The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, November 11, 1886, Image 2

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BANNER-WATCHMAN ATHENS, GA., NOVEMBER xi i8t>6 BANNER - WATCHMAN. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE OltT OF ATHSXI and Counties »t Clark*, Bub sad Mobs* TIE DULY BANNER-WATCHMAN U 4tUnn* */oirri,«liil*««ttyf*r Ifarrar, TIE WEEKLY BANNER-WATCHMAN li ■i!ltd*»MlMcnbfn for •> a jear., m Dmlh.ri Bunar, MMIbfefd 1*0: Tb« Wftcbmiu, lk>(. CauflMfiexiUreli, ADVEBT1SIH0 BATES. One square, «tt sconth*....... °Trfi«fini rauflfyir jqiura.H'iB orttoo;: lattVBrsf&rt&vii pgruot topic*, arenirltctl. AnBoaacnnenUOf, faneral notlct'1, Uuif*. ufonmimiUnt «Ooe, cnmmunl- atlooi pr.fwlnic.mlMf:.. will b. chtrgca ft prclolitui. ■o:r. All lIUrecMIlwuM bi Mod. br .xprw., pMtal U0D.7 or4or or ntlotondTotur. commuflcatloti. .bould 0. fddtfOA to GOV. GORDONS INAUGURAL. In our opeciot advices yesterday tho BammK'Watchuan printed » synopsis of Gov. Gordon’s inaugural address. It was confined entirely to a National view of the life of the Republic. It was a dramatic picture of the demands which would be made upon our government and the damages which would attend it, •‘Already moving in the womb of our immediate future," said Gov. Gordon, “are giant problems struggling for birth and throbbing with a life and vigor pro phetic of impending p* fil. Already has this young republic, stretching her ma ternal arras to welcome the oppressed of every nation, found clasped to her bosom that socialistic spirit which has cursed other nations with discord, bloodshed and fire." Gov. Gordon then pictured the dan gers threatening this draught upon the government in theie words: “In our effort to preserve peace, prop erty and national life, are also involved the integrity ol states, the life of tho re public and tho existence of citizen free dom. The work before us in the future is the most stupendous task ever im posed upon the statesmanship of any age. It is to savo liberty and yet govern a country with two hundred millions of people; with its vast area; with its varied seeds and conflicting demands; with its capital to protect and its labor to encour age; with its socialistic problems to solve, —MM& tftJpM!dbi.s i iifif n fl,tooKi tl iJ49 nopolies measuring arms with the people themselves—in a word it is to survivo the certain perils of the future and still to live after them at once a united nation and yet a republic of states, sovereign in their spheres, independent, equal and free.” MUNICIPAL POLITICS. ista, professing to represent the Knights of Labor and other labor interests, was in the district tenor more days just before the election hiring and bribing such as could bo hired or bribed, end .contin ued to consolidate in Butler's interest most of the labor element, in proof of which hiring and bribery we ?have Jarretts let- letters. While this was going on Baker was declaring for a pure ballot Speaker Carlisle declares that the cor ruption fund of the prutreiopista in the West wae erident end the practices of this class were despicable. We trust the Augusta Chronicle in its t al for protection and high tariff will not forget to condemn the corrup' methods of the tin plate agents in the West. Let the Chronicle speak out. DICKEY’S MISCELLANEOUS, BAKING POWDER. MOST PERFECT MADE a. p*rad with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and HcftUtifu meet. Dr. Pries’* Baking Powder contain* IJmeJkliUD or Phosphates. Dr.Prke’e Lila, Lemon, etc., llaror delicious!