The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, June 24, 1886, Image 4

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* ?' BANNER-WATCHMAN,’ATHENS, GEORGIA THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 24. 1SS6 local cosnsur.n COMMENCEMEIfT. * The next commencement will bs the most brilliant and gayest thst baa evsr passed. A great many visitor* from all part* of the atate' wilt be present, and it may be looked forward to a* a gay time. The following la theorder of exercises: On*Thuraday night, July 76, the Junior banquet. ■ a Friday night, July 10, Prof. White •Will giro a reception complimentary to the Senior elaaa of '80. ... Saturday evening, July 17, the Senior* >re their elaaa tree exercise*, irday night, July 17, the champion debate. Sunday morning, July 18, the com mencement aermon will be preached by - J8*r,pr. Adam.^of Augusta. Mondaymornlng,JiiiyTl>,*i to the literary societies. ^ . Monday orening the Sophomore exer- Monday night the Athenmum will pro a hop. Tueaday morning, July 20, an addreax to the Alumni. Tuesday evening Junior exercises, Tuesday night the It. A. fraternity will give a banquet and hop, and Chan cellor Mell'a reception. Wednesday morning, July 21, the Se nior exercises, delivery of - diploma*, -roodala, Ac. Wednesday pight the commencement hop, which will wind up the commence ment fesliritiea. Everybody will look forward to com mencement aq* gay time. OITT COURT. The city court convened yesterday, and two ca*e o( Dr. K. 8. Lyndon were tried, ono for selling whisky for a sick child, and the other for selling whisky to a man for a dying homo—both being tried without jury. The Judge render ed a decision of not guilty in the first case, and reserved his decision, in the other until he could more fully investi gate the matter. In the two cases of llirschflold >V Bin- menthal the juries had not arrived at a verdict up to the hour of going to press. OARS OF THAMES. The commute who have boon canvass ing the city for subscriptions to the Unioff Point and Wliito Plains railroad return thanks for the liberal subscrip tions received. There are still about ♦1,000 to be raised,' and any one desiring to subscribe can loave their ordora at the Hannei£Watchman office, or W. I). O'Farrell. WHY HE Wlia? NOT GIVE HIS NEIGHBORS' THE HALLOF» (hutting the rolls In the Face orthe Farm ers and stone Cutters of DeKalb-A Piece of the ouebernntorial Canvass How Being Carried on. A u|iuu Chronicle. Stone Mountain, June **.—Of late I am more and more impressed had {the voter* ol DeKatb county been accorded a fair primary elec tion it would have been tare for Major Bacon. None perhaps have been more awire cf this fact than Gen. Gordon 'and hie frienda. To avoid such a result, harrowing aa it must be to the General's feelings, and knowing Major Bacon's friends are mostly In the eastern part of the county, among the honest laboring classes, including stone cutter's and farmen, who can ijl-apare tha time icb Decatur, eight and ten miles froirt their homes, The rute devised, is to call /rajas* meeting at Decatur, which, it is believed can. be easily packed by the Gfcnefal’s friends. Moreover, it is in him owiri£°unty, Decatur being'only three milebfrom his tesidence.'' It wilt afford tfit General the t'pleuded opportunity to be present himself, which he will readily avail himself of, with a band of his trained musicians, when it it presumed he can successfully cap ture the concourse. Thisappears to be the strategem. HOW TUB VOTE STANDS. 'The following is ths vote for governor si it now stands. HOTEL ABK1VAI.S. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. It B Nosbit, Kntonton; It Tappsn, Whito Plains! 0 E Smith, Washington, H Pohl, Baltimore; F C Smith, Cincin nati: J T Kichbur* Ailmnur ,r «*".roiic*; Now York; M D Andos, P P Watson, | name of the ympi fOR UACOM. Bibb 8 Bryan 2 Bullock .2 Camden .........2 Cltrko 2 Catoosa. 