The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, February 24, 1887, Image 2

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THE BANNER-WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GA. FEBRUARY, 24. >387 mm BANKER - WATCHMAN. 0TF1CIAL FSPtK OP THE C1TT OP A1KEBI nd Co-rtlei rf CJar*«. Bank, and Oco«e» THE DAILY BANNER-WATCHMAN h de llTeieo b, renter. In lb- ell, for IS « l«»r, Menu* ■o>ibor23ietii< i.i >*o «tli S»mr r.ei 10 non-re.lil..l auMcrltare, pmup ire. i LTHE WEEKLY BANHER-WATGHMARI l« milled, to ittUcribcTfl for 91 fjew. ADVERTISING RATES. ZZ'.ZZ\b 21 - - - 30 (1 per aquire each In ertlon .quest iff ertlon. eeitl contrast rate* nude lu the office. Our flic ado ere requeued to wnd m uews ».y tneuleeraoc letter end brief notee ou ..Im portant topic , ere invited. faaorel notice*, . iBjo, c-mraunv will be charged a- Aneouaoemints 6f m%rrhv«*, bltuirioH, etiaou icements f >r m atlsna prrooting can JM a e« will peclelietee Ueolttwcee eboeld be medehv expre**. pot tel ■ole, money orde< or rtfiltered letter. Ail eommaoiefHone Mould oe eddreseeAto ' TIIK BANNER WATCHMAN, Atneni, ie. IN ONION THERE 18 STRENGTH. There ii one thing the people of Ath ene rouit recognize end reform before they can make anything out of their preeent situation. They have plenty of edvantageaand plenty of intelligence. There are not lacking among us the ele ments of anergy and enterprise. Our merchants are hard working and thrifty, and our people ocpnornical, and, as a rule, refined. But there la a spirit of envy and backbiting which ezists in many smalt towns, and which has kept these towns from working to their best ad vantage. Such a spirit would not be come a town aa large as Norcross. It does not benefit a city of the pretensions, and proportions of Athena. It is unwor thy of our people, and the sooner it is stamped out the belter. - . When one man develops an enterprise or organizes any kirn 1 of business, wheth er private or public, everybody else ought to help him. Whon thst effort take! tke shape of a railroad, a hank, a car line, a Christian Association or what not, itis the duty of every good citizen to give him moral and material support. Noresidont of Athens can develop such an entirprise which will not benuflt the wholo community, and every dollar or every lick put in for such a work must strengthen the town and indirectly every resident in the towu. Only be convinced when one of your number starts any enterprise that he ia earnest, that his idea is practical— and he deserves encouragement and sup port. Selfishness or personal feeling should havo no place among us if wo ex pect to grow into a city. Politics, fami ly matters or religion have just as little place as the narrow feolings of envy and jealousy which too often crop out among ua. We can never build a road or boom the town upon any such shabby and shallow foundation. No man and no city an progress by beating another man or sat of men down. We want ev ery new aottlcr encouraged and made to fool at home. We want every enter prising citizen bteked up and well sus tained. We do not want to see one roan or on* set of men working against an other man or another set of men. Though we had one hundred thousand people we would still bo too small for cliques and combinations,and petty jeal ousies. Let every man stand or fall upon bis individual merits—by his men tal and moral qualities, and let every one work for Athens. Bcnremhor that a house divided is a house disrupted, and one person who is actuated by the feel ings and motives which we have just condemned an spread more mischief and work more undoing than five hun dred men an counteract, laboring for a worthy auae and for the general good. Athens is entering a period of her his tory when she needs the efforts of all her citizens—their energy and enterprise. She has plenty of manly f< He ws to all on in pablio emergencies—to work up new institntions end to draw apital and labor to the town, In the netftwo yearn many mllllona of Northern apital will be drawn to the South, and planted among her cities and people. Those communi ties will be moat fortunate in the work WHAT IT COSTS THE WOBLD. The result of the elections in Germany seems to indicate Ihst the Beicbstsg will be composed of Government supporters, and that Prince Bismarck will be able to carry before them any measure of peace or war. He will probably get bis vote of ci edit/or army supplies, and will be enabled to keep his troops on a war footing for some time to come. It waa for this purpose Ihst Bismarck appealed to the country, and had he been defeat ed in his purpose, it was confidently as serted that ho would declare war and force the army credit anyhow. For this reason a government victory in Germany ia hailed aa a harbinger of peace. It is accepted now that the army will be strengthened on the border, but that Bis.narck will not plunge the coun try into war. For this reason the govern ment victory on Monday is received with pleasure. But the situation which enables one man to dictate an issue to a whole peo- pic, or to plunge the continent of Eu rope in war nt wilt, is not assuring. There is a decided democratic tendency in Germany which revolts against one man power and the oppression of a stand- ingaruiy with its overpowering burden of taxalion. No country in Europe is ruled withjsilch nn iron hand—na coun try holds so many elements of revolt or so much hope of freedom. But Bis marck has maintained his supremacy for some time to come, and tho domination of tho military over tho tax-payer, is for the present supreme. No one who has not examined the Kiibj ict has any idea how thoroughly tho working men of Europe is taxed to support tho standing army of his coun try. In times of peace those states are under tile most thorough schedulo of war. In a period of most profound tran quility there are four million men in the armies and navies of Europe. Even I'ortiigal, as largo as the Stato of Indiana, kpeps up an army of 35.000 men—or a force as large as the peace footing of the army and navy of the United States. There arc ten million of reserves available in Eurepe at a month’s notice, and the money necessary to maintain tho army during a year of peace, is between seven hundred and fifty millions and ono bil lion dollars. Is it any wonder that the great product of land, labor and capitol is consumed by a war tax? That tho workman is deprived of tho best results of bis labor by keeping up such n forco of men? No wondor that Germany is restive and that other States are tired of tho despotism of military rulors. Stand ing armies sre the curses of the world to-day, and will centinue until tho bal ance of power ia more thorongly estab lished and the war spirit is more com pletely curbod. ,0H! MY BACK ■my strata or raid attacks tkat weak tack ail acarljr prwtratm pea. 4 Over S,000,000 worn during the past tU years. This marvelous success is due— 1st.—To the superiority of Corallne over all other materials, as a stiffener for Corsets. 