The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, October 09, 1886, Image 3

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MU Diems. -THE | BEST TQNI& = This medicine, combining Iron with pore S&SsSS and NnnMu, Itfc&n unfailing remedy for Dlaeaaen of the Kidneys nnd It is invaluable, for Slaeaoee pecnflar u Women, and all who lead sedentary live* It does not ini are the teeth, canaaheadccbe.01 produce constipation—ether Iron medicine* dt. It enriches and pnrifles the blood, stimulate* the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re tieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength *ns the muscles and nerves. i2KES!S5** * n- Thejgwmlne has above'trade mark and eroaMdredltneaoo wrapper. Take no other PROF.GHiS. LUDWIG VON SE [EEI I*o e*oi of Medicine at the Ho sal rniverslt* Knight of the Royal Au-*rlaa Order oitne l*oi C«>wd; Knigt t Commander of the RojslNpmlM Drderof Isabel. Knight of t e Royal Prosaist Order of the Red I agio; Cbevali er of ths Legloi of Honor, etc,, etc., rays: 'Liebig Co ’• Coca Beef Tonic should not be e.ntounded witb the horde of iraibv cure-alls. It is In no sense of the word a paten* remedy, I am thoroughly conversant with It? mode of preparation and know It to be not onlj a legitimate pharmaceutical product, but ala retredj- ol the high commendations it has r<- eslved in all parts of th« world. It eontsim essence of Beef. Cues. Quinine,Iron and Callsayr which are dissolved In pure genuine Spanish In pedal Crown Sherry.” Invaluable te all who are Run Down. N#rvon* Dyspeptic, Billions, Msiarions or afflicted will weak kidneys Beware of Imltat'ons. Her Majesty’s rnvorite Cosmetic Glycerin* bilily. For the Skin, Complex laiiping. Roughness. fl.0». O Lit Hig CO.’S Oennine 8yrnp o* Rarsapari’’ Is guaranteed as tha best Saras p aril la In t' market. SLINCtflARi’S fOBACCi i Mmedies : H£ clikghah ^csacco OIHTKlK . . I trbin^ Pilivu Has never failed to *•' •r- mat relief. Will core Anal Ulcer*. Ale «-»- • tuts. Tetter, Salt Rheum RobertItcli, BIi.r dim. Pimples. Sore* and Bode. Price 50 ft- HE CLINGMAN TtfBAGCO CAXl TITKF.’S OWN HKMEDY, Core- «; ■' indt Outs. Bruises. Sprains. Erysipelas. B- il- rl.nnolee. Bone V«lona Ulcers,boras. Bore fce. rfl ITroat,Bunion< Owns. lSeandgm.IUMUMtto' !>r Litis. Goat. Rbeamstie Ood'Odfi, Cough- -nchitia, Milk Lag Soaka awl Dc« Bit*a. Sniia- IiwectaAe. In tact alUja ah local Imtatirai ami i .:i .mmatinn from whatever cause. Price Sf5ci* i "E CLINGMAN TOBACCO PlAS T Ef .: pared arreillntte ifcejs* ed areerdinu to the raoataeiei .il-- ~~ Flour, and ie specially woessussodsd !«•» t.WeedorOakeof tba Breast , and lor that cIjpn it ant or inflammatory maladies, i where, from too dell ~ * it ient is unable to ba Tobacco Cake F.r delicate estate ol the srstem Fur Hen tumble. Price l w U* -rum. 3iss. orwrttototh ■UNGMAN TObhCCO SURE CO DURHAM. H. C.. ’J. 8. / . SMITH'S [the Skin. Tone the Nf rvet, and cWe khe system. Do**i?*,L?Mhem* nmlinPfini] you will never ne wiutout xnem.i price In stamps, postprll. u any 8ddf***» THE SANttER-WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GA. OCTOBER, 9, ,886 price la stasis, postpaid, J. F. SMITH £ CO., Mncafictarerg aad *nle Praoa- ST. «»IWUrOBIASBi «f Brtchi's Umsss (From Uu LoafavtUa (KyJ Oaarlar JamaaL) The greed of distUlen has urged them to puah their distillations go as to get aa much whiskey from the grata aa poarihle. From the old-time standard of one gallon anda half they nave increased the prodnot to three, then to four, and some distillery boast of getting ev«ta live gulloas of whis key from a bushel of grain; This lncreas* ed product U obtained by raising the temperature until both the volatile and the essential oils* frees destructive distill, atlon are thrown off, and consequently ah increased percentage of fusel oils (deadly poison) la found mixed with the whiskey and cannot easily b« gotten rid of. This Cusel