Advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1875, March 24, 1875, Image 1

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So. 1. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH-24, 1875. 5 . •• - ‘ l. BRUNSWICK ADVERTISER. ruBUfUKS EVENT WUjHXAKAY KOBN1KO " —BY— T. GOVLOIKG STACY. VNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 , ADVERTISING RATES< ' JAI1K, 10 lines space, first Insertion, each subsequent insertion, , 0- rXJIAL RATES TO LARGE ADVERTISERS. larertjsece inuat specify time on copy sent, or intyect for chargen ; until ordered out. CommOnicsflons for individual benefit ofiof a jmon&l character charged as advertisements. Hirriages and Obituary notices not exceeding it lines solicited for free publication. Over that mount charged aa advertisements. Bills for advertisements due upon presentation fter the first insertion. The above rules will be adhered to inall cos or. Ill letters and. communications should be sil lied to T. GOULDING STACY. Brunswick, Ga. CITY DIRECTORY. Clty.dllliUrs.' r r—Hon, W. A; FULLER. I ».««—afEBSHON. Chairman, COOK. NEL- •LSON.COUFERf DAVENPORT. L1TTLE- nd MOORE. •id Treasurer—G. C. FAHM. .art/.at—It. A, FA1IM. * it^tuian—l)r. R. HAZLKHURST. |.*.or Matter—W. W. WATKINS. f Wardens—WATKINS, FAHM and PUTNAM ■■Mr and clerk Market—J. H. GOODBKEAD. IftKee Force—COX, WILLIAMS and BURNEY. Qfedon White Cemetery—A. PETERS. flSulon Colored Cemetery—JACKET WHITE. ) CHAIRMAN STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL: • "puncr—Couper; Town Commons—Merahon; lutoAps; Littlefield—Stuf-ets, Drains, Bbidoxs, re, CHAJam—Poison 1 Pucuc Building—Dav- rt; Ckmetzbks—Nelson; Harbor—Cook; | nation—Nelson; Fuuc Department—Dsven GOODYEAR & EAEEIS,; Attorneys at l-.itw, Brunswick, Georgia! O FFICE—Corner Newcastle und Gloucester streets,—over DTug Store of J. S. Bluiu & Go. Practice in all counties of the Brunswick Cir cuit and the city of Darien, Gu. mar. 24-tf. SQUIBS. Business Cards. Professional. T. E. Davenport;. —5 ATTORNEY A T L A W, KT IT iLj»prq<;twain fill the Courts of the ; Brunswick Circuit. Of- SMITH and DEXTER’S lading, Newcastle street. CHEAPFST ROUTE Darien via. No. 1., M. 4 B. R. R. H ACKS alwayK . on hand to cany passengers to and from Railroad. Comfortable, lodgings for passengers with J. S. WASHINGTON, , mar.24-ly. Pt’r of the Line. T~VO yon want la aptandid BOOT or SHOE mad* J J to ORDER, with PERFECT FIT guaranteed ? mar.'24-1 y. Than call on D. A. MOORE. BURR WIN TON, CONTRACTOR And BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, GA. P LANS and specifications furnished on short notice. Will contract to ereot Buildings in EVERY STYLE. Also superintend Buildings at reason able prices. mar. 24rly. -r-Tlipi wicked flea, j “It ain’t ho much the biting, if only the plaguey thing would’nt keep" getting up and sitting down all the time.” Exactly. —Of a miserly man who died bf soft - cuing of the brain, aldcal paper said: “Hia head gave way, bui bis hand never did. His* brain softened, but bis heart couldn't!” •' . ■ —;i CSIlUte v-iyv —“See,!’ said a sorrowing wife, "how peaceful the cat and dog are^^Yes,” said the petulant husband, "but just tie them together and then see how the fur will fly.” • ■•«... ' • ft . —Aunt Betsey Fisher says a Louis ville paper, has twenty-two bring chil dren. •, When interviewed by a report er* she admitted <he twenty-two, but stud: "Don't publish it, for ; I cumu out to Kentucky in search of another hufijband.'* V i’i.'-v}; ;.id. J-Since the franking privilege was abolished, public documents have been increasing at a startling rate in Wash ington. The agricultural report, with its. funny stories about' bugs^ beetles, and koiise-fliesj ii< actually pushing the roof off the .cupitbl, ahd the ory is stib they come. Arrangements are being made to rent a few warehouses to store tliem in. ‘' Lime For Sale. OYSTER-SHELL LIME IS GOOD FOR AGRICULTURAL PUR POSES. r lE BRUNSWICK DIME CO. *«U it in bbli. at $10 per ton. free on cue in Bruns wick, Ga., for CASH, ay All orders promptly filled.^* 0. H. DIXUB, TreMurer. tnu. U-fL WwwwtoK, Ga. —A lady sittihg in her parlor, and engaged in the dreamy contemplation of. the moustiiobe of the young gentle man who was to escort ber mnd her Bister to a musical festival, yras sud denly awakened by an. ominous {whis per in a juvenile voice at the door. "You've got Ann’s teeth, and she want’s Vm. ” —Argue not with a man whom you know to be of an obstinate temper, for when he is ouce contradicted his mind, is barred against all light and infor mation; argument, though ever so well groundod provokes him, and makes