The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 15, 1886, Image 1

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i Chapter on Blue-Blood Canines of the Classic City. $35,000 in Bonds to Be Given to Educate Our Boys to Make a Living. Ho Chans to Contest the Election. ATHKXe OX T«r. E<UH T1 I'ROHl'RRPTY DRHIMTK HE |KFK-)«tT8 OF THU HLOAi'KI) IIOXD'&OLDKItS. TUB TECHNOLOGICAL SCHOOL The election yesterday, to veto $.15,- {*,*} in bends to the Twhniral School, piovided it bo located in Athena, wax o f, thoy haring bred them in absolute purity for oror a hundred years. -For years this breed has carried off a largo majority of the prizes in tho field con teats. Or. B. I. Ihmpton has a small kennel, combining the blood of nearly all of the most noted dogs of this breed, which hare figured so prominently in the field trials since their inauguration. —- t I He has a remarkably fine specimen in Athena has long been noted for its 1 ite|| 0 Boyd, whose sire, Gladstone, has fine stock of every description, and we aired more prise winners than any other hare imported cows, horses, hogs snd dog in the world. Mr. Bryson, of Hem History of Some of Our Imported Dofs.-A Hew and Profitable Industry—•Tfiere'e Honey lair*—Pedigrees That Lay P_^alty In the shade. even chickens, of the finest breeds and registered; but it was not until recently, «>*' year* old, the offer being made by that some of our enterprising- citizens htre gone into the business of raising fine doga for sale, sud the inrestmeit has prored so profitable that from this hitherto unknown source the rerenue of the city wil be considerably augmented. There is more money in breeding and selling fine dogs than eren horses or cattle. To giro an illustration, Here is one gentleman in Athena who last yeor sold $500 worth of pnppios from one female, and he baa now orders ahead for all that he can breed, New Found- land ani Pug pups bring from $K) to $25 each, St Bernard’s from $25 to $50, and pointers and settors from $25 to $50. They are worth twice this sum at the North. Great pains are taken with those dogs, and they are looked after and guarded aa carefully as so much gold. When sick, their owuers will ait up at night with and physic the same ask man being. To properly advertin and encourage this new business, we have written up the pedigrees of a few of the blooded dogs of Athens, and if any are omitted it is an oversight on our part that wc will be glad to remedy wh«n our attention has been called to It. We are indebted to Mr. A. A. McDuffie for much of thin information, »..d as be was the first intn to introduce into Athens the raising imported dogs for market, and is held. The polls were opened at 0 o’clock . thoroughly posted on the subject, our at each one of th*/ polling precincts, in | report can be confidently relied Ahe different wards, and for some time the voters came in very slowly. The Idea had gone forth that it took <152 votes to carry tho election in favor of binds, aid those who had no particular interest In the welfare and prosperity of the city concluded that to stay away from the polls would defeat the Issue of bonds. Th« mam trouble was organisation. Those who wen* in favor of issuing bonds did nut know whore to work or how to wofk. A few carriages were em ployed by some of our enterprising citi- zens, who foil that the good of tho city of Athens demanded it. The most of the carriages spent the greater part of their time in tho shade, as the merchants who weie quietly resting in the rear of their stores claimed that they were too busy to go to tho polls. At 11 o’clock only about one hundred vot-*s had been polled. This did not discourage the friends of the Technological School, and t ley looked forward to dinner time when everybody would turn out and vote. There was nut much of a disposition to vote against the issue of liouds, and only a few had the nerve to come squarely to the front and vote “No bonds.” At the fid ward two votes were polled against bonds by two prominent citizen*. In the 1st ward there was one vote polled by a man who had lived in the city all of his life. The colored portion of the city said they were In favor of bonds, but the gnost of them were conspicuous in stay ing sway. It is thought by some ilhat the principal cause of Jheir absence was the almighty dollar, which js generally sued a powerful factor In ejections. * They were talked to by the citizens who were interested, sud shown the ad vantages to arise from this school, and went up and voted for b uids without money nr price, thus showing that they oaly had to he ahowa what waa the beat internal of our city, 'and they wend ■tan I by us. Too much prsis • cannot he given tho colored peopio .'or assisting this great, enterprise. Late in the evening it waa rumored on the street that it only took a few votes to get the requisite number, and then the workers went work in. earnest, and every nook and corner of Athens was searched for men who had not voted. Carriages went through tho street in n run with orders to get back with voters before the polls were closed and the fol lowing is tho result from each ward: 1st wanL-Por Bonds, 230; No Bonds, 10. 