/. gassas” PIUS tit in! patr WEEK RELIBVE8 AT ONCE. Cure* fnfiamtd and v*a JL iAill ‘Y Y AJUAA IAS T 25 Can* a bottle. Aik for tt. IUve no attar. OIGKEY i ANDERSON, UseS.vsnSprings Mail.] BPlSlCl, !E» THE FINEST STOCK or Imported and Domestic Piece Goods . can be found at HOFF'S, TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, At Price* that Defy Competition, No. 5 Broad St., Athens, Ga. Repairing Done. !KaeptlS*odt4ec25. pi MON HOFF. Wholesale and Retail Dealer la W. B. BURNETT. ATTORNEY- AT-LAW ATHENS, OA. OFFICE OVIR CHILDS KICKKRSOX ,t Practices In State and Federal Court s Postponed Sale. aaleot the CUmrbarst propei ty has been post poned. Notice of tfie postponed aale will be given Ink taw days. tinwAre, etc., etc., BROAD St , ATHENS, Ga The prettiest disp ay of fanoy goods you ever saw, and lowest prices in North-East Georgia. Headquarters for knives and forks, tea and tablespoons, casters etc., in plain goods and gilver plated ware. All kinds ot housekeepers goods J. Ho HUGGINS. apri8 diy JOHN D. MELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Athens, Georgia. O dd* in old Franklin House Building, opposite Opera House. ootaMAwiy. FOR RENT! T EN Desirable Residence* at price* ranging from fH.tO to iso,oo per month. VV. D. HHlfVRTH, Real Hstate^trent. octlOdtf, Office at J. R. Craoe’e etore. COTTON MARKET. OmCl BANNER WATCHMAN. Axuivs, Not. io, 1880. o-io a 5 Market firm, flood Iflddli g, Middling iw Middling. 8 8-8 8 7-11 New York Not. 9 —Cotton closed Arm. Middling 9 1- : net receipt* 183,19!; export* to Great Britain 63,49>; France 7,681; continent 23 332; channel porta none; stock 726,991; sales fir consumption FUTURES. . - tialy J 81-81 91-W Qulstand firm. 9 09 1» 9 1«- 0 29-31) -9-40 49-00 60-60 December 89-90 January 97-98 February 9 0 -08 March 9 16-18 april 97 28 May 37-38 June 47-41 July 65 57 AUEUlt 63-44 LIVERPOOL Spot cotton good business. Uplands Orleans _ _ Sales 11.000; 8peo and Exports 2000; Receipt* •VutTh^^OI’E.NXD. closed, Not!' 4 Kt-44 4 K 03.04 Not a: d Dee. «*4 60-01 Jifif. W!/^x4a»- $44 Fab. end M’eh. 09 64 GO 64 M'ch and April 61-64 62-64 April’end May 61-64 5 1 -64 saa, and Jan. Jnn.and Jut, 6 4 44 «oi ft is certainly sjourca of gratification to our citizens to bo promised such an orderly and decent contest over the ap proaching cloction for city officers. There ' la no excitement whatever—the different candidates are attending to their business -—there is no hurrahing and drunken ness on the streets—and for once it scoma that the voters will be given an oppor tunity to express iheir preference with out having to pass through a carmagnoie cfoffleiouanesa and corruption to reach the polls. This is just as it should be. The 'only class benefitted by a heated and excited campaign la that class of negro howlers who think oo more of loll ing their votes than their labor for a day. A bitter and hotly contested elee - tion means to the street whoopers free liquor, free cigsrs snd bribe money. This buying and telling of votes has been carried to auch lengths in Athens that the honest people ere in rebellion against the practice, and are clamorous for form. They are tired of feeing an inso lent negro, who bss just sold his ballot, defeat the vote of an hknest and incor ruptible citizen, and even then not being able to reach the polls without having one of these corrxpt creatures thrusting a ticket at you. It is certainly high' Ume that something