Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, January 14, 1882, Image 2
Jldtcrfiwr and T. 0. STACY. Editor and Proprietor. BRUNSWICK, *- bxtvsday mnmsdjtx M Peter Markins, of Washington, 111 years of age is dead. ^here are eaid to be over one hun dred cases of small pox in Richmond. A bil} hap been introduced in the House tofabel oleomargarine by its proper name. A woman'has sued the city of Mu* kegan for $10,000 damages for falling over a louse board in the sidewalk. It is estimated that 1,000,000 acre* of land have gono out of cultivation in England during the last ten years. A Boston bank has sixteen tons of gold stored in its vaults. We shoqld say that bank was on & solid founda tion. Guitoau will soon know what his jury think, for tho witnesses are through, at last, and the lawyors are having their*soy . SOMNAMBULISTIC PLEA. Bibb county court has just tried a ease in which a peculiar defense is set The defendant is charged with a-, tin . 8TATE CHIPS. Valdosta is afflicted with burglars. Savannah has had a $35,000 cotton cruelly beating i person with whom he was sleeping, and in the trial the defense essayed to prove that he was somnambulistic fit, and therefore ndt-accoontable for his action, being unconscious. A physician cited the case of a man who awoke every morn ing with jhis clothes saturated with water, for whieh he could never ac count, until a friend one night found him. enjoying a bath in a pond near by. Another witness testified that he ^.frequently awoke and fonndhim self fighting a bed post. In spite of this wonderftg array of facte, bowev- e ri Ae jury dropped asleep immedi ately after the case was tuned over to them, and while in this state of un consciousness returned a verdict of guilty, and the judge aroused himself sufficiently to remark that the prison er could pay three hundred dollars or sleep for the next three months in jail. , ' La Defence, of Paris, says all things are in readiness for tho Pope to go to Malta, if deemed impossible for him to remain in Borne. ‘ Boston has the Green-est, Brooklyn the Low-est, Cincinnati the Moan-est, and Philadelphia the King-liest May or, but Now York takes the palm for Graco.—Ex. , Guitcan saya ho is sane now, bnt was not when ho shot the President. Wo don't learn, however, thnt bo re grets tho stop, so guess ho had better stretch hemp. A giant, Abookuta by name, born at Dahomey, twenty years of ago, eight feet high, and still growing, is among the recont distinguished arriv als in New York. BEARING FRUIT ALREADY Debtors who thought their obliga tions would be cancelled by tho ful fillment of mother Sbipton’s* prophe cies for 1881, have resolved to bavo no more faith in prophecies. The Albany News and AdvrrtutT cleverly advises tho young men farm ers to say, “Como on boys” instead of “Go on boys.” If this advice be heed ed, there will bo loss corn to buy in Georgia next fall than formerly. Speaking of the fruits of tho Cotton Exposition, an exobango says: Tho Atlanta Cotton Exposition is already bearing practical and valua ble fruits. Up to Monday last twen ty-nino of the exhibitors had given no tieo of their intention to establish houses or factories in Atlanta. These compriso mainly small manufactories, bnt each of them will succeed, and Di rector General Kimball is confident that during tho next year there will be fifty additional factories, large and small, established in Atlanta, directly because of tho Exposition. Exhibit ors are astonished at the sales they have made. Tho profits of a wind mill proprietor from sales made du ring tho Exposition nro placed by him at $10,000, whilst a firm eft-.- iged iu tho manufacture of hnrv- * . place their profits from sales at S-v. it); and so with cotton planters, v> ... otton- cloaners, etc. The e say that they never have att. mm-d «n ex hibition at wbich the sales were so largo. This applies more especially to makers of and dealers in machin ery that will aid in the indastriol re cuperation of tho South. It is thought thnt the amount of improved machin ery sold in the South within the next year or two will be enormous. ■*•♦.