The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, March 29, 1887, Image 2

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BANNER-WATCHMAN omcui. rim or m «(tt or Him Oautln of Clam. Bank* and Oeona* /THE DIRT BANNER-WATCHMAN 'la'dellre** by cutmti Iu the city for 95 a year, •OfStoa month or cents for too twU Some na to noo-raaidOBt aubacribera. postage fro*. TIE .WEEKLY BANNER-WATCHMAN u msUnlalaigUrnbera tor II r.l« loatk.ra Owo.r, lmo; m. ■ .nhera Walchasn, 18J4.I' m>. Ixalad Merck. 1»A __ _ AOTEBTU1BO BES.AT , three month*., One aqaaro, Hx m enth* Onerquare. ono year.. Transient rataa, 91 yeraqoaio each In erttoa 99 canta each anboequeat Insertion. 8pedal contract rataa bum)# la the offlee. MS? iM)«tal card or poctaaileelosar* invited, Auoaaonntaol unlni, fenrral notice*. Manna* aanonnaitlt fit oOec, communtl •tloaa prapMlof aaadUaiaa will b« charged a- *JUalttaao« *hould ba nde hr exprea.. pottal ■Ola, MOM/ ardacr rrfluerad letter. All eomaiialcaUone tetaU oe eddreeeed to THC BANNER. WATCHMAN, Athene, THE FARMER8 AKD PROTECTION. John Sherman, inhia Xashvillespeech, in advocacy of protection to American industries, produced statistics to' show the rapid increase in the wealth of man ufacturers within the past decade. Yos, and this is exactly the reason the Ban- eu-Watchnan is so earnestly battling for a reduction in a tariff that is now making millionaires of a few manufactu rers and paupers of hundreds of thou sands of farmers. We sre of course glad to see any ctaaa of our people prosper and grow rich, but not glut the pockets of a few at the expenae of the toiling ■ Thia Naahritle speech of Mr. Bhenaan'a should open the eyes of the agriculturalists not only of the South,but from orery section of our great country, to the true inwardness and consequences of our present protective tariff. Accord ing to tha statistics of this great repub tican orator, the manufacturing indus tries arv increasing enormously in wealth each year, while as ia a well-known and accepted fact, each sunrise secs the farmers of our country poorer than when it set. Now, is not a law under which one class prospers im measurably, while another and far !argu r on# ia becoming almost pauperized, obliged to bo unjuat? The farmers of America are the cousumera—the manu facturer the producer. The former are forced to buy nf the latter, who, by a tariff that drives out all competition, era emboldened to fix prices at a figure that has about bankrupted the tillers of the soil, and their lands are mortgaged to tho very men who havo brought them to this strait. Protective tariff simply means tha concentration of all tho wealth in our country in tho hands of a few men, and they are uting it, too, for tho purpose of farther oppressing those from whom it was wrested. How any farmer, capable of reasoning, can oppose a re duction of the tariff, la beyond our ken. Let him bat look into his own affairs, than cut a glance around at bis neigh bors, and ha will be forced to admit that tha agricultural intereat of our country is]indeed in a ud strait Then alongside of thia showing let him read tha figures produced by Mr. Sherman in his Naah- villo speech, illustrative of the rapid in- creue in wealth in the manufacturing in teracts of America. Thore lie will read in language as plaia u cold facts can make it, the truo story and mluion of tha protective tariff under which our farmer* are now struggling, and beneath which burthen they wilt continue to •trnggle if the platform that John Sherman and his