The banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1884-1886, February 24, 1886, Image 3

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DAIl./ BANNER WATCHMAN ATHENS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNlN., FEBRUARY, 24, til .TSAR A ijt MKDTCTKA'L. SCROFULA of lungs RELIEVED;. [ vn n>* 4.) til l litvo Ruff'd mil for the last fifteen yearn with n liina trunble. Several meinlwis of the farnilvl on my iiwUter’*'W<l« of the house linfl died with nonsnmpiltin, tttid die (lectors ’ v > W#»«ll «tWWil ’KH^»Mr r 6plnlon that I *•, had consumption al*o. I bail all the diet reusing symptom* nf that terrible disease. 1 hare spent thtmcamU ofilol- • ' lars to arrest tbe’mantli of this disease; . 1 have employed all of the usual methoils, not only In' my own case, hot In the ' treatment of other members of tn y fami! v. ■‘but : terapdrary relief was all that ! < * obtained. ('W unfit for any manual t v labor for several' years. Bnt chance I ca'ine frito possession of a pamphlet on “Blood amf Skin Disease.” from the ■olfle* of Swift Specific COt, Atlanta. On. ;’' i: flpL , 2inly?r»fdi*y > 'tliat lie himself bad been greatly benfi'lted by Its ti»e in some line troubles. I resolved to try It. About four year* SRtf'i commenced to takeS. 1 ■ 8. 8. sceobllnuftf direettms. 1 found |r 1 an Invigorating tonic, and have use- 1 about fifty bottles. The resiilH are most rkubls. 1 remarkable/ My cough has left me. my h hilt returned, atiil I weigh ilxty v pottnus mote than Lever did in my life. Jt has been three years since I stopped , the use of the tnedictne, bnt t lisve had ' no return of ttic disease,'and there are ■ no palns hf weakness felt in n.y lungs I do the hardest kirn) of mechsnicat work, glia feel as wyll ae.I ever felt since 'I was a boy. These. (known, sre won derful statements to make, but f am hoife»t when 1 say that i owe my exist* ■— anaa anil health tw-dsy^to dtwlffs Spec ific. It la the only tyedieine that brought me nny |>ermanvnt relief, t do not say " 3 Swift|a Hpoctflc willxlo this In every fm that It Jhirf*'i*iformu,«etld I would t to'-rlre'dWy d <AVd- to stifle. rink humanity if I failed to bear this ! ehtrrfiil trail ninny to Iho merits o/this wonderful mrtiiciiie. I am well know In the elty of Montgomery, and can- refea .to some of ttte best elttiseiis In the eitr T. J. Holt. ;MonteomefJ-, AhUJune 25,1885. Swift’s Speeidc Is entirely vegetable. 'Treatise on Blood ahd Skin Diseases .mailed free. .’the Swift Specific Co., D*awer 3, Atlanta, Gs., or 157 IV. 23d St, N. Y. PROHIBITION GRAPE SHOT. Extracts rrom gam Janas' Speech at Mil* ledgcvllle. -- f KO ’ CooiUtnUtn. I have nothing against any one. 1 disclaim any unktndness toward thf liquor men. One. wished this rooming that when that loose mule ran across the street he would meet Sam Jones and he would kick his brains out. Well, T had rather be niule kicked thsn saloon-kicked. I had rather stand behind a mule than in front ol you, it you are a saloon keeper. - Nothing but an e will engage in tfie sale of til Chattanooga I said that nol an infernal scoun: would sell liquor and nothing but an infernal fool would drink it They cursed me on the streets next day—cursed me to my face, behind iny back, don’t you see? I told them that il they 'would go with me to the home of that poor wolhan down yonder in an, obocureepart pf the city, and let me ask herjof her trou ble, she would say: IfYes, I mar ried an industrious, hard-working ' ;H Wonderful % ■ '••at.. Success Tho Marvelous Cures And unprecedented enceers attending ,, tint yryl introduction u* PEMBERTON’S FRENCH WINE COCA Have dasxled and delighted the mind* of the medical profession, and young man,-and we did well untj he began to cometoyOursaioonami buy liquor, and now be Is in the state penitentiary of. Tennessee!" And then, if I were ft put my ear close down to her side, 1 would hear the blood dripping from- that heart —drip, drip, drip! '• You, my colored friends, they tell you about keeping up the sale of liquor, so that you may not be deprived of your liberty. Do you