Southern literary gazette. (Charleston, S.C.) 1850-1852, January 17, 1852, Image 15

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tfariis for tl)c Sraoeller. THE TRAVELLER’S GLIDE. routes from charleston. From Charleston to New York, Leaving daily at 3Ja o’clock p. m. By Steamer to Wilmington, 180 miles ; hv Railroad to Wel don. 162 miles; to Petersburg, 63; to Rich mond. 22; to Acquia Creek,7o; by Steamer to VVashington. 55; by Railroad to Baltimore, 40; to Philadelphia, 92; to New York, 87. Total distance, 771 mile*. Time 60 hours. Fare S2O. route may be varied by taking the pleasant and expeditious line from Weldon to Baltimore, via the Chesapeake Bay. Ex pense the same. From Charleston to New Orleans , Two Routes daily—the one via Savannah and the other via Aughsta. By either the distance is about lOOt) miles, and the expense about $35.00, The Savannah route is the most ex peditious. It runs via Macon, Griffin, West Point. Montgomery and Mobile. The following Through Ticket* tan be bought at Charleston for daily routes. To Nashville, Tenn., - - - S2O 00 Holly Springs and Columbus,’ Miss., 28 00 Tuscumbia,Decaturandlluntsville,Ala. 12 00 Clinton, Eutaw, Marion and Gainesville, Ala.,. - - - - 31 SO Jackson, Miss., - - * 35 00 Vicksburg, Miss,, * - - 36 00 Macon, Geo,. • • 9 00 LTEW AND ATTRACTIVE ll ROUTE TO THE NORTHERN CITIES, Via Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad and Bay line—By which Travel lers avoid the inconvenient changes at Petersburg, Richmond. Aquia Creek and Washington, and arrive at Baltimore four hours in advance of any other route. The travelling public can rest assured that a passenger train of cars, possessing superi or accommodations, will positively leave Weldon immediately after the arrival ot the Wilmington cars, for Portsmouth, (Va.) from thence they will be conveyed to Balti more, up the Chesapeake Bay, on board the baltimore steam packet Company’s line of steamers—which, for comfort, speed and pleasure, cannot be surpassed by any pub lic conveyance in the Union. Passengers disposed to visit Northern Cities, by this attractive and comfortable route, are respectfully informed that I hrougli Tickets, from Cltar'eston to New York, are now issued at TWENTY DOL LARS, via Wilmington, (N. C.) Weldon, Portsmouth, (Va.) Baltimore, and Pliila , delphia to New York. for further information inquire for the Agent ot the Portsmouth route, on the Wilmington steam packet wharf, at Charleston, who will attend to the receiving and checking of baggage through to Balti more, which leaves Charleston in charge of agent Jan3 ~ UNITED STATES New-York and Charleston Steam Pack- The Steamships MARION, Captain M* perry, and SOUTHERNER,Captain John UicKinson, will leave Charleston and New. r r!< e p ei 7 atur day Afternoon. -or F reiglit or Passage, having splendid state-room accommodations, only two bertiis in one room, apply at. the office of the Agent HENRY MISSROON, kor.. E. Bay and Adger’s South Wharf. Cabin Passage, (State-Rooms,) $25 ~ Bo (Open Berths,) 20 steerage Passage, 8 SPOFFORD, TILESTON & CO. New-York. fMIARLESTON HOTEL, By D. Mix tVi er ‘ I his establishment lias been en ‘ey remodelled and refitted in the most ele gant manner. Jan 3 PAVILION HOTEL, By H. L 7 But Uo'el ter leld ’ Formerly of the Charleston |TV [TED STATES “HOTEL, By G. tlm „ ♦ rgO V- Augusta, Ga. This House is of business. Jan 3 MTASH’S HOTEL, Reuben Nash, Pro i?-*J,lrl eto r. Clarksville, Ga. con?L L>on v eya-nces to the Falls and Na- Janlf urn,s^let * at the shortest notice. tel rßy Mrsl Madin m^^ e * ast Side Public Square, aais on , Ga. _ Jan B WASHINGTON HOUSE, by Rogers Sw-nrifl Jr ~e ara > corner Mulberry and hasspn a . con Ga. Officeol the Talla ‘'asseeJstags Jan 3 *lHLSE,—Lanier &. Son*,Pro i . —Prjgtor*. Mai berry *trect, Macon, Ga. HOTEL, Corner PaonsjrL abroad n Ar *" U 8 aud Third-*t.. Near R an 3 dDßpot * Washington, 1). C. GENERAL ADVERTISING SHEET. WILLARD’S HOTEL, E. D. Wil lard, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner oi mn street, Washington, D.C. Jan 2 |V ATIONA L HOTEL, F~ Black. Pro. J-w pnetor. Pennsylvania Avenue, cor ner of 6th street, Washington, D. C. Jan S HO WARD HOTEL, Clark & Bailey, Proprietors, corner of Broadway and maiden Lane. New York. Jm | HOTEL, A 7. VV Glass, Proprietor, Cliesnit street, above Seventh, Philadelphia- Jaa 3 General PIANO- FORTES AND MUSIC. 