*——— A DEMAND FOR HEMP. Atlanta Phonograph. The only way to suppress crime in Georgia is to bang ovory man who murders another. Men who make traveling arsonnls of themsolves in vi olation of law should bo surely pun- Mr. Scoville has been offered $1,00(1 i ° by a medical gentleman for tho body No man wha bas a 8park of brave of Quit can, after tho law gets through in his heart will carry a pistol iu his with him. Ho agrees to tako all l>ookot on any nnd ovory occasion. It chances in tho case, and to wait twon- is *}* e tr «do mnr k of the highwayman, ty yours, if necessary, for tho consum mation of things. Upon mature con sideration, Guiti-au thinks possibly some other gooso w ill pay $2,000, so won't accept the proposition. \\ iliinmsbnrg, N. Y., bas sustained a loss of $1,000,000 in the destruction by fire of tho immense sugar refinery of Huvoweyer A Elder, a building cloven stories high and ,covering au entiro block. Ono thousand men have thus beeu thrown out of employment, bnt we trust only for n short time os a new and larger building is to bo erected with ull possible dispatch. * Recont dispatches confirm tho re port of tho loss of the steamer Lion, and all hands, near Barcalian Island, from St. Jolms.M.F. Tho steamer left St. Johns Thursday night for Trinity, and, it is supposed, strnck on the fa tal G twee- lan.i ■> coni, i i wrec of Gr Point while passing be- l iiuiilian Island and the mnin i weal down before a boat • ■ liinnelie.l, as portions of the ' ere Dirked up to the leeward S Point outlaw and coward! Of late years homicides have bo- corao so common thatthe genera! pub lic look upon them as a matter of course, au unnecessary source of ufiiic- tion, oue that will come about under tho goneral run of circumstances. Human life is too precious to bo sacrificed for some littlo whim, and wo purposo to place tho blame for this state of things whero it properly be longs—to the judges ami juries of the country. Georgia is not alone in this torriblo condition. It prevails from Maine to Texas. Tho press every where should come out plainly nnd cry aloud for hemp. Only a few days terriblo tragedy took place in pson county. Ono of tho best citi zens of the county was shot from his borso by a man who is highly respect ed in the community whero ho lives, “bout a very trivial affair. Wo repeat the heading of tho editorial—there is a demand for hemp iu Georgia. Mr. Edward Lang, of Way cross, Is dead. Over four hundred thousand tick' ets were sold to and from the Atlanta Cotton Exposition over the Western and Atlantic Bailroad. Cartorsville, Ga., has a prodigy in th,e person of Miss Maude Cook, a sjx year old blind girl, who plays ona hundred pieces of rnasic. Lewis Warren, the colored driver of a moil wagon between the depot and Post Office, in Augusta, Ga., has been caught stealing letters. Macon proposes to have, during the month of May, ao art exhibition, to consist of exhibits of painting, statu ary, and other works of art. Morris Grant, Barney Hazard and Charley Bryan, three colored men, were drowned on Friday night last between Doboy and Darien, by the upsetting of a boat. Troaurer Speer recently had a clear ing out of the silver on hand, and it took twenty sacks holding $1,000 each to contain it. It was shipped to the various Slate depositories. Mr. James T. Lavier, an employe of D. C. Bacon & Co., of Savannah, was run over and killed a few days since by a switch engine of the Cen tral road, whilst on duty at the wharf. Augusta is about to incorporate a new cotton factory company with a capital of $500,000. Twenty-five cap italists will own tho entiro stock, only one of whom is a resident of Augusta. The Northeastern road from Ath ens, Ga., to Knoxville, Tonn., and in tercopting tho Air Line at Lttla City, has beeu finished to Clarksville. The Tallulah Falls branch will soon be completed. Captain P. W. Fleming, of Liberty county, died last week. He is indeed ono of the land marks. His remains wore escorted to old Snnbury by tho Liberty Independent Troup of which ho wus, for many years, Captain. A Columbus widow was in Louisi ana, accompanied by her brother-in- law and u lady friend. The brother- in-law shot the widow fatally and the lady friend very seriously and then killed himself, because tbo widow wouldn’t marry him. Atlanta, Jauuury 9.