notice that wniie you are dr caked in rugs.. THAT SALOON KEEPER lias on good clothes, and lives in a tine house.? Well, if you were to go and ask that man, “Boss, where did you get all those fine clothes,” he would reply, if'he spoke right, ‘Got them from you, you black rascal.” When I was preaching prohibi tion in Cobb county, there came an old darkey to the littlo town, he rip ped out an oath, and swore, “I am going to carry two hundred votes tor whisky to-morrow." That night that old negro got drunk aad lay down in a bar-room and died, and I think the sympathizing saloonist raised fifty cents, by general sub scription, for bis benefit. [Loud applause.] The cry is that it will deprive poor folks and the colored people of the privilege of getting drunk. That if just the class that I want to see get to heaven. They get so lib tie in this world, I want them to reap the benefit of heaven. If THESE Ot.O RICK DEVILS want to import it, guzzle it down, and go to hell, let mem *«. w. watt' to put legs on these jugs and demijohns and run them out of here. Here are these bar-keepers living in purple and fine linen and faring sumptuously every day, and you poor negtoes go from the saloon by the way ol the court house to the chain-gang. That’s the route. [Cries of “Dab’s de troof.”] There is a complaint that you curt get a little for medical use. I have not tatted, touched nor handled a drop in nine years, and I am as healthy a rpsn at you ever looked in the fsce. If there it anything I hate it is a little have qpACK 0t» A DOCTOR! _ With half a box of pills and a gallon most grateful testimonials of those who of whisky going around to doctor all been restored to health and Uappi- creation. If you are a doctor and can't get along without whisky, the quicker yon are all in the chain gang the better. In opening this meeting I noticed the good songs and the prayer of fered. Did you ever see a man with the red ticket praying? In Cobb county, the ballots were print ed to read “for whisky,” “against whisky.” Now the man who is not • plain equal to Bntwar’s most vlfid Im ^UXIROFUEE, Thousands who are dying from some Chronic Nervous Diesis* can be rertoy- ed to health by tho twUrfn bottle of this wottderful Tonio ant), Invlgofator, c which is as pleasant almost to take as • s >aretas*olfinooldSberrr-Wine. , , -i- »;<W.hofllk*«W ,*fne*.first April, and over ten thousand cures, some esses m -considered incurable. on a- miwstsnesjsaist «■ spur, Wlmlsoale agents. . _ 1)r.R & Lyndon, anTR TvBrotpty dj, " $>» ** row unm. Ifsas Gantts* antes* SearlngtltoSts** JAMES MEANS’S3 SHOE. BdelsI - {tUarACtiEssaslwHAtBon -MtWrACI MORE a cousin or brother of a saloon keep* equaftoony on record. Twenty yet er, who will take one of those tick- ago the daughter of Hiram Grai ets “for whiaky,” and go and vote it, ia about eleven.tenths dog. All the animal in him is on iop,making ten- tenths, and wbat little human it in him ba« turned to dog, making the other tenth. - ; We have tried it sufficiently in our town.. We have suffered worse than any where. When the sale wa» voted down, they still ran “blind ti gers,” and the result has been—dy namite. And If I wanted to beat the roll call for dynamiters 1 would go thiough the saloons. When the election - was approaching they threatened to bring ont their old rusty pistols to' bulldoze us With, tut wo told them that if they were b*ng to try that, they had better ring out', their best weapons, for they would find o* ready. Yon may get the first shot, but God bless you, we will .: FEED THE BUZZARDS ON YOU. Some don’t like that. They say thb"Lord'sarmy .oughts to boa peaceable army. Well, so it ought. I haven't hail but two fights since I’ve been presetting, and by the grace of God I will not have anoth er il I can outrun the fellow.' If any man don’t like what I tay. about it, let him go outside the corpora tion and wait till I come—he had better carry about two weeks rations with him, though. And again, some say, “I found whisky when I esme, and I want to lesve it here when I die. 1 et, you'll heart' them