The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, February 19, 1886, Image 3

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PAIL/ BANNER WATCHMAN AfhfcffS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING EfiBRtJARY, i 9 , .88(5. MEDICINAL. SpS.S. SCROFULA OF LUNGS RELIEVED I»m no* 4) yonr-i ol 1, .m I h ive eufTj red for the last fifteen years with a lung trouble. Several memlierfol the family / On my mu. Iier'a side of the house lied died with nnii8nmptlt>n, and the doctor* were all agreed in their opinion tint 1 1 had.consumption al-o. I had all the diatrdesing ajtupoius ol that terrible disease. 1 nave spent thousands of dol lars to arrest tho march of this disease; I have employed all ol the nsoal methods, not only in my own case, but in the treatment ofotherinembenolnty famll but temporary relief waa all (bat obtained. I was nnfit for any manna) labor for-several.years. But chance 1 came into |P»aesslon of a pamphlet on "Blood and Skin Disease," from the office of Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Qa, A friends recommended the uasof Swiit’i Specific claiming that lie himself had been grsM«.b»firte£ be lts qae in some long troubles. I resolved to try It. Abont four yean ago I commenced to lakes. S. S. according to directions. I found It an:Invigorating tonic, and have used about fifty bottles. The results are most remarkable. Uy cough has left me. toy strength has returned, and I weigh sixty pounds more than I ever did in my lire. It has been three years sinoe I stopped the tue of the medicine, but I have had uo return of the disease, end there are no pains or weakness felt in n,y lungs 1 ' nfci ■ do the hardest kind of mechanical work, and feel at well at I ever felt since I waa a boy. These. I known, are won derful statements to make, but I am honest when I say that 1 owe my exist ence and bnaltb to-day to Hwlft's Spec ific. It is the only medicine that brought me any permanent relief. I do not say theNwIlVa Speclficwill do this In every case, but moat positively affirm that it lias done this much fur me, and I would be recreant to the dnty I owe to snfle- ring humanity if 1 failed to bear this cheerful testimony to the merits uf this wonderful hn-dlclne. I am well know in tho city of Montgomery, and can re lea to some of the best ultisens in the cltv T.J.UolT. ‘Montgomery, Ala., June 25, 1835. Swift’s Speciilo Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Tile Swift Speciilo Co., D-awrr 3, Atlanta, Ga., or 157 W. 23d St, N. Y. taaldawlm. W onderful Success The Marvelous. Cures An I unprecedented success attending the use and introduction of PEMBERTON’S FRENCH WINE COCA Hfcve daixied and delighted the mind! of the medical profession, and most grateful testimonials of those who hare been restored to health and happi ness. The great number of testimonials coming from all sections of the country serves to emulate the WINK COCA to » plain equal to Iiulweris most vivid Im aginary. ELIXIR OF LIFE. Thousands who are dying from some Chronic Nervous Disease can be ref tor. ed to health by the use of a bott'e of this wonderful Tonlo and fnvlgorator, which is as pleasant almost to take as • glass ol flue old Sherry Wine. 25,000 bottles sold since first April, and over ten thousand cures, tome cases considered incunblr. Sena lor book on the wonderful propertlee of the Coes and Wine Coca. Lamar, Rankin & La mar, Wholesale agents. For sale In Athens by Long A Co., and Dr. E. a Lyndon, and R. T. Brumby A Co. ‘ J. S. Pemberton A Co, GEORGIA NEWS. Mr. Alf Atkinson will soon build a large livery stable at Madison. The_ next Agricultural Convert tion will be held at Cartersvilie. One of the O lio excursionist* bought a lot of land in Morgan county. _ The Augusta artesian well is now five hundred and twenty-five feet deep. Buds are swelling on the peach trees in Middle and Southern Geor gia. Miilen.’Ga., is rapidly looking up. Thirty-five.houses were built there last year. Savannah’s new directory claims 45-49 1 population; whites, 36,675 colored, 18,817. 