The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, March 26, 1887, Image 2

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THE BANNER-WATCHMAN, ATHENS, GA. MARCH, a6, 1887 at Iomi . j* made In __ 1 requeue! to wnj u» u*w» by Hettor and brief aotea on |fm- , are invited. «fe«, funorul uotle«*t. i.anaouicom«nuf»r offleo, c-mmnntl ipropoaiaf can ltdaioi will ba charged a- latec. Kwltuaen .hoald ba mada br axpreaa, poltal aote. uoa.y orda, or ref litertd letter. All cummualcAllona mould oa addrenad to OCR CITY’S NKKI>. At this particular juncture Athena needs, beyond all other things, unani mous, harmonious, concerted action on the part of its officers and peoplo. Just at this particular moment of time, two or three railroads aro making for Athens, various enterprises await the cordial endorsement of our people, and our own citizens, whose* inclinations prompt them to be live and progressive, hesitate for the moment, waiting for that cordial and sympathetic approval of their fellow-citizens, to encourage and help their movements. It is true beyond all question that our city lacks, boyond any thing eke, warm and sympathetic ap proval and endorsement of. the various enterprises now being discussed. It seems a little thing to want, one that might easily be obtained, and upon which oflr people may think we lay too much stress. Hut not so. Many a movement originated here, that had for its end public improvement, rather than individual gain, has died be cause of the coldness which enveloped it. It has been many a day since our people were practically unanimous in their opinion of the various enterprises that have from time to time been started hore; and that want of unanimity has contributed more to the death of those enterprises than all the other adverse eJeoumstances combined. It is time Mr ua 10 tay aside this small spirit, and give to every legitimate enterprise and scheme the endorsement and help that its merits demand. If we esnnot give silver and gold, we certainly can advance kind words and sympathetic wishes, often times as valuable and pre cious. The Bankkk-Watciihan has from time to time callod attention to these mattors, and has editorially advo- cated them. It does this again this morning, and especially calls attention to a plan that it believes will result in much good. Let a committee of fifty representative citizens be appointed by the Mayor, or let a meeting be called and let it appoint a committee of as insny as it sees fit, to be known as “the committee on the wel fare of the city.” Let this committee meet- and appoint a sub-committee of three or five to look after the various rail road interests of the city, to correspond with and answer railroadjinquiries, to be tha medium through which all offers and proposals are made, to look after the in terest of Athens in all matters that per tain to the city’s good. Let the gonoral ' committee appoint a sub-committee whose business it shall be to look after a'l the atrangers who come here seeking investments, to acquaint them with the various manufactories, to show them the various sites and water powers, to give them all the facts and figures in connection with overy inter est of the city. Let the general com mittee appoint a smaller committee from its ranks to whom all the letters of in quiry that are daily receivod by tha Mayor and other citizens shall be refer red. Lot it be thoir duty to answer these and give all the information it can, and so arrange their replies that strangers at a distance may be attracted by the ad vantages of the city. Then let the gene ral committee appoint a homo committee to look after the needs of our own city, to discuss plans for the improvement of our streets, for the advancement of our schools, for the better organization of our different