talk that way. Well, yOfiPtbbnd rattlesnakes her# (laughingly)—do you want to lea''" them here because you found them t here. There were liars and bad men here—do- you want to leave them here. No, it is just like a great many other arguments. It is absurd. I shall never touch another drop as long ns I live, and* if the doctor rays I must take it or die, I’ll tell, mv wife to GET MY SHROUD READY. The barkeepers nisy do with'me as they like. Yes, you may cut my hesd off, hut I’ll ne in heaven before you can get back to your saloon. The most disgusting sight to me ia to see a barkeeper going to the polla with about twenty or thiriy negroes behind him that he bat bought like sheep. Don’t you go and sell yourselves like sheep, my colored friends. Vote to stop the sale of the (tuff, for it hat been the curse of your race. The great crowd rose at one man and the wildest cheers rent the air, and as they resumed thetr testa, the orator retired. CONNECTICUT ’ SHADOWS. Sxfferlnra of tbs Foot nisstrated - by a Temptramcs runily—Twenty Years In New Haven, Feb. 20.—It would hardly seem possible that in a civi lized country there could be at much suffering among the poorer dtttea as hit been lately developed in New Haven. Dr. C. B. Adams, the state agent of thp Connecticut Humane Society, found one case which gives an idea of many others. In an old, abandoned freight car body, near Gjster Fuiui, nut fai from this city, a man named Buckingham found shelter, with six motherless children, the oldest not more than loyeartold. Five were boys and one s girl. The squalor, filth and poverty were ter rible to behold, as the children lay on a heap of rags, called a bed, and their clothing wm utterly inade quate for their needs. Bucking ham bat been able to get but hlue employment and could get no one to care for the children. Some char itable ladies heard of the cite, vis ited the place and tried to have the boys attend Sunday school. At they did not an attempt was made to send the children to Tyler City Home for Destitute Children. This the father resented, and the matter was brought into the city court. A lawyer took the cate up tor him and intimated that the charitable EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and stronwst Natnrat Fruit Flavors. Vanilla. Lemon, Orange. Almond, Boor, etc., flavor as dellcstelr and naturally sstbe fruit. PRICE BAKINS POWDER CO., cvnuqq. 1 a*. Lotus. MIDisiANAl^TTEBY. of rattlesnakes when you die? You “ found cbalngangi, do you want tomb. ladies were trying to deprive Buck ingham ol his children because he did not send them to Sunday school. Buckingham never squandered hit money on drink and made every cent count for the children, whom he loved. ’ Little Minnie, the girl* <H,iJ A. '-''tsil «ts» with her pt, and acted to court as if she fear ed that he would be would be taken from her. Judge Dealing adjourn ed the case for three weeks, and asked the ladiea to continue their charity. Charles Hale, who lives in South Meridsn, had a large Newfound land dog that he bad owned many yeara and prized highly. A Ger man took a fancy to the dog And bought it from Hale, with the un derstanding that he waa to return the skin stuffed when the dog died. Hale had a. few days ago received the ttufled dog, which was a mar vel of the taxidermist's art It then transpired that the: German had killed the dog and had eaten it cooked in various ways. He said that he was uled to it and relished the meat very much, and that he would like to get another dog on the same terms. Boiled dog and tseur kraut he particularly admired. THE INCARCERATED PARMER'S DAUGHTER. Further light has been shed on the case ot the ctged - woman at Wapping, which shows it to be ago tna daugnter 01 niram want, then a beautiful girl, waa lured from her home, led astray and tell into dissolute company. Her fath er was stern, unyielding and fanat- ' ance I He prayed over "the matter and • in the fervor of hit religious zeal con- ceived it bit duty to shut her out from the company not only of her licentious compshiont, but all the world betide. He