was done in our city toward abating tbit evil, and a quiet campaign, free from thi use of money and other corrupting influences, best can doit From the present outlook, we will this year have such a campaign. PROTECTION—PURE ELECTIONS- The Augusta Chrcnide intimates that the tin plate industry is inadequately protected. As the Chronicle also rejoices in Mr. Morrison's defeat in Illinois, and does not condemn the methods of Mr. Jarrett, the Secretary of the Tin Plate Association, in the Western canvass, ws presume our Augusta eotemporary would justify the efforts of the tin piste indus try to protect itself. Colonel Morrison attributes his defeat to the lavish expenditure of protection mooey in Madison, St Clair and Bond counties. Ho cannot evtn estimate the amount used. He was aware that the Republicans and protection agants were who hi scattering a golden shower, bit relied cn - his great popularity to overcome the in- Jarrett, the tin plats emissary qf Penn.ylrmia, and other protection- ATHENS WHOLESALE MARKET Athens, Ga., Nov. 10, 1880. Flour, Grain, Hay, etc.—'Flour: su pcrfiuo $3 60, extra 4, good family 4 50 choices, fancy 6 25, fancy patenle higher grades, 6 50. Wheat: No 2 red bulk, 05a$l, Corn: No2 white^aack, ed, 00; No 2 mixed, sacked, 57n0:i Oats: No 2 mixed, feeding, 41; rust proof 05a70. Hay: Choice Timothy per lOO lbe 00*95; Prime Timothy 85a00c; country bay—swamp grass 23c, Bermu da 40a75; Hudson’s heat (l. Fodder— from 00 to 80o. Rye: Georgia $1 25, Virginia and Ten nesscellal 10. Barley; Georgia $1 25, Virginia 1 10. Broom corn:4a0olb. Cow peas: 85c. Bran: western saoked, per 100, OOafloe. Stock teed: f 1.25 z-kovisigns—Bacon: smoked clear rib (Idee loose 8)1*9; shoulders none; dry salt clear rlbjsldes 7 a 71a i choice 8 C hams, small average 13c. Lard : choice refined, tierces, %*7J£; choice family 8; fancy 0. Corn meal: per bushel OOc. Grits: western, (3 70 per barrel. Gbocrribs.—Sugars: crushed 7c; powdered The; granulated %Be; stan dard A UKayre>’ 1 white extra C 6c; ex- traC fitfc; gold extra C 5 1-3; yellow 6. Molaaeee: centrilugi. 20s3lc, Cma best 28a30o- Syrups: Sugar drop* 30a32c, New Orleans 25a55e, home-made 50o at retall.fineat NO, 55c. Java Coffee: 22*27, Bio 11)4*12)*, Laguayr* ltaloc per lb. Salt i Liverpool 86c lack. Soap: $2 25a S per box, all quantise, - Rice: choice 8outh Carolina, 6)4,6c. priut Sc, ordi nary 3Xa4o per pound. Teas: Imperial 30*80, young hyson 30a50, black 80*75, S wder 40*76c per lb, according to J. Pepper 20c; epicetOc; ginger _ . Mr*, Jane K. Bertling, late of the City Athens, Ga., deceased, ate requested to file them with me within the time and manner prescribed by law, sod those Indebted to said deceased are requested to tusks Immediate payment. This Oct. 4th, 1881 JOHN S. WILLIFORD, Executor, octUwfit. GEORGIA CENTRAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, 100 1-2, Cherry SL, Macon, 6a. W E have opened a Detoctire Agency at this place. After several year* of experience it Kiveaas lull knowledge of the buslucns. We h tve a force of honest, upright and sober men. Special attention given to criminal busiues* in *11 parts of the country, and to insurance and ci mmerclal work. Merchant* and attorneyacan al all time* secure the service of skillful *r**ra- tors at short notice snd at reasonable rate*. All communle-itlons strictly confidential. Call and GEORGIA CENTRAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, octildlm 100J4 Cherry street, Macon, Ua. nTni'cra