1 he subsciiber has on hand, and is constantly receiving large supplies of Piane- Fortes from the celebrated manufacturers. Bacon & Paven, Dubois & Seahury, and A. H, Gale & Cos., New-York; and Hal. let, Davis & Cos., Boston, —all warranted to be ot the first quality. Melodeons of every style and finish made by George Prince & Cos., Buffalo,—the best article manufactured. Guitars, Violins, Violincellos, Flutes, Clarionets, complete sets of Military Band Instruments, of the best French and Italian j manufacture. Also, the largest assortment of Music in the Southern States. The above articles are all offered for sale at the lowest cash prices, by „ GEORGE OATES, Piano-Forte, Book and Music Store, 234 and 236 King-st., (at the bend.) Jan 3. JF. CHURCH, PLUMBER, SO © Broad-st., Charleston. S. C. Lead, Copper and Brass Lifting Force Pumps, VVater Closets,Hot,Cold and Shower Baths, Garden Engines, Cooking Ranges, Lead, Pipe, Sheet Lead, Block Tin, etc., etc. Every description of Lead work and Hy j draulics furnished and fixed on themostap proved principles. Orders from the country promptly attended to. The very best city references in regard to quality and durability of work. Jan 3 ly TR A NSPA RENT WIND OVV 6HAUEB, Paper Hangings and Up holstering ,86 Meeting street, orner of Cum berland. The subscriber would respectfully invite those who are in waul of the above articles to call and examine his extensive stock ot Shades and Paper Hangings of the latest styles, having been selected with great care, containing almost every article in his line,and will be supplied weekly by thesteamers with the new patterns. Also, always on hand, Venetian Blinds, Cane Blinds, Oil Cloth, Matrasses, Cushions, Cots, Fire Serenes, etc. All kinds of Upholstery, and the business attended to in all its various branches. Matrasses made to order, ot Cotton, Moss, Wool and Hair, or renewed ; Church and other Cushions made up. Sofas,Chairs, etc., re.stuifed and re-covered ; Oil Cloth and Matting laid ; Carpets cut and made at the lowest rates; Venetian Blinds re-trimmed and painted. Paper Hanging done by experienced work men. H. W. KINSMAN. Jan 3 CABINET WARE-ROOMS, Daniel H. Silcox, 224 King-st., (in the bend,) Charleston, Keeps constantly on hand, a large and elegant assortment of New and Fashionable Furniture, (Antique and Mod ern styles) in Mahogany, Rosewood and I Black Walnut, comprising Bedsteads, Book Cases, Buffets, Bureaus, Cabinets, Centre Tables, Chairs, Couches, Divans, ! Fautueils, Hall Tables. Hat Racks, Loun | ges, Ottomans, Pier Tables, Secretaries, ’ Sideboards, Sofas, Sofa Tables, Wardrobes, | Wash Stands, What NoG, Work Tables, and every other article in use. *** Orders from the country will receive prompt attention, Jan 3 CLEVELAND’S Drug and Chemical Establishment, 207 King-street, below the bend. Charleston, S. C., has received, in ! addition to the former extensive stock, by the late arrivals from Europe, a large and well selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals. Perfume ry and Fancy Articles, which will be sold at a small advance from the previous cost. The proprietor now offers one of the most com plete stocks of French, German, English and American Drugs, Chemicals, Valuable Fam ily Medicines, Perfumery, &c., &c. Soap*, Brushes, Combs, and other Fancy and Mis cellaneous Articles in this country. Also, all I the varions Patent Medicines, Pills. Sarsapa rillas, Liniments, Ointments, Salves, Bal sams, Syrups, &0., for sale or advertised by any other Drug. Establishment in this city. Jan 3 VE AL & BROTHER, Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, Fine Table and Packet.Cat lery.and in Fancy articlssgenerally,Madison, Ga. Jaa * To pl anters. Direct Importation ot Dry Goods. Win. Howland,Di rect Importer. 