Advertiser. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1875-1875, April 07, 1875, Image 1

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A I) V E R T BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING., APRIL 7. 1-S75. Vol. 1. iRFNSVVKK ADVERTISER. rlBLISHKII EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING -BY- T. KOULiOINtr STACY. \yyr.\l sunsruipriox$1.00 . r. 0001 yi Ait. ADVERTISING RATES) :R SQUARE It) linos space, first insertion, 75 > • each subseiiuent insertion, 50 l»“SPKCIAL HATES TO LARGE ADVERTISERS. Advertieora muat specify time on copy sent, or subject for charges until ordered out. Communications tor individual benefit or of a personal character charged as advertisements. Marriages and Obituary notices not exceeding lines solicited for free pnbli at ion. Over that mount charged an advertisements. Bills lor advertisements due upon presentation ter the first insertion. The above rules will he adhered to in all cases. Ail letters and communications should be ad- ressed to T. GOULDING STACY. Brunswick, Ga. The Mother Moulds the Man. That it is the m >tlier who moulds the man is a sentiment beautifully il lustrated by the following recorded observation of it shrevv.l writer: ‘•When I lived among the Choctaw Gloucester streets,--over Drug 1 Indians, I held a consultation with Store of J. S. Blam & Co. Practice ; om> of th , h . o1li cf* msp ecting the suc- m all counties ot the Brunswick Cir- 1 . , „ . 1 ... euit and the city of Darien, Ga. mar. 24-tf. GOODYEAR & HARRIS, Attorncyd at Law, Brunswick, O Georgia. FFICE—Corner Newcastle and Business Cards. CHEAPEST ROUTE Darien via. No. 1., M. & B. R. R. CITY DIRECTORY. City Officers. Mayor—Hou. W. A. FULLER. Aldermen—MEKSHON, Chairman, COOK, NEL SON. COLSON. COUPER, DAVENPORT, LITTLE- HELD and MOOltE. Cl erk and Treasurer—O. 0. FAHM. Chief Marshal—B. A. FAHM. City Ph'ieiaan—Dr. R. UAZLEUURST. Harhar Master—W. W. WATKINS. I’nrt Wardens—WATKINS. FAHM and PUTNAM Jailor and eterk Market—J. H. GOODBREAD. Police Farce—COX, WILT,TAMS and BURNEY. Sedan While Cemetery—A. PETERS. Sextan ■ lolared Cemetery—JAOKEY WHITE. CHAIRMAN STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL: Finance—Coupon town Commons—Mernbon; Railroads; Littlefield—Stbf.ets. Drains, Bridges, Hoora, Charity—Colson; PiniLio Buiudinu—Dav- mpnrt; Cemeteries—Nelson; Harbor—Cook; ■Dotation—Nolson; Fire Department—Daven- urt. cessive stages of their progress in the | arts of civilized life; and. among other things, lie informed me that at their ! start they fell into a great mistake— i they only sent boys to school. These ; boys came home intelligent, men. but they married uneducated and uncivil ized wives; and the uniform result was, the children were all like their moth' H ACKS always on hand to carry err. The father soon lost nil interest passengers to and from Railroad. ; i n hi« wife and children; and, now, j Comfortable lodgings, fm t P^«g^, sai d he, “if we could educate hut one 'with G. b. WASHING.ION, i . , .... . ,, , ! mar.24-ly. Pt’r of the Line. ! ckss of om elulto ‘ " v sho,lld clwoRe j the girls, for when they become moth ers they educate their sons,’’ This is | to the point, and it is true. No nation : can become fully enlightened when ; mothers are not, in a good degree, I qualified to discharge the duties of the i home work of education. J^O you want a splendid BOOT or SHOE mad® ; to ORDER, with PERFECT FIT guaranteed V mar. 24-ly Tben call on D. B U II li Professional. T. E. Davenport, o A TT OR y K Y A T LA W, W ILL practice in all the Courts of the Brunswick Circuit. Of fice in SMITH and DEXTER’S BaiMitmr, Now'satle street, anr. 21 ly. A. MOORE. W IN T ON, Sabbath at all times.—By different nations every day in the week is set apart for public worship: Sunday by j the Christians, Monday by the Greeks, I Tuesday by the Persians, Wednesday - G\ t Assyrians. Thursday by the Egyp- • i tiaiis, Friday by the Turks, and Sat- **» faroiAtd j ni . daJ . by Jras . • AlM t „ t!lis the {act of the diurnal revolution of the earth, giving every variation of longitude a ’ different hour and it becomes appa rent that every moment is Sunday CONTRACTOR And BUILDER. BRUNSWICK, - - - - -l on short notice, erect Buildings in EVERY STYLE. Also superintend Buildings at reason able prices. mar. ‘24-ly. Lime For Sale. OYSTER-SHELL LIME IS GOOD FOR AGRICULTURAL PUR POSES. T HE BRUNSWICK LIME CO. #?!! it in • bblB. at fid per ton, free on earn in Bruns wirk. Ga., lor CASH. 83'All orders promptly fitlM '«fO C. H. DEXTER, Treasurer, mtr. 1 - Jy. Bspfow/e*. t*»- somewhere. To The Girls.—Flirtation, whether seriously or lightly considered, is in jurious to a woman, as well as exceed ingly unbecoming in her. It is a broad, unblushing confession, which {the individual makes of her desire to attract the notice of men. Avoid it, I then, altogether.