party advocato triumphs. We have given protection a long and patient trial. As a result we find that while one class of our popula tion (the manufacturer) ia hoarding up THE BANNER-WATCH MAN,', ATHENS, GA. MARCH, 3$, >887 Tin merdunt who neglects to adver tise in the Railroad edition of the Bax- nkr-Watciuiax will miss the best medi um of the season 4nd fai , g0 on record with the best eipositloa 0 f Athens’ buxi- ness interests thst has hw* " e intend, with the aid of our friends, to make the railroad issue complete in every way. Keep posted about the special edition of the Bakner-Watchmax. The illustrations of the Savannah Xews sre not striking. Th*r mro ,10me ambitious. In Sunday’s pa pers cut of Bishop Beckwith brings tears to the eyes of the whole diocese. Verily it does seem from this wood-cut thst the Bishop’s ensmies have tri- mphed! Carter Habbihox accuses the Presi dent of bad faith. Tins truth is, Major Harrison is diost too conciliotory to the dynamiters, and he is afraid to trust his chances into the hands of the law-abiding people of Chicago. Hu is only hunting for a loop-hole to creep from. The negro and tho bloody shirt have dropped out of American politics for good and all, and living issues will sup plant them Cuffleo will now quietly drift to his proper level and there remain. This is better for the negro and better for tho country. OrR esteemed friend, Msj. Ilanson, ill have a hard time making the fanner understand that the protective tariff is the thing to tie to. Maj. Ilanson is al ways forcible, but in this respect is hard to follow. Tiik starved emigrants oi*. board tho stranded steamer, Scotia, tnndc a frightful onslaught upon the Castle Garden lunch stalls. Tho ship got off in time to save the emigrant babies. Wk trust that Congressman Carlton ill get an appropriation to clean out and render navigable tho Oconee river as far up as Scull Shonls. It would be a great benefit to the people in that splendid sec tion of the Kighth District. The proposition to erect a statue to Gen. Thomas R. R. Cobb, on the field of Virginia meets with warm favor in Athens. The Confederate Survivors will take this matter in charge. A strong prohibition salvation squad will soon move on the large cities of Geor- tvitli s syphon. Reform must go on. Tiie burglars have boon found again This time tho bold, bad pair wore over hauled near Thnnnsville, but escaped. ' Honest .It Sherman did not stump for tho tarilf in this State. Honest John is also wise. JAS. A, GRANT, TNgURANCE AGENT, >lai over Li.t ol Cmnpanle*. German American of New York.. Phenix of Brooklyn Royal ol I-ivcrpool London and Lancashire of Liverpc^....-- Western ol Toronto Queen of England 1’hcenlx of London Continental of New York . Malon of Macon, Ga Insures against damages from Tornadoes. plan. I’remium notes taken in part payment when desired. Prompt personal attention given to all business, and rates and terms guaranteed at low aa thole of any retpon.iblc company. Offlca, Corner Clayton an* Thomas Itraata, Op Stairs, Athene, as. march27dly. ' Net Surplus or Assets, all LlaullUe $5,148 273 $2,341,047 5.333.172 a 4.830.132 1.483.064 ... 