The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, March 24, 1887, Image 2

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I THE BANNER-WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GA MARCH, 34, 1SS7 BAMER-WATCHMAN. OFFICIAL FAF2K or THE 01TT 07 ATHENS and Counties of Clarke, Bank! sad Oconee THE DAILY BANNER-WATCHMAN AX IMPORTANT DISCUSSION, We present in our local colomna this ■nomine an interview with leading citi zens in regard to the proposed contrac tion of the city limits. We endearored to present both sides of-the question fair. !y and impartially, seeking not to preju dice one side or the other by any sxpres rase to ooo-reetdeet subscribers, poetess ires THE WEEKLY BANNER-WATCHMAN U nulled to subscribers for II The Southern Butaev •**»’ HoatHflru \V*tehinto, 1SH.J 1*8*. III UWVj no •on huated Mirth, ADVERTISING RES.AT On«M)U*r*s on* irontb — Om iqu.v t three month*.... One square, six nenth» One square, one year Transient rat**, II per square each ln ertlon leubeeqi—‘'— quart Insertion. Special contract rate* mad* In th* office. Our friend* ere requested to tend ut new* by postal card or letter and brief note* on 11m- portaot topic ♦, are invited. get, funoral notice*. AanoaacemenU of marriage*, iuuuf« uunc*., bituarlea, annouaeementafor office, cnmmumt atloa* proposing candidate* will be charged a- pedal rate*. Remittance* should be made by exprem, postal note, money order or registered letter. — nunfcatlons soould o* addressed to THE BANNER* WATCHMAN, Atbens, wa. TO WORK AT ONCE. Athens has promised twenty-fire thou sand dollars to the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railroad. Only fourteen thou sand has been raised so far. Ths meet ing of the directors takes place in this city on the serenth of April, and it will nerer do for Athens to be short in her promised amount. The good name of the city is at stake. I,et the proper par ties at once go to work and raise the eleven thousand dollars necessary. The matter is of the gravest moment, ami no time should be loBt. AN EVIDENT DUTY. The pcoplo of Athens should see to it that the delegates to the railroad con vention in Athens on 7th April areenter- tai.ied in a becoming way. No more im portant meeting has ever keen held in our city. It is fraught with great conse quence to the people of this section, to the State and the whole South. The Georgia, Carolina & Northern Railroad, when built, will be the one competing system in ths South. The .movement which has this enterprise before it rep resents brains and boldneas and capital. It la an suspicious occasion which places the first general meoting of the friends and projector! in Athens. Now tjie city should see to it that these delegates are entertained hand somely. Wo owe it to the road and to ourselves that this convention should be promoted by substantial interest and en livened by t freo hospitality. Our citi zens should hold a public meeting and organise for this occasion. A schedule of co-operation and a plan of entertain ment should be provided. Athens has a most important matter on her hands, and the compliment of being the central city in this new system must be recognized in a fitting way. Let our people take this matter in hand and prepare for the Seventh of April. We cannot get to work too soon. The matter ia an important one. The principle involred is mors thiu dollars sml cents. It ia one that appeals to the love of justice and fair play among the people. We hare confidence in ths city council’s ability to satisfactorily settle the matter, and we believe that when the matter comes before it they will treat it with £hs consideration it de- serres. Kari.y nest month there will be tn important railroad meeting in Athens. All along the line from Atlanta to Ath ens and from Athens to the Carolinaline, representative men from the towns and cities along the line will come to Athens. Our people should prepare a big recep tion for these people, and make their visit to the growing-metropolis of Northeast Georgia a memorable one. The “slate makers” admit that, they want to whip out the present Congress man. Well, the “slate makcas” will have to make a very early start from their country retreats to get to town on time. It is unfortunate for the “slate makers” that Dr. Carlton wilt have a two years' record of splendid services to the dis trict to strengthen his present hold on the people. British A mu. is pending before the Commons to prohibit (he publication of the details of sensational divorce cases. This will no doubt prevont the English papers from laying those salacious para graphs before their readers, but what protection will the people of America have from tho