2nd.—To the superior quality, shape and workmanship of our Corsets, combined with their low prices. Avoid chap Imitations made of various kinds of cord. None are genuine unlata “DR. WARNER’S OORALINE” ia printed on Inside of Steel oover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 3B0 Broadway, New York Oity. A PERSON OF GOOD -RUSINESS Ability end Reputation wilt Invert Fire Thou sand Dollars and Services iu legitimate busmese, ifon trial it Is aatlalactory, or will take Position ofTrust st Moderate Salary, giving ample seen rlty and references. Part es having good bust ness but needing more monov and all other an awers held strictly confidential, but to save time bettei write fbll particulars. No postal cards noticed. Addresa A. 8. F.. Station M G,” New York. C. BODE! Oh Citizens of Athena wake up and select SUITARLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS At once. We wish to remt' d you that our stock of Holiday Goods la simply immense and contains many is re and beautlfol gifts which cannot Call to please the old and the young end cause a smile on Christmas morning. There can be found at C. node's, such as ladle's and gentlemen's dress ing cases and toilet sets and vases in endless varieties, at prices to defy competition In the ’.and for children I have such as wagons, ■pea, hobby horses and doll carriages in end- varieties. Bo call a* C. Bode'a and examine city, and wR his stock before buying i•iMwhore.afwdofiaTrom 6c. up to 81.00 for largo wax and undchtructable dolls. So remember canta Clause has made his Headquarters atO. Bode'a. 1 Iso have cake, candies, nuts, raisons gad fruits in any quantity to suit all pockets C. HODK. Come: layton and College Avenue, dcclldtt PURE CORN WHISKY. P ACKAGES of Mountain Com Whisky InKe of 49£ Gallons at 91 90 per gallon, leas qu a ‘ “ id one dollar for Ice r. F. Baowv, I s? BKOWN VUEMJCAL CO„ BlLTUaeitX. MB. . . ,, , , 7 . COW,. Tho Inferior, w unpreStablo au-mbora af of upbuilding which, other tilings boinr mu kirk havo been tmctifo-c iota, n convicts equal, are mat united and mat tranquil, and where people are yoked harmonious ly and effectively for their towns. Of coune it behoves men to be care ful. Caution and jnat criticism must be exercised and passed, No man on pre pare an enterprise and expect to over come the one or to escape the other. But faultfinding and aption* criticism, back biting end endless antagonism, have nev er built op a plea or blessed iu people* end never eHlI. . Now let the citizen* of Athene who have her bat interest) at heart, take charge of the town end shape bar desti ny. In union there if sfnngth, and there 4£b**pec**, AUCTION SALE OF JERSEY CATTLE. W E will sell on Wednesday, the 9th day o> March, at 10 o'clock a. m.. In the dty of At lanta, it Livery Stable of F. M. Ktowart.our etutre herd of register! d fersey Cattle (betas the herd recently ow.n d by Woodward, Mr tlellax A Oo) This will be the finest opportunity aver offered the poblie to buy Jereeye ot swperier * compersfivtlr small price. The herd consists of some O head, oi » hUb 62 are grow* cows. The inferior » sd unprofitable mambeta of at fa 90 per gallon, and one dollar keg la returned the money will be refond e jota co: , Money; aent by Exjires^or Registered Letter deettdtm* Mention. 