departments, and in short, to consider every plan and every movement that has for its end the advancement of our city. These committees are not untried ex periments. Other cities larger than Ath ens have tried them, and the results have been far more beneficial than at first con templated. Through their influence and their organized efforts waste places have been built up, the channels of commerce 1 stb been widened and deepened, educa tional systems have been extended, and the desert has been made to blossom as the rose. Nothing can be lost by snch an organisation. Mucn may be gained, cotton buyer in Athens is counties of Madison, iklin and Clarke produce an gly fine grade of cotton. That manufacturer to whom a con- t was sent, wrote back praising and asking if he could get Perhaps this is one reason why local market it better than that of Augusta. Country subscribers to our daily in the small towns arc complaining about the non arrival of the paper. Tba fault does not lie in this office, and we do not think in the Athens office; it is evidently somewhere near the other end of the line ftur country subscribers will do well to be on band when the mail comes in. Before threejmonth* have come and gone another bevy of sweet girl gradu- uates will be cast upon the tender mer cies of sn admiring world. In the sWeet month of June, whst is prettier than an eighteen-year old girl with a clean face and frock standing on that awful abyss thst sepsratesgirlhood and womanhood? Nothing, nothing! Every night or so some misguided countryman drives over the College ave nue fountain and wrecks the city's pride anu favorite. Wouldn’t it he well to put up an illuminated sign with the words “this is a fountain” on it in letters of living light The tiino is upon us when the country editor will interest his readers with pithy locals about Mrs, Jones' truck, Mrs, Smith's young chickens, and s fine bull calf on Deacon Brown’s Warrior District place. Tiik hunter will soon take his gun to pieces and oil it preparatory to its sum mer rest, and the tired bird dog will have nothing to do but lie on tho back veran dah and snap at the troublesome flies. ThE Savannah Nows is lessening its chances for making mistakes in regard to Statu limiters by printing less Stato news. Tho Nows is a real smar tnews- paper and is getting to bo quite cute. The free, easy life of Havana is telling upon the morale of tho Augusta News- It now thinks that an insult to character or a reflection upon personal honor is a trivial matter. It begins to look as if our people do not want a free delivory system. Tho police have not boon put to tha census work, is tho influence of the police al powerful V The car stove, tho elevator shaft, the mad dog, and tho locked tabiu door arc .iluukrayin^ till* lnh»liit*tatorf»f this great and glorious country. Tiik proposition to furnish oil to the Brooklynites docs not moot with general favor. Wo would much rather give them a code of morals. OH! MY BACK fnry ittals ar iM • nJ n-trlJ BRM 5 Enrlcbe. the Bloed. _ Give New Tl«»r. onthugKUm. UwTt ft—ly in tay—a i-fly.*! BROWN CIUMJCIL CO., BALTIMORE* MBs Tiik railroads aro all making for Ath ens. Well, let them come on ; plenty of room here for several moro. Wk trust that duels will not become epidemic. Such an epidemic might cause cotfeo to take a riso. C. BODE, IS NOW FIXING UP HIS Palace Ice Cream Saloon FRESH— BREAD, CAKES AND GANDIES Always bn hand. Also FARMER’S FAMILY SOAP Out-wtahea any other Soap to be found In Athena. C. BOOK Neat door to the Poet Office. COMPANY. Athens, Georgia. YOUNG L. G. HARP. 1 *, President STEVENS THOMAS, BKORRTART Resident Directors t Yowxe L. O. Harris, Stevens Tuoka» Jure H. Newton, L. H. Charbonnier, Ferdinand Pkixibt, J. *. Hamilton, Marckli.csStanley. Edward 8. Lyndon, Bur us K. UtAvts. , A. Hunnicutt. PURE WHISKY. LI. kind* of Pur* Whiskies esn be found at t lsce on the Jefferson road, two miles Ah the On-n S: rings. My stock consists of the fch lowing go ds: Pure Corn Whisky, Old Rye Whisky, Apple Brandy, and Peach Brandy. I give n good article for moderate prices. All orders fiom town promptly Ailed. GItrs n ctil. U II. UARRIHON. a ar4<12m. Jefferson Rond shore Gum Springs. . the J tl'St Tuesday in April nest, before the court hou«e door !