2 Clinch 2 Coffee 2 Columbia 2 ltodgo 2 Kchola 2 Hancock 4 Liberty.. ..... v .2 McDuffie....... .‘2 McIntosh........2 Montgomery. - ... .2 Macon 2 Pickens 2 Richmond U Wayno 2 For GORDON. Brooks Carroll Clay Clayton Cobb Dooloy Douglass Fayette Forsyth....... Fulton Gordon Groono Loo Lumpkin Mitchell Murray Polk Paulding I’tiitnuii Screven Spaulding...,. Sumter Union Ware Warren White There was a terrible rain storm around Lynchburg Tuesday night, II. II. Swift it Co., f/. Bine street, New York, failed for a million dol lar*. ... 1 New Ohlbans, June 22 —The governor yesterday ngned the Sun day law. It will go into effect Jan- Little Rock, June 22 —Yester day the Marqmmd hotel and other buildings at Texarkana wete de stroj ed by fire. Loss, ♦20.000. Dknto.v, Texas, June 22.—Mrs. Leona Lvles, wife of a prominent business inaij," killed W.'B. Roberts last evening. She mot him on the street and alter charging him with having slandered her, asked him to sign a retraction, which he refuted to do. She persisted in her request, telling him attbe same time that if he did .not sign he would regret it. He again refused, whereupon she drew a revolver and shot five times Clinton, Iovya, June 22.—In an encounter yesterday, between, the saloonists and prohibitionists, four, of the former, named Forsee, Fid- denou. Haft and Roads, wefe’shot, none oT&caV-heir.g fatally woun ded. . Marshall Judge and Frank Hillernah were jailed, charged with doing, the firing. Thewaloon element last-night were threatening to lynph Judge and Hillerman, and declare the jail will be blown up, if necessary, to get them. Mobile, Ala., Tune 22—The-vev- enue cutter Forward was ordered to-dey by telegraph from the de partment to proceed with all speed to Mississippi sound, there to cruise and intercept a schooner loaded with men and arms bound on on a filibustering expedition to Cuba. From the locality selected, it is be lieved the expedition is fitting out in New Orleans and seeking to de- part via Lake Poncnartrain. The Forward sailed this afternoon with an extra supply of coal in her bunkers. 910,OtH) FDR IRELAND. Stadias Hslp to Erin and a Wsleomt For 0 W Barrow, Vs; J C West, C J O’Ksr- rell, City; J B Allen, Harmony Grove. WHITE PLAINS RAILROAD. Mr. Tappsn wad in the city yesterday in the interest of the White Plains rail road. He succeeded in getting up nearly f],SOO subscriptions. This little rail road will help Athens s groat deal, and wsliope our citisens will raise at lesst 12,600. ' Boston, June 22.—The Parlia mentary Fund Committee to-day Danamitted $10,000 to Treasure •. Parnell, in the thizera with Mr, Parnell in their THE TROT, The 1st of July will witness the that- eat trotting race ever seen in this section. Both horses are undergoing a thorough course of training, and a Urge amount af money will change handaon the rsault \ SELLING VEGETABLES. Our country friends wiU keep the Athens market well supplied with vege tables. There are savers! truck farms In Madison county that do a thriving bull- nesain this line. WANT! JUS PICTURE. Whitehead, now lmjail at this place, la trying to get Sheriff Overby to bring him down to Clifton’s gallery nnd have hts picture taken. BRACING NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS, Washington S P ccl*l to FhllaSelpbt* Frew, 1 was Informed by reliable author* ity to-night that the President ha* ‘ emphatically told the Southern an New York Democratic politicians thgPhe was going to change hit tactics. “You think,” said he, “I am not removing republican quick enoug' doyou? Well, weit, nnd you wL tee. If I don’t turn out Republicans quick enough for you during the next six months let me know.” These gentlemen came ayvay from the White House almost hilarious. Their Democratic bosoms heaved with expectant joy, and later in the day they gave away,;* good dea more of their conversation with the Chief MagUtrate than