The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, November 05, 1886, Image 3
THE BANNER.WATCHMAN, ATHtNS, GA. NOVEMBER, 5, 1886 MEDICAL. DBAS LITTLE HANDS, Dear little hands, Ilore them so! TERRIBLE TESTIMONY! HIM® UUUUtff A tlltc UIUIII r O BE? BA V A And now the y aro lying under the i 9 r fc r J I A Under the snow, so cold and whit ! I cannot tee them or touch them t A Man Who Suffered Si lently Seventeen Years. Athens, Georgia. YODNO L. iS. HARE!*. Passman STEVENS THOMAS. SccErTi*T n*.t<1«nt Director* : Touxat.0. .Haasra, staras, Thou,,, oh a H. Nsw-ov, J. 8. Hahiltoh, ....— or touch them tonight They an quiet and still at tail, ah, me! How bnsy and restless they used to be| But now they cau never reach up thro’ the snow; Dear little hands, 1 loved them sot Dear little hands 1 mis* them so' All through the day,wherever I go— - R,,. C. T. (Talk, - n.rakn of U» (hath Oeoryia Method!.! ConfMenee, w»ltw from TAtn.ll Count,, u, : M O.i, rear avo I „> |ak,n wCi and b-e.rae ..Tut for or*r th re month*. All tin rera#dJ«* u#fd ***mt-i to tad until X conjmecced IhfiiMoi Swift’* Specific. X bur* taken Ot« bottl#*, ?*4am perfectly Bound and well •tain. I would have wilttcn BOoncr. but waited in a •- *r tbe cm* »»• permanent. And now I nnheaiUUocly rcooinmcnd 8.0,8. aa* a«f* and reliable reined} for rfcaumatUm. I bare all confldeaei Jo iu rirtBe." , - . - * AU through the night, how lonely it Kems, v • For do little hands wake me out of my dreams. Imias them all through the weary hours, I became almoat »d b.d *0 b. handled a, trndrt], a, an Infant. My alert etna lnTOlTe.1, and the pain ru Iclolerable’at time,. AI1 tbaoMandHell knowamnrSle; ««« eib..urtnd, but no eranntmt relix *ntobtaln«d. A bunt a I rra, lulurM ty A fraud to IT, Swift, peeiSe. Tb, edeet bai been marical. Mr frtende leatee'r recnanlie me. Myrb.uma. i.m la entlrel, (one, ray (enetal bnaltb I, auperb. nod I am «el|blna r pound! morn baa when t entnnleneed taklnf f. S. 8. I am able to (fiend to all my mm aterfal work, am deronUr aertrtul for mr reelMrtto. ta health, which Xowr. u.-t.r tbe blaeilniot b4 CXS2‘& e “Al;n mlim E " JU - Unn rrewfleeowBW aiS «M> JNMaaw mailt* fin. thb awtrr spioifio co„ Atlanta, o«. I mias them as others mils the sunshine and flowers; Day time or night time, wherever l go, [WANTED. MR. J. 0. WARNOCK. The above portrait la aa excellent pic- 1M Afa m»w wsILtdAmtn A .1-— I -Courier Journal. a number 01 years with the‘general character of Prof. Hereford's phosphatlo preparations. Recent examinations PROF. CHAS. LUDWIG VON SEEGER *»<*’» Liwimaadarof the Royal spanleb rtrd^por t e Royal Prnmlan •Ueblc Co’. Coca Beef ronlo ahould ♦*s*«n |l »* with the horn, of limihy r li**.!? S5. , W e lh * amtenf ”“tdr. lam UMrowablT oonvaruat with lit MjV?JfiP'BZaS ‘ nd *°owlt to bo not only J.l!Il. 1 ?. lS. p £?'Ps Mullc * 1 .' ,,odact i hut alto rttnadr of tb* blah oommendauone ti haa re- e*lred In all jam of tha world. It contain _ who an Run Down. Kirvoim. njaaewtlo, BUlloni, Molarioua oraBUetod with weak fcldnrje Btwanof ImltatW Bee Majesty's rarorlte Cosmetic Ulycertnr ged by »or Royal f?l(hncm lb* Prlncna ol Wale, and Ibe nobility. Tor rbo Skin, Obmptaa. tejUbniKloo^ Cbappma, Rooihnart. ’ 11.00. 