so-called enterprise of the public press in this country? RAILROAD ISSUE. Early in April the Binnir-Watcmuk will issue a special railroad edition, which will come out during the convention o railroad delegates in Athena. It will com prise a full review of the two new lines which are now making their way Athens, the country along the route, and the proepects which tho railroads bring to Atheng. We intend this itsi.e to pre sent a picture of the railroad outlook together with a full account of tho pro ceedings of the convention of delegates ban., It will go out as a minute of this meeting, together with an account up to that time, of the progress of the Macon * Athens. It will be the slxe of our weekly end will contain important notices from pur best and moat progressive busi ness men. The Banner-Watchman will keep its friends advised of the progress of this edition. The Brooklynites arc crying for tight and lamps. Our streets should be work ed and other necessary improvements made before the people ol Brooklyn are furnished with free oil. THE RAILBOAD COMMISSION. The President has Appointed the fol lowing gentlemen ta Railroad Commis sioners as provided for by the Inter-State Commerce bill; Thomas M. Coe'ey, of Michigan, for six years; William R. Mor rison, of Illinois, five years; Augustus Schoevmaker, of New York, four years; Aldace P. Walkqr, of Vermont, three yean; Walter L. Bngg, ef Alabama, two yean. Messrs. Cooley and Morrison are well known gentlemen, end will make excel lent membon of tbo commission. The New York and Vermont appointees are not well known. Bngg, of Alabama, Is perhaps tho weakest man of tho South ern Applicant^ and wa cannot undar- siaiid the reasons for hi* appointment. In the whole, however, the commission !& satisfies on. Tint oldest inhabitant comes to the entrain, and declares tho fruit crop feia’t Mtany.*‘ One of President Cleveland’s physi cians declares that unless he takes more exercise he is liable to drop olf at any moment. The President has enormously increased in tlesh since he has been in Weshingtan. Suppose he begins to turn the rascals out—no exercise will be more conducive to health and prosperity than this. The plan to soatter tin lamps and dis tribute the cruse of oil among tho popu lation of Brooklyn does not meet with general favor. Suburban lighting has not been attended with the best results so far, and we oppose this ordinance without any prejudice .to our colored citizens. A fine old mansion on Prince avenue is said to be irfested, ao to speak, with the ghost of its former owner. The Ton sequences are that the chicken coop on those particular premises shows no signs of being tampered with in tho dead hours of the night. -THE _ BESTTDNIC. 3 This medicine, combining Iran with puro MV tonics, |uicklj^and ^oom^Ictely Kmi^lMSSwS'ssdfsiiii ifIs uraSShwimety (he Diseases of the ^IMiPTnveluablejEr Diseases peculiar to Women, and all who lead aedentarjr liven It doss not InjhMO the me hesds-Sie rs produce coostlperiod—ctAer Iren mattMMi da It enriches and purlSet the blood, simulates the appetite, aids the aarimilatlon of food.ire lieves Bearibnrn slid Belching, and Krength- am the mmole* and nerves. Fbr Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, lack ol Energy, do, it has no equal. aw- The genuine has above trade mark and erosaed rad lines on wrapper. Take no other tu. ,am a- aaowa cubical caw idHM a* VITIATED BLOOD Scrofulous, Inherited and Contagious Humors Cured by Cuticura. T HROUGH the medium cf onoof your books received through Mr. Frank T. Wray. Drug gist, Apollo, Pa.. I became acquainted with your Cuticura Remedies, and take this opportunity to testify to you that their use has permanently cured me of on* olthe worst cases of blood poison ing, in connection with erysipelas, that I h-tve t ver «eeo, and this after having been prorr unced Incurable by some of the best physicians In our snty. I take great pleasure la forwarding to u this testimonial, unsolicited aa it is by you, order that others suffering from similar mala- as may be encouraged to give your Cutic Remedies a trial. P. 8 WHITUNOER, Leeohbarg, Pa. Reference: FrankT. Wray, Druggists, Apjllo, Pa SCROFULOUS ULCERS. James E: Richardson, Custom House New Or leans, on oath says* “In 1870 Scrofuions Ulcers fbody broke out on my body until I wss a mass of cor- At times could not lift lu; umuub w iuj utsu, could not turn in bed: was in constant pain, and looked upon life as a curse. No relief or cure In ten years. In 18801 heard of the Cuticura -Reme dies, used them, and was perfectly cured/' Sworn to before U. 8. Com. J D. CRAWFORD ONE OF THE WORST CASES. We hare been selling your Cuticura Remedies >r yean, and hare tho lint complaint yet to :celve from a purchaser. One of the wont eases Scrofula I ever *aw wss cured by the use of flvo bottles of Cutlcun Resolvent, Cuticura, snd Cutl- curaFoap. The Soap takes the ‘ cake” here as a medicinal soap. TAYLOR <&TAYIX)R, Druggists, Frankfort,'Kan SCROFULOUS. INHBR1TED. And Contagious Humors, with Lou of Hair, and s of Eruptions of the skin, an positively cared by Cuiicurn and Cuticura Soap externally, and Cutt- rura Resolvent Internally, when all other modi’ cinee fail. Rend for Pamphlet, Cuticura Remedies are sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, the Great Skin Cure, 50c.; Cuticura Soap, an Exquisite Beautifier. 