The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 08, 1886, Image 2

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B ANNER-W » TCHMAN, ATHENS, GEORGIA AUGUST, 7, 18S6 Wk BAN NEK-WATCHMAN lamiL luncvmoK una: Ur, Sf ; tmtq.ll; VwUrSI. „T. L. OASTT. MOST ea^tRase&ssustes! M/Cf i,,M KWbl* CO* av„. w Eatt Tenne.nee putt forward five or six candidates for the office of gortreor. There are naw in Mexico con.- ncctcd with missions of five denom inations 10,000 people who have renounced Romanian!. Four hundreJ convened jew are clergymen in ihe church cl England, thiee of whom have risen to the rank of Bishop. Marllia Wasnington’a portrait will sdorb the new pne dollar cer-1 tificates and that of Gen. Haneoclal the cenificates of two dollars. The Pennsylvania liquor dealers I can’t do their cause any good by [ churches with, dynamite. Every [ church blown up is good for to,ooo| votes lor prohibition. The mattiage of Uepresentativt | Allain's daughter'(colored) in Lou isiana last wc.-k is attracting nation al notice on accounfof the magnifi- j cence ol Ihe wedding. A dispatch ffom London says I Bev. H. W. Beecher's lectures are I falling flat over there, and he i, [ charged with exacting an admia-| sion Ice when he preaches. In some parts ol Penney Ivsnia I the water is sn impure that Iht [ people have to boil it in order to| destroy disease germs, and microbe [ soup is a daily beversg If anybody is going to furniel I D. Felton wiih an independent I campaign fund, it is high time the I checks were be ng sent in. It will I soon be too Iste to hsvv any fun out | of the business. It IS told in •• aaiiiugiuh Ilinlj when a certain senator, noted foi Ms ' absent mindednees, went to i Nepr York for a short visit, thii j m.-moranduin was lound in tbs ro im. ■‘Things to take along: Out pair of socks, one shirt, two colara, one pair cufls, one wife." Tbeqtapera say'that up in Provi- dsnee, as well as in Atlanta, a goid. ~ people are Jtilling themselves I SiMSiBtiislii > ** i»:7Vn{Sli ^Making liquor In order To provt " j». taate- - that prohibition does not prohibit. I it*? nhsaasf We “"'earn"'?. ‘iKf“ * ' ' ‘ la .-a «{ ,h„ Wuf ,| - _ Jjl> COlMf«r»EMl with life better after the fun,r«l. are » I • Jiddhy ol the high aotmavudattoi • it has re- ■ I reived la all bate of tlie world. Ii ewalala* TIm *PF r * , P , **** w,, | *bfok are dfowilvad In pure genuine ftpanUb Ii mad. by tbo regular appropriation| ^gS3BSS& m a.. o...„, bill, patted kt this session of con-1 SSaTIlSe ““ B?5JSSSr*lSlsLa tr *'"• grwtf (excluding ihe fortification! I bill) is $365,000,000, wl.l. h is $45, I 1LJ ** ,J ‘ , ' ln,T ,U * Cmm ^ twysoo In exfess ol th. eppropria- ilLVuVi'. tiont made by th« bill* patted la»t I o UP*ui VO.'4 ooaulao Irntfi of Sarsaparilla , * iwmlU.M the k^WreparfflalTue • T . h , , / MUlt 01 ,b< ' ,Cen, • U «' 1 ' * I : s. r. DEPOT N Murray sue i in Alabama shows that tbo rtpul *1 —Lil .&&«**** on |GUN AND LOCKSMITH tbo llort, notwithstanding that «t I r ve«?d aanoance I'ieI I have puichued Ihe ay ado^t tha policy of playing WiaSSlfcUJSt^tSBa ossum. Owing to splits in demo-1 WK luck a(B tovsk ttxrainiM, cratic ranks thay wets anablcd, by I 2{| - fcrJwi?