The Daily banner-watchman. (Athens, Ga.) 1886-1887, September 21, 1887, Image 2

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wn on brood and •like. How did the lut ike you? t conceded that Athena merchants can hold their own, . with or without protection. They sell cheaply and lead tho van. The Macon Telegraph congratulates Judge Gustin and the people of the Ma con circuit upon hia accession to tho bench. This is generous and deserved. Hard to down-^AthS>.V~ freight rates; hard to handle—Attics’ warehouse charge^ hard to ovefcbmV-Athena’ cot ton men. No. 1." Mark At! icou\r-Atl Lt\p8%i|l mond A, The Anniston Hot Blast thinks that Hr. Armstrong’s defense of J)r. Haw thorne is the best advocacy tho eloquent prohibitionist aud plagiarist has yet had. Tho Banner-Watchman is bound to be a standard among the farmers. Tho agricultural part of the paper will bo kept up to tho standard, and to the needs of the hour. Dr. V. II. Taliaferro, , the prominent Atlanta physican who died at Tate Springs, was a native of Oglethorpe county. Illustrious sons of this favorod spot aro found in every part of the coun- Tho Atlanta Constitution ami other tariff*organs which are clamoring for the taking off* of internal revenue tax, staggoreihat the cry of “free whisky,” which tho revcnuo reformers raise against them. Senator Colquitt showed how this thing would work, and tho Con stitution cannot rulo it out. A Baptist minister named Knight, from Caldwell county, N. C., tho othe day reversed the order of nature, and in stead of running from, ran awuy with hia mother-in-law. It was a dastardly act, an be loft bis wife sick in bod and twelve Children. It might be said that bo licit boforo a rogimont. llis mothor-in-law left hor accustomed spouse behind, also. In apeaking to Iter. S. 1’. Kichardson, who is just returning from a ten days’ round on his district, ho remarked yes- terilay: "Birmingham ain’t lit for a dog nor a horse, much less for a ma 1 to live in. Too stingy to buy Klyton, which is • fine place, with bold springs, they went a little higher up and sot Birmingham right down in a big mud hole.’’ TheBANNKB-WATCimAN has already heartily endorsed the plan proposed in tho bill of Hon. Richard B. Russell, of Clarke, for the practical training of girls, We printed in full this bill yestorday and can say after reading the full text of tho proposed act, that it ia nothing hut just and right that tho girls should have tho en4 - same chance in the practical affairs of life, with the boys, and that tho State which educates tho ono in the uso of tho hand should not neglect tho other. We hope that the State Legislature will see its way clear to appropriate a good round sum for the establishment of a techno logical school for girls. We should like to see such an institution in Athens; but shore all and boforo all, let us insure its establishment in Georgia. The Banhka-Watchman is convinced that the Candler bill, to reorganise tho board of trueteea of the Stato University is the offering of a friend of the college and ia in the line of a real reform. We are assured that Mr. Candler had no in tention of reflecting upon tho present board of trustees, but realises that some thing must be done to popularise tho in stitution in Georgia, as also to identify it more closely with tho State government. The bill as amended proridee for tho ap pointment by the Governor, with the consent of the Senate, of two members from each congressional district, who with the Gorernor, members of tho Su. prcine Court and heads of the two bous es of the general assembly, three mem bers from Clsrke county to bo known ss s prudential board, tour members from the alumni and agricultural aocietiea,ahall be known as a board of regents. We believe, as we hive already stated, that such a board is too large. So far as we are concerned—one member from each congressional district—the Governor, Speaker of the Houee and President of the Senate—with s local board of Are in Clarke county—would be regents enough—these to be practical and Influ ential men of business and brains. We believe that such a board, meeting at ously. 1 uurfffdCm. CEB <t HUNTER, of tho Uni- ed that this tax vu and unconstitutional. Why should not the government refund this money, thus illegally taken? It may be said that it witl be impossible to divide it equistbly on account of the loss and the chsngoof bands of tho receipts. This might hold against an individual distribu tion of the money, but it does not against returning it to tho section from which it was taken. It would appear that tho North had 'built enough brown stone fronts and marble palaces, at the expense of tho South to be content, now that the Treasury is glutted with gold, to see some of this money come southward to assist in the general development of the people from whom it wan illegally taken. Some effort was made during the last congress to recover this money, but for some reason the securing of $75,000,000 was not prize enough to arouse our Con gressmen. They should rise as one man and demand the money. If they wil not, popular meetings should be held in every county and district in the South where proper resolutions should be pas sed and laid before Congress. What a tremendous impetus would sueh a sum give our section. How immensely would it improve our public schools, our wa ter courses, our highways. If the gov ernment would give it in no other shape, insist that they expend it in needed pub lic buildings in tho South at any hazard. Get the money; that it will he no, wo grantjbut wo have had men who, were their thin voices not stilled in death, could accomplish this grund oh. ject. Heretofore tho ostracism under which we existed, prevented any such move, hut to-day the .South is recognized ns a factor and a very powerful factor in the mnkoupof our country. Gontlement of tho press, what say you? You have a million of tongues and wield untold in fluence* Contagaos ^ by <jpttcura. tnedlamef caecf j ur books “ r. Frank T. Wray, Drug- ... M acquainted wl.h four , ard Uke (bis opportunity to teattfr to you that (heir vh -tzj pi«-.*».euUy cured me o! one of tbo wont c*s/s ol blood eoikoutng, la connection with erysipelas, that I bare ever soon, and this after having been pro nounced Incurable by aome of tho 1 on phial- cUoa In our county. I Uke great nlearure In for warding to you this testimonial, unsolicited as it ia by you, in orier that others suffering fro.j similar maladies may be encoouraged to give your Cutlcura ifoovsdie* a trial. V. h. WHITUNOIK. Lcechburg, Pa. B forence: FRANK T. WR\Y, Druggist, Apollo SCROFULOUS ULCERS. James E. Kichardson, f’unoa House, New Or leans, on oath says: "In 1870 Scrofulous Ulcers broke out ou my body until I was e mass of cor ruption. Everything known to the medical faculty was tried in vain. I become e mere wreck, At timea could not lift my bauds to my Load, could not turn in bed; was in constant pain, and Hworn to before U. 8. Com. J. b, CHAW FORD. ONE OF THE WORST CASES. We have been selling your Cuileura Remedies for years aud here the first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. One of the woist cases of Scrofula I ever saw was • u red by tho use of five bottles of Cutirure Resolvent Cutlcura, and Cutlcura Soap. The rfoap takes the ‘'cake” here as e rc edict us! snap. TAYLOR A TAYLOR. DrugjUt, Frankfort, Kan. SCROFULOUS, INHERITED. And Contagious Humors, with la ss of Hair, and Eruptions ot the Main, are positively cured by Cutlcura and Cutlcura .Soap externaLy, and Cutlcura Hcsolveut inter tally. wlieu all other ts rdicincs fall. Scud for Pamphlet. Cutlcura Remedies are so hi everywhere. Price; Cutlcura, the Great Hkin Cure, .Wets.; Cutlcura Soap nu KxipiMtc Result tier, V5 cts.; Cut hum Resolvent the New blood Purifier, 11.00, Potter Drug aud Chemical Co., Boston, P||^|PLKH, Blackheads, Skin Bh I Baby Itu MY BACK ACHES ®i’ain reiievt d in u eptd&wlu So as to give room for her fall stock of Millinery Goods. Mrs. T. A. ADAM- march20.ll y. Broad Bt„ At he The Greatest Convenience of tl Electric Bells! flees, etc.', with the new end imprjved system of Electric Bells, Door Polls, Annunciators, Etc., Etc. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Can give reference in I hare fitted up many |iou»ea, and which have given unqualified satisfaction. Samples in working order ci shown at my shop on Clayton Street, next to Parr Bros. Also Guns. Locks, etc., etc., repaired. iuay27eidlra. JULIUS DORNBLATT J. W. LCHOLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Long's Drug store. feblfldly. SYLVAFVS tnOBBVS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. Barry's Corner, Broad Street. feblMdAwly, ‘ . W. B. BURNETT. ATTOHNEV-AT-LAW ATHENS, OA. orrictovKR guilds mckkmox •« oa Practice! |g 8Ut> and federal Courts a. u. auseaLL. *# 9. u urson RUSSELL & UPSON, ATTORNEY’S AT LAW MO MU MTltOATl COXPAKT. BTON* MOUNTAIN 8J0UTE. , OfriVSUItlhSL UAltOSk, • . M. 7,7ft, 1887, C<i»«wln« Wu^iyjk* iw-m. Q. .on,. Ujigpa***T tty vVff 1 .mwtala Auamtatlam. si Pi Lee August* 7:46a A'veWaah'tftn itfjdOa L’veWasn'gtn 7:20 a. m .V'vo Athens 1*1:86 p, m L’ve Athens 7:*6 a m Ar've Wm'v'e 8 04 a m *• Lexington- 8:38 as Anttoca ... •£• lb •• Maxeys ... 9:04 a.® “ Woodvllle 9:25 a.n* ••Uo.PL ... 9:40 Am L've Wasu’gta 4:20 u w *rr’ve Atlanta I.6m» u Ar'»MMa T t> s.i& PUI 8*7 Leave Attains 2.45 pT;. Arrive Athens! 20 Leave Athens 8 00 n.S Arr^e Wiiite’e 122 p.* “ Lexingt’n.. •:s3p. n " AaUocIi... 4:16 L'TatWam'vtn A.-mT ... NO. 1, WEST DAILY. ICE CREAM! If you want something nlce|call on C. BODE, For he has always on hand fresh Bread, Cakes, Candies, Confecionerles. Khun. i Lv. Aiian.a... «.cxj. m i " Un. PL... j:u\ a “ WooavUI, ]:>, p.n “ Maxeya... 