Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, January 14, 1882, Image 8

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RUST-PROOF SEED OATS RUST-PROOF SEED OATS COf^W- O FEED OAT8. FEED OATS. LAE ED OATS. MEAT. MEAT, MEAT, MEAT ■NfflAlL, ! ! MELAJL ! FLOUR [all grades], HAMS, LARD, SALT, GRIST, and all kinds of HEAVY GROCERIES, which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Communication addressed to me at Albany or Brunswick will be answered prompt ly. „ „ MAYER, GLAUBER & FORRESTER. J". TT _ KTIGtHTEENG-ALES, ARontnt Brunswick. oetlft-fiin ----- == NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! 1 Log to Inform the cltlxeu* of tbi* city and *ur- nmllng country that I hare lust opened a stock of od* count sting of STAPLE AND FANCY DEY GO0BS Motions, REA:)\ MADE ( LOTHL\(». Hats, Caps, BOOTS, SHOES, A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES! TOBACCO AND CIQARS. Which 1 off- r at very clone nr c*« Having purchaw- • l iuy stoc • It •* h •" lv. I .an »h* defy ■•••lit- petition. E. KAUL, NE\l Tu itAUtilS. Hi. JEWELER. Palmer Brothers WHOLESALE *ND RETAIL DEALER IN Foreign and Domestc Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS, UV STREET, msttltl, U. AprliaO-l-m CllMaMCo TIN SHOP, STOVES l STOVE PIPE, Tin Ware, Plumbing, Pumps & Pump Driving. HARDWARE, Mu Mill ICO Oongrt'H,. 14# an.l 151 8t. .Tnlftn ats. SAVANNAH. - GEORGIA. Agricultural Implements, FAN MILLS, (iliATN CRADLES, AVERY’S PLOWS. BRINLY’S PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS, HEEL PINS, GRASS RODS RUBBER & LEATHER BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, BLACKSMITH’S TOO..S. GUN." AND PISTOLS. PISHING 1AIKI.J-. A KNT- KOII KMHHANKS’ Standard Scales, DU FONT'S CELEIillATKl) POWDER, Together with a mil line of S1IKLF HARDWARE, tor sale at the lowest oi»*h prico*. PALMER BROTHERS ikml Oping OF WINTER GOODS! SUCH PRICES NEVER KNOWN BEFORE! Black and colored Cashmere* from 25c to $1.50. Colored Bilk* and Matin* at 50c and upward*. Black Silk* from to.- to $3 fi« New Brocade Silk* in all aliadea. The finest anaortnieiit of ladle*, miiwi and chil dren'* cloak*, atlk frinm* from 25c upward*. Orna ment* of all description* A complete line of men’*, ladies , misses' and children * Underwear Infant’s Wardr >l>« complete from th* lowe*t to the finest. A full line of Ribbon-. Corset*. Handkerchief*. Tie*. Bed Hpread* a. d ttham* in lace and embroid ery, and a beautiful !tr»e ofpr#Mbt# for the coming Holiday*. DOLL* h..ported direct from ttteinbardt. AT Jacob Cohen’s. 152 BROUGHTON St., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. febA-ly C- P7 GOODYEAR, Private Boarding! attorn ky at law, louBtore, Gloucester street. ONE MINUTE’S WALK ABOVE ?>ST ')! KICK Te-rn m»*d-rate Apply to nov.’ tf J< 'H. E. i.AMLbiGli: BRUNSWICK, GA. Drugstore DIXON S NEW BUILDING. Newcastle St., - - - Brunswick, Ga. The undersigned ha* removed his DRUO STORE to the above location and is ready to nerve his friends and the public generally with a fresh supply of Drugs, Cliemicals, Patent Medicine, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles IN GREAT VARIETY, MINERAL WATERS, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, BURST'S FRESH AND GENUINE (EykHBSiH SEJ FINE UUEEX AX 1111LAUK TU IS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, And other artichf too numerous »«< mention, ami usually kept in * ilrs*. -lass Drug Store. Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately compounded. After store is closed, will cheerfully attend any calls for medic.nes, if imntbd ai Ins residence, corner Union uud Mansfield streets. JAMES T BLAIN, •■■ DRUGGIST. J Cut Loaf, Powdered. Granulat ed and Common Sugars, Full Line of Fresh Groceries, A full Stock of Dry Goods. -AT- J. J. SPEARS’. Sic FOR GOOD BREAD AND BISCUITS USE J. J. SPEARS’DRY HOP YEAST AND WHITE PUFF BAKING POWDER. W. H. H ARRISON, 104 NEWCASTLE STREET, BRUNSWICK. - GEORGIA. Sale of Furniture, Crockery and Glassware every night at 6 o’clock; Saturdays, 11 a. m. Savannah, Florida and Western Railwit 0* ScPEiiiNTExnENT'sOffice, Savannah, Bey. 3, '* AND AFTER SUNDAY, Doc. 4th, Fsasenge train* on thl* Road will run ta follow*: FAST MAIL. Leavo 8avannah dally aft n.10 P LeavoJeaup 1.25 P 3 Leave Waycroe* 147 P a Arrive at Callahan 4.45 p 3 Arrive aft Jacksonville 5.30 P 3 Leavo Jacksonville daily at u.oo A 3 Leavo Callahan - 0.50 A Arrive at Wsycross 11.59A Arrive at Jesup 1.20 p _ Arrive at Savannah. 