The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, February 24, 1886, Image 2

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BANNER-WATCHMAN omcut oum or dtp of Athena ml CUrks, Oeon.* ft Bum. * ' ABITOAL SUBROfilPTlO* BATE*: Dally, $5; ...Sssfisy, St; r, »1 81 T. L. OASTT: k l *= FUWrD^QQilNTY-S SHAKE. . When Jiff commissioners of Ful. ton county made that whitewashing report about how Bud Williams, the youthful convict, came to get t fro gen, the Banner-Watch- ho time thatt it war rely tdo gauzy, and tye did not believe the bottom facts had been reached. Oob insinuation is now eridors£d1>jrVpublic statement from Dr. W<H>> F. Westmoreland, one of the leading physicians not only in Atlanta, but the United States, wherein he gives facts that curdles the hlood of a humane man, and will everlastingly brand Fulton comity yglthf. barbarity, unless’ the guilty parties are sought out and severely punished. Why, if half of what Dr. Westmoreland says be true, (and we believe every word he uftejs), then there Isitiolaw in 'tieoYgh strong enough to mete out punishment richly deserved by such ■ brutai officials. Dr. Westmoreland says it is folly to argue that the con vict Williams had two blankets and that a good fire was kept up all night In the stove, for from the horrible condition of the- boy’s feet he must have had insufficient cov ering. and the fire in the stove al lowed to get very low. Williams is hot out ot danger, and while he is better he is still in a precarious con dition. Both his feet were frost bitten, and one toe and the bottom ol his foot sloughed off. With one of the feet, not only wa* the foot Dozen, but the ankie joint from the bone out was frozen ar.d dead. The leg had to be cut ofT away up the leg, between the ankle and the knee joint. Dr. W. says it is the severest case ol Irost bite he has f ever heard of in the South. And to add to this horrible outrage, two days alter this poor creature was to frightfully injured, he was put in A 'wagon and dumped out on the ground to be put to work, while the bone of bis leg was even dead and he could not stand up. The County commissioners, in their in vestigations, only examined parties connected with the ptison, and, oi course, whose interest it was to cover up theif tracks as much at possible. "They did not even »um- mou Dr. Westmoreland, who at tended on the boy, and whose tea timony, if that investigating com mittee wanted to learn the truth, was. indispensable. It seems that the men in charge of the convict camp and the commission ers had conspired together to die guise facta, and blind the eyes of the public to a most disgraceful and brutal crime. To show that in evi dent attempt wps made «t “white washing,” Dr. Westmoreland states that out of forty convicts in the camp that night, three were 'frost bitten, and one has since had his toes to drop off and the other has such a bad cate of - chilblains . that he cannot use bis ‘ feel.' 1 This . conclusively proves that the boy Williams sut- fered fronra criminal neglect of duty the.part of the men who bad If the camp. i,Wei cannot trong enough to condtmn such heartless brutality as has been practiced in the Fulton ■3’T' forty «fcyiCtctm^,AiudDr. West* (_ : motreland'hns 'djoiye^t post righteous act in exposing the whole matter. While d isthtinltinfUiirof Georgia to punish crime, at the same time -Rre.are a civilized, Christian people, not a race of brutes or barbarians, who delight to inflict the most fiendish torture on the helpless V; creatures, *0 completely in -ojtr -:: *! power. It is the duty of the good >*';j ptiipje pfiPyftm county to investi gate this horrible affair to the bot- the guilty parties be severely punished. The boy Wil liams was tent up fora vety' light offense—stealing - a few 1 sticks Of wood—and even then it is said the evidence against him was not very _ cj#*r. He has a good;cate for dam- 'SSttW jgiinst Fulton county, and wWre V< oQ^jorfl and the Evidence' developed as Dr. Westmoreland affirms to he tbg case, we would “ 1 • ' 1 ^oqo, aad thus r w IIMAN ■ ~I.