Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, January 14, 1882, Image 7

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AN ORDINANCE, Jo prevent the introduction of Yellow Fever, or other epidemic and conta- lioue disease* into the Oily of Bruns wick, and to prescribe penalties for a dotation of the same. Section’ 1. The. Mayor and Council the C'iiy of Jirunmoiahf in Council ifsembled, do hereby ordain, Tlmt, on a nd nfter the opening of the National Quarantine Station in Sapelo sound, of each and every year, all vessels des tined for the port of Brunswick, and coming from infected or suspected latitudes, or from, any infected or sus pected port, without regard to lati tude, and all vessels with sickness on board, or having had the same on the voyage, shall proceed to the said Na tional Quarantine Station in Sapelo sound before crossing the bar of St. Simons. Sec. 2. And l>e it further ordained, That the pilots belonging to the bar of St. Simons and Turtle river shall cot board any such vessels, but shall order the same to proceed directly to the said National Quarantine Station in Sapelo sound. Sec. 3. And bo it further ordained, That it shall be the duty of the Health Officer to keep tho said pilots fully notified of all ports that may be in fected or suspected, without regard latitude, so that all vessels coming horn such ports may be directed to tho National Quarantine Station. Sec. 4. And he it further ordained, That all vessels bound for the port of Brunswick, and having the certificate I of the National Quarantine Ofiicer, shall be brought to anchor at tho lo cal quarantine station, and there re main until visited by the Health Ot- acor, and a permit given by him for the vessel to proceed to the city. Sec. 5. And t>c it further ordained, That, during tbo timo the National Quarantine Station shall be closed all vessels as described in tho first sec tion of this ordinance shall bo brought to anchor at the local quar antine station, and thoro remain until visited and reloasod by tho Health Officer. Sdo. 6. And be it further ordained, That all vossols from foreign ports di rect, or via American ports, with or without sickness on board, shall, dur ing tho entire year, be brought to au thor at tho local quarantine station, and there remain until visited and re- .eased by the Health Officer. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That all vossols arriving with sickness m board, or haring hud the sumo during tho voyago, shall, at all seasons of tho year, without regard to the port from which they may come, whether foreign or American, anchor it tho local quarantine station, and thoro remain until visited and released by the Health Officer. Stic. 8. And be it further ordained, That all coastwise vessels or steamers trom infected or suspected j-orts slinlli between the first days of May uud No vember, and longer if the Board of Health shall so determine, anchor at tho local quarantine station, and there remain until visited, inspected and released by tho Halth Officer, all dis charging cargo or ballast at tho quar antine station, having bilge* and tim bers cleansed and sweetened, being fumigated at least twice, and detained at least fifteen days, before coming up to the city. Sec. 9. And be it further ordained, That all masters of coastwise steam ers and vessels coming by tho inland ronto, and not from infected or bus' pected ports, shall, between tbo first days of May and Octobor, and lator if tbo Board of Health shall so deter mine, be required to make oath that, in case of having sickness on board, they will not, in any cose, land either passengers or freight until tho Health Officer shall have been notified and a permit givon by bim for such landing. *Sec. 10. And be it further ordained, That nil coastwise vessels shall, be tween the first days of May aud No vember, and later if so determined by the Board of Health, anchor in tho stream in front of the city, and there Remain until visited and released by be Health Officer. Sec. 11. And be it furlhir ordained, That all vessels from infected or sus pected latitudes shall, during tibe en tire year, discharge any and all bal last at the quarantine station, and be thoroughly cleansed, sweetened and fumigated before receiving a permit to proceed to the city. Sec. 12. And be it further ordained, That no vessel from an infected or suspected port shall either lighter or bring cargo of fruit up to tfiooity be tween tho first days of May and No. vernber of each and every vear. Sec. J3. And be U further ordained, That tho pilots shall, in every case, make inquiry, before boarding, as to the sanitary condition of the vessel.