Newspaper Page Text
Old jw h &qi! Fubftfcw and cold he lie*
Wrapped frfKpcrpto of U» mUnUlit skies,
A. crown of drannering start up« n his breast,
Hk earth reign o'er, Feao* to his royal rest!
"To op* for Jta
And gajrlv oa I
To shower hi
That oft hath
mgs themselves, au<l that th
coiuluctod with honestv> fair;
good faith toward all parties,
ihorize the Company to use I
‘■ate, with fitc-similes o onr
attached, iu Its adve.tiseinents.’
thing called Time, rolling, rushing on, swift,
silent libs an all embracing ocean tide, on
which we and all the universe swliu Uke ex
halations, like apparitions which are, and
then are not; this Is forever very literally a
miracle—a thing to strike us dumb—for we
have no word to speak about It—Carlyle
If New Year's ere ulght wind blow south
It betokeneth warmth and growth;
tf west, much milk, sod fish In the sea;
If north, lunch cold and storms them will bs;
If east, iho trees will bear much fruit;
If nortlieaki dee It, man and brute.
hanks aJd
drawn in thi
ana Lnltorlc- which
BcnteU at our counters.
nOShEBBt, Prc-s. LouUiau- :
long. It weds nothing but. food sweeping.
I and my broom will do tbo work and do it
welL BrushoStbo dirtandaneir order of
things will Inaugurate Itself Immediately.
Look out for unlranal honesty, good times,
■at. banks, good wagte, chan mlndsd state.-
mcn — but really, 1 niuet burry on, I bar.
on appointment, X begin my eweeplng in a
few minute."
‘But you barest told me your nameP I
called out u 0. started on, with hie broom
on his shoulder.
Ho looked back, a broad grin on Ms hand
some young face, and answered, “Eighteen
E Befare*Irecovered from my astonishment
I spoke earnestly to him;
“Many blsnrfngs hast thou brought mo, for
which I gave thee thanks. New have they
been every morning, and fresh every morn
ing. Thou hast indeed from my heart's gar
den uprooted some hopes I planted there.
With : jtheir clustering buds thry fell, and
were never quickened again."
•Praise God for what I gave and what 1
took away,” be said, “and lay up titasuree in
heaven, that thy heart may be there also.
What thou calls* blighted bopee am ofttimes
changed into the fruits of rightoouuam"
‘But I answered: “Thou bast also bidden
from my sight tbs loved and the loving.
Clods are strewn upon their faces; tboy reply
to my call no more. To the homes tboy made'
fair they return not, and tbs places that once
knew them know them no more forever."
Still he nld: “Give praise to God. Your
II nwLKSHK, rr**.s. .vaiia
WtatiBlUni, Pi***. Male Natio
II ALU WIN, P mi. New On earn* Natlo
Over Hall a Million Dial
Louisiana State Lottci
Incorporated I a IBM lor 26 rear* by th
As the dead year Is clasped by a dead December,
Go let yoor dtpd etne with your dead days lie.
A new life is yours, and a new hope: Remember
We build our owa ladders to climb to the sky.
Stand out in the sunlight of promise, forgetting
Whatever your past held of sorrow or wrong;
We waste half our strength In a useless regret-
We adtby old totnhs In the dark top long.
Have you miaeed In your aim t Well, the mark is
■tin shining;
Did you faint in the race! well, take breath far
the next:
Did the clouds drive you back? but ass yonder
their lining.
Were you tempted and foil! let It eerve fora
Aa each year burriee by let It Join that proceadoo
Of skeleton shapes that march doWn to the pari.
While you take your place in the lino of progres-
Wlth your eyes on tbo heavens, your fees to the
. Nari.
I tell you the future can bold no terroi*
For any end soul while the stare revolve,
Xf he wgk but (land firm on the grass of his errors,
And Instead of regretting, resolve, resolve!
It Is never too late to begin re build tog,
Though all into ruins your life seems hurled.
For look! bow Uw light of the now year to gilding
ho *dded, -O, Icu sweep; 111 ihow you," and
bo wont on in hi. Y.nlty and Ignorance.
Poor, foolish, Inexperienced, happy New
Turning about, I started toward home, and
in a moment more I heard the village bells
“ring out the old," and “ring In tbs ntw."
