Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, May 20, 1882, Image 5

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- IT/.V DOW- DRKSS r.RS. To such *[AM»e has the penohAfif] mamm special class of men and women who are known technically os “window- jrtfiJM xWf fwJffl' pro'i>erly tiio goods in the show- niti- dowB. These window-dressers are lib erally paid, one receiving a salary of £3,000 a year, and several rejoicing in tbeverv respectable stipend of §2,000 per annum. The window-dressers do nothing but dress windows, which occu pation, as their establishments change, the display in their windows ;dpifej or' twice every month, deimiuds their en tire working time. Others combine with their window-dressing the selling of good-i, and it is atateu by a large re tail dry -goods dealer, os one Of this re sults of. bis experienced observation, “that any man who has sense and taste enough to dress a window has and mnst have n ility and tact enough to make a first-mie salesman.” The preparation of an elaborate (show-window is often the task of many weeks. Several poinW are of the'first importance in dressing a show-window. The blending and the e< ■ntvosting of colors must bo ntto lo’, ft in every deutil. Then the •Mid it); ti .t’ of t!ie window, goto siieii , am • •*.*,*.Vo title alt. ntiou, ho as i.. oat” t.lie “eil>eta." Then u ' oe taki a to protluce both in.' “night” effects." as they I a .: ;d so to arrange the axhib- . j.j will not . terror, with the A -It >w wiiuhnvhmt to he brill- i:.i mi.luted by g si .-lit or electric a- ■ .1 as to la- crtlicuicd and ex- i b sunlight ; and very thought- n, iHiHM'iiuly every theatrical .ill understand how .iiflicult it is in' ovthing equally attractive by ,i mght.—Aew York Herald. to ' c.n ligld mull fid day TI' heal, nil in la r air. wiiii For Mi.-! ciirnn. a is l /. CM AUK a f JtlltDS. •r.iegi. of birds is composed ol f, icli are had conductors ol me so disposed os to contain interstices a gr*-at quantity oi .out leaving it space to circulate, a pecies os inhabit the colder i a still more efiectuol provision ; mr under the ordinary plum age. which is adapted to resist tlie wind and nun, a still finer and more delioate down is round, which intercepts the h. ut viiieii would otlierwise escape through tlia coarser plumage. W me plumage does for the bird, wool nil the animal, and clothing for the li.m snow does in winter for the soil. Tim■ farmer and tho gardener look witi, m.-may at a bard and continued fr.w wionh is not preoeded by a fall oi st, ,,\. For tho snow is nearly a non- Cfiiosii'iiir, and when suffioieiitly deep i, ,.,y be considered os absolutely so. 'I i •• surface may therefore fall to a tom- pcri turc greatly below 32 degrees, bni the Imt wu in coutaot with the vegeta tion oi tlie soil does not share in this finl >i temperature, remaining at 32 do- green—a temperature at that season not incompatible with the vegetable organ ization. Thus tho roots mid young shoots ore protected from a destructive cold. LOCAL MMSKAVKllS. Hie editing of a local newspaper fs no light task, ns many tiro led to oo- liev.-. J.’iie identity and p -ondity of the unitor cannot Iteonncoiili d or avoided —hi- sp aks himself and all Ins readers know him, and upou lam n^isthe whole resi«jii-',liiiity of ull he rays. 8elf-re- spoct and an ardent desire to do well and to deserve well at the hands of his sttliscrihers and patrons prompt him to strive constantly in season and oat at season so to conduct bis journal as to re flect credit upon himself and upon the community in which it is published. The first and moat essential thing in the conduct of a country journal is to have