The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, February 06, 1887, Image 2

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■ - THE BANNER-WATCHMAN. ATHENS, GA. FEBRUARY, 6, 1887 CouMte* cf Clark*, Cask* and Oconte THE DAILY BANNER-WATCHMAN ?• deliver*! by carriers In (be elty for |5 u y«»r, . M Cent* a month or 25 cent* ?«r two week*. *aou nee to noti-resldent subscriber*, postage tree. THE WEEKLY BANNER-WATCHMAN la mailed *o»«bacnbers fv ?l a jear. The S«»a*b Bumr, •**.*■ lls'ie I lsjn : Nnntberu Wa'cbuan, l&M. Cuiuolidaied Want, un. ADVERTISING RATES. One square, ona irenlb One aqua.*, three rronibs . Oae square, six run tbs . ■■ One rquatr, e»r year . Trausleut rates, fl per square each in ertioo|. tO cents eaeb aabseq>i**tti ti.aeulon. Special contract rat s made in the office. Ourfrieide ere requested »o f nil u* new* by d brief note* on fm- naimik Remittances should lie made by express, postal note, isonay order or registries leu. r. Ail communications e»4>uldr>ea<Mres»ed to TI1R BANNKH WATCHMAN, rmcoNs thksis. This town of our* claims ten thousand people. It is certain that our population ia not very far ahort of this handsome number. Well, now, cau anyone name a city of a corresponding size with few er marriageable ladie* in what is known aa aociety V Can any ene call to mind a city uf similar pretension* with fewer marrying young men. An answer tothes.i interrogatories, I grant, is very import ant, but the facta on which they arc baaed are terribly significant. It would be impossible to get up n “German” with a dozen couule* n* par ticipants without prassing into service a few married ladies, or calling on the stranger* within our midst, or soliciting the help of the students. There are time* when the town is uncomfortably filled with visiting belles mid beaux. We write of every day society, and do not refer to those gala occasions when the beauty and chivalry of the common wealth graco our banquet halls. nc w courthouse for the conrenfece of the few intelligent, upright and good men, and wo can add, eatimable men, whom the jury commissioners have de clared are the only citizens capable and qualified to serve as jurors. If one wishes to read a sickening at tempt at wit and humor, we would sug- jrust the Kditorn’ Drawer of Harper’! Magazine for February. The anecdotes or whatcrer name one chooses to dignify them bf, sre so old that their authondiip i« a matter of unanimous uncertainty. The Drawer has a reputation for publish mg good things, butifthfc present selec tion i* any index as to w hat the public may expect in the months to come, we very much fear this department of an excellent magazine will not have many readers. The poem, “Love’s Going,” by Mr. Charles W. Coleman, Jr., an old col lege acquaintance in Virginia, is conclu sive evidence that he whom many es teemed as n fool of a harmless disposi tion ha* the laugh on his former associ ates. lion. Howell Cobb, the presiding judge of the city court of Clarke county, is an excellent poultry fancier. The Judge is not only successful with his chickens, but he writes learnedly and eloquently the Southern Farmer of the various breeds and their origin, together with their characteristic habits. He knows the breed that nre noted for their laying inclination*, lie is familiar with the vari ety that are good “sitter*,” nnd can with jual facility f,tit his blind on those who re noted for their motherly care nnd ntchfulncss. Judge Cobh’s articles are full of interest to those interested in chicken culture, and he gives facts and figures to show that the business is prof itable in the highest degree. According to the showing mado in the Southern Farmer, there i*; more money in chicken* than in cotton. Our society is made up almost entirely of the old, middle-aged, at any rate, the married people. The average entertain ment at private mansions reveals the presence of few young ladies and fewer young men. The truth of the matter i* then nre not mtnv of theyoung of the Athene cou d he made a beautiful city. Ft i* not by any means worthy of that iljective now. With the strecd* of vary ing width, the sidewalks broad ami smooth in one plaqp and narrow and im passable in had weather in another, with triangular lots at the intersection of streets, whereon unsightly shanties stand, there is great room for improve ment. Tii« work of beautifying must, of course, go on gradually, and no one expect* it to he done in a year. While the city is yet small and real estatecoin- paratively lou, would it not he a good idrtt for the authorities to purchase twenty five or fifty acre* for the pur pose of making a park? This i* a sug gestion for which we are not responsi ble, but which w*» heartily endorse for the foil- A QUESTION ABOUI Browns Iron Bitters ~ANSWERED. Physicians recogntas Iron m the baa* redonttttt that tOrr* ara ns** preparations uC iron than 1 BROWN’S IRON Bl l7ERSSiJ32S «r pndoM eon<ipitioa-ftll other Ire* Medic fur ado. IIRO WN’H IRON RITTERS r area Indication, Billon aneeo, Weakneaa, dyspepsia, Malaria, Chllla aad Fever*, * ired Feeling,General f)ebliity,PaIn in the f hie, Cark or Llmba, Headache u<I Nearal* rfin—fur all them ailment* Iron U prescribed daily. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS.! •nirjot*. IA* all other thnrmjrh flMdldww. It act* tto^Jy Wbefc wkm by m-nth* first *r» pt/»ra of t-M.ont ill renewed aneruy. Th* mntcle* then Utfomr .—.-nth* effect i* usually more rapid and marl *7. Tin e,s* begin at once to brighten: tb* W to ckr t op: healthy color comae to th* cheek*; iwnnoinM 31a ipoeare; functional darangenient* hwonra* regu- 1 * ' idaet materunoa ber Brown'* Iroo -je th-nt la not in- 'iV«m* ami /hvff>/i*ls rrr»mm*n-l it. Vb.- On a inn *•«, Trod-* Mark and erwd rod l>n** on wr.nn~ VIHK S'* "•» j if a nnrdn# mother, r* puppUM for th* child. is the ONLY iron We have just received- a fine line of Extension Li brary Lamps. Call and see them. • Beautiful Hall Lamps foi New Years Gifts. Beautiful Library Lamps for New Years Gifts. Chamber Setts,decora ted, at $4,00 each, for a few days at J.H. HUGGINS’. A Full Line of Tea Setts and Tin Chamber Setts at J.H.HUGGINS’ PBOFESSIONAL C^RL DS. nng 1 If the \ eoigjp, Carolina A Northern liailrond is built, and it i* claimed that it will he; if Mr. Kuhso 1 finishes his trunk line to .Mferson, and he say* ho is going to build it; if the chartered line to Dnniclsville is ever built, and it has several incorporator* now, which looks like a beginning; if our people concludo to resurrect the Jug Tavern route, and . ^ ... . , tlie Richmond A Danville extend the two «.». here. 1 ho girl, have m.rr.od j Xurth . ,.;« fern to Knoxville; if the A a- ofF ami graco happy liomcH in other citin', tho young moil npo not with tin in uncomforUblo numbers. Those rctlec- tlons h.vo often coino to many of us, have frequently been the subject of dole ful conversations, and rot stare us in the face as ynpleasant facts. «*» But » few years hence a welcome change will manifest itselfin our social life. Coining on in all tho freshness of youth, with a full promise of a beautiful and glorioua maturity, are a host of lasaea who will revive the famous repu tation of the beauty of our women. The numbor of young girln who in n few yean will burnt forth upon society in gntifyingly Inrg.-, and nature follows that law of compensation ever noticea ble in ita work by making a hordo of handsome, sturdy Soya the tit contcra- porarics of toe coming queena. “Whatlathe marriageable age for wo men?” 1 asked of an acquaintance the other day. Ha said aomethingabout not having seen ona too young or too old to enter wadded life. When he became • serious be palled from hia pocket a ta ble of statistics, allowing the age at which 786 women married. ltjis too lengthy to insert here, but a few remarks will gire an idea to those who" are curi ous. The largest numbor were married at 20 years, one was wedded at 3U, there were none older than 39 who changed their condition. The youngest married at 13, and there were threo who took upon themselves the responsibilities of matrimony at that tender age. Tho ma jority were wedded between tho ages of 16 and 22. lfy acquaintance declared that no woman should marry befoto 23 and tha minimum of man’s age should be 35. gusts A Cbattsnuopa comes by Athens, and it is as likely to come by here as it is to go by Harmony (trove; if Mr. How ell erects his water works hotel; if the Macon ,V Athens roaches the city, and the Classic City ltailway resumes opera tions, this is hound to he a big town, and will need a city park some day. * Over 9,000,000 worn during the pnst six years. This marvelous success ts due— 1st.—To tho superiority of Comlinn over all other materials, no a stiffener for Corsets, 2nd.