Southern literary gazette. (Charleston, S.C.) 1850-1852, October 16, 1852, Image 1

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Published Weekly, with Semi-Monthly Supplements, at $3 per aumm ~ ——— ~ - ■ SOUTHERN LITERARY GAZETTE, ?3ttrnal of tfjfottgjit unit Cwut. \ “>1 L-l.I ’ .I f nil f* i NEW SERIES—VOL. 11. NO. 15 WHOLE NUMBER, CCXXIX. SATURDAY MORNING, OCT. 16, 1852.- \ TABLE OF CONTENTS. Pa, The Violated Grave, - - - - - - I*9 A Tragedy from Life, - - - - . - -171 Fire Upon the Hearth, - - - - - - -172 The Conversion of Lydia, (Lesson for Sunday, Oct. 17,) - 173 Pointed Paragraphs —Singula* - Phenomenon ; A Universal Language ; Attempt to Assassinate Louis Napoleon; Anti-Temperance Remedy, - - - - - - ib. Letters from a Lady Abroad, (No. 4.) - 174 The Little Emigrant’s Grave, - - - - - - ib. Charleston Regetta, ------- 175 A Cure for Love, ...ib. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. The North British Review Upon American Poetry, - - ib. Early English Writers, - - - - - - -176 A DISH OF GOSSir. Severe Blow; The St. Charles Hotel; Cause of Welling ton's Death ; Macaulay Dangerously 111 ; A Good Epi taph ; Talleyrand and his Leg ; Singular Discovery ; De- CHARLESTON, S. C.: WALKER, RICHARDS AND CO., PUBLISHERS, ALSO, OF THE “SOUTHERN QUARTERLY REVIEW” AND “THE SCHOOLFELLOW.” No. 101 EAST-BAX? Steam Power Press of Walker & James, Nos. 101, 103 and 105 East-Bay, Charleston, S. C, Page. struction of Pompeii; Imagination and Memory ; Lord Byron’s Affectation ; A Delicate Announcement, - - 177 OUR BOOK TABLE. Chasles’s Anglo-American Literature and Manners ; Mrs. Ellet’s Pioneer Women of the West; A New England ib. Tale, and Miscellanies; Ware’s Lectures on the Works and Genius of Washington Allston ; Buckingham’s Per sonal Memoirs and Recollections of Editorial Life ; Emma Southworth’s Virginia and Magdelene ; The Waverley Novels; Books received, 178 OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Southern Literary Messenger: Harpers’ Magazine ; Hunt’s Merchant's Magazine; The Medical Examiner; The Monthly Law Reporter, - |b. Editorial Brevities, - ib. The Conscientious Man, ------- ib. Western Eloquence; Lady Duellists in Spain; Death of a Strange Character ; The Decencies of Life, - - - 179 Meteoric Phenomenon at Texas ; Characteristics of Great Men Love and Treachery; Random Readings, - - 180