The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, December 15, 1886, Image 4

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MHMHn THE BANNER-WATCHMAN ATHENS, GA., DECEMBER 15,182)6 JUG TAVERN NOTES, Notice. Tot National Bam« or Athens, At.nexs, Ua., Dec. 14 1886.—The annual (netting of the atockhoMcra of this Bank will be held at their backing houao on Tue«day, the Uth day of January, 1887, at irnich tirai will be held an election for director* to aenre for the ensuing year. DeclSdtd James Wkite. Cashier. ■pedal Notice* All persona having subscribed to the Relief Committee cf the Y. M. C. A. will please send in their contributions to-day The demands are upon us. Do not de lay. Rkuar Com. Y. M. C. A C. K. Col line, Jeweler. Will again occupy the store corner of Broad and Wall street, where ho will open up au entire now stock of watches, clocks, jewelry and fancy goods for the holiday trade. Don't fail to oxaininc his stock and prices before you buy. tillt Kdve I'slUh Has oil in it; does not crack leather. Try a bottle. K. P. Ciiamukus, Agt. declOlw. I’or Male. Very fine Milk Cows and a blooded mare. Apply to Mr. Stevens, corner of Millcdge and Prince Avenue. decUd lw. OUR COUNTY EDITIONS. What Our Hr. Mot nil U Doing for the Neighboring Keetion*. Mr. P. A. Stovall, of the Banner Watchman, has understaken the tusk of writing up each separate county that trades in or pays tribute to Athens, and to-day begins with Jacksoif, to be follow ed by Oglethore and Oconee. He will remain in each county two or three days, visiting tho people, towns and points of interest and getting facts ami figures, showing the amount of business tlonu and advertising the advantages offered. Thi K is done that tho public may know the splendid prospects of this section of the State, ami learn what old Georgia can offer in tho way of farming lands, busi ness openings, wator-powers, etc. A separate edition of tho Banneu-Watch man will be devoted to each county, and a copy of the paper mailed free to every citisen living therein, whoso namo is on the UX books, from which a special agent, who will accompany Mr. Stovall in his rounds, will copy. Wo have attractively marked off* in our paper •paces for advertisers, ami placed the figures within the reach of all. Our merchants who desire the trade of these eounties will receive here a better opportunity of getting their announce mentfl before tho people, for there is not a man so poor or humble but what will b« sent a copy of our paper. Our principal reason, however, for taking thia step, is to show our appreci ation for the generous patronage that these counties havo extended o«r paper, and to moro thoroughly identify tho Bannkr-Watoiiman with the people. Kvery business house in Athens should htve a card in our paper. They can either Uke one county or all of them, at a reduced rate. We will next week writo up Hanks, Madison and Klbort, and follow with other counties that are tribnUry to Athens. FUTURES. Tne. Turkics at Holme's. Piles Are frequently preceded bv sense of weight in the back, loins and loweF part of tho abdomen, causing the patient to suppose lie ha* some affection »f the kidneys or neignboring organs. At, symptom* oi indigestion ure present, tiatiifcncy. uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A inoimuiv lik-* is-rsplra- ,»roducing a a vfry di-agreeable itching, a»tcr gelling warm, uncommon dtt nd.uit. Uliltd, Bleeding ami Itching Piles yield at cmv to the application of fir. li-isanko’s 1’ile K**m *<iv, which acts -llrtcily upon the parts affected, absorb ing the Tumors, allaying the Intense- IMclung and effecting* permanent cure. Prl refioc«mt. Address Th- l)r. Itoaoanko MedicinoCo.. Piqua, O. Sold by K. 8. Lyndon and Huh < A Arnold. Send your orders nulinc’s for Turkics. to Georgo Conklin, tho lion-tamer, ssys he will have nothing to do with cross eyed animals, nor umo any other remedy for his coughs and cold.-* but Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup. Prunes, Currents liaisons at flulme's. and MatfcU »pril May Mrs. Jobs son improving—Olbar Itsroa la and Around the town. Jt'o,'Dec. 14.