244. Bend of King street. would call the attention of Planters, Facters and Families visiting the Cl *T l?, r iheirsupplies, to his Fhiglish Kerseys and Flam., Duffils, Macinaws and Whitney “0d Blankets, of all weights and sizes, some ot the latter 2L y*rds wide, imported direct in the J. C. Calhoun, from Liverpool, and other arrivals. Alway* on hand, every description of Goods, of Southern make, of %, 30 and 4 4 Browns, Brown Cotton Drills and Jeans, Osnaburgs, Kersey, and all other Goods for plantation wear, made South. In House-Keeping articles, his assortment is always kept full and complete. His Dress Goods, for variety and extent, will be found equal to any store in the Southern country; and in Dress Silks, of all descriptions, figured and plain, black and •oloured, both in variety, extent and latest styles, superior to any establishment ia the •lty. Particular attention paid to Mourning and Halt Mourning Goods; his assortment of them always complete, His facilities in pro curing. enables him to compel* with the low est market prices. Jan3 2m CARPET WARE-HOUSE. Lam bert Hi Brother, Importers and whole sale dealers, No. 219 King-street,Charleston, offer for sale, the finest assortment in the city, ofTapestry. Velvet, Pi *, Brussels, Three. Ply, Super Ingrain and Venitian Carpetings, together with Druggets, Rugs, Floor ami Furniture Oil Cloths, Stair Rods, Mats, &e. Also, Piano and Table Covers, m great variety, and a large assortment of F'ine Lin ens, warranted all Flax. *** Orders from the country punctually attended to. Jan 3 WS. ADAMS, No. 34 Broad-strect, • Manufactures and keeps constant ly on hand, Berlin Grates, of the lat st and mostapproved patterns. E. Barrow’s cele brated Cooking Ranges and Air Furnaces. Every description of Cooking and Parlour Stoves, F'umaces, Kitchen Utensils, etc. Grates set in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Fire Brick, Soap Slone, Grate Fixtures, etc. Orders from tiie country promptly attended to. Jan 3 SOUTHER X DAGIE RRE A N GALLERY , 233 King, nearly op posite Hasel-st. Single Portraits, Groups. &c., from the largest to the smallest sizes, taken, in in imitable style. Our friends and the public generally are cordially invited to examine our specimens, at our new rooms, 232 King street, over J. S. Roberts’store. SMITH & LONGMAN, Artists. ]%TEW MUSIC,JUST PUBLISHED. Ix3l Lee & Walker, 162 Chesnut street. Philadelphia, areconstantlv publishing anil receiving, new and beautiful Music, from the most distinguished composers. The following list contains some of their choicest and most popular Songs, Waites, Polkas, &c. Now Thou art Gone, a beautiful song, words by Thomas J. Diehl, music by Ham bridge. My New England Home, words and mu sic by Mrs. L. Wade. Grobe’s Omnibus, by C. Grobe, a collec tion of Duetts. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jas. Grung’l. Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, J. Ling. All the Winds are Sleeping, by A. S. Worasey. Guardian Angel, by the author of “Love Not.” Household Words, written by Charles, Young, do. The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Diehl, music by Horr. Lee & Walker have constantly on hand, superior Pianos, and a supply of Martin’s celebrated Guitars ; Violin, Harp and Guitar Strings, of the best Italian qualities, at wholesale and retail; which, together with a fine assortment of Musical Instruments and Merchandize in general, comprise a stock not to be surpassed by that of any other es tablishment in the country. *** Music sent by mail *o any part of the United States. Merchants and Teachers supplied at the lowest wholesale prices.- Catalogues sent to any part of the United States by addressing. LEE & WALKER, 162 Chesnut-st., Philadelphia. Jan 3 ly T AMPS, GIR ANDOLES, FLUID, ■ A <jfcC., N, F. Rirdey,262 King-street, Charleston, and on Whitehall st., opposite Post Office, Atlanta, Ga., is now reviving and will keep constantly on hand, a large assortment of Fluid or Spirit Gas Lamps, embracing every variety oi size and pattern; Girandoles, Vase*, Roquet Holders China Cups and Mugs, Bohemain Glass Wares, Waiters. Plated and Britannia Ware,, Tea Setts, Coffee Pot*, Urns and Bigains; So lar, Lard and Oil Lamps, Hall Lantern*, Block Tiaand Japanned Ware. Burning Fluid always oa hand #f the be*t quality. ~. „„ , Globe*, Chimney* and wick* for all de •cription* of Lamp*. Jan I CONNER dr SON’S UNITED STATES TYPE FOUNDRY, New- York.