—The buildings of the International Cotton Exposi tion in Oglethorpe Park were sold to day at private sale by tho Executive Committoo to F. P. Rico and R. H. Richards, of Atlanta, for $25,000 cash. The sale is considered a good ouo, and the purchasers will organize a joint stock company at once to fill tho buildings with machinery for tho man ufneture of cottou. VOLUNTARY STARVATION. Alexandria (Vs.) Gazette, Jan. 5. Miss Cbloe Ann Yiolett, who start ed out on a starvation fast, under the belief that she was obeying a com mand of the Lord, on the 5th of No vember last, died at the residence of her mother, on Queen street, last nigty about twelve o’clock, having lived without taking food of any kind for sixty days. The case is a remark able one,'from the fnct that it is the longest fast known. There is a well I authenticated case of a Indy in New pg forty-seven days, dying ition of that time. at tho expiration of that time. Miss Violett, although emaciated, retaiued consciousness, and tnlked freely—in deed, cheerfully—up to the time of her death. She was impressed with the belief that her time bad come, and that the Lord desired, yea, command ed her to abstain from ull kinds of food; she believed further that to die fasting woald be a safe passport to heaven, and the gates of the golden city would be thrown wide open to her, but to die iu any other way would be disobedience to the command of the Lord, for which she would have to suffer in the next world. Neuralgia, ■ Gainesville, Ga., Jan. 7,1880. I have suffered terribly for eight months with neuralgic pains all over my head. Two months ago I took a bottle of Neurotic, and am now en tirely well. I can say from experience the medicine cannot be surpassed, nor do I believe it has its equal for the re lief of pain. It will cure beyond a doubt. I feel truly thankful that my attention was called to this great rem edy. I hope that all who suffer will give it a trial. Respectfully, decl5-lm W. B. Clements. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue <>f an order from tho Court of Ordinary of Glynn county, will bo zold on tbo Aral Tuesday n February A. D. 1882. at tbo Court Bonze door, in said county during the legal hour# of sale, the following dcecribod real estate, to-wit: All those certain parcels of land situate lying and being In the city of Brunawlck, Olynn county, Georgia, known as lot No. 117 of the Old Town of the cityof Bro™ Ji c St^ c0 w lnt L to the ?!“ city- Also lot No 373 In the Now Town of tho city of Brunswick ac cording to the plsu of eatd city. Both of eaid'lote contain ono hnndrod and eighty by ninety feet. Lot No. 117 In the Old Town will bo sold in sections of thirty by ninety leet, fronting thirty feet on New castle street, and running back ninety ioet to IUch- mond street, making elz sections of said lot INo 1171 Jc™* of the sale will be one-half cuh. ono- fourth In twelve months and one-fourth In two years With interest at seven per cent per annum. Purchasers paying for Utlee. „ THOS. E. SCOTT. Administrator Estate Mr*. A. 0. Clark. Still! lead! i.Ruyi' ■i t l Hti' J WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FEED, HAY, Etc. CASH PAID The Urgent am! moat reliable manufactory of I iidcruvar South i8 LAXGLUV BliOt}., M King street, Charleston, S. C. it Wit! COOlfS : I «>rers. die iiu-renRe onr industries ‘ * * die for skilled ill Tin South linn not got them. All el pm !>■ vk Imve lieeu trained to In- lawyers nnd doctors. Georgia has >•"' mi ii ■itutiuu f»r ;mining voting Hi " >1* H! dlp.f tiiAellRiiies. | )ils Keverul so-, died military attachments, but not mi in.-titniiori levoted to prnc- * '"'I I'l'iiv :■ -.oe it, mechanism and ui iiuifiietiirinj, whirl, is now her greatest need. New Yobk, January 9.