75c.; Cuticura Resolvent, the Now Blood Purifier, " " solvent, the Now Blood Purifier, #1.00. POTTER DRUG A CHEMICAL Co., Boston. PLKS, Blaekher niii rim 13 Humors. de! Skin Blcmhhes, and ■^S^SHS^-naca The worthy citizens on tho outskirts of the city are clamoring for s sight of tho blue-coated policeman. Would it not bo well to drive ths now trucks out to this neighborhood of an afternoon? It might make thorn feel that they were in town, aftor all. We trust the city ‘council will tak* into consideration the grievances of the people on the outskirts. There is a good deal of truth in their claims, snd if they are not fairly treated their grievances cannot be too soon adjusted. A host of rheumatics snd cripples will shortly begin fellow in the direction of the electric well. With “She" in-their hands they will patiently await the shock.' 1‘EHUArs the Auguste Chroniclo is right after ell, but who likes to admit that the crime they are accused of after ali a theft? Twenty paces!. Well, it gives both fellows a chance, after all. C. -BODE, 18 NOW FIXING UP HI8 FRESH BREAD. CAKES AND Alwaya on hand. Ala* FARMER’S FAMILY SOAP M-Vlfhit anyother Sosp to be found In Athens. C BOD*, •ssnkudtt Beat door to the Paet ohce. PURE WHISKY. A M. Hags er Faro Whiskies caste AsaRPs*** Faro Corn WMokr, Old Eye Whisky, Apple Praady, and poach Brandy, [give .good article Ter moderate * cite, cum, Pslas and Weakness. Bareness, lameness. Strains and Falo relieved in on. mlnete by the Cutlcurs ~ Infallible. merlGd&wtf. 1 AnU-Patn Plaster.- A MEDICINE, NOT A DEINK. High Authority. Hop Bitten ia not, in any sense, an alcoholic beverage or liquor, aud could not be sold, for Use, except to persons desirous of obtaining medicinal bitters. GREEN B. BAUM, U. 8. Com’r Internal Rev. Waehington, D. C„ Sept. 24. 1884. Dear Sir—Wbydon’t you got a certifi cate from Col. W. II. W„ of Baltimore, showing how ho cured himsclfof drunk- cness by the help of Hop Bitters. Ills is a wonderful case. Ho Is well known in Rochester, N. Y, bv all the drinking people' there. He is known in this city, Cincinnati, New Orleans, New York; In fact all over tho country, as ho has spent thousands of dollars for rum. I honestly believe his card would be worth thousands of dollars to you in this city and Balti more alone, and make thousands of sober men by inducing the use of your bitters. Prejudice liiUt, “Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery under the care of several of the best physicians, who gave her.dlseaso various names but no relief, ana now sho Is restored to us tn good health by Hop Bitters, that we bad poohed at two years before using it. Wo earnestly hope and pray that no one k suffer os wo did, good also wlit let their slcl on account of prejudice against so good a medicine as Hop Bitten.”—The Parent* —Good Template. Milton, Del., Feb. 10, 1886. Having used Hop Bitters, the noted remedy for debility, nervousness, indi gestion, etc., I have no hesitation In say ing that it Is Indeed an excellent medicine ana recommend it to any one,as a truly tonic bitters. Respectfully, Rev, Mrs. f. H. ELLGOOD. Seipio, N. T„ Dec. 1, 1884. I am the pastor of the Baptist church here and an educated physician. I am not in practice. Imt nm my solo family physician, and advise hi chronic cases. Over a year ago I recommended your Hop Bitters to my invalid wife who has been under medical treatment of Albany's best physicians severs; years. She has been greatly boucflttcd snd still uses tho medicine. I believe she will become thoroughly cured of her various compli cated diseases by their, met We both recommend them to our friends, many of whom have also been cured of their vari ous ailments Djnhem. ..Rev. E. R. WARBEIC Cured of Driiihliig^^^M young friend of mine was cured of an Insatiable thirst fur liquor that bad so i prostrated bit system, that be woa .unable I I to do any business. He. was entirely cured bytheuseof Hop Bitters. Italfeyedalll that burning thirst; took away tlm appe tite for liquor; made