Southern literary gazette. (Charleston, S.C.) 1850-1852, August 31, 1850, Image 3

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dJiiitors’ Drpnrtment. WM. C. RICHARDS, Editor. D. H. JACQUES, Associate Editor. (Tljarlrstau, #. SATURDAY MORNING, AUG. 31. 1850. CALIFORNIA. Our Western El Dorado still claims a large ■•liare of the world’s attention. The newspa pers of two continents teem with glowing ac counts of the golden harvests being gathered from its auriferous soil. Books without num ber arc writfcn and published, the burden of whose pages is California and Gold, and they ar , all eagerly sought and read. Influenced bv the wonderful revelations and developments made in these publications, and by the still more weighty evidence of actual and unmis takable big lumps and heavy packages of the yellow metal, brought back by those who have, with their own hands, taken it from the gravel and mud, on the banks of the Sacramento or the Eio de lun Americanos, crowds of adven ture, s, of ail lands and nations and languages, have rushed and are rushing madly towards the Land of Gold. No earthly power can cheek the human tide which is now rolling westward. It will move on till it tills to over flowing all the vallies and mountain-gorges of the new Paotolus. Taking a broad and com prehensive view of the subject, in all its bear ings, perhaps this irresistible golden attraction is not to he regretted ; but how many of those who compose this vast tide, now full of hope and confidence, are impelled onward to invi tijble destiuction ; and how many more will return, cursing the glittering but delusive phantom of their dreams, which allured them away from home and friends only to mock them with unattainable treasures. \Ve have just been reading the news by the late arrivals from Circumstances have given to the detail.- of life at the mines, ] and in the growing cities and towns of our j Patilic Commonwealth, with which some of j our exchanges are tilled, an unusual and mel ancholy interest to us. California presents itself to us under various aspects. At the first glimpse we see it only as a LAND OF GOLD another garden of the Hesperides. In the Tribune, Herald and Sun, the news by the steam-ship Philadelphia is headed with ♦1,000,000 IN GOLD DUST, in large capitals and figures, and the letters which the.-e papers publish, trom their corres pondents, and the extracts they make froth California papers, abound in accounts of new discoveries and hitherto unheard of successes in the gold regions. Witness the following paragraphs: Gold Rr.v, —A friend from Nevada informs as that the streams that run through that place called Gold Run, of which sucli sutprising ac counts have been given, have been all dug over, up to the hills in which they commence. On coming to the hills, however, the leads contin ued extremely rich, and the miners are still working into the banks. Whenever the gold is reached, it is found in large quantities. One party of four or five men, took out nine pounds in one day. Gold Lake. —At the head of Nelson’s Creek lie tlie famous “ Gold Lake ” diggings, so styled from a large body of water which is found there at this time. These diggings are at such an altitude above the level of the plains, that the atmosphere is pure and invigorating. Goltl is found in great abundance over a large tract of quart'/, region. * * * Captain S. dates his conviction that these are richer diggings than any yet discovered in the Northern Placer. Men were making from one to five hundred dollars per day with ease. Many thousands are congregating there. The Captain says “ the mountains are full of’em.” But here are items which throw all former golden tales into the sh<p]e,and shame “Sinbad the Sailor” and Baron Munchausen, and yet they come in the most authentic form: A Larue Lump. —Great pieces of gold are now found frequently. Win. C. St&tterfield picked up a lump of the pure stuff’ near Nevada City, weighing 81|- ounces. The Biggest Lump Yet. —Last evening we examined the largest lump of gold we believe ever dug in California ; it is a mixture of quartz and gold, the whole weighing 30 pounds (360 ounces) troy. From the tests is ascer tained that the lump contains about 23 pounds of pure gold. Another view’ reveals the dark shades from which these golden lights stand out in such bold relief, and we see a SAD PICTURE. Though the morals of Sau Francisco are re presented as improving, a terrible state of things prevails in some parts of the country, especially at the Southern Mines. The Stockton Journal says that “ around Sonora scaicely a night passes without a murder, and that when the miner retires to his repose, he knows not but to-morrow’s sun will find him the victim of the assassiu’s knife. It is thought,” continues the Journal, “ that within the last tw'o weeks twenty men have been murdered in that neigh bourhood.” The Journal, Times, and other California papers, abound in paragraphs like the following: , A Man Missing—A gentleman, whose name i ” e have been requested not to mention at pre- j sent, started ftom Sonora on the 7th instant, to come to Stockton. He has not arrived, and has not been heard of since he left the mines, and he is probably another victim of the murderous gang which is prowling about Sonora. Guerrillas. —lt is stated that there is a guerrilla party in the mountains, headed by a famous Mexican robber, nor are we inclined to doubt the statement, as we have ourselves been witness of the disturbed state of feeling among the foreign population. It lias become unsafe to travel, and every man goes armed with a re volver and a knife. Another Murder. —On Saturday night, another murder was committed near Sonora. 1* appears that a party of three Americans was stopped by three Chilenos. One of the Amert cans was shot and a second badly wounded. 1 he third effected his escape. Murders. —Two men were found naked, with their throats cut, at the Chinese diggings, on Sunday last. X / On Wednesday two men were found dead, their pockets having been rifled, near Souora. XJTTwo Mexicans were shot on Tuesday at Jamestown. ” ith what intense interest are the records ul deaths, published in the California papers, scanned by those who have friends among the mines ; and to many the Land of Gold seems but a LAND OF GRAVES, “Lne lie buried husbands, fathers, brothers and friends, and with them all their hopes and plans °f life. Among the deaths announced by a late ar- I n 'al, was that of one who was to us all that | 111 and purest friendship and the most harmony of sympathies and feelings ‘d'l make him—more -than a brother—one “ Dear as the mother to the son.” So| Jght the glittering dust of El Dorado “in no selfish and sordid motives. He sought e mef tns to bless those lie loved. But neither I is high aspirations and noble purposes of life, | r die prayers of those to whom he was I ‘'‘ arp i’ than all else, could save him, and the jl tenement which enshrined one of the pur -1 spirits that ever blessed the earth with its I Le.-mce, ii es beneath the clods of the valley, ot ‘ ‘he banks of the Bio de los Americunos. I ut we would not intrude our private grief I “Pon the public ear. Our thoughts will linger arouud the grave of our friend, but our pen need not and shall not here record them. After all that has been or can be said, Cali fornia doubtless offers great inducements to those who are out ot employment and have health, strength and energy sufficient to enable them to endure toil and privation and to meet and overcome the difficulties which will most certainly surround them. But let those who are comfortably situated at home, and are earning a good living, think twice before they give up the certainty of their present condition for the uncertainty of gold-seeking in Cali fornia. * ANAGRAMS. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the process of anagramatizing names and sen tences was one of the most popular amuse ments in fashionable and literary society.— Some of these efforts, which have been handed down to us, ace very clever, and deserve to rank as high at least, as trials of wit, as the conundrums of our day. Charles IX of France had a mistress who e name was Marie Touchet, the letters of which were transposed and trans formed into Je charme tout, (I charm all,) to the infinite delight of the court and the nation. The name of the assassin of Henry 111 was Frere'Jucques Clement, which was transformed into the appalling sentence, C’ est Tenser qui tria cree, (It is hell which created me.) One Randle Holmes, who wrote a book on heraldry, was anagramatized thus: Lo men’s herald. O’lsraeli cites the anagram made on the name of Lady Eleanor Davies, as one of the happiest ever produced. The Lady Eleanor was the wife of Sir John Davies, the poet, and “ was,” says the author of the ‘ Curiosities of Litera ture,’ “ a very extraordinary character; she was the Cassandra of her age ; and several of her productions warranted her to conceive she was a prophetess. As her prophecies in the troubled times of Charles I were usually against the government, she was at length brought by them into the Couit of High Commission.— The prophetess was not a little mad,and fan ! cied the spirit of Daniel was in her, from an anagram she had formed ot her name, Eleanor | Duties —to Reveal O Daniel. The anagram had too much by an l, and too little by an s; yet Daniel and Reveal were in it, and that was sufficient to satisfy her inspirations. The court attempted to dispossess the spirit from the lady, while the bishops were in vain reasoning the point with her out of the Scriptures, to no pur pose, she poising text against text. One of the Deans of the Arches, says Hylin, took up a pen and at last hit upon tins excellent anagram: Dame Eleanor Davies—Never so mad a la die The happy fancy put the solemn court into laughter, and Cassandra into the utmost dejection of spirit. Foiled by her own weapons, her spirit suddenly forsook her; and either she never afterwards ventured on prophesying, or the anagram perpetually reminded her hearers of her state. No more was heard of the pro phetess.” * <l>nr (oasfii|i Column. Winthrop Mackworth Praed. The only collection we have ever met with of this author’s admirable verse—that published some years ago in New York—excited our de sire to see more oi his productions, a wish so rarely gratified, that we hailed with great plea sure several waifs of his recently collected in a j volume entitled “ Memoirs of Eminent Etoni ans,” Os these we copy a little poem for the amusement of our .eaders. Its humour is characteristic of Praed, who is not half so well kuovn to the public as he should he. VERSES On seeing the Speaker asleep in his Chair in one of the 1 Debates of the First Reformed Parliament. Sleep, Mr. Speaker, ’t is surely fair If you maj n’t in your bed, that you should in your chair. j Louder and longer now they grow, Tory and Radical, Aye and Noe; Talking by night and talking by day, Sleep, Mr. Speaker, sleep while you may! Sleep, Mr, Speaker; slumber lies Lignt and brief on a Speaker’s eyes. Fieldeu or Finn in a minute or two Some disorderly thing will do; Riot will chase repose away — Sleep, Mr. Speaker, sleep while you may! Sleep, Mr. Speaker. Sweet to men Is the sleep that cometh but now and then, Sweet to the weary, sweet to the ill, Sweetto the children that work in the mill. You have more need of repose than they— Sleep, Mr. Speaker, sleep while you may! Sleep, Mr. Speaker, Harvey will soon Move to abolish the sun and the moon; Hume will no doubt be taking the sense Os the House on a question of sixteen pence. Statesmen will howl, and patriots bray— Sleep, Mr. Speaker, sleep while you may! Sleep, Mr. Speaker, and dream of the time When loyalty was not quite a crime, When Grant was a pupil in Canning’s school. And Palmerston fancied Wood a fool. Lord, how principles pass away— Sleep, Mr. Speaker, sleep while you may. Bail Road Vandalism- The International of last week has an arti cle to awaken our sympathies, touching the effects of Rail Road Vandalism upon two great American authors—Audubon and Washington Irving. Os the former, it says that he bought a pretty little estate on the banks of the Hud son, whither he repaired to spend the evening of ; his arduous life, in the midst of the unsurpassed i natural beauties of the spot he had chosen. The rail-way surveyors and contractors invaded his domain, built a rail-way across his garden and his liver paths, destroyed his repose, “and,” says the chronicle, the melancholy truth is unknown —made of his mind a ruin.” To add to the mournful feelings excited by this incident, we learn that the quaint and ele gant chronicler of the Hudson is now lying ill at Wolfert's Boost, of a sickness engendered by foul exhalations from unsightly fens which the rail-way operations have left upon his river grounds. His friends are quite alarmed for the result, and not without reason. We trust, with them, that his life may yet be spared. The sacrifice of Audubon’s reason and Ir ving’s health, if not his life, is a fearful cost for the public advantages supposed to be achieved “by laying a railway upon the banks of the beau tiful Hudson, to say nothing of the utter de struction of the picturesque features of the river margin along its whole extent. Henceforward it will be a pain to the sensitive mind to pass over its iron track, conscious that the irreverent speed of its flight is only mockery to Genius prostrated and Beauty defaced, which hitherto hallowed and made classic the region, now, alas! profaned by the spirit of Mammon ! The World’s Fair-Exhibition Building. We gather from the London papers some items in relation to this remarkable structure, which is to be. The total height, says The Builder, will now be 100 feet, sufficient to in close the highest of the trees on the ground, and Messrs. Fox and Henderson have taken the contract for its execution, to be completed in the present year, for the sum of 85,500/ —the materials remaining their property. The Art Journal says, the conservatory is to cover eighteen acres and be 110 feet in height, and adds, there will be on the ground floor alone eight miles of tables; 1,200,000 square feet of glass (manufactured by Chance of Birming ham) ; twenty-four miles of one description of gutter, and 218 miles of “ sash bar and in the construelion 4000 tons of iron will be expended. The wooded floor will be arranged with “ divi sions,” so as to allow the dust to fall through. Within a very short period 2000 men will be employed in the building. * SOUTHERN LITERARY GAZETTE. Jack Downing a Geometer. Seba Smith, the well-known author of Major Jack Downing’s famous Letters, is about to as tonish the world with anew system of Geome try, in which he demolishes the old axioms, at the base of geometrical science, touching lines and surfaces. He is to demonstrate that every line possesses breadth as well as length, and every surface thickness as well as length and breadth. We find this announcement, with further details of much interest, in the Interna tional of last week. The Poet and the Police. The poet Bekanoer recently appeared at one of the public gardens of Paris, when his pre sence excited so much popular enthusiasm that ■cries of -Vive Reranger! and Vive la Re publique rose from a thousand lips. The ac clamations continued with so much vehemence that a police agent, apprehensive of a tumult, requested the noble old bard to retire, which he immediately did. (Our 36nnk Ml*. The Berber ; or the Mountaineer of the Atla*. A Tale of Morocco. By Wm. tStarbuck Mayo, M. D., author of “ Kaloolah,” &c. Sic. New Vork: G. P. Putnaiji. j 1850. The reader who expects to find in “ The ; Berber” a companion for “ Kaloolah,” will be j disappointed. It is quite another thing. “Ka-| loolah” is a strange, wild fiction, wearing the garb of a real and authentic narrative, and al most cheating even the intelligent reader into a belief that it is such. “ The Berber ”is a regu larly constructed novel, in which all the “ uni ties” are respected and the most thorough or thodoxy maintained throughout. It has its full compliment oi dramatis personas, its plots ‘ and counter-plots—in short, all the machinery of a romance of the old school. It lacks the I bizarrerie of “ Kaloolah ” and falls somewhat \ below that work in freshness and in exuber ance of imagination and fancy, but we recog- I nize in it the same graphic power, the same , consummate skill in the construction of plots j and the management of details, and the same rapidiiy of movement, which keeps up the ex- j citement and never permits the reader’s interest j to flag for a single moment, from the. com- j mencement to the close. Dr. Mayo has per- ‘ haps achieved even a greater triumph in “The j Berber ” than in “ Kaloolah,” and the former work will, we doubt not, find a still greater number of admirers than ihe latter has done ; but we must still adhere to our first love. We still prefer “Kaloolah.” “The Berber” is only a novel. “ Kaloolah,” if in one sense it is something less than a novel, in another is something more. But we do not care to pursue the comparison. • We can eommend “ The Berber ” as one of the cleverest books of the season. We shall attempt no synopsis of the story, but will give our readers, in another de partment of our paper, some of its graphic delineations. We close here with a single extract. It is descriptive of a scene at a meshourah or general audipnee of Muley Is mael, the amiable (?) soltan (we follow Dr. Mayo’s orthography) of Morocco : Upon a sign from the soltan, two Jews ad vanced, crouching and creeping along the , ground in the most humble and deprecating at titude. They were the wealthiest and most in fluential of their tribe in Morocco, but for -a long time they had been deadly enemies, and at last one of them, named Ben Hattar, had car : ried his animosity so far as to oiler to purchase his enemy from the soltan for a large sum. It was no uncommon thing in Morocco, in the days of our story, for the soltan, instead of ’ “ squeezing ” a man suspected of wealth, hitn- I sell, to sell him out to some enterprising specu lator, who thus acquired the right of torment ing his captive until he disclosed his hoards. Ino •• bought man ” was beaten, burned with irons, and hung by the feet, until he disgorged I enough to pay the price that his buyer had ! given, and a fair profit on the investment. The reader will be disposed to admit that if the spirit of speculation has, in the present day, attained a greater degree of refinement in its modes of operation, it does not surpass the old Maroquein methods in directness and boldness. In the case of Ben Hattar, the soltan at once accepted the offer, and the money was paid. Bpt sending for Benshemole, he informed him of the bargain that had been made, i “ I will give twice the sunt for him,” cried Benshemole. “ Send it to the treasurer, and appear at the meshourah to-morrow,” replied to the soltan ; and in obedience to this order the two rivals and enemies were now before him. The eyes of Muley Ismael twinkled with an expression ot malicious fun, and for a few minutes he looked at the crouching Jews with out speaking. Breaking silence, he, in a very good hu moured tone, reproached them for their mutual folly—thanked them ironically for letting him know how much each thought the other worth —told them that he should keep the sums they had offered, but that he could not think of com mitting the injustice of allowing Ben Hatter to be rated at a less value than Benshemole, and that the former must at once double the sum he had already paid. “ And now, most worthy children of the Holy Prophet Abraham,” continued the soltan, “ embrace each other and be friends!” . .Struck with the exceeding tolly of their en mity, the rivals obeyed the order and embraced, ! thus commencing a friendship which was soon cemented by the marriage of Benshemole to the daughter of Ben Hattar. The soltan threw himself back in his gig, and fairly grinned with delight, upon which a low murmur of applause ; ran round the court. A burly, truculent-looking Moor, taking ad vantage es the soltan’s good humour, stepped out from the crowd, and placing his hand upon his heart, advanced towards the gig. “ God preserve our lord !” he exclaimed. “ Long life to the just sidi! Health to the merciful sidi! Happiness to the wise sidi! Who can speak of the justice of our lord ? It fills the heart, but it seals the bps. The justice of Allah is the justice of sit* !” A scowl settled upon the face of the soltan; and leaning forward, he addressed the pre sumptuous sycophant in a subdued tone, that to the old courtiers foreboded a spring of the tiger. “ And how know you aught of the justice of the soltan ?” he demanded. “ Is it not famed,” replied the Moor, “ from Tangier to Timbuctoo ? Is not the world filled with it \ Is not crime extirpated from the country! And is not robbery unknown? Could not a woman ride from one end of the land to the other, with a purse of gold in her lap, and no one dare to molest her ? ’Twas but three days since that I was coming from Tituan—a i bag of walnuts lay by the road side, but no tra veller dared disturb it.” “ How did you know that it was a bag of walnuts ?” interposed the soltan. “ 1 dismounted from my horse and touched it with my foot,” replied the Moor. “ Which foot,” demanded the soltan, in a tone that sent a shudder through the crowd, and made even the rash and presumptuous flat terer tremble. The Moor saw, when too late, that he had ventured within the tiger’s clutch. His voice faltered, and in silence he pointed to his left foot. “ Strike oft’ the foot that has dared to touch a bag of walnuts left without an owner by a road-side in my empire,” roared the soltan ; and hardly had the command left his mouth, when the Moor was seized by the executioners, his leg thrown over a block of wood, and stricken off with a single blow. A plaster of hot pitch stopped the hemorrhage, and with a feeling of resignation to the orderings of Providence, common to the Moors, but which the most de vout Christian seldom attains—the unlucky courtier left the garden, to be in a few days called again to court, received into favour, and sent as bashaw, in all honour, to a distant province. * I,ivies or Eminent Literary and Scientific Men or America. By Jamas Wynne, M. D. One vol. lli mo. New York: D. Appleton & Cos. Contributions of this sort to the rapidly aug menting fund of American Literature, are at once important and agreeable. Biography, more than any other form of narrative, im presses the mind of the reader and prompts the young to a noble emulation of the virtues and achievements of great men. We are therefore disposed to greet cordially any earnest attempt to portray the lives of the leading men of this country, and the volume before us is the more welcome that it is devoted to the heroes of Literature and Science—as truly heroes as those who distinguish themselves upon the battle field, with this difference in favour of the former, that the coronal of their glory has never been steeped in the tears and blood of humanity. The author of this volume is a physician of high repute in Baltimore. He wields a ready and a graceful pen, and exhibits much tact in seizing upon the prominent points in the lives of the illustrious men included itt this book. They are only six in number, and it is a natural inference that this volume is but one of a series. We have no hesitation in saying that if the au thor pursue his plan with the taste and care which mark its beginning, he