2d ward—For Bonds, 141; No Bonds 3. fid ward—For Bonda,106; No Bonds, 4. 4th ward—For Bonds, 123; No Bonds, 5. Total—For Bonda, 600; No Bonda, 22. Try our assorted Crackers and Jumbles. Moore ft El der. Tax old ctnrur. A gentleman tells ns »h*t the oM cem etery was d«M bjr On KM. Univerel- IT la tli. citv with the ttiuuiatiun th*t the pound should only ho nstd u* burying-ground, uid it over UVtn for any other purpose U reverts back to the college. We trust the city attorney wil investigate this matter before any more work i« done on th. free school build ing. Try Vienne Bread at Moore ft Elder. l or non-spurting doga Mr. A. A. Mc Duffie-. kennel suuds at th. head. He raise, line dogs for hia pleasure and makea them pay their way as they go. A few years ago he deaired a thorough bred New Foundknd dog for a compan ion and protector for hia little boy and wrote (o many Nortiiern and Western kennel uie.i and found he could not pur chase s pure Newfoundland pap six weeks old far less thin <30 or <40, or a St. Ilernard for <SU to <70, so th. idea suggested itself if they Could get such prices he might make some money by raising them in this country where taxes, license, office rent end land is a matter of no consideration comparatirely speaking, and horn time to time he has bought lino stock, until now h* has a full collection of the finest non-sporting doga in the land, and is sending pups nil orer Qtiirgis st fsr leu then half the price charged elsewhere. His krnnel is headed by s magnificent HI. Ilernard female, '-I'lukli," rained at <|,olMl, sired by champion Bonavard, (Eng. record 11738) winner of forty pri ses in England and imported from Bwit- set laud to America by K. R. Hearn, Pas saic, N. J. “Fluhii” waa bought by Mr. McDuffia last February, aad he has ber now In New York beiog mated to W. W. Tucker's champion “Apollo.” 'I ba fin est smooth-coated 81. Ilernard in Ameri ca imported March 1880, from Switzer land and recognised as tils finest dog of hi» class there, and since hi. arrirat in America ba. won first prist at the follow. Ing shows- Pittsburg, Now Heron, New ark, Boston, Hartford, besides all elate.” Theon. (A. K.'R. 84) is the dam of “Fluhii” and waa imported by Che- qu.icaet kennels. Her height 27 X inch es and weigh. Ill) pounds. From her first litter Mr MoD. expects to sell all the dog. and keep the females, aa ao better stock an begotten to raise IVom. Besides the shore he baa other fins St. Bernard's rough coats, prominent among wl.lcli is a uui« and female from different mothers sired by champion Merchant Prince, (Eng. record 14742) imported by B. II. Moore, Melroie, Mss*, cost in Eng land 80!) Ibi, atanda 34 inebaa at tho sb-mbl.ra, and weighs 800 lbs. Ha is the largest dog in America, and second largest in the world. A dog by name Phinllmmoa being the largest Ha la new owned in England ami sold last year far 3,000 lbs. Phinlimmon’a grand sin champion Bayard is th. airs of Merchant Prises. Basidaa th. aboYe nobis doga (for a 8t Bernard dog is the noblest dog on earth) Mr. MeD. baa perhaps the largest pair of Xcwfoandlaada erer brought South, and last aad least ha baa aa exquisite pair of English pugs, the cleanest snd most af fectionate dag la the world. Mrs. Prof. White ownaabeautiful Ital ian gray hound. Miss Hamilton owns a r.ry Urge New foundland, a present from her friend and rtUtirs U. 8. J adga Emory Spear. Mr. A. 8. Mandevilla swan a pure re- trisYtr. Means. Lucas A Richardson Own a pietty Newfoundland. Mr. Hones Oatabold owns a fall blood sky terrier. In field dega Dr. B. I Hampton atanda phis. Tonn., refused <10,(XX) for him at Owning RewsaJ tara a th M CwMttq. Mr. P. LirilUrd-Billa'a data,-Kite Claxton, a grand field dog, waa aired bye Uuy Mannering (from tho first pair of puro imported Larsracka owned in this country). Huy claims the addition distinction of being winner of 1st at the centennial bench show, and special for the beat English setter in tbs show. Kate's dam, Flash, waa also imported by Mr. Raymond, of New