4% gallons with without keg|7 18,. JOEL COFFEE, Lula,Ga. FOR RENT* nRuM January 1st, 1887, the large and desirable J? residence en Prince Avenue, lately occupied- by Mr. John Kberhart, the lot contains atariy six acres, excellent fruit trvea of all kinds. Also the property on tame street, known aa the **Aleo th^bousTand lqt in front of Mrs, Howell Cobb's residence, the house contains 6 rooms, pantry, closets, etc., good water and fruits of various kinds. Apply to J. 8. WILLIFORD, Real JSptate Agent. WYANDOTTES -EXCLUSIVELY Kp for Hatching now Bendy for Delivery Delivered either la ay yard a to Xxpres. Office Athens, Georgia. • - 92.00 It Egga for • - 26 Fgga for - •9 Eggs for Each additional II Egg* for - 1.90 rre * tl ^tdreil * eD ' 0Q HOWELL OOBB, fcblSadwtf. Athena, Oa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ! J. W, ECHOLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. W ILL practice In all Courts, 8utc and Federal. Office on Broad Street, next doer above Dong's Drug 8tore. Jebl£dly. 9VLVAMIM JffOBBlSj ATTORNEY AT MW. Office, Barry's Corner, Broad Street. febMdAwly. W. B. BURNETT. ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW ATHENS, OA. orri?- oven guilds xicxkbbon .t oo Pnctiess I* Slala and Federal Court* JOHN 0. WELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Athens, Georgia. 0 Opera jfffffi** 11111 * Hoon Bnlldtiy^opiwsU* STOKES BROS. DENTAL SURGEONS. AFFICB ROOMS facing Clifton*e Gallery (sen U ei Ircsso up stairs) Broad St.* Athens, Ga. octSldtt- Lv Atlanta av GalntsvlUa AvLula. ...... Av Tocooa Av Seneca. Av Easley av Greanviile Av Spartanburg... ... Av Geffrey Av Gastonia. AT Charlotte. Av fteiUburv l T v 8 «£~r; AV Golds t>. ro.. aM . H av Greensboro A? Danville. ........ av Richmond. ...... Av Lynchburg Av Charlottesville .. Av Washington. ...a*. At Baltimere ..... Sf.UrHBtU.VD. Lr New York ....... Lv Philadelphia* LvBaltimore.. ...... Lv Washington....;..., Lv Charlotteavllle .. Lv Lynchburg. ‘ r Richmond......... ALLEN J. ARNOLD, ATTORNEY AT LAW Monroe, Georgia. LL practice la Wilto n. Oconee, Clarke an id'acent conntlca ncvMdwtL DR. S. F. 8TEIFER, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN ATHENS, GEORGIA, K B. L. J. SMITH, ATTOKNfcY SND.COUNCkU.OK AT LAW HARMONY GROVE, GEORGIA. Will practice In Jackson, Bank,, Had Imp, Franklin and adjacent contain-, and alas In all E «me and Fadaral court, ot tho >tata mva special atuntlnu to collection, and j prompt return. OOeo, room No.2, over Dr.Hardman a dm* Mare. J. A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT, Represent* First-Class, Prompt Paying Companies. ASSETS REPRESENTED *40,000,000 RAILROAD SCHEDULES. PIEDMONT AIR-LINE ROUTE. Richmonnd and Danville Railroad Co CONDUCED SCHEDULE, In Effect Dec. 10th, 1880. Train, run by 76th Meridian Time, 7.40 pi »» pS iOM» pm 1U7 pm 12.96 am i.0i am 2.17 am 8U am 420 am 5.06 am fa am sTt is i s law am ts'.ts ~ $$ pm 6.k0 am DAar. Mo* 90. 12 m- 8.50 -mm • 50 am 9.10 am L45 pm 4.0S pm 1J0 pm 7.05 pm 9.0S pm U^O am 4.35 pm 8.2J na 11.00 am &0» pm pm 12 45 am I. 30 am 2,44 am 8.39 am 4J® am 5.20 am 9 22 am 7 28 am 0.86 am 9.26 am II. 40 am *.40 am 10.39 aa 11.00 am i2ui pm iB IS S8SS 0.26 pm lASpa i,w am 8.80 am 10.08 a a 13J5 pm s.20 pm DAILY. -No. 52. 