The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 12, 1886, Image 3

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,L A JAPANESE TROUPE. MOST PERFECT MADE Itajjjthf ulncta. Dr.BriS'aliaJ^g^Iwdcri^ma # °j Bo Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Brice'* Extract*. * aoIRB, Lemon, Orange, e.c, flavor delldomir. mOtbAUHQ HWDC8 CO. Chieajo and SL lout* CLINCftlAN’S T obacco REMEDIES THE CLM6KAN T C3ACC0 0I11THENT ms l i , srLS's : ffli v i : iBE p A'SiV : a‘“ kmH&k mul». T»tt»r. (Celt IUie-nni ilartwr’o Itrli, Kiut- <«nn«. Pimpbm. Kura* and Roil*. 1'ricc 3Url>. IKE ClinGmAn VC5ACCG CAKE»C*.rr« NVurr^ia Rbwun-ti.ii.. .*/ laaaota, G. In far* att-v* »H local Irrilatton and Inllatamation frw what. r..r c«u*«. I'rfri* V.'» ri». THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO HAi r tP I'ri'pnred nrt-ar dine to tin- iimim ••rlnrlplrn, oi iUr >I K l -T •aKDATiVK ^.(leJBfr.JiffENT^.^roni’H'inilcd *hh the nor-M -vTiup'wid’llr 1 jiki of thaBnuft ^nd’fJIrUiaU'!^ of irrilfcnt or inilrtnimi'fr ty inaladm. Athoa #rd f tiita fn-m t«n> delk-atn a htatei of that and Paina, It Lt Invttln.Ma. I'i Ut ».. rlx. Aak foot *‘u for tl- r rm. Jie*.nr«ril«tu><!. CLINGMAN TObrtOnuoUHECli DURHAM. N. C.. V. , . FOR SALE! I lia*» lor a fount tig <m II Avenue. F *r •» better. Apply i COIILTHIUO FOli MALARIA, quinine li* Dl.Iayo.. a manager relates his experi- ! u ENCE WITH THE MEMBERS, i to# I* c»UBldered v «t po ncrount for the _____ { v i cm# «ot chills and fever. The Kharkoo L * doctor cinches s met* of Ilvr e'sbs, learning the Japaneae Id»n B nag»^j a pa whlskej over them Uitlll they Fond efthe IJatli-TaVInc n Liking to ‘ * ‘ " Lncer Itcer — Saying rmjera — Street Performance In Japan. “It war the first tronpo of Japanese that Lad ever played throuKhout the United States and Canada, and was a 1% nov elty. It was mudo up of eighteen Japs— eleven men, three women and four child ren. They could not talk a word of Eng lish, and as I had to live right witli them I was obliged to pick up their language as l*st I could. I did it through pantomime, picking up an object or doing a thing and then getting the proper words for them from the Japs. I had a little in dex jd book, and used to put the words and expressions that I learned in it, writing them as they sounded to me, with the definition. In a few months after I joined Them I was quite a Jap myself. The, language is easily learned, and rc- A.m- # mucilage is ciumy icnruv Kembles Spanish very much. I dressed that the amount of quinine required to like the .lulls, urn! allowed my linlr to ;lrlv. out tli. malarial jpUarl In tUblood, grow long.. Here's an old photograph of [ looked like the real article. i WILT,! FOWL H. K. I WILL «ell von t.r Ufr, eunveiHsnt to roim et-Ml tivf'Me Everythin,* n*w an t m a •«>*» Apply to J. S. WII.I.IFOKD. B. K. A. Magnificent Water Power for Sale! Th# wsll an »wn whtor »«* #er 1 * - •of the on Mout»i Oeo Harn>"t Shoal*. •». r !