3 A literary pirate in Cincinnati has copyrighted Rev. Sam Jones' sermons for his own benefit. A country dog trotted into Amer icus Monday and devoured two fine puppies that belonged to a bun' ter in town. Mr. Joel Chandler Harris, of the Atlanta Constitution, wa* horn at Eitonton in this state on the 8th of December, 1848. The wires of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad are being stretched into the state. Offices in Savannah and Augusta are proposed. Mr. D. B. Hill, of Americus, who was severely burned last week, while saving a colored girl from the flames, is able to be out again A Texas stock man, who is stop ping at Atlanta, has traded two ’exas ponies for thirty-seven goats, The stock man wants to take the goats back to the Lone Star State. The last shipment of rails neces sary to complete the Americus, Preston & Lumpkin railroad were received Monday. The road has uren completed to wiihin a half mile of Lumpkin, and there work has been suspended to await the ar rival of more rails. It is proposed that an excuision be given from Americus to Lumpkin this week. A correspondent in the Sixty- third district of Burke county says: “Never in the history of our section hns there been so much game as new. Partridges and doves have become a nuisance. J. V. Burton and JucT McElmurray killed 108 yartridges last Monday. Minis VIcElmurray says that between 500 md tuusted in bls-ksyk yard one night last week.” GENERAL NEWS. the Ham GoiIm hUm butrliitkl JAMES MEANS' S3 SNOB. ' i'EBS i CURE FITS! Iks MAM u. — «m,inumr « value* a? si The President has been to theatre only twice thi* wider. The weight of the earth is esti mated at 5,885.000,0001000,000 tons. Some of the Florida hotels have more servants than boarders this Alabama is sending coal to Texas, Mexico and the South American republics. At Innisboffin the famine-stricken Irish islanders are living on sea weed. A woman at Augusta, Me., has ordered a set of false teeth for her aged pet pony. - Two carloads of colored laborers recently arrived at a ranch near Lot Angelos, Cal. The oldest and largest tree in the world is a chestnut, near the foot of Mount Etna. The circumference of the main trunk is 313 leet. A Long Island tramp, who died recently from exposure and starva tion, had $10,000 in bank subject to his drafts, and when found he had several dollar* in his pockets. When cotton and meat were worth 35 cents per pound, and other things in proportion, horses and mules were worth about the same they are now. Then you could buy a good-horse for one bite ol cotton, but now it takes three to do it. Far mers can’t afford to raise cotton at 8 cents per pound to buy stock, and therefore should raise them at home. S*pmc© SPECIAL 'fyYOl# EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., ontwao. n. Loots, A YOUNG WOMAN HANGED. LOUISIANA LOTTERY. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000 SPBSSSS ^SajmssaBaarsras themselves, and that the same are condueted We, the undersigned Banks and Ban- ire, will pay all Prizes drown in The Louisiana State Lotteries wb(cb may be presented at oar counters. J. H. Oglesby, Pres. Louisiana National Bank. Samuel H. Kennedy, Pres. State National Bank A. Baldwin, Pres. New Orleans National Bank UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Over Half a Million DlstrUmtsd. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. lulalmi ay m or.rwb.lmln, popular tow IU IraatUm mo Bade a part of the frowst State OBatttattoa adopWd Dseaabsr 3d, A. D., 1ST*. ItaCrAnd Single Number Drawings -lace monthly, U arret- renter or —' Look at the fullowlbf Distribution; ioo;giuid B0.1TIILY Aid the Kitraonundrr Uuirwny Ursulas In the Academy ol Kuala, Hev Orleans, TUESDAY, MARCH IS, 1880, Under the personal aurperrlolon and moots* Brutal Ktv.n,. Wreaked on a Teens Lady la Ulaots—TBs Wretch Unknown. A Windsor, III., special says: Miss Georgia Aldridge, a highly respec table young lady efthis village wa* attacked at home while she was alone by an unknown scoundrel, lie was hound on fiendish work and gagged her with s corn-cob thrust down her ihroat. Binding her hands together he tore herapron into strips and, using this for a halter, hunj her to a cherry tree in the yarc Her feet were raised from the ground and left hanging from the tree dead as he supposed. He then entered the the house and wrote note, leaving it in the room. It was addressed to the girl’s father and said: “Old'Dr. Aldrige: I am even with you now. I have waited long time, but now I guess the ac count is square. I did not kill your daughter. She was ^scared to death. When I lifted her up she was dead. You need not look for me I will be faraway.” Accidentally the young lady’s brother, S. H. Aldrige, who was passing by to his own home a few blocks further on, stopped at bis farther’s house on an errand. He ran against hit sister's body dangling from a tree. He quickly cut the body down and carried it iato the house. Although! it was cold, the yretence of a feeble pulse assured lim that life was not extinct. Aid was quickly called; but it was only after two hours' application of resto ratives that the showed signs of re viving. She regained consciousness only for a moment, and then she dropped off into a stupor between life and death. This has been her history all day in that particular. The present case correspond with the famous Emma Bona case. She nat yet been unable to give any connected account of the affair. Could she but identify the guilty man justice would be meted out to him. Windsor bat been aflame with indignation. There is an anti-horse- thief organisation which it a kind of local vigilance committee. It -has called a meeting to-night to consider the outrage. “No arrests have been made as yet but suspicion points clearly to Windsor parties, but the evidence against them it purely circumstan tial. SUE MARRIED A SEAL, acentric Wedding of a Olrl Hides* to Bar- Mem of Oen. o. T. Beauregard, of Louisiana and Gen. Jubal A Early, of T f Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE, 1150,000* Hottot—Tickets art Ten Dollars only. Balm •5. tilth> $2. Tenth* 91. LIST or PR1ZK8. t Captt i do do A io^ooo « PRIZES OF tUMBi .. solooo ‘ Moo. • AYER’S Sarsaparilla gs e highly coaoentraled extract of Sarsaparilla and other blood-purl fj-lnt roots, combined with Iodide of Potas- ilntt and Iren, audit the safest, most reli able, and most economical blood-purifier tha* ■an be used. It tansrlsHr exyeie all Mood poDorn free, the ryrum,enrichm and renew* ths Uood, snd rwurss It* ritalldiig power, n U Um beat known remedy for Soroffela and an Scrofulous Complaints, Eryelp- or