will render an acceptable service to the public, and secure to himself a well-earned meed of fame. The memoirs embraced in this volume are those of Franklin, Edwards, Fulton, Marshall, Rittenhouse and Whitney. They are char acterized by a judicious array of chief incidents in the lives of these distinguished men, and by a candid estimate of their relations to the great progress of their country. The style of the book is chaste and yet forcible, the author’s purpose being evidently to present his subject, rather than himself, to the reader. Avery commendable diligence in the search after ma terial for his work, is both manifested and re warded by the variety of his interesting facts. We cannot do less than thank hint for the grati fication his labour has afforded us. His publish ers, also, deserve our acknowledgments for the handsome shape in which they have given his book to the public. To their courtesy we are especially indebted for a copy of the work in Advance of its publication. __________ The Lorgnette ; or Studies of the Town. By an Opera-Goer. Onevol. lSmo. New York: Stringer it Townsend. The very handsome volume before us em braces twelve numbers of a shilling pamphlet, j i which has appeared semi-monthly upon the I | literary horizon of Gotham, and with each I successive appearance excited more and more 1 | the public curiosity as to its authorship. The very fact that this has been variously imputed j ; to first one and then another of the “ stars ” ! about town, until nearly eve.y well-known | name in the literary circles of New York has ; been connected more or less confidently with the Lorgnette, is prima facie evidence that its : dainty pages have home no ordinary impress. | i The truth is, that whoever the author may be, j ! the “ Studies of the Town ”. possess uncommon merit and will take rank among the very cle- i ; verest sketches of the day. They abound in i , felicitous criticism upon men and tilings, and | ; are enlivened by a keen but refined satire, yet I utterly devoid of malice. Wit and wisdom are happily blended in their dashing stakes, and the ‘ effect’ is not at all doubtful. To the public, the author still preserves an incognito which it would be glad to put aside. We will ; not hazard a guess just now, though we have j ! our notion about it. Mr. Darley’s felicitous pencil has been called I ; into requisition to illustrate this first series ol I I the Lorgnette, which, taken altogether, is a most admirable and pleasant book. The con tinued semi-monthly issues will very shortly amount to a second volume, and it is unneces sary to say that the success of the enterprize is no longer at all problematical. Popular Anatomy and Physiology, adapted to the use i/r CfiuUema attu ottiiumi ivcttuein. Jy xvtrv. jl . o. Lambert, M. D. New York: Leavitt & Cos. 1850. Though more attention is now paid, both in schools and by private students, than formerly, to the studies of Anatomy and Physiology, they are still too much neglected, and any person who furnishes new inducements and new facili ties for the pursuit of these branches of educa tion, is a public benefactor. Such we consider the author of the volume before us. From such an examination as we have been able to give it, we are inclined to consider it one of the best works of the kind ever published. It is thorough and complete, though concise, in every department, and always clear and forcible in its statements. Its illustrations, a very im portant department in a work of this kind, are numerous and well executed The object of the work is thus succinctly and beautifully stated in the Introduction: “ The object of the following pages is to prove that Beauty, Health, Strength, and Length of Days, mental and physical, depend upon observing certain laws—to unfold and il lustrate these laws, and enforce the importance of obeying them.” * The Very Age. A Comedy in Five Acts. By Edward S. Gould. New York : D. Appleton & Cos. This is a decidedly clever hit at one of the most disgusting follies of fashionable society in this country , that of giving preference to foreign adventurers over the honest and honourable youth of the land. In this spirited drama, the hero passes himself off for a Bavarian noble man, and in this disguise wins the heart and hand of a beautiful young lady, who was pre viously betrothed to a worthy but untitled gen tleman. In the development of the plot, the heroine is fortunately saved from the sacrifice which seemed to threaten her, in marrying a false Count, who was in reality her own brother! The author looks upon fashionable life with ?t clear eye and does not spare its hollow-heart edness and its miserable vanities. If there were any ground to hope that its evils could be re medied, this trenchhnt satire might be of ser vice, but the votaries of fashion are Ephraim like, “joined to their idols.” Elementary Sketches or Moral Philosophy. By the late Rev. Sydney Smith, M. A. New York Harper Hi Brothers. 1850. Let not the unattractive title of “ Moral Philosophy” deter from the perusal oi’ this volume, or awaken in the mind apprehen sions of ennui and dullness. The name of Sydney Smith is a sufficient guaranty for the interest of the book. He had the power to throw an irresistible charm around any subject he choose to handle. The Lectures, (for they were originally colloquial discourses,) compos ing this volume, were delivered before a mis cellaneous audience, and are of a truly popular character. They cannot claim to present an elaborate survey of the whole broad field of moral aud menial philosophy,but as elementary sketches, which is ail they claim to be, they are unrivalled. They are throughout imbued with the author’s brilliant genius and eniiveded by his genial and inimitable humour. * Bhakspeare’s Dramatic JVorks. Boston; Phillips, Sampson & Cos. 1850. VVe have received from the publishers, through Mr. John Russell, King-street, Nos. 19 and 20 of Messrs. Phillips, Sampson &. Co’s splendid edition of the immortal bard of Avon. The illustrations alone are worth the price of the work, which is only twenty-five cents per num ber. These numbers contain the first and se cond parts of King Henry IV. * Mrs. Dalton’s Legatee. A Very Nice Woman. By Mrs. Stone. New York: Stringeri: Townsend. This story is naturally told and possesses a very considerable degree of interest. It is lively and exhibits a knowledge of human nature. The legatee, Mrs. De Snobyn, alias Snobbins! is quite a character in her way, as is also her good brother-in-law, Mr. Abel Snobbins. The story ends as it ought, with reparation to the heroine, who was disinherited for marrying a poor clergyman. She gets her own again, and “ Mrs. De Snobyn ” is of course dispossessed, but still continues to maintain the reputation oi “ a very nice woman!” tDiir Cniitriiijinranrs. Godetj 8 Lady’B Book for September has, among its numerous illustrations, three original designs. Its literary contents are in the usual style and tone. We the following beau tiful sonnet: SONNET-MORN AFTER BATTLE. BY WM. ALEXANDER, Morn glimmers o’er the purple-mantled hills, Where late the din of battle has been hushed. And bold dragoon’s wild war-horse madly rushed. Man’s life-blood flowing in a thousand rills— Commingled, heroes unawakened, sleep, Wet with red rain, which dyes their clayey bed, Whereonreststranquilly each w arrior’s head : O’er whom fair Victory, too, will ever weep— Bold hearts, ye braved the iron storm of death, While slaughter feasted on the good and brave, Making the reddest vintage of the grave! Tlien where, for Freedom, ye poured out your breath, Unfading laurels shall in triumph bloom, To decorate the soldier’s long-time honoured tomb. A peep into Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine lor July discloses several articles ol great interest, among which are “ The House of Guise,” “ Chateaubriand’s Memoirs,” “ The Pictures of the Season,” and “ The Industry of the People.” We can say nothing commend atory of the article on “The Jew Bill”—a most bitter outpouring of bigotry and mtoleranee. The number of Blackwood before us com mences anew volume and a favourable oppor tunity is now afforded for new subscribers to order the work. It undoubtedly stands at the head of the Magazines of the world. Published by Leonard Scott A Cos., New York. The American Whig Review for Au- gust has a poitiait and a memoir of John C. | Calhoun. The memoir is dedicated to the peo ple of Charleston. The number also contains a portrait of Hon. John Davis, of Massachu setts. The literary tone of the Whig Review is pure and elevated, and*its political articles are written with force and ability. We have received the first number ot | Arthur’s Hume Gazette, published in Phiia- 1 delphia by T. 8. Arthur. It is a very hand some sheet, about the size ot our Gazette, and is well tilled with Stories, Sketches and enter taining Miscellany. Mr. Arthur’s well-known talent and tact cannot fail to make the Gazette a successful paper- We have received from Us publishers, \ Charles C. Little and Jaynes Brown, Boston, the August number ot the Monthly Law Re porter. The leading article is on the case of James H. Sutliflfe, indicted in this city for arson, and tried at the February term of the Court of Appeals. Littell’s Living Age comes to our table regularly, and is always filled with the choicest selections from the periodical literature ot the day, European and American. The London Quarterly Review and the Edinburgh Review, L. Scott &l Co’s. Reprint, are on our table, and will be noticed as soon as we shall have had time to examine their contents. (Dur }'nst-36ag. [U ruler this head we shall reply to many letters, contain ing queries orsuggestiousupon suhjeetsof general interest, instead of answering them, as heretofore, by post. This will save us time, and “time is money.” We are very glad to receive letters from our subscribers, and it only re quires that the postage be paid to ensure prompt attention. Eds A El/rox The term Uisasilt its mil topiivu lent to that of Trap-rock. Basalt is a variety of trap-rock. It i- a dark-green or black stone, composed gs at.gite and felspar, very compact in texture and of considerable hardness. It is j often found in regular pillars of three or more I sides, called basaltic columns. These occur j in Giant’s Causeway and at Fingal’s Cave in Siaffa. * E. B. C. Your Story was very acceptable, as was a little sketch received some time ago for the Schoolfellow. We shall be glad to hear from you frequently. * Juvenis. No; a whale is no more a fish than is a seal or a musk-rat. The w r hale, the dolphin and some other animals resembling fishes, belong to the order C'etecea. They are vertebrated, maminiferous animals, have warm j blood, and a double circulation, and are obliged ■ to come to the surface of the water to breathe. * A. M. There may be “the invisible spirit of poetry ” hidden in your lines. In that case, | of course we can not expect to discover it, and we fear our readers would he in the same pre ! dicament. * X. Y. Z. The best advice we can give you is that of the Grecian sage, K aipov yvu >oi. * Clovis. L armour soumet la terre, assu jettit les cieux, says Corneille; it will be use less for you to centend against it. * P. The article you mention was never re ceived. * i i— 38rrnife. Eight large and splendid steam-ships are now being constructed in New York. A line of Steam Packets is to be es tablished between this city and Baltimore. The Yankee Blade, one of the sharpest of whiilers, is about to sharpen and polish itself anew. Mr. Fremiy has been elected by the Paris Academy successor of the late Gay : Lussac. A most violent gale commenced blow here on Saturday morning last and continued all day. champagne are consumed in St. Petersburg annually. The Yankee Blade says that our word | “boozy” is probably derived from booza, a I Turkish name for beer. East Bay, in our city, is a hot place, if the “ Mercury” is a test, for it is at 113, on that street, the year round ! and a half cents, the other day, for squeezing a lady’s hand. What next? Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, one of the editors of Feterson’B Magazine, was at Paris, at last accounts, on her way to St. Petersburgh. Horace Vernet is said to have received from the Emperor of Russia SIOO,OOO for his pictures of the Russian battles in Hungary. There is a man living in Jeflerson co., Tenn., who voted for General Washington for ihe Presidency. He is one hundred and twenty two years of age. The Mercury learns from private sources that the Captains of the Susan Loud and the Georgiana have been condemned to death by the Cuban authorities. Misses Frances and Meta V. Fuller, protages of the Home Journal, have become, in connection with Mr. Ingersol, editors of the Hesperian, a Western magazine. The officers of the United States Reve nue Cutter Morris have found the statue of Calhoun, and are preparing to hoist it from its watery bed, Lady Elgin and suite arrived at Albany on Monday, and took rooms at the Congress Hail. The Lord Bishop of Jamaica is at the same house. rumour is now confirmed by the party mainly interested, that Lord Brougham will shortly visit the United States. The people of Portland, Oregon, have sent its a present to the City of San Francisco a Liberty Pole 120 feet long, 1 foot thick at the base, and 3 inches at the top. Slim stick that. A female secret society, of African ori gin, has been discovered in New Orleans. Women of every hue—black, yellow, brown and white, may assist in its mysteries. Its members have been held to answer before the Recorder. Among the passengers by the Philadel phia, from Chagres, w r as General Herran, Ex- President of New Grenada. He has in his charge rive young men, sons of gentlemen re siding in New Grenada, who came to this country for the purpose of obtaining a collegiate education. One of the Tribune editors thus hits the bardlings who infest the base of Parnassus:— “ We have a large overstock of verses insti gated by the death of Gen. Taylor, which we regard as not the least deplorable among the consequences of that melancholy event. Should we want any more we will call for them.” The New York State Medical Society have offered a prize of S2O for the best essay “on the pernicious influences of nostrums and secret remedies on the health and morals of the community.” Said essay to consist of not less than .16 pages, or more than 20, to be adapted for popular rather than professional instruction. The essays to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Society before the first of January, 1851. A curious vegetable phenomenon is ex hibited on a grape vine trained upon an apple tree in Pottsville, Pa. The vine has for year? borne blossoms but no fruit. This year a fruit appeared which partakes of the nature of both the grape and the apple. It has the down, the flush and the tufted crown of the apple, but in ternally there is more of the pulpy texture ol the grape, though the seeds and capsular tegu ment are those of the apple. 