•» mil MB WiU nolll , hii Mir .UM<i*uvl* It Mr..J The tl nertr I t l vel. Tne eh • 11 art -M4I0 feet ih • volume <>i w .it Theehotlv ere I ih in ou« 11 map n: Tno Hutto rn'vereltjr h. i I* it figtlnl to the til fore »ilbc« for up •* nli-.NI ,V i. Tae-i «l a‘.l * the Un I an 1 rl -i i epply l * J. M. Veil Kx ml Ibe n«0'i exeiiii The c*int-m Ut il Mil run Milv a few tiis'iulMturltiK pur- nerlor. For piirMcu- < »r the properly tn J.S. WII.I.IFOKD. I TO RENT! txrelleiit order idtage In 4. WII.I.IFOKD. R, K. A four nmin cottage, gootl gird' and well water; convenient to business .1. T. C imkk. Two four room cotMg'*>* and one three room cr t*age, nil In ex«*. |*ont order, and convenient 1 tcatlou, Apolv to. J.8. WILLIFORD. the 1» a* Ualveedt Ifht of fie t*flt Ah»trU« » l »r oi tie lev vn; <el<it J . * itslw of th» R»f*l «r»u» • er jf lev*Fit; K l i R»yel PriMtl* deruf the R»U ieviller or the Leyton * Ltebfa C* *• C »e* Bsef Tonic eboiiM t he stUwuilAl with the horn# of tret by re-ills. It le I t n-» »en«e ot the word » patont Midy, I thoroughly conversant with iu lei a of ynpaef in end know It to board only opootUlMBto pharmaceutical product. botaliu> Oiuejh) of th# high cimmeiidati*n.» it has re- .reived In alt parte of Uiu world. It eon tain* eea-oev of Beef. Coca. Quin Inc, Iron nail CnlDavn, wh ten are dfnolvctl In pore genuine SpsaUh fw pertal Crown m berry.” ... „ - lavelaebla u all whe am Ban Down, Nervone. wl,h Rrr ■.JnMJ’.Jtuvorlle UMMtle UlyirrtM IM t< V.r Until IIl,k.,m Ik. Prluc.- . WOniMlkakoMIlly. Font, tkln, (Vmtla ton. Ktovtlo... 11»*|>iu,, ltou,ku.M. tlM. O a TS MO CO.'d nrntHne Pyrnp ftf BerraparlBa a giurectecd u the U*l hanuperille lb the "** * ft. y. DEPOT M Murray Btrect- PARR BROTHERS, kbuoua. didn’t If “What's the klinonaF** “It's the loose, flowing robe that the .Taps wear, folding it across tlie breast. In summer It is a light garment, and In win ter it Is heavily padded and very warm. Some of these kitnonas are beautifully embroidered. Under this klmona they wear the baggy pants or inamushka, fastened at the waist by a belt, called the *ol»e.’ ix a “ciieap jomr" suit. “lint the Japs soon wanted American clothes, and they got them, too. Toyo- kichl, one of the party, went out on his own hook one day, and came hock with a very queer hand-me-down anit on, over a thin undershirt, and his pants tneked in a pair of very stogy cowhide a boots. Oh, hut he looked funny when he' walked Into the hotel In this rig. The ‘Cheap John' clothier lmd taken advantage of him and charged him four prices, so that I had to around and get part of the inouey back. ‘The Japanese are the most cleanly people that I have ever seen." proceeded Mr. Hildreth. “I lutd to be enreful to ao- cure Itutlt rooms at every hotel wo visited, and if there were no Ixith rooms I was ex pected to ‘make rates’ with some 1>ath house in the town. Why, on the sleeping curs they were up at daylight scrubbing themselves all over, and as soon as they reached the hotel they were at it again. They use on their hair a peculiar poiiuuln locks. The women use more of this than the iocn. Occasionally the men use a great deal of it, though, in combing their hair up to a still knot on the tops of their heads. They all Insisted upon two baths |>er week regularly, Isoldes their sponge Iwiths daily, and they used to have the water so lg>t tliat neither yon nor I could stand it. Almost the first English. they picked up was the expression ‘Gimme wasser,’ which they used on going into every hotel.*’ “Did your Japs tackle kindly to Ameri can UtUtxU'onUAT” “Yes, but they were never under the in- flnenee. They liked liccr, and it seemed to have no effect upon them. Every night after a performance the troupe Wind I gather in the hotel and have beer a:i I lunch. Some of them liked other drill'.: i. however, and hud to have them. One ..U man and his wife wunted gin an 11. not her Jap tackled sherry. I had to g.