067 pm 9.42 pm 11.00 pm *.00 am 315 am 'ASOam 8.03 am 9.40 a a 6.00 pm 1L45 p m lia am loo pm 1.41 p m 2.00 p m 884 pm 4 48 pm 5.14 pm 6.12 pm 7.0b pm 9.227m 8.46 pm ia40 pm SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains 90 and 61, Puliusn Buffet Sleepers, between New Yor* and Atlanta. On trains 52 and 63 Pullman Buffet 81eepers between Washington and Montgomery, Washing ton and Aiken Pul oaa Sleeker between Grecna- b-ro and Riehmoud, Greensboro and Kaleigh. Through tickets on salo at principal nations to all points For rates snd Information apply to any agent of the company or io JAMES L. TAYlOU, Gen. Pais’r. Agt. •OL HAA8.T. M., WasbUgfon, D»C. NOHTH-EASTEHN RAlROAD _ 8UrXKINTSHDENT’S Of VICK, Athens, Ga., Jan. lat, 1S&7, The following schedule will operate on this road. Tralus run 1887- MOMINO NEWS THE LEADING COMMERCIAL, POL ITICAL BUSINESS NEWS- PATER OF TH B t OITH- . EAST. Tli»- Savannah Morning News ia an rsUUialted, enterprising, vieorou* n*wan*|wr, possessing unequaled facili ties lor gathering the latest news and presenting It In the most readable shape to it* reader*. It la carefully edited, and all questions of public in* terest without fear or favor. Its tele- __ _ JS®»: and Western!, supplemented by a spe cial service from New York, Washing ton, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, and other news centres. In politics it is thoroughly Democratic, bnt independ ent of political cliques, it is a large eight-page paj>er, published every day THE SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS I* a sixteen-page newspaper, containing 112 columns of matter, including the cream of of the contents ol the Kerning News; bason Agricultural Department, Household Receipts, Fashion Reports, and Original and Selected Stories, and a epeciil Weekly Market. There is no belter p*i>er in the world than the Sa vannah Weekly News. The price ts only 11.25 a year. Send for the Morning News premium lilt. Address A. H. ESTILI,, Savannah, Ga. PARR BROTHERS, House and Sign Painters Decoraters and Dealers in Wall Pauer. Athens, Georgia. Telephone 17-2. 49 Clayton Street aepl2SU.86. New Goods I I am now receiving my- FALL STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS, Call and examine, for they soft be eola. octldCm. Mrs. T. A. ADAMS. COMPANY. Athens, Georgia. YOUNG L. «. HAREM, PaiiiDim STB VANS THOMAS, Sxoaauar Resident Dlreetora ! Tows# b Q. fUaua, ataraxs Taowas, Jobs H. Nbwtob, PxaolBABD PXIBIZT, Mxeoxllci Stab tar, Kosna K. Haavaa. b H. Cbabiobbibb, J. HBaBUTOB^ ItDwAin 8. Ltbdob, J. A. HObbioott. HEADQUARTERS FOR HORSES & MULES FOR 8ALE. biaial atr.Ioi. Tnatlrae ol tbe prcaaa tort bcln* .nUrely ocrnpUd vl«h sitai they In- rxlned u Mil them lit wkat.rer they «IU bring It yox wish a Bargain Attaxd the gals, tatafua Bill b. ready «w dlatritatiaa beta* *“*■ W U1LL,AUttas,Qe. dap K J. A IbbradAwlaBtal. Soldiers of tbe MeiicanWar. I HAVE partretad with reliable carretpoudnii. f * lb. collMtia ef beulon, ■ad vetenseef* ha Mexican War ta Clarke asd adjolBioght untie* wen dd> well tecoaler with G zobuia, Banks Cocstt.—O. W. Prickett «n>l D. 8. McWhorter, ad- mtnbtrator* of the date of John N. Prickett. having applied to theCourt of Ordinary of said county for letters of dismission (rum *h« estate of said do* ‘ ccasd. * This is therefore to cite all per sons concerned 'o alio* cause, If any they-have, why said administrators should uv hu ihcnltacd from raid ad- miniairairjii and lecelve letters of dii the first Monday In BY J. O. M. EDWARD i Jzn24dAw2w. qEOKO^a. GOONXB COUirrj^-adnlnlatl • JanUwSOd, ^^bYataraAfctaWriMi oi ttamtare William Nabors, lafo of mid eounly, doveased. hat applied to mo for loovotoaoll tvalve aharca of the stuck ef tho Gcargta Ratlrosd and Ranking Company Th searo tperefora tocita and notify all eoiiciniad t^ahow mama, if any e*la». at thr J. Z. COOPER & SON, tbatyo.prire.u,ata ? . coo . Bol -, AbMtm, Stable Oppealte Market Boom . EBQS FOR HATOHINQ finest Mraiaa In Aawrtea. r ship Id baakeu well pack- ed ' J.r.KHODES, WOOD FOR SALE! Cords of Oak, Hickory and Pine Wood tarsal* by ififllm. ORR A HUNTER. DAILY XXCfiPT aUNUAY*. NO. 53 r NU61 Loava Athena 7:20 a rr (6:46 p m Arrive at Harmony Grove. Arrive at Lula Arrive at Atlanta 8:03 a m 0:8» p m 8:82 a a 7:30 p a 11:40 p n [ 10.40 p o DAILY XXCKPT SUNDAY. NO. ML NO 62 Leave Atlanta Leave Lula Arrive Harmony Grova... Arrive at Atheua... 