1 had not gons far when I met another
traveler, a very different figure from the vel-
lost are with him. They have precedod you.
Norn can drift beyond bis Ipve and cara."
Then his voice grew faint, and be murmured,
“My mission unto man is done. For me the
stone Is rolled away from the door of the
ssnulchbr. I will enter inrA&d slumber wltu
all the years of tbs pest forever."
And be straightened himself out to die. As
I kntlt by hto side I said, “Ob, dying yoar,
dear,'dying year, X see a scroll beneath thy
mantlo. What witness shall It bear of me
when Tims for me is done!"
Low and solemn was his voice: "Thou
■bait know when the book of tbo universe to
The midnight clock tolled, ancM covered my
face and mourned for hto death, for !.<» thul
once been my friend. I remembered with pt . to
bow often I had slighted bia warning, ncc-
loOod iho olden opportunities of growth no
had given in?, ana east away the nrecioux
hours lip bad been so generous with, and I
buried'my fncu and wept When I ngnl.i
lifttn my bead, lot the New Yoar stood in iDo
place e: (bo Old.
Halves, $8. Fifths. $5
100 ?. So
2U0 do
Write it on your heart that every day to
the best day in tbo year. No man bas learned
anything rightly until he knows that every
A King is dead, a kta
The King Udead! I.
O’er deep and desert,
uu he.pook. “Sympathy! Well that b
really laughable Thants, my good frieod,
but I don't nwd it Yoar congratulations
would b» Utter. If you hare any sympalky
to throw around recklemly give Ittoiny sue-
etnar, 1 know tb. bs. of th. load h. has to
pick op-~ That be fine broom ha carrisa, too.
Kin. was as good ■ ytaraga Loot at It
now I Hardly a spoor of it remain., and With
all ite bard umgo, I f ter 1 hav.’nt bf t th.
earth much ebanor. I found th. contrast
too much for mi, though I started to as cblp-
par os b. dote. I was chock ftffi of reform
bite.; but you see bow ray efforts tocher up
th. earth hire ogsd mo, and how I hare
soulV. 1 ray clottee, os well os my rout But
I'm through with It now, mid am going to
dUcnbody mypdf, mid look on at tbo other
follow .white" Hb eyes bml a humorous
sparkle, and ha cartaihly wore a look of
""“E ttlxuniblo that your record b so bulky P
I asked, pointing to hb scroll
“Bulky!" sold tho old roan, with a sarcastic
grin. “It you want to know tbs bsfl as well
ss the bulk of It yoa should glance ovsr Ik. It
b made np of deaths, riots, earthquakes,
ljroken banks, trusted offletah going wrong,
wrecks, runaways, blow ups, wore, rumors of
won, the orsrthrow of tbs Literal poriln-
ment in Rngi*wd, eras/ monarohs, boodle
aldermen, new recruits for Sing Bing, con
tested wills, hard times, striksjLjmtcbtos.
sickness, murders, burglaries, theft#, and
nearly every unpleasant thing yon could
think of. Think of the heartache* ^repre
seated in this reoord. The thought** them
A boat saitaloot ou th* ebbing tide.
In one of the big buildings In the “down
town" of Nsw York, whence the newspapers
.emanate and tho financial wheels that move
iho whole country involve, there to a cigar
atore presided over by a young man known
as “Phil" He has a more pretentious name,
To to!! all'night for frtb in the sea;
The sails were set os she Hosted free
And tossed the foaming waves aside;
And the fisherman said as he sailed a mg
*•1 com* not back till the break of day.'
The wind arose and the sea was wil l,
odd the sS^M^va SyTtwIto;
Tbo fisherman thought as bs furled tbo a
Of a cottage home, of wifo and child;
And he said sab* tolled, ‘ God. I pray,
Thou wilt keep me safe till th* break ol
the great aauree of aU good, wfaeooa coma all
Trembling, I asked: “New Year, whither
wilt thou lead me! Art thou appointed to
bring me Joy or sorrow, Ilfs or death f
Looking with glowing eyes into tbo un
trodden Future, he replied: “I know not.