Mr. Cleve land suspects. There was one hap py party of Democrat* in Washing* ton that night and many a bottle of champagne was opened'and many * toast was drank to Cleveland and his bride. The account of this little episode came to me direct and more of the particulars could be given. It is significant in many particular*. We suppose the brass band was in Dublin with Gordon last Tues day. j Vfb Gladstone and great struggle The following cable dispatch wai sent to-day to the Irish capital: “To O’Brien, United Ireland, M. P.,and Sexton, M. P., Dublin: Receive Rev. Henry Ward Beecher with hospitable attention aa a gifted and warm-hearted friend of Ireland in her appeal for constitutional rights. [Signed] P. A. Collins. John Bovlb O’R iblly TUB HOFFMAN HOUSE FUND. New Yomc, June 22.—The Hoff, man House Irish Parliament™ Fund Committee met last night, Eugene Kelly presiding. The amount sub scribed was $9,643. Mr. Kelly staled yesterday that he bad cabled 119,- 594 to London. The Irish Subscrip tion last night was $5,000 from a gentleman whose name, at his own request, was withheld. The an nouncement was received with cheers. The totel amount raised to date by the committee is $98,663. Judge Holman, of Indiana, has just been nominated for the House of Representatives. This is his fifteenth nomination. He began with the . Thirty.sixth tCongress. He satisfies his constituents, He is known, in Washington as “the watch-dog of the Treasury ■ ' Absolutely Pure. YVHBK THEY VOTE. The following list of countiei end the aside on winch they scicct dele- Ulice'IICU i June 24- kine 2 6tl oln. Har tnsy 1 gates to the Gubernr toriai Coaven- tion is given for the benefit of all concerned; —Oconee, Twigs. * th—Webster, Troup, Lin- Harris, Terrell, Lowndes, Whitfield and Pike. July ist—Dougherty, Hart, Wash ington, Houston, Gwinnett Stew art and Coweta. July 2d—Jasper, Early. July 3d—Taylor—Mas* meeting. Thomas, Primary; Muscogee—Pri mary. July 5th—Tiliaferro. .s^u'rani^U^ck,"Franklin*,'O^Ie- thorpe, Madison, Gilmer, Wilkin son, DeKalb, Habersham, Fannin, and Chattahoochee, uly 9th—Pulaski, . uly 8th—Calhoun, uly to—Newton, primary; Tel fair. July 14—Hall. July 17—Cherokee. July at—Wilkes, primary. The above, of course,'does not include all the counties in the state yet to act, neither are we able to give the mode of selecting dele gates either by primaries or mass meetings.—Augusta News. HEIB TO SIX MILLION. Mr, Day's Loan or Twent y Tsars Rsturusd With Interest. Washington, June 20.—The Washington city post office is the centre of a great excitement. One of the clerks is said to have fallen heir to several millions of dollars, and has promised to divide his huge tortune among bia associates. The clerk's name is Day. He was ap- jointed from New York and has teen in the employ ol the city post office for seven or eight years. He is now absent in Florida. Mr, Day is 45 years old. Twenty years ago hn was a music tescher in the Cttskill mountains, and during bis stay there he be friended an Englishman by lending him $25, The Englishman soon after disappeared without repaying the loan. Mr. Day claims »o nave re ceived evidence from Australia that he was made the heir of that Eng lishman,whb had accumulated prop erty estimated at $5,000,000 er $6,- 000,000. CAMPAIGN NOTES. 1 It looks to the man up.a Dec like old Joe Brown is going'o try and buy the Democratic voters of- Genrgia. When.does the count) ol D* K lb vote? Xloe* it not act by am** meeting. How is this? Will the Constitution answer. We were under the impression that £>ord»n wanted primaries. We bear De- Kalb county it doubtful. ’ J. Will Oconee county be dictated j to by Pst Calhoun, who is sent out r by the Atlanta ring? Pat Calhoun may be bought to travel for the ring, but the voters of Oconee can’t be bought to vote for the ring candidate. John C. Calhoun would turn over in his grave,, could he but see hit