* * (using tsiih independents, to carty au..»w'.uiVu u\,S^lT several counties. The radical make in the South is simply scotched, not 1 killed, ,r 11 ^rilDF shtwafliitttL _ t epMts ll ia oaeof the"iI»T AL- TIOATIVIO and PUItIFlIllS OP THI BLOOD, and la A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER'S AURANTII ^essis sysatusestat m-eimo sos°m- O. P.STADICER, Proprietor, teo no, wear ar„ os>e««an.ih|>. »-■ NEW ADVERTI' J EMHNTS. S»T A s t.OP GEORGIA. anijmr. PROCLAMATION. IlY JiKNUY1; Ii UASfEb, Oov«rnorSoT,Said Slata. iCOICIA * Whereas, the General Assembly, st its asl *r*»ton,passed the following Acta, to- aril: Ah Ad to rtmemd the CooMUtUionlf the 8taU 0/ iniri/ta by drikutp Hurti turn paragraph it* JSea- fo" a. Art tela K pec 1 H# it enacted bj the (Jeacral pwmblr 4 tha Mint*- #f Oaor It,aitU U In torroWy eoattei bj Ua authority afthe <**u. r ba tha Caaiiltotlon 1 ihta rwi kf aias*. dtd If iiriking thartlraa ar , rapt- IS of aectloo >«r«u (I) artlSla three ) wbl - re-da aa follow. to-«it: Parajraph •<epedele»’oral U e shall erCloateia bi Uimis. ef JUpnsiEuaJvt*. The Hpeefarefthe Ks prw-rtit«tivia nhall, within ire uays th* or eaixaUoa el the Uen#r*l Ak-^tnbiy, PPM t a Iuu.ueuu.-e. *cunaUUu* at ooe from _ ’Diaiht. whoa* duty Itbhall CjngrvMlaaal II Eto coanidcr and msI ht> t •hall i« read a unir Htaaii .. rlldnte Ml apaciai sad lb* rtmt tuhjtti, a ad report Ifce t- the House; aad ire special or focal bill wader «eusi<!a’wl bp the House until pan beuu f. t eriad by the ceMMlttap, a afore by a tea oiMMs rote; and no bill fbsil be i-si .tied er r-poiud to the Mouse by said «|-“ *— —* b tv tha tv. aaral Annansbiy, except by a two thirds Kw S c II. Beltfarthir enaetad, That whnnerar bwaboiapiepoaedsrectieaealto the Lee»tUu- m a-ml b« aaraid to by two third* of the •luUr ale t-if teraeo oftne two Mousreof ihe norm. Avaenbly, tho hor. ra ir shad, and hel* d inntriei-ed to eanre said _ _ ,»A*i:»hv4 In at least two each tfo«ire«ofouAl Diatriet In this lantba next precadlni 1 ERueritl eleetlon. itted. That lhaabevi •h« 4 In at least fUato'e^tha pv'tiVltwi -#* litnes-f ..s|it 1 net be a H e. Ill. It- 1. niitbar ereii the a it tun o> this Htata . let * iib'lcati-m. Sn pluvMid ft .1 tills Act, iu ihw a t-r. bta hlatf. sl ab oh alectlou every parson shall be . . _ 1 ha abave iap4ina t 'shall ha submitted for i:Ue 1 to vuia for mamum ji tea Oi . « si mi bit. nit parvoos voifncat «aM afotilun In 'avor ol s4<u l-ax tha proposed . -Mil*mi la the tett-liUUoh shall witte, er 'e Printed ou ibeir badeu the words. _. ii stioM ol the amandineist ntilklng paragraph hef *eelleo 7. anlefol Ir-as tba CoiiMItotlon;" me nil per.ous «pp.