ths Skin, is nho for all dltocden i by n thin and fanporerlihed, or coreapud, condition of the blood, such u KheuoretUm, Neuralgia, RheumaUo Oout, Daasrel Debility, • ■ ATIk’l StMAFAurLt-A ha* cured me of the Indomwalory ItbeuiaaetUm, with which I hare suffered for many years. Moasr-T Durham, I A., March 3, IfSt rurABsn nr Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,low*ll,M«*a. arid ly alt Draggtos; BLilkhetjBojferBfci mu* , „ - gjaBEfcs IS M* Approximation Priass of MOO. .20,000 SOI do do 100 10/00 199 do do 7* MOO *,<3amounting to 9022,900 amM$o for r*t$o to clsbsikooid bo mode oily to tho office of ths Company la NswOrleene For farther information write clearly, riving 1n*urdinary ls£ lor. lAanuAj by J»xprott (tUrnuM <d 9$ tod up wordo at our expense) add rawed M. A.r or M, A. Dauphin, ' Washington, D. C. Make P. 0. Money Orders payable and address Regis* tered letters to MSW OBLBAfft RATIONAL BARR. . JAMES McCULLOCH. ARCHITECT AND CONSTRUCTIVE ENGINEER. Win (smith pins sad cetimatM fcr sll atoms Qrrtct in OrnkA Bousn Up Stairs. THK Lamar Cotton Chopper TZ^'h-lfXXS& hVIilly OnlmJn* *«nd for descriptive Circular. Address RlfOUlIT * HILL. AUmmim Oa. Mieeld bsdreth.CaurtReesedecw fi.BO*£lA, BAIWpOWT^WhOgS, *jf- VJ praUcn oppolDiod oy m* *»r *ue Pfreut-ol w“pu,ld tl ? luah. late of said county, deceased, (be twelve months support and boosotiokt Airattore to which by low. Mm. Ido D. Hush,widow of a«iddeceased, and her two mlnur children, lUili oad Pearl, are entitled, hare mode their report to me, which ropers is now of tie la aty aAce. These are therefore to cite and admoouh ail oeecr vacd to ■bow osom at my uficcoa the 26th day of f$V ruarjr next, why said support and howmnold funiituroM appreieed and set span, shsaidnet ited to sold widow aodohlldssm. Oirso 'at oAoo, t*i« tad day of Jsoeary Tx New York Journal. Cohoes, N. Y., Feb. ta—Nature made s midget of Mist Estella Bul lock and a shark performed alike service tor John O’Brien. Theie two interesting people were married to-day. and society shudders while museum managers rejoice. In the course of his extensive trav els a few year* ago P. T. Burmum came across Johnnie 0’Biien,a man who bad the misfortune to lose bath hit legs while bathing. A clever idea struck Mr.Barnum. He conver- Five Cold and Two Silver Medal a, awarded In 1885 at the Expositions of New Orleans and Louisville, and tho In- ventions Exposition of London. The superiority of Coraliiic over horn or whalebono has now been demonstrated by over five years’experience. It is more durable, more pliable, more comfortable. ondnsMr treab. Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine unless “De. WASSSfe CssAxsts” Is printed on inside of steel cover. fOE BA1E BT Alt UADiMi mScHAITB. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York City * 4° 4» i ted O’Brien into a "Living Won- so#""."'.'...''m!oso der—a Man-Seal.” Mr O’Brien de lighted the ladies as he performed afvsoxusarom rsixxs hi* part of the programme flounder- ing ffround in a Urge vase filled with water. Soon Barnum tired of hi* “Great est Wonder on earth,” and O’Brien looked oat for another job. Finding nothing better to do and probably wishing to make amends for the sin* of the ”man-*eal,’'he joined the Sal vation army. He made * hit, and soon developed into a full-fledged Captain in a legless uniform. A short time ago O'Brien paid Cohoes a visit to look after the in terest of the army here. He met Mis* Estelle Bullock, a liliputian Us- sia colloquially known as "Sawed- off Stella.” She had'an excellent