oil will seriously damage the stomach of those wno drink it; Or if tha •tomaeh escape, this poison affects the kidneys, producing •IsmstUaf Myitetlsu ihst Is VTndmr- Blimlng th« Nntloa. A Revol ution of Importance. There is no need in disguising the fact that we as people are growing weaker every day* Men and women who were formerly stalwart are becoming Jess strong and less active. An unaccountable feeling of lassitude, an uncertain appetite, bad breath, less vigor, occassional headaches, and above all in ability to sleep well and rest well—all theso end many moro symptoms are the sure in dications of absolute physical breaking down. Ifc does notoome at onoe; it i+ Often a slow process. Indeed, it in so gradual that it is often unnoticed until it becomes too late to arrest its coursu. -Tffieti iiisomhin and nerv ous debility set In, flowed by softening of the brain, insaqity or death. This is an ex. J |\Ppdlnjilp inin/ .WA' Aam.n/1. JU.O,. form o, iBimraKSsffiCSSSa to-day -1-rmiDgly prevaleat and c. ra. Increase. Fusel oil U closely allied creosote In its characteristics end Jflt effects on the human system. It Is a roaive poison, thai in Its concentrated form, will Immediately klli if swallowed, •r if allowed to Unjt r In the tissues dees destructive work upon the delicate vtkl organs.” The discoverers and only mono* fadorers In thewqyld of aa absolotely pure whiskey, entirely free from fusel ell, pledge their article to be not only udUIIIl- alien from malt—the malt supplying the food quality—but by a costly prsoeie of redistillatlon It la rendered so entirely de- no try of fnscloll Into be fonnd to tL“ brain andvritlates the blood Is also elimla* valerianates are -• strength remains ^ flavor. It la not to be mild sttmnlant, so It remains s toxicant. It is not a medicate bat e pure whiskey for medlrlnel nee, manded by the medical the Daffy's pare maltwl standard of tbd phareoi , beverage, 11 is tbo preferred and most popular among the beet sad nltfset whiskies In the market. WHAT DOES IT MEAH! this'terrible- state Various things lW habits of life; the eornpetitibn' of business, iiinumsrable ex- cessts. .-The nerve force becomes lost, the energy gone pud disease and death set in. The presence of theae evils being apparent the ‘great’ d id vital ’qnrstion ^ ‘“How can they be aioided ov being flptm na, how driven away t" By toning the system. : By birildixig up where dfcosr is tearing down. Bat how? By nsTnghpare, gentle, yet effi cient medicin- and for this purpose nothing equals or has ever equaled Volina CordiaL This wonderful conixxrand ia fa*t making a Fetdtafloe ta tfie Aed'splrlta’of the “^’-unifar and ia iu*q*iestiou»bly in the ■she taste and wonderful in ita K suits. It is sA om that we advise any definite course of action, but the need of the human race is so grtidj'xts danger So immiheht and the relief so easy thakwe cannot refrain from directing careful attention, to these sole bin truths and urge' tbo importance of J. P. CARTWRIGHT’S, Augusta, Ga. .For Fine Wines, Whiskey, Brandies, Cigars and Tobacco, at the Globe and Planters Hotel Bars. Orders from dry counties promptly filled. - Oct3dlm. A; well-known public man at . ^*1 conversation with the writer on this subject it_ 2 -sehl: “Government statistics show a tre- ‘ mendous falling off’in tlie vital force ofthe : nation 'and a special increaso of. those diseases arising from nervous exhaustion.. Whatever camics may bo the fact re mains that debilny and loss of energy are prevalent and increasing, and they must be checked if we are to hope for long life or health aa a people " The quickest tube on record! Neural- girof she worst type; cured by one dose of SMITH'S BILE BRANS In from one to four hours, iu many who have tried it oa»«aitifF. It does seem strange that aenaible r people wlU > •offer with this terrible disease when speedy relief can surely be found in this simple safe and inexpensive retnedy.26 cente.For tale by allDruggista and dealers in medicine, or sent anywhere on receipt of price in stamps. The Ofb-Told 8 ory Of the peculiar merits of Mend** 'Nerve Food, Is fully confirmed by the voluu- lary testimony of thousands who have triedit. Is is perfectly harmless and safe to use. Moxie Nerve Food lathe most reliable preparation before the pub ic day for the. core of nervousness, fainting spells and aH affec- n i uervuus system. An Enterprising, Reliable Rouse. A. B. Long can ahraube relied upon mt only to carry in stcck the best of ■verything, but to secure the Agency nr such articles as have well-known merit, and are |x>pnlar with the people, hereby su-taining the reputation of ’leing al ways enterprising, andever re- iable. Having secured the agency tor he celebrated Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, will sell it on a posi- tl ve guarantee. It will surely cure any >nd every affection of the throat, lungs, indche*t, and to show our confidence. we invi e you to call and get a Trial Bottle Free. Haver Falls. Th*-re is no Instance of a failure on e ord v hen Moxie Nerve Food has-been pr ’perly talcm. It rapi ily cures nerv exhaustion, trembling weakness* hyst<-ri», *-pllepsy, paralysis and Insan ity. It is pleasant to take anda sure c ire for all nervous affections. It will' give satisfaction, for its effects are last* ing. Can bd had of all druggists, at fifty *nt*4gr.tat!e. ^ fafxll They Come. Almost • very one is troubled with lervousners in some form, and nine- enths of tlie prevailing illness comes from nervous exhaustion, brought on >y ov-rw irk, mental strain or dissipa* no . N » wonder peopl * are asking«for • r 1 l * nerve remedy like Moxie V.^rve F hvI, it builds you up, and < rei gthens your whole nervous system. Pry it . ^ Why Four Men Are Happy In 8. Boston - B. Frank B*rpee was repo ted to have had a snug prize in the Lotsiana State Lot errv, and we ascer ained the fee s: Mr B., a saloon keeper. No. 8 Gran* c s’. , S. B stou, John Dugan, with the Boston A Albany Raili o id. and two brot hers, diaries and Henry Philbrick, team* rs, previous to the August 10th draw* ing ot The Txmslana State Lottery Com* oany, each subscribed $1, and purchased four one-fiit tickets, one of which, No. 35. 631. drew one-fifth of the recond pitol prize $25, 000,$1,250 for eseb hare las AaIoois Expressage. Mr. B. Frank Purpee is r. married maa, having __ . _ _ , _ _ . ... » wife «nd one cl.ild. Tlie other thr e Pile. «re freanehuy preceded by • are «in*le men. 23 to 30 year, of *en«eof weteht Un the 6«sk, loins end • - - - — lower part of the ^tdomen, cstuiDg the patient to 1 .appose he hn some erection •if the kldwy. or neighboring orgnns. At times, symptoms 'of indigestion ere present, dstolency, aneseiness of the etc. A moisture like perspira tion, prodneing n*» yery disagreeable itching, after getting warm, as a common attendant; Blind, Bleeding and 'Itching " * - L application of loifitiaBt Georgia Fair Asmiiii Active, mining Mid Rellahle- A. B. hong A Co. can always be' relied upon to carry in stock the pares and beat goods, and sustain there reputation being active, poshing and reliable, and recommending article* with well festal)- tished {merit and each as are popular. Having Jthe ageucy for the Celebrated Dr. King’s New Discovery /or oousump- tioncoldsand coughs, will sell it only on positive guarantee. It will - sorely core any and every affection of throat, longs, or sheeti nod in order to prove our claim we ask yon to call and get a Trial Botde Free. (IRE! EIRE! FIREi Tb, TAYLOP A OCX ««» Wire «atl. g.t.h.1 f.r ale. o Pip tectloo uraitu b>«» l>r 0r«. BStttiwywlie. Cbrip, ■, UWWl ild Bailable. sober, steady, and indnstrions. andwill make good ass ol the mliney.