The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, August 31, 1886, Image 2

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BANNER-WATCHMAN ATHENS, GA , AUGUSTS:, i&S iUKtlttOj IHMAN to stand b'lghfr than it ha* of late, and those who own it si an invest ment may feel safe that it is far more valuable ihan they have for several years supposed. The next Georgia delegation in the House of Representatives will doubtless be like the present one— solid for revenue reform. But there sre no free trailers. The earthquake has been shaking VP Augusta, Ga., e.! hens, Greece, and Alexandria, Egypt. This dis crimination against Athens, Ga., is marked. The deposed f members ol the Alexander family seem to be drift ing again towards power—Gen. E< P. Alexander of Ga., and Prince Alexander of Bulgaria. The signs HELP FOR WOMAN THE GERMAN AND AMERICAN Mr. Editor: w was walking dowfcx*,OeonM* Banks FEMALE INFIRMARY MISS ROSA FKEl'DENTHAL, K.D. fort of the inn* WWWIOB UT ® who wa* houjntfaY, 51; W# springs, and short while, ; T (t STOVALL, »nd after a 1 aid raorairros miles, wo t-—.-—: Proprietor. ALL DISEASES PECULIAR TO THE SEX TREATED. This Dispensary and InflrmaiT has all the advantages apd facilities found in anch Institutions In Europe. Every department la perfect within itself. Uterine diseases: a diseases of the bladder and bowels; of the skin; pile* wens, tuiror, nervous diseases, etc., ep eclally provided fe- and cared gently CUTTING ON FRUIT JARS JEI.LV TUMBLERS, of your esse, and dirset to myself at thePlapensary. ROHA FREUDENTHAL, M. D’ Cement PLASTER PARIS, KEROSENE AND LUBRICATING OILS YOUNG tats «d Pactias. Tutsan. » autstop at an* receive raaesafen I* and lrom ik. following stations oolj: USentewa, narwa, Tuompton, Norwood, UrawlordriUe, Uaion Fouu, UreeiulMro, Msdlaon Hatfedgr, bectal Oirele, Covington, Coajsts, lukoau. Stone Mountain and J^ccttnti Train Mo. 2s on Athens branch ttvei puwn- cert nom Newouaala Use, itmlaulee ter Iwnnar at flrslnn Mnt. thirteen years as Proprietor of UieToUolab Folio Hotel. Clarkcsvllle has boon n fluorite summer resort for tbo last fifty jean, lu fine climate, miners\ water, and mountain aoenery, etc.; with three churches two livery stables and good drivers make it ve.y desirable for health or pleasure seekers, it Is only 13 miles to Tallulah FaLs vtarMos can go to th» Falls lu 90 mlhnti» oaN.I it. Bu speou the day and return inihoovenln Nothing will do left undone to make thlst gayest resort of the season. A good string ho nlnwed for the -— . Snrdlll retM SW Germany and Italy AT LOWEST BATES OF *XCH»K A. L. HULL, Ceehler Aal7dlm ; iUANOFACTC&ERS, ATLANTA, QA. 755rgH —AND— taiM DtLUS. TEXAS. COTTON GINS and PRESSES, s. VAN WtNKLK a 00-Atlanta,oa. CONDENSED .S0BEDUL1 Is Eflect July 4th, 1886* inti • inn by 70th Meridian time—Ouo hour Jha* tar than 9uth Mernlun time. Express Me. ft! Hally, Nouta nouno. Leave Atlanta ax Gainesville “Lula “ Toocoa “Honeca Combining ISON wit* Ftkk VEGETABLE TONICS, qalckly and completely CLEANSES and ENRICHES TUB BLOOD. Onlchens the action of the Liter sad Kidneys. Clears the complexion, make* the skin smooth. It does not lalmre the teeth, comm hsodocho, or prodnoooo- stlpotion—ALL OTHER IRON MEDICINES DO. ••Salisbury , -stales uiile. ... •Mahvtile Ar. Warm Springs ••Kalclrh 'TZ.. E. VAN WINKLE & CO. veAew’Yirk. BARBERSHOP REMOVED Having removed our Palace Barber Shop to the mom on Jackson street, formerly occnpied Ltwe A Co., as a saloon, and ate now betto pee pared than ever to w it upon onr old cosUi men and as many nsv ores as will pstionfse a We now have toe hanest and besteqoipfcd ta oerahop in Athens and only tbe most tk'll artist are employed. Give is stit gcUU EhM M 1 •Dsliy except aundny QIN 8AW FILING MACHINE. ThoTAYLOB OIK SAW FILEK I, on, ,t ta, bMttrid*. Anybody cm 11, Olu !••• wllh It* Require, no pnnlkn. Dom it. work 0. Itihoald nntf to, Umm tutor tiun by tend. Er. ot Mubin, wamaiod. Prira 819 feyafer liwlteveryooeooo. Order from J, N. SU1DIBI aND.BoIIob, 8. ! OR Awnloy Fn.n. C.M.Ury tulmin dnwllc Beau. Wiw,bt, IM „d t.w.r SruriuryOoodi. Pauli, Windmill.. Gu ne, Globe, and Kilting, kaUmstM hr all el Plumbing fjralihrd it ratMu low u I. *Dt wit* -00* work renowd •■pervialoo een irwd co,tract. IMF- >1/1 «>> The sentiment among the busi ness men in Atlanta seem* (o be that the Gate City is not to badly damaged by prohibition, as recent letters have represented it. Comparatively few desirable bouses sre for rent; the bank* note no abatement in business and Mayor Hillyer declare* that