31m s nf fljr Daq. Another Mammoth Care. —The cave re cently discovered near Madison, Wisconsin, is supposed to extend under the greater part ol Dove and lowa counties. An exploring party lately passed live days in examining it. They passed over and among large masses, which proved to be lead ore of fine quality, spreading over an extent of three miles. They found also tine copper ore, and eleven pounds ol native silver. Crystals, stalactites, incrustations, <fcc., were abundant, and water-falls and a lake, which was explored in a canoe, and found to be thirty-seven feet deep. From Texas. —By the Southern mail we learn that advices have been received from Galveston to the lUth, among which we notice some cases of cholera. At Brasos, Dr. lost 13 slaves, and another man, named Jack son, lost 8. The weather in Texas has been very hot, the thermometer ranging at lOOn. Several Indian outrages noticed or. the frontiers. The Jews. —lsaac da Costa, a distinguished and learned Jew, of Amsterdam, estimates the whole number of Jews in the woild at from five to seven millions. He allots only 50,000 to the United States, where they are treated better than in any country in the world, except perhaps Turkey, which is much more liberal to them than any European government. Hon. T. C. Hackett. —The Casville Stand ard says: “We are glad to chronicle the rapid illlliroVl)Anl in ilia hanltli tUio He left Rowland’s Springs on TuesdayWo visit his parents in Gwinnett county, where he will for a week or two, and then return to the Sp;ings. His friends think he will soon be entirely well again.” Baptists in Georgia. —We learn from the Minutes of the Georgia. Baptist Convention, held in Marietta, in May last, that there are ol that denomination in the State, 1,132 churches, 69,869 members, and that the total amount con tributed for Missions last year was slO,lßl 86. France. —As a foretaste of what is coming in France, the Journal des Etats says: “ This country will never resign itself to changing its chief every four years. The Constitution seems as if made purposely to kill the Republic.” New Post Offices. —Anew Post Office has been established at Alston, Fairfield District, and Nathan Feaster, postjnaster. An office has also been established at White Oak, in the same district, John Cockrell, post master. O'The Emperor of Russia is superintending the formation of the camp at Petershotf, where the guards, amounting to 60,000 men of all arms, are to be exercised for two months in every military evolution. O’The executors of the late Sir Robert Peel’s will are Sir Janies Graham, Lord Har dinge, and Mr. Goulburn. It is stated that the present baronet entertains violent radical opin ions. O’Dr. Webster, the rumour goes, will pro bably make another confession beiore the event ful 30th. It will need another to reconcile the contradictions of the previous declarations. O’Den. Harrison’s widow is living at a goodly advanced age, but in good health, at North Bend, with several of her relatives around her. (T'ljf jtknsnlruiii. Death of Mr. Cohen. —lt is with much re gret that we record the death of our esteemed fellow-citizen, Hyam Cohen, Esq., which took place at Sullivan’s Island on the morning of Saturday last. Mr. Cohen had served as a Lieutenant in a Rifle corps during the last war with Great Britain, and was subsequently As sistant Paymaster of the Regiment to which he was attached. For the last fifteen years he was City Assessor, and so conducted himself in the discharge of his duties as to win the conti dtiiiee and regard of the entire community. The disease which terminated his life was dropsy in the chest. He was in the t>2d year of his age, and has left an affectionate family to deplore his removal. “ Peace to his ashes.” [Mercury. \ge.\th wanted, TO canvass, for the Gazette and Schoolfelloir, the States otSouth and North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Young men ol good character and address can make from SSOO to SIOOO per annum at the business. Apply, either personally or by letter, to WALKER & RICHARDS. tsr References as to character will be required. HOGAN & THOMPSON, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, jYv. 30 North Fourth street, Philadelphia. PUBLISHERS OF SCHOOL, MISCELLANEOUS, LAW hi MEDICAL BOOKS. MANUFACTURERS OF BLANK BOOKS, INKS, INK POWDERS, SEALING WAX AND WAFERS. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF WRITING AND PRINTING PAPER C 9” Wholesale and Retail Booksellers throughout the country, Merchant*, Public Officers and Libraries supplied on tile most advantageous terms. Orders by mail, when accompanied with proper refer ences, promptly attended to. James Hogan. Ambrose W. Thompson. Aug 34 ts WILLARD'S HOTEL. E. D. WILLARD, Proprietor. Pennsylvania Jl venue, corner of Mtk street, WASHINGTON, D. C. XATIOWL HOTEL. F. BLACK, Proprietor. Pennsylvania Avenue, comer of 6th street, WASHINGTON, D. C. B VRM M’h CITY HOTEL, MONUMENT SQUARE, BALTIMORE. fEAIIIS extensive and well-known establishment is now JL in complete order and possesses many advantages from its central location. A large addition has been made far the better accommodation of families, with 50 new Chambers, a large Drawing Room for Ladies, and Dinmg Room to correspond. The whole house has undergone a thorough repair, and furnishes accommodations for 300 guests, August 10,18a0, 8m jljipnintinrnts. Travelling Agents for the Gazette. — Rev. William Richards, Mr. Robert E. Seyle, Mr. Matthew J. Wroton. J. .1. Richards, S. P j Richards. O’ Mr. A. H. Mazyck is our General Agent for Charleston. lUTGeorge W. Bell is our Agent for Kershaw and the neighbouring Districts. ||T Warren I). Chapman is our Agent tor Spartanburg and surrounding DL-triets. H 7 All Postmasters are authorized to act as Agents for the Gazette, and the same commis sion will be allowed to them as to other loea Agents. THE TRAVELLER’S GLIDE. ROUTES FROM CHARI, STON. From Charleston to A'™- York. Leaving daily at 3 _> o’clock p. M. By Steamer to Wilmington 180 miles.—By Railroad to Weldon 162 miles. —To Petersburg 63. —To Richmond 22.—T0 Acquia Creek 70. —By Steamer to Washington 55.—8 y Railroad to Baltimore-40. —To Ptiii adelphia92.—To New-York 87. Total distance77l miles. Time 60 hours. Fare S2O. The “Southerner” (Steamship) leaves Charleston every tenth day alter the 27th of April, at 4 o’clock p. M. Thro’ in 60 hours. Fare (State-Room) $25. From Charleston to Philadelphia. —The Osprey leaves Charleston every other Saturday, at 4 o’clock, p. m. — through in 60 hours. Fare S2O. From Charleston to . Yeic-Orleans . Leaving daily at 10o’clock a. M. By S. C. Railroad to Augusta 136 miles —By Georgia Railroad to Atlanta 171.—8 y Macon and Western Railroad to Griffin 42. By Stage to Opelaka 35.—8 y Railroad to Montgomery 65. —By Steamer to Mobile33l.—To New-Orleans 166. Total distance 1.0U6 miles. Time 123 hours. Fare $39.50. _ From Charleston to J\Tew-Orleans, via. Savannah,daily at 9a. M. By Steamer to Savannah 140 miles.—By Cen tral Railroad to Macon 190. —By Macon and Western Rail road to .Bartlesville 40.—8 y Stage to Opelaka 100.—By Railroad to Montgomery 65. —By Steamer to Mobile 331. — To New-Orleans 166. Total distance 1,032 miles. Time 77 hours. Fare $39.50. MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. Distances. Fare. Time. To Athens, Ga., 251 m. $7,95 20 h. ** Chattanooga, Tenn., 445 13,12 31 “ Columbia, S. C., 130 4,00 8 “ Camden, S. C., 142 4,00 9 “ Hamburg, S. C., 136 4.00 8 “ Memphis,Tenn., 740 28,00 Pa°s'■tigers for either of the above places leave Charles, ton, daily, by S. C. Railroad, at 10o’clock a. m. SECOND ANNUAL FAIR OF TIIK SOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE, OPK.V O.V THE 18tA NOVEMBER NEXT. The second annual Fair of the South Carolina Institute, for the promotion of Art, Mechanical Ingenuity, &c., will be held in Charleston, opening on the 18th November, and to continue during the week. Specimens of every branch of Industry are earnestly solicited. Premiums will be awarded—for the best speci mens, a Silver Medal; for the next best, a Diploma. For Original Inventions, a suitable premium, at the discretion of the judges. A selection will be made of the best specimen of Me chanism and the Arts —of Cotton, Rice, Sugar, Tobacco, Corn, Wheat, Flour, Rosin and Turpentine—and sent to the World’s Fair, to beheld in London in the Spring of 1851. A large and commodious building has been selected for the Exhibition, and every attention will be paid to the re ception and care of articles sent to the Fair. All