—Boston Commercial and Shipping List, August 27ib. 1 - IT 1$ WOBTH TRYING. For tlie nervous, sleepless and men tally overworked people, Movie Neve Food is a pure end safe invigorator. It allays uervoosn ss, Assists digestion and promotes sleep. It is a nerve and brain food, prompt and lastiag in its effectp. It ersdicHtes the craving for intoxican a, in those addicted to their excessive use. Fifty cents per bottle, at druggists’, gays an Eminent FUyrlcUn, “Have used for twenty years the prep aration known a Brad Held’s Femat- Kegula'or. It fa the best combination known for female diseases. For parti culars write The Bradtleld Regulator. Co., Atlanta, Ga. BIS BROS B PROTRUDED, . THROUGH THE FLESH A prominent Alabama physician said ,-A patient who was almost dying from the effects of Tertiary Sjphillia and who had been treated by several noted physi cians without benefit, ased a dosen bot tles of B. B. B. and was entirely cored. He had ulcers on his arms, and the bones protruded through *he flesh and skin ts the elbow, and death seemed inevitabe • Send f.rctrculsi* and tall pMtUulnn. A«r am WASTED. a«*g» a W« ijtUj , Belton, t. 0- 3IN SAW FILING MACHINE ra. TAYLOR OIK paw FILER Is on. «f the at male. AajWdjf era *l.JB$nll.w. with It equina no pnctle. Mat In sorb tail ihonld i dona ae-1 ‘ten tlieea laatar than by band Ya r vacblue vsnantad. Prtec III Ybyafer Ml! every acaaou. Order from 1. H. BUTHEBLAHD. Belton, 8. C BUCKLER'S ARHICA SALVE. Thedlest Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped, Hands Chilblain*; Corns, and alt Skin Ernpe tions. and positively cures Files, or h pay required. It is guaranteed to giv perfect utlsfaction, or money refnnddy Price 25 eeatr-per box For sale o Lone A Co.—If. ABOARD THE SECOND EXHIBITION OF THE Will be held on their elegant new grounds at GEORGIA, day and Saturday — • November, Otti, lOth/llth, 12th, SI 3th, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday A Full and Comprehensive Premium^ List has bee nissued. ousArticleswiUbe Awarded No Fees for Entries except in Speed Rings. RACING EACH DAY. HANDSOME PURSES OFFERED. Buildings New and Large and grounds well policed. Abundant space for display of Entries Free. aWHUaHb, AA till 11, Diet Pile* yield at ones to .. Dr; Boeaeko’t Pile Remody, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorb- ra : the Tumors, allaying the intense- ■ ihing and effecting a permanent cure. Price 50 cent. AddresaTheDr.Bosoanko Medicine Co., Piqna, O. Sold byK.S. Lyndon.and RuahtA Arnold. Uoivenity of Georgia. Office ot State Cl Jane 27.183-1.—I hi. a number ot years with the gem character of Prof.Horsford’s phoephatlc preparations. Recent examinations made by me of the “ Acid Phosphate” and “Bread Preparation,’ ahowthem- to be exactly what is claimed for them in the circulars accompanying the pack ages. The “ Acid Phosphate” iB a con centrated'solution in water of Acid Phosphate of Lime. The “ Bread Pro paratlon” is a mixture of Acid Phos phate of Lime, carbonate of soda and I flour. Whenmixed with water, carbonlo acid gas is liberated and a double phos phate of lime and soda is formed and remains In the bread when baked. In ordinary cream ot tartar baking powders the substance left In the bread after “raising’’ is roobelle salts—a double artrate of Boda and potash. The phos- The fnanagement make an earnest appeal to the people of NORTH-EAST GEORGIA To enconrage a worthy enterprise by their presence, and by making entries for pre miums, For further particulars, address, • ‘ • W. D. GRIFFETH, Secretary, Athens, Ga. worbins do not foil to oonrnlt w.mjw-1 who hat tar ■•!• .11 Hrdr bt;»»«!»