Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, June 24, 1882, Image 6

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L\ . r 't N. «r Ad> rtJ«WHf£j ———-Jr" 5f WANTED, lij a wtltf girl, » bowr'wlth » wipecUM* Umlljr. »UllngtJM»l*» will, any Hn.1 of Ij^wwort ex- f»tit wa*hii'g an*! Ironing. \ddrt-** BