The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 24, 1886, Image 2

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>r ’".Jf BANNER-WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GA* AUGUST j6, i&>6. Magarficeat Water Power for Sail! The well known ester power below the conuente ~~ To th. »*»* i-Airr Leave AUfej.u 2-46 p. a Ar*tt> AiU-ns 7 40 p.m Lmti 2 60 p.m Arrt Mr»*ie*e» ll p.m “ Lexingi u.. S:4ip.m *• AiiUw •»... 4:W» p,»a " M*xe)» ... 4:1ft p.m " vtooavllle. 4:4ft p m •• luPt 4:hftp.ia A**T» /trn'u 8.16 i» Wo, 97, » Lfc • L at. Lft Augusta 7:-jft a u a v« Atupna. I2:i6p, m L’ve Atfctua 7:«6 a a Ar’ve Wm'Y'rn 3 04 a HI " Lexln^um.. 8:8ft «-u “ Antioca... 8:‘ft a.Hi " Mazeya.. . 8:04 a.m “ Woouville. 8:2ft " l!n. h..... »:40 a.m Arr’ve Atlanta l.tam l. . fill! WART WAR I Meiieq, Refoses to Release Callings Mamie Litlle has left Macon and gone hack to Millen to prove her character. Another .Southern league is an impossibility Bince Atlanta's dis graceful conduct. She bought the penant last year,, which cost them ♦t.Soo, add sre trying to get it by other methods this year. The Southern Base Bali League is getting into trouble. Atlanta and Savannah are calling each other lovely names. “You are a liar,” and “You are trying to steal” are some of the modest sentences used by the clubs. * The news Irom Mexico is that Cutting is about to be released. The only thing that the fuss has devel oped is that the Confederate sol diers could not hold office in the United States army. This Jtw had! better be repealed if Uncle Sana ex pects to get into a difficulty. - 'It is said thatMriuGrover Cleve land never forgets a name. She knowi ail the John Smiths and Bill Joncs’a that have been introduced to her since she got into the White House. bame -watchman • f lbs Noitta » na Soutli t»cnnec River known as Harnett Sjqpl>. 'Jor 10 miles fiora Att.s-tia. \% rom Watk tist.r.e. and * from WluU-rvl.'le, on the Georgia 11*11 rod The dirt road to the pro perty la 1- veL TKn shoal* are very fine, he fell is r.t i-jofeet th rol ;ntoi ira’eris 1 :.v ) ie« -, (cuLii) The shoals a. • lei than one mile Ionic The iur- vey and ir.aj* ..t* ia».de bv I'roi liairow of the Slate University hencecan be relied upon. There isat'ach-'d to fie jo 2' >ac r e«o la* 1 suitable f»rs vilieLff for vt«. Asti m ana across the land and ri-es hi/U enough on Lie bill to mrow Us being used o force water by gravity through tay building* and couldbe a~o<l ago hue fire and tor other r-ttipfts-*> The atemplated Hsilroad fiom Athens Soi.tb will v only a few tuilta fiomt^e p operty, for roanun. uuri.ig pur- emOlAL OROAJI Of %j of AthftteCand Clarke, Oconee k Banka MO. 1, WJthT PA . I L’vt Aiii’UhU. a.Uli •• Macon—.. 7:10 an ** Waahl’g'n.11:20 “Athens.... 9;t0 a.ui' *' Wlnterr’e 9:24 a-m Lex’gt’n.. 10:0ft a.m “ Antioch.. 10:44 a,m *' Mazeya .. 11:00 a.m *• WoodvIUe 11:37 p.m Ar’ve U'nH.. 11:66 a.a. «* Atlanta. ft:EJ p.n i *0.3, WEST DAILY. I r ‘*i AiUia ’/V5T , HoouvlUe 2:99 llazeya... s : gg ' AaUUCll, . . |; M i®aJngtoi^ 4:ui ■'kUAM ' Vt * ^ •• 2t» VViuh'gl'r Macon... ' Augugtn T. L, GANTT, Eorrox. has no auperlor. For parttes* real Kx, near the property ol J. 8. WILLIFORD, R.E^A. CUTTING ON FRUIT JARS JELLY TUMBLERS, Mil. I’l.KASANT A. STOVALL. daily.* . 7:30 p,m 7:3o p m | Mr. Pleasant A. Stovall has been connected with The Chronicle foi ten years. Shortly after his rradu- ation at the Stste University he was offered a position on The Chronicle. p n.| •itAilknau. Arrive Macon 6:46 awl " Macon . Ar’ve Atla-U. ft:40 a.m-ar’e Augusta, 2 mill Hum her •:? will biop as ana receive p •engers to and irom the tlaious only Urevetowu, Hsriem, lAMuug, ihomaou Nor wood, CrawfbrilvlUe, Union Fi»at, Ureetm- buru, Madison, Rutledge, eociai circle Covington, Conjrora, LllhonU, eioue Mono talu and Dfcalor. Tram.Nv. 2ft s.Ustop at and receive pasa^ugers to and from the following staUous only: (Jrovetown, F" nem, Thompson, Norwood, Craalonlville, Lnion Point, UreensDoro, Madison Mutieuge, becial Train Ha. tt on nUiena I -aneb ,Irca paiuea- («n Own Mo«S«main U.«, ismlnoioa lor ■epper at Onion Point. AU«nioonnectwUMraliu27, as. 1 uai Since that time he hss filled, most acceptably, every, posi tion in the editorial department. He resigns to-day to take editorial charge ol the Banner-Watchman, of Athens, in which paper he has purchased a half Interest. We psrt from Mr. Stovall with great regret. During ti e whole cl our personal and business relations, there never has been an unkind word between us. He carries with him the good wishes of The Chron icle and of the community. With a cultivated mind and per fect independence of thought; with courage in the maintenance o views combined with an inate aeu«e of justice and an inborn courtesy that never wounds, Mr. Stovall ha. the ability and the experience to make himself one of the mo.t prominent and successful journal- iota of the South. His usefulness to the State and the development ol his talent will be quickened by his opportunity and tespunsibility in ilia new field of labors. Mr. Stovall’s first PLASTER PARIS, KEROSINE AND LUBRICATING awarded in 1888 at the Expositions of, New Orleans and Loulirille, and the In ventions Exposition of London.' * lbs superiority of OoraUne over hom or whalebone boo now boon domoostiatod by brer Are yeon* experience. It la more durable; more pliable, more comfortable. BOd flMV^ brtak*. Avoid cheap imitation! made of various kinds of Cord. Nooe are genuine unless “Da. Vfiaxia'i Coiuuas" la printed on Inside of steel cover. HI I All IT AUIIABIRI MIKHAITI. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York City a s who may desire tA m remedies and c ty for, treatment. appliances superior; correspondent- stile'’- confidential. Write full history of yoor esse, and direct to myself at II, ' D '5Ioha9rEUDENTHAL, M. D' ' If yen Will GIVE ME A CALL. NORTH-BASTEHN RAILROA. SurautiTXHUj.NT’o Orrtoo, ATUKlTi, UL, JUM *11.t. 1UO.U10 follow 111 MkoouMwlil oponlo .a ikio na. Tran., rtu oy ru iimo i 'lS awniai Prime., Ccmcurj Enel raalie Earn,. Wrarsht, ewt >nd r&'sjfn®''.* 1 mX"ri if FI an blag rankhed at rate* u lew at with good work Personal taper in Iqfacte contract. C, B. Verone Makers ft boaly lft mile* te Tallulah Ka'-e yen tUi can go to tbr Fr’li iu2ft nlnuUft oah. K it. spend the d« * aad rvlurp lo the eyenl. Nothing will oe 1c . undone , to make tblat gsvcfttraecnor the «r: wo. A gool etnng bs emp'ov'd tvr th - enoa. SpecUl ratos w Citv Plumber. LYCETTS ART SCHOOL Wedutea »ye end e»suia>y only, BARBERSHOP REMOVED Leave toruell* v: 0 p m arrive at cl» kesvlllo vjh u m krn de at Twilulah Fall* lvua p m L*otw cuuuecuunv uaueat Lula and iornelia #itn pMwangei triUbe on Bt* hmJna »ud iienvtila aUurwAU, both fciui and Wait, Ample time lor •upper it Lula oa cveiling irelaa, feupeib steeping car accommodaMonn. Theniterteft and «uickc»i route L» iwetn A then* aud mi pLinta •uitn. Maet auu Weet .*». JR.BKMNABD, fino'i O. W. CUE/.Rs, Ota. ha. a»0»i? “*“■ °“ Germeny and Iie'y AT LOWBBi;RATES Of IXCHANUK. A.* ‘TULL, Cftfthitr* >Ol7dlm newspaper work was at a reporter fur a shori time on the Athens Banner, then t ied by Hon. II. H. Carlton, now Congressman elect from the Eighth Distric*. His first service on The Chronicle was as telegraph and news editor. He was lor sev eral years reporter and city editor, aud lor a long time he has been one of the ed.itorial writers. _ He ha. conducted the editorial department of The isl.ronicle, discussing que • lions whin the range of a newspa per, 'M\h a dearness, comprehcn- ■oiw'aml vigor of thought com- lii'Ad with a delicacy of touch in lit expression ol hit ideas that has ditertained, instructed and charmed our readers, V/(! ^ We honor our friend for his tal ents. We admire him for hia beau tiful traits, for the purity of his heart, the gentleness of his nature end the manliness of his character. We predict for-Mr. Stovall an hBnorable and successful careers, editor of the Banner-Watchman. The enlightened, refined and pro gressive people of Athens are to be congratulated on the accession of such a citizen us Pleasant A. Sto vall. He will publish a paper, the influence ol which for good wil only be circumscribed by its op portunitiea. The Chronicle staff* and entire force part from Mr. btovall will) tender regrets and prayerful good wishes for his success ami hap piness.—Augusta Chronicle. ACKNOWLEDGMENT; In’tevering his connection with . the Chronicle office, the undersign ed fully and feelingly reciprocates the friendly sentiments ol its man aging editur. He recognizes that whatever he may have done has been largely owing to the favor he hat found and the kindness he hat re ceived in the Chronicle office from its and the employes in it« large establishment as well as to the partiality of his readers in Au gusta and vicinity. He* feels, too, that whatever he may now attempt wilt be cheered and strengthened by the consideration which has been given him by the Chronicle and by the constituents of this paper. For Hon. Patrick Walab, for the other members of the editorial staff* and for all those who labor in its service and contribute to its success, the writer bolds the warmest interest, and these leeltnga he is glad to know are shared by the noble people among whom be it about to make c his home. Pleasant A. Stovall. t Rev. Dr. Tannage has preached a lengthy sermon on daughter-in* lews. The mother-in-law will per haps recaivc hi* attention next. / I MANUFACTURERS, | ATLANTA. GA. PISDMONT A1R.1.INE ROUTE. • 1 Ichmonnd and Danville Railroad Co A.L.XUN1SI0N. . CONDINSED aOUBDULu In Effect Ju.jr 4lh, 1886, a 1 • mu b> 7iHi* MenuLa umt-Oue hour laz ier luitii toil) Menu ..1. tin**. t " l O!IDIC nil dleeaeeaofflie LIVER, wOf V.UfXiff STOMACH aad BOWELS, a chaazw the eoqpierioo from a wap, yettou ffUAl. BoOMw weave AUnhIm ■ rujlue vine ... ..Lula •'luotiua tfeltvut •Lsujuy uies-utr’K. , epMiUu’a . . LaBuuy . ... line guu„ Cbaftwu* tUlielmri ...