1KM.821 1 076.003 1.887.175 6.330.081 100.000 557.087 2.320.622 662.400 425.072 740.900 638 033 1.374.867 6.122 ollcics Issued on three year term “ LIGHT AS A FEATHER,” THE LtTKST STYLES OF PICNIC HATS, TO BE FOUND ONLY AT Hirschfeld & Blumenthal’s -FOR- STOCK FEED Horses, BEST MADE—TRY IT I We are heavily loaded on,Corn, Flour, Oats, Bran & Hay, IMPORTERS OF FOREIGN FLOWERS & HATS. This week we will put on Exhibition the Prettiest Lino of Flowers ever brought to this market. Wo give you n cordial invitation to dome and see them. HIRSCHFELD & BT.DMENTHAL, mar20,Ktw3m. No. 14, Broad Street, Athens, Ga. Dry Goods. | novelties plotting and Hats. M IN AIL LINES AT mieis & to WE ASK AN- mWBS\ inspection. pF DYSPEPSIA la a daMou aa w*U aa diwtnaaata* complaint. II . - -» * * b* tmpairin* nutrition, and do* ! U$a ajratao, to pffepst* lb* way nrfflrctmt it tend* ET&Lr&w’fl I BROW*. VITIATED BLOOD •aormona wealth, another and a far larger | Scrolulaw, Inherited and Contagion Hanora class (tha agriculturalist—the backbone of tha country )is tottering on the brink of bankruptcy. The farmer gets protection for very few products that bis muscle raises, unless they pass through the hands of aoma manufacturer; while ha must pay an enormous tax for every plow ho buys, nail that he drives, hat, shoe or shirt h* wears; and, in fact, it matters not what tho farmer purchases, he pay s for it a protective tax, ranging from 40 to 60 per cent, that goal direct ly into the pocketa of the manufacturer. It is this one-sided protection that is now making millionaires of a favored few and pauperising the great mass of oar population. Mr. Sherman cannot argue into a man with a grain of common sense tho fact (hit by taxing himself to tdd to the private wealth of another man—thus givii* him still greater power to oppress—that he * ia building np hi* country. From Mr. Sherman’s own showing it appears thst tha manufacturers of America are now fully able to take can of themselves, and wa aaggast that congress tarn its attentioa toward aeeing what can bo done to re viva agriculture aid rescue our fanners from the ruin and bankrupt cy that seems about to ovtTtokw’tfam. ATHiNsissome »IUG,U00 the. richer by tbe Birmingham boom. Sefeyai .of] our citizens have nude very nice little i from Magic City dirt Cured by Cattcura mil ROUGH ike medium ol onctf vonr books I received through Mr. Frank T Wray, Drug- lUt, Apollo, Pa., lbffcanje arqUiPiUtl with your Tr li: - Rtwodira, aud take i'll » « r port unify — eatlfy to yon that thiir u*o baa iwnuaucntly eured me of one ol the wont case* *4 ok* d poison- lag, in eonnactInn with rrvalfeUa, (hat I have ever seen, and thia alter having b*e» pronounced C1SC0DDER, JEWELER. PERSIAN NOVELTIES I HELIOTROPE AND LILAC, Anemone WITH COMBINATION OF Hauoi and Bengale, TO BE FOUND ONLY AT MICHAEL BROS,, IMPORTERS. BROAD snl jACKSON ST., ATHENS344A. A. R. ROBERTSON, Manufacturer and Importer of Marble and Granite Monuments. A large stock of finished Granite and Marble Mounumcnts ready for lettering. A large stock of new lithographic designs to select from.. Aiao, agent for Iron Fencing for Grevu Lots. Call and got my prices. je* 3 -iyd&w , A. R. ROBERTSON, Athens, Ga. dlea may be encouraged to k Kerned** a trial. P.H WB1TL1NORK, LrecV Reference: FrankT. Wray, inug« ;u R' RO FT LOUS U. OR 9. K: Kkkardsou. Custom Hoise Mow Or- ■ ~* w —t "In ISTUft.roru'ons Ulcer* dy until I waa a nut** of eor- rnptkn. Kveiytbln* known to tho medical faculty «aa tried in vain. Ibecsmo <tuier* wreek At times could not lift m» hand* t„ $.,* ] Ka< j could sot turn In bet; waa in eonauui pain, and looked upon life aa a curve. No n 1 «i . $ cure in ten years. In 1N» I h. aid of t be Cu tci*. - Kent- eie*. ueed them and was pcrfee*’y Sworn tub fore U. 8. c\m. J 1>. ciU vrr i vrroRD ONE OP THE WORST CASE*. We have be* n selling y urfu Uuu Itraeltee for veara, aud have Ou> tree rcmpiatn ynio reeelvp from e purckaarr One of ib w rat caaee ol frretile I oversow weectrrwl bx i hue of five bottle* of Cutirura Ktaelveat, Cutlcura iiH'ntl- cmjiPMpb^jnieteapukMUc ?C4ke’ hirjaaa TAYLOR A TAYLOR, DruaU'o, Can . ^ 8C|W)FULOU0 WIIERITK*'. And CoaUgi u. Huenois, »lth L..AJ o lf*| r «„d Eruption*of tke nkln, are pos Ivey c ,rrd by CnuenraaudCntiura i< u t$- •owemaify. wfmn a*l eth$ r kedi- I Cntiura deep cxteraally. an .