumpkin streets, opposite Mr. Walt’s old stand, where he will bq prepared to do all work in his line at tbe shortest rotice and the most reasonable prices. Give me a trial - NOAH JOHNSON. JanWSra. TO ADVERTISERS.; p Mskw the tRsiihwateS an Chreal* Dfaiii coualy. Ucurels. htt«RM the areal baulregream senate to prohibit the playing of eoanijr^vuu base ball on Sunday in that state. The Kentucky colonel is on the right line. Baqe hall; at wfcllas all other games, should not be played onlfae Sabbath It is.a 3ay of rest snd should be observed. I The Michigan Telephone Com pany proposes to begin business in various cities as soon si practicable; tbe rate* to he just half of those ol i Bell company. . 1 Envious Souls Pradlstod d«fe«U tntbs Bannsr with NO CURE! NO PAY! Address Harpk«A Rhotiikrs New York 18«6T Harp rs’s Bazar ILLUSTRATED. 8TONK MOUNTAIN BOUT*. OrriCB UBNBXAL MANAOth, .ii—i. (1. IMA Commeuclof 8«na»7, Mar iod, tbalallmiac yauenssre Mbedule «1U owraw on thu raU Ireiua fuu by aula laendlaa urn*—u mlaatw ■lawurthan Auimia lima Fast link. N..17, »mtpau.t. | Mu. re, uait o.ilv ■ | L'vu Augusta 7:4® a ai -Lesuu Alluiu 2.4.' p. ir Ai’vo » ala 10:49 a a -Arr’vo Alh.ns 7 <0,.m L V* Wolj'u, 7.«4*.u. L9.TU Alhtaa 3 3U p.m a re Alheau 13:13 p, mi reaSttaamaH L’ve Athcui 7:,3 » in At vu Wui'v'u 804 s m " LuAing ton- S:3t u “ AaUoca ... S3SJLI “hiun .. skhTai - WooUrdlu. 1:74 aj " Ud. «. ... 9:48 a: Art'V8 AU«ul» IMp , Arr'o Wlau’e • It p.m - Lexluit a.. S:44p.a " AaUoth... 4:14 p,m " Muuya ... 4:14 p.m " WuoOvUle. 4:44 p , . r lly the world that combines the clioiccst literatareand the finest art ‘!!n«!ratioi!- wlth thelatcst fashions and methods of liouaeliuiu aiiurmiieni. Us Weekly illus trations and descriptions of the newest Paris and New York styles, with its uteful pattern sheet supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ladies to be their own dressmakers, save many times’ tbe cost of subscription. Us papers on cook ing, the management of servants, slid house-keeping in its various details are eminently practical. Much attention I* giving to the interesting topic'of social etiquette, and its illustrations oi art newlle-work are ackowledged to be une qualled. Its literary merit Is of the hlg heat excellence, and the unique chara cter of its humorous pictures hits won for it the name of the American Parch Muon 7:io • m “ Wuimi'g’n.iiao in “Albans-.. .- t:U> re “ Wlnterv’4 DM mm Lex’jvl’n to:M mm " AnUoch.. 10:44 t,m “ Slreeri.. UK» Am “ Wuodvllla 11:17 p.m Ar-ve U’u ll.. 11:43 re *' AtUuiu. 4:40 p.m — 11, 4: 4 p.m . Arr'vuWuh Ihp.lA Istvi Wish's i^urm* Af'vt Augu’M *13 p m 80. 3. 8AUTPAII.V. I.V‘0 Atluit*.. HIM km “ Un. rx... 3:10 p.m “ ''ofAlvUlt 3JS pm ‘ M»*ori... 4:04 p.m ;; AuUoch... J.-tt p.m Loxtugtoo, 4:01 p.m " Wlnrer vt. 4:40 p.m Ar’ru Atheui.. 4:30 p.m ** Wish’ti’n O-W i. mm Wuh'gt’n. son pm Mecuu... 4:1a pm -■ Augu«U... 4:34 u.m THE -‘kino BEK" ■ OF A MONOPOLY ASPISINO COMPANY. iSISSSsSSS tSSreSythunpreeid "ta? “Sre *° T * T< " Wo ss'^nireSoreESSS SsStm^s “Gnluu’a A PERFECT SEEING MEDICINE. Emyoa BK»a«aa8kto Dton^mtUed boo. MACON MEDICINE COMPANY, Macon, Ga PARR BROS., HOUSE &SIGNPAINTERS, W»Ll PAPER ANd’pAPER HANGERS, 49 OLATTOIf STREET, ATHENS, GA. See Samples of Wall Paper. ' janl7dff. Telephone No. 17-2. SURGERY Drs. Hogan & Lyndon, HARPER’S PERIODICALS ,..