—[Special ] Mrs. W. T. Johnson, whose illness was nun- tioned a few days ago, is improving. .. .- Mr. W. if. Ii. Siaiham, familiarly known a* “Uncle Dick,” is always hap- I iy when tlio crowd get* pretty full and le is the chief in fullness. On a certain occasion, whin the crowd was composed of church members as well as sinners, and all feeling particularly jolly, “uncle Dick” drew himself up, and a* hi* bosom swelled with delight at the dismal spec tacle, he said, “This is the occasi- long have wished to see—Primitives, Missionaries, Bible Christians and Metho dists. all communing together.’* Messrs. Elijah ay nml James Seegar* concluded to po down the country to sell some stock. It is said of them that they started nut with a Fow Texas ponies and mules, and being unfamiliar with the world and its wonders, they took along a pocket map. It served them ver^ until they got as far south as High Sho-b.. There snow began to fall, great ly to their astonishment, as they thought ow was only intended for the upper unties. One remarked to the olii* ss he looked on the mad, “I say, we a wrong! We ure too far north, and we had better turn back.” COTTON MARKET. OFFICE BANNER WATCHMAN. A rasas, Dec. 14, UN. Market steady. MUdil K, * 1 Middling 9 U Lew Ml Piling, Good Ordinaly. Middling 0 IMS . Ortkt Briuiu 4o,W . ; cbannol ports fit--vm-fimplion OPENED. steady. rwvlp ■ 1U7,0-.IS ; experts to ~ toco eontlnsnt : stock ; sales Uplands lo-ir LIVERPOOL Sales 8,000; Spec and Experts GOO: Rcealpts l.n00 Atrarlcau 47.100. FCTURKd, OPENED. CL* >8 ED. ■Il/Oo A FU* Osc. | Jaa. snd Feb. Dec. and Jan. 1 Feb. d M’rh. May and Jun« June mid July July and August. II Ol 10-04 1941 I8ST. Harper’s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED, HarpeiPa Weekly maintain* its posi tion a* the leading illustrated newspaper in America: and its hold upon public es teem and confidence was never stronger than at the present time. Besides the picture, Hahi'eh's Weekly always con tains instalments of one, occasionally of two, of the best novels of the day, finely il ustrat«*d, with short stories, poems, sketches, and papers on important cur rent topics by the most popular writers. The care that has been successfully ex ercised in tho past to make Haupkr's Weekly a safe as well as a welcome visitor to every household will not be relaxed in the future. ATHENS WHOLESALE MARKE Athens, Ga., Dec. 10, 18Sd. Flow, Grain, Hay, etc.—Flour: bu parting $3 f»0, extra 4, good family 4 60 choice 5, fancy 5 :*■>, fancy piten ts higher grades, 5 50. Wheat: No 2 re d bulk. Ofi.if 1. Corn: No 2 white. Hack, I, 00; No 2 mixed, sacked, fi/aCt Oats: No 2 mixed, feeding, 41: rust- pr-Hjf 03*70. Hay: Choice Timothy per 100 lbs OOaDfi; Prime T'mothy 85a00c; country hay-—swamp grass 25c, Bermu- Ia43a75; Hudson's best $1. Fodder— from tv) to 80c. Rye: Georgia $125, Virginia and Tennesseejlal 10. Burley; Georgia $1 25, Virginia 1 10. Broom corn: 4a0o lb. Cow |*as: 85c. Bran: ost rn sacked, per 100, OOaOfic. Stock feed: $1.23 provisions—Bacon : »moked clear rib aides loose ojgaff; shoulders Iry salt dear ril/fslde* 7 « 7)4'; choice 8 C hanil, ►mall average 13c. Bard hoico refilled, tierces, “^.4n77«; choin family 8; fancy 0. Corn meal: per bushel 00c. Grits: western, $3 ;r barrel. Grocrbiks.—tJugars: crushed 7 powdered 7,^e; granulated V 4 5e; .-tn lard A'C)ja7^c; white extra C 0c; e traC G^gC; gold extra C 5 1-2; yellow HARPER'S PERIODICALS,1’KK YEAR Harper's Weekly $1 OO Harper's Magazine 4 00 Harper Bazar. 4 m) Harper’s Young People 2 00 Harper's Franklin Square Library, One Year (f*2 Numbers) 10 00 Harper's Handy Series, One Year (52 Numbers) 15 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. Molasses: centrifuga. 