-*^4 to the adaption of tba tloresabl ir-n*ona ‘ led ... >ua auais write, or have printed on their ba.loU the words/'Against ml SchU-ssef ihaanai.dmeaistilklag t arsgrsjih IS of met I -a 7, art.clo t. Irani ill# Coostltutfob '* Pkc.IY.Bw It lurhi'r enacted. That the Governor aud t-a la Herab* authwrig d and dlicctad to provide for the naboii*s>on of the ataeadment propose f In tha« t in., o. info Act to a to e dshfl people, as *1 quit*1 by tba Constitution ot hi# dUie. • «m$|f-p» 1, section | of ertlcia is. and by 1)1,a et. ai,* 4 *• — ■ -*• -*ian a - a«cart< isryof tala ed In the a. ala-ifou lur m»mik t* • 1 tha Ueiiaral Astambly.. eeuuta.d are^-aln the ^e»oU. luun bis proch- res’uii and d'aiariof Its* a wen-lie" trstlhi-d* Sic. V. Ba It further enacted. That all la< i s pasiauf fowst- rv.ilS bejai is asms arc hereby repealed. Apple.«d soptamxaf .4, ISAS. Ah Ad to Am-rut ihe lad *e*ieace of Article 1, Section I. fbragraph I«/ iht O/natitutiom0/ 1S77. HmtioN 1. Itw It au.ctad by tba Geuersl As -rablv ol the HUfo e< Uaonria, That th-last senfahea of arUclr 7 s--ll-.ii11 paragraph I of tha Constitution of 1877 be. and the seme la hereby nm judad bf •ddiua uur««e at tbo and of aald •utence Ut# f-lliwlnx wo-d*. "And lo tasks •iciubis p'srisi-ts f r such fonfcdcttU* Kildicrs as way hare bate permansatly injured in «u«-b aetvlro," ae last aald Svoiancc whan so amended ■hall re -I a- follow., “r* aup-dy the sofola s who ~ li«iea tb ta II ary rarrira of tht — v - T', .c horn tha returns shall be rtfoiled In the s.rev reaeuar as la cases ol » attfia '<0 al Culver*!' Louisiana St^tc Lottery Co. “He <lo hereby & ib’-U »tf- iMTyjse the /irruo^'itif-* is lor ml Hit Monthly and «^oifT» rlr drrwii jr • t f the tiOtiirtiauu |*ytt*r> ci hiim -v, at .* ii. 1 perron mAnago and 1 *n.« I>raw- »fiK« itiumaeleen, dm] tt,$» >nrne arc condttefod will* boni>tr, U’.me** und in good faith toward-ull imrs'es, a«d «e au thorize HioCoitipaity to iiati ibid lerflli* fate, jrlfla fac^ltnilt-s nf pur uituckefJ, in Mi aiJveili e.Jiruf/.” We, Ihe andereiguedBankpaiid Bin* leers, will pay all I’rize < drawn in The Louisiana State Lotterfe * hieii may preefnti-d at our counters. 11 OGLESBY. Pres. Louisiana Nndoaal Bank. W Kl LBKK111, I’l r». bf-tie .Nafiohul (tank. A BdLnwiX.Pr.-. New Orleans National Baulc. iaoar|iarwtau »« .too 1or io yearn by tba Lagiaa .jf» for Etfucatmual add Cbarltabie purposea- wtlb a capital of $ 1,0oo,uX>— to which a reserre fund ef wear f-VP.ire* haas'.r-ca been added. By an overwhelm iny popular vote its frent-bfo* ts asade a part ot t':ie present State Cuustltutlob ado, t*d Dacviaibar *•! a. [»., 1179. The Oatg MUr ** * * the People uj nmy - wffwm ttl tttJorted by •nig ItotUry eftr >J annotate It never mailr. _ t . Ila Grsail alssafr Number Urnwiat* lakv plurr maw $ lily nad the If xfruerdi- attry Urswlai* rr«alsiif K*W>V ikrv* iTfanlha Inafeeil of aetiii-wnniuilly na here lafarr, A SPLENDID 0 rPORTD NITT TO WIN A FORI UN L JilGTH «,KaND DBA WINO — .’‘tl.IHTIfKACADKMrOKMfl-IC.NKW ;jv. VL.-D v .lu.uw io, asteu 103th Monthly |ir»vMug. CAPITAL PRIZE $76,000. 109,000TICKETS AT FIVE DOLLAR-) £ACH Practlona In Fifths In Fropotion. LMI FRIZK^. 1 CAPITAL PK Z.i f 75,00- falarsta .