*t this for them, too. They would not have played It 1 dldu’t. When I first went with them they would not eat the hotel fo.»d itud I had to arrange to have one of the women of the party go Into the hotel kitchen anti coqk for the Japs, They used to cat eggs,-rice and meat stews. I’AUTI'.rLAULV FOJfD OF 1'IK. After a time, though, they went through th;: regular bills of fare from soup to nuts. They were particularly stuck on tliat great American institution —pie. Then they always said their prayers morning and night, and just lie- fore they wcut on the stage to do their net they prayed to their God to help them. In praying they invariably turned their backs ujkmi any one preeent, stood erect, rubbed their hands softly together, and muttered their petition In a sing-song tone. They were nil Interested in the habits and customs of the Americans, and lien they sow any strange thiug they studied it over until they learned It. chum* !n the company were two boys, Kotzko and Youaanmatx. Tito lat ter w.ut the lioy who did the ladder net, and Kot/.ko used to be balanced on a long IkiuiImu i>ole with Otoyou, a little girl. These two U»ys wouldn’t live without me. •o I always got a double-bedded room and bunked with them. At first they wouldn’t sleep in an American bod, and always car ried their mats for the floor, witli pillows of wood, niAih] bowl-slutped for the head and rounded so tliat they would move with the head. Tho members of the troupe nil came from Yokohama anti No- gnsakf. They were not of the street-per forming class iu Japan, but of the middle class, like those In the ‘village.* Au old man. Yonotuutn, who was totally blind, nsed to do the Iran jaw act by lifting tuba full of great stones with his teeth. He was, however, a street performer, but later performed In legitimate places of amusement like the others. He used to staud on the street comers Iu the Japanese towns, and after a man luul collected a crowd by drumming a Japanese banjo he would do tlw rgg trick, swallow a needle and thread and bring the needle out threaded, and other feats of magic, while the iMiy, Kot/.ko, would do tumbling. Then tiiey would collect the cana, or money, tho natal offering being a large, oval coin calh d a tempo. It luul a square hole In the center, and the collector would string them on n wire. When the trio collected a certain amount they would lie Idle n:ul not go in work again until all the itrmoy was gone.’’—Chicago Herald Inter- hilariously drunk, and then puts them _ a hot oven. After being well dried, they •re pulverised, shells and all and It ml in drachm doses. Where the crabs most ul-ound in this country, in the waters of the Eastern shore of Maryland and tbs Eastern shore of Virginia, the inhabitants have long since abandoned the use quinine and lenxlbly resort to j veotkm In the use of pore whisky, the malarial sections of the groat West, Southwest and Sonth, this famed remedy ts now looked upon as worse than the disease. Iu territories where the vir gin sod is first broken, the malarial poleoa exuding therefrom spreads pestilence far aud near. Years ago In the homo* of the first settlers, au admixture of whisky and quinine was the favorite dose lor the chills, but after years of dosiug la this crude manner, quinine has long elate been given up and whiisy only remains lathe fUsk, for family, and medicinal use* Experience taught these set’lers long ago, *’ j “ * niredto left in iu piece, ff not a wo.