— They shall in no case board itThe ves sel has sickness on board, or has had any during the voyage, but they shall in all such cases either direct the ves sel to the National Quarantine Sta tion, or lend her in to the local quar antine station. Sec. 14. And be it further ordained, That any master of a vessel coming from infected or suspected latitudes, or from any suspected or infected port, who shall cross the bar of St. Si mons in violation of the first section of this ordinance, or any master of a steamer or other'vessel who shall vio late any provision of this ordinance, and particularly that of making a false statement or taking a false oath ns the Uie sanitary condition of liis vessel, shall be subject, on conviction there for before the Police Court, to a fine not exceeding two hum)- ? dollars, or labor on the public streets for a term not exceeding ninety days, or both, at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 15. And be. it further ordained, That any pilot belonging to the bar of St. Simons and Turtle rivor, or other pilot or person, who shall board or bring into the port of Brunswick any vessel coming from infected or suspected latitudes, in violation of tho second suction of this ordinance, or shall violate any other provision of this ordinance, shall be pnnisbed therefor by the Commissioners of Pi lotage, under the rules and regula tions of the said Commissioners. Sue. lfi. And be, it further ordained, That any person who shall visit or board any vossel lying within the quarantine limits, or loiter about the quarantine station, for any purpose whatever, without a written permit from tho Health Officer, shall be sub ject, on conviction therefor before tho Police Court, to a fine not exceeding two hundrod dollars, or labor on the public strocts for a term not exceed ing ninety days, Or l»oth, at the dis cretion of tho Court. Sec. 17. And be. it further ordnnned, That any person who shall leave any vessel lying within tho quarantine limits, for any purpose whatever, without n written permit ‘from tho Health Officer, shall be subject, on conviction therefor before the Police Court, to a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or labor on the pub lic streets for a term not exceeding ninety days, or both, at the discretion of the Court. Sec. 18. And be it further ordained, That the Health Officer shall, in con sideration of the services required of him, charge aud . collect from the vessel requiring the service the following feos for boarding and in specting vessels at the Quaran tine station, viz: For vessels of less than 200 tons, $7 00; for vessels be tween 200 and 400 tons, $12 69; for vossols between 400 aud 800 tons, $17 00, and for vessels over 808 tons, $22 00 For boarding and inspecting in front of tho city: coastwise vessels, $G 00; steamships, $10,00, i> in the night, aud five if in the day time; steamboats, $5,00, if at uight and three if in day time. Sec. 19. And be it further ordained, That the Health Officer shall charge and collect from every vessel roquir-1 iug disinfection a fumigating fee of I $5,00 for every vessel under 200 tans; I $10,00 for every voss-4 he tween 200 and 400 tons; $15 00 tor • very vessel J between 400 and 800 tons, and $20 001 for every vessel over 8 ! -t* tons—-the . same to bo turned oiyr to the Board j of Health for the purchase of disin fectants and to meet the expeusha of the Board. « Sec. 20. And be it further ordained, That all ordinances and parts of ordi nances in confliet with this ordinance, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council, Jan. 11th, 1882. M. J. Colrok Attest: Mayor. ■Tames Houston, Clerk of Council. A safe and sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair is fur nished by Parker’s Hair Balsam which ia deservedly popular frbtrt its superior cleanliness. ’ decl5-lm —yfBX FIRM OF W. T. GLOVER & CO., Has removed from the store next door to the Post Office, and opened afresh in Dixon’s New Building, STATIONERY, Books, Pictures, Etc. NEWSPAPERS, PERHMLS HUMS Received daily and for Bale at low prices. PICTURE FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. THE