descendant Pat, traveling through mud, tlutb, and rain for a political ring. Patrick Clhoun ia certainly mis- tken in hi* agame if be thinks be aan gull the voters of Oconee county. Democrats of Oconee! Will you be led by a man hired and sent out to control your votes. The democracy of Oconee will everlastingly set down on the trav eling agent of the Atlanta ring to. day. What right has Pat Calhoun, of Atlanta, in Oconee county instruct ing the honest voters. . H. W. Grady, of Atlanta, sent a dude and three orderi'to the boun ty of Oconee on yeaterday. They have been received and noted Let the boys of Oconee keep an eye on the Atlanta ring to day Pat Calhoun’s pay will depend on his carrying Oconee county to-day. Alphabet Miller should not touch green apples—they are dangerous. It is an undeniable fact that Gor don has the support of all the rad • ical renegades. We have received encouraging newa from Jackson county. The Gordon men are conduct ing the mast corrupt campaign ever known in the annals of. the demo cratic pai ty iii this State. Compare the Bacon and Gordon methods of this campaign. Which are the purest? -Weadvise Gordon to be careful or he Will get killed in a tail load accident yet. Let the pliant little county of Oconee stick to A. O. Bacon to day. Major Bacon addressed a large audience at Hamilton Tuesday. General Gordon admitted his failure a* a'saw miller in Colum bus. It was a good place fo* «uuh 1..1 r -t m wr gt citizens of thstplsce paid near a hundred thousand dollars for this failure. The Atlanta ring will stab itself by sending .missionaries into the counties of Northeast Georgia. Our people can decide the guber natorial question for themselves without Atlanta or the Constitu tion's aid. About tttttyyesr* *£oI dlseorered s MU* ma»r <*•”*- lb* doefore re nounced it rancor. I turn tried s nomb« of pbrMcian*. tat wttboat reed .to* u, panu- nentbcncSL Among the number were one ar two *peci*ll*t*. The aiedldne toey apt lled vu like lire to toe lore, coring mtWM pun. t raw a «*tem«at to (be papera railing « h*i 8. S. 8. hsd done for oU*n«tail*rlr sfflkted. I procured •omen one*. Before r bad arad the becood bottle the ■■lebhnrv—ra —fee -y rancerw— traRi. Mr seem- health lad been bad for tiro or three yeare—1 kM s braking coug. ana epit Mood cootin- ■uUy. I bad tram pun a mp breaat. After taking ilxbouie. of S. 8.8. joy nqii left me end I grew etooter thin Iked been re. -nerd yrari. Hy crocer bee healed over >11 bat attUtaipotaboat tbaetseof b halt dime, and ft lb rapidly dleappeadac. I would edriee everyone with cancer In (ten 6.8. S. a fair ui*L Xu. HANOT J. JtoCONAUGURT, Alhe Drove, TIppeeaace Co., InA (kb. It, 1ISL ■* THE SWIFT anouno CO., Drawer a. Atlanta, Oa. Business and Planters’ Directory. VOLUMBIV., 1886.7. Q H or aboat October lit. ISM. tha foorth tolume otthc (ie«r|la sute Oe*-Ueer. will be teeu.a from the Vorolog Mews preej of S*v»aaab. It wUtaaaUla over puree oeure. slilb* printed to excellent etvle. and eaUdly and bandearablg bound. It wUl give lot a very city. town. Tillage and hamlet ia the BUM fftet erenrlhingof intureit or importance relative to every point. * T Id# riill llet of builneee end profeeelonal men la every town. * • ' 4th. A carefully prepared liat. with ponofle* iSpMlbto 4fH» 'Awftwt 8iate. with exhibitor taxBble property. . . . - •th. A complete cleailfled Batlatt xod ProfeaflOMl uitytorf. . - - eth* County Directory, giving Are*, census, products, valuation, offlesrs and pest officee of tad 1*7 counties o» Georgia. * _ 7th. Court Guide, firing time aud place of meeting ef all spurts with officer* el asms. Nth, UallroAu Directory with record of •(Beers. sMtloos, dUUncee, sis. 9th. Directory oT the fiute Government, list or effielsls, roster of the General dssMibly, 10th. A Mew Map ef Georgia, revised and corrected expreeiiv for this volume. _ _ The entire menuferaeat of the work will be In