-... «how"the tsxp point inhuman the convicts to pay dearly ffr iWfir acta. The grand jury of Kafton county should now take the 1 nves ti gat ion of thia matter ijudis own hands, and see ^hss~4>uniebment and censure is meted out where deserved. If these commissioners are found guil ty of willully smoothing over facts, let tiiat body come in for its full share of the blame. - One of the superb St. Bernard dogs exhibited at the Fanciers’ Show js said to be worth ten thou sand dollars. He is an animal of wonderful strength and beauty, with eyes that beam with intelli gence, and of rare gentleness and patience. It has betn proposed by the re publican deputies who now control France to sell the crown jewels of that country. It was even propos ed last week to 'expel the princes descended ftom reigning families. The United States - government has a very comfortable income of a little ovbr $1,000,000 a day, or aa average ofnesrly, two cents from every man, woman and child in the country. Up to the present time the amount collected for the Grant monument fund does not amount to one hun dred and twenty thousand dollars Rome pays 20 cents a day for feeding its city convicts; Savannah pays pj cents; Brunswick pays 40 cents; Athens pays 37$ cents. Rev. Sam Jones is represented as saying that lie would hot insult God by praying’lor a politician. Von ask me to writs of my dsrUng'a month, At met aattubr-sze from tbo apley Math, Which. laden with sighs from ounce groves Yooaskma to write other teeth and htrjcnmc Yen oak me to writ*—but really I won't; TU enough that ihe OMajiOZODDMT. •• - On the Toilet Tabi-w of tht bean nlonde, that delixbtful-health (J elixir. SOZODOST, laalanys bund. There ,« nothin*comparable tott (or rendtruethe teeth kpot!eat, ana preventing tbetr decay. Thoae who toe It exhale fnttinea a hea thrr open their mouths. Hail’s Vegetable SiciliAO Hair Benewer imparts r tine gloss and freshens to the hair, and ts highly recommsnded by physicians, clergymen, and Scientists. It removes dandruffs*, makes the scalp white ami clean, and restores gray hair to ita youthful color. ton eouevts and croup ust tayloh’s meer GW pULlsBIN. »waa» ga*. ft* gathgrrd frou • trw sfUtnai ■**), I|WIIMS1«II tk* rauU Krtsfti la Uo RMthor* 8U144, 4MUIU a atlmaUUng npMsrut pV.aelpl* that lsiRM tta phtogm eradvelM (Im wtrly nseralag tmgk. aad «tf— ■ IumUmUMI throw off tho (Wa* mambraa* In craap aad ■ wlMoplBg Ma«h. Whan •omHiwd with Uta koUii nu|. UgUoaajrtadpta la IM aiuHtla plant iftMtUMb,pr*> 155i« untsrnr.'? ssr Vm DE. IIOQMS’ HWKLHBf SHY JORDUL m | PjawtoayPjt—my rM Total—. far onto fef AYER’S Sarsaparilla Is a highly concentrated extract oI Sarsaparilla and other blood-purifying roots, combined with lotUda or Potas- ■lumand Iron, and U the aafrat, raoct rath Ohio, and most economical blood-purifier that can bo used. It Inrarlnbiy eipela nil hlood poleotta from ths njrrtnm, enriches ud rnpows tbo blood, end reatom Its vitalising power. It la the best known remedy for Scrofula end ail Seromtous Qpmplalntn, Keyrelp. etas, Eczema, Itlnrwomi, Blotches, Sons, -Dolls, Tumors, and: Eruptions ml the Skill, aa also for att disorders enured Op a thlu and Impoverished, or corrupted, ocodUlonofthe blood, inch nelthamaallem, Keuralgln, Ehenmatlo Oont, General Debility, and SerofhlonA