SIAE1 ^J>EPOT —AND— SILVER GOLD , *> u,,uu 1 ir Solid and Plated 1 * Silverware, I -IS AT- H. L. HARRIS’, "Watclimalierl'cfc Jeweler. "STAR” SPECTACLES! Sole Agent for Teske’s Patent Watch Regulator. Can be applied in 5 Minutes AND EYE-GLASSES IN GREAT VARIETY. TRTmzmm in (Enlarged Twice.) Enable:-: anyone to regulate his own Watch with certainty. VICTOR EmmM So. 4 Sewing Macliiue! MALLORY'S NEW YORK & BRUNSWICK Steamship Line. i -Captain RISK. CITY OF SAN ANTONIO, Captain HINES. Leave* New York every Friday at 3 P. M.. arriv ing in Brunswick every Tuesday. Close eounoctioii 1th a!! ,iOlittn *>n II. k A. and M. k B. Railroad*. Tlirough bills lading signed to ail potut* on above roads. Freight and passage as low hr by any other hue. For n* **'*n ger am J state room* apply to It. \V. SOUTH WHK, A at. JmieHy Brunswick. Oa. THE LATEST, THE SIMPLEST, THE HANDSOMEST, EASIEST RUNNING, MOST RELIABLE, THE BEST, Sewing Machine in the Market! Sewing Machine Needles & Attachments, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Musical Instrument sand Strings, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS AND CARTRIDGES. Parties will do well to examine ray stock before purchasing elsewhere.— REMEMBER THE MAIN DEPOT! jan7-ly WINTER SCHEDULE. GA. & FLA. INLAND STEAMBOAT CO. Five Trips per Week Making clo.n- connection* with Ocean Steamship Co. to mid from Now York, and with Philadel phia, Bui tinier*.* aud Bostou * teamen*, and at Brunswick with B. k A. and E. T., V. k G. Railroads to all point*. STEAMER DAVID CLARK TESTIMONY OP DRUG!***’■*>. bavo boon selling "Hwift'a Bvphi’ith- <p- for years, snd regard it superior to an - Mn i " for diseases it is recommeuded to cur* 8. J. CasbkSsS, ThouiSHviUe, (ia.; L. . :o. Co., Forsyth, Ga.; Pkkukuton, Sameirw .» uw- kolds, Atlanta, Oa. Atlanta, Jnljr 1, 1864.* We used "Swift's Syphilitic Specific” in the treat ment of convict* the p»*t year, and boMwrn It to tin* only certaln^hKown remedy that will effect a j*r- mam’at curt of diseases for which it is recommend |, GRANT, ALEXANDER A CO. *1<0OO RliUMIlD Will to paid towny chemist who will find, on an alysis ot one hun&vd battU* of 8. 8. 8., one particle of mercury. Iodine potassium, or any mineral sub- stance. fllK SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Proprietor*, At. lauta. (5a- Sold by *11 dragtfsta. Call tor a copy of "Young Men’s Friend/* novlD-lm Larioso Hall wing mi W1U be opened every Friday Nig Commencing 15th inat. RATES WILL 111 For Apwtalor* . Bn: lay afternoon for Ha il: every Tuesday af oswIca l-.i Savai teiuouu; returning. i*a\ ♦ very U'.gUt. STEAMER CITY OF BRIDGETON Arrives at Brunswick every Monday mid ikurs- STEAMER FLORIDA Every W*-$i.'*»dsv and Saturday uight, leaving lor Havanunh *ur>ctl\ niter I-;»Hug. tf? the fend* of thin fine bring irulgh* '■ r Brum- wick and all atation* on It. A a. it. |{., .a whi?k cl*‘Mu connection ia made five time* per week. C. WILLIAMS, Agent. aprillG-iliu Brunswick, on the dock. CIGAR FACTORY BRUNSWICK, GA., I). (i. RIKLEY, Propritor. t’KMBS .MAMJK.ILII’BKD nr H l.VR, AXC OK THE FINEST OltADES OF Pure Havana Tobacco, And at price* to satisfy any and all. These Cigars iu be had of tho following Arm* in our citv MELERSMUM C0„ HARTFORD, CONN. Life and Accident Insurance. J. M. DEXTER, INSURANCE AG’T, Represent* the above Co. &t Brunswick, Oa. F.ifc and accident policies written on short noli* Passenger insurance ticket* sold. No mi (ileal * aminaueu required. decl.v 1IET111 A SPEiiALll ^ents’Furn.'shl ng; Goods MOORE it McCRARY. 2* JOS. E. LA.MB RIGHT, J5c i R. F. GOODBREAD. _ pusrcmcB. ; W. T. GLOVER. O’O-in::-<r v wenz. A CO.. jf* /• CftQv.fTr f ATTORNEY AT LAW,|^& i: RUSS WICK, GEORGIA. R. MEYERS. HOTEL. WIMBERLY* HEINK K. J. IiOERFLINOEIt, i afssEiX II ILZE.NIXJHF * BRO MATBES. MR HELTON * Situ. E. .-OL j .ION. Qtt-► turn to A:>vsbtukkuj Amur tmlhUu,- I Your^ Orders ore Solicited. J”* opwted, in itore at Mean.' SWorn * of * bove gO0 ' 1 ‘- wlac, ‘ 1 Never Before Known ! Wh ' Ch W “ J. B. WRIGHT. tfrow VwctlblM for l OARDENINC Sale, read (FOR PROF1 »Jca Commerce i PRACTICAL Florist, reS f FLORICULTUI If you wish to Gar* den for Amusement ( GARDENINC 0rf oSl" 0 rT®j L ’ 5e (PORPLEASUF All by PETER I1ENDERSOX. Price $1.50 each, postpaid by mat!. Our Combined Catalogue oi SEEDS and PLANTS For 1883, sent free on application. PETER HENDERSON &CC. 36 Cortlandt St, New York.