York, the owner of day's parents. This long line of bine blood makes Bella quite an aris tocrat, if pedigree godk for anything, lie. sides, her field performance does lull justice to her breeding. Her half brother Gladstone's Boy, mads the most bril liant derby record of any puppy that areriired. The Doctor has two of Belle’s puppies, now IV months old, aired by Count Noble (owned by Mr. Wilson, of Pittsburg, Fa.) Some con- sidur Count quite tho oqual of Gladstone, but if not, be certainly holds him a good second aa a sire of field dogs. These youngttera, in their last season’s work, gave ample evidence of the wonderful capabilities of this moat wonderful bread uf uvgs. They are entered in both der- bye of the praent year, and if they should fulfil the promise of youth, will doubtlese be able to hold their own ia ly company. Their apeed, stole, eodu ranee and sagacity cannot bo appreciated until soon. '1 hey poueas 70 per cent of the blood of the phenomenal doth who made the grandest fret-lpr-ati rec ord of any dog in the world. Iloilo has again been mated with the Count, and, judging from the past, some thing very fins may bo expected from the outcome. The Doctor’s kennil arrangements are very near perfection. The kennel, ia 8x80 feat, divided by a latti ced partition, une room of which mod for invalids or pop pies, epMSg tala a nqraery - yard—a small enclosure within the mIs kennel yard—which U a beautiful oak and hick ory grove, eovering nearly a half acre, and enclosed by a woven wire fence 8 feet high, that forms an eflectosl barrier to prowling orrabid doga. l)r. Swep Billups owns a fins Gordon •attar, named Black Bess. She waa sent to bito while a pup by his friend C. F. Brown, of Colnmbua, and Mr. Brown wrote him she waa aired by Tam Tam, full black and ten Gordon, imported, broke and trained by Vick, of SL Louis. Tam Tam was sold when six weeks old for <100, and aQerwards bought • by Mr. Brown for <230. . The dam, Bailie, by champion France Kx Elite, both Im ported. Mr. Frank Rhodes owns a fins Llew ellyn setter, Grover, sire Shot, Ex Peg gies Kate, she by James Jam me roe's Pye, imported. , Sheriff John Wier has a fine pointer, Banc, pedigree good, but lost in moving. A BIGHT THAT MAKES ONE 81CK AT HEART. To Merer*. Laverock and Llewellyn are the breeder* of Engiiah setter* of to day chiefiy indebted for the degree of perfection*) which thi* breed has reach- Sweat pickles ttles Moore ft Elder LOCAL dill's. ■mall Items that a Xeporteroanght on the . ny Yesterday- Wanted—1,000 oat aaclts at Rlevato' dills Don’t forget the excursion next Satur day to Tallulah Falla. Splendid order. WaxTED.—A first-class Life insurance ageut to canvass for Co-operative or As sessment Lift Insurance Company. To lha right party liberal pay will ba given. Girarefaranesa. L. Lawsox, Bnpt of Agents, Staunton Life Association. It ia not generally knows, bat six kan il re vdotes would bars mads Bacon gov- amor. Six hundred rotas would bars changed the result ia 87 sonatina. Gar- don did not go in on sack a big boom at A large rattlesnake at Union Point nukes mania for the traveling public. Ilia snakeahip is possessed of eleven rat tles, to any nothing of tits buttons which ia a necessary attachment. Georgia can boast of haring the beat snd cleverest set of atato house officers in the South. A big barbecue was given oat at Mr. T. N. Laater-a yesterday. The candidates ware out fit Alii fores. If the «osd Templars had run their excursion yesterday the bondsbrthe School of Technology would hare been debated.' The friends of this measure should Mar this bet ia mind aad patron ise them next Saturday. Colombia River Salmon, Fresh At Moor ft Eledr. Alorxxx DXCLAXATIOX. Wo will Sell Mason’! fruit jars Un balance of the aeason at 90 rente br qnaria, <1.40 for half gallons. Send in your orders. '"»xv A Joxxs, The day after our city fathers bad re considered their action in locating the public aciiool building br the whites on tho hill rear of the North-Eastern depot, and decided tobaihl in the old cemetery, a large gaqg of workmen at once bsgsn excavating for the foundation of the bouse. The only thing to be said in vor of the first situ selected was that it was equally inconvenient snd insccessl ble to every portion of our city, while the new location is convenient at least to ths first ward. Wo wero in favor of building near the centre ol the city, but a suitable lot could not bo found. Short ly after the hands began their work, the news spread like wildfire over tho city that graves were being opened by .the same, and hutnsn bones exposed to tho curious gtse of the public. A B.