1:06 ,. a "Antioch... t.H p. a " Lcxlnyton 4:01 p- " Winter re. 4:41 p.S . _ _ Ar’TeAthena.. ,:04 K. m WoodViUe 11:87 p.m “ Wxah’yt’n. 2,-a p £ — - hxoom... im * Anfiutx.. ■ JM i.rn Uar#*u,uJtx.. 10:41 ■ Macon— 7:10 • Waahl’g’n.llrro i ■ Athana ... «:U> a.m • Wlnterr’a iM Am • Lex'gt’n.. 10:04 Am JOHN D. MELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Athens, Georgia. O nce In old Franklin Bouse Building, opposite Opera House. octaodAwly. made to order at C.BOD* Next door to the Post Office. SALV-0 TREATMENT. The great rofttornttvo and tonic. H.nb<en use We regret to kco the progress made in the House by the various bills to raze the agricultural department to tho ground; to divide up the agricultural col leges and experimental stations and to meddle with the various laws regulating the inspectorship of fertilizers. We re gret to see so sensible a man as Mr. Cal vin, of Richmond, in his corrospondcnco to the Augusta Chronicle, give these absurd schemes prominence, if not en dorsement in his letters. The first bill of this sort was tho ltrady bungle, which Mr. Calvin very sensibly and soundly berated. Wo boliove the others are part of the same short sighted and unwiso plan to cripple the department, reduce its size and usefulness and possibly to change the personnel of its officers. Mr. Calvin should use his position in the House to prevent tho department from being turned to the interest of any set of men than the farmer, for whom it was intended. We do not believe the Senate will pass any of theso unwise measures. ito curd Men young or ml.Mle *gr«l, by their Indulgences or IikUmc eMou brought upon themselves NERVOUS DEBILITY, producing some of tho following streets: Ner vousness, Loss of energy and power, want of am bition, lack of ideas, mental and physical weak ness, aversion t> society, untltuess to marry, idaticholy, railing memory, organic weakness. rhich ‘s > the cthnn death, many men. married o heir moner away c "wood *rfUl cures,” |sk you to give the SALVO Tho latest cotton circular of tho Geor gia Railrovd “shelled tho woods.” Au gusta cotton factors and drummers scampered home from along tho Gaines ville, Jefferson and Southern Narrow Guagc, and^the great unsweraed tide of cotton cars continues to roll towaro Ath FOR SALE ! 4 AT> EL Aercsof land lying on tbeBrooklyi Ult 9 Hoad, the Pbltiisy Branch ruua through i he pm|<«rty Some of th* best brick It the city were made on this property. Also, N seres of land in N. K. Athens, lies beau tifully, belongs to non-residents, aud will be soul the McDermott house and lot on College Avenue. The vacant lot adjoining tho ab->ve will FOR SALE. The Brick Store i _ - occupied by Mr. Johu Kborhart. remove the bouse off the lot at onec. Apply to J. 8. WILLIFORD. FOR SALE. Being d< sirous of counrcUng with my Oil Mill the manufacturer of tcrtillzers, and not being able to make satisfactory arrangements for ng »U the city of Athens, 1 pro. os * to se'l i_. Mill and eater into the oil and fertilizer mndneiH in the state of MUalssiupi. The m'll is in excellent order. Capacity 10 tona per dai The trill and fixtures will be sold low if an offi Is made prior to September the 28th, lt*87. OLIVER McILHKNNKr. For Information and particulars apply to J. 8. WILLIFORD, Real Estate Agent. A BARGAIN, I offer 205 acres, mile* from Athens, 1% miles from Center, (ucarest P. O.) 76 acres la a good state of cultivation, meet of the nuuaitider of the laud in forest, level and of good quality. Improvements good, dwelling has six large two story barn and other or t bultdtnp, and best of all Is the price, only 97 00 per acre. i allou 1. 