8:40 a m 5:30 p m 11:10 a m 8;2U p a 12;Q2 p m 9:12 p m 19^0 p m 10*0 p m DAILY XXCKPT SUNDAY*. Ne 2 Leave Tallulah Falla Leave Cornelia Leave Lula Leave Harmony Grove Arrive at Atheua. . 6:90 a ■ 8:88 a a 9:90 a m - 11:00 a m 12:15 p m No. 1. Lczvo Athens. Leave Haraony Grove. 8*t2 p m Leave Lul#. 4;55 p m Leave Cornelia. 4 5:40 p m Leave Clakeavllle. 6;15 p m Arrive Tallulah Falla. 7;05 p m Close coQueciloDi made at Lula and Cornelia with paueuger trains oa JUchmona and Danville Railroad, both hart and West. Ample time for ■upper at Lula oa evening trains. Superb sleeping car accommodation*. Thoihorteat and J ulckeal route between Athena and all point* lorth. East and Wert B* B.BEBNABD. 8ui>*t Ga C. W, CHBA&4<fen. Part. Agent Richmond, Va. OEOKOIA RA1LBOAD COMPANY. t ub»*sju. maxaoxo. Augusta, Qa., Nov.Uth.lS „ Sunday 19th iurtunt, theic lngpaaaengers rcheduJe will operate on this Trains run by 99th meridian time-31 minute* slower than Anemia t&at. 1887. Harper's Weekly. illustrated, Habpkb’* Weekly maintains its posi tion ss the leading illustrated newspaper in Ameria: and its hold npon public es teem and confidena was never stronger than at the present time. Besides the picture, Habpeb’s Weekly always con tains instalments of one, occasionally of two, of the best novels of the day, finely ilustrated, with short stories, poems,- sketches, and papers on important cur rent topics by the most popular writers. The are that has ban successfully ex-,- ercised in the past to make Habpeb'* Weekly a safe as well as * welcome visitor to cVery household will not be relaxed in the future, - " HARPER’S PERIODICALS, PER YEAR Harper’s Weekly ;|4 00 Harper's Magaxine. 4 00 Harper Bazar 4 OO Harper's Young People 2 00 Harper’s Franklin Square Library, , One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Harper's Handy Series, One Year (62 Numbers) 15 00 Postage Free to ell subscribers in the United States or Ctntde. Tho Volumes of tho Weekly begin with tho first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned subscriptions will begin with tho Number current attime of receipt of order. Bound Volumnc of Harper’s Weekly, L'raWa»n’*u> 7:20 a. m A;.e Athens II AS p, ~ •• L*xlnrton-1:33 lk a. m Arrive Al Laavt " Arriv I Albcni 7 40 p.m St; "MaxeM... 4:1# p.» " Laxlaitoo.HM am> " Maxejs ... 4:1 - Antioch... Ifi i.a " Woodvllle. 1:10 * m ” Uaxeja-" *:0fa.s: <• Do Pt. CUp.n “ WoodriUa. 1:24 a.n. A’raWashVtn T:a&m ’’ Oa. PL.... >:<0 L’TsWaali^ta 4^0a.a. n’T. Atlanta Ltan u ar’yeacsona msbib bo.1i waamalLT. . No 1 East <Ull/T LeavaAufuata..lOaSOam Lv. AUanla... 5.00a,aa ■ BO. Z, WIST PALt) I BO. 4.XA*TDa?L^m L’T«AuxuiU..e:40 , m L’TeAUataa... 