Southern literary gazette. (Charleston, S.C.) 1850-1852, November 06, 1852, Image 1

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Published Weekly, with Semi-Monthly Supplements, at $3 per annum. SOUTHERN LITERARY GAZETTE. % 2atttmtl nf tfljimgljt ml Uht NEW SERIES—YOL. 11. NO. l£ WHOLE NUMBER, CCXXXII. Page The Heir of Alburn House, - - - - - - 205 Uncle Tom’s Cabin, ------- 209 Amusements of Great Men, - - - - - - 211 EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT. Old Peter. —A Sketch. No. 1, ----- ib. American Antiquities, 212 A DISH OF GOSSIP. Laments for the Dead ; The Wit of Sarcasm ; The Theatre ; The Caxtons ; A Great Invention ; Faith Stronger than a Stone V r all ; “Reflections of a Tailor;” “A Bonaparte in ib. Luck Pretty Comparison ; A Blind World ; “Spectral Illusions Webster's Dictionary ; Honour to the Great; An Excellent Custom ; Mediocrity ; Conclusive, - - 213 CHARLESTON, S. C.: WALKER, RICHARDIS AND CO., PUBLISHERS, ALSO, OF THE “SOUTHERN QUARTERLY REVIEW,” AND “THE SCHOOLFELLOW.” No. 101 EAST-BAY. Steam Power Pres, of Walker Sc James, Nos. 101, 103 and 105 East-Bay, Charleston, S. C. SATURDAY MORNING, NOV. 6, 1852. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page OUR BOOK TABLE. Savage’s Reuben Medlicott; Curtis’s Lotus Fating ; St. John’s Village Life in Egypt; Deßow’a Industrial Re sources of the South and W est, - - - ■ - ib. OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Harpers’ New Monthly Magazine ; The Eclectic Magazine; ib. Deßow’s Review ; The Child’s Friend, - 214 Musical Memoranda, ------- ib. Editorial Brevities, ib. Epitaph on the late King of the Sandwich Islands, - - ib. Beholding the Goodness of God ; Washington ; Remarkable Faculties of the Arabs ; The Schoolmaster and his Pupils, 215 Pointed Paragraphs; Random Readings, - - • 216