3.10 p 3 Passengers from Ravanuah for Brunswick take thi* train, arriving at Brunswick 3.60 p. m. Passenger* leave Brtmawlck at 10:15 a m., arriv iug at Savannah 3;4l! p. m. PahMengera from Florida by thla train connect >1 Jesup with train arriving in Macon at 7:50 : (daily includiug Sunday.) This train stop* on! cross. Folkstou, Calls! JACKSONVILLE EXPRESS. Leave Snvauuah daily at 11:00? M Leave Jusu p " 2:45 A M Leave Teheanville “ 4:45 A 31 Arrive at t allahan •• 7:00 A Arrive at Jacksonville “ 6.00 AM Arri ve at Live Oak daily (except Sunday).. 11 :30 - M Leave Live Oak dally (exceptSunday). 2:30 P M Leave Jacksonville daily aft. 6:00 P M Leave Callahan daily at 7:10 P 31 Leave Teheaville daily at 9:55 P M Arrive Jesup daily at 11:40 P M Arrive at Savnuuah daily at 2;80 A 3! 8avannah atm JockBonville. Charleston and Jackson ville, and 3Iacon and Jacksonville. Fassongors leaving 3Iacon'7:50 p m connect at Jee- np with this train for Florida daily. Passengers from Florida by this train connect Jesup with train arriving at Macon 7:05 a m daily. Passengers for Darien take this train. Passengers from Savannah for Brunswick taking thl* train arrive at Brunswick 5:30 A 31. Pa**enger« leaving Brunswick »:00 p m arrive in PavMunali 2:35 a m Passenger* from Savannah for Gainesville, Cedar Keys uul Florida Trsnslt Road take this traiu Pamn-ngers from fkivunnah for ‘tadfson. Montice! lo I‘»11 »hass* e and Quincy take this train ALP ANY EXPRESS. Leave Hnvnnnab dally at 4:36 p tu I.- ■ J"*«»p daily at. 7:3U ; Eevve I’etyeafWtlie daily at 10:10 j: L-nv.- Dupont dully at.. 1:15 a Ar tve atThoiMiuivllle daily at 6:43a A riv«- at Ifcdtibridgc daily i-ri’ • Alban • Itaiiibrid) 1 ••• daily at . 1:80 . ThomaHvlIle daily at 8:30 p u e at Dupont daily at 1:15 <• at Tehranvllb d..:ly aft 4:00 >• at Jesup daily «t 6:13 rr. . u at Savanna!. da.lj at i».u3 sleeping car* run through to and from Savan and Thomasville daily without chaugu. Connect at Albany with Passenger trains both ways on Wouthwesturu Railroad to and from 31s- con. Kufaula. Montgomery. Mobile, New Orleans, et. Mai! steamer leaves Bainbridge for Apalachicola and ro tumble- every Thursday and Suuuay Close connection at Jacksonville daily (Sunday excepted) for Green Cove Springs, St Augustine, Pnlatkn »ud Enterprise, and all lauding: John- river. Trains on B. anil A. k H. leave Junction, goin west, at 11:37 a. m.. and for Brunswick aft 4.40 p. m daily, except Sunday. Through Tickets sold and Sleeping Car Berths cured at Bren’s Ticket Oflice, No. 22 Bull Greet, ; at Savauuah, Florida and Western Hallway Paas*-n ger Depot. J. >4. Tyson. Jas. L.Taylum, Master Trans. Geu'i F'uger Ag’t. It. G. FLEMING. Snpt. W.B.Mell&Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in SADDLES & HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF SKINS, SOLE, UAlt NESS, BRIDLE. AND PATENT LEATH ER, WHIP8 AND SADDLERY WARE. HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, Etc, TTAliLE FOR MILL XIES AND TURPENTINE MANUFACTURERS, A Specialty. WRITE FOR PRICES. Savannah, Georgia. For ’destroying insects on tree*, vines, etc., wa tering garden* and plant*, washing carriages and windows, protecting building* from fire, and adapt- •<1 to many use-. Stmt for circulars t" J. i?I. DFXTEH, Ascnl, augl.6m Brunswick, Ga. 1BSTIMCT OP TITLE BOOKS. The ut)(h>nilgned prepared, in 1S701, an ab.stra. f of all title* from the Records of Glyun county, dat ing from 17b ’, and subsequently brought said book up to 1674, making it a complete abstract to book T. the present record book of the county, with the ex ception of two books, R and S. which abstracts, since th- recent destruction of the records, arc the only dsu in relation to the titles of Glyun county tor the time named, with the exception of book >’ which was saved with book T. Ho ha* opened an office, and will keep it open for examination of tit!. ; for cash compensation, as per schedule of foe* in of- hec, the examination to bo only of the title, aud any legal opinion thereon to In* paid for separab ly. C V. GOODYEAR iM-u.