8. WILLIFORD, Real EsUte Agent. FOR SALE. eta of laud la 100, l*s, 107, i(», and 14 acres, six miles from Athens ail flue lands. Price, ‘lo 1 9I.7M: *’ ‘ *— “ * “— M ‘ *.0c0: No. I good Mill J. 8. WILLIFORD, Real Estate Agent. LADIES! D> toar Own Vyelng, at Horn,, wim PEERLESS DYES They will dye everything. They are sold every where Price 10c. a pickago—40 eolem. Th y have n > equal for Strength, Brightness, Amount in Packages or lor Fastness of Color, or non-f*dtag Qualities. They do not crock or eornt For sale by K. 8. LYNDON, If. D. Druggist, marl'llr. Athens. Ua. ~ WOOD FOR SALE! 1500 -^ orJ --°* 1 Hieko^.xnd th rowing tl __ ’fliKAT* MENTa trial. 'J’housirida have testified to its merits, atd its curative properties have been ulogis-d by tho loading pnysiciaus In this country. Young men suffering from tho effects of youth- fill imprudence, cun roly on a permanent cure No mutter »Lut you have taken, or who has failed t‘» euro you SALVO TREATMENT we GUAR ANTEE to CUKE YOu. GENTLEMEN Kalvo Treatment as now prepare!, Is pleasui to take, aud aaetmllatcs readily with the food in the stomuch. No minerals contained in the treat ment. A part of the treatment la composed of seven different roots and herbs, always prepared in a fresh state, and the moat valuable medicine* known to mo<lorn actence. The balance ol the treatment is put up In small pill form, pleaatnt to take and handy to carry In tbo jockct. The complete treatment ia put up in package!, and contaiDM all medicines necr aaiwy for TALLULAH FALLS, GA.,‘ ON THE PIEDMONT AIR LINE, In the Blue Ridge Mountains 20C0 feet above Sea Level. Cliff House and Cottages, Will open on June 1st. to November. For further particulars, address, A. H. & F. B. SCOFIELD. Proprietors. Late of Hotel Ka tertkill, Catsklll Mountair N. Y , aud Inland Hotel, Chica o. nrarWdt-t-s-SOt. H. COBB DAVIS, DEALER IN Fine Pork. Beef, Mutton, Sausage,Be. 3 foot H. COBB DAVIS. package. |2."0. three package* Sent prepaid and iteverfly stvtltMi on receipt of price. Knowing u« wo do the great curative effects of Salvo Treatment, we will give the following guarantee: With each order for three package a (4 months treatment) enclosing 96.00, we will send our WRITTEN GUARANTEE to refund the money If the treatment does not cflecl h cure. T ree package* sen* C. O. l>. oa receipt of 12.00, to secure us againat loss. Send money by P. O. Moner OrJer, Registered Lctlor, Express, or Batik Draft at our risk. Address, SALVO CHEMICAL CO., No. 1A a SIwtl* Street, St. Louis, Mo. A treatise on HALVO TREATMENT, coutaln- lug testlmonis's fr»*m eminent physicians as to the virtue of tbo principal curative properties of the ti cut me ut, sent free. (Kealwd ) tntrliidAwtr. WEAKIUNDEVELOPEO mo ADVERTISERS.—Lowest Rates for advor- Ji tfslng in HO* gin d !»*•*• apapera sent free. Ad dress GKO. P.JtOWKLl. A CtJ.,10 .spruce St., N. Y. P ATENTS secured on reasonable terms. Work reliable: papers carefully and legally drawn. Writ* for particulars. N. L. Collamku, patent Attorney and Mechanical Engineer, tg. cloud Bulb!lug, Washington, D. C. novlkdtf. PROCRASTINATION IS THE THIEF GF TIME I IT IS ALSO THE THIEF OF HEALTH, ifor by 1‘rocrastiration we allow 4li>ca6e to take hold of ourselves, we feel Badly, Languid and Tired, but nine out of ten of us say, well I will feel better in the morning, morning comes but the good feel'.ng