found her and brought her home, and ever since the has been confined in g garret of the old fashioned term Bouse in which she was boro.. Hiram Grant died a few yeari ago, but the family have been carrying out his wishes as strictly, as possible, and thus for a score of yaart; in the most uncotn - fort able quarters, without proper clothing, light or warmtbr his the unfortunate creature been) kept. Stato Agent Thrall saya the is in a terrible condition, but proper steps are to be taken to rescue her from her living tomb, anil to make her nee as comloi table as a shattered, con stitution, diseased mentally and an emaciated body car be made. The case is a remarkable one, and there is no doubt that Hiram Granl’a last days were embittered not only by the thought that his darling daugh ter hid brought disgrace upon him and her family, but by the suffering he had compelled her to undergo in coosequence. Nonun was more rigidly kept in seclusion behind con vent walls, and no ^ one suffered more than the poor girl, who lost her mind during the dreary day s she was incarceratoL: id- lie living CAPITAL PRIZE, filbO.UOU oH’S^SS auachad. Is lta i We, the undersigned Banka and Ban- ken, will pay all Prize* drawn in The Louisiana Stale Lotteries which may be preaeated at our eouaters. J. H. Oglesby, Pres, Louisian* National Bank. Samuel H. Kennedy, Pres. State National Bank A. Baldwin, Proa. New Orleans National Bank UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION I Over Half a Million Distributed. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. , ckSt!SL‘wS2!; "tan overwhelming popskn vi -- ■aflsayanor iha wssot Ms sdopuaDssnhorM, A. D., UTS. JtaOrand Single Number Drnvrlnqa Uti ptass monthly, It «wr mtlea or put- pontt. Look at ths following DtstrlbnUon; im:graxd noirruLy th* EitraontUMr Quarterly Drawlog *th th* Academy ol Msala,Naw Ortaana, TUESDAY, MARCH IS, 1890, Under tha personal inrpervWna ana swi» instil ot dsn. O. T. Bsiuregard, of Louisiana and Osxl Jatral A. Early, of Virginia. . CAPITAL PRIZE, «150,000. Eottca—Ttrkrta art Ten Dollars oaly. Halves (s. turns $2. Ttatfcj It. mr or pjuxio. 4 do do 5.0)0 90,01* 90 do do 1.005 90,000 •0 do do 500 95.056 100 do 505 50,055 •00 do 905 <00 dO 100 1.000 do 50 APPROXIMATION pauxj 100 Approxl&utioa Prliw of WOO. W do 'do 100.... 105 do do 75... 'sssHsai __ TREATMEHT.—Oni Emit, U. Tti Xu'* tin* 0 FOR SALE Oee of the most Dealrable Five Cold and Two lllver Medale, awarded In 1885 at the Exposition* of New Orleans and LoulavlUe, ami tha In- ventlons Exposition of London. Tbo superiority of Corallno over bom or whalebone baa now been demonstrated tooywfive yean’experience. Ill*more durable, more pliable, more comfortable, ft&d BCSST Avoid cheap Imitations made of various Mods of cord. None are genuine unices “Da Wabxsb’s Ooeauxx" is printed oa inside of *teel cover. fit UU IT AU ttttm MNIUTt. WARNER BROTHER8, 353 Broadway, New York City M.H.Malon&Co. PLUMBER Gas and Steam Fitters, CmL «nA "ilgTti Clavton st. Athens, Ga ATHENS. Situated four blocks from the Post Olce. The house contains eleven rooms, grates in all tho rooms except two, water pipes anti sink In tho kitchen. Bath rooms with all tha modern improvement*. Two room servants house. Coal and wood house, chicken liouet, cow stall, etc. A nsver failing well of the best water in Athens. In the front yard are two large flower pits and CO to $70.00 worth ot roaes and other flower*, bought from Bercktnan's, the famous Augusta florist. This property i* situated fn a good neighborhood, and will hosold tor the remarkably low price of 82.C00. Terms $1,500 cash balance on easy terms. Apply to . .. W. D GRIFFKTH, fcbl8tf. Beal Estate Agent. O COKBRBnEBIVP'S HALE Will be wld on the In Hun nest, >t th. court ire Coor !n,.tld cc,uMT, »lthln th. lo si h.ura *le, to th. lilihest bidder tor nib, the folion- Dioociir to-wlt: AU thet tract ol lend lying uortL, Henry D Uardlgre* ou the on tho emit nn<l by Haffuld Bor* Hcflnriing ot pine corner .. .. W 17.50 to it'Hie, thrnc« N »>1 to ■ gum, thence elonir Porter'*creek