The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, January 28, 1886, Image 2

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ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Daily. S5;.... Sunday, $1;.... Weekly, SI “mesa .<— T ..i<sir' -■ . ,rj. - The feeling which prompt! the bojcottingof newly-appointed dem ocratic poatmasters in rural district* is something which persons whose time and minds are fully occupied cannot understand. \ It is stat the Poft-Odice Department ha* been notified of more than 300 in •. stances where the republican citi Sir. postage stamps at offices where they receive their mail simply because thpy are displeased 1st' the appointment of democratic postmasters in place ol republicans who have been remov- & henfit fa unlenteel that more, than 19-20 of all the 50,000 post' masters of the country depend upon the dale of stamps for their compen sation, it becomes apparent that the situatkty for -tbe heycotted postuias- ters is not A very plcftsant one. They are compelled to handle all lils without getting much pay Of cou-se the foycotiing business will soon,ceasej and those who en- gaged in It will realise how foolish t|*y have been. They will be ashamed of it—those that have any sense,of ehapie—th^t they will avoid any reference to it Such a thing could hardly happen in a large city where men haven't time to engage in auch little meanness. People Who jive in cities are no better than , people who live in the country, bul ■' their very surroundings and occu ‘ pationa keep them -from, the petty exhibitions of partisan feeling that is frequently seen in rural commu nities. To refuse to buy stamps of a -postmaster because he happens to belong to a different political party, J".2rd*r to preveat him Irom de riving an income from his office is about as contemptible a business as a man can engage in.—Savannah News. Macon Telagraph: In estimating • She damage to the orange and fruit crop in Florida, the general public seems to have quite overlooked that Georgia has herself sustaiaed an immense loss in tbe^wsy'of ruined •ats. We have it from'reliable au thority that te lar south as Baker • county the ground was frozen solid • -te the depth' of live inches. This beyond t doubt insures the destruc tion of the fall oat*, end neceesi- tatey immediate preparation* for re planting. Georgia’s oat crop has become necessary factor in the welfare Of, the farmers, and this backset should .not-dishearten them- The loss in f Florida -^irretrievable; not so, the •loss here.*- AlittVloduatry and the farmers will stand, as before with the exception of th*|firat outla for seed and labor.' -litis Georgia ts outranked among the cotton states as a corn grower by only Texae,Tennessee and Arkan sas, in the order named Georgia holds the fourth place,'and Is close ly pressed by both Virginia and Alabama. Illinois is tl corn-producing state in and'Iowa Is next lu rank. Gi makes more oats then Arkansas, bnt is excelled by both Texas and-Ten nessee alone of the cotton states. In these states, to snm up the cereal position, Texas in first, Tennessee second, Georgia third and Arkansas fourth. | ^' An Oregon society offered a purse for the best time In a trotting match and then refused, to the winner.