Catarrh. OfflaMatPij Can! "Am’i 8AMAW«tti*A has cured me ot the Inllammatory IUicumatUm, with • which 1 here raffered (or many year*. W. U. llOOBBo^o'ti Durham, Ifu, March 2,1882. Syimum Wf . ::l Dp.J.C.Ayor &<5o., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all ; Si. six bottlej for (^-EXPERIENCE. ! t - "7. “Calrert.Tex*a, Rapt, Hat »I wtkh to ezprranmp appreciation o/ tbs vmltubln qaalitics of Ayers Gheny Pectoral aa aeongh rntnedp, ' . “• . “Whilewith Charchill'e array;jnat befora Aw battle at Vtcknbm*, I eoatnotad a es- vare cold, which terminated In a dangeroni cough. Ifonnd no relict till oo onr mard «a canto to a country stoca, whan, on ackin| for some remedy, 1 was urged to U7 Arcti c Caauav Pkctocal. “I did cn, and wan rapidly cured, sines than I ban kept thaPxcToaaLoooetant.j 'ey tae.forfauill/ uo, andlhan found It to be nr. lnralnsblo nmettyfar throat and long tUatncra. • ■ * W^Wairigg.- , Ybouands of tcrtlmonUIn certify to tbc prompt cure of all bronchia) and Inn,', affection#, by the too of Arch's Cscniti Pcctoeal. Being rerypolatsUc, the youL’tr CM children take It ruadtly, a PSETAS Dr.I.C. Ayer ACo.,Lowell, Mat*. And Evzbt Specizs op Itchixo aRd Bubnino Diseasbs Cubed bt Cuticuba. 1 acZK.MA.or Ball Ebenai. with Itai egonUIn* U Itcbtug and burn'ug, tnetanttp relieved bf a warm Itaih With cutleura Soap, aod a elnglo ap plication ol CuUcnra, the great Skin Core, lb -t repeated delly. with l*o or three df»e» o! Oo'f cam Bceolrent, the Hew Blood Purifier, to hr up ti c hlood cool, the pcreplrctlOn pure end un rrl- totlug, the bowele -opes, the lirer and kidneye sctlTf*, wl'lspeedilf cure Ecx«ma ( Tettvr. Kin*- worm. PeorliMl*. Ucbon, PrurUne, Sexld Head, Dandruff, and «««r» aivcUb of 1 trying, Seal? ana Pimolr Humors of tb^ *otlf* and 8kln, when the beat pbjalciaas and all known romedit* laiL Will MoDonwId. b«5 Dearbon St.. Cblcngp. gratefully acknowledge* a cura ol Ecxeuia. or Balt Rbeum. on bead, neck.fjco, arms and leg* foraereuteon year*; jt'4 able to »»Ik except on hard* and kuvet lor on* year ; not able to help hlmeelf for eight yaerai tried huadred*ofrerae- dle*; doctor* pronounced bt* caie hope!***: per* tnaoently cured by Cuttcur* itesolrent (blood Chcia. Houghton. Eaq., Lawyer, '26 Btite Bl] Boston, report* a c* e of Ecsema under hi* obtemtleo for ten yoars, which covered tbe pa- tlent’fc body and limb*, and to which all koswn method* ortreatneat hod been applied without beuefit. which wa* completely cured solely by tbe Cutieura Kemcdles, leaving A clean and healthy vktn. ? [r. John Thiel, Wllke*barre. Pa., write*: have ioffered from Salt Rheum for over eight S ears, at time* «o.bad tftat E oould not attend to iv t uklnuRi for week* at a time. Three boxes of C’utlcaraand fonr bottle■-Resolvent have entire ly cured me of this dreadful disease." Physicians Prescribe Them.-I have nothing but the highest praUe for tho rt suits ob tained from yourCutlcura Remedies, or which I have sold more than of a<l oU’«r* of the kind. MONRO BOND, M. D. 8500 .N. Broad 8L, PJiUadelphla, Ps. Raid hjr all drntrelsU. Price* f:nticura 80 et*.» Resolvtnt $1.00; Soap 55 ct*. Prepared by the Potter Drug snd Chemical Co., Bostou, M**s, Send for Pamphlet. T3T71 A TT iIFY the Complexion and Skin by U nslng the Cntlcura 8oap. m Kheumatlo, Neuralgic. Scia tic. Sudden. Sharp and Nervous Pain* absolutely annihilated by the Cul jcur* A nil-Rain Plaster, a perfect N>wToriginaCIuftlilble. Afdrugg'lats CLINCMAN’S ■OBACCO REMEDIES T FOB SALE OR BEST: Auction s ale Of Borne of tbe Flneet Property on KUledge Avenue. '0b the Renee ih (Wet and run* back 490 feet, containing over acre*, this lot is one of if not the handaomest la the dtr. ^o. f