20a3lc, Cu 28a30c. Hyrups: Sugar drops 30s 32c, AtiKE.tT NEED. Women needing renewed strength or who suffer from nervous weakness, will find nothing to help them like Moxie New Food. It is certainly a groat invig- orator and will restore a shattered nerv ous system to a healthful and natural condition in a few days. Tho physi ians say it is tho best nerve food yet discovered. SMALL PROFITS- It mystifies the Atlanta and Augusta merchants to understand why it is that the little city of Athens can so far un dersell them, snd hss made such fearful inroads into theterritory of theso cities— actually shipping good* to their very gates. In tho first place, the merchant* of Athena are all self-made men, used to hard work and economy, and their ex penses aro comparatively light. They can live on one-fourth or less of what it requires their rivals in tho other Gcor- gir Uade-centres to expend. Agai", Inert are no drones in any of our stores and everybody must do his best, from the proprietor down to tho ofiico boy. Then there is more energy here than •ny place you ever saw, and our merchant! are determined that they won't be undersold. They have plenty of cap ital, a splendid credit, and their stores and warehouses do their own draying. and, in fact, are in a position to com- P*. U with any market in America. The other day the conversation turned on the low prices at which Athens sells goods, when a gentleman remarked: Bbl. Pickles at Hulme’s. Just Think of It. It has spread over tho country lik* wildfire. It will make the use of medi cine unnecessary half tho time: For a wonder it is cheap, considering its rep utation, and can ho had ot all at fifty cents yer bottle* it is aho on draught at soda fountains. Thoy call it Moxie Nerve Food, and is n sure cure for nervousness and all nervous affection. Pickled IItilme's. Pigs Feet at A tine lot of Turkics at Hulme’s.. FOR SALE! Rooms, Dressing Room, Pantry and Basement Store Room. tluwrr pi« In front y .-Uy main*. Lari* KlVn'.lII. lied E. ate Ageut,. . STORES FOR RENT. magei “Yea, wc undoubtedly have the cheap- eat market in Georgia, and our mer chants nr* content -with the merest frac tional part of a profit Do you knew that wo often sell nails at r profit of only two oents on the keg, and to get ahead of Atlanta I have known Athena drummers t • give away their dray age to and 'Jryui the depot Our boys had rather work for nothing than have an Atlanta man set ahead of them. Why, 1 tell you thst from 85 to 60 cents is the average profit on * barrel of sugar, while 1 have known 91,000 worth of meat or corn to bonold it a profit of only |2 to the mer chant No other place except Athens can afford to work nt such short profits, and all oar merchants make good livings, too. They sell immense stocks of good% and it counts up mighty fast 1 SizeJiULM, suitable for ••jotis, tukbiutiy Ac. New Orleans 25u55c, home-made 50c at tail,finest NO, 55c. Java Coffee: -2*27, Bio ll* B aI2^4, Laguayra 12al5c per lb, Liverpool 85c sack. Soap: $2 25a 8 per box, all qualities. Rice: choice South Carolina, 5\;>»Gc, prlint 6c, onli- narv 3j?:i4c per pound. Teas: Imperial 30a80 f young hyson <0a50, black 30a75, gunpowder 40*75c per lb, nccordifig to quality. Popper 2ue; spice UK*; ginger 10c; doves 60c tier pound. Soda 4'£a fi'gC lb. Starch oelb. Fish: No3hoi. $8aS 50, No 3 half bbl 4 50, No 3 quar ter bbl 2 25, No 3 kits ten pounds B0*65c. CouNRY* Produce.—Butter: 15a25c according to quality, wlect Jersey 30a.‘15 peril). Poultry: young chickens 12^,a 18»*, hen* 20a25c. turkeys fiOafl 25, gees© ioc, nen* -o.i..jc, iurn*>B u'Mfi 40a50c, ducks 20c, guinea* 25c, partrld- a»*a 10c. Eggs 15al7c.* Beeswax I Sc. Tallow 8*'. Hides lOallc Cabbage 4a 4)» epound. Onions $1 iht bu*b. Sweet potatoes 75o bush. Irish potato* * bid $2,25. Peanuts: hand picked NC 4‘ja 5c h. Farm Supplies—Bagging: standard l? 4 pounds 7J'.a8c. Ties: New Arrow $1 07a 1 10, Delta $lal 16. Hardware: Axe* $7 Uoj; bucket*. palntnJ $1 41) per do*, cedar, two hoops $3 25; coition cards$150; trace chain* $4 per do*; hatnes iron bound $3 50a4; -plow hoea 3V4h3lb; Iron, Swede 4a5c lh, reflued •Jl^c; najls, $2a2 35. basis of 101, per kegjolow stocks, Kalman** Hal 10;c ropcMnnllla 16c, sisal 10c, cotton I6c;e horse shoes $4 pe.