Ms nerves (tody; and he has remained a steady and sober man for more ttitur two years and baa no desire to return to his cups,and! know of a number of others (hat have been PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W. ECHOLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ‘nrtLL practice in all Courts, State and Federal, YY Office on Broad Street, next dorr above Dong's Drug Store. feblFd 1 y. SYLVANUS R|OBBI8 t ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Barry's Corner, Broad street. feblSd&wly. W. B. BURNETT. •LAW ATTORNEY-AT ATHENS, OA. OFFICE OVEIt CHILDS XICKRBSOX X OO Practices Is State and Federal Courts JOHN O. MELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Athens, Georgia. Afflco in old Franklin Hons* Building, opposite V/ Opera House. ocWOdAwly. ALLEN J. ARNOLD, ATTORNEY at law Monroe, Georgia. R. L. J. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW (JpandeUr HARMONY GROVE, GEORGIA. — ' Will praclioe m Jackson, Banks, Madison, Franklin snd adjacent counties, and also In tbo Supreme and Federal courts of the state. Will give special attention to collections aod make prompt returns. Office, room No.l, over Dr. Hard mans drag store. DR. G. F. BTEIFER, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN ATHENS, GEORGIA, Mffers his Medioal Services to the people ot \7 Athens, Georgia. Office on Jackson Street Third Door South o» Broad 8treet. Residence on Lumpkin Street, Streekfus- Hour*. Office hours from 9 to 11 A. M., S to 5 F. M. feblOdlyAw.87 J- A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT, Represents First-Class, Prompt Paying Companies. ASSETS REPRESENTED $40,000,001 PARR BROTHERS, House and Sign Painters Decoraters and Dealers in Wall Pacer. Athens, Georgia. Telephone 17-9. 49 Clayton 8treet ipt25tf.88. Established 1843. W. & J. SL0ANE Wholesale •**e**Atail Dealers In Oarpelings, Floor Cloths, Mattings, Mats and GREAT NOVELTIES AT VERY LOW PRICES Sarmles Sent if Desired. Correspondence Invited. BROADWAY; ljth ft 19th STREETS, fEW YORK, ONION SETS AND ENGLISH PEAS, i JOHN CRAWFORD & CO. ’ Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS, ATHENS* GEORGIA. * HODGSON BROS. -DEALERSIN- Buckwheat Flour, Choice N. 0. Syrup, Oat Meal, > Pearl Grits, Sugar.Cured Hams, Choice Leaf Lard and Fresh Water Ground Meal. FLOURS Fairie Queen, Boyal Patent, Old Gold, ? u ierb, feM.’Mtf. O er p Orangj Grove, Cream, Morning Star, Trump, Mabel H. GRIFFITH & MELL, INSURANCE AGENTS. Represent best Companies and Insure Desirable Pro perty in Athens and vicinity on most iavorable terms. LIST OF COMPANIES. Home of New York Phoenix of Hartford, ' Liverpool and London and Globe, North British aud Mercantile, " Insurance Co. of North America New York Underwriters ..... Germania of New York Hanford of Conn Georgia Home ""! 1".!. Atlanta Home (Pays Dividends to Policy holders) CAPITAL. ASSETS. $3,000,000 $7,802,711 2.000.000 4.703.928 £2.000.000 in U 8. 8.039 780 £2 00O.000 in U.S. 3.37s.7?4 3.000 00O 8 4*4.382 1.300 000 3 559 300 1.000 000 2.600.774 > 5 055 740 1.250.000 300 000 200.000 Iebl7dtf. OFFICE AT BANK OF THE UNIVERSITY. 733.505 230.601 HOSE! HOSE! HOSE! Hose Reels, Hose Couplings. Hose Bands. Hose Wozzles; Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tubs. Sanitary Goods, Gas Fixtures, and all kinds of Fittings at HULL & HIPKINS, Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters, street »Opposite Hodgson Bros. Athens, Ga. G L. P. GILDB’S Lie PIUS, Purely vgetable, are the BEST TEY THEM. ■For Hi* ta 1 gut*. Wholesale by J.CRWFORD&CO. WYIHDTTES-IICIIISIYUY tin for Ready for Delivery Delivered either in tny yam or to Exprea*Office Athens, Georgia. 15.00 additional U f&a OF GOOD BUSINESS Sarrteeam'laatUaeatebariaSt ~ — liActory, or will taka Position ofTrustta derate Seiatw, atria* ample seen rtty aad r toecs. Partes hxriu rood hast •--‘i Mtsem Money and alt other aa '‘‘-•'r oaaBd*>tI*l, bat te sera Urns partlenlaza. Mo postal card* tL F.. Station "OP Haw York. PILLS A. R. ROBERTSON, Manufacturer and Importer of Marble and Granite Monuments. A Hth^SShfo “roigM to® “ffftom" f? adr for 'fering. Fencing for Grave Lota. cSll Snd get my nriJ^ ,r ° m ’ A,# °’ "« ont Iron a.; je*3-iyd&w rice*. ” ROBERTSON, Athena, G*. H. N. WILLOOX. INSURANCE AGENT, ATHENS, OEOItUIA. Odioa at.O'Farretl A Hadzsoa’s. uusuxorAoroinuop , M wv, » mumm. iPhifoi&l Erttifizhed 1858 87 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK Ieb25d4w3m. BROS. Manufacturert ol (ferriage*, Baggie* and Vehicle* of all hind, AT THE QLO BENBON SHOP, 1 MEAKEEAYES STABLE ■ We being Tfaorongb Mechanic* I V claim (bat we can do better work for LESS MONEY than May other abop in tbit »ectita. j«ud&w3 r