that we expected does not come with it, tor disease is the robber ot man's happiness, pleasure and com fort, has taken possession of us. it is an established fact and very potent to all that if the system is in good condition it is utterly impossi ble for disease to attact us. As cotton is king in common, so is the Liver the king in the human system and if this organ is kept in good condition the happiness, pleasure and comlorts of life can be enjoyed. Gilders Liver Pills Will keep this great organ in health. Try them, you cun find them at any drug store. JOHN CRAWFORD & CO., Athens, - Georgi OR. □. F. BTEIFER, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN ATHENS, GEOUCUA, O ffers his Medical Scrvloes to the people of Athens, Georgia. Office on Jackaoo Street Third Door South o. Broad Street. Residence on Lumpkin Street. Office hours from 9 to 11 A. M„ 9 to 6 P. M. febI0dAwly.87 ALLEN J. ARNOLD, ATTORNEY AT LAW Monroe, Georgia. LL practice in Welto n, Oconee, Clarke an *<t*Hcent counties R. L. J. SMITH, attorney and counsellor at law HARMONY GROVE, GEORGIA. Will practice In Jackson, Banks, Dr.Hardman a drug s FARR BROTHERS, Nouse and Sign Painters Decoraters and Dealers in Wall Paner. . Athens, Georgia. Telephone 17-1. epl25tl.8e. N o.t, W«»T PALY. I’ve Augusta lu:15 p m Macon “ ‘ “ WO. 4.BAST DAILY. L'veAtlanta... t:oo •• Uutnn «.«n J'"* A'ro Macon 7:60 am •• Macon. 6:30 p a A've Atlanta. 9:8J a.m ar’e Augusta.. 9:00 a m Train numDtr 27 will atop as ana receive p» tengere to and from the following etalons oat y Grovetown, Harlem, Hearing, Thomson Nor wood, Barnet Crawford vllle. Union Point,Green • esboro, Madison, Rutledge, Social Circle Covington, Conyers, Llthonla, Stone Moon tain and Decatur. Train No. 28 a 111 stop at and receive passengers to and from the following stations only: Grovetown, Hanem Hearing Thompson, Norwood, Barnett Craw fordvilie, Union Point, Greensboro, Madison Rutledge, Social Circle, Covington, Conyers Llthonla. Btnne Mountain and Decatnr. Train Mo. 61 on Athens Branch gives pasas o- gers for No 28 ou main line, 15 minutes f<r-^ supper at Harlem. T Trains to and from Athens connect with trains 27,29.1 and?. JC. R. DORSEY, Gen. Pass. Agent. * JOHN W GRKKN G”n’l Manager JOB W. WHITE, Usn'l Traveling PaMeneir Agent. Augusta. Ga. PIEDMONT AIR-LINE ROUTE. Richmond: and: Danville: Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULE In Effect Sept. 4, 1887. Trains run by 75th Meridian time—One hour faster than noth Meridian time 4D Clayton Street You2i And it good to rrgu- The organs of both small Headache, and the woe . That sod Dyspeptic* ever Besides 'tie pleasant to the Bo none need gulp U down la haste. , August 17—1 StOO to S300, A or^\VL^u“^. for red who can furntah thoir own horses and give their whole time to the hardness. Spare moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON «% CO., 1013 Main SL, Richmond, Va. mar!7d.twlm. $700 to $2500expense, con be made working for ns. Agents preferml who can funitdi iheir owb horse* sad give rhefr whole time to trio liiulncx*. Spare moments may be profitably • mi >lovo. | aUo. A few vacancies In towns and cittee. b. P •OUNbON A CO.. kH3 M-'" R1*** «wd. Va. k Co 10 Spruce SL, New York, In good fait h . obtain au needed iaformalMn about any ivopoeed line of Advertising in American News paper*. 