« »nd WmS Hi Ir-« W -rktox XI-cbi-rry, both Sets and Stand at J defy competition. Let os know jour wwi *na ^a^Bollar U and Address benefit, until he began taking Bitters and anointing his hand<« snd feet with Backlen’s Arnica Salve. This treat ment afforded him great reljef and he strongly recommends Electric Bitters to all whojmfFer with Kidney CJomploints, or need a Blood Purifier.. Sold by A.B. Long. We HaveTried li. “And would have it if the coet was ten times what it is,” say many lad-es wh*» nave use 1 The Mother’s fr*end i e fore confinement. Write The Bradfi« Id BABE - CHANCE FOB BARGAINS. The entire stock of Watches, Clocks Diamonds,.! ewelry and otner gooils in the stock purchased by C. G. Talmadge, Executor, (of the estate of W. A. Tal- madge, dec.) of C. K. Collins will be s regardless of Cost Call early and cure bargains. Mr. Wr F. Stark has price* will be "*-»-<«- you went mj rou -»» lore conuncmonu • mne aih>jji»uu«au charge of the business, and will be Engine, Boiler or Machinery of any ktnd,de«cnbe Regulator Co., Atlanta, G a., for full par- pleased to show you" through and sell ticulara. you what he can. Sept8-d-30d GRATES! grates;; OKS CAB LOAD£GBATBS: jUtffIBECElVBD AT Pries tor Fhin Ever Sold in Athens! An Old Cltliba Rpeaks. Mr. J. M. Norris, an old resident of Rome, Ga. says that ho had been badly troubled with Kidney Complaint for a _ __ great many years “d with Ecxema for uaeiSK'eral ^|UiSn»|J| three yraraj attimes could scarcely walk anim ^ mlt rltion and growth, the tar- and had tned many remedies without are not# m y opinion,. the Electric pi, 0 sphatic Powder is, therefore pre ferable to the other, so far oe health is concerned. H. C WHITE. Until cold weather sets .in, but Have Your GrattsMIlow 1 See our large stock and get our prices AT ONCE. An Immense Stock ol Stoves and. Tinware ot all kinds coming-ih. H. II. P., OB Hill’s Hepatic Panacea, Tb. celebrated Southern Remedy tor Constipation, Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Biliousness. u'SSSSftiS^S: 'VXSSJiS 0 **- “ J. CRAWFORD & CO., ATHKN8. GA. f*onrt of OnilnirT of sold County will to *old on In rold county, known aa ami aix acre*, more SSmBasm&Sr county containlnz aix teres, more or lew, and j, jf. surHERLAND,Belton,8. 0. ■BORGIA, BANKS COtJKTY.—By ylrtneof a *— tto Baperior Otoitol .Bank* i Mid on the Anri ?u«>y In Jorember rexL between the letol hoars to sale, o the hixhrat bidder for each at the Court." Sid •aunty will to Mid c November rext 10thehigtarat b - — - . door in Mid county, tha iolVowing tracUotUnd to-wit: one tract of land lying on the waters to Hickory Level Creek In aald connty.wtoreoa Armon Rucker resided at thb time of hladeath. adjoiring land* cf Elliot Backer, Armor Backer and others, known aa the Cleveland trod, con taining two hundred acres, more er lest, about one fourth ol tka same betr* in cultivation, re mainder la original forest and piee load, with oboot fifty acres of bottom land. Also one tract known as tbo Payne tract, on the Waters cf Hick ory Level creek, fa said coanty.edjeinlnt lands of A. J. Cash, J. A. Perterficld Nocy Meeks a**d others, containing one hundred at d ninety-five acres, more or leas, about one »hUd being la culti vation, remainder In oiixlnal forest and p*ne lard, with stoat fif v acres of fine b »ttom land. Both the above facts lying about three miles from Horn- r and fjur mlle^ from Mayesvllle, the ueowt nltrotal town. » Rocker, deceased, for f heirs. ThU Sept. 30th, lKtf.j ^ Adm’r. with will annexed of as: SSSf CLARKE COUNTY.—T* Ot wkoi an (oitawa, AU.pnion. l.wreiUd i r n liticj lint. If ao tooi «»d ta*»lOM — — ;otothoo utrar,! riUmt iral- on the lirt da, ol S»»en taraort, otvUlahta, . new eeeoad elu 'pobllc nod lu alt oooaly, narked oat I y Eoai coantaatooera anratukd for that pnrpoea, conm udraneart ka naMntea af XL C. Greer oa tha road 1 tadla a treta Athena to Lexioftaa aod runnla*whota'ihoa«tlaaieat road now tuna In a aouthern dlra tion. Wei tXroorhthe tandaof k.C. t;rear,.V, K dayne, M.B!jfe«latj. J, H.J. Mufh. P. L Darla, W. U. Dean. 3. H. Oarltoo, I C.Gleno. J. L. H'naei, and A. B. Dealt, and tDtataaettu, th- n»d ltad- tc,Itau Athei at»BI,t^reahC'ureb. whatatta aaUletoae, toad trier, ret. aald Athena *od HJa Craktoad. Olvrn oodermjhaodat oBeeihla ^ SePl *“ t * , AS fll. JACKSON. Ordinary aaptSureJ. . tJ,;