* keg, mule ►hoej$5: nurse snovs fi h'ki n'uiu "uuwfu. Anie** shovels 10 per do*; plow steel 4‘yc lb. Shotas: brogans $1 25 per pair, ilr*t-cla*s |>olkA $1. Harper’s Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magazine during 1887 will contain a novel of intense political, so- cial and romantic interest, entitled “Xarka"—a story of Russian life—by Kathleen O'Meara; a now novel, entitled “April Hopes,” by W. 1). Howells; “Southern Sketches,” by Charles Dud ley Warner and Rebecca Harding Davis, illustrated by Wiliiatn Hamilton Gib ion; “Great American Industries”—contin ued; “Social Studies,” by Dr. B. T. Ely; further articles on the Railway Problem by competent writers; new series of illus trations by E. A. Abbev and Alfred Par sons; articles by E. P. Roe; and other at tractions. The Volumes of tho Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Yolutnnr. of Harper's Weekly, for three years back in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by oxpress, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 QO per volume. Cloth Case* for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should he made by Post- )ffice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this ad vertisement without the express order of Harper k Brothers. Address HARPER Sc BROTHERS, New Y’ork. "Consumption can bo Curod.' Dr. J. S, Combs, Owens ville, Ohio, cry* “I htve riven Scott'« Emulsion of Cod our oountry are silently miserable, while Liver Oil with, hypophosphites to four *“ * patients with better results than seemed possible with any remedy. All were hereditary cases of Lung diseases, and advanced to that stage when coughs, pain in the chest, frequent breathing, fre quent pulse, fevei^ and Memacinatiop. All these cases \ -V e increased in weight from 10 to 28 lbs.’ and are not now need- ing any medicine. J prescribe no other Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with hypo- phosphite*, Lime, and Soda, but Scott’s belivcing it to he tho best” The quickest timo ou record! Neural gia of the worst type, cureu by one dose of SMITH’S BILE BEANS In from one to four hours, a- many who have tried it can testify. It does seem strange that sensible people will suffer with this terrible divea-e when speedy relief can surely be found In thia simple safe and Inexpensive remedy 25 cents.For sale by all Druggists and dealers in medicine, or sent any whore on receipt of price In s'..tiups. BUCKLS8 j ARNICA salve. The Beat Halve In the World for Cuts Bruise*, Sores, Ulcers, Sail Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eiupo riona, and positively cures Piles, or n pay required. It I* guaranteed togiv perfect satisfaction, or money rufunddy Price 25 cents per box. For sale b Long Sr Co —t? fofall ’ hoy Come. Almost everyone 1* troubled with nervousness In ’ some form, and nire- lenthsof the prevailing illness cornea from nervous exha union, brought on by overwork, m-nti.l strain or dissipa tion. No wonder people areask'n'for \ M l • nerve reuiudy like Moxie Nerve Fool, It bull 1* you up, and strengthens your whole nerv *us system. Try it. 1837. Harper’s Bazar, ILLUSTRATED. Harpet’a Bazar combines the choicest literature and the finest art illustrations wi*h the latest fashions and the nm*t useful family reading. Its stories, poems, and essays ure by the best writers, and Its humorous sketches ar« unsurpassed. It* papers on social eti quette, decorative art, house-keeping in all it* branches, cookery, etc., make it indispensable in every household. Its beautiful fashion-plate* mini pattern- shcatsupplement* enable ladies to save many times the cost of subscription by being their own dressmaker*. Not a line is admitted to it* columns that cculJ shock the most fastidious taste. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. Tm Ykab Harper’s Basir $4 00 Harper** Magazine 4 00 Harper’s Weekly 4 00 2 00 Harper’* Young Peo'ple Harper’* Franklin Square Library, One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Harper's Handy Series, One Year (52 Numbers)....”. 