*o poison,, condition of the system made worse In stead of better. The effects of the qui nine were clearly defined In lot, g continued headaches, disordered stomachs, clouded mental' faculties, disturbed sleep, and morbid appitite, and the only virtue dis covered in its use they thought attribu table to the whiskey in the mixture. The medical profession baa very gratefnlly modified Ite belief in quinlns as a specific. Halliard's Medical Journal, October, ISIS, contains an article by L. 13. Ander son, M. D., Norfolk. Va., in which the learned doctor usee Ibis emphatic lan guage. “I hope I maybe pardoned for t*. * * emphatic Ian- — — pardoned fot saying that the present empirical nse of quinine Is worthy of the darken period of the dark ages. If *- * • dark Ages. It Is a bilgb*ing shame and disgrace to onr profession.” Tbs *e exposed to malaria now fortify system ■ gainst the approach and In roads of the disease proceed!au from It, and by the nse of pure unadulterated stimulant ward off attack. Now that Duffy's pure mnlt whiskey Is the ealy absolutely pure whiskey, free from fusel oil. as has been tested by ehamlsts, it is the recognized cure in malarial attacks •nd so recognised by the people and Um medical profession. MutW the dlwMM which Afflict mankind an origin- •Hy ommhI hr •«tt«vd#ret condHJwi at tbm LIV S ». For n11 eocnpialBU of tills kind, each m Torpidity of OeLivor. Billow«. Kwtmm DyepepMe, Xsdites- tion, Inwrnlarity of the Bowel*, OoBsUpotka. FUti- ‘ Bamiag of tho Btomch JSESflfeS! Exhaustion Mora or after Ferere, Chmnlo DUr- rhnra. Lgrs of AppetiU, Iloadaobe, Fiwl Breath, Imsroliiritioa ioddenUl to FemxW. Bearinc-down ache, is., *e. SfffblGERlSJURMTli ie Invaluable. It l«notap*aac«i for »lldN«Mes lml f > IIDP 0 ' 1 diseases of the LIVER. ■UlVVRM STOMACH and BOWELS. « ehangoe the oomplexion from • waxy, yellow tinse. to a nxMy. healthy oolm. It entirely mnovre low. doomy epirita. It le ooe of the BEST AL TERATIVES and PURIFIERS OF THE . OLOOD, and le A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER’S AURANTII for aale by all DrogxUt*. Price tl.00 per bottle. O. F.STADICER, Proprietor, UP SO. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa. □ iCKEY’S | DftJEQTALAVE As amouth awash standspre-cminrnf. No other such preparation equals it in . beauty of color, in eifectiveiieH.4 in heal- j RELIEVES AToxeR. Cures fuflimol and wee I iuglhe mucous membrane* of tho mouth BmiDifStSwrWSJiSiSulii BS. tliro«L in thoroutthnew In cle«n»lD» | Ef£ Mil! it Ceuta s bottle. Ask for it. iUve no jt* er. DICKEY & ANDERSON, - - Proprietors “Use Seven Springs Mass. ] BRiSfOL, TENN, or in antisepticqualitles.Givt* it stria . It* iise becomes ngyeeab'e and resolves itself into a neoesshr. If you have a sore mouth or soro gums Delectalavo will hcallhcm If ^ou wish to save your teeth Uelec- tsla’re will aid you and impair its frngra- nce to your breath. There can be no doubt WOMEN! It is not necf ssary for you to suffer any lor.tjer I nc ® to your breath, mere can be no doubt with those troubles peculiar to y®“r yt-x when I of it’s value to you when! ts use is indorsed rafiiJUrtS h T* uch emimut menuRer. Andrew A. SLSSA JSSaarRSS. -will.,” Uwcorab, D. D.-, A. W. Clhoun, M. a ith. eminent Ocull.t; the Into Dr Jolm M. eirouUrtoll<Bs.ABR)aTTAsesD,i/>uiavUls,Ky| Johnson, , and ^twenty of ^ the leading *crab Orchard -WATER. 