— 1 To tho miporior quality, shape and workmanship of our Coieots, combined with their low prices. Avoid cheap imitations madoof various kinds of cord. Mono are genuine unless “DR. WARNER’S CORALINE” Is printed on inside of steel cover. ^ FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 300 Broadway, New York City. W. li. BURNETT. ATTOKNE Y- AT-LAW ATH3NS, GA OFFICE OVER Cltit.DH *rCKKR*OV C OJ Practices in State and Federal Courts JOHN O. WELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Athens, Georgia. O ffice In old Franklin House Buildirx, opposite Opera House. octhOddwiy. EsTOKES BROS. DENTAL SURGEONS. Gallery («am DEALERS IN LATEST2STYLES OP BOOTS if SIS, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. SEED OATS. ALLEN J. ARNOLD, ATTORNEY AT LAW Monroe, Georgia. L prnctice in Walton, Oconte, CifirVp an R. L. J. SMITH, ATTOK.NKY AKD. COUNCILLOR AT LA M The speech of Hon. Walter B. Hill, of Macon, before th** literarj societies of the University last July has been pub lished in pamphlet form, and i* attract ing wide spread attention. His subject, “Anarchy and Socialism, the Storm Clouds of tho Century,” i* one in which every one i* intensely interested, and haa mado itself the problem upon which thinking tnen are expending much brain work. It is said that Dr. A. A. Lips comb regards l)r. Hay good’s speech, Mr. Hill’s oration and Mr. Grady’s utterances on the New South ns the Jbreo most notable addresses of the day. We learn that the next number ©f the Sunny South, of Atlanta, w ill contain the learn ed Doctor’s comment* and views upon these addresses. A well know club man was idly smok ing a cigarette in the billiard room of tha Atbemeum the evening of the club’s literary entertainment ilia attitude was ane indicative of profound thought and an acquaintance asked: “What are you thinking about 9 ” “I am thinking how many of those people down stairs will be absent from our next meeting.” “And why?’ “Have you noticed their disappointed look already. Tha cardinal principles of society in this town—an intensely practical sort of society with no foolish ness about—is, in the forcible vernacular of the West “nothing to eat no go.” And wager* were immediately made a* to the rise of the next audience, but the young men were compelled to go to the pavement as the club does not permit vbetting. The public are familiar with the kill ing of ono Kilpatrick by Dr. Fdrd, in Now Orleans, a month or so ago. Kil patrick had robbed l>r. Ford's home of its domestic peace and happiness, had brought shame to innocent children and 'lishonor to a faithful husband, and when Ford hunted him down and shot him as he would a dog, no man could be found who would say that he did other than right. Dr. Ford was arrested, and a few days ago was brought to trial. There was no jury in all Louisiana which would have convicted him, and yet this high- toned matt, to sa^his children front the knowledge of their mother's infamy, plead guilty. Under the law the judge must sentence him to a term in prison, hut if the Louisians, executive does not exercise the pardoning power he will find it difficult to bear the public disap proval. A PERSON.OF GOOD F.IISIKESS Ability aad Reputation will invest Five Thou sand Dollars and Services in legitimate bus'dom, ifon trial It In satisfactory, or will take Postifon of Trust at Modera'o Hilary, Riving ample secu ilty and references. Part es having good busi ness but needing more ni.uiov and all other an swers held strictly conlid n»4*l, but t«> save time bettet write full particulars. No pe tal cards * Q,” New York. MARVELLOUS MEMORY DIBCOVERY Wholly unlike Artificial Systems—Cure of Mind Wandering- -Any book learned in ono reading. Prospectus, with opinions ot Mr. Proctor, tno Aatrono iter, Hons, W. W. Astor, Judah P. Ben jamin, Drs. Minor, Wood and others, sent post t ree, by PROF. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Avenue, * Now York. IsnSddtwlm. Bomeoae in the columns of thinlour- * ‘ i* ' ' ' Mat not long «*«. kdvocstml tkn building of a new court fcouieind citjr hall on Dougherty hill or aome central Kite. How what.doeaihe county want With a now temple of juatice? It ia true that the preeenl itructure ia removed from the bnafnev part of the city, .but when the amalloeat of oer jury kit ia consid ered very few people ere inconvenienc ed thereby. It would bo. right hard upon the tax pay era to be aaaeaud for a |AKHi{f C. BODE! Oh Cltizans of Athens wakt up and selsct SUITABLE CHRISTMAS -PRESENTS HARMONY GROVE, GEORGIA. Will practice in Jackson, Bulks, Viuiisnn, P rpr k 11n urd adjacent countie , an.i also In all supreme and Fe oral courts «if the state Will give special attention to collecMotis and uinke i-rompt returns Offlco, room No.2, over i)r.!Iiudman> drug store. COLUMOUS F. ALLEN, -e /v i, - t.t, M.MWfira.Jeweto’ and Silversmith, Russian White Spring Oats, GENUINE TEXAS RED RUST PROOF OATS. FIVE HUNDRED BARRELS OF ALL GRADES NEW ORLEANS SYRUP. 5,609 Barrels Flair, Daagiii Before the Admaee. O’FARRELL & HODGSON. C. A. SCUDDER, Ary kind of Rcpairlrg and HiraU B’tidings j —. Repaid. Promptly Executed lu the Bast S ylc. Mo Delay, No Slioddy Work, Ho Ov.r Cltarcel Dresden Porcelain, Imported China. J. A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT. NO OLD STOCK. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. Represents First-Class, Prompt Paying Companies. ASSETS REPRESENTED $40,000,00C PARR BROTHERS, House and Sip Painters Decoraters and Dealers in Wall Paoer. Athens, Georgia. Telephone 17-1 49 Clayton Street aept25tf.M. New Goods I At once. We wish to remi-d you that our stock of Holiday Goods is simply tinmens-' and contains many rare and beautiful gifts which cannot Cali to plcuse the old and the young and causeaamlle on Christmas morning. There can be found at C. Bode s, euch as ladle's and gentlemen'* dross- ■ and toilet seta g< —id vases in endless varieties, at prices to defy competition in the city, and for children I have such as wagons, buggies, hobby horses and doll carriages in end less varieties. So call at C. Bode’s and examine his stock before buying elsewhere, also dol e from 5c. up to $1,00 for large wax and undestructabls dolls. So rv-mewber Santa Clause has made his headquarters at 0. Bode’s. I alto have cake, candies, nuts, raison* and fruits in any quantity to suit all pockcta C. BODE. Come: lay ton and College Avenue. declldtt PURE CORN WHISKY. P ACKAGES of Mountain Coni Whisky to Ke of Gallons at II 50 par gallon, leas qua ties at $* oo per gallon, ana on*dolla r force If keg is returned the monej will be reftmde Address JOEL COFFEE. Lola. Go. Money sent by express or Registered Letter will receive prompt attention. 45i gallons with keg 15. 4% gallons without keg *7 15. decl7d3m, JOEL COFFEE, Lola, Go. FOR RENT. F RoM January 1st, 18*7, the large and desirable residence an Prineo Avenue, lately occupied- oy Mr. John Eberhart, tha lot contains nearly six serrs, excellent fruit trreaof all klade. Also the property on tame street, known as the Fraaklia property. pantry, closets, etc., good water and fruits of various kinds. Apply to J. 8. WILLIFORD, dec28tf. Real Estate Afidnt. FOR BALE. MPST PERFECT MADE . j»*od with serkt retort toParitv, Strength, and lia«lt.>uJUMB. l)r. Prtca’s BakingPowdisecontains no Aminaiute. Lime. Alnm or Phoaphstes. Ur.Price’* Kxtractt, Vannla, Laaon, etc^ tUvor ddidoc*!/. BY J. G. M. EDWARD Jan2£dAsr2w. * QIA, CLARKX COUNTY.-Toall whom U U way concern: Tha approirars appointed, to set apart a yaaPa support u> Mra, U. ft. nrgan. ihn Hegan lata of saM county. Iff. widow of John Hegan lata of **M county, aeaqrd, aad bar two ostipsr children Acne* and John, have made their *etvras to me, and all persons conttp aad art hereby nettled to thaw KovUU ASA a JACKUoa.Ork: I im now receiving my FALL STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS. Call and examine, for they must be sola. oclld6tn. Mrs. T. A. ADAMS. Southern Mutual Insurance COMPANY. Athens, Georgia. Resident Director* : Youxe L. O. Harms, 8t*vxxs Thomas- Johx H. Nkwton, Fxxoimaxo Phjsixt, Marcxllus Stas let. Rurus K. Reave*. Why pay 60c. a dozen for old commissioned seeds ^ when you can buy BUIST’S WARRANTED for 25 cents a dozen from SEEDS JOHN CRAWFORD & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Druggists and Seedsmen, Athens, Georgia. More Light For Less Money THAN ANY OTHER FIXTOgE THE “INCANDESCENT,” i FOR SALE BY HULL & HIPKINS, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF GAS FIXTURES Athens, Georgia. Clayton Street, deetOd&wtf, L U Charbonkibx, J. fi. BAMU.TOM, Edward 8. l.twdom, J. A. Huvxictrrr. AGENTS WANTED! LITTLE JOKER WS Holiday Gift*, elegant, novel and tuafai. Mark* Clothing Indelibly. Printo Cards, Book*, Albumi, Envelopes, Paper, Ac., perfectly. Cloeoe dust tight and can be carried in the pocket. I« n cely plated, sells at sight, Send 2 cents postage for catalogue and agent*' terms. W. H- KEELER. Main and 8cneca 8U, Buffalo, N. Y. Jan'2dAwlm. SIBLEY’S SSjntMWHW alui m jppfiougB. -t o^lccf vrrtung tor tt. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. JHICA60. IU. u-ua.Bi*a MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, A. R. ROBERTSON, AGENT FOR IRON FENCING FOR GRAVE I0TS. 4)' A large stock of finished Qranite and Marble Mounuments ready for lettering. \ an - * ii.» 4..« * — * (5^11 | * 1 and get my Also, a large stock of new lithographic designs to select from, prices jt23-iyd&w A. R. ROBERTSON, Athenx, G«. J. H. HUGGINS. Juat l a Fresh Car Load of Lime. Cement, Plaster Paris, Kerosine Oil all Grades. for sale by j. h. huggins: H.'N. WILLOOX. INSURANCE AGENT, ATBEm, GEORGIA. OBc'.i OTunn*B«4aM%