176 page pamphlet. 80c. marlTdlm. If All DAN live at home, and make more ■ 1111 suoney at work lor ue,than at anything V llllelse iu this world. Capital not needed; I U I#you are started free. Bath sexes; sll ages. Any uoeeando the rork. Large earnings sure from first start. Costjy outfit and terms M, Better not delay. tUoeta yog nothing to rend us your addnsa a*, d find out; lr ypu ajre wise you will do so at once. H. HALLRTT A CO.. ec23!Awtf Portland. Maine. Fore Sweet fell! WhUkey, baud made double copper 1 gallon. .... t 9-4 gallons, .... Or by the barrel at .... ... Have on hand 2,300 gallons of stram distilled, pure 100 proof corn wntskey at *1.80 per gallon. Terms fash. auglSdtf JOEL COFFEE. Lula, Ga. FINE JERSEY BULL I a Xu fir Kubxko Kioto, W ILL Serve Unregistered Cows at $>.00 and Registered Cows at $10,00. s. m.;hunter, mar27d0m. Alliens, Ga. X. ». ALLK*. T, O. UADAWAY. w; (heir own homes, tl to Ft per day <an be quiet ly made. Work sent by msll any distance. Par. ticularsfiee. No canvassing. Addreas at once, CRESCKMT ART CO., 247 Milk St.. Boston .Vasa. Box 6170 >*pt20dAwlm. _ NTBNDIMG ADVRRT1MWR4 »houbl addrm X GEO. P. HOW I LL A CO., 10 Spruce rttrev t, New YorkCiU, for Select List of 1.000 Newspaper*, will be eent PRKK. oa ap- plleatlott. sept20J4wlm. orpun «» sujh s.kvr.oKswn. spp'ies w me forlettersoi d.smtmion from said Ouardisn<hIn. These are therefore to cite and admonish all odd* earned to show cause at the regular form of Uu (kartof Ordinary of gold rountr on the irxt Monday in Kovenbcr next why said letters should not bt granted. Given nnaer ay hand nt office this 5th dav of September, 1887. a;ptl8w4L ASA M. JACKSON, Ordinary. R. H. ALLEN & CO. Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In' Saddles and Harness, AND HQRSE EQUIPMENTS GENERALLY. We Mtnufsuture ouy oen goods with all the new and improved facilities. Dealers in Barnsssand Saddlery Goods will save monpy by galling out prices. R. U. ALLK.N A CO- No. 49, Clayton 8treet, Athens. Ga WANTED, 10,000 TOHS Of m SEED AT Til* ATHENS OIL MILL. THE CEsr PRICE PAID. BoptSuiwtf. 'j W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Th ' s S5l r . n %.. 8 ^?E3: ,!8S Finest Calf, perfect fit. and / A warranted. Congress, Button and Lace, all style# to*. Al iyc stylish and durahlo those costlni the U Shoes _ tl«*d by other | d ' No. 51. NO. 63, Litre Atlanta, arrive Games/tile, •* Lula, •• Toccod, *' fceueca, '• Dude,, » " Grceuviile | “ Sp srtanb irg, j <*«00 PM «13 “ •J 37 '• loVJ " 1 37 '*. •2*5 AM 2U " 7 40 4 M 10 « •• 11 t«l •• 12 15 N.«n 103 PM 2 1 - 2 3| " 8 4 i " lA-uvo SparunDuig, a i nve Trywti, " Haiudi, " Flat K.<-k, ** Ueudcrsouvill •, " A*:»«vi le, *• hut -prinys. Leave ■Np«rUt.,uuri, a • rive •>, " Gastonia. , “ «*i.arlotte. 1 4U A .VI 417 ' 4 67 ” 6 87 5 M •• 7 Od 2 13 A~M an» •• ^ 17 •* 496 ” 6 44 /V .VI 21'* P St 4 as •• 6 57 ** 7m» •• iw •; 0 40 ** 4 31 : - 5 4*2 ** 025 *• 8 *4 - M 86 « M" 145 *• ' Hair lab '* t.ohJsb »ro, " Greensboro, u*uvil|>>, '* Kictimoi d, - A M 1010 ' :i 46 P M 0 4*. r • 11 t iiuchborg, “ Charlottesville, “ Waabiogiou, * Baltimore, •• Pi'lsOr Ipbfo, “ New York, 115 3 40 ?! 8 28 *• U2J ** 3 O'! A 0 2> *‘ 4 10 " 8 IQ !• 10 03 *• 12 36 PM 3 20 " 8 I'THBf UNO. daily. No. 50 No. 62. Leave New Y»»rlt " Philadelphia, u Ba't'->i»re.. •* Washington. " Charlottesville, *' l.ynchhu-w, 12 15 A M 7X0 •» y 4t " 1124 »*. 