- The latter sued for it. The society set up the defense that- contending for a prize was equivalent to betting, and therefore unlawful. The supreme court of that state says there is a radical distinction between a contest for a wager and competition for a prize. The for mer is unlawful, the latter lawful. That is good sense as well as sound ltw. Mr. C. E-Srfiith, ot Washington, Ga., propounds the following ques lions to the members of the state executive committee j 1. “Are you pleased with the op eration of the civil service law?” 2. “Will it be helpful or hurtful to the democratic party?” 3. “Would you favor a vote for its repeal by the democratic mem bers of congress?” The opinions of the executive committee are very different in re gard to civil service. Judge Henry C. Rooney has been called to the capitol by Governor McDaniel to preside in the state su preme’court during the illness of Chief Justice James Jackson. The compliment is a very high one, but in well paid to one of the ablest as well as youngest superior court judges in the country. > ‘ The Marietta Journal has the har dihood to call the President’* sinter an “old maid.” Look out for razor* and broomsticks. They will be fly ing in the air as sooa as Miss Cleve land gets the Journal. It is stated that a pound of ban anas contains more nutriment than three pounds of meat, and some en thusiasts add that, aa an at tide of diet, the banana is superior to the best wheaten bread. Uea SOZODOXT when yon Sere rate*: * y-r f- 1 'm k'izodout roar breath u> e*e,«c, .. UsefOZOEODT to aid dictation; Umj8OZ0DOHT aad tikao qu«*tlon. Preserve your molin and yon won't SegTettbe Oft* of •OZOPOMT. A GRATEFUL ODOR, ’ > ladlcetlvenfha-Kbsod purlly, licommnnir-Ated to ttie month br the sveet Mealed SoZOoqbT, whlcn mekeelb. letth u white and a rtutlent upollehe-1 porcelain, aodtwntaloinolajradiint that la not bljhly baneflclal to both goal and Sara and mend tho placet, nao "PyriJIas’i «*1*A" ■ Excitement In Texan. Great excitement lias been caused in the vicinity of Paris, Tex, by tlie reins- -1886. Harper’s Magizine ILLUSTRATED. - - 4' 6*7 M aerworeacallestlaadln Bank* ceunty, The.December Number »ill begin the ?^?SX“ouK’n.& U fa*^ •et and old fleld ploo. The plec* Is well-lmpior- Magixme. tvoolsons novel, JS*J waa dying of Conaum; bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. Finding telkr, he bmdtt» large bottle and a box of Dr. King's Ni w Life Pilla; by tha time be bad taken boxes of Pills and two bottle of the .very, he was well and bad ih thlrtj in flesh Trial of this Grcat'DIscovery for Consumption * Ob. • ITCH I N'G tkla Diseases Instantly Relieved By Catlcara, Blood Paritor, to koop tho Stood rasl, the admi ration para and onltrliaUaf. tha towels open, the liver sod attire, .ill speedily cmro lo se ms. Tatter, Ringworm. Peoriisie. I.tehen, Pruritus,Malt-Road, Oandrufr and every specie! Ileuedir* h%vc MM I foci Uk« say, t(]oM who art rambled lltue MiU ECZEMA ON A CHILD. bis lot tbo besrflt a?tkoan wL_ •I^MM^Sldoc^aaid turjd her^forwhich I owt you many thanks and m “ 7 U AhTOW BOS8MIER, Edlnbnrgh, Ind. TETTER OF THE SCALP. . wav alniMt perfectly held, caused by Tetter ol the top of tie sculp. I used your Cutteuru Ucmedics about tlx weeks, and they cured my scalp perfectly, and sow my half is coming bock as thick •• U erer waa. • . J.P. CHOICE, Wh. tea boro, Texas. COVERED WITH BLOTCHES. . I want to tell yoe that year Catlcara Bseelvent la masnlfleent. About three months ago ay face was cerertd with Blotches, and after using three ed, good two story dwelling, four tenant houses, witn all other houaee necessary to a well-ap pointed farm. This property Is known as the E?g%TOiMESmi For SAle. Two lots, dsaad li.ftee each,both frontlaeeo ipp George dddlev tuorahj | For Sale. Oas fcnr, 1 twel Urseo. and sis two room «t- .