is an -excellent lot containing nearly IX **«*» on thla lot there ita good18 room oottage, aervanu house, subles, etc ♦ and a well of excellent water. No. * ha# a front of tn fart on Miliedgu Avsuoe and runrine back 420 feet, containing T acre: the street car runt te the pro* party, making It the finest property for reeidences I. D. sell if or 14 acres of land in • good state of culti vation snd well watered. I will s*ll tb# pro* pertya* 4wh"le H areakonsbie offer is mode prior to-day of sale for speculation or home. I hsve not bod may property.coual to this f»r » long while. Terms half cosh balance percent* eeosj at8 febedtf- J. 8 WILLIFORD. Agent lor P H. WAUE- FARMS FOR SALE. 6-71-t (eret'ef excellent land In Banka coanty, Oa ,41-2 mile, from Hannooy Uror#, Ga ., Wo acre* of the land la cultivation, balance lu for* eat aad old field pine The place Is well-iinp: ov- ed, good two story dwelling, four tenant houses, witu all other bouses Lecessary to s well-ap pointed farm. Thla property ; 1* known as the Jaek Preemsn piece add more rreently os the home ol CoL H. J, Hmith, cow deceased- This, property valuable, terms easy, titles perfect. Apply to J. 8. WILLIFORD, Real Estate Aft. Adjoining the above named property, on Black's creek. In Madison county, creek being dividing line between Banks and Madison; I have 1 for sale 300 acres of excelled land. 40 acres of which is exceilsnt bottom, 3o acres of Airland in cultivation. The farm properly cultivated, w .11 make 6 >0 bushels of oorn and 1* bales o7 cot on. The wooded land is finely timbered, rail road station. Harmony Orovo sud only five miles distant. Price 1 toper acre. Apply to uABfAA g Williford, Real Estate Agent. For Two lots, Hud 1*9 feet each, both fronting on College Avenue, corner of Dougherty street, be ing parts cf the lot wherecn Mrs. E. A. resides. Appij^to Jautdtf, i, FEBRUARY 44. 1886 REAL ESTATE COLUMN, i: OFFICE NO. 11. BROAD ST- Acres on McNutt’* creek, five miles Athens.gooo five room dn-elliliK, one lrg bonw, barn, stable, cribs, etc. A good two borie farm open, balsnce in origi nal forest. Terms 400 In cash; balance on long time, or will exchange for city property. ■OMl Acres unimproved- land in M Ebb no-fence district, 4 miles M W*'rom railroad depot at Jef ferson, Os, Ijevot and capable of be ing highly improved. A good chanei to settle near the best public school n Mbrth Georgia. Will sell cheap. Acres bn Jefferson road twelve miles from Ath- ens, 6 miles from Jef ferson, 4 settlements, with all tbe nee essary outbuildings. One hundred ami sixty acres open land, bahince original forest, no-fence district. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. For further par- ictiiars call on W, D. Griffeth. TRUCKS mining 20 acres, all'mider good wire fence. Two frame dwellings. 10 acres of thi land in go*h1 condition for vegeta bles. DAIRYsl limits, 80 acres of land, with a Here is a Chance. Tn buy Just Outside of th« corporate limits ot Jefferson, Jackson county. Go., a beautiful home with 2Sseres attached, cn which there la a spien did tannery, circular saw mill, corn mUt, gin. power press, hsy scales, etc. Thera are savors lots that are highly fertilized, also a splcudlt orchard of famous irults. Tho owner confoses to having made mora tsouey on this place than any property he ever owned. The sole reasou for offering this properly le that the owner has more business than no can look alter and must curtail. Fllce86,5J0. Apply to ■I Frio* (jOrli. THE CMNBHAH TOBACCO CAKII THE CLINOMAN TOBACCO PLASTER ttBffiBMW sir"” aad Ai— ,, CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. ts DURHAM. N. C.. U. 8. A NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP Nosh Johnson desires id state to the public that he has opened a blackimlth shop coflisr of Market and Lumpkin streets, opposite Mr. 