01 Tuamo CO.’i Oannlne Byrnp of aaraapwtv to guaranteed a, tha tx» SanayarlUi In lb ECZEMA And Every Species of Itch ing and Burning Diseases Cured by Cuticura. tPCZEMA. or 8ait Khoum, wl*h Us agonUini £ Itcbltf and ber-iiny, tna'aatly r.llaved by a warm oath wit* • ailiuri Soap, and a a!ngl** *p- Dear little hands, they lutfe gone from .me now, Never again will they reat on my brow— I „ _ Never again amooth my sorrowful face, Mr. J. C. Warnock, of 148Bast FairBt., Never clasp me in a childish embrace. -I \ntbat city. Among Ur. Wamock'a I And now my forehead grows wrinkled I ? umeroua trlemls and acquaintance he I . ~ - * -- . sss-H?wSsS** 1 ALL ABOARD FOR But I know in a happier, hcavenlier «nt»«uu btstuiut, clime, | coming from a man of his character, I Dear little hands, I will clasp you some- I and under the elrourastancen thereof, I time Bill acts the attention which its fucte demand: I Dear life hands, when the Master shall I “ I hare been a sufferer with kidney I call, j troubles for seventeen years and bavej I will welcome the summons that comes I been treated by prominent phyitcfans In | to ua all— th'» State nntf Alabama. I have used I wl,o . n ndL fe .; t id touch th,w ‘ tor *’ *° d “ k Andlcatchmy'flHt glance of the Cify ^ „, .° r 0old ’ „ , . ,| pain—scarcely being able to breathe at I If I keep my eye fixed on the heavenly eoocludedto try ‘Hunntcutf. .. , , .. . , Rheumatic Cure,’ and after using one imr the tide where the white-robed I bottle, wu 1 ones wait, . j absolutely and bntirely Shall I know you I wonder, among the ( cartK |. antl for thotim Ume in ieten- I bright bends, I teen years I am without ths slightest I Will you beckon mo over, oh! dear little pain* and earnestly recommend all who I P. CARTWRIGHT’S, Augusta, Ga. MOUNTAIN NEWS. I kl(,ne J troubles, and is sol J by all drag-1 S'co'jv^rieto^Atiam^oa. ni,DlcnK | For . Fine Wines, Whiskey, Brandies, Cigars and Tobacco, at the Globe and wboiwio Igtv?Athena, Ga. Planters Hotel Bars. Orders from diy counties promptly filled. OctiatSm. 1 plfatilon of CuUi-ura, tho gr*at nkln Oure^ TbTa repeataJ daUr.wUh Uot r ibr.-d.*ca orUutl- cuta, Reailront, th* Nj* Biro l P iillltr, to k*e;> tn* bliod cool, Ik* pvraplr itlon pu *an<l of.lrtl tofJBttk* bo*re»* •■pea. «n* llftr a d kldoeya acUv*. will *|>M III* care B Mat. T*tt«r, HIiu- vora, Paorlaxta, »tck*D, Prantu*. Seal l Head Dandruff, tod *r*rr •prrlrmi It-hlng Soil} and fimply tiuatonof k* Baalp ood Sfcin, *fa “ k*atpkjtlelan« and all known nmrdles fa B I mtofulla ockuowltd a'cure ft Ec*a (that m. on bead, u ■ o* ( 'ace, arma ai CTcnteen year*; not able to walk except on * and knee* fer oa* yoar; not able l» udp ■ta.lfrorelgkt'**ra; tried huidr’d* of rtme- dMi; dwtora pro* on* cod my caw hooelraa; per mauCDtly * *r>l bj th • Cuti< n a Hcni*dlca. WHaLM. DONALD. 2JO Daarbon nrent, Chicago, Ill. ECZKMA. . Romo fl*• moiithi *fo I bad th* pleasure to !i firm yoo«f mydanrovoinontla the uacofti Cuticura B- modiof In my cat* of severe C»io lr Erma rrj|H*aialoat, onl to-day ebeerja'y Cvdift m aU 1 tb n vW. 1 oons der my *a • per fect and co<npl*(c, and attribute it catiia y to your reneolei, h«*I* g a • 1 no other*. fkbman EBNCBABDO, HOC ruona Avenue, 8t ■ Lnal«, Mo. . ' ^ fcCZKMA. I have kuffrred Iron Halt bkcuu torovor*liht years, oi tlmta*) bod that loould t ot attend to my bufnetufor <re*k*at alia*. Tore* box** of Cutoura and t>ur bottle* Keeolvent kav* on- tirely earad ■<* ui tkt* dreadful dl*< a**. MK.J IIN IUIBc, Wl.kwoarre, Pa- coticurTbembducs. . Artspld be all druggt* *. Prt* »• CatlcaroeSOs. Kuo rent, 11.00: No«p, «c Prerarcd b? th< Pou*r Druf and t hcrolca' Co., BmIod, Mas* BcPdfw *• How to Cur* Skin D s*oms,” DP A T1T1PY tha Coarbxton and Skis by Cheat Pedna, XumbneM. Rorenctt, pesssSiiiisaKsm ,hr the Cutlc*-» AeU-Pslo Pluter. • x.