articles must be directed to L. M. Hatch, Chairman of Commit tee of Arrangements, and be delivered £y the 14th of November. • Communications addressed to Jamks 11. Taylor, Chairman of Committee on Correspondence, will meet with prompt attention. The lion. JUS. H. LUMPKIN, of Georgia, will de liver the Annual Address, on Tuesday night, the 18th November. Arrangements have been made with the- South Carolina Rail Road Company, to let all articles intended for the Fair, return free ol charge. WM. GREGG, President. E. C. Jones, Secretary. ilmikrr’s Cnriis. JOSEPH WALKER. • 101 EAST BAY, Dealer in Paper, Stationery and Account Books, Printing and Book Binding. Also, Agent for John T. White, rypeand Stereotype Founder; R. Hoe At Cos.. Printing Press Maker; V. Mcßee Si Sons’ Paper Mills, and of va rious Printing Inks. josnrii wALREit, AGENT FOR THE SALE OF TYPE, PRESSES AND PRINTING MATERIALS Ot all kinds, at New York prices, actual expenses from New York to Charleston only added. AGENT FOR JOHN T. WHITE, TYPE-FOUNDER, Whose Foundry has been in operation over forty years, and for beauty and variety of Type, Borders, &c., is sur passed by none. Constantly on hand, Brass Ri le, Cases, Q,coins, Leads, Chases, Furniture, Reg. let, Lye Brushes, Mallets, Shooting Sticks, Proof Rrcshes, Bodkins, Plainers. Also, a large variety of BORDERS. JOB AND FANCY TYPE. Ac. ALSO, AGENT FOR R. HOE & CO., CELEBRATED PRINTING-PRESS MANUFACTURERS. Every Press, &t\. made by them, will be furnished at shortest notice and lowest price. PRINTING INKS. Constantly on hand, a large stock of the very best war ranted Inks, Book and News Printing Inds, Fancy Col oured Inks, at greatly reduced rates, say from 75 cents per pound and upwards. PA PER WAREHOUSE, 101 EAST BAY. JOSEPH WALKER, dealer IN PRINTING, WRINTING, WRAPPING ANDEN VELOPE PAPER OF EVERY VARIETY. Printing Paper.—Constantly on hand, a large stock ol Newspaper, of various sizes—2o x 30, 22 x 32 , 23 x 32. x T? x 58*. 26 x 40- and also Medium am! Double Medium Book Printing Paper, of different quality. Agent lor V. Mcßee it Son, Greenville, S. C. . Paper Mills. Newspaper of every kind made to order. Also in receipt constantly, direct from the Northern Mills, Paper ol all kinds. Writing Paper. —English, French and American Letter, Cap, Folio, Commercial and Packet Post, Demy, Medium, Royal and Super Royal Papers, ruled and plain, ol every variety, and at all prices—a large stock constantly on hand. Wrapping, Envelope, Coloured Medium Paper, of all kinds and descriptions always on hand and for sale low. STATIONERS’ HALL. 101 EAST BAY. JOSEPH WALKER, DEALER IN P IPER, STATIONER Y AND BLANK BOOKS, Has constantly on hand, a large assortment of fine Eng lish, French and American Stationery, of every descrip tion, consisting in part of: Sealing Wax, Waters. Uuills, Rulers, Steel Pens, Ink Stands, Slates. Wafer Stamps, Pen Racks, Wax Tapers, Red Tape, Lead Pencils, India Rubber, Desk Weights, Sic. GOLD PENS, GOLD Si SILVER PENCIL CASES. A large variety of Levi Brown and many other marks. INK. Black, Blue, Red, Copying and Marking Inks, of the best kinds. PEN AND DESK KNIVES. A beautiful assortment of the finest Cutlery of every de scription. COPYING PRESSES, A variety of patterns and prices. Also, Copying Books, Brushes, Oil Paper, etc. BL \\ K BOOK MANUFACTORY At FANCY BOOK BINDING. JOSEPH WALKER, 101 EAST BAY Banks, Public Offices, Merchants, and others, can have their Books Ruled to any pattern, and Bound in the very best manner, either in full Russia, extra Russia Bands, Full Bonnd. or Half Binding, and made of the very bed English blue laid, French and American papers, made expressly to order, at the same price that the same quality e* work is done in New Y ork. FANCY BINDING. Books, Pamphlets, Music, etc., bound in the neatest and best style, either in Calf, Morocco, Russia, or plain Sheep Binding. In the above establishment no pains or expense have been spared to have all work executed in the best manner. STEAM POWER-PRESS PRINTING. W ALKEH Ai JAMES, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, NOS. 101 AND 103 EAST BAY, Having added to their Office, Steam Power-Presses, and large fonts of the latest kind of Book Tvpe, are prepared to execute all kinds of BOOK AND PAMPHLET PRINTING, in the very best manner, and at greatly reduced prices. Also, having added a great variety of Fancy Types, Borders, etc., to their already extensive Office, they are prepared to execute. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY, SITH AS CHECKS, CIRCULARS, BILLS-LA DING, BA IA. INKIT.ITIONS BILL-HEAD S, BRIEFS. RECEIPTS, HAND BILLS, ire. which will lie done in the best manner and on most rea sonable terms. CARD-PRESS PRINTING. Cards of all kinds by Steam, at greatly reduced rates. BENJAMIN F. PORTER. (LATE OF TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA,) Ha* opened an office in this city, and respectfully offers his services to the public as an A TTORNE Y and COUN SELLORAT IjA IV and SOLICITOR INCHAN CLR ) . His extensive acquaintance witli the population ot Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia, and with the local Jaws qI those States, will enable him not only to impart important information to merchants, but to introduce customers. lie will take claims on persons ip those States and for ward them to responsible agents, rbr whose fidelity he will answer. Office on Broad-street, in the building occupied, by Messrs, Yeadon Si Macbeth. Charleston, May 4,1850. our (Pnm Affairs. THE SOUTHERN LITERARY GAZETTE IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAV BV WALKER & RICHARDS. Orrtci oveiT aThTad’s Book-store. Entrance on Broad-street. TERMS.—Two Dollars per annum, to be paid strictly in advance. If payment is not made within the first and, months of a term of subscription, the puce e tr “ Dollars and F,fty Cents- and if delayed until the end of the year. Three Dollars. Advertisements will be published at t i< cus on ' ur > rates. Business Cards, (of lour lines and under.) will ; be inserted one year for Five Dollars, including a sub | scription to the paper. SOUTHERN QUARTERLY RE ’ ,E ''‘ hv This sterling Southern Periodical, recently P b *^ ! Mr. James S. Bi roes, will henceforth be issued by the Subscribers, who respectfully solicit the.ontmued favours of the Southern people, and ot the citizens in particular. The first number of the present year so ru ing the beginning of anew series, is now rapidly Pa®>ng through the press, and will he delivered to suhsonbet, by the 15th of April. Hereafter, the work will be regular periods, without delay or failure, and ,n a superior style, with anew, clear and beautiful type and on the best of paper. It will continue under the Editorial con ducto. W. Gilmore Simms, Esq., to whose hands .t has been confided during the past year. This gentleman, we are pleased to inform our readers, has succeeded hap pily in calling to his assistance such a number ot Contribu tors as will effectually place the work beyond the dances of a deficiency, or inferiority, ol Literary, . < iemiflc or Political material. The writers for the RL\ ILW in clude the greater number of the best and ablest names of the country. They represent the highest Literary talent of the South, and reflect truly, with a native earnest,.ess, force and fidelity, the real policy and the peculiar institu tions of our section. The Publishers, assured by the conn tenance which they have received, from every quarter ol the South, and especially sustained and patronized by the ma-t influential names in Carolina, beg leave to so tci the continued and increasing patronage of our citizens. Subscriptions will be received at their Oflice, corner ol East Bay and Broad streets, second story, or at 101 East Bay. Contributors will be pleased to address the Editor, to their care, in Charleston. WALKER hi RICHARDS Publishers and Proprietors Southern Quarterly Review. NOTICE.