- •, a, WIXjCiKiku, Real Estate Agent. Here is a Chance. ^WlUdFOBP. BealEsiale a*mu BEST FOE ITCHING DISEASES. lie gone for- .f'f It is thk generally, accepted opin ion that severe winter* are follow ed by good fruit years. If 1886 Georgia should produce an over- the men, addressed them in no flat- Foraflac Dnrlns the war. Fairborn (Oa.) Hew,. In the winter of ’64, the Colquitt * * t WH- camps and aell anything they could buy of -those who remained in camp. Upon a certain night complaint* having been made to the general commanding, a guard waa placed over the public roada leading to the Rad all who were found with anything were placed in the.^bull pen.” The writer with his command 1 mps, ami lytning v m.” A* . -- J|R „ waa placed on duty in camp to guard over thote “pulled in.” and by morning had quite a squad in cntl’a headouar- nng hia load of >y morning had quite the pen, At auariae marched to the General ters, each man carrying potatoes. Arriving there maad waa haulted and the general Whelming crop of peaches, pears and. atrawberrie* K and auch are the ed the potatoes emptied out into_a circomatancea, these products will, fill I.A u; 1 U* bavwtucx, wkkh wydone in early vegetables will aho come into the market about the tame time the great body of Florida’* vegetables -ritassefc&n!; founded, this year will find the atate blessed in health. ■.•-1*1“ Allli .hjut.,, There ta a paper published, in Chicago called The Hog. It is said that it fairly hriatle* with good things, and is plentifully Interlarded with humor—-a regular rib-tick'ler, in fact In addition to the usual supply qt»olid meat, there is a cor 5 ner for tenderlines, and each num ber has a short tale. It must be an oflal nice paper. Nobody ever sau sage a one before. It it has no * mottos agootfoue wdt^dTie:, n Hqld the pork, fry ham coming,” or “In plbbo ligacuriifces.—Montezum a Rec- P cwuiity on theirat' lie Hog ahould now have a rest. R^Vaiai Speaker Carlisle believes in a rsb- bit*, foot. terriag terms, after which hb order- fellow* em >6 rainy miles looked on with a gistful hopeles* gaxe, that none but tbay could ex press. They were then allowed to go to camp, anB all returned f6> - joy llte feast of roast and b^cd Utoes while the poor'felloWs ci only look on still. 1J Wllllaan, aaa D Winn aad other*. 1 milts Irma Athens, containing oae amt fort v acre*, more or Imi. said daceaaed T*rm* bill eaaSi and halfltaw^betUt, •— DtC 1941 ( vlrtab In March lbM.dartnx ifnrper and alma Hold m the prepert, ot Ladoda. larellne sad Ocorga; Ttlman a VU7. Thli Jan, ethuaa 0. W. aWTXT, Onaidlan of Imdnda, Canliae and ties, TUaaa Awtry. kaOM n» used rotira r. J, aUDRICH, Dragglets RUlag am, O. Sold sveiywhero. Prleo: Cntleora, M eta.; Sand ter "How {o Cola 8kln Hljeau*." 