-thlnir Ilk* It. At Sncrtsu, Me, T. tier Ur.ii an l t'licmlcit Co., Ocl.lif Awlm. SMITH’S BEANS syne* IWwam; Sfct H.akiche In FmrkMrt. (A On* Hu rtiinii Heeniya. He| cart end Meeert CfcHIa * Few. Star Steawt: * Bat ene* ana r»« p* "«w k* «lth*rtth*ea. ■ f. HrteeM. it UJ artrtrt. j. r. surra * co.. niilbkNat. IT. URM.XV Uulvereity of Georgia. I Ofllce ot State Chemlel.—Athene, Ga | June 87,1884.—I have been familiar for I Has Proven a Bteisln*. The discovery and Introduction of Kama clipped Rom tbe OlarkeevUle Ad vertiser. Mrs. Henderson has built a new hotel at Cleveland. Mr. W. G. Pitchford, the oldeit Methodist in White county, is dead. Mr. Bud Lovel and Miss Babe Heat- en, of llabun county, are married. Clayton now has two doctors and two U 7n?* r *’ , . , . -1 made by me of the »Add Phosphate” IgrJSlR^-Bgyrr- There are four candidates for sheriff » nd -firead Preparation, ’ show them-1!^. fJuJj in Habersham and more a-hatching. to be exactly what le claimed for them I iSYtlrm StmrnfOfcr Mrs. Cunningham end family, of Ns- In the clreuhrs accompanying the pack- SSfiaSnSl ^d C ljHt°WiiS r »S!?!S!t coochee, will spend the winter months ages. The " Acid Plioaphate” fa a con-1 fu^nn^Tr*’ Mnxin Ira onWdrtv'wnu in Grce..e*boro\ oSntrated solution in water of Add Zfr hSti J 7 “° On account of the recent drouth tho J Pbogphate of Lime# Tha “ Bread Pit I fafmers will be untble to *ow their small I P*r»tion ’’ is a mixture of loW Phos- I * BUCKLEN’B grain. phate of Lime, carbonate of soda and q*. The Nacoocheeites went on their an- 2Sm 'tetHHIwnbadewl 7dou4“ r SbS^ Brul *«*i Sow. Ulcere. Salt Rheum Messrs. Johnson and, Trimble knd Rob- •‘raising" la roehelle ealta-a double Kf' eC L“i‘ , f 0tion ’ 2I m °°S 7 k 7 ertson, on yesterday. The above named | artrute of soda and potash. The phof» I ** bo * For ° mineral r ‘ 0ct3dlm. ARNICA SALVI. Tbe Beet Salve In the World for Cuts gentlemen have leased the mine for the I phstes are useful mineral substances in next live years. I animal nutrition and growth, the tar- The 4th quarterly conference was held I rates are not. In my opinion, Ilia at Mossy Creek church on last Saturday phoephatic Powder ii, therefore pre- and Sunday. Two were licensed to ex- ferable to the othor, eo far aaheaUh la hort, one to preach and one recommend- concerned. H. C WHITE, cd to the annual conference for admis sion on trial into the traveling connec tion. Lone A Co.—U. H. -BRANCH OF ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR MAYOR. At tb* faraeat aollc! Piles are frequently preceded by tense of weight tn the back, loins and I fellow eiMseu,b«k white lower part of the abdomen, causing tbe|»s» d »»tth* cur, reprjie S nip tulency, uneasiness of the begin at once, and the building will be I stomach, etc. A moisture like perspire- completed in about eix weeks. The [ lion, producing a a very disagreeable school is under the supervision of Rev. itohlng, after getting warm, as a common M.H. Edwards and Prof. RobL L. Camp- attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching bell I Piles yield at once to the application of It is reported that Parker, Peyton and Dr. Byaeko’a Pile Remedy, which.eta Hardy will