■pSMKTIVt'V: —.— trqublia Urre ll. r, :*. • ■ Price; Ctrl ura ui (ura ONION SETS AND ENGLISH PEAS, —AT REDUCED- PRICES ! JOHN CRAWFORD & CO. Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS. ATHENS GEORGIA, C. BODE, 1§ XOW FIXING op HIS Palace Ice Cream Saloon I THE -AT- ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. O’FARRELL & HODGSON. HODGSON BROS. -DEALERS IN- Buckwheaf Flour, Choice N. O. Syrup, Oat Meal, Pearl Grits, Sugar Cured Hams, Choice Leaf Lard and Fresh Water Ground Meal. FLOURS. Grandeur, Fairie Queen, Royal Patent, Old Gold, Superb, febl3<ltt. o Orangj Grove, tr p Cream, o Morning Star, a on Trump, a Mabel H. GRIFFITH & MELL, INSURANCE AGENTS. » Represent best Companies and Insure Desirable Pro perty in Athens and vicinity on most iavorable terms. or c-OMrANiia. Home of New York I’lucnix of Hartford,... Liverpool and London and GI»>«, North British and Men-autile, : . Insurance Co. of North America, New York Underwriters Germania <>f New York Hartford of Coon Georgia Home Atlanta Home (Pays Dividend, to Policy h< l 'eis) fcb!7dtf. CAPITAL. $3000.000 2.000.000 £2.000 000 in U 8 £■> 00O.0C0 in U S 3100 non 1.300 000 1.000 000 1.260.010 300 000 200.000 OFFICE AT BANK OF THE UNIVERSITY A3SIT3. $7,802,711 4.703.928 6.630 780 3.37*754 8 4*4.352 8 550 300 2.600.774 5 055 746 733,565 230.561 COMMISSIONERS , ON THE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY Will Bacalv* Proposals Until noon - APRIL 21BT, 1887, F OR the Erection and Cemplatlon of a >kra* •Ucy and bticment crick balldlnr,with stocs eaO-terracatta tflmariafeaad alatarool a*M HOSE!"HOSEI HOSE! Hose Reels, Hose Couplings, Hose Bands, Hose Nozzles; Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tubs, Sanitary Goods, Gas Fixtures, and all kinds of Fittings at * HULL & HIPKINS, Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters, • Olajfton Street, Opposite Hodgson Bros, nthens, Gn. H. N. WILLOOX. INSURANCE AGENT ATBIiNR. UEORUI1. Offlraatn'Firrell a Badawn'* These Paints are in every respect strictly fint-clana, being composed of the best and purest materials obtainable. They have a larger sale than any other paints made in this country or abroad, and, although they coat a trifle more per gaUon, they will do more and better work for the same amount of money, owing to their wonderful covering proportion, while their superior durability rendera them the moot economical paints in tha world. Sample Sheets and Descriptive Price List free by mail H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO., sou KiOTfecmxaao, n.W.Johnv’Vtre and Water-Proof AabSatos awiag ahaathl ig, Rheathlnr, Handing Pelt, Asbestoa Stram racking* Belter Covertaca, Hoof Nab, Fire-Proof mints, ole. VULCABESTON. Moulded PUtoa-Rod racklag. Blag*, Packet., Cheat FackJag, ota. Catabiithad 1858. 87 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. —m-.fmtfttiw*. Idtmaiak BURPEE BRO^. Mannfactnrar* of Carriages Buggies sad Vehicle* ol all kinds AT THE OLD BBNBON SHOP, ^ 4. NEABIREAYES STABLE We being Thorough Mechanics claim that we can do better work for