■ »ald c un tr. within the legal boars of sale, to the highest bidder, the following prop erty towit: O *e house an 1 lot lit the townof Bel ton, lu esid cunnty, lot fronting one hundred feeton right o'way ohh* R •% D R B, running bat k two hundred feet to Hampton's street house, now occupied by *' It Hutchins, as a blacksmith »hop fovled on ss the property of J R Palmour, I p virtue of a justleo court Afa,issued front heJu«ttcahour« ofthc *t)Ud district, O If. In Hall county, in InvcrofM. Rule* against said J. B Pa'mor Also, at the same t'me .tnd one tr-ct of land containing * ~ lying In said ewa'f. adjoining lands of j w "fold, Ben on W. Do id, C G Dodd and others L Tied ea as tb- of *" R laee will be sold r»jr seres, mere er . !••>. adjoinlr — .fold, Ben on W. Do id, C C j Tied on ns th* projwi. of Missouri br Tlrtue of a tax C fa. issued by WC »| H lbrook, tax collector of Ranks county, for and to tha careful consideration of our 1 «*.««««; *».»» biMjtu isgaa people we commend the matter. m HMDKttsjx.seafi**^ VITIATED BLOOD Scrofulous, Inherited and Contagious Humors Cured by Cuticura. T HROUGH the medium of one of your books received through Mr. Frank T. Wray, Drug gist. Apollo, Pa . 1 been mo acquainted with your Guilt lira Remedies, and take this opportunity to testify to you that their use baa permanently cured me of one olthe wont cases of blocd pobon- ing, in connection with erysipelas, that Ih>ve ever seen, and thlr after baring been pron uncoil incurable by some of the best physicians in our county. I take great pleasure In forwarding to y u this testimonial, unsolicited as It is by you, in order that others suffering from similar mala dies may be encouraged to give your Cuticura Remedies a trial. P, H. WHITLINGER, Leechberg, Pa. Reference: FrankT. Wray,Druggists, ap.llo, Pa S' ROFULOU8 UlCKRS. James E: Richardson. Custom House Bt*v v.- leans, on oath says* "In 1870 Scrofulous Ulcers broke out on my body until I wss a mass of cor ruption. Eveiything known to the medical laculty »a* tried in vain. I became a mere wreck. At times could not lift m; bands to my head, could not turn iu bed: was In constant pain, and looked upou life as a curse. No relief or cure in ten years In 1880 I hcattlof the Cuticura Reme dies, used them, and was perfectly cured." Sworn to b.fore U. 8. Com. J D. CRAWFORD ONE OF TnE WORST CASES. We have been selling your Cuticura Remedies for yoars, and have the first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. Ope of the worst > o Scrofula I ever *aw was cured by the use of five bottles of Cuticura IU solvent, Cuticura, and Cut!- cura Soap. The Soap takes the ‘ cake" here as a medicinal sos p. TAYLOR ifcTAYLOR, Druggists, Frankfort,'Kan SCROFULOUS, INHERITED. And Contagious Humors, with Loss of Hair, and Eruptions of the skin, are positively cured by Cuticura and Cut'cura Soap externally, and l uti- curn Resolvent Internally, when all other modi' cine* fall. Send for Pamphlet. Cuticura Remedies are sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, the Great Skin Cure, fV'c.; Cuticura Soap, an Exquisite Beautifier. 25c.; Cuticura Resolvent, the New Blood Purifier, #1.00. POTTER DRUG A CHEMICAL Co., Boston. niMPLKS, BlackhcrdM* Skin BlemMics. and rlM Oa'-r »— Oxvioui.» n<M|a A MOW MY HACK AC'lIRal—Back Ache, Kidney Pwlns and Weakness, Serenes*. Lameness, Strains and Pain 1 relieved In one minute by the Cuticura Anti-Pain PlasUr.