33. PM «80 • 4 80 P 61 0'7 “ «4 ‘2 “ 11 DO •• ^ am *• Klenui i.o, *' Danvllfo, • itreen »»M»ro, 8 80 ” 10 <4 ” 230 ” N06 •• 9 48 •: ** Goidsh ro, “ Ralalfh. 3 (U *’ 8 80 •• In io f*M t«1 ft AM 1133 • loop if 144. “ 261 •• 8** *»’ o .% M • 5* " l rt 18 M IOTA • It 8 •* • '0 P 61 “ Saisbi.ry, 12 87 A M 2 /5 * *• 321 •» 4 40 “ 628 * 70~ PM u 4v •• 1H 7 *» 1123 •* 11 63 * 12 1 *' L'lieri tie, •' itAstotita, '• Gaffiisv*, Arrive Sparse! urv, Leave Hot Hprluds, *, Mkhev.ile, '* H» tide s >nv 1 e, ” Flat Hot k, " Saluda, ‘ Trynti, Arrive 8r»v an**- rv. leave f*pnrunt/uiii, " G.eenvllle, '* Ersby '* Seneca '• Toccjm *' Lul t, " iraloeavi fo, Arrive 61W ** r M2t ** 9 2!» *’ at * 1101 ” 1 »• 1* <•;« •* 6 4 - 0 12 ” 708 •* Nri " 8 44 •' I* 4'» '.* (WANT A N STB SELL THE •8B8SF' WASHER olulblnx (lUnBOUllr. • ampleon two WMkx' trial on llb.ral ttrme. ,000 M5£riLUH,MsfiHB ts?. imffittinritsis: st TIT ANTED—Agents tn everf town and ell tV U|. to Mil our NKIV CIIKIsrilAS B )OK4 (•*»), aelflng from (0 eta to £t.fio One woman with a lastly writes that aha averaged 97.00 a day last yaar, dom Sept mber mi'll Christman. One new agent made f 12S in six weeks One sold 96 the first week In a village of onlv 200 Try it In vour school district If no more. You can m*k« fr-'m 125to600. D. E. LUTHER, *spt20dtkw3w 59 Whltahall St., Atianta, Ga. A Fine Farm in Banks County, FOR SALE OR RENT. 1 WISH lo aell, or rent, Aiy entire Tatm 1 in The lower part of Bank, County, Known os tl)e “.fxck Fifeman place!;’ Thl» farm konUlnt tj37j, xiite, of good farming Ixnria; 300 acrea h la k good a ate of colllvxllon, the remainder in o)il field pines and original forest. On .In,form is. eofld two «tqrydwelling honre. with iff necessary outbuildin** and x|io four tenen! houses. This farm i, ^ mile, But of Harmony Grove and iO mile. Sooth of Hnmer. Ill, pon- venient to churphe*. KhooU and mil)*, and I, a very desirable |i|ace In every re,pwt, I will rent Mils farm fdritand. ing rent for on. year or longer, but would proffer to icjL I will Mil thl* place very obtep, lor cub, or on time with good security. For term, end full pwisulwi, Attorney it Law. kugflddcwtf. Uxruony SrOTt, • Clly Time. f Dally except Sun J* y I Mondays, Weene»d«ys sml Fridays. ’ hiIeei’inu caH hkhvice. * On trains 60 an I 8l, PuY'iaan Aulfct Sleepers between Naw Yor* • and Atlanta. Pullut* n Slet per butwtt'u Ashivlll* hud AIihms 1 vlk Spartanl nrg. ‘ •- * • Ou tralas 52 ant) ^ Pullman Puffel Sleeper between Washingfou mid Mnutgiiutorj; Wsabihg 1 ton aud Autusia. Vul‘.ab S.t'fc er beiwVM! Greensboro' and ||tchtauud, 'G^eia.vboAf Through tlrkefs on ule gt pripcipal klallouc 19 all potqts )H>r ratra and lufurmalioff hRpif to sny «rgi<) of (he company or a r * ■ObflA 18, 4 LtfoCLH9^EY.4A8.L.TAYLQ Traffic Ui». Paflt. Upu. ifohs'f. Manager, Agt. Alt, Adanfo. (in, ^ NOKTH-hABTlHN RAlROAD. schrmute will operate on thla read. Train * run by 76th meridian lime, 8U minutes abend of Athena Clly time. Vo. 9 4:10 pm *: 7 pm ft;17 p m 6;fo p m 6,*20 pm •;45 pm Noam. Leave Athena Leave (Mnier Lnave Nicholson . . ^eaveHarm> ny Grove.. Leave Maysville....,...... lAave GlluvUie Arrive at La Leave Lula. Leave Coinelln . Leave Clakavtlle... 8.47 a ui 8:54 am if,*16 n ui l^m •;49 am 1e,05 a m 12; • n a Leave Clarksville.., Leave Cornells U-ave Lula....