1,000 BUSHELS 1,000 McCulloch Spbinq Oats. 600 BUSHELS 600 BURT SPRING OATS, 0.1; C. OLD INDIAN CURE THE GEM OF BLOOD PU RIFIERS. Not a cure-all, but an excellent tonic, appetizer and blood purifier and in the FEMALBTRQUBLES, absolutely without an equal. Of this popular preparation the Telo graph A Messenger, ol Macon say*: “Moot of our druggist handle tile prep aration called (llC, which simply means Old Indian Cure, and many of themafe selling largo quantities of it Thismadidne baa* stronghold upon the oonfldanoe of our people, who regard .1 as an honest reliable old remedy. It is msnofsotnred by s company in Perry Qs., who own theorist nal Indian recipe. The rapidity with which the demand for it has increased.alnce its introduction in ourcommunlty, fs simply wonderful End can be truthfully aocotmtdd for upon but one ground, upd that is tbq real merit of the article, for !»* «<l*«rtlnlno here has been limited, as compared with man' other, .preparation* that have been lei. far in the roar In the race for popular favor.” BOLD BY Lit DIRS DXOOGISTS: THE O. I. C. COMPANY* Pjarry, Ga. This (Jraat Blood parHsr,Tonic and AppsUserls For Sale In Athens, Ga., by Long A Co Angels,” and Mr Howard V.Tndlan Hum mer”—holding the foremost place in cur- rent serial fiction*—will run through several numbers, and will be followed by seriel storiee from B. D. Blackmore snd Mm. D. M- Craik. A new editorial department, discussing topics suggested by current literature 61 AmerttR and Eu rope, will be contributed by W. D. How ells, beglnniug with January number. The great literary event ot the year will bethe publication o{ a series of papers —laking the shape of a story, and depict ing characteristic features of American society as seen at our leading pleasure resorts—written by Charles Dudley War ner, and Illustrated by O. S. ReluWdt The M.gmtne will give especial atten tion to to American subjects, treated by be bcBt of American writers, and'illus rate d by the leading American Artists 180b. Harper’s Week 1 y. ILLUSTRATED. Hfirperia -Weekly baa now tor more !K««T«!S l !y8S'; newspaper in America. With a constant: increase of litlafy and aristio,resouiriis it it aid. to offer for the etuning year a auctions unequalled by auy previous volume, embracing two capital Uiomra- «d serial atorlea, onoby Mr.Thus. Har dy, among the foromoat of living writers or Action, and the other by Mr. Walter Bestant, one of the most rapidly rising if Eaglisb novelists;graphic Illustrated if uuusual Interest to readers ot sll sec tions of the country; entertaining short atorlea, mostly illustrated, by the best wrltersJsnd important papers by high authorities on the chief topics of the livery one who desires • trustworthy political goide. an entertaining and in structlve family iootnsl, entirely free from objectionable features in either letter press or illustrations, should sub scribe to Harpers Weekly. The Volume of the Weekly begins with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence wltb the Number next After the receipt of order. Bound VolumeserHarpers, for three . rears back, in neat cloth .binding, will re sent by mail postage paid, or by ex press, free of expense (provided freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Address HarpkrA Brotiikrs New York 18867 Harp rs’s Bazar ILLUSTRATED. On aad after Oct. mk, •rrTictt us tha Atlanta and t’lui OirUion will be w follow** “Rabun Gap Junction.0 “Toccoa “Seneca ....... “GreenT'Je. R 12.4* p *• spartab’g.........Ate a “Gaatonia............ “ 11 Charlntta .... L'veChTU. d^ssTticnr.:::::: ■*! TOcr— 11 L i ,, - , u Rabun Gap Junction.. ACCOaSODATIOS TlAlX, (AU-LlSS UlLlJ UO ins Horn. Lean AtUnu Mt.a Arrive Ualneirili. — p aa AocoaaosATioa lu», (in-lmSiuxlV'i AeavaO^aaivill. . i »’ia Arrive Atlinu. . ,..,aaae> Men Leave Anlve *1 aad -ebeTilU. j, n „ .i?” S*fi!