-W. reporter st once visited tho scene, found it just as rumor bad reported. The site selected for thq building is near the centra of the old cemetery, on Jackson street, and a apoi where there aro no tombstones, but a cumber of unmarked graves, now only deposed by sunken teas in the earth. . This spue war an Indian' butying ground even before the whites settled here, and the dust of two races of peo ple ssw-Sssogls is the same ssfi. Oar oldest citizens cannot give any account of when this grave-yanl was started, and there are a nnmbtr of tombstone! bear ing dates ef sixty yearn and more back, This cemetery once embraced all (hat land, now occupied by th* campus, as soul Jackson stmt and tho adjacent houses. The stmt hands whitest work, frequently excavate human bones, sad only a tew years ago' after a washing rate, waaaw an exposed skeleton las gully. The hoowk o. thsffi^pue are built on gr res, and the gardens the professor, work fertilised by the axhes •f a generation long tinea dead. Tho cemetery once extended down through Bread street, and you cannolremove any of the dirt on these grounds without ti ng human bonoeor breaking lute a grave. Whan the new cemetery waa opened a number of our cilisena remov ed thereto tho remains of their friends and relatives, but a number stiR sleep beneath imposing and enduring thefts of granite, but in a desolate and neglected spot. In reading the epitaphs an many of the monument* wa found the namet of distinguished Athenian), honored and revered in tba memory of the present generations. Whan the reporter reached the ground he found long trenches dug for the foundation or tha, building, white hare and there among the red earth axcavat- •d tha blade, yich spots showed where a grave bad bean struck. Th* id bean gathered together aad thrown into a sunken grave near by, and when the work is finished they will be covered in one common monad. Many of tha bodies bad been buried so long that tha bone* crumbled at the touch, while other* were sound. Wo saw mingled together the remains of man, women aad children. From its great thickness there waa evidently the skull of a negro, aa aho the skeleton of a man who must hare been a giant in life. Mr. Dave Kenney had charge of tha hands employed in excavating, and ha waa at ones sought ont for an The Clerk of the House of Represen tatives is our of tho fat offices which the legislature has to dispose of. Seventy dollars a day during tho session of the leg islature is dot a bad office, and foMlie past eight or teq ypars lion Mai't At Used hat held the office without opposition, and has held anch a power and had such a claim on the office, by reason of his deep hast voice in reading the lolls be fore the house, that no one dared to make the race gainst him. Mr. Harden has made a good clerk, and has pocketed nice aum^of money for hia services, Thirty to forty doltera n day during the sessions of ihe legislature for sevoral years past is a snug little ■ sum fur th .chief •*« toteiceive, when lli'ii fact i taken iato consideration that the sub clerks who enroll and engross the kills get from three to flvo dollars a day, snd work from early morn until Isto at night lu keep up with the busin Cooper Nisbct has come to the front and proposes to have a change in this lucra tive office, and to give each one of his clerks an.'equal share in tho seventy dol lars a day allowed by the constitution. This preposition of Cob Kisbct's is just snd right, sad makes each one of his polntcea equally interested in the work ol tho office, snd one man don't rich white the subordinates grew poor by working for tho state. Cel. N'ialmt, who proposes to nmke the lur this fat office against the present Mr. Mark A! Harden, wns a gallant sol dier, and is in every way to till this important place, ami his proposition that the clerks under him .-liuulil share, and share alike, is worthy of con-i. era Safi b» thos* who withy* counties in the next legisi i THE LEADERO BOOTS AND SHOE .THE BEST Gooifir tie Least Money! ATHENS, GA. “Wa have opened," «me fifteen or twenty graves, bat none of them were marked. We opened one grave where two bodies were buried on top of each other, the teat skeleton being only a couple of feet from the anrfaca. The graves are aoold that all signs of a coffin hare disappeared, and only a few decaying bones and black earth tell whare ths dead once slept In aoms of the gravel we found nothing. I opened greet of a little child, only three fast long, hewn ont of a solid rock. Did I find any bones? Not a sign of any. This will baa vary expensive