The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 24, 1886, Image 1

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NEAR SCULL SHOALS. A PLEASANT VISIT TO AN INTER- •m ESTINGLOALITY. AN ATHENIAN RAKES UP SOME REMINISCENCES. ft Antiquarians locate t h e Garden Eden on tlmt tongue of land at the junc tion of the Euphrates and Tigris fire re; but our friend, Mr. Isaac Lowe, ofAth ens, is equally os confident that it was in Oconeo county, above Scull Shoals, between the Oconee river and Rose creel, and that in his younger days he was the modern’edition of Adam who reigned in this little earthly paradise. For the past five years the wonders of this slice of country havo been rungmtoour ears urn til had we been offered the choice of trip around the world or drive to Mr. Lowo's old home, we would have unhesitatingly accepted the latter pil grimage. Saturday afternoon when our friend proposed to take us on a visit to this region wo at once laid aside all bus incss and only t«o gladly accepted. At 3 o’clock sharp M ’. L. called for us behind a pair of Cooper’s fine roadsters, and we were soon speeding to this land of Goshen. Shortly after passing Watkinsville, we invaded a road that Mr. Lowe said hehad not traveiscd in twenty years, and as it was our maiden trip he pointed out all tho points of interest, from the long- leafed pine, growing near the water 1 courses, to the gigantic white oak, now fulled to the ground, beneath the shade of which he used to rest when a school b y. About two miles from Watkins- vjlle, at a lonely spot on the road side, is a pi'o of'rocks that tdark tho apot whore 35 years ago a young man named Stone was thrown from his buggy and killed. He kept Books at the lligli' Shoals factory, and was coming to Ath ens to visit his friends, when his team took fright and threw him from his buggy. For years the spot was looked "If upon as haunted, and few darkeys would pass it after night fall. . We passed the historic Rig Spring church, once under the pastoral care of that good old man Uncle Billy Handera, who ws" as noto rious a character iii Georgia as was Uncle Jimmie Dannelly in South Caro lina. We hare hoard a number of anec dotes on “Unde Billy” in connection with Big Spring ohurch, of which we will reproduce two or three: Afier the first battle of Manassas, the bid gentle man in a prayer exclaimed, “Oh, Lord, I’ll tell Thee we’ve given the Yankees a pn tty genteel whipping.” . That same day he remarked to a lady, now living in Athens, upon iho clnse nl bis sermon, “Will that good lookingyouiig sister o.i the eend of the bench please raise the hyine?" It was Mr. Joel llorton that in his prayer ho designated with, “Oh, Lord, b ess that erring sinner settin’ there, named Joel Morton! You'll know him, Lord, from havin’ green breeches on." Unolo Billy was a great rebel and a good man. He once preached a sermon on “Ike andllecky at the welL” He has been known to stop on the road side, hitch his horse under a shade and pull fodder for halt a day with some man, to get a chance to talk religion to him. Big Spi ing church is now going to decay, and tills crude old building will soon have to givo way fora modern structure. “just this side of the old home of “Lit tle Joo Elder," we passed b.-heath a . large dead oak with an outatrethed limb >■ reaching across theroad. This was the sccno of an amusing incident' of long ago. An old man named Merriwether imagined tha^he would have a call to preach and unceasingly prayed for the summons. A wag in thj neighborhood, named McRee, one evening, where he knew the old man would pass, crawled out on this limb and concealed himself among the dense foliage. Just as Mr. Merriwether rode underneet'n, with head humbly bowed and that old praver upon his lips, in a sepulchral tone McRee called out three times: “Meriwether go preach my Pospelj." At tho third sum mons the old man put whip to his horse and dashed home, when he hugged eve rything in his reach and told the Ismily , that the call from Gid to preach had at last reached him, and he now felt it hU '.dutyto obey; and forthwith went into the ministry and proved an instru ment of great good. , As we began to near our destination the topography of the country and char- acterofthe soil began to change. We bad traveled spine ridge—tbs backbone of the country between the two rivers— but we now noticed that the trees were larger, the crops more luxuriant, sad Other evidences of fertility. Mr. Lowe us with little incidents of his school boy days. In going and coming ha shor ed us 13 different spots where he had broke his leg white wrestling, and there it not a vale ot romantic nook but what had witnessed his exploits with some pretty glrL About 6 o'clock we drove up to the old Lowe homestead, now the residence of Mr. Joel Morton, end were moat cor dially welcomed and royally entertained. The Lowe family wore having a reunion, and the largo old house was full of pleas ant company. In ante-bellum days this was a grand old place, of which you still see evidences on every hand. Had we been undo and cousin and aunt combin ed, wo could not have been kinder treated by this family. Alter a fow* minutes’ rest Mr. Lows proposed that we stroll with him around the promises, which wo gladly did. We wended our way to tho spring, but oar companion suddonly halted before a large poplar, and pointing to it said: “Isn’t it wonderful whit changes time makes! The last time I was hdre that old'poplar was known u the ‘Big Hickorynut,’ and I have gathered bushels of scaley- bsrks off of 1L We finally reached the spring. “And they’ve pulled this spring up by ths roots and moved itl When I was s boy it used to gush out of that big <>ck up thare on the hillside across tho branch. Iwonder what they ever did that for?” Thus it was that Mr.Lowe found evsrything changed since his boyhood days. The hills and vailoys had swap pod places, and the country seems turned upsido downl After supper we found that all the household had arranged to attend Anti och chureb, just on the hill-top, ami hear Rev.S. P. Landrum, the Sam Jones efthe Christian chufcji. This is one of the oldest established Christian churches the Hite, but a more commodious and iter arranged building is novr being erected near the old house. We had a curiosity to hear this famous divine, and attended also. The building was packed and people came for miles around listen to tho “funny proachor,” as Mr. Landrum is called. The benches are constructed not with an eyo to pomfort, and one would feel just about as much his ease on top of a three-edged fence- But for more than an hour we stood the ordeal, and heard another ser mon on Snnday; but this time service wtsheld in th- unfinished now church is tarnished whh 'tnlich. better hooches. We were disappointed in Mr. Landrum. We expected to see in him a counterfeit Sam Jones. If he is an imitation of ths famous evangelist, it is s very poor one. Wo believe Mr. Lan drum’s manner' is natural, and he does not pattern after any one. Wo think he is a thoroughly honost man, and sincere. His face and manner show this. Mr. Landrum’s delivery is very poor, tnd his sentences so flighty and discon nected that they jar on ■ the ear. There is no relation between his text and his sermon, bat there is said to bo a strong similarity between ail of his discourse!, in fset, bo preached s part of the sermon twice last Sunday to the same congregation. Mr. Landrum makes some good points, but they are mixed with too much chaff. It is like board- he could change his Btyle of preaching to a more serious drift, that, he would meet with greater success In his good work.' To-morrow wo will write of jjhe old homes in this loca'ity, ana other points of interest . J *j LOOALciuPS. •mall Items that! Reporter caught Mthe Fly Yesterday. Tho Good Templars made some money by the excursion. Cotton pickers will soon bo in demand. Who will bring in the first bale of cot ton? It is getting about time for it to sp pear. Mr. Blumenlhsl has returned from New York, whero he purchased a splen did stock of goods. much water to get a little of tho bever age. But the most objectionable part of some of Mr. Landrum's discourses is the coarseness of some of his sentences, such t3 the following, tint escaped'Jiis. lip* during hie sermons last Sunday: “1'It bet a pint of goobers;" “Just os easily done M to crack e louse;”'“It’s gwinete rain—so take in your fodder;" “I’d as sotn wet a hog," and a number of simi lar silly expressions. Thera was neith er wit nor point to them, and they fell flat, without a smile from the congrega tion. This minister is said to be a fair atin tnd Greek scholar, and he delights to display his learning before tho peo ple, and sceka every pretext to do xo. He must also be a “fresh" in Masonry, from the frequent mention he nukes of the order, without any regard to the subject under discussion. Sunday morning Mr. Landrum preached a ser mon thst was mainly given to defending Baptism by immersion, and said he had challenged Rev. Simon Peter Richardson, of the Methodist church, to discuss the subject with him, hut he declined, and had also written to Mr. Myrick, of the same church, but hod never beard from tbdl minister either. He senmed to be ravenously hungry for a Biblical contro versy; but st the close of h : s discourse spoke very kindly of all Chriatian de nominations. Mr. fundi urn hod only seeured one convert up to Sunday—a Isdy who had severed her connection with the Baptist church. In our little Criticism on Mr. Lend rum’s sermons we do not intend it as any reflection on his Christian character; bat we think wn utter the sentimenU of many members XO DECLARATION XI0B8BAKY. Upon investigating the question sub mitted by petition touching the legality of Farmington and Salem precincts In prohibition olccSon held on the 20th day of May, 1886, for this, Oconee county, I find that *he election held at both those precincts was illegal, and cainot bo counted in consolidating tho votes said election. Consequently the prohi bition election for this county has suited in a majority of legal votes “For tho Sale.” When the result is “For tho Sale” the law does not require any dec laration by publication B. E. TniusiiEit, Ordinary 0. 0. Aug. 10th, 1886.- THE MACON & ATHENS. The Engineering carps-Xnmorsd Bale or the Bonn. The surveyors on iha M. * A. road ore now cncampod on Mr. Lilly’s land, Jnat this side of Rlaireville, and tho corps la now in a mile of tho city limits. They will remain in camphors for several days. Athens is exdtad over ths rumored sale cf the Macon & Athens road to tho East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia. Wh«t offect it will havo on the building of ths road wo cannot now sty. THE PEOPLE AROUSED. In Bis Sworn Aaawer Before Jadae Hutch lntHt lays ths County Wti t “Dry"—I: Hit Official Act Ht lays “Wef-Why la It7—Malpractice,' OBITUARY; \ CoaiUtatton. R. Wat Adams, a native of Athons, a graduate and valedictorian of the State University in 1848, a resident of Hamil ton county, Fla, since 1859; a member of the Florida legislature, both in tho hou^and senate; .captain in the Fifth 5( . r U(I . phthisis too thin. Ho Honda regiment when twenty years of * imnrin0 lliat tho nconlo believe thi. age, an extensive planter and successful merchant at White Spring, and beat of all, Since 1876, a sincere bcliovcr in and servant of tho Lord Jesus Christ, died at White Spring lost Sunday, 16th Inst A BBOTHER. BXXOLLIXO TXK ICH0MX3. Yeslorday was the ;flrat day ef enroll ing scholars for the public schools of our city. There were 125 scholars enrolled up to 12 o’clock, and representing all classes of our citizens. This speaks well for the opening and Bhowa that our citi zens ire thoroughly aroused on the pub lic. schools. Every morning this wsck will he devoted to enrolling scholars and evei y dho who intends to’go totho public schools should enroll at once. A BBXOX (HOW. Since blue blooded dogs have got te tin so plentiful in our city, tho Eair Associ- ing house coffee—* man -must drink too ationJahouM have .bench show at tho coming fair. Atlanta wo see is prepar- ing to have one in January, and Athens can’t afford to be behind. Burma horse*. Mr. W.' 8. Holman leavas for tho blue grass regions of Kentucky, to morrow, after a drove of hersos and mules. He will bring bsck some as fino stock as over was brought to Georgia. SoSmSk • Mr. McDuffie received yesterday per express s thoroughbred St. Bernard. It is of a yellowish color and a perfect pic ture. . FOB THE LEGISLATURE. Hon. Weldon W. Price, has announced for the legislature in Ocinee county. Weldon will make the race lively. NO FOORDATION* ere was a report going the rounds Saturday in onrcity,sndit was also pub lished in the Atlanta Constitution thst the Macon tc Athens railroad had sold out to the Erst Tenn., & Oa., road. On hear ing the report, Judge W. B. Thomas, who has done more to bring this road by Athens than any one else, telegraphed Mr. Machen for Information and receiv ed the following reply: ^Naw Yota, - Aug. 22.—Judge W. B. Thomas; Not tho slightest foundation for the rumor. Will see yon next week. K.C.M. Aranas, Q*., JcxR 1218M GtRltns: E rin n Inreplv to jronr inquiry, I may stats candidly that I think Hortiord'o Bread Preparation tho boot and (afoot on tho market. Town truly, JOHN GKJUllNE, A 9 The citizens of Oconeo county surprised and outraged on Saturday last, as the rumor began to spread that Ordi nary Thrasher had made up his mind, in the face of facts and his former state- .ments, both to the people and to Ills Honor Judge Hutchins, to declare that the county, on the 20th of May last, voted “For the Sale.” This is a won derful declaration, when wo re member that Mr. Thrasher admitted to Judge Hutchins In July last that tho county went “dry” hy a majority of 42. Tho good citizens are thoroughly aroused and are determined to soo that the voice of the pcoplo shall bo respec ted and tho unfaithful officer shall be punished. With tho facts as thoy now exist, Mn Thrasher is, clearly guiltjNif malpractice in office, and tho grand jury will doubtless find a bill, st its next tarin, and tho jurios of- the county will promptly investigate tho. official acts of this officer, and if he is guilty, they will st once so declare, and then Mr. Thrash er will havo to leave tho office ho en tered a short time eincc, in a very unen viable way. The rumor that pecuniary induce ment! bad been brought to bear is tak ings Order hold of tho people, and they are outspoken jn declaring that without such influences bring brought 'to bear, the true and honest result of said elec tion would have been declared long since. The position of Mr. Thrasher is an omolonsonc. His excuse for declaring “wet" is, we understand, that Salem and Farmington districts -were “illegally ft mod” twenty-five years ago, and that it is high time that they should bo fixed up all right. Ho forgot that he, os Ordi nary, was eloctedin an election in which these precincts participated, and that every officer that has held office for a long number of yesrsj has done so under elections in which these precincts havo THE LEADERS BOOTS AND SHOES, THE BEST Goods for the Least Money! ATHENS, OA. may imagino that tho people believe this to bdth'e-power behind the throno which caused his unprecedented action in this matter, but later on he will realize that the power actuating this strange and un warranted act was more powerful than a mere irregulsity of tho establishing of a voting precinct twenty-flvo ycnia ago. For more than two months after tha election lie declared frequently that the county hail votol dry, and that tho only reason he had for not, so . declar ing, was that ho thought it un fair to shut down on somo and allow W. II. Booth to continue. This ho said would bo tho result, as Mr.'Booth’s license did not expire until January 1st, 1882. It does seem to us that if there ever was a case of malpractice in office; a esse in which tho voice of tho people h*ve been'ignored by an officer, this Is one, and doubtless boforo another July Court the Ordinary will wish that his foresight had bcon aa good as his hind sights. The case against Mr. Thrasher does not seemed to be pushed with thst vigor thst thu merits of tho esse deserve, or be would not have boen allowed four months to do that which the law de manded him to do st once—and tho good pecple of Oconee demand that the law be pushed as rapidly as possible and that the true result of the election be de clared, and tho county of Oconee be al lowed to enjoy the benefits of a law which they have, by their votes declared, and that Mr. Thresher be taught that he is th e servant and not the master of the people. ' Justice. OBB YEAR OLD. The Knights of Labor of Athens cele brated their first anniversary last night, st their hall on Broad street. This or ganization started on the 22d of August, 1885, end are now 800 strong. The members of the assembly give a splen did supper to the families of members and invited guests. Several speeches were mode by members of the assembly. Good singing, good music and an enjoy able time was had by all who attended. CO RUCTION. Mr. A. G. Elder desires us to state that His r mistake as to Vr. Moore being the handsoine member of the firm of Moore At Elder, and'that by actual vote of the citiscns of Athens he has been almost unanimaiisly declared ihe handsomer of thetwo. A FINN COW.. I offer. sale a fine Guernsey and. Jersey cow out of a gtl. dam. with her lint coif. A. L. Hull: URL Fall and Winlerl886 OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER SUITINGS, OVERCOATS AND OTHER SPECIALTIES tho ensuing season will bo ready for inspection by SRI* 1’KMBHH ist V. desire very briefly to state that it h tho Most Complete Exibit fer Variety, Extent and General Exoelenoe Ever 3'ihriJ uuntil you havo an opportunity May ask vou to ra«erve your or t'rs xamlno tho Bame. Verytfuly yours, FERRIS & SON. Mei chant Tailors a ■ i.ent usinyourcit cp'i inti-r- Any ml lOttC-D *" Fhrnlslilnir Goods. Our Mr E. H. Ferris will rep a*nmplete On* of sainydoe 'iring the first pert o I whi» live may be favored wi l receive perso a. a'. PRIN ri-NG.PRI NTIN G , —Do you ws «t aiiy printing, now or later? Don't GsUgenls’ Prices i and,you Will get bcst>ork>nd lowest prices it/the State BURKE, Clayton Stre C A SCUDDER SILVERSMITH, Watches Clocks Silverware TUREE—ILLS I I Nl 1 i—li— cowratnoo, 1 jm GRIFFITH &MELL. INSURANCE AGENTS. Represent best Companies and insure desirable pro perty in Athens and vicinity on most favorable terms List of Compahim. Georgia Home Home of New York.... Phoenix oi Hertford Liverpool and London and Globe. Insurance Company ei North America..... North British end Mercantile.. New York Underwriters Germania of New Yoik. Merchants of KewVene; Atlanta Heat (Pays dlvidendmio LONG TCBM POLICIES ISSUED ON NOTE PLAN. OFFICE AT BANK OF THE 1 UNI janlSdly. Asian. « 750.00* . 7 *>,C 4,240/760 14.600,000 M*7,*S* t,ns,714 M06.877 M»,7U 1.1SM04