# , ®a: *• Md <1, Richmond ud D*a ) .lie, end WuhlntrMI, tied / -* Ilwmi ZewUrlMuu. I Aaemta udWuk-, OEOROIA RAILROAD COMPANY STORE MOUNTAIN ROUTE. Omci Oaasauu. Manaoss, AUfoMA GA, Rev. alee, um. . ?»• '^-ria Tnttu^runhj^muMUdUa ume-ta mi.iiee j FAaTl4kE.^i Ne. V7, W«OT DA1I.T. | 1 Re. M, SAOT BAU.V, * iS/sffifStSsrs: 1 --- p?«8S»\?t r . 7iat in " Lexingt's.- k:4rp.. • AnUoch... 4:te p,« *' Moxeyn ... 4:1ft.p, 'JWoo^vUle.t^J For Spring 8owlng. The MeCnIIoeiiOri.oanti.eowa AnesJaananr Wh •> Memh mh. They .Ulaum to** The^re free horn mat end emal. SOUTH ERH SEED CO. Send tor price Uri o^Jer?en u^s’iuKMd!^ Envious Souls " ' Predicted deferi to the Benner with NO CURE! NO PAY ICKribed Thereon. •‘kWt,,JWE” o», A MoaproLT NEW BLACKS WITH SHOP Noah Johnson desires to Slate to tl n^ncfthSrmoif.y’hAek’Andwfyfl'rm AltpUng Bat plnnle'f onr felih to the Calrenri Honmty of Manhood and womr - ^— 3 — * • •• faith in our oft-proved float our banner with thereon, with unprcceJ We aathoHie merchi public that be baa opened a blacksmith shop oorner 61. Market and Lumpkin mostreaaouaUeprii NO J*nl-d3m. Olvemeatrlal, OAH JOHNSON. TO ADVERTISERS. DR. W E DURHAM SPECIALIST, - „ h# u»nal>aur4 of «!• ikdiy lu February next, the |ol- r te-wlts a eertata tract of land, • and county, aud In by ! •( a. D and lying in tabi State ref Athena bouaded In the County o# flrrt Tarwlay la Pahrnary next, gal honra ofiale, loth* hlghcit bid* i. tho following deatribed pervonal , —flwoion end c*lwe riler which b mere(■:)/ deeertbed in ** riven by X. B. Ulddlebraoke UH.O. Uebim. ud reennled I* teeoh(A) nib. IU, Peeemhe. Seth. tset. In lhe.Stc.ol the Clerk Court of Oi.nM ewety. NHBc bvledca endtehe S.M I. eribiythenhnvr d-ecriM mrittwretb Fro- Ju.fMd-yflalenlMff m. A PERFECT SPRING MEDICINE. May «n Bleed und Bkla Dleeuee nulled Dm,- MACON MKDI01NE COMPART, Macoa, Ga. PARR BROS., HOUSE &yGNPAINTERS, WALL PAPER AND PAPER HANUER3, 49 CLAYTON STREET, ATHENS, GA. See Samples of Wall Paper. janl7dtf. Txlkfhons No. 17-2. SURGERY Ors. Hogan & Lyndon, binCB OR JACKSON STREET. JuiTdAwtr. HAiUUR’a Baxar IS the only paper in is world that combines the choicest itei utUrescd the finest art illustrations with tbelateet fashion* and methods of household adornment. Its weekly, illus trations and descriptions of the newest Paris and New York styles, with its useful pattern-sheet supplements snd cat patterns, by enabling ladies to be their own dressmakers, save many times’ the cost of subscription. Its papers on cook ing, the management of servants, and house-keeping In its various details are eminently practical. Much attention Is giving to the Intonating tojlo of social etiquette, and its illustrations of art needle-work areaekowledgod to be une qualled. Its literary merit is of tbe hig best excellence, and the naique chara cter of Its humorous ploturce hits won for U the name ef the American Parch HARPER’S PERIODICALS We. Tear HABPER’BBAZAIt....——- *«. M BAMPRB'S MAUlZIMB...... 4.00 HARPIES WEEKLY .,.. A N LiBBBRT’- M .TsertNMeabsn) is, 00 PMriel fnt b mil fnWerlmr# In IA« U*lUdftaiet . .Athens L’v. Athene .... Ar've Win’v-e . 04 s m -* Lnxiuzton. t:itS n.u '24S2S?.:?:$Sfe? t: An re Atlenu lAQp , AO. L wain QAU.V- t/V»August*..MUM AI Macou 7:10 . i ”2fe.*iS£l •• Wiuiert’e 9^4 a.1 •* Lex’gi’a.. 10.