th« hands of Mr. A, E. 8ho er, whose record for more then ten years with the Directories s*d Guetteers of this nnd other Soul li«ro Hutrs, li suffi cient guaranirathnt the utmost cure will-be given to making Uiis Fourth Volume seredit tothe hist* and an ini :iroTemeut ou all preceding oo*e. gubecriptioa price Five Dolltrs, nnd rates of sdrcrtUIng proportionately low. Address • A. E. 8HOLES, Malinger, Savannah, Gs. H. D. SNIDER, Traveling AgL Commercial 1 ItmelSdtf. Commercisl Hotel, Athens, Gs. A. R. ROBERSON, - MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. A Large stoek of Ftnlehed Oranlle and Uarb'.e Monument., ready for lettering Aim s Urge A. e'oek of new deilxna to eileot from. Cell and got my prleaa. |nn.«dAwlf, | < ^E, | ROBItaTSW,. Attenl,'!». MADE MAD BY HER WEALTH. SING HEY, THE GALLANT CAPTAIN, tka Rsaurkabl* Story ol aa Atlanta Pollcantai SPECIAL be sold in mj Bold w * l tht, a^uig •§ phosphate eowdevs. Bold only ffiOYfiC hAKiJio row cm co. WhUrair. f. _ ijUddrm EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE NatornI Fruit Flarorv. lUrocaa ilelieauty and tuaunJlyim tbetralL ^ PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., OHauaot . «*. LOTOS* Carr. W. P. Manly. Captain W. P. Manly, whose picture heeds this article, Us well-known memd her of Atlanta 1 ! excellent police force Atlanta Is noted for the discipline and efficiency of its corps of police and the standard of Its rank and file is very high. Captain Manly Is a fair specimen »r the intelligence and physical perfection which is reqnlred of its officials. Some years ago the Captsin unfortunately ac quired a blood poison, which for years gave him more or lees trouble, end threatened to undermine and totally destroy hie entire physical system. He is* magnificent specimen of manhood with a constitution like iron, but tbi* Insidious disease gave him I’XMtBTAKAULK WAOKINO that it was sapping and mining at ths foundations of his constitution. The^Captaln sxld in conversation last “ Yes, sir. about two yean ago I was afflicted with a bad case of bloou poison, and after trying various blood remedies In large quantities without doing me the slightest good, I waa induced to try alciitt’* Rheumatic Cure, and alter (three Uni lee araa completely cured, am now Id perfect health and ai tribute my present condition to this wonderful medicine, t cheerfully re commend It to all who are suffering with any blood disorder.’ '['he cheapness of this wonderful remedy, (Its price beingonly $1 a battle) should place it within react! of all and no better cleanser and blood cure was ever made. I know, fori tried 'email.' This medicine Manufactured by J. M. Hunnicutt A Co., Atlanta, Ga., ia for axle by all druggist. BsSSBeSB Tw* Attempts of a Rich Beaton Rag-picker to Commit Salcido. Boston, June 19.—A w(Jinan, old, nigged and barefooted, with a f reaay and torn piece of shawl over ef head *mt -«rr»»«oihi. half starved, was found by the police se creted under soma rubbish in the hallway of the old House of Blazes, at South Boston, about 11 o’otock on Friday night She had previ ously twice attempted to commit su icide by jumping from the wharf, but was rescued. She said her name was Kitty Murphy, that she was 60 years old and lived in an at tic at the corner of Esse\ and Kingston street*. She told the'offi- cars she made her living by picking rags on the dumps. When searched, an old dirty cloth containing a handful of dimes, an old glove filled with quarters, a handkerchief that had done much service full of money, more gloves filled with money, several more handkerchiefs, a dozen rolla of old rags filled with coppers and silver, filled 1 LIST OF UH CLAIMED LETTERS Remaining in tha Athens Post Office advertised June 23d 1880: Athena flow Factor; Byrd, Virginia A; Brooks, Anthony; Brandon, Anna; Browning, Jamea A; Csuch, W. 0; Camp, Bros; Cary, Post; Dean, Ned; Davenport, Ben; Daniel, OiaC; Eppa, Frank; Evans, Jennett; Faulty