it dean. No lino op word should be admitted to its columns that might not be repeated in the family circle. In its dealings with men it should be fair and jtist—if occasion should arise for praise or blamo it should be justly meted out. Personal prejndioe and bias for good or ill shonld never control the editorial columns. As a purveyor of newp the weekly paper needs much watching and constant scrutiny. To these essentials for the decent conduct of a nowspaper must be added the need of the earnest co-operation of tho community among whom it circulates and for whose benefit, if property ooodoctad, jft&ll j°. No class of men know better than edit- °rs the bitterness of the want of appre ciation and of moral and material snp- l<ort. It people would only res lire what advantage it is to a town to have a de cent, well-conduoteJ paper, they would with one accord tender such encourage ment and support as wonlil lighten tho editorial bnrden and lift np the editorial heart. The labmr bestowed on a live local journal is very gnat and it should meet with a generous recognition on the part of all who are interested in the success and prosperity of the place in : which it is published.— Seneca Falla Reveille. <i ' I 1 '!■ ■ : it -bn,1,1 fill ills •: A BJtAKP BLKCTIokKBRXjra XXICK- A certain candidate some years ago, in England, stood for a town whioh is not more celebrated for its electoral parity than for the extent of its woolen 1 manufactures. The candidate began operations by buying all the stock that was ready for the market, Intimating that he shonld wont as much once a. month for exportation. This was splen did—£20,000 every ■'month and the Lon don market untouched. Such a member would be invaluable to the town, and he was accordingly elected. So soon as he hod thanked the constituency, and with tears in Ins oyes assured them that the honest, manly straggle they had made to rescue their town from the domina tion of the viie Radicals should never be effaced from his memory, he started off for town, and sold off ull his woolens at an abatement of 2} per cent, on the cost price, thus seeming his seat at the moderate price of £'i00, and forestalling the market ugmnHt his independent con stituency tor a month to come. The lat ter were furious, and pretty plainly hinted that if the man of their unsought ohoice e'er again showed his nose with in the limits of their borough, Ins head would be made familiar with the sol- iditv of their brickbats. There are oertainly no products of the arts so cheap os tho newspaper, and it ia difficult to imagine any other thing. Were it not u medium for the communi cation of tho commercial needs of tho community, w. ich form a part of its in come, but an- not strictly one of its journalistic functions, it would bo im- jin to lurnish what it does at the prices whioh it gets. That on the whole it does not pay like other furnished pro ducts—the cuke, the cigar, the oyster supper, the rihlion, the laces, the glass of boor—can only be explained on tho the' ,r.v once advanced by the FaigUsh philosopher who was asked why the ■ in! i it: ..el urers of nlo were all million- n :. s, uud tho authors all poor. “ Bo," he replied, “for one man who Ims li'aius, th’rty have bowels.”—De troit /'Vet J'rtm. ! ,!: IM. ■,(!! dim ■ratevin'J ! iliod (utofsimi I, ,ili' ic !•>•> ftstfnllciJ ft • j {j-, jii) • i*.I in:* **-$£# •//•nil’*’ 1 iff f>» *?