'Wall’s old stand, where he will bo prepared U\do all work In his lino at the shortest pottce and, the most reasonable prices. Give me a trial. NOAH JOHNSON. Janl-dHin. W. B. RURNEtT. ATTOKNEY- AT-LA W ATHENS, OA. /vEORGl \, CtilKKif' OOtntTir.-Wii.rara, (j Data Bern lltdB and J. W. lbtlrtw admlnla tester, with tbs will annex'd of Jamcc Fulclwt Idenweal. apply to me lor leavo to wll.aa the pro- I therefor, to notify nil Msewnaa toiho* cnura at the regular term of the oonrtcf Ordtnnrjto bo I bald In and for mid count, an the lint Moudt, to March next Wh, Mid lrav.lbMldBotbe (ranted. oivbb, *&*mi .WHUHIWH* * tE,u f •* ■laoxStVI. -84 U. ji£SSSSt Ordinkryj O. I. c. OLD INDIAN CURE THE GEM OF BLOOD PU R1FIERS. Not a cure-all, but an excellent Ionic, appetizer and blood purifier and in the treatment of FEMALB TROUBLES, absolutely without an equal. Uf this popular preparation the Tele graph & Meisenger, ot Macbn Bays; “Most of eur druggist har.dlc the prep aration called O. I. C. which simply means Old Indian Cure, and many of them are selling large quantities of it This medicine liaaa stronghold upon tile confidence uf our people, who rcgar d .1 as an honest reliable old remedy. It is manufactured by a company in Perry Ga„ who own the original Indian recipe. The rapidity with whloh the demand for it has increased,since itsinlioduclion in ourcommuuity, is simply wonderful and can be t ruthfully accounted for upon but one ground, and tbat is the real merit of the article, for its advertising here hat been limited, as compared with many other preparations that have been left far in the rear in tho , race for popular favor.” SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS: THE O. 1. C. COMPANY, Perry, Ga. Th!« Great Blood (aftt,r,Toolo and AppcUscr fa For Hub* in Athens, Ga., by Long A Co .mhlstlv Farm one fourth of a from city .. j modern cottage, ft rooms, gnml stables and barns, pastures witli running water, 111 ncres Of extra uns branch bottom err this place. 8p!endld opportunity fora live man to (tart a paying business. FOR SALE, T HE formerly owned by Judge E. L. Newton, eight large rooms with rinse,e, pantry vie., good servants liou-ea and a never fail ing well. The lot contain- about 7 aercs and includes a good garden, orchard and grove. This is one of the best built houses In Atnens and will lie sold for lese than costcf the improvements. A NEW three room collage with cook room attached. Servants room, stable, wood houseamlgood well. Lot contains half an acre, situated on Lumpkin Avenue, corner Browning Street. run b, 75th MerUUB time. r*r ttSfttt is "Lola.: ...... 8.15pm 11.00 an “ “ P » p m P» pmA Pn* !5T 4»i “Toccoa... “Benvca .... “Easiey-ra-. ...... • Gaffney ‘Gastonia............. • Charlotte...^. “Salisbury... “Greensboro Smmm WSSsszzz “Wavblugtoa ........... • Baltlmsra :: BotetBwaU^ »*.ct pm■! 1107 p m 2.05 pm 2.88 ~ - J Aft pi u’iSp p ; 9.87 p _ 19.48 p m 11.47 p » fglS 2.28 a to 8.48 a m 6.00 am 6.59 a m 8 St a m mt “ « j- Ait am 40 • « P-® [ 8.25 p a 8.01 pm ail * Balltmore * Waihlfton * Charlottes Till , .. * Blchaond .. . .... * Goldsboro ... .... * Raleigh * Gres* s boro.. * Balisbury... ‘ Charioiut — * Gastonia-— ..... . * Gaffney’#......—. 1 Bpat'nb’g. * Greenv’le. * Easlsy— ' Sonecr;.. .... .. Jte.::::::::::::. * GalnemriUo. i Ar. Atlanta - 1*,00 »’t l li Im a " ", £B « .... 5.00 pm 1L21 pm 105 am -•< \f. i ■t is :s 744 a .... 7.41 a . MS a _ r 0 68 a m .... 