voice, and, although not beautiful, the man without legs fell in love with her. When Estelje’s folks heard of the intended marrige they notified the city clergyman not to marry the couple, but at midnight the dwarfs, who stand each.a a yard and a quar ter high,were driven to the residence of Recorder Steven*. Heconcented to make them man and wife, and the mtdgets are to-day receiving con gratulation*^^ • Clarke .Whittier, who recently purchased 80,000 acres of poor land ■ North Carolina and founded a town in the centre of the estate, do ing himself the honor to call it “Whittier,” bad hit scheme inaugu rated the other day with imposing exercise* and prayer. J. Schweizer, ot Solothurn, Swit zerland, has patented * steam veloc- lie which attained * apeed of >ut twelve and a half miles an hour. stetysc sa?ff fssxwr distribution *moo».t Us 1 J. O. SIAVXOM, Executor. ★ * * L FRIEND IN NEED OR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. Prepared from the recelpe of Dr. Stephen Sect, or Connecticut, the groat natural Bon* Bettor. Hu burn u«ed tor more than to vnn, and I. the but -known ismsdv for ithtumslhm. Hour,Ills, Hprslm, Kruistt, Cuts Burae and til oit.rnst lojurles. ro h ? Kl . b ,I J Magnolia is a secret, aid to Many a lady owes herfi ness to it, who would rather aot tell, and you can't tell TSilgfei PLUMBER Gas and Steam Fitters, la Sanitary Ooote, Wrought. Cut and Sawer pipe. Eurlee KltUnxi ol all deicriptlona, Ktram Ouafti, Valve., Pip* KtUogi, Hydrenllc Buns, ate. upldlp Clayton st, Athena, Ga. J. A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT, Represents First-Class, Prompt- Paying Companies. ASSETS BEPEESENTED $40,000,000 Office cor. Thomas and Clayton stt octl AfONEK HHBrtlFK'S HALE Will beaoldou U tho first I'uesiuy in Maich n -xt. at the court house door in Midoounry, within the le si hours of isle, to ths Uig »est bidder for c**b, the follow- Iuk property 10-wit: All ihst trset of hu>d lyfn* in OcLuee county, IjrinfoM the waters of Porter’s rroek, ««IJoij<iiiK Uud* of K T Durhun’n home place on the north, Henry D Hardlifree or. *be west, J C Johnson on the cut mid by naftoM Bsr* #fok on the north Beginning st pine coreef ruuutng theuce W 17.S0 to atoae, thence N II E 1.1.61 to a gum, (lienee sloutr Porter’* cre-fk to iron wood corner, thence 8 G% K 2.94too$k Stump, thence 8 f7>$ k 10 to *Uke, thence 8 22 K 8.3° to Black hnw, tneoce 8 89 W. 14,78 to begin* uingploe corner, omilnlax 37 x-4 acres, more or levied on snd to be Mid to sstlsfy m fi f* i-Mied fro ti the county oourt Oconee county. Jacob K McKee, Kxr. of L M Legitlne, dec’d vs Keul»eu T Durhsin, i.nd for s valuable considera tion transferred by McKee to JW Heaves, for the purpose ol indemnifying him, he caving paid the amount Property l ointcd out by R T Dur- htm, the defendan , snd written notice wslvod by teusnt in poMeetlon. This last d»v Feb. 1K86. B.E. OVERBY, BherlfT. nCONEE SHERIFF’S SAI.E^WHI ho • U fore the court home door in Watkh sold bo hoose door in Watklnsrllle. Oronee county, on the flr*t Tuesday In Msrch next wit Inn the legal hours of gale, to tho high* est bidder for cosh, the following sleacrlbed pi op- O. M., bounded on the N E by lanes of Welker Brook*, snd lyingon thewestfllde of the roan lead- lng from Bib y’a uilll* to tho mouth of BigCreek, snd on the Soath by J K Tribble, on the Went by John W. V Icholson, on tho If by W ft M Vest, contalniiig rt> rcrc«, more or lei*. Hu Id land levied one* tho property of George W. Veal, de- ceH*cd, and huown mh the lto<’k .Mound place, levied on snd to beaold to aatufy t vu f). fas. lusucd from Ihe Couuty Court of Oconee Comity st the Jstiusry quarterly imidon 18*8, J M. Hodgson a* Agent, Versos James M Veal a* the Executor of Geo go W. Vca. dectnscd, snd M. O. Veul. Pro perty pslntsd out by J. M Veal, Executor ol g, W, V«*l drees*od. Levy mud o by it. F. Mi tier, C, C, Bailiff snd turned over tome foridvertiaeweut hud Mle, Januarr 80th 18S8. febJUOJ. B. K. OVKRBY, 8herlff. f from tho Court of Ordinary of Oconeo co., will fULltWtt 1BOBGXA, .OCONRB CO I INTY.