730 pj> xz ess, a U gate. JOHN W JOB W. Wl" . Agaat, Aexnrta. Ga. Pm*. Ag en’. axer. BBfjH B 9&LSiVm C Sd Ufc?v N Jhe cSSrt uSS n Much, 1*7, the following property to-wit: all hattract of land In Oconee County, Georgia, ipundtdf*fellows: commencing at the month of founp Branch aad nmning up said branch about ftKrti: vnwa 4lchtiUon, then running along thn line of John V Mcbolson eleven hundred yardato a red oak ■tamp or st«ke corner, thence at . n angle of ■iMamdMHmand akmgjhwdiMwffi ~ ' ~ Flo nr. *fteld O I Plante, Bn I be Implemta. OI FREE Dmanerjeet'writEgs nlnety-dcgreea and along tba line of John W. Mchouon ‘o a atake err nor where th* Hue eroooea the main Watkinoville and Lexington road, thence along the line rfWm. Puller to a corner aUkeor pine knot, thence along paid line two thousand yard* to tu« North East bank of ike Oconee River, tbenee up th* middle channel of ■ tid river and bounded by the lend* ef Mr*, alia both J. Lind all, Benf.n in P. Gregory. A. U. Andtiiaop.J. R. McKee to the mouth of Young a SpringBr»neb *« iforemid. Said tract ' * being hcund-d by th-rlanda of George ' Jch i W.MchoIaou, Wm» kulPr;A!Uv. wa d* BerJ. F.Gr gory. Mra, E. J. Tindall, *• Andera-.n, and J. R. McKee, nnd containing •lx hundud acre*.more or 1cm, and b.lng all «r the tract of land kn«,wn aa th« HerueU Skoal* tract b.ionging to Uior 4 e W. Yeti, dectea d. Uvied upon by virtue of ore fi. fa. in favor of M. B.J. Iaoiijj, >•* iran*f. rree of ). R, Lyle, againat James M Veal a^ Executor of tbe ertaU cf George W. Vwel Jece .a d. e!*4 by ylrlue ef one C. fa. of the Bang i fiheL'ulvt relty, aatranaferreo of L. A H. Cobh, against Janice •>. Veal ae Kxtcutor ef th» eat tte of George W. Veal, deceaacd Both ef •aid 0. fea* being burned uad* r Atrorneya Lies* Jtty being dca rib«d ia eald Beta, the tcuant in |me*tarioo, this fatt- I* 0V1WY,8,0. C* - pre _ freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for |7 00 per volume. Cloth Cues for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by moil, pat- paid, on receipt of |1 00 each. Remittances should bo made by Post- Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss, Nowspapen are not to copy this ad vertisement without the oxpres* order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARBER k BBOTHERS, New York. A Valuable Farm For Rent. , I wish to rent my entire form, known u thoMask Freeman place,’’In the low er pert of Btnke county, to Some good, responsible tenant, for the year1887 and longer, if dalred. . This farm contains 687k Mreu of good farming lands. 176 seres is in a gnod state of cultivation, and tho nmainder in old flald pine and orig inal Ibregt On this farm is a good two- story ^dwelling house, with ail th* noces- ry outbuildings, and also four tenant V houses. This farm is fiv. miles east o Harmony Orove and ten miles 8. ol Ho mer. It is convenient to rhurchrs schools and mlUz, and is * very drain ble place in every respect. I will ren for standing rant for one year or longer Terms easy and made known on appli sstion. For terms and fall particulars pply at once to R. L. J. SMITH, , ... . Harmony Grove, 0*. dec7dftwtf. SMITHS /-yVM BIIImm*h: 8l«t HaSuta tararkMn*. I© ta. 4UwntaM* NmraM..' Th.|cert and . .-Srereri Chin. > Fn» Star Slmecli * BU •^“. cirer in. Stla. Tm. tk. N.nn, u. air. UW VlfM hi tk. tyitMI. DoMlONlf BKAN. n tk»» me. »e ,o. win Mr.r s* ■Mmrt Hmis. BssgaHBP A. V. SMITH* CO., tatataa. ST. LOWS. MG EOROIA, OCOItEK COllBTY.—T. .11 wkoat Y *5 “«• Su..n F. Wrlaht, Adai'x “re. “ C. Wrlaht, dtcmt, taTlDB la doe ton. nplM tolha tor led tan at from mta adaitalmreBa, and aotlre la berebr glvea Iku tar .ppltrtaiov *UI ta ■),r 1,oa ^. ,n tk. Ini Bondar In Aprllta "Y. kMd ud offlet.l .Ifaa- ‘-Beta* ^ASfflaRToHta^. ‘tatklawU^nwm bJkira t. F. BILL, Otttfmji ^ ^