Neither doth the angel nearest the throne
know: only He who sittetb thereon. Giro
me your hand and question not Enough for
thee, that I accomplish Hto wilL I promise
thee nothing. Follow me and be content
Take, with a prayer for wisdom, this winged
moment The next may not be mine to give,
yet if we walk onward together, forget not
that thou art a pilgrim for eternity. If I
bring theo a cup of joy be thankful, and be
pitiful to those who mourn; and let all men
be unto the* a* brethren. If tbs dregs of bit-’
ternsss cleave unto thy lips bs not too eager
to recelva relief, lest thou betray the weak
ness of thy faith, God’s perfect dtoriplin*
gl veto wisdom. Therefore count those happy
who endure. When morning breaketh in the
east, gird thyself for thy duties with a song
of thanksgiving, and when night puttetb on
her coronet of stars look over the day just
gone and let ita failures and blunders guide
thee to bettor things on the morrow, so that
when I have no longer any days or nights to
E ire thee, and must myself die, thou wilt
Das me as a friend and a helper on tbs rood
to heaven." -
Us revenges are
are bi’.lided for con
ciliating him. Ha to admitted to be a formid
able foe, sura to dose in ca one eventually,
but who can be bribed and eajoled and per
suaded into leniency for many a day to coma.
Most of us try our uses to pull the wool ovsr
his eyes, and believe we are doing It finely,
Tbo evening was dear and cold, tbs stars
smiled down upon earth so fondly that when
I looked from my window late in the night I
longed to go out under them, and let their
benign spell charm away the fret and fever
of tb* day. I went out and walked slowly
on and ou, feeling tb* restful influence of tb*
adeno* and tbs beauty of the night. A cres
cent moon glittered to the sky, the myriadf
little friends rushed to. Their eyes were
glowing, aud their manner indicated that
something unusually exalting was in the
wind. Tbs company was heeded by a black
ayed, baby faced girl, who has no other name
than Mary. She had been selling papers on
the comer for three years, and when she first
began she was so little she could not walk up
the step# Paddy Haggerty was next to tb*
•procession. For years hto father had a news
istaudon th* corner of Beckman street, and
Jiut four weeks before New Year’s had
dropped dead there. Besides these there were
J(ickey-the-Plg, Snowball Billy, a fuzxy
beaded blonde; Becky JIcQUl, Oacar-tho-
Dodo and**** little Bible Back, *o ealtod be
cause be has a hump between bis shoulders
resembling a family Bible. Ye* and ’Stabs
Johnny was also one of them. He acquired
0.1 a q --.a- te. Kim r.rem tore.
songs. He hod no Taxations to be charmed
away In tbe silence of tie night, that was
certain. There waa a confident ring In his
Map aa ha (round Me Steel into the hard beaten
■now of the highway, and thorn waa aseartloo
In tha notea Ire whistled and eang.
A. ha come In right I aaw that ha waa aa
exceedingly spruce youth, with a finely de
veloped figure, and, aa near aa X could lea la
tha white light of tha stare and the snow, n
beaming faoa. lie was clod In valval and
fur, dressed with foppfch care and nicety,
usd he carried a brand new broom.
“Good availing,' I nld, aa wa ware about
to pate each liter on tha narrow read.
“Evening I' b aeid, Interrogatively. "I
never knew any euch thing. I belong to the
“Has tbe boy bean drinklngl- thought L A
■acood look oonvinoad ma that be had not
He stack tho handle of his broom firmly Into
tha snow os te stopped and spoke. I mad.
op my mind that ha waa a youth brimming
over with life and health and superfluous
energy. That ha waa vain any one could sea
from his walk, hb ipeooh and manner. I
wauted te prolong the coarenatlon, and for
wont of a batter subject I —Monad tha
beauty and newness of tha broom.
A Man Who
lently Seven!
Mlt.J.C. W.
C MM !■,
gold silk handkerchief.
‘Ain’t b a corkerf she said as aha handed
Mover the show care/ TUI took it and for a
whole minute ana Tears stood In kb
kind eyre and when te did apeak kb voice
i to * devil I
i and lose us i
mar meet me again, but you will
Yoa will wear* new face,
wu by a new name. Tb* sunrtoe
mem be with you. Au revoir,” and
««rt of my right forever.
ginning of good act
ruins before tb* dai
entered tbs mind tb
(•/%/ A/A/ A/
1 ill- UL1