-. »«* lire, MCA Do"f •lurlnj life, -altom-kc »miab uliabie artillclal Jim! .. * for been 1 PHIZKSOF WO.. • Appr .Htmatton Prises of only toth-i Kir forth nil a lire^ T, w r«rk exchv v Kxi-rusa (at ou __ , M a dauphin, New Orleans, La. OT HA DAUPHIN, Washinytoa’ D C. site R. 0. Money 0'ders Payahl” and ad dross Kegtstcnrrt Leilert lo ifilW OP.LBANi HATIGiH L BA .'If, ICE CREAM BUVOOD HOTEL ‘iwuii, iw, > caa;inqv < Muter Workmen Fowderljr hi. I written ■ tetter ton friend inlrvuiuv u ^- ■- a . Wiljre.barre, in which he date-1 that under no circumstance, wdi hr INACOOCHEE VALLE rtikfo U, name toba uted ..-.u, atrniu iLdale for congre., in the Twelttl. | jn.V^^E^^r.V^AS'jS Cuningh m. Mrs. E. F diatrict ol Penn.^tvama, lie *a) he i< tiled of teeing hi, name u.o H In connvctiun will: politic,. lie it Mtitfleil will, hi. | re'ent wurk,and “would uut be in cungraU among a lot of poWflcUCr.* ‘Both foi hit I , «-■*«» "trie tlo o A'livu penonil comfort and good ol tbcl•T.ib.r^iA T ; l i r.u , U~ o ganix.too whic. Mr. Pow H^f il-v"ho.'S u™ •o creditably rtpre.en ,, biacondu- £3?bj^ rhU'S’AoM^iShiS! •too doubtleia a wilt out. Ageolleman at Reading, who|t° th«flrcuhur! a!!-!.^^!™?!! SapaS? Utely returned from a visit to Waab-1SStaJa* »»V •• - op. iogtuo. .peak, of many curioo. KSpE! Sxtal S tha patent I-»-ivtu^m loiT.hS! ^rtvo of them, b* My., ars W*!**- larly wortBy6Tnote. The Grit i. a|5?S**5 , *. 1 N-rated and a double phoC- •mUl hollow coot of gold, ihapod, la TJ *“? 'gTfJ 1 *S! like a capsule, at tlw bottom ot tartarZSfawaafoff which u a.lide, from which pro- k « •» “>• hK3uK joctv wmething in the nituro of a fish-hook, at the tup ia as eye, to which ia fa.tened a .ilkeu tore. It ia intended a. a trap lor tapeworm.. The hook it baittd with ednjvtbiag to tamp* tka appetite of tba worm asd tha capsule swallowed. A« aooa a, hi. worin.hip hits., tht slide closes ao.i fs.tcns him, tha appa. rate, is drawn up hr tha fi.her at tha oihar end an-l tharayou are. , ana- Ut l> jaretl In such aarrlce. H c II. And t a It (ufthi-r enacted, Thatlfllili amendment shall baa '* *■ • tka mambara alactid tha aama shall cut***si ou tbvlr jot the ayes and nays ukrh thcioun; aim t»a ouv arner shall eaure aald amvitdatant to be published In ana or monMiowvpapvis In each Congressional District for tub no uh» previous to ih* next tausral alaclfon; an<l the name shall be submitted to the people at thn nvxi- fenaial election; and the legal yotara at said uaxt goat ral elecad*®* v shall hay# iB'ardfod r p-info-l oa thair tlcl the wart*, ••rallfle«tUu ,, ar • non-r*tifle*iU Uanaiat Aasvutb.y, vwilug tbereon, shall vot favor efratlrtcattou, thru ibis auaudment a.._ baconiv a part 01 ral-l article 7 tectfou 1, pa a- gr. pit 1 efthu Cone ItutU-c eftnaBinte, mid the Got truer shill uuki proclamation thereof mcc III. Belt lurthvr euacled. That all laws or 1 arts of laws uilllt«-la{ against the provisions •< this Act be, *ud tba same are herab) repeals * App ovad October 19.1116. Now therefore, I, Henry I). McDanie’, Governor of nnid State, do issue thin my proclamation, hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amendment* are submitted to the qualified voters of the State, st the genentl election to bo held on Wednesday, October 0, 1880, for Mritt- .rationor rejection of said Amendment* (or either of them) a* provided in said Act* respectively. Given under my hand and the seal of the Kxecutivo Department, this Slat day ef July, 1880. 