4melIk“-4 . X. IO.ES, Hl^l. 1 ph sicitns »nd DentiaU of Atlanta, fjirtitt Pit... Pita, ate ''eqnently pr»c. .te<l tir Knee of welR it In'tbo buck, loin, uml lower pnrto tlie abdomi-n, c»u»inz ll.. patient to euppow he ha. some .ffeclliii or the kidney, or neighboring or/xi. At tlth.., .ymptoms of Indite.tion prmnt, tittnlaney. oneulnnH oi NEVV ADVERTISEMENTS CAPITAL PRIZE S150,00 0. "rt'n do hereby ceitlft- that wo mi- frrW;- Ihf erra-urmi -ti I or all the iKjimnerly rewiny- ol the 1/n-isiaiiKo ate ioltert fompany, aiuiiii i*er on inanage and r* utroi the Draw ing* themselves, and tlist the same are contlnctod wlih honed•airiusu andiu Isith toward all par ie*,Hi;d we au tnorize tlieCoinpiny lo use this certifi rfF, xiili fic-dniilw s' our signatures Httsched, in Its adveitiseinoil|IH^?B| | Dr. Bo«apko r a Fife Remedy, which sen I directly upon the ports afT.-cted, absorb the Tumora, allaying tho intonrr ling, and effeotings permanent tare ce 60 cent. Addresa The Dr. Bwrnnk |MedicineOo., Ptqos, O. Sold by KS ' »A Arnold. A prominont Alabama physician said I _ isreVsrikkNcsSubr ,'A patient who was almost dying from I For proof that Dr. Guqns Liver Pills the effects of Tertiary Syphillis and tho Headache, ask your drug- had been treated by sevr*»a noted physi-1f^»tsJ or • ffge trial packs;*. O ie pill ciane without benefit, used a doxon bot- • ®MOlirshlbox 25 cults ties of B. It. It. and was entirel; oured.l^'i by Dn Keyul.r.lzol re. Lyndon, ly He had ulcere on hi, arma, and the lionea heotruded through tb« fleah and akin a I Aruana, Oa., Jt xa 1212M trp elbow, and death acemed inerltable/t j GauTLaMaJr; Inreplv to jour inquiry, Uxivitaar or HaouUA. r'ntnical Laboratory. Office of State Chemat, Athena, O. June 27,1824.—1 hare been familiar fo a number ot year, with ilia genera character ut Prof. Horaford’a phoaphatlo praparuttona. Recent examination, made t>v m. of the " Add Pho-phate” and “ Dread Preparation, ’ ahow them- _ may slat. iy th»t”l think'Horelorn', Bread Preparation th. beat and uleat on the mark.L Tour, trul Tonra truly, JOHN OEKDlNK, U.D. e a.Hnlaa to. Gar. money and Doctor biilf, oar Uotbara, Wire, and Sitter, by a .mateot .tm. carbonae or «“ “» tanlita, Sold by Dra. Lyndon Hoar. When mixed with water,carbonic I Huahi Arnold sc! J gn= if liberated and s double pbes- j _ , — , , phate of lime and aod. la formed and Tli.r.1. qotblngin the line of ma lr remalna In the bread when baked, In I or myatery auout that woiuh rlul and ordinary ervain ot tartar talking [.owdera I popular medicine, Parker'. Ton.c. It the eubstanco left in tho bread after I •• Sniply the beat and nort telemiHe "raiaing” la rochelle aalta—a double combination poaalbla of tlia raaenltal artrate of soda and potaah. The pho.- principle, of thoaa ragatable curatlrer pbitpa Wte uaefni jninerai aniuiancta in | wmen act powarlnity and dliectly on animal nutrition and growth, the Ur-1 tn« atomaeh, llrer, kidney, and blood, rate, are not. in my opinion, the I But there neither 1», nor will be, any thoaphatic Powder la, therefore pre anoeeaaful imitation of It. It la all the ferable to tire other, ao far ai healthfbl I time coring thoaa who haddetpalred of ra id. HC. WHI1S. erar gattloa wall. For j<Mre.lf, your wife and children. Menj aperaon tiratarrlng with a full table before them. App-Ute gone! Ain- • burden!! What ia •lit'ietl , ,_.l Louisiana State fartteijea which may be pree.nted at our eountera. J H Ofif.BSBV. Pnw. LoaMiaaa karloaal Baak, J . K11.lilt Kill, Pie... Slate Natiuital Kaak. 4 ItALIltt IX.Prer. KewOrtealu kall.aalllaak ||npregeoented7ttrigtioni w OVER HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana State Lottery Co. faerrpersted tn ISM for us veer* hr the LeftH tura (oi KJucxtion*: and Charitable purpose withs capital of 11.000,000—ta which a raaerv NiBd ef ever SMO.OOU haarinca been add ad, Bj as overwhelming popular votetu iranchu.. !