turn states evidence against UJ”"'i)® Km another party who was the founder of ^JlSSntfmwi55 the eehime that led to the murder of PMker by Siskin Habereham county. It is generally believed that another man , n and Rui.'i A Arnold, was at the bottom of the whole affair. , Daniel Dorerii confined in the Kabon I Excitement in Texas jail for that heinous and degrading! Great excitement haa been caused in crime—wife beating. He came to that I the vicinity of Paris, Tex, by the remark- part of their married life. They have one child deaJ, which she says died from his abuse. An accidental killing occurred in Ten ssee Valley, Rabun county, on thelCtn inst. Two negro boys, aged about 12 and 15 years, had been playing; one of them had his knife in his hand as they were walking along. The one with the knife was throwing his hand backward and forward when he struck his brother in the breast, killing him. The quickest time on record! Neural gia of the worst type.cureu by one dose of SMITH’S BILK BEANS In from one to four hours, a« many who have tried it can testify. It does seem strange that sensible people will eufler with this terrible disease when speedy relief can surely lie found In this simple safe and Inexpensive remedv.25 cents.For sale by allDruggistaanddealers In medicine, or sent any* here on receipt of price In ■tamps. IT IS WORTH TRYING. For the nervous, sleepless and men tally overworked people, Moale Neve Food is a pure and safe Invlgorator. It allays uervonsn sa, aaeiata dlaeation and promotes sleep. It is s nerve and bra-n Food, prompt aud l.tsllag in its streets . .... , .... , ll •redienies the craving for Intoxiean a rinr I riul I LIUL J in those addicted to their axMMive use. tlRt I flllt | (lilt! Fifty cents per bot'le, at draggleW. abi* recovery of Mr. J. K Corley, who was to helpless b* could not turn in bed, or raise his head; *vtrybody uld bo waa dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King’s Now Discovery was sent him. him arroated. It aeema that he has Finding relief, ho bought a lam bottle, beaten her more or leu fer the greater and a box of DrKing”# New Life PiUs£ county about 3 years ago, and married a young girl named Morgan. Very soon after their marriage he began to ill-treat her, and aa usual, went 'tom bad to none, until he got so abusive she had by he time he had taken two boxes of fills and two bottles of the Discovery, he wss wtlland had gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial Bottlea of this Great Disoovsry or Consumption free at Long A Co. Aa Old (Mina Speaks. Hr. J. M. Norris, an old resident of Rome, Oa* says that he bad been badly troubled with Kidney Complaint for a great many yean and with Eczema for three years; at times could scarcely walk and had tried many remedies without benefit, until he began taking Electric Bitten and anointingMa hands and feet with Bucklen’a Arnica Salvo. This treat ment afforded him great relief and ho strongly recommends Electric Bitters to alt who suffer with Kidney Complaints, or ncod a Blood Purifier. Sold by A.B, Long. hhll’ hay Come. Almoet every one is troubled with nervousness in some form, and nlne- lentlis of the prevailing illness comes from nervous exhaustion, brought on by overwork, mental strain or dissipa tion. No wonder people are asking (or * rel 11 nerve remedy like Moale Nerve Food, It builds you up, and strengthens your whole nervous