—Luc> Oliver derMgn- pEOBGIA, 0/ VX tho first Tuoi House In mdd oo< trnctof laud lying in t “ is Bams. 8 d) and oilier*, i* held . irty to-*rlt»4__ _SM iuty,^al^oInlng hind* of TTioms* Burn*. Hsin It Will Pay You If you propose going West or North- West, to write to’ me, I represent the Short Line. F. D. BUSH, D. P. A., Atlanta.Ga , woands \Y: cordially recoup snonC7oarClas the but remedy known tour for OOMuwk—a sad Oliot Wo Lav* sold could*x* able, and ta over/ com L tthasglven satlafacttoia AlcottA Lur, Hadsw$2trT Bold By E. 8.1.YNDON. PARKER’S HAIR BAL8AM th. bnHS tor d«—ta« Ih. MOT, U-rHC Klor .M frSX2L t sr£$£"'~ PAPER! THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Athens, Ga YOtmO L. «. HARRIS, pBBalDSXt 8TXVXN8 THOMAS. B«e** R.aid.nt Clnotor.: Voaaa U O. H.aaia, Svav as. Taoau, oxa H. Nawros, J. s. Hasixtos, Faaois.sD PmanT, XmiureWmir. Da. R. s. Lvsooa, Jobs W. Micbolsos. L.H.OBABB .area, j.-h Hossicott »■* •:v, ; - r. Mortals coaiafiifngono fiundre.1 ncr place is well improved, there being erected uyou its good dwelling house aud ueceuary out* building*, Mold Utid levied oa a* lh#property of Tube Martin to utlsfr a mortgage ft f* huucd from the superior Oourt of uld count* f In h\ror ore. W. Hood A ton a<aln*tsald Tobo Martin. Also at the same lime and place one tract of land lying In said county, adjolulng lauds of W illiam eUlisri* on the W «t. land, ot A. V. Fat- tenon on the North, land* o. Kobt, Tatteraon on ths Bast sad lands of J. 8. Mean* on the Meath* containing thlrty-flvo acres, mote or lew. said land levied os u the property of G. W Jackson, to satisfy three Q. fu. Uuued from the Jiut.ce Court of the 128C District (J. M , ol *alo country two In favor of A S\. Me .’onellfva G. W* J Act ion and one In favor of A, W McOonall against it, W. Jackaou and PeUr Jobnaup, A is.) at the same time and idace, one tract of land iTiny iu a-sld county adjoining land* of W, M. A ah, Mr*. Turk and tho tlowerwf Mr*. II. T. Stephens and othrnr; uld land levied on as the property of J.O. .Stephen* deceased to istiaf* a coit fi- fa. issuod Iron* tke Superior Omfft of a. Id county in favor of If. T. Stepncna for the ua« of the ofllcera of Oourt against L. K. Morris, ad- mlnUtrator of J. a Btepbeua deceased; written notice g'ven to tenant lu jiosaeuion as required Uy lHW ’ l’OSTl’ONKD SALE. Also at ths m.lie time and placs one tract of land lying in arid county on the rood leading from Homer to Belfou. known aa the Bowden tract, odjoinlug land* of J. II. Gardiner, Tho*, N* •* re w —i, containing two hundred _ ■, mors or lea*, all in original forest. Levied on as the property of the oslat* of \V. M. Miae, lale of Mid county dcceAied to aatlafy four fi. Li lAaued from the superior Court or said county, two Iu favor ot I>or. a* Hendrix and osalnit I'.noch A. Mire, a* administrator of W. M- Mize, deceased; one In favor of Nancy Boliew agalnat Kuocb a* Miae, aa odmluiatrutorof W. M, Mize, deceased, and on* in favor of Nancy Bal- lew. Executrix of Fraud■ Ballew, agaiust Enoch A. Mite a* administrator of