•• Ctaisi slaglw NhmIm will t-ke pi*ce ui»e* tillr. Haem gone*. Leek at the Flidwlmr dl>l • 105 UriiaS Neaihlr her Drawisga Inertr rctiln or post **' -'-trloutlpn: Extraordinary Quarterly Drawings a Int of Muilc, hew Or l.ani, Tuttday, September 14,1888. t’nder |h.per,on.l iu| .itieion and m.nrl.ment Gen. G. T. Beauregard, ot Reitan- Louisiana! and Gen. Jubal A. Early ofVir- a inia. apital Prize 150,000, tarh.ilee - Tickets are Tan Dollars only. E. VAN WINKLE & CO. XAXUJACIUBMX ATLANTA, QA. a! Life Th. Tliirre. or K.w York. Tlie thieve, of N*w York city an pretty well Informed ua to th. tie Ida la which they wish to paiture. Every per- aou III the etty that poMeue. enough wcaltli to make It worth while for the conaltlcmtluu of the thief f. known to the profL-adon. .It t* Mill that the only way In which the Aetore and Vanderbilt* have aoccecded In eKaping robbery to by main taining n private guard over the houre— Chicago Time*. ‘ ' i tody Cerew.poad.ot. Lilly correspondent* at Washington dved In clover daring Preridant Clara- laid’, matrimonial epoch. On. of them tenk In the shekel. In a anrprWng man. iter. She had ten paper* to send bar hymen literature to, and to_ooa week mute .1,000. She *aU» for England to enjoy the frulU of bar labor*.—Chicago ^OR MEDICINALU5E NO FUbEL OIL Akoclately Pan and Unadulterated. HOSPITAL8, CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS, INFIRMARIE8. O Fimoaia«o at P*ruo*m nturmmm CURES CONSUMPTION, HEMORRHAGE8 And mtt WruHng JHaomaeey DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, MALARIA. raa omlt PURE STIMULANT For the Sick, Invalids, CONVALESCING PATIENTS. AGED PEOPLE, Weak and Debilitated Women. Drmahu, Oivcar. tfeewa* are* 8Ur>n prapK, tf W1M< W tonhwna Ik* Dufy Malt tthixhey Co..BalUmort,Md. I I M* 0wmp he cm VVaAArg Of—fwm- wura/wea M Pfaaaam. AT Mi trpr^afad tt&ag=r biuon gone! , the matter? The Liver haa erased to do its proper work. The life channels are clogged. Poisonous fluids are thrown bscK into the blood, which should be thrown out 8MITIP8 II1LK 11K A NS will surely stimulate the liver to do ita work well, and headache, sallow liras and bad breath will flee away Price, 25 cents per bottle. All druggists. % BUCXLXN’I luixlOA SALTS. The Bait Gain In Ilia w ••rl.l lot Cuts Brulaaa, Sorca, Ulcara. Salt Rhaum Ferar So raa. Tetter, Chappad Hindi Chilblain,, Corn*, and all 8kln Etup COTTON GINS and PRESSES,! pay required iti/guaranteed”*toffiv Cottonseed oil Hiiu, Cotton Seed | perfectsailolactlon, or inouey refunded Price 25 Ceuta per box For «ole by Lone & Co.—H. Hatvit $5; Fifths 92; Tenths 91. «sma iiKBBSiSSS; SK5S ji.rKiiRrsuMur 10,00 *«*— I 4 I.AKDK 1‘KIXKS O** SU PIIIZEH OF •VOL..., 1,000 ... . m WJUB mooo M> 10,00 f».tw &.UI0 •ao.000 10 uuo ‘ Ifi00 Vatl ia (tw rafenTto (risks ssosM b.’ffid*? Ike offlee of ike rempany In New Orleisa. ilkurltiNinuailoe write clearly, givift* -*e. rOS«*ALNOr|l|g Kspreee Mvy r Hew York tx 'kAner la anllnArr letter, j b, Eapn-.totm.rjvjrej.