1IKNUY 1). McDANIEL, Governor. By the Govornar, J. W. Wahhkn, Sec. Ex. Dep’L flimnrnnr n-ts vine a c >x win k.u.- aMUfc.r r.r r.n.N MlN. u IS.bMtpnilMt-ou • l«« hf Hr.. CS-R,, iM.I.inn s-avclaal sM SUIInSle. M-aU ht, t-irrul-1, .M l.ll pitUcul.n, At-XT W.HTKri. (Rant — IP TOD WANT SOME! HINC NICE CALL ON C- BODE, -^esh Cfitts, Urtpr, Ctndier A Ccr.itcinnery | great P ' N R *• IjVonVoiairi, Wrtif-lh * ’ *" » «*"l«D4t*at uowrtiky; il-o U11 l forget 1 a t*r Five Gold and Two 8Ilver Med ale, awarded In 188.5 at the Expositions of New Orleans and Loniaville, and the In ventions Exposition of London. The superiority ot Cnrahnc over bom or whalebone ha* now been demonstrated rjy over fire years’ experience. It is more durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and never breaks. Avoid cheap imitations made of various kind* of cord. None arc genuine unless “Da Warner’s Cobalinb” is printed on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE CY All LEADIRQ MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York City FLY FANS FLY IMPS, —AND FRUIT JARS, F-.r 11 \V, ■ til't I truth- J. H. Huggins W. B. BURNETT. ATT O.-fNEY-AT-LAW „ * . AUxttsta, Ga.. April 17ih2Mt CoamtjmHngPnrCay l«tb ik l tte lolloalng f accyer ach^tt'a till operate on ml* iu- a. Ire n rjin by -7atb mvruiiaa Une-J> fciuute* slops, ib*« Angara i»u,c n.*7, w^Tt-itv. L’V* Atutui 7; »l*t» H'm'l V a Me Auti x-a . . ±Ah • Diuuj Atbtt» 2 So r.n, r * Awio’ohi i v.m Lexinyi’k.. Actirt k. . 4.(6 p,*n bitits* . .♦• ks iA.UVlllt . . _ ** lb H 4-Abf.a. rt’VL *;Uku ivun £r’***cau , u , G. B. Ve City Plumber. ATHENS, OA. > 1 No. f. vt>r PAtLV. I /feAt4lba*k..lBAp •-* *• Mncon 7:i# a to A*A. . gao pm •‘Waabl g’n.lla* a.B.I *:» J." "Atiieut.... 9:s0rerei .. "•■•Fa... t:«i p.n ••'WlBterv’e 9M *.101 „ Atutoch... g.-re p.a. Ux'gfa.. If:t4 a-n ^‘"Cfon. 4,-oi p « “ Antioch.. I0:M rea .JJwrti, 4:4* p m " Maxeya U.« bjbU^FpAiken*, trj$ f. w • WoodviUc UM J.-39 pj$ ■ ' „ J*'* *•. ■ • Ik tore Augutta. Ar*vs Cts Ft «• A’UiiU k«. 4. kaal . " lURtitM. 0:40 p m|L vv Atlanta. t> Mama 6:44 a re| •• Mgcua sil- qt*. * fofowt-^r’a «.tr,atB Iram butatre uij.atei as ora i.actt. p augers lo and jrotc tka fulfowing atafopg obly •rorelowr, Hrncia. 1'Ctwi*g, thou ova hot j. FnlM, foteenak- foadkaa. lulled,., ftcclu circle -.oviogtun, toDjava,-UtkatUa, netc Moan lain and ffotalt-r. Train .-a. 3k tuition at aud receive pamongare fo oxa iitm tie louowuig tiaUoua only: Oraivtoee, Mamm. Tbompaon, Norwood, Crae ford villa, Union Fpiiit, ureegabotc, foadlaoa KnUadg*. koclal N^ii /.ua «5 train ». 2a on aikena blanch gives paaaaea- Ailieukcet-iatci with train, 37, **, 1 and 3. **kk.Wiaasiir* Tr ‘" , “* r “'”" NOI1TH-&A3TEHN OAILROA HeriMtMTONotH’a Ornca, tiiiLka La., June flat, MM.tha^ follow ng a- uuK wbl opt rate an this road. Trains ran } fed* ral rent ft ELECTION NOTICE. rah-x-FVIrih Alllttu.llh. J» v ltd,. I-Ml. BARBER Having »* f!. a SHOP REMOVED moved our Palace farber i bop to Jacke-fii rtrect, formerly oei-upled , ns a salwut. and ate "now better it i-vct t<» - it ufon onr cld cuato- rany uew oneanx wiirputranize of Mheiia and on'y Ihe tnoaf akllb^ I ... to ttujloye-. Rive n* a 1 rial j the clt’ deUfoPk-N ^ ntTRK»|f ry)t E.YAN WINKLE & G9. 