founda tion, aa wa most go to ths botiom of every grave, to get to the solid clay. It will colt the city much more than to have built at the first site selected.” Wa do not see where tha play ground for tba ctildran will ba made, anksa the remainder of tba cemetery ia used for thteparpose. Now that the city has taken possession of this sacred spot of ground, we think it beat that the re mains of el I tha dead ba cqrefally remov ed, at the city's expense, to tba saw cemetery and re Interred than. It la not right that the (raves of tba dead ba nude a romping place for sobaat «hil- dren. It sit!harden their Hi* jfrtc aad train them np without cpropsr rev- ce for the dead. Now that tire city Col, J. Cooper Niabel raised a coinpa- nv/carir in lMLinDdd*' couqty, Ua., went to Richmond amf a--Uted in or king ton 21st Georgia regiment, which was a&gnad to Bwell'e-division, Stone wall Jackson's corps. He participated ta'slt'the battles of the “Valley Cam paign,” .and in the engagements around Richmond in ’02, commanding his regi ment iu the charge at Sold Hal bur, which' broke Fits John Porter's lino, capturing his works and batterta*. 11; i c Col Nisbet was wounded, but was with his regiment at Barege’, station, White Osk; swamp and Malvern UilU *t*» 1” ihe aocind Manassas campaign, which end. edjat tjliarpsburg, when he egslu receiv ed a wound. In the battle of Fredricks- burg he was conspicuous for his valor '' >Uy in tha charge of the 2d line, drove the victorious enemy down JfcrtoVHtights" and serosa the rail riqyl, near Hamilton's crossing, to the ri£er!after tha ranks of tha K juth Os' o ' linaaVd Tennessee irrigates had been broken. -The falling undvr thv Itumidi- ataAye af Stonewal, Jackson resulted in hte promolion to the colonelcy. In ’U3, hr was o'rdercd i > Georgia, and there raised the GGtb Georgia regiment and the 26ib Georgia butts ion, which, after brief service in Florida, he commanded in the battle of Missionary ridge, tn-inj senior Colonel of W. H. T. Walker's old brigade. He took part in ths Hhermsh- Johnson campaign, and particularly dis tinguished himself st the battle uf peach tra crock, July 20th, '64, where every officer in his regiment except Col. N, snd three others waa woundad or kjllad. Two days after, In tbo battle near Deca tur, July 22d, Cab N. waa captured aad afterward’a imprisoned oh Johnson's Is land for twelvo months. Since the war lie lias resided st his boautiful home in Lookout Valley, rep resenting the agricultural interests at tlw State fair, his county In the tegislst- ture,. and the state aa secretary of tho last constitutional convention. Col. Nis hot wilt make a good olcik for tho bouso of representatives, and it woll-fitted for the place. - OUR STOCK OF FALL gjifli SHITIHS5; B¥EflG3ArS M3 DIO SPEMITJES Tarkcy and buck and Chicken and.liutn. Moore ft Elder. HlH u *4 | tho ensuing feuMm will he r .Jill 3m plate Exibit for Variety, Eilent lad SiisnJ £is;k:;s Ercritt*"* M,iy a A vo(i tqjv : cr /.? xzminu th** tniQWme ^ H ( -V^ry truly yoqp, FERRIS & SON.., Merchant T#Jk»w • a ?e».r * hrnUWnjt ffynU emit iw in y«nr cttwiO* »*n n|ileto ojiicniLer Any or-U*T» with which v enllon. . If. Kcrrli will r. |» flic prettiest niid chciipostluic of wedding mid note paper in tho.ciiy. Stock iYctdi hiul new. Schools fur nished with stationery at lowest rates.- All orders from the garroittirt- iiig country-will receive prompt at tention. A large lino of blank books, inks, pens, and pencils, can be found at all limes at our store, lied Front* Broad Street. CRAWFORD & DAVIS, Bool: and Job Printers. A CHID & CO —WHOLESALE AND RETAIL— ^ Druggists ani Seedsmen, - ATHENS — GEORGIA. nsiuoinr jaokso*. j Th# nw* In Jackson roun ty Is getting warm, and areiy day new candidates art entering the fl«!d. We learn that Mr. T K. Key, of Harmony Grore, baa entered the race in the laet few daye.‘ Mr. K«y in a gentleman of 'the old school, and Jackzon county will reflect credit on heraclf by nominating llt» Key for the houne of repretenta- tire*. Mr. K. tea useful man, and wo hope to aee him cho«eu by our sister eouuty. '/{ ~'~ : j **"’ j .8 th-o-e PRINTING,PRINTING Don’t DstAgents’ Prices,* Cream Cheese Cried Beef, and 0. K. bum Moore ft Elder. Come to me and yi»u will get best work anti lowest prices in the State E "W BURKE, Clayton 3tre WORMS IN VINEGAR. j . Dr. Lyndon fells ua that two'third* of more of the vinegar Hold ia full of hideous wsrmSp that can be aeen by a magnifying fla**. J'ure v : negar should not hare thorn. The ihrtor always ex* aminos sample of rinegar baying. • Bay “Inperi&i Bread and be happy llder