ponct DENTAL SURGEONS. O FFICE RodMS facing Clifton’s Gallery (same at Iretso up stairs) Broad St., Albem, Qa. E. K. LUMPKIN, Attorney at Law, ATHENS, A A., Will practice In any and all of the courts by pcclal arrangement. Office In old Franklin Ilousa building. sep!2-wly ICE CREAM If you want something nice call^on C. BODE As he has always on hand Cakes, Bread, Gandy 8 Confectionery ca Cream Oa all kinds, by th* plate, quart on; such as Tutto, Fnitl, Neapolitan ate, Yernelia, Lemon, Strawbery and a «e; aUo Rrtratu Punch Orange and Ap- d Leono Shakert, mai* to order. So for» at C. Bods TO ADVERTISERS. FREE. To those who waat tbelr advertising to i* \ we can offer no better medium for thorough and * feettve work than the various section* of our lict Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL A CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, oc!2l-d Awlm 10 Spruce street. New York A DIES wanted togot upTea Clubsforour Pure from ns preoilnm*. Set • for lliustrAted Priceaul Premium List. Speo.*« vffei try tenth person that answers tuts iu.u nt we will send frae ona pound Oa .aolce Tea. dddreas, NAT L. IEAA COFFEE CO-, Boston, Matt. ocl23d£w0m. W ANTED—A live energetic man, to represent us. $75 per month, and expenses. Goods staple; everv one bn p; out fit and psrttculare free S700to$2500iilx^ c s;a made working for u*._ Agents preferred.who^oan C .D. FLANIGEN PLUMBING ATHENS - - GA lOe; cloves 60o t<or pound. Soda 4Ua 6>*o lb. Stareb So lb. Fi<h: No 3 bbi. $8x8 60, No 3 half bbl 4 50, No 3 ouar- ter bbl 2 25, No 3 kin ten ponuda 50a55c. Coukry Produce.—Butter: 16t25c according to quality, aelect Jersey 30a3A per lb. Poultry: young chickens 12){a 18c, hens 20*25c, turkoya 60a|l 25, gowe <0a60c, ducks 20c, guineas 25c, partrid ges 10c. Ena lS*17c. Beeswax I8c. Tallow 8«. Hides Khile Cabbage 4a epound. Onions |l per bn<b. Sweet poutoea 75c bush. Irish potatoes bbl $2,25. Peauuta: band picked NC 4j^a Farr Supplies—Bagging: standard t& pounds 7J4»8c. Ties: New Arrow $1 07al 10, IXlta $lal 16. Hardware: Axes $7 dos; backets, painted $140 per doz, cedar, two hoops $325; coiton cards $4 60; trace chains $4 per dox; hamee Iron bound $3 60e4; plow hoes lb; Iron, Swede 4a5clb, refined 2jjc; nailr, $2a2 35, basis of 101, ner keg ;plow stock*, Halmaa'a $lal 10;c ropcManllla 16c, sisal 10c, cotton I5c:c hone shoe* $4 par keg, mol* shoes $5; Ames’ ■hovels $9 per dox; plow steel Wo lb. Shore: hrogaia $126 per pair, flrfif ’ ~ ’ H. H. P., OR * Ws Hepatic Panacea, The celebrated Southern Remedy for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Biliousness. ^ Guaranteed to cure, or money refunded. To be had of all druggist*. Wholesale by J. CRAWFORD & CO., ATHENS GA. G. L. P. GILDER S UYER PILES, Purely vegetable, are the BEST t TRY THEM. For Bale by a gists. Wholesale by J. CRAWFORD & CO. i&r * * ^ FRIEND IN NEED inn fiWEET'B INFALLIBLE LINIMENT P psrea from the receipt of Dr. Stephen Sweet of Connecticut, the great natural Bone Setter. Css been used <or more than M yean, and is the best known remedy for Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Sprains. Bruises, Cute, Burns, Wounds, and all external injuries. Ufe»Sold by all Druggist* ry it. IsHtdAwlyr FOR SALE OR REST. For Rent. A MICE 6 room cot tags with four seres of land, two barns, Stable*, carriage bouso, dry well, cyclone pit, etc. Price I19.S0 -er month. ALSO For.csle half sera l< t adjoining above with three room cottage, cook and dlolog roo m , ■ tables carriage