15 00 Postage Fite to all subscribers in.the United Hiatus or Canada. Advice to Mothers. % Mas. Winslow's Soothing Sybup should always be used for children teeth- It soothes the child, softens thu allays all pain, cures wind col*c amt is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty five cents a bottle. A Bad Fix. Thousands of men and women all over 1 nave 1 crum to grieve. But, ah! We pronounce no anathemas against any other remedy, but we assert that one single bottle .of B. It. B. will do more in tho euro of any cue of blood poison thx 1 twelve bottles ot any other- Our book is free and it fella the tale. Address. BLOOD BALM CO„ Atlanta, Ge. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOB COUBTF 8URVEVOR. I will be a ea illdia* for rejection to the office ot couuty “urveyur, and aak tue wsrort o« the voter* Clarke county. c. 8. DANKlL’ roll CLFKK SUPF.RIOtt COURT. 1 rwpeciTullf announce mjttIf tor reflection te the office of Clerk of the Superior Court. JOHN I hUUOINU. FOR SnKRIFF. I respectfully auu •ua«:c avself aa a candidate for rv-olectton for Sheriff at iheJanuiirj elarttyo. snuaryeL JOHN WT W1ER. FOB COUNTY TREASURER. Having received l ippiovaiot a large . . county 1 heroby au- nouiit-c myself aa acandidaU for re-election to number of citiacua of t Bounce myaelfas acand. the clUce of Trcaaurvr ot Clark County. Mr records* au official is bau-re the people. Elec- tlou tint W«dne»dar In January next. C J „, rARSeu . Jlr detire of many Riends, I herein annonoeo myself a candidate lor Treasurer or Clarko county and shall trnut to tho fonerualtjr and tafn or “>« p.opl. lo»wd. m« Iom- car# uiy election. V. W. SKIFF. I hereby nonounco my*«l( a candidate for A. P DEARINO. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce inyvj'f a candidate for Tax Colkcir r of Clarke < ounty, and aak the bearly •upyort of be voters. If elected, I pledgemy- self tod vote my l»-*t ouer-fiee t varJ maklug tneotffre a iuccjs*. aal the 1 bnvj caiu# to reamlhe trust r people will ueVO spotted In me. J. W. LONG. I hereby announce myself a* a candidate for re- . mrMlfaL election to tn# office ofTax Collector of Clarko Countv, and rc»po Hully ao.lclt the cordial aup- rortof *he votera at tne election to beheld on too first Wednesday in J.uu*r rezu FOR TAX RECEIVER The many frien-1: of Mr. \V. T. CARTER, an- i-ivor of Ciarke ‘’ounty, 1 t *>.«• vut«rs. Mr. Carter II _ .. ... very way qualified tudirsbargo •offlC- —* -.i-r-- 1. and is tue deserviuu young . _ I fled to discharge with aDility and aatislac- 1 am authorized atnl requested to nnnonaea ID K. SIM*a- a utndldate for re^lectloa to fficuof Keoeivcr t-f T*x Returns of Clarko •li-etlon In Jua'-aryncxt FOR CORO.VER. I ri**i>e tfully announce mv»elf as n e»n lidsto fur re-olectlou for Corodcrot Clarke Cmintr. J. A. PITNER. LOOK, LOOK, LOOK! HOLIDAY M NOVELTIES!! We have the prettiest and most complete line in tho city. It will pay you to look nt our stock. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number currant at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three yeaia back, In neat cloth birul- wfll be sent by mall, pontage paid, or by express, tree of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 HO per volum Cloth C’a»es for each volume, suitable for binding, will lx* sent by mall, post paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should bu made by Post- Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy thl vertisement without tho express order of Harper A Brothers. AIdrefB HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. Harper's Young People AM JLLUTRA7ED WEEKLY. Harper’s Magizino $-100 Harper's Weekly 4 00 Harper's Bazar 4U0 Harper’s Young People ,2 00 Harper's Franklin Suarc Library, One year (52 Neinb**rs) 10 00 Harper’s Handy Series, One Year (5‘. v • Numbers) 150O Postage Free to all subscriber* in tho United States or t-amula. The elceaut llttlo 1 «anl id«r lb# Ctoii g#oU* fUr&Uhiitg FARM FOR RENT. To: ih • K:l!u|>« placeadj-ilma/ W. H. •, J-. t coni Intug 1k)a«*re..«|M. a Is-.d.lfl the b-sat crc«k b-atum in C’srke ouuty. Will be (tilted cheep lor lv>7 C-tU *>•» W. H GRtFFKTn, nov.ixhf. IUnl K.tatc AyenL FOR RENT! SEN D sireble Re-ldcocee at prices 1 1 trorn 01 - M*'.uo rer moots. w. D. <mit Ftsrit. Reel f.UtwAgent. office a j. K,€<*).