Advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1875, March 24, 1875, Image 3

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i y LAH sucuin^. - The ADvmajtsB«i \yi , J hereafter T»r publ^te^i^^tellifesduy momttg.g If this issue .does not come up to expectation,* “Rome was not built in a day.” ^•Wfeiire glad lo seeimprovements''.t tiipMtA'B: Ml iff, Depot; -in this cjt-^<m4 aide track has been built; also a hew,* Alining table: This lo< )ks like life. : —Otm^ent^risMg 1 towhsman, C. P. Goodyeak, will soon 'ship-from this port a large. Xf>t_o£. dry saw-palmetto leaves, j*> a firm gg ftoifjkf tjvbp made into $Ue > exf>eiriment prove a success a nicft: business could .o.n./'u - PUB Lie SCHOOLS. f a fjr fv i ~| _ noo^ersdhools were¥e-6penea a , short-tggig^fiigcey af^a^^jpg I been i 8uspenffifl|l^pre«a93 aH*w& are ablo&bifeBi&jflenelSjfibJrxSikrifgb- t^tliis (Hill, tpj*nn the sclrOblSjd ear, butvlhe trouble seems e.Tiiisfcoi Shan’t collectthe amounts due. Parties owing different amount: don’t respond to the calls or the J3pard.„ -Jn some instances this inay^be fr^ih jftyibrity |to pay, but whether ajll delinquents offer the same- excuse we are unable to say. It seems- to us, however, the duty of the Bdartl is to change the investment at as early a day as practicable to som-dhingfrOrh which they can realize promptly. j ‘Here are the tin commandments of lb ot ni H iait H First— riot ■ for ,,.Tl«rdr-Th.ou slmlt nof\break the *&v<kr’iiw mrmm* #?4j# tw4ltf- ..f ; .^rTl Th . 0 bJ«4#fe ixat-..mfa. injn* ”fS“n'#mxaat>^o. opya e&nui ■ notytexcite WV # d,i Imhljoa hSF^^^:^;W,fe&tW?ting8. ij Tepth-rBdipye^ ^.imihOEtality. T "eoiltxli skillfitfijiind of-uirr cok’d friend P. M. yfoljjjirt .V.-X —in and around Brtiij^vdck. wan i; to know whiere they cau.bc^^^pjk^i tiifbo-jt terms. Bead and s Oxk Taou&urfS lbs. of Bacoii if int d A gross p^epe of injustice is being- perpetrated On o uf citizens in forcing them, either to do without a school; or else to pay high rates at private schools when they have money enough upk ip duethma to run the schpolsdhe entire , <; - yeirf Ho Adxf' our 4ck6ifls'-hkve ntrt' met the expectations of patrons 1 or- teachers. Now, this need not be, If we will all pull together. : ^ .We-wapld-offqf another idea: let dut : r Trustees^expehd -«their energies in se'- curing schools for the masses, leaving those of higher grade to be supported by private enterprise. We rather que#- j aii-lu il'J ) v--,ai o-i.iuTtr .GZmJVUI a, ‘ nounces that its clnp-getor marriap fiptm^s ‘‘yust what tiie ep^acy oi‘ ^e^ohryn^^ii^t. w. a. SblBibSF ;u»ii fVinan ■" ,voTi,-‘Tave -Wtt- q oili uio iioy mini vtdsit in Lift iAancfc ■ f i iBOOTi- >1 d.oi *i... ■ SHOE tion the right, and Certainly the e.tpe* ', diency, of spending whet money weV' have in luxuries for a season, when we need the necessaries the entire yeftr ... ... . „ , IB i. but due thepivsoutBoard tosfcubL : '¥^■*££*#'**•*■7 that tliej »uum rtutomined to carry ' ; ■ AXER* Old Stand, au' at retail in nextthrge months, wlfo has it ?, Bead an J see. —Mb. TikW? GXIosoB/ W.^ on Buy street,, has largest ^cjoftecfeou of rare c piilV'ivehav^^voj- seen. In all about seventy, .different nationalities. Some uf thpnj.*-are % r indeed, curio'is . • - ~ • looking! * 'Cidl am? See ’them. I , -Some men are born to misfortune 45 k ^ ^ ' At a Fourth of July picnic a Coving- 1 —Wb will'incrcasp .pjor!sheet twice - ton ebap got his eye punched for pmhiU MAEBE. *i>pc ‘jloiip^'ap cliea- r - f . rlt , y t _, and war- • niiltedvb lakt fls lbfigViK-ihat of any ofcheiu Wovkniuti -iiu v tblo spction. tile work- ahead and make it a success. M i sce11 aheous. its present size at an early day. —Fob a few claysyiast we had no mails, owingto &e'< ^^shihg^' tip” on' both" road, t he M. & li; Itoad is all right again, how ever, bo we presume our mails will be tegular. ani< f* v • ... .u7J i.i’/i —FBnama will please overlook any de- fteiencies in lhisWue of bur little sheet JVe promise, you Ahpttfj paper in-the fu- speaking to another fellow’s girl, and when he $earfnlly explained that he’d “knowed her these -thirty-five years,” he got all his hair pulled Cut. —Cincinnati men, when they hear of a contemplated visit from the moth er-in-law, write the family has the small-pox. Tl^ey get mad, though, when they receive a telegram from the old lady saying she has had it, and so mar. 24-ly, { *- ;i U *• Ithr .rtgaaroasM, :Ci ' ,zx 4, ' * Wholesale andRetail Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPIJlMgNTS, \ . RUBBER BELTING, •' -b,iefi B^EDWABEj,!, o:jji shot, .! » POWDER, caps . v? - • -a;and, i 3 j i f , LEAD,.;/;; 148 and 150 Congress, and 149 and 151 h^ Aunt Jeru9h»inwbo "Pwfl&ing St. Julian Streets, Savapn^, Ga. 13 -li- ..V.JHu tv... ,-.u;iav.,,r. *» ' mar; ;:4-tt. / , with BV' td help uTwe the children.'