wood OT *' „ alfil ■■ tka MTth rurmtM thence 81 W "17.5W iiBttjhf ‘ w —- ■ to lion SteamllutfVel'm,'ftpt FhUQf*TUytlnwiU Jttridp,Uwce^Btlft Kioto*euke?SnnS«*! Bamt.etc. eepldlf b.k’ to Bite!: hew, uieoce h 5? W. u,VS to »>e<in- ofag pine corner, conuinlug 87 acre*, more or Iva. levied oa and to be sold to eailefy a fi At IrruciI fro-ti the coauty court Oconee county, Jacob U Mt-Kcu. Kxr. of b M Legulno, dec'd Y« Kcubeu T Durbamg and for a valuable considera tion transferred by McKee to J W Reaves, for Ihi allfdUAr n»vhi<paid ham, the tlefcndao , and written notice weired by tenant la p«»aea«lon. Tliia 1st dar Feb. 1886. B K. OVERBY, Bhcrl/T. Make P. 0. Money Orders payable and address Regis tered letters to SEW 01LSAMI KATtOEAL BAKE, JAMES McCULLOCH. ARCHITECT AND CONSTRUCTIVE ENGINEER., Will farolih plane and estimates for nil cIomc* of buddings and stractarea and superintend the erection ol itme when dealred. Office is OrzaA Houib Or Staiw- >sw ■. ..i...- /-IKoaOIA, BANK* COUNTY.-Wh.rtU, *p- tr praUera ^porau-J by mo for tun izsr*t #, .t WssL AmSy Bath, leteot said county, deceased, the twelve months support end household furniture to which by low, Mi. Ida D. Hash, widow of said deceased, and her two minor children, Ussle and Pearl, atw entitled, hare made their report lo me, which report le new of lit la mj office. Tnwe are therefore to cite end admonlsh-nll concerned to show casts at my office on tbs 29th d»«m> ruary next, wny said support and household furniture as appraised end net apart, should not be xraated to said widow andeblldreti. (liven n^.,-r>-«i«snc..ui. ls . i d. u r.t M J i .n«ry ' ri PriaUnlMlAM. G EOBDIA, HANKS COUNTY.—Wh.reu, Id* D. Bu»h *n< Albert P. B'Dl.y.h.v. .pplleSto tn. for nnnt»n«st lMU>nof Anmlnlitnilon on D.ul.1 T, Bulb. lnl. of uM conotr Soceored: there us therefore In elta snd od. meelfth .11 cone*rood; to .how cere* ot mr offle* on th* tint HoUdor in March next, why >ucb tetter, ahould sot be xrantol. Olvna nndor my bond ondoOdal ilgnuare, this ■.Jdd.jrof Ju- urrlStd. T. V. BILL, Oralnrey. InnMWd. Printer, tee SS.1S. UT0B8 SALE.-WillIB. «U Wore the OwrtHenre door ou Brat Tured.vle M.rch, rein* more or lom, being th* tend ol Leror I. doeonoed. Jntulng laud, of T, T, Booth. whore, J. V. Johesoa red B. It, rollon. Tornu “teL.ted. L. W. DOW**, Executor. nEORRIA. BAKESCOU»TT.-ro»U (jTm.y concern, John K. Ch.mhtvs 5u Is duo term wM loth* nodomlgsod t.r t-rmreo-t lotion ot idmiowtratio* on the omotoof OJI. Smith, tele of Mid OOO.Iy dowered, red I will ore. noon «“d sop'Kstloa os tho *r»t *•*&*» Match. ISM. Otvos nndor mr bred end oObtel J. A. GRAWT ^NSUBANCE AGENT, Represents First-Class, Prompt- t, Paying Coropanie*. ASSETS BKPRE8ENTKD $40,000,000 Office cor. Thomas and Clayton stf oetl ip EOB0IA, BA lx the first Tuei House Is said 001 If you propose going W eat or North- West, to write to me, I represent the Short Line. F. D. BUSH, D. P. A., Atlanta,Ga * * * FRIEND IN NEED DR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. tred from the recipe ot Dr, Stephen WCMSSetm* (be srrat n.tur.l Bon. rets* tore ered tor more th*n w voore, ret ftrdiotty rrcona msa*./jutCJ a* tho best r;im Jyknown tons lot ?.iuii.,rrlu,oa awdUlest Wo Lavs sold consldsr able, aad to ovary caaa Ifcbasglvsn satisfaction ALCOTT&lelBK, Hudson, If.* y Sold By E. 8. LYNDON. PAPER! THE SOUTHERN MUTUAI INSURANCE CO., Athens, Ga YODlta U O. HARRIS, Pmsiiihi STEVENS 1H0HA8, HreXEtihT. Rnoldent Director* t • Venn* L. O. Hassis, Ststex. Tmomao, on* II. Nsittov, J- a. Konu-Ton, PtnniMin n Patsisv, M t «c i ttv* hta* l*t. Ds. X. 8. Lvanea, Jana W. Numouoa, L. B. Csass nainn, J.'H Umaietrrv ylM- tSSK ». F. HILL, Oodtauy. W ANTED-Youog ladies in city or counUy to work for uv st tbsir hones; fascinstlnf •inploymeoir’DO lllustriUocsto buy; work ran be scat by mall (dlstanca no objection |6 to t« par week. Ho convajMlng particulars free, wr Mampla of work mulled for four cent* In ■tamp* KHSmldrcaa Uooie MantifacturlaK Co .lioatou w. I . O. Box 4fl$. BANKS COUNTY- Will bo sold on 'ucsJay In March next, at the Court county, within the legal hou;« ot ...rheat bidder tor cash, the following property to-wit: oao tract of land lylax In said • louuty, aJielalns lands of Burnt. .Nam Martlo, (colored) r. Martiu. (colored) and ntnen. coataiutng one iiutulml acres, more or leaa Maid •lace is well Improved, there beinr erected upon a rood dwelling house aud necessary out- n i Id! nr*. tfald laud levied on as the property of obe Martin to satisfy a mortgage rf fa laiued ora the superior Court of aald count;, In Mvor rC.W. Hood A bon araliut sakl Tohe Martin. A!