W. M. Mite deceoned Legal notice given tuF.B Mite, tenant in pos- Also at the same time and place one boll In terest in a tract of land Mug in Banka County on the waters of tdlver, bounded by 'sods of J. M. Wilson. Brl Motes, Col. KjF. A. Kitch, A. L. Grittin and of hen, coatainlug thn* hundred snd Ixtv acres, more ur less, thereon, ihs deiendant i. II. Messer now resides. Levied upon as ths properly of D. H. Messer to satisfy a fi. fa. Issued troni the Justice Court of the9i*tn District, (4. M. of Mid county in favor of Taylor Brothers sod S. B. Carter, against L. C. Brewer aud D. H. Messer. Levy made and returned to me by J. D. lljrder, L. C. Al*o at tho earn* time aud place, one bey hosts mule, seven or eight yean oil, and one buggy and barneee. Levied on se the property of K* L. Hooper; to eatlsfy a fi. fa. leaued from the Superior oourt of *al<t county in favor of T. M. McCarter ngaist aeid It, X* Hooper. This January 28th 1888. ' febS #0d. K. D. OWEN, »herUT. „ may concern, John R. Chambers hss in due form appliad to the undersigned for permanent letters of AC dinlstration on tho estate of 8, C. Smith, late of said county deceased, and I will B us upon said application on the 8ms Monday in urcb, 1888. Given under my hand and ottdal signature. lebftOd. T. F. HILL, Ordinary. G EORGIA. Banks COUNTY -Where**. Ida D. Bush and Albert P. H mley, have applied fco me for permanent letters of Ad mi nut ration on the estate of Daniel T. Bush, late of said county decerned; these ore therefore to cite and ad monish si! concerned, to show cause at my office «n the first Monday in March next, why such letters should not be granted. Given uudor my bend and oflicial signature, this kSd day of Jon* swim. T. K. HILL. Ordinary isu'J&tCd. PnnUra foe 88.1k HB . _ \J having iu due Jorm applied tothe a ed for the guardiaushlpol the person or Emanuel Oliver, a mluor child of Auluell Oliver, ute cf said county deceased: (whose lather Is alsodeaui notice 1* hereby given that her •pplicaUon will be heard at my office on the first Monday iu April next. Gitvn under my hand and official slgnatnrr, this 27th day of lanuary 18-16. lob'.’KM. B. tv THRAPtIKB. Ordinary. EvEGlA^OCOMSK COUMY^-To au wnom it mey concern Joseph (5. Dickon, .(din’r. of ethevr G. Dlcken decease*!, has In duo form of anpliwlto ms for letters or dismission from admlnisf “ “ GT, M ’fi sold u'cTmTnistration , and I will psu upon the sold applieatioa po the firat Monday in If*y 1886. witne** m^nana ana asai, am tBtni day ox lan'^m. B. E. T11K \BI1ER, Ordinary, XeCUTOBS BALE.-Will be sold before tho Gotirt House door on first Tuesday la March, yes, more or lew, being the land of iRjroy deceased. Joining land* ot T, T, Booth. Osborn, J. C. Jobnson and K. J), Fulton, 'leans fobLSOd. L. W. DOWN«, Executor. IA, BANKS COUNTY- Will b* sold on uesJay in March next, at the Court county, within the legal hours of sals to ths highest bidder for cash, the following _ pi oli appraising 8tepbeu C. Smith, late appointed by me for tho purpose of ud setting apart out of tho estate of ... -<* «»•»,, dOOMUrf. in. Iw.lM moo*h, .lipport .nJ k.u..hold fcr- *hfcS br l.v Mr. Armlnit Bmlit, «Idol, of >alJ dKrucO oud her d,. minor chil dren. Klii.nelb, John, Lu.lU, Rw*. end Rob*-* B. huire. K» chUimd, l»n uidn Ihtlr nral ta. which report U now of il. in w, .(Bo. .reth«refhro«dicnBd*4moDUh sUmi if? show cause at my office oe the Ihk 4ay $f JI.rrh next, why mid jwpport I'd hMSSkaM luniilur.m.pvreiMd end ■« I l|mBrmaM Jljt xrenud re reid »i<to» wd Iihdor my baud at my «•** l> nary lost hUM, T.r.