the c>ty will be able tbit fall to meet eveiy obli gation, so soon *s the taxes begin to flow in. Meanwhile the sentiment in Atlanta it drifting towards some modification of the law. The liquer test will be made this year in all city and ccunty elections. Tbc con- more test* is growing bitter every mdstperfectmade: BUBNETT. IATOXCE. Cure. fnt!.m*l end ko.n. Olv*. NO PAIN. Tb« grove of f«C KACT8 COME OUT. of which < i beauty ofner-Watchman ha* given momenfibout tbe Oconee county II- cntfection as they have occurred. ■"Mec.rd is ane of the most re usable that hat been furnished in J prohib ; tion movement in Geor- .. This paper printed on Sunday c statement of Hon. Edmund fisher, the Ordinary of that coun- cfending his action in the prem- There hat been much dissatisfac tion over the action of this officer. We do not go too far when wc say that among a part of the people of hitown county there hat been indig nation at hit delay in proclaiming thcjresult. at much a, in that direc tion he has given the vote cast fait May. The charges which have been repeated and the motives im puted to Mr. Thrasher are of a most gerious nature. If they can be sub. stant.ated the people owe it to them- selves, without regard to their stand in this liquor question, to remove him from office. If they are not true ' they should, not be repeated and great injustice has been done a man who Alls one of the highest offices in the county. The Banner-Watchman has sim ply published the facts and state ments which had been given from time to time. We would advise the good people of tin.! county who arc dissatisfied,to confine themselves to collecting evidence and presenting their cause to the courts rather than retort toaspersing motives or con detuning men. Let all the facts come out jn the regular way, and if it appears that tbc verdict of the people haa been rudely set aside, it can be righted, or if the election bos bern annulled by technical flaws, a new election may be ordered. The people will then be nearer in e po sition to judge of the official conduct •of the Ordinary. The matter is one for determined and orderly investigation, not for prejudicejor passion. The coutts have refuted to attach the Ordinary for contempt, stating that he bad the right to declare the retalt as the legal vote seemed to preponderate. The Ordinary says that he construed the vote fairly and intelligently in the lightot the law and the evidence. He it entitled, owing to hit station and as a citizen, to credence and for bearance until a lull Investigation is had, and a Anal conclusion it ettab - lithed. TUR CENTRAL RAILROAD. In tome quarters it it confidently believed that the IxiuitviUe and Nashville Railroad hat secured e controlling interest in the Georgia Central. That eystem hat always bad a block of Central stock in the hands.of some of its friends, and the recent rise in Central is attributed to tbe fact that the L. & N. people entered the market for the purpose of adding to their possession. These rumors have given rite to furthef reports that Geii. E. P. Alexander would again be made President of the Georgia Central, while in other places tbe name of CapL W. W. Gordon, of Savanna'!, has been mentioned for tbe tame position. None of these rumors are abso lutely reliable. No one knows ex actly wbet interest hss been buy ing up this stock. It may turn out that the Richmond and Danville system which hat become alsrmed at the inroad of the Georgia Central into its Carolina territory,may have entered tbe field for purchase, and we may wake up some morning to find ourselves entirely in the con trol of the Clyde*. The matter may come borne to Athens on both - sides. With the Central, goes the lease of the Gto'gia Rail-tad of course, and if the one has been the other may be in - affected. ailroad stock hr* stake-Duey” for the ad thorn who went into for specula tion have lost i told. The talk about the Louis*'1 esnd Nashville railroad havi ng purchased a controlling interest is regarded as without any foundation, and that there will he a change in the man agement on Sept.i as simply rot”— so says the Savannah News. Piince Alexander is back agr ! n in the Bulgarian theme. Russia’s ef fort to depose him wit a miserable fiasco and Alexander, who last year made a capital arrr.y record is stron ger and more popular wi’h his peo ple than ever, The whole of Eu rope sympathizes with the Prim The Columbus Enquirer repeats that when the Ceptrsl rai'road lies a change in the management it will not pass into the hands of the Lou isville and Nashville. But if by any unforeseen circumstances it should do so, General E. P. Alexander wi’l not be the president of i'.. Five Cold and Two Silver Medals, swarded in 1885 at the Expositions of Mew Orleans and Louisville, and tbe In ventions Exposition ot Loudon. Tbo superiority of Coraline over bora or whalebone haa now been demonstrated by over five yearn’ experience. It is more durable, more pliable, more comfortable, and newr break*. Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine union “Do. Wabnzrs Coralisk" is printed on Inside of steel cover. Guarantee to Save you Money on Them — u Will GIVE ME A CALL,. J. H. HUGGINS. - 188 SMC IT All UABIM MUCHA8TS. WARNER BROTHERS), 353 Broadway, New York City Rev. Alex. J. Drysdale, formerly pastor ot Emiinue 1 church, in this city, has been elected Bishop ot Easton, Mniyland. This is the posi tion which Rev. Cbaunccy C. Wil liams, of Augusts, recently declined. Mr. Dr sdnle is s clergyman of great eloquence and power. If the Central railroad had to be "scooped” it may be just as well that the 1-ouisville and Nashville system should have secured it. This gives that system the control also of the Guoigia railroad, of which they were air.ady putt lessees. It is generally believ-d now ihat Gen. E. P. Alexander wi’l be President of the Genital system, although the friends of Caps. W. W. Gordon, of Savannah, have alto urged hit name for the place. There it trouble brewing in the Mill Presidents Assoc'ation in Au gusta. W hen the lockout was or dered in the Augusta factories, the mills in Carolina, whose offices are located in Augusta, were allowed to go on. This gave Vaucluse and Gyanitevillc and Langley thcrdvnn tage of uninterrupted trade and un demoralized labor. The Augusta mantgert are complaining at this. Now 1st us see how it will be set tled. Wc hope sincerely that the strike and the lockout are both doomed. The contest for the senate in tbe -oth district it growing very warm. -Hon. M. W. Dewis and Hon’ W P. McWhorter are contesting for the choice ot Greene, and the pri mary will be close and exciting. This it a family fight and tbe Ban ner-Watchman publishes the Greenesboro letter as news. In such a conteit we cannot afford to lake tides. We trust, however, our esteemed correspondent will favor ui often with news. He is one of tbe most accomplished and influen tial men in G;rene. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK & SIDE- IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER w TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST.'. The Genuiite ha* Trade Ma k and crowed tine* on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHEIA ★ * + A FRIEND IN NEED OR. SWEET’S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, P parcel from the racciPt of Dr. Stephen Sweet of Connecticut, tbe K'cat natural Hone Setter. Ifni been u«rel lor more thun ho ?cara, and i» the boat known rrmedy for ltheumatlHin. Neuralgia. Hprains, llrulfMui, Cuts, Knrna. Wounds, and all external injuries. -old by all Dnigglota— try it. U’MdAwlyr J. A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT, Represents First-Class, Prompt Paying Companies. TS REPRESENTED $40,000,001 MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with • peclol regard to beaHh No Ammonia, Lime or Alum. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO.. CHICAGO* ST. LOUIS* ■rh BITTERS UUOWN CHEMICAL ™»- UALTIMOKE. MDb MILCH COWS FOR SHE ! GEO. E. HEARD, Millrc'pe Avenu NOKTH-KASTEHN RA SmsrtirBSDiVT’s Or ATS XUS, Go., June Slat, 1M, •akeeaiaarlll operate a.s thla row by 75ttusoridlan lima. DAILY aXOSTT SUNDAYS, Nu.U NO 61 Leave Athens ... arrive at Harmony Grove. Arrive at Lula Arrive at Atlanta......... Arrive at Claxkohvlile Arrive at Taiiaiah kali a »:4» a a 3:43 am 10:31 a a 1:30 p n • 3:47 p u :4« PL 6:36 p m p » 7:46 p m .0.40 p m DAILY AXCaPT SUNDAY. NO. 60 Mu 63 Leave Tallulah kails Arrive ciarkesvltle Leave Lula — Airi»e Harmony Grove... Arrive at Athena .. ........ 1:94 a as a m 11:10 a m 1X;14 p ia i:a* p u •;40p m ».*4 p ■ lu:*0 P ro Taiiulah Falla AccoiuiuOdaiiou Operate* on Wednesday* and bauirda»a onl». No. l. Leave iaJluiah Falla Arrive at cferkesviUe At rive atiLruelta •;40 p m 1:33 p M 7:60 p m Ne. i Uave Cornelia Airtva aiUe:ke*vUle Arrive at Tallulah Fall* fcio p m 9:34 p m 1 p m ATTOHNE Y- AT - LA W ATHENS, OA. Ovum OVkll CHIL nSlcKKL'SON ,tfO Fradjstt I* 8. .* ft*rrl Cjij - ■BHH Reaidant Directors : se L. O. Hasan, Srsrsm Twi H. Kswrotf, • J. 8. Homilt Hi*i> PwarnT, i B. L LYYieiy /*n W. E!