#*■ Mara, Important.—All affected with JBglllimllui. aeural(U, UK throat, puna Hitt, beck orlimba, spreini. brvisce, «tc., (boulil b« ioformwl thtt Solntioa Oil oif-Vut tb,p BMd. For ml, by dl drug- fiiu. l’rico twmtp.flr, ceaU > bottle. from the uinatseot Lank* sutrror r-ourt. Hit if- - ffi ^■S TURK, 0. 8 C.I R. C. Hardy ) Divorce Btutt surert- r vs. VcmH, 8?| t i*rm. It ap« Nancy M. Haafy.) i*-enrw (othaoMirf, *J ft# ;» terns of ike Saentria Ibis csi«, that the jlaal ot lit* la said ecemr, ui4 U further peirlBgtetheimmUatehf eesnat aemde <a four w-.nrh-, I> f.r® th- h it.« I)tun*v'V«'ch- ■sari, a newspaper fabli Utergia. araaM-N. UBaMfitea, The volumes of the Magazine becin with the Numbers for June and Decem ber of each year. When no time is spe- 1 cified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of or der Bound Volumns of Harper's Magazine, for three years back; in neat cloth bind ing;, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of three dollars per volume, (’loth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each—by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper’s Magazine, Alphabet ical and classified, for Yolumas 1 to 70, inclusive, from June' 1850, to June, 1865, one voL, 8vo, Cloth, fi4 00. Kctuitano* should he made by Tost- Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance or loss. Newspapers are not to copy this ad vertisement without the express order of llaraer Sc Brother*. IlARriR’s Yiicxu People has boon call- 1 “the model of what a periodical for young readers ought to be,” and tho jus tice of this commondation is amply sus tained by the larg«* circulation it has at tained both at home and in '.Great Bri tain. This success has been reached by method* that must commend themselves to the judgement of parents, no less than the tastes of children —namely, by an and well sustained effort to' provide the best and most attractive reading for young people at a low price. The il lustrations aro copious and of 1 uously high standard of exc II. 1 conspic- I of ything that 11 in juvenile litern- An epit tractive and desirable turc’—Boston Conrier. A weekly feast of g^od things to the boys and girls in very family which it vis’its.—Brooklyn I’uion. It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, information, and interest.—Christian Ad vocate, N. Y. M. MYERS & CO. SPEC1ALSALES aid Silk Velvets, Plain ami Brocaded in all Colors. All other Goods at Cost. The Gilt Edge Palace Store, Terms: Postage Prepaid, $200 Per Year. VoL VIII. commences November 2,1886 Sixolb Numbers, Five Cents ea^h. Remittance should be made by Post- Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lot*. Newspapers are not to coppy tins ad vertisement without the cxprcjv* order of AGENTS Ath Hari eb & Bkoiheb*. • “•! Address Harper Sc Brothers, New York. OSTl*ON^Vltk.RIFl'* tfALE -4Jt«»K s.heuks i Ike first Tufvlsy | OUR BRANDS OF FLOUR: Harvest Queen, Golden Grain, Mountain Dew, m», mm, Jmn D. Han. u.l.Ittr.tar ,f I or., l. mj. nroort, j it. r «rr, .no «no/., £’& r ^ rt ter'^2.;'2 , .Ti:5r5!^:.A 1 ^ Pride of Denver, Pride of Colorado, Sweet Home, Success leering t« tb* eetete er sslfi firaeased. a*4 srifi ratiefy •»> I rum tb* MoMrior Oeut »f ( r , * P Ceunty—Will sold , — .... ,.v.. » January next, Ijaforeike Coart d.inr to Ad^r«. ll.rp.rA EptLen, N.rTvx, .. — — i *r laad, e»or« *r K-rs, lying in aa!4 rwiaty, o« the ORORG1A.BAMKS COURTFT-To all whom It! water* of Hkkn.y Uvel Cifoek, adJ-Maiag lands may cr*n<sni, Jane* D. Marua adaslalstrstor of! efw. J. Ray, Mrs#* Brooks,J.8.Farr,andotkers. S. MARKS, BROAD STREET. 0'FARRELL&HODGSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Athens, Georgia. Mnifut'irint C»ny\vr; CIjrsY., Virai, and •hunt, N’o. Uijli Sh,iN Minnfiitnrinr C>n.nnr Chjj'c., Striprr, Sllirtinr., T'jWk'I Mill, Cjttnn Rrps. Iluvl U.mpinr, L'nrier. ostliltf. II 111. mUUjal fc. >r«4fr-m U» «jnrior Oout >t I ’ TALMADGE brothers. ; ,