*4.0* HARPER'S B AXAR ... HARPkB'8 MAUIZINE HARPERS WEEKLY « HARPER-N YOUNG PEOPLE.. t HASPKK8 FEAN KLIN SQUARE LIBBRRY On# YtarfUMajoImn) 10, 00 Totlot* fht to al| reSscrlKre is the United Stem The Volumes of the Bazar begin wlh the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is -mentioned, it Will b* understood, that the subscriber withes to Commence with Ifib" Number next after t he receipt Of orderi Bouud Volumes of Harper’s Ba , for three |.eara back, in neat, cloth bine ding, will iK-gt lent by n.all, post -ng paid, or by expreti, free of expom (provid'd tbe freight does not exceed one dollar per volume,) for *7 (10 , per Cloth Cases for etch Volume, rnitable for binding, will be tent by mall, post paid, on receipt oi fl,00 each. Remit tances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft; to avoid chance of Iota, r ■ - •(.. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. . 1886, Harper’s Young People. AJOLLPSTHATED WEEKLY The position of HarberV Young Peo- tbe leading WeeSiy periodical for ^oFFmeoNyAugaoNn^. SHOP REMOVED StSSfi spiral fAND ) PIUM^ HABITS CURED BY B. M- WQOLI.EX, M. dnitd out in Mortfaca auA ftj ifta fe- ATLANTA^ GA* ju3M-yctnUreiMti ts, keHib itsaadibstrean, Free. i pi* at the taading weeKly periodical for yenpg reader* i* wait ettablisimd. The publiflter* spare no pains to provide tbe HO. 4. >AST DAILY. i/T»Atlanta, M-1H mw Train nunuar 27 will stop at ana reeeivs m •oiiger* to rad from tbe following atalons only: Uruy«to»a, bjnmlia, lUrlem,Dswlac, Thomson Norwood, lttrutu, Crew lord rlfii, Unlsa £2i! K ’,.i Onouoehoro, MidUou, Ealltdgs, HocUu Circle, corlagtou, C’oayen, Wont Moua- taln and Decatur. Train No. 24 \ 111 stop at and receive pemengen to and from the following at-Mcs* ouly: areT«a»-,Bs!iei!a, islna” connects for all points oast and northeast west and south west. Train Mo. 2s on Athens Branch glvra paassen- gers from No2>oo arala lino, Iftafnates ter snpptr at Union Point. The faM mall runs through sleepers between Atlanta and Charleston. Trains to aid from iect with trains 27,28, l rad 2. A^?. , t.^w« H t£ , 5 l . o "' ,Tr ‘ T • ,u, * nortw-eastehn railroad. Serial ayeamrr'i Ornca. A'"^^^\^.yh 1 Vf-*<>“ B >7nclnjjJSon- *y. Janu.ry uih list, the bitewlaa aeluiSele mini!?"*!? ** Vrsloe rea by 74th AUaSm«i‘“*~“* u “ Aihva. and paizt nzcapt aviaoain. Lasve Alheae . Arrive alHirmo Arrive U Lula Atlas la qiarkeevUle, jg j ,..„ p pS 11 Tallulah FeJI, 1:M pin »ailt iicarr ovuoa 6.-V7 p w TM pm 16.49 p a Uar* iauuu.i Arrire CforkesTUe te::L^ B . u .~":.- r: IfiM Jia- 3:45 s m IMP'S W.I3 P m Uo*a ouoliMUuflt uit igfii i.uta with — jBjHJJ filriuwreo aud ban villa RiMrowThffif Kew aod Hwl. Atnple time for supper at Lula — . —ipis SSSffiS! . ... TU.'h.^Sr.nd"i;fc'kIm“rUw*£! tween Atbmmaud aU potnta W “ - - - Noith,; h.bVbbbmabd^ 1K1K •“* ° a, r OnsMk iSs'TBkVaal re no pains to provide tbe I rekiting and iijnitrstiona. short Stovlea bear strong The srrlal and slflHRmPe|||| I dramatic Interest, while they tie whollr TO^PW F'iatawris Pep#or, vui- Hnysensatklntl: thepaperton natural tr*v«l,»nd the facts •HUsisi* by writers whose name* ,■ give! thebcstusanranceof accnracvand nine. Illustrated papers on alheb tic aporu. gatesiyd paatlmes giv* fall, inrirm,.’ Sr#f“ffi!S;5c:'r22 ■ r a.r.hmtnSco^ m, \ nmdMsFissSw tr.LMM.HA,