1MANCFACTUBERS, .ATLANTA, GA. 1 -AJfD- JAIUS, TEXAS. ml dollar,offomdr.(. > »*Mlj U« lU»a* aAtr.t-l li SUII. Ml. ag NO 61 r mi- mi Uiovt. Atrive at A.ui». . •rriva al i larke.vllle" * *«*Vaa iti..aiMb rails • 45 « u 9:4« am 10:64 a a l.W p K ix:t7 p at VM p. •■8* P m %n» p m 7:46 p m (6.40 p a «-»•* » pXV»lrT oVSOAI. NO. *0 NO *8 ix-ata iaiiuuu ralto *:*> a m IN a m 1>:10 a o •:46 P a 9:84 p m 16:60 pa .V ine li.'Mnvn) Grave.... {*»* P « i i-„ii* Aii-MMuedatiou Obarfetea an H.UncM'-y.und r.n:nraa„anil. No. L “ «*:40 p a 7:83 p m 7:58 p m ha * o o IhW , v l.UKUi K. i.tdusn. ruaua at Lula aud u>ruelia •set it.foa on Richntona and Dauvlifo •m wt aud West. Ample time for Lula ou evening trains, superb r accommodation,. Tbo shortest and SCHOOL Noith, East and Waat Athena aud all points t$, k.usbnakd. Han't COTTON GINS and PRESSES, Cotton Seed Oil Mills, Cotton Need Llntera, Cano Mllle, Now Wills, AUaftlng, Pulleys, IVangcm, Wind 91111m and Ciuttagi, Pump* and Tanka, C.VAN WINKLE A CO., Atlanta, 0a. Clinton's Bottling Harks. " j.'/ sdlBEKLAND, l.ltaa, I. 0. BIN SAW FILING MAOHINE. n. rav.oKiii. a.w riLKMi, on. .r tt.< VntB.b. a-jb-ir 0 ■ ti*ulua.,, -iihu liKI M rrullM. IK-. | • w«,ku it .ho.ld ■ U4 la. II-.M I. M than by kauU. tv- m Mkln. viRiab I. ralntl,. 1IM|( .vary —-o'. n r j , in— J- N. HU rilI-.HL4ND, Baiba. X C. Mbklh r> al... b> -I*, af -I raw -rklnaa -la n. Ml . . Mill. M-ckiaj >>! iw rot Wood a 1 SStHL'T 1 *, V* 1 fofojk. The phoa- •xb«i ,r * m nernl Fiihatancrsln, Uc p ,; ranbli-o « 1 oaaal la mj- opinion, Ut. I-. lkh>.in pr. •• «' r. fa • a. Iimltp ■ earn-I. ll i;, WHIT- iar/Farafol diadreht Fur pro.- tmU-.D,,^, Pill. W« *-•'« Hultj-H, V* ilfu*. gau(M-«,r-1 idai|iM4«y*. Ova pit oraliai. X-Mltnituai Si na'. •uld fey Ura. L/.i III, - a ij O >V Kfe-fe- --1,—-- 1-.-^ ' : rtf v Tl—, a.d Uatali Wauai II... ,11 Mi»h that* ara gf wh»h rhew Halil, ale Irua: "Thay f.e amt'll I an I Uiv -, h.-.rily ab'a to kra hair eeiglii o-i thrir (ret; ike bio-at all cuiti- fowl their checka, irraiabla an er-a wltb-hii uoaniu, to ba, n rv aa «p<*l, worrl-l witu ib«L-liii 'ren,fr p, over tilth- Ullage, • bimlaa to t - ni Wlrr... anl icteith nit- ifiaraat . w-ie a pity I !•- BatatiwUniraa Par<Ve TjiiIc m il.-lrira alltVe awfev til -aii.-i.i-tr-i.-l-i,- inllaytoiba a wt-klnaa -Ion* Ultaaaunli iba > M Me ba. b-. I. all bln]. .1 He,Veal I tt.II.rv uj Waat ee. Iran Warfe. '*• *fo«hln«r», U» a Memmml AcoadhaoU, l M iP'UCX. tap, aan«». i J -'J 4 dlNG. Gas anJ Steam tVOH Aw dag Pram f. a VLAMIOIX. j „ SSO RtWARD! j^ggS^5aS8B«LlB* k-*reuotttBsr»>ti InifeWfeWn. VahavareiumB £Kii’.v. wawvflraASHaR taa a rest that baba 4aad. C H CUKATRAM, hi OLCHBATHAM. ★ ^ FRIEND IN NEED OR. aWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENf. &SS^gWB3 zimsp’Si; xmi. China Oecoratin; Sorts. 67Ji vrhltehall 8t., Atlanta, Georgia, «-i - tlioL*r,'o«t A«..r.'m-i4.