—The Subscribers have now on hand an excellent assortment of Book, Newspaper and Ornamental Type, Bordering, &c., which they are prepared to sell at reduced rates, on approved paper, at six months, or at a discount often per cent, tor cash. The series of Scotch faces, so much admired and approved of by the trade, and our type in general, we feel assured cannot he excelled either in beauty or finish by any Founder. All type manufactured by us, are made by amtxtureof metals different, in proportions to those used generally, by which we in sure greater durability. To our assortment of Ornamental and Jobbing Type, Bordering, & c., we have made a large increase and are constantly engaged in adding to the variety, Presses, Wood Type, Cases, Stands, Brass and Wood Rule. Imposing Stones, Com posing Sticks, Brass, Wood Galleys, Closet Racks, Cuts, Reglets, and every article necessary for a complete printing office, fur nished with despatch. Old Type taken in exchange for new, at nine cent per pound. Publishers of newspaners who will insert this advertisement three times, and forward us a paper, marked and enclosed to “Horn’s United States Railroad Gazette,” previous tothe4th day of July, 1852, will he paid in materials ol our manufacture,thy purchasing four times the amount of their bills for adver tising. JAMES CONNER & SON. Cor. Ann and Nassau-sts Our New Specimen Book is now ready for delivery. Jan 3 ADKMAREKT, Engraver and Man © ulacturer of Advertising Self-Seal ing Flnvelopes Wedding, Visiting, Busi ness and Address Cards, Engraved and printed in the most fashionable style ; also Notarial, Commercial, Society and Stone Seals Engraved in tha neatest manner.— Door Plates constantly on hand and engraved to order. Mr. Demurest respectfully calls the atten tion of the public to the utility of his Bnsi ness Envelopes; as they contain the card or address of the purchaser. All letters that do not reach their destination are returned, in stead of going to the dead letter office at Washington. They are a good medium of advertising : they cannot be opened without leaving evidence of it, and the brass dies used for embossing them are also used for office cards, at half the price of engraved ones, besides being much more showy. All orders addressed to No. 2 Pine.street, corner of Broadway, N Y. City, will be executed with neatness and despatch. New Y r ork, Jan. 3, 1852. Blank rooks, paper, ac. F'rancis & Loutrel, 77 Maiden Lane, New-York, manufacture all styles of Ac count Books Envelopes, Gold Pens, Croton Ink, Copying Presses, Manifold Letter Writ ers. &c. We also import every style of Writing Paper and Stationery, articles which we offer at the lowest cash prices. Francis’ Manifold Letter Writer, by which letters and copies are written at the same time. No extra trouble and a great saving of time. Books complete at sl, $2, $3 50 and $5. Orders per mail receive prompt attention. FRANCIS & LOUTREL, Manufacturing Stationers, 77 Maiden Lane, New-York. Jan 3 6m Bookbinders, furnishing WAREHOUSE, John R. Hoole, No. 124 Nassau-street. New York, is pre pared to furnish every article requisite lor Binders, consisting of Muslin, of the most approved nrtterns and colours; English col” ouredand bark Calf Skins; Morocco, Roans, Russia Leather,coloured and hark Skivers; Sheep Skins; comb, marble, and fancy Pa pers; Head Band, Thread, Twine, &c. Embossing, Standing, Cutting. Laying: Finishing and Sewing Presses; Table and Squaring Shears, Press Beards, Ruling Machines and Pens, Type and Cases, Ro ling Machines. Brass Ornaments, Gilding and Blank Rolls, Stamps and Fillets, Pal lets, Polishers, Agate Burnishers, Plow Knives, Hammers, Shear*, Knives, Com passes, Lettering Stamps, Tools and Plates from designs, cut in a superior style, on the very hardest metal, with promptness and despatch Jan 3 TO DEALERS. Portable Desks. Ne plus ultra Desks, with Dressing Cases attached; Leatherand Wood DressmgCases, Work Boxes, Work Cases, and Needle Books of Wood, Ivory, Pearl, &c.; Port Monnaies, Pocket Books, Card Cases, &c.: Bankers’ Books F’olios Backgammon and Chess Boards, &c., with many ot/ier articles too numerous to mention in an advertise ment. Manufactured and constantly on hand. , , „ . Also a beautiful assortment of well select ed Frensh and other, goods, imported by the subscriber, and which are offered to the trade at low prices. GEO. R. CHOLYVELL. Manufacturer and Importer. 15 Maidea Lane, New-York. Jan 2