house, good water, etc. Price OuO, half cash, balance on time. For Rent T HKHouae and Lot on the control Hill and Harris streets, the house contains fir pantry, kitchen, and servants bouse, good w»w> garden Ae., $2.60 per annum. Note with good security required. Apply tc J. 8. WILUfORD, Real Zftsto Agent, •*Pt23dtf. For Sale. The house nnd lot on Milledge Avenue, 1 belonging t* Mrs 8. E. Smith This f J. A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT, Represent* First-Class, Prompt Paying Companies. ASSETS REPRESENTED $40,000,006 I W. H. PATTERSON, | BOND 1ND STOCK BROKER. venlence, is adm!rably~buUt end in 'thorough repair. Double cottage for servants in yard, rood »t*w« red oijKsUdtsra. poultry km* «u. On. nil ofdellctai. wSor, bn* fird.n with art p« and mill Ima Ann caaac. for say ou wlahlD. a plcaunt ham*. April t. oetlOdir. H-KSSaW, For Sale. T WILL Mil m> bones and lot on the corner of i HUlnnd PopeSte. Th* Houat contains 7 looms, bath rooms end cook room attached, each room has n costly marble mantel, grata*, etc. Gas in each room, will be sold in eee lot or divid ed into flats. A bargain may be had If applied octIWAwlw. E. O. ASKOLD, PRIOR STREET. New Goods I I oa sow reMlvtns my FALL STOCK OF MILLINERY ROODS. Con tad examine, for they But L, sola. - Sn. T. A. ADAMS. Notice. A LL person, an feoreby warned not to trad, for A o rertaio iwu aalaw tke ondantfoad, mode payable to j. F. Wilson, a* tha seme has been °V.aiaSSfBa*T. THIS AGENT bas supplied us with the celebrated CD RAVEN GLOSS m SHOE DRESSING, . which we have in stock and highly recommend. DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES ATHENS, GEORGIA 8opt9 j ; S. D. SMITHE, DEALER IN Granite and Marble Work, Monuments, Statuary, etc. Designs in all kinds of Granite anil Marble to suit. First-Class Work Guaranteed. P. O. Box 88, ATHENS, GEORGIA. novpdiy. HUSBAND: Why don’t you buy your meats of Charley Schuhart? He Takes all the bones out of roasts 40 that you will have no destruction in carving Bis mutton chops are su perb and his all pork sau sage will tickle the pal - ate of the most fastidious epicure. Mr. Shuhart’s long experience gives him the knowledge which has long beenneeded^ in our midst. Don’t fail to call on him at his place of business on Foundry street. Do Not Fail to See the Exhibit off| C. A. SCUDDER The Silversmith with his linel Goods in Gold, Silver Cop-I per, Royal China, Dresden, Por-I celain, and Artistic Brass. Art Department. THE: A. R. ROBERTSON, MARBLEAND GRANITE WORKS, A large stock of finlshcdGranite and Marble Monnumenta ready to* letterings 'Alio, a large stock of new lithographic designs to select from. Call and get my prices A. R. ROBERTSON. Athens, G*. 0TARRELL&HODGSON, WHOLESALE GROCES, * Athens, Georgia. GENTS for Athens Manufacturing Company, Checks, Yi luring Coi Jeans. •tc. Powells Mills, Cotton Rope. New High Shoals Manufacturing Uompsny _ Hazard Company, Powder. , Cottonades, and Yam*, Cot Cileries, Stripes, Shirtings, octlSdtf. JNO.CRaWFOrMCO A Large Lot of Chemical Apparatus for Students ot Chemistry, just received by JNO, CRAWFORD, & CO., Clayton St. maria-iyd&w ATHENS, GEORGIA. DUORANUSWTLUUI: Harvest Queen, Golden Grain, Mountain Dew, Pride of Denver, Pride of Colorado, Sweet Home, Success J-,..* TALMADGE BROTHERS. PARR BROTHERS, House anil Sign Painters Decoraters and Dealers is Wall Paoer. Athens, Georgia. Tel.pbon. IM. 49 Clayton Sinai ■ STOP AT BURKE'S Piano and Organ Display, AT FAIR GROUNDS. Fop