-f Arl Material • hlrni for ifocoratln *. hm» n ax« ms apt-tidti Flrilt H-.i (ill'hi-RCtd.i* «>r am -1,-uk I m • Ii rChliia Falati"* Oil and Water colon fo-f-r t'lruidar*. ar-rllt&tfim. MILLINERY 4 an* now rec* lying I Urge Mock ot Spring anil Summer Goads, ..u..»ot»'l AIR v iNE ROUTE. ’ nonml i-nd Danville R M ilruuu Co. I e.ti t. A-L. L1M1BION. I ONC1MED SCHEDULE •n t Meet 4*1/ 4th, 1889. Train, mu. Im "5tk Meridian tlma-Ona hom fas- 'lliinfe«hUa>MI.. II-. ’ r than Vuih Meridian time, soil, clu-flp for ravh. M1IS ADIHH ADAMS BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Cnaklaln, IROX 1-ltk PURE TEOETtllLE TOJICX, qilrkly aad conpl.Wy CLUHHtX aa. tlliau THE BLOOD. Qalckfaa , tka aetlaaaf the Liver aad Kldaey*. Clrarstba eomplexloa, makes tha ikla •■oath. It does sat I ajar* the teetk, rsaaa haadacha, ar prodarerea- ■tlpstioa—ALL UTIIKB 1B0S MKDIC1XE8 DO. Phyfodaoa and DrnggfofosamywharetaaamaMwd It. Da. It. S. Rrooura. of Marioa. Mam., myat M I Patented 1678. Improved 1881. Patented UflL Price* reducec to one-half former prices. H®. 1 Mach. #30.00 | Vt>. a Huh. f«LOO Best Cleaner for Seed Cotton In the *nav«rft. Ko dinner can afford to be without one. VAJI VniU * CO n Manufacturer^ Atlanta, BEANS r Stomach d Had Ham*, aad fore t OXB It MAN. J- A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT, Represent, Firtt-Claas. Prompt P»ying Companies. ASSETS REPBESENTE i) (4^,000,000 for anriebina tki ■yaiptuto*. It tioM not liurt tba ImtIU.' Da. R M. Dxfjvttx, Reynold", Ind.. says: -I have pre»crib<-d Br-.wii'a Iren Bittara ia eaace of aiurtnU fend blood di**,**. aln wboat a loaio n* noetfod. and it baa pruvnd tboruMbly x-.lialxtUiry.’* Ma Ww. Brass, 98 W. Mv;S*.. New Orlaana, La., nn: Browa’x Iron Bitten relieved are (a a caaa of blond puittioin*, aad I heartily ouninaiad It to At, .--: to's taai ( r . , , b ^.:“fcaiss‘3 Bruwn'a Iron Bitten effaciad a perfect care. I esnaot speak too bigbly uf thia valuable imkin*.* Gvnuiitehaaaban Trade Mark and aosaed red Ua« on wrapper. Takeuawtbcr. Made only by DUOU’M tlUCXltiU « «.. UALT1M01UC, JUU Ite BiapraiMta Soutb. Tallulah Falls, . on »h-* Pietlmont Air-line, th • ( Menus i n i oot'sges lire fowtipen ttmlt-r new management. For rcoma ami In- 'ortnnilmi :t|»piy to V. H. and F. B. SCOFIELD pr prittor. late ot bttel Kalrttklll. Gataki m^'oUin-. w y, bat iel.n.I hotel, Ch.’cav Ksti rAoa ll h.t. a III bt found on *a rkcwp a I! I! ICE! ATHENS ICE WORKS O KFIt E ' % l# DEPOT •'• rnar <‘otUgf* Bt eii, act! clay on Mit-cl*, t-title c, Ibde » w rarv r * w *vi x ,l w,th ««•«. >*p "f™ 61 5 «** j P- »>'• 'folly Our J (dive wibaamu .1 fr ... H . m. Tleka.afor. HcUrshrm f n • e, < i..UKE.SVH.I,K, OA. " “•*» - ii ba tun thia ana b w YOUNG, agfoWK 1 *# sss: “**• ll ».ry dalnbla fer kMIlh at nlnun \otbln* will oa lift and one U make tnitibs •'-^r wtss tsSiaS ■ Ca touao. M Kl.PiNu uak hhrvice. “ *'-1 11 '■'Illaiaa Raffat HI,-par t R. tiiomas, a, " ‘' “**• p,,, • ~ L’l- M«nn«w. XlahMaaB. Ta. TO PARENTS MBA FOAM contain, non* o( tka had acaSUa ct tiUu Bassgsa ‘araSw^aaar* 0 SCIEXTIFIC. OAJfTZ, JOXES & CO., K9 Duane JT, T, - f-..