—The small pox has been spreading in Jersey City in a most alarming manner during the past few days. The board of Health has made a number of appeals to the Board of Finance to have the streets oleam-d. l n this city several new cases w. i o reported to-day, and several of a ■> indent character were I oue reads a book, fonnd in the nickly settled tenement honsodistri. which had been con cealed from ii nthorities. Dispatch es from van. parts of the country speak of gt< • ■ g alarm nDd excite ment over i’.. spread of the dread maladv. A little girl in Mobile died from the Tho Augusta Chronicle and Corusti- tulionalisl, speaking of sensational journalism, thus discourses; Tho newspapers aro, in a moasnro, tho odueators of the great majority of onr young people. How necessary, therefore, that tho fountains from which they drink should bo puro and hoalthy l Tho unclean and immoral newspapers of tho country are in some measure responsible for the growth of crime. The people that are daily fed by the daily recital of tho most horri ble crimes aro fortunate indeed if they escape tho moral leprosy bred by euch vile and pcstilontial stuff. It shocks the moral sense of tho staid and con servative man; how injurious must it bo to the young and innocent, whoso minds are easily impressed and per verted ? There is nothing more inju rious to the minds of the young than impure and sensational books. But thousands now read newspapers where one reads a book. How important then to tho morals of young people and tbo well being of society that the nowspaper which is a daily visitor at tho fireside should bo free from im morality. H y»« “nd Fun or all Kind., and old Iron, Copper. Bra.., Uagz, Bone, nnd Rope of every dc.crlpUon BY FRANK LEACH, AT Marlin’s Old Store RICHMOND St, BRUNSWICK. ST. SIMONS Marine Hospital, Du. R. J. MASSEY, Fbop’b, ST. SIMONS MILLS, - GEORGIA. Having RiitahtiBhed comfortable quarters, will j»ref° r sick and wounded M*«mon requiring hospi tal treatment. Special attention to the wants of foreign ■hipping. Free transportation to and from Brunswick furnishod patients. dcc2f-tf Administrators’ Citation GEOIUHA—Olynn County. To «H * h “ m “ “*1 < '“ mvrn: You are notified Uitt Jowpli W. Hubert* and u\ w. Watkins have Applied to me, as executor. ..f the „jjb,to of Joecph ItobertB, deceased, for le»vo to soil tlio property of s»id estute, and f will pass upon tho said application At my offleo lit Brunswick. G«„ au the first Monday til February, 1882. by whleb time all objections if any to said ordee, must bo InterposoU. Bee. 29th, 1881. ED.)Alt c. P. DAltT, Ordinary Glynn comity, Georgia. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Goods bought and sold on closest fig ures. Consignments solicited. WE SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY AND CHEAPER Fire Insurance! J. M. DEXTER, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, REPRESENTS THE SOUTHERN MIL INS. 00., OF ATHENS, GA., AND 8 OTHER F1R8T-CLA8S COMPANIES. Insurance on dwellings at very low ratet In town or country. tel 12m The Now Rnlli*oucl. Wajvroea Reporter. The construction of the Live Oak 1111 J Rowlands Bluff railroad wus corn- effects of the bite of a cat. Tho wound I ‘? 0uce( J t!l ‘s wook, and will be poshed ** *•****»*- as ass hydrophobia, and died iu a few hoars. I meu, CoL H. M. Druue. NOTICE OF INTENTIONJO CHARGE NAME. GEORGIA—Oltou Codiitt. All peraonc Intonated ere hereby notiied that J shall apply to the next Superior Court, to be held In and for said county on tho Bnt Monday ln May, 1882, for the pnrpoee of having my name and the name* or my Wife and two minor children changed from that of Horace, Mary Isabella, Annie Ettie and Alice Mabel Goodbread, by which uatnaa we have been heretofore known, to that of Horace, Mary Isabella, Annie El tie and Alice Mabel Ran dolph. This January, 7th 1882, HORACE GOODllREAD. By my Attorney., Mabrv k Borchardt 38® YOUR ORDER! ADDRESS, M EJ DICIN£SS FOB THE CURE OF FEVERS, PILES, DYSPEPSM, SCROFULA, Cancer, Colds and Coughs, Sfanufaoturcd from Vegetable Matter only, and lor Dp. L. HEINS, BRUNSWICK, GA. ««jrBay Street. 1 door* from Hotel. octd-iim AU F. FRANKLIN & Co, FINNEY’S BUILDING, BRUNSWICK, GA Dissolution oi Partnersliip., The copartnership heretofore existing between the nnileraigned la hereby dissolved by mutual con sent. J. S. Bum. will wind up the biulneu of the firm, collecting the u.ct. and paying the Uabilitte.. H. P. OBAY, J. S. BURNS. Branavrlck, Ga., Dec. T6tb, 1H. TO RENT! A large and sommodJou« store, iQx'Jil feet, oh liry street. Terms reasonable. Apply to uovl9-tf D. JAS. BILLON.