Southern literary gazette. (Charleston, S.C.) 1850-1852, October 23, 1852, Image 1

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r o \ -- V Published Weekly, with Semi-Monthly Supplements, at $3 per annum. SOUTHERN LITERARY GAZETTE, 51 !?aimutl nf Cljimgjit anil (Enpnt. - ’ ‘ it NEW SERIES—VOL. 11. NO. IfC. WHOLE NUMBER, COXXX. SATURDAY MOBNING, OCT. 23, 1852. TABLE OF CONTENTS. TTndc Tom’s Cabin, . The Old Sexton, Houses of Domestic Reformation in Holland, - - -ib Extract from Emerson, - - - „ . . - 185 The late William Sidney Walker, ib. Great 1 hings Within a Small Compass, - . . - ib. A Complaint, - jgg Alligator Soup, The Character of Lydia, (Lesson for Sunday, Oct. 24.) - ib. An Old British Poet, - jg 7 Ballooning Extraordinary, ib. A Pic-Nic Dinner, ib EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. A Word of Explanation ; True Philosophy, - - - ib. A DISH OF GOSSIP. Barnum’s Rules; A Sad Affliction; Uncertainty of the Mails ; Chamfort; Lines by Milton ; Disorderly Conduct; “St. Agnes’ Eve;” Depreciation; Chinese Ducks; An 188 Important Statement; Further Difficulties on the Fishery Question ; Epigrams ; A Collision ; McCready’s Affiic- CHARLESTON, S, C.: WALKER, RICHARDS AND CO., PUBLISHERS, ALSO, OF THE “ SOUTHERN QUARTERLY REVIEW,” AND “ THE SCHOOLFELLOW.” No. 101 EAST-BAY. Steam Power Press of Walker & James, Nos. 101, 103 and 105 East-Bay, Charleston, S. C, Page tions; An Offer; Manifestations of Grief; Mr. Webster’s Health; Revision of the Scriptures; New Work, . - 189 OUR BOOK TABLE. Kenrick’s Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs; Gwynne’s School for Fathers ; Mrs. Hale’s Northwood, or Life North and South ; Docharty’s Institutes of Algebra ; An thon’s Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary ; Ran dolph’s Cabin and the Parlour, ib. OUR CONTEMPORARIES. The North American Review ; Godey’s Lady’s Book; The Western Literary Messenger; The Dental News Letter, 190 Editorial Brevities, - - ib. She’s Gane to Dwell in Heaven ; Great Curiosity, - - ib. Statue of the late Sir Robert Peel at Tamworth; Visit to the Cedars of Lebanon ; Wellington’s Lineage; The Broken Leg; The Great American Discovery! - - 191 Pointed Paragraphs —Beautiful Allegory ; Highly “Colour ed Article ;” Auction of Ladies; Humbug; Monk Lewis’s Sensibility ; New Comet Discovered ; Unprofitable Board er, 192 Random Readings, - ib.