-Infallible. rrrr mtrlGdAwtf. jl medicine, not a drink. High Authority• Hop Bitters is not, in any sense, an alcoholic beverage or liquor, and could not bo sold, for use, except to persons desirous of obtaining medicinal bitters. GREEN B. BAUM, U. S. Com’r Internal Rev. Washington, D. C., Sept. 24,1884. Dear Sir—Why don't you get a certifi cate from Col. >V. H. W., of Baltimore, showing bow be cured himself of druiik- euess by the help of Hop Bitters. His is a wonderful case. He is well known in Rochester, N. Y., by all tho drinking people there. Ho is known in this city. Cincinnati, New Orleans, New York; in fact all over tho country, us be lias spent thousands of dollars for rum. I honestly believe his card would be worth thousands of dollars to you In this city and Balti more alone, and make thousands of sober men by inducing the use of your bitters. J. A W. Prejudice Kills, “Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery under the earn of several of the best physicians, who gave her, disease various names but no relief, and* now she is restored to us in good health by Hop Bitters, that we had poohed at two years before using it. Wo earnestly hope and pmy that no oue else wifi let their sick suffer ns wc did, oa account of prejudice against sn good a medicine as Hop Bitters."— The Parents —Good Templars. Milton, Del., Feb. 10,1886. Having used Hop Bitters, tho noted medy ror debility, nervousness. Indi gestion, etc., I have no hesitation In say ing that it Is indeed an excellent medicine mi recommend it to any one as 4 truly tonic bitters. Respectfully, Rev. Mrs. J. H. ELLGOOD. . Seipio, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1884. I am the pastor of the Baptist ehurch hero and an educated physician. I am not 1n practice, but am my sole family physician, and advise in chronic coses. Over a year ago I recommended your Hop Bitters to my invalid wife, who bos been under medical treatment of Albany’s best physicians several years. She has been greatly benefitted and still uses the medicine. * I believe she will become thoroughly cured of her various compli cated diseases by their use. Wa both _ ___ _ ^ recommend them'to our friends, many of BEUmV IIIIVAC Mil I V whom have also been cured of their varl- t rWlll ■ IMPIMb VwlaBaw ous ailments bv them. * Rev. E. R. WARREN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W. bCHDLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Loug*s Drug store. ■ NY1.VAKIS VIOHBIS, AlWtMY Ai LAW. W. B. BURNETT. AITOmNEY- AT - LAW ATHENS, OA OFFICE OVER CHILDS XICKKKSON X 03 Practices in Stale and federal Courts JOHN D. MELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Athens, Georgia. ;&r!“ \fflce in old Franklin House BuUdloi ALLEN J. ARNOLD, ATTORNEY AT LAW Monroe, Georgia. R. L. J. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW HARMONY GROVE, GEORGIA. Will practice In Jackson, Banka, Madison, Franklin and adjaceut counties, and also in the DR. G. F. STEIFER, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN ATHENS, GEORGIA, /tffers his Medical Services to the people ot U Athens, Georgia. Office on Jackson Street Third Door South o. Broad Street. Residence J. A. GRANT INSURANCE AGENT, Represents First-Class, Prompt Paying Companies. ASSETS REPRESENTED $40,000,001 FEED Horsts, Cows d Cattle! BEST MADE—TRY IT I We are heavily loaded on Corn, Flour, Oats, Bran & Hay, ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 0’FARRELL & HODGSON. HODGSON BROS. -DEALERS IN Buck wheal Flour, Choice N, 0. Syrup, Oat Meal, Pearl Grits, Sugar Cured Hams, Choice Leaf Lard and Fresh Water Ground Meal. FLOURS. Grandeur, Fairie Queen, Royal Patent, Old Gold, So perb, fei.13.1tf. Orangj