rf Sophia; Furs, Fanny;/Gray, A. E; Giles, Duck; Grlnn,Elder; HIII.IC. A; Hamilton, Duke; Jennings, H; Jones, William, Lord, C. U; Lee, Halp; San- ■ ders, Georgia; .’Denham, S. A; Mack, Fanny; Milner, R. W; Mtlliens, Zila; r Mitclieil, E.G: Maclwy, Gtreey; Pater- ' ; Puryear, J. W; Ryans, son, uazxie; Richard; Kenney, E. Nadiantel; Scruggs, John; Sparks, Gen.; Jarroit, E, H; Thomas, Carry: daoo, and two purses I with bills and silver, all securely wrapped in pa per, were taken from her. Betides these the had seven or eight packs- { es ol money, amounting to over 500, aewed to her corsets. She waa seized with the idea that her little fortune would be stolen from her, and that impression affected her brain, driving hkr to attempt suicide. She was placed in charge of the directors of public institu tions. MUNICH. The Peopledliiatlsflea About How tbs King Was Buried. Munich, June 21.—Murmurs are heard on all sides regarding the treatment of the late king. The peo pie ask why his body waa not inter, ed in the grave ol hi* fathers in Theatinor church, in stead of being Maced in a vault containing the todies of distant relatives, and in which no member of the royal fami- F * r was ever befote buried. The of- cial reason given for this course is that the royal vault is already over filled, nut the humble classes believe it is because the king committed sui cide. under; Williams, Sarah: Williams, Hsttle; Williams, Robert D; Ware, R. D; Wilkes. S. W: Wood, Bill. W. B, BURNETT, Postmaster. Dslsetalav* As a mouto wash stands pre-eminent. No other such preparation equals It in beamy of color, In effectives*** in heal ing the mucous membrane ol the mouth aud throat, in thorongbneaa in cleans ing or in antiseptic qaalltie*. Give It a trial. It use becomes agreeable and reaolvea Itsalf Into a necessity. If you have a sort mouth or sore gums Detec- talave will hral them. .If yon wish to save poor teeth Delectalave will aid you and impart lla fragrance to your breath. There can be no doubt ol its value to you when Its use Is indorsed by such eminent osenas Rev. Andrew A. Lip scomb, D.D.; A. W.. Calhoun, M. D. the eminent Oculist ; the late Dr John M. Johnson, and twenty of the leading physicians and Dentists of Atlanta, Tired and Laagnld Wosssa. How many women there are of'whom ~ words —■ these Tbs Trial Begun. Milwaukee, June at.—The trial of the alleged conspirators, indicted by the grand jury at the recent in vestigations of the labor trouble* and riots, was begun tbis afternoon in the municipal court. Judge Sloan presides. About thirty defendants appeared at. the bar. Kind reader, you should see one ol Gordon’s speeches. They are filled to overflowing with egotism, and wbat I did in Virginia and South Carolina. Read and you will be stronger than ever far Ba con. wys fee. languid and tired, hardly abla to bear their weight on their feet, the bloom’all gone from their cheeks, irratable and ernes without meaning to be, nerves all * upset, worried with the children, fretted* over little' thing*, a them selves, and yet with no acute disease.* W hat a pity It u. But a leer bottle* ol Parker’s Tonle wUl drive all this away, and relieve the troubles peculiar to their sex. ‘ toviCK to aorHKua. ts*. WlH'LOW’a Soothinv r ihould il m bi ure 1 for cbliiren teraslng. It roaike ■I *bU1, *o(lroi tbe gain, *IUr* sit p*fo, cure wmjcolic.*al u 111* IM.I rca.If for UUrrba r»*etf-Sr« o*dm * bom*. irtUAvir **»*» ; STRAYED A It ED COW bxi been taken up djt John 00 Bradford N’ichofaoa'a blaataUea. ••■«r can call and get her by drat calling i ibnBakar an. The ling at thia CITY TAX. iiimeut of City IhL ow due and repaired te I the drat day of July, W. A. eiLLELAVD, junelfdtd. Clerk of donnoU. J- A. GRANT iNSUEANCKAGENT, Represents FiraLCIass, Prompt- Paying Companies, ASSETS REPBR8ENTED $40,000,000 Office cor. Thomas and Clajrtoa sts i 0-