- 11 }ti! 8kn#l i THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BOUGHT OUT THE ENTIRE INTEREST OF Dn. i. M. MADDEN, , j,, lueilluuil'iwiuu SffT tofitt, I llhlfi jl‘)f (l-spl Git litw Jlr.H to tilum snMV/ DRUG BUSINESS, ... ., , | / . -u . '• !’id 1 10.1 oviO .vt'U'ioft io CORNERgNEWCASTLE & GLOUCESTER STS., 1-u.zH Brunswick, Georgia, M IEXTEND8 TO THE PUBLIC AN INVITATION TO EXAMINED FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ''Proprietary and Domestic Supplies, such as DY0 STUFFS. Bake: & Confectioner, -ALSO DEALER IN- •f oiMlft TOBACCO, CIGARS and FRUITS. Ice-Cold Soda Water ALWAYS ON HAND. Tobacco and Cigars A SPECIALTY. I am well prepared to supply y u with m > mil everything you wish to eat, GOODS DELIYERFD FREE. Give me a cell, st eituer iny . tore on tho Bay or on Newcastle street, wtier* myself or my clerks will bo happy to servo you. FeC'jSIr .1. I\ IIEINS. I No PKRSOX bns ii rirrht to live without labor. To The Ladies OF BRUNSWICK- Mrs. EARL£, OF BROOKLYN, N. Y., INFORM YOU THA RED TO 81IOW UEU t SPRING ILLliWV GOODS TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED Imported Bonnets, LACE NECK WEAIM TRI M Ml.V*8, FANCY WOOL WORK, <1111LDIIBNUI LACK V AI'S Fancy Ornaments, Buttons, RIBBONS, Etc. Cell end examine stock. deeI0*ly Brunswick Bracket Works RICHMOND STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. EDWARDS, WARD & GO, PROPRIETORS. Wood ITnming, Moulding, SAWING, Ere., Picket, ol *11 ilrld made to ordar.Wood Turning ot every description, tin, Brr. 11 and Circular (tew ing dona with neatnesa and dispatch. Octagon and Plated Balusters, Newel* *nd kill* conaUotly on land or made to order. Pattern*. Models, Hope and Twisted Wort*. T*a-Pin* and Ball*. Indian Club*. Mooldlnga, both a might and elreolar, lorcarpen- ter*. cabinet maker* and pteno lorte mannfacturera, la flMt. all trad** anppllad la IhelrdHrereat branch- d. w* bare also the fineat Una ot Braekata, Paper Holders, supper and Htenoecoplc Caaea, Pletnre Frame*. ClocrShelrea, Hat aad Towel Rack*, etc. jgF-rieaso give ua a call, and leave par order*. N. B.—All Jobbing attended to at one*, aad dona at rraaonabU rates. noria-tf zvutm-uim'muQ CRUDE mPmOTCil For which the highest cash price will he paldfon dellTerjr.BFor farther Information Inquire of JESSEf WILDER, msrii-Jm Lrunswtck, G*. mam* man Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, TplXtLlET G-OODS, Etc., Landreth’s Fresh and Reliable Garden Seed, AND EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO A FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPART- gjr. MENT 18 UNDER THE DIRECTION OF Mr. L. J, 33. PBRSSB, Anloxperlencod and registered Pharmacist. Especial attention given to compounding physician!' r. " prescriptions. hTexirford, jvi. t>. .kApriUm . Cut Loaf, Powdered, Granulat ed and Common Sugars, Full Line ol Fresh Groceries, A full Stock of Dry Goods, S, M. GLOGtlEIl, -HEADQUARTERS FOR- (dowries, Provisions, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, TOYS, TOYS! 1 > nVjMift AND FANCY ARTICLES. u w** ‘ 1 , .-Hu l'!r- < tdmtb Oit iniipoD otil iiib nil J-hJ JtO/l l«7 'lill IK J-.i i yiiidt iaiga ti ■»•>* htii- mi! of Hat mrofi v* (f'aiqo'j j id) pisf'O. -AT- J. J. SPEARS’. ®*FOR GOOD BREAD AND BISCUITS USE J. J. SPEARS’DRY HOP YEAST AND WHITE PUFF BAKING POWDER. Fire Insurance! T. O'CONNOR, Jr. AGENT FOR THE; BRITISH AMERICA, LIl'ERP’U LONDON&GL0BE, —and— NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS’ AGENCY. Office .rer Madden's Drug store. febl-lj SHINGLES, FOR SALE AT $2 50 PER 1,000 -BY- D. T. DUNN]. P4 J I If ii havuig added to oub mill a Barrel Stave AND LATH MACHINE, ' te an pr«(iared to tike nrdvra mr STAVES AMD i 'AT1H Oar*kmda (krnlobM on nhott notl.*p. r. “ " hi i. P ST. SIMONS Marine Hospital, "te R*.lfdilF.iiM’' iiT.nnoNa .hills, Haring wtebltehed oomforubl* qnjrler*. wtll — et«k andwnondedaeamen raqntrlnghorpI- Special atlfchoii M tK. want* of