Grove, Cream, Morning Star, Trump, Mabel H. FARR BROTHERS, House anil Sip Painters Decoraters and Dealers in Wall Paner- Athens, Georgia. Telephone 17-S. 49 Clayton Street iept25tf.86. Established 1843. W:& J.'SLOANE Wholesale and Retail Dcnleta In Carpetings, Floor Cloths, Bugs, • Mattings, Mats and GRIFFITH & MELL, INSUR ANCE AGENTig. Represent best Companies and Insure Desirable Pro perty in Athens and vicinity on most favorable terms, LIST ON COMPANIES. H-'me of N«*w York .. riicenix of Hartfoiri, N .. Liverpool and L uidon ami GL*be, North British mhI Mercantile,.. ... Insurance Co. of North America, New York Underwri'eis Germania of New York Hartford of Conn Georgia Home Atlanta Horne (Pays Dividends to Pallet h« l l. iBj CAPITAL. * ASSKTS- $:{ ooo. iioo $7Hoa;n 2.000.000 4.703.028 £LMHk»000 i >11 1* S. (1.631b«80 £ > 00" 01'0 , ". U 8 3.37 s 7*4 3 LOO 00«» 8 4 T 4.:t»2 1.300 000 3 550 :i06 1.000 000 2.600.774 1.250.01 »0 5 066 740 800 000 731.505 200.000 ”30.661 fohlftltf. , u OFFICE AT BANK OF THE UNIVERSITY. GREAT NOVELTIES AT VERY LOW PRICES Samples Sent if Desired. Correspondence Invited. BROADWAY; 18th 85 19th STREETS, NEW YORK, AND , San Francisco. G. L. P. un.un pills, Purely vegetable, are the BEST TRY THEM. ' guts. Wholesale by J. CRAWFORD & CO. ATHENS. OA. mums- atufliHT Ecu for Batching now Ready for Salivary Delivered either In ay yard or to ExprwiOOo. Athens, Georgia. It Egp for ■ . 12.00 26Ka.lor • SJ» ■9 Ezxs fcr 8.00 Bull additional la Eff. A PERSON OF GOOD ROSINESS Ability sad Reputation will invest Firs Thou sand Dollars sad Services In legittaate business, if on trial It Is satlalhctory, or will take PoalUon ofTrust at Moderate Stlary, giving ample wen rity aad referenced. Part ce having good bust ness bat needing more manor and all other an swers held strictly confid* atlsl, but to save time bettet write full particulars. N*> portal cards noticed, addre#* A. *. F.. Station •• G ” New Yark. "CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH.' 1 Tho Original and Only f HOSE! HOSE I .HOSE!. Hose R»els, Hose Couplings, Hose Binds Hose Nozzles; Lawn Sprinklers, BtihTubs. 'hinitan Gou-is. Gas Fixtures, and all kinds of Fittings at HULL & HIPKIN Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters, Clayton Street, Opposite Hodgson lOros » hen« r, n declOdAwtf. • » o > A. R. ROBERTSON, Manufacturer and Import*' o r Marble and Granite Monuments. A large stock of finished Granite and Marble Mounument* ready fo> ietleiiiur A large stock of new lithographic designs to select from. Also,' agent (or iron Fencing for Grave Lots. Call and get my prices. jeJ3-iyd&w A. R. RORERTSON Ath rn « U. Eltii -IS- _ teb25>!Aw3m. t:v'JF •' CT! IN LA'VF, NEW YORt. "."itti, Cured of Drinking. rjS575T5 » "A young friend of mlno was cured of ■***■ ** j ' ble an insatlsble thirst for liquor that bad so s.n>i a. pi.i.h■■ -i .fciii ' ‘ - -ntiia.i 'rostrated his system tbit be was unable wrt btltt' rtijiminh hfa-a o do any business. 1 fe was enllrely cured by the use of Hop Bitters. It allayed all that burning f bint; took away the appe tite for liquor, made bis nerves steady; and be has remained a steady and aober Soldiers of (bo Meiican War. J HlVK vrijtble man for more than two year! andbMUO desire to return iu his cups, and I know mHciuing ctvntle* wen'd d* w«U to coo for with of a number of others that have been muaioocu*—cfoimtaw p»idin iheotd.rm«. rfdrlnktagby lt-"-From a leading wSSISSS" » b.2 R. R. Official, Chicago, I1L RICHARD B. RUSoELL, marlWJtwtf; CebOddwU. Attorney at lav. BURPEE BROS. M inutacmrorsot Carriages, Buggies and Vehicles ol all klnda AT THE OLD BENSON SHOP, NEAR HEAVES STABLE We being Thorough Mechanics clsim that we can do better work for ISr* LESS MONEY f than any other t5up in this acctu,n. j*n:d&w3ra, ,