system. Tryit. Th* TAYLO* A 00X Active. VusblBS and ReUabls- A. B. Lon* A CO. can.Iw.y« be relied XuSttpS&jS^^Aelwt* upon to carry in stock the pure* and beet goons, and aiaiain there reputation bring active, pushing aud reliable, and recommending articles with well eetalt such as are tor the ce so 8mur dren teerth- a. . It. HO thenar a*mSMrttt* let*red In the swa be eda city (oeemMenl will «v*nt of mjr election. VW ^S?J». ostsst and a* xi M. B. McGINTV will election an Alilfrmaii Id t the iupport of the voters. Dr J. A.BOEMIutm will he eaptertedl Aldenaea la the Fourth Weed by meny eoteiH ll as&nfjtfaswMS 'MSss’ii n „ loncouragu me in keeping up mj reputation aa THE CHEAPEST FURNITURE HOUSE IN GEORGIA. If yon want oo: la U all 11 •eptSOdtf. city Baviaf laeol from la* ofthe Ini ward. Doorsoy. MR. ANDREW CO will bo a eADtiidato in tho Fourth r in min, tabor oaroofl NIPW ra*Li# oontlta—f aaa Ilo M*aao*> FOR COUNTY BUR’ I will b* a *atd!4aUfc*— the offleo in of um C. J* O’FARRELL* county* and aboil trust to the goMrodty and kind teellnp of the peopl* toward, mo to enromy election. W.BKli'l. I hereby aoooanc* aiya*l/ • candidate tor Treasurer of Clarke County, and mpecUully oak th* support*f th* voters. A p . DKAE1Na . FOR TAX COLL K CTO R- fll hereby announce myaeU a co«dldaU tor Tax Collector ot Clarke county, and oak th* hearty ipportofih* Toler*. If elected, 1 pledge my* Iftoderotemy beet eaerylas Dwerd leakiaf .d*office a succaae. ail the people wl l *•▼* have cane* to rut ret the trust reyeod In^Jae. I hereby announce myoolf oa a eoiidldataiffiwpre election to the office of Tax Collector of Clarke County, and reapsctlutly eoliclt th* eordial euo* portef the voter* at the election le be held on too *”* lD UNTOE. FOB TAX BKCEIVBR. Tb.rt.ny letowteriMr W. T. CABTER. u- T. C. F. H. I. G. Monday morniug I will have my stock ia shape to show the people of ATHENS, GEORGIA, Something they have not been In the habit of seeing In any other Fnrpltnre House here. Our stock Is complete, and we can furnish you anything from • split seat chair to the Most Elegant Chamber Suite. Can (ell you a nice ault for 113.50, beautiful cherry, walnut or ash stained. 10 piece suite for $25 00; nloe folding carpet lounge for (1000; s'ugle lounge for *.50; handsome waluut marble top 10piece suit toilet wash stand (30.00; a i (50.00; sideboards, hat racks, cabi lot bai utiful I irtimiui plush parlor suite (50.00. •»!»»». robes, marble top tables, mantle glasses book •ion tablet, fancy tables, embossed leather chi In fact everything kept In a cabinets, desks, ward- i, tkoe'y plush rocken, eaten chairs, dining chairs and ofllce chairs. First-Class Furniture House. at such price* aa will induce thocitisens of Athena to I Intend to sell these _ .ything goods Is *111 ask. M; , In toe furniture line give me a trial. Come and price my y goods arefreeh from the factories. ' F. H. SNOOK. GRIFFITH & MELL, INSURANCE AGENTS. Represent best Companies and insure desirable pro perly in Athens and vicinity on most favorable ter-- Liar o» Cohvaxixs. Ass. Georgia Home.. ♦ ™ Home of New York Efw^ool and London and Globe" .’.V. New York Underwriters Germania ol New York At^^Humo^Faye dlvidenda’to policy holder's!j..'.' LONG TERM POLICIES ISSUED ON NOTE I’LAK OFFICE AT BANK OF THE UNIVEBSI janlfidly. Reaves Warehouse Compai ATHENS, UBEBIL IDUItES HI s?‘K^r ta -r r ss&ti. iiS rt BBSS i FurnUhed oil ood Sampling