-04 a.1 M Antloeb.. 10:44 a,m . “ Maxny* .. UKX) oa ** Woodrlllt 11:J7 p.m Wo. 4. WXMT DAICT. in. m* 4:L>5 p.u Art*T4 Wuh 7 >4 p.wl Leave Waah’n 4^0pal At*Tt AUgU*UI ft-lfr y La| NO. J, XAMT DAILY, . J, II Allan It Sit p!u Lv'e Mmm te| Un.i"L.« Wooavillej Maxeya... mM Anlloch... t:U pTfi te%i=ss? : ; PS AriseAthmm. i.e.»uu-«« ASSrii:. i£> T za Train trim Be. St wSfl'eWiu u» nao nmlv. i •surer, to aad from U‘ —' -*— Gruvetewn, Bera.Ua, J Norwood, Bnrneu, Crawford tl Polui, Greeueehoro, Mod Ison, ■ and receive puteartre is and from tho JolWwln* stations oniy: Gnniown,Beiaeils, lhM>h^StbnVMMnt*inwdOKaTlu. {K'l'u Line” OODMCU tot all points ease ud northeast won and southwest. Trail No.aeon Athens Breneh risespaeaeen- tsn Itoae Nes> oe main lies, Umlnntee (ei .u»Mr u Uniun Putul. Ath^u’nLi°cnarlmilo^ ro ’ 1 /rai B ne" to”ead’Trcr A then* connect with trrini27, M, 1 and A | im'trwfflV 0 '! Tr "* UM r ““"‘i HORTH-BASTEHW RAILROAD. SuPaaiaraaosaric Optica Avaaac.Oa., Jan, IA lecc,—cnameacUii Mod cy. J saner, ielhlla*, the toitowlof ceVSnl wfiUprme « thii rojd. Trrine rue by tid yflfr?.!*?—tariwuraa Athene eal The Volnms* of die Bassr. begin will tbe first Nnmber for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will he understood that the subecrlber wishes to commence with tbe Number next after the receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's B* r for throe years back, lit neat - cloth bine ding, will U-st sent by malf, ’post -kg tald; or- by express, free of ex pens . bt doe* not exceed per volume,) for »7 00 per SB Cloth Gatos for escb volume,: pultable for binding, wlll.besenLby mail. pokt- iald,pn receipt of fil.OO each. Reniit- ances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance oflose, N«WFp»p«r» ore not to copy thlx adrftrtlaaea wlih ni :h« «xpre« erder or flxrper a firotb«r« Address HABP3B A BROTHERS, NevrYork. Att.v* nt Ucnscuy Grave. Arrive el Lais, .. Arrive Clsrkeevlllc :<S * m * *e Ud* p I Amvc tHMM^. j||8f • iun it at Laia w dr arp ANILLUSTRATED The position of Harper’s Younjf Peo- e as the leading weekly periodical for .... .. k Q|, - BARBER SHOP REMOVED We hare removed oar Palace Barber ShopUl the *uud on Jjckaon ■ tract, formertr oerapfed by Lowe A €•„ as ■ Mlo—, ao l or* now bettci • nwwttuftTftC U wait ftpon oar old caato- mctx. and u many new ones u will palronUe 11 Wft hava ihft Mteflte and M ftqnip— b«r«bop la Alhftnft. and only the noil MMftrtal Miteteart —’ ‘iSUi |PIUM AND WHISKY 1 HABITS CURED By B. M. WOOLLEY, M. ,D„ ATLANTA, GA- young resilers is wellcatnblUhed. 'The publi-ln-ru spare no pains to provide the most attractive reading and lllu-tr:.lions. The serial and short stories bear, strong dramatic interest, while they Ore wholly |M| * > ‘ PURor Vpl* on uatnrul -x.-JPO-.i, -ctelAtidtbpfMta ollife are by writtrs whose names -give tho bent assurance of accuracy and value: C.tV.CHKA %e BffifiSEH *iix“ r’eeeol •4 ro«t« b i. £M oo ‘CHICHESTER'S ENGL! The Original and Onlr Clew always BeUable. Icamef wrartkUe* lariuHaM SMITHS free from whatever I early sensational history and seieh cheep Shout It but the price. Aa eplone of every thins that li attractive ui Surinrabl. Ill levi.lle merkUra.-Ro.lw Ourffr A weftkljr f«»«t of good tblni , miiflftvtft ttllf (tfMi,' TF.RMS: Peria»e prapeM 2 00 Ptr Yew m; VII rases, re err Mtnikr A loss. .aaaai8»gaeia looftf Older ay Draft, te avoid ekun