^SM. K.w, La. • Atm aabln on’DO. llaaa, aaH.aU.1 to- I mils. Cotton Naa4 IJnters, Can. Mllla, Now toUla, •hAfUng, Pall.ys, naaim, Wind mils and Caatlnga. What Can 1. Dona. A BAD FIX. Thousands of men and women all over our couutry are silently miaerabe. while the outside worKl think you hare no cause to grierc. But, ah! We pronounce no anathemas againt anj other remei'y, but wc or ert that onr single bottle of.H. B. B. wUl do more in the cure of any erne of blood poisn than twelve bottles of sny other. Our book Is free utd it tels the tale. Address. BLOOD BALM CO, Atlanta, Os, E. VAN WINKLE Sh CO. ATLANTA,CA. A JLXES’ DALLAS? TEXAS, By trying again an keepiug up courage nany things seemingly ■ Impossible may je attained. Ifunnlreds of bupelraa cares of Kidney and Urar Compllut have bean cured Im Electrlb Hitter*, aitei everything elaa lmd baett saiassl iu Vain. | So. donit think tlrere ia no cure for you. but try Electric Bitter*. There to no irmllclneso ssfc.sojpu-r. and ao perfect a Blood Purifier. Electric Bitter* wll rurebsapepeia Plahetca and .11 IMreaen cf th* Kidneys. Invaluable in afiecti- n of Stomach and Liver, and omunuia all Urlnarr Dinicultliw. Large Boulea only ISO cU. at A. B. Long, . OkeerDnl Heleto at L. '■I’m afraid t shall hare us ha taken to a hospital or tar the pourlmua*. I've bean alek to fang that my fintbaud, good and patient as'he ia, rant stand the worry and expense much longer." No, Jon won't dear wife and mother, dee I What Parker's Tunis will do for yvu. . Plenty of woman aa badly off as you •re, bare been rescued aluoat from the [ gran by It. It will build yon up. coring all ailment* of the stomach, liver and kidneys, and ia simple, pleasant and ife. ■ • gays am Xmuta’t Fkyilelax, "Hare used lor twenty yeara tba prep aration known • Braddeld'a Famalo Regulator. It to tba bait combination known for female dtoswaa. For parti- cufar* write The Bred Held Regulator Co., Atlanta, Oa. Sxellamasfc la Ttxaa Great axcRament his been caused in the ramar- ktble recovery of Mr. J. K. Corley, who was so helpless he could not tarn in bad, or raise hit head; everybody said be was dying of Consul “ ' ‘ " UC0WTF0H Sill!' OEO. E. HEARD, Milledge - - Avenue SMITHS $80 REWARD! XirtU.LhMth-u i'Iuh.,.4froi*hlshosi In itesas oa lb. lan Jiyii lulr. l(re, .re see unknown. Wa here rsawa to tali.*. Hot 1.1.draWDAt In Ik. oeonre riv.r, iTK m ttSVBgSffU • • ^ - maul* aft if Mark H. Cheat> - **- -• ' ha dead. ulohEatham.' rer hkai, it. r«t_ - kut, I. Uw rent that ha h A'hmvOa.. Aar., a i-to. FIRE I FIRE! FIRE i>vtioo: atriri bouiarf hr , .N.W t l5breovery WAAaahthlm., Patented 1ITX. Iinprored uti. Prion reduced to oaahall tenner prion. its. i Kach.830.eo i a*, a to Cluar cu nObrd to be wKhont otte. B. VAX WXUtU * CO, Maanfaetuiam j pflto and two botttoa of the btocorafy, ha I Was well and bttl galned lt| flesh thirty-atx I ^°TrtoJ* Bottles of this Great Discovery for Consumption fras at Long ft Co. FRIEND IN NEED OR. OWEET'a BIN SAW FILINB MAUMiNfc. lh.TAY..t)H<ilv raw PI> P.K l< one.f in. bat trad., aujlxnlr c.a SI. uluH.w. with If ktquilkS no prsctlc. IW.Ite.twk .sit should s , i.t tea tlaet Isitsr tlisn hy hsnd Er- »rr Vaekln. wsiniaUd. prte.81* lafsbr tiulfcnryw.-na. orJerfroa J. W. vl’TII FRt.ANP. Belto., R, C, Boltisr Weed-. . _ w _ — Work Ire ■■ Mathln n ri -Mklitf* Faw BIU. k.chlgj i, ..r Mafhlitery•»««•»X wISwUBifi - f Aorn..l*nniJ»a.d, liftf'SihL 'Tt ‘-j; ..n.Uacklnarvaf 7 IK IterorNaUreryaf ’ Ealtoa,