—AU former Agencies for the SOUTHERN QUARTERLY REVIEW are discontinued. Due no tice will be given of the appointment of Agencies by the present Publishers. I \RIVALLED >KTH OR SOli'll : THE THIRD ANNEAL VOLUME OF THE SOUTHERN LITERARY GAZETTE Wan commenced on Saturday, the 4th ot May, 1850 undents original name —instead ot Kichards Weekly Ga zette—us more significant of its peculiar character, it being the otdy weekly organ of Literature in t-he entire South ! GREATLY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, Containing weekly Thirty-two Columns of matter. It is, moreover, in an ENTIRELY NEW DRESS “ from head to foot,” and upon beautiful white paper, so that, in mechanical excellence, it shall not be surpassed by any paper whatever in the United States ! It will ccittin ue under the same Editorial direction as heretofore, pains or expense will be spared to make it # A CHOICE FAMILY NEWSPAPER, “as cheap as the cheapest, and as good as the best!’* Utterly discarding the notion that a Southern journal can not compete with the Northern weeklies, in cheapness and interest, THE SOUTHERN LITERARY GAZETTE Shall rival the best of them in all the characteristics of a truly valuable fireside Journal. Its aim will be the diffu sion of cultivated and refined taste throughout the com munity—and it will embrace in its ample folds every spe cies of intelligence that can tend to this result ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS, from many of the ablest writers in the South, will chiefly occupy its columns, but not to the exclus on of choice mis cellanv. selected from the best American and European sources The tone of the “Gatette” will be independent in criti cism and in the discussion of every legitimate topic, but it will be strictly NEUTRAL IN POLITICS AND RELIGION ! Its columns will be occasionally embellished with SOUTHERN PORTRAITS k LANDSCAPES, engraved expressly for the work, and accompanied by biographical and topographical sketches. A portrait of the Hon. Judge Lumpkin, of Georgia, appeared in the first number, and others will follow at monthly intervals ITS GENERAL INFORMATION will be copious, butcarelully condensed from the leading Journals of all parts of the world. Notwithstanding the great increase in thes;/.i. and at tractions of the paper, it will still be published at Two Dollaro Per Annum, in Advance ! It will be furnished to persons becoming responsible tor the whole number of copies, aud having them sent to one address, on the following terms: Three conies. $5 Five copies, 8 Ten copies, IS Fifteen copies, 20 T wenty copies, 25 Fifty copies, tk) ty- All orders must be accompanied with the money and addressed, post-paid, to WALKER & RICHARDS. Charleston, S. C. N. B.—Editors who will copy, or notice fully, this Pros pectus, shall receive the Gazette regularly, and also a beautiful Juvenile Magazine, entitled “The Schooltel low.** Till: BUST AND CHEAPEST JUVENILE MAGAZINE IN THE UNITED & FATES. On the 15th of January, 1850, was published at Charleston, S. C., the first number of the Second An. nual Volume of THE SCHOOLFELLOW, which has been pronounced by some of the ablest presses and best judges, “ The best and cheapest Juvenile Mag azine in the United States.” The success of this beauti ful little work during its first year has been so flattering that the Publishers have resolved to continue it and make it permanent, and they therefore call upon parents, teach ers, and all interested in the rising generation to aid them in their efforts to make the Schoolfellow all that its most flattering judges have pronounced it. It will be published in the same form as, heretofore and under the same editorial care; and will contain chiefly ori ginal articles from the pens of Mrs. Caroline Gilman, Mrs. Joseph C. Neal, Mrs, W. C. Richards, Mrs. C. W. Du- Bose, Miss Tuthill, Caroline How ard, MissC. W. Bar ber, Clara Moreton, Maria Roseau, the Editor, and many other well known writers. ITS PICTORIAL EMBELLISHMENTS will be more numerous and beautiful than before; it wil be printed upon finer paper, and no pains will be spared to make it a most charming companion for all good girls and* bops. It will be published on the fifteen! hos each month, and will make a volume of about 400 pages and 100 en gravings, Five copies will be sent to one address for $4 ; Eleven copies for *8 ; Twenty-three copies for SJS. and Thirty two copies for $20!! THE FIRST VOLUME. beautifully bound in gilt muslin, will be furnished in con nection with the second Year for Two Dollars. To clubs, it will be supplied at One Dollar for each copy. All orders must be accompanied with the cash— if by mail, post-paid. tiff C lubs should be made up as early as practicable— and those wishing volume first, should apply immediately to WALKER k RICHARDS. May 4, 1850. Charleston, 8. C. *.* Editors copying this Prospectus, or making suitable notice, shall receive a copy of the work without an ex change. They will pleas send marked copies of their papers containing to the ‘ Gazette.” GENERAL AGENCY IN LITERATI'RE, ART and SCIENCE AT THE Office of the Southern Literary Gazette. Corner of Broad-st. and East-Bay. (up stairs,) Charleston, S. S. The Undersigned, Editor of the “Southern Lite rary Gazette,” begs leave to inform the public that he has opened a General Agency for the transaction of any business connected with Literature. Science an- Art. He will correspond with authors concerning the publication of books and pamphlets upon their own ac. count, or otherwise ; execute any commission for getnle men forming libraries; forward subscriptions for anv peri odical work, American or European ; receive and execuet promptly commissions for any work of Art; supply accn rate estimates of the cost of Philosophical Instruments, orderthem at his own risk and guarantee their efficiency. All communications must be addrewed, prepaid, to WM. C_ RICHARDS. tff No charge will he made for any service required by his brethren of the press, who will oblige him by pub, lishinp tiiis notice. THg sul>scriber would inform Authors, Publisher* and r SUfruk i k's. St AL. <,ont ' n ues to carry on the busi ne<of KNGRA v ING ON WOOD, in all it* branches Hih facilities are such that he is enabled to execute all order* promptly, ami m every style of the Art, upon the most reasonable terms: while the experience of many years enables him to feel perfect confidence in his efforts to give satisfaction to all who may favour him with their patron. a^i J * , ORR, 151 Fulton-street, New York June b THOM VS, COM PERTH\\ AIT dc CO BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS AND STATIONERS, 523 markbt-htrket, Philadelphia, Publish Mitchell’s Geography and Atlas Prim-,., r graphy. Intermediate Geography, AiiremtW and Atlas, Universal Atlas, wiK nearly Light v i^. oe .‘ ? p ! v (■(floored Malts : Pock-; M ipsof the United Utl 3 the different States of the Union; SwaL e c “, and ° Reader. Spelling Book .nl C ’sX ft’ Greene , English Grammar, and Green..’,, a i C - -°l • English Language :F. A."? °* ,h V anil 2; Pennock’s Histories of Fangland & arls 1 and Greece; Picott’s series of Eleinentarv mo ‘ mg French; Frost’s United BtatJL jLc Books m k ' arn And they offer for sale at the lowest .u , price** the largest ; n 1 prices, the larpesi CLASSIC AL I UV VH'iue. L‘ < ? un 'rv of SCHOOL, and MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS* Uy-Ordew solicited. “ timo j n ly 13 FRANKLIN HOUSE. >’EW YORK, May I, lf*P, FRMIE snbseriber icspeetfully informs his friends and the Public that he has leased the above House for a term Os years. Ihe House has been in complete repair during the past winter and mostly furnished anew. The proprietor respectfully solicits a continutmceof the patron ape heretofore so liberal!v received. JOHN P. TREADWELL,