11.01 aft. --•Hi; 14* PM mz 9 80 a a tl.23 a is 1.80 pa 1.42 pa 2.49 p a 8.84 p- 4.4t p 5.14 p 6.12 p a 7 09 pm 125 pm 1.50 p Kt 10.40 P m SLEEPING CAB SERVICE. Ontrainx U and SI Pullman Buffet Sieeptr between New York aod Atiaotc. Ob tralnc u and U Pullman Buffet SlMper betBaca WuhJ and R.n orleani; WtablnfitoB aad aisol ‘^eper between m »****«•»»•«» and Rich- legion s taosd. Through tickets ofl ralaat all prtnelpaJ sut loos to aU points. For ratgs and la lorn. aUoi applj to aoy mgmuibt Ass’t. Gen. Pass. NORTH-EA8TEHN RAILROAD. SUrKkINTSNDKNT’S OWICI, Attiexs Go.i Jan. 18, ltAO.-t ommenclnf Me day, January iftth 1880, the todowing whl opt rate on this road. Trains run by 7#tft meridUu lime— oos hour faster than Athens anti DAILY KXCaft SCNUAYS. Arrive at Lula City "fopcFiy, In Cobbham—«t four room cottar* with" wo room kitchen situated in adoalrable neighborhood, convenient to street car, schools, ec The lot contains one acre. Will be sold cheap ami on easy terms. Room Cottage in Cobb ham, goed well and gar den-one square from street car line, convenient to Lucy Cobb Institute. SIX: street Instltr : l .BOOM dwelling on Thomas street convenient to business. As investment this place will pay 10 per cent on cod. B ROOM dwelling on Thomas street, five minutes walk from Broad street. Will sell on the install ment plan at $15.00 per mouth until paid. BRICK Store Room on South Street, ho tween Jackson ami Sprina Streets. Botli Stores rented to s good tenant. Will guarantee S per cent on the investment. TWO: THREE Room Cottage on Church L Street, Cornerof Reese, two room k servants house, good well, one acre ol land lor sale. Envious Souls Predicted defeat to the Banner with NO CURE! NO PAY! Inscribed Thereon. The ‘‘kino be*’* op a monopoly AtPIRING COMPANY. 8ald that thfffceoplc, after being cured, would demand tbetr money bath, and any firm adopting the rale would tall. Bat pinning onr faith to tho Universal Honesty of manhood and womanhood, with aa abiding faith m oaf oft-prosed remedy, w* continued to We authorise merchants dealing in t'Gn Pioneer Blood Rt newer" to refund me moh«> .. tk does not rare all Blood and Hkin Disessee. Rhea matism. Blood. I’oDon Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Marlarls, and Female Complaints. A PERFECT SPRING MEDICINE. Bray oo Blood and Bkln Diseases mailed free. MACON MEDICINE COMPANY, Mqoop, Ga u^msi^ssasssvm therefor, to cite mad admcuUh all cnnceraMto chow cans, at tho rcfituti tar a of tho court o' OrdlBuy at raid coantj, to b« held on tka first I Honda/UHaC Dec t,why laid dlKbarxn ihonld not be named Given aeder mj hmad at ofllc. pEOBGlA, CLaEK* COUtitt.-Wbuau, U Thomas , Hampton, adminlatntor of Eltaa a. Harnpto . Utnaletad mmntv dat.arad, ap- S? 'rfitfaia ItaSrSR to ““wdiSmmUk allLHe.road toahow can#a-.It. malartenn dljoham nkonld w :hn cranlej. Qlr.n and.r mjr.han3>d.oBclal mgratora. TknXJtk da, ’ o.a MOTICE WDEB rbhS'StnniKE httORd^ t All person, haring demand, again.! the tataleof John X. I'r.ckatt. Iain of Banka comity ileccvied, arr harehv notified to reedarin their demand, to tiae underalgned according to lew d all penone iwlebudtu andeatai. are ra- I red lo ntake Immediate parmeaL Yebeoary " . " O.W. PRICKETT, and : ' D.S. McWUOHTtK . Admr'a ol John E. Prlekett, dee’d PARR BROS., house & sign painters, *AU PAPER AND PAPER HANGERS. 4# CLAYTON STREET, ATHENS, GA. Sen Samples of WnU Paper. janlTJtf. Teiepboee No. 17-2. N. B. J0NE8, ATTOOSEX :ASD, OOtI*SELOB AT LAV. Booal. MoDrarHtiioiMia* college Av.„ ATMRgS. aqSRGt*. X- Aft ^SpMtal .arteattod gleaa toSoBggtieaa aodio FOR RENT, A FIVE Room House' on Strong Street, between Thomas and Jack- eon Streets, house nearly new and cloae to business at $12.50 oer month. A SEVEN Room Houae on Foundry Street, corner of Dougherty Street. Good well, garden, stables, etc., at $14.60 per month. A TEN Room Hoime on Hull Street, corner of Clayton, two room servants house, good well and garden at $21 per month. Lcitvts iotmtan t-aUa.. ArriveClsrkesviUe ... Leave AUanla-ra— Leave Lula . Arrive liartu Arfire at AtSei tiawa 8:4V a ss- 6:00 p 627 f * 7:60 p a L0.4J p 5:45 p 6:85 p m 9;24 p a 5pg Uiosj vuuuecUons uiade at Lula with jasaenge trains on Richmond and DauvllU Railroad, botl boat aad West, ample time for supper at Lull on cveuing trains. Superb sleeping car accom modatioufe. Tbs shortest aad quickest route be tween Athens and all points ftoith, East ant West C.W.CHEARd, IH. R.BSREABD. 8uoH Gen. Pass. Agent. GbOKOlA HA1LHGAD COM FAW Y ! 8TOEE MOUNTAIN ROUTE. * Orncft GBMXBAL MANAOXk, Augusta. Go.. Nov. 21st. 1885. Commencing Sunday, Nov find, the loilowini >assougors nchedulv will overale on this roa< rratus run by 9utu meridian time—12 minute Slower tb*u Augusu time FA»T LINK. "No.27, WKaT DAILY. | No. 28, S L’ve Athens 7: Ar*ve Wu»’v*e «04 a “ Lexington- 8:88 a.n “ Antlocn.... 8:fd.a.n *' Maxeys ... 9:04a.l •• Woodvlllo 9:28 a.i '* Un. Pt 9:40 a.i rr'veAtlanta Loop •Arr’vo Athens 7 40p.i Leave Athens 2 50 p.K Arr'b \\ lute'o tt 11 ilO ** Lexingt’n.. 9.42p.» •• Antioch... 4:i6 p,n •* Maxeys ... 4:16 p.n *• WooavlUe. 4:40 pr£ “ Un.Pt« 4:o5p.n Arr've Wash 7 86p.a Leave ftasb'u 4;2Upn Ar* ye Augu'ta 6.15 pti WO. 1, WEST DAILY. “Athens.... •• Winterv’e •* Lox gt’n.. '* Antioch.. “ Maxeys . .- ;« “ Atlanta, .10:oO a, 1:10 a .11:20 a. m 9:U» tutu 9rM a.m 10:06 a.ia 10:44 a,m NO. 3, WHT, DAILY. L'veAugusta..9:4o p m Arrive Msoon 6:46 a to Ar*v* Atlanta. 8.48a.m-ar’e Augusta.. 69)0 O. •/, EAST DAILY. Lv'e Atlatru.. i:0o i “ Un. P’L... 2:20 f •• Woodvllle 2:99 { •* Maxeys... 1:08 ; “Antioch... 8:84 { “Lexington. 4.-01 » “ Winter’ve. 4:49 f Ar’vi- Athens.. t " Wash’gt’n. 2:20 y • Mkosh... tf:la f “ Augusta... 3:86 j Me. 4.east daily. L’ve Atlanta... 9:16 pj “ Macon 7915 pi TORE No. 12, Broad Street, 22 by 120 with basement. Old establlah. ed Furniture Store, with Gaa and Waier. TORE No. 14 Broad Street, aplen- did stand for for Groceries' or Pry Goods. Store 30 by 120 with good cellar 30 by 70. p: s I NVESTMENT—I will sell a3 room Oottsge for $650 in cash. This place is now rented to a good tenant for $84 per year. JinlOd&w. ■ W. Di Gbiyfeth. iLANTATIoNS—I hare 4 for sale 1 several desirable farms in Clarke, Madison, and Jackson Counties. Will sell on easy terms. janlOd&w. 7 W. D. Gbieyeti. Train number 27 will stop at and recei ■angers to and from the fallowing staions is tain and Decatur. Train No. US sau^TLssrssj: Dcoring, Thompson, Norwood, fioralVIBna fordYllle, Union Point, ’Greensboro, MAOISM SBfeU W tta,d north eaii OH AtbCHR >- Atla»ta*aiidCb*r atbsucoiuactwlthtralsi'D, it, f aad 2. 11 JOE W. WRITE,. Gm l Travaltag egent, auguau, Oa. _ 1 Th. Original and Only Smalaa *SM«aa BARBER SHOP REMOVED ViklrentnofdHr Palace Bartier shop to the aund oa Jaekaon atreat, lormerlr occupied 0, Lowe A Co., aaa aalOkn, aad are now beMZi I repared then ever to watt upon our old caatn- raera, and aa man. Ki ow a will patronize aa. Wa ha.a th. haadaomeat and b«t equipped bar- bar chop ta Athene, and only the moat tallied touaemt anleia are amploeod.. Give ae a trieW HcQtlEEN A DURHAM. |PI0M AND WHISKY 1 HABITS CURED BY B. M. WOOLLEY, M. IX, ATLANTA, GA. . M abletvtdeaeeclrM aad r*f«Mia*tk*Bt. « arassfe. nytffasawaii!..... -f mbH por Ltttt. fieW hy I staaipe, tJRISFb any atari pete, la sta*H, pehgeifi, ta any afifiran, , J.Y.tlfilTHft CO.. Maeatactarara aae Me Piraa., fiT.UHIIfi.ltfet Drs. Hogan & Lyndon, Have formed a eopartnerahlp *» the purpoa. of practicing fiurgeay. - mi mm