*o at tlic same llmo and place one tract of land lylnr in said county, adjoin log lauds of Wlllltta fiiilitpi* ou tho Weal, laads ot A. C. l*at- tervon on tha North, landa o< Roht, PatUraon on the Kaat aud lands of J. a. Means on tbs south, (oul’ilniag thirty five acres, mwsor leas, Mid * ■* • •orlr efO.W Jackson, sued from theJuatiea Court of the 120< DtstrU-t U.M.ofsaio oouuly; two in favor of A. W. Me .'onelirvs Q. W* Jaei- aou and one In favor of A. W MeOonsll against , fif. Jackson and FiUr Jehnsun* A.soatvhe same lime and place, one tract cd land Ivlog tn said county adjmninf lands ol W. M. Ash, Mrs. Turk and tbo dower ef Mrs. U.T. Stcpnena and others; raid land levied en ae the property of J. C. .ttaj hens deceased to Mtlsf a coat A. la. Issued Irom the 8 u per lor O^urtof s iid county la favor of If. T. Stephens for the ose of the officers of Oouit agaiuat L. F, Morris, ad min latrat-ir of J. V. Htepoeus deceased; written notice given te tenant In possession os regolmd bylaw. .. I .d-'A.ii! POSTPONED SALK, . Also at ths same time and place one tract of land lying In said coaqftyett the tread leading . from Homer te Belton, known ae the Bowden tract, adjoin leg lands of J. H. Oftidlner ( Tho*. N. Cbaadlera and others, containing two hundred and twsnty*five seres, mom or Isas, all In original forest. Levied en as the property ef thee W.M.M four d. I county, | „ ,, .__. Maiaat knock A. MUa, asadniloietrator of W. M Mize, deceased; one in flavor of Money Mallow * against Enoch a. Mlse t as admlnisUBawrof W. M, M iza, dceeasad, aad eae ia favor ot Haney Mal le w, Executrix of Fronds Ballew, against Knech A. Mlse m administrator ef W. M. lllae deceased Legal notice given to K. B. Mize, tenant ia poa- M. Wllaou. Kri Motaa, Col. P 4 P. A. Bitch, A. L. (■rtffln aud other*, containing thrte hundred sad sixty acres, ssore or leaa, thareea, the demndaat D. It. Messer now rertdes. Levied upon as the property of D. B. Mooser to satisfy a fl. fa. Issned from the Justice Court of thetttth District, (i. M. of aaid county ia favor of Taylor Brothers and 8. B. Carter, againet L. C. Brewer aad D. H. Messer. Levy made and returned to meby J. D. Ilyder, L. C’. A'so at the saaa time and place, one bay ho«se mule, seven or eight years old, and one buggy and harassa. Levied on as the property oTK. L. Hooper; to satiate afl. to. Issued from the Huperior Court of said county la favor of T. M. McCaru r ageist said R. L. Heeper* This Jaaaary twenty-five scree, mom or lees, all In original t. Levied on as the property ef the estate of . Mlse. late of said county deceased to estate fl. t*o. issued hum the superior Coert ef sold ty, two in favor ol Dorcas Headriz and , Also at the same time and plnse one half In ter* st in a tract of land I ing In Banks County on the waters of Mlvsr, bounded by lands of J , “ r * OoLP^PflJ 28th 1888. tebl 10d. t. D* OWMW. fibariff. 0 CONEK SHKKIFF'8 MALI—Will be eoMbe fore the court bene# door In WaUinovlUe. Ocooee ejuiity, on the flret Tuesday la Mareh next within the legal hears of sale* to the high est bidder for cash, the following described pie*' erty ta-wit: One tract or parcel ef land lying fn uin cventy ef Oeoaee. and In the 955th C u. M., bounded on the MX by lance o' Pro. ka, aad 1 jingo# the west side ef the r log from Ell y’s mllle tr “*■ " and on the Huuth by J 1 Jehn W. Mlchoiaou, en lb coutaining stt icrea, »J* evied en aa the property M < eeaacd, and known as the Levied on aad to be sold le n from the tens ' ' Jai’uary qoarti Agent, venea Je OcogeW. Ftt i