^., * auwu'iie ... '-.IhUVIilc Ar. W«nt8prlu.a •"iUleltti “uoutaboro . .. ,Uld«a«MiMMU . ’UMiivlite “Blvhiaviid .... ‘Lynchburg . <MMN . Ull.tilusluu -UalUlaur. ... .-... -FStladapkia ... ’»«» Feta COTTON GINS and PRESSES, Cotton Hoed dll Mills. Cotton Meed Untom, Cane Hills, Raw Hills, ■'alUncdh:. iqi, llanrcs, Wind Hills and Caatlnph Pmnn. and Tsslu. PhTdeisas sad Dtvxgl. UNcmm’s OBACCO REMEDIES E. VAN WINKLE A CO_ Atl-nta,Ca 1 I PATTERSON, !* W mm t THE CL1NGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT A FRIEND IN NEED DR BWEET’fi INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. )V*rm ring*. uaakVilju ...... »*4tahvilla .... kaiMburv...... Charluuu —.. Patented 1878. Improved 1881. Patented 1882. . Price* reduced to one-hall former price*. lCo.1 Mach. M0.001 H0.8 Macbo 940.00 Beet Cleaner for find Cotton In the market' No dinner can afford to be without one. . X. TAB WIHKUB 9 CO. # Manufacturer^ aumu. cm BROWN'S IRON . BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION > ..i FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA aa p..*. KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES *;U: FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCGISTi m Th* Genuine has Thule Mark and croMed Ra tiaH n wrapper. TAKE HO OTHER. •Daliy except Uanday 8LKEP1NU car Hauvirg. Oatuln. Hand SI Pulln.n Boff.1 S‘5! »•* Fork ..U Ati»U. da t and S3 Ptillra.-i Bnfff. aiwp J' ti,i yuan aad N.. iltlnii; wf.k!a c t., Snsbe 55 r B. THOMAS. Len’L Manager, PUKZ. 1GHGER..ALL1 IT YOUWANT SJHETHUT J VnE IALM COMPANY. Athens, Georgia. ronxa t, a. karris, runmn 8TXVKN8 1UOUAU, Sacur.nT. Freperwd with a pedal retard to beahh * *KoAaaoala,LUMor Alaaa. * meg mm rowogn co., CAOO* OT. LOU I Be 9700to S8S00 & made workis* for m. Aants pm famish tbetr ovm horses aad give 1 to the bmrtesm. feaie momeois ■ employed eleo. A few vepeades la t &T7ohj5om*oou wuia*- «v Heoidont Dirsetors t O. Ha axis, Stktbrs Tromar, kwtov, J. 8. Hamilton, d Phiiixt, MarcillusHtanlbt. dTPDov, Joir W. Vicaotaov. «Mt f/w HpmncTTTT J. A. GRANT Kill Pwf lit Pqirlaiprc OIN SAW FILINB MACHINE. Tk* TAYLOR (UN SAW riLIk to oa. M U. beat aid*. AD,t>odr ito Ola Saw, with Bwialia. an ynetto.. Dm* lu vorkaallahould b.|M. aad toa iImw laator than by hand, Er- k-rr Raablaa wimatod. Mm|U. fay, tor Um1I«t«»y ilMnn. <M«iRa A. R. BUTIfERLARD^QtlbM, B. C. INSURANCEAGENT. Represents First-Class, Prompt W. jf. lUBNETT. . ATTORNEY- AT-LAW \ ATHENE, OA. OFFICE OVKK CHILD* XICKKBSOX Jc OO Frulkm e Itato aad Fadaral Cearto - - ‘ Paying Companies, TSBKPBKKENTKD 840,090,0081 CLARKE8V1LLE, GA. inilMw bc,H * U I.n ll • DAILY JCACZrr SUNDAYS. NO. to . Nuol Lteve Athebe - •mve at Harmony Grove. Aarive iu Lorn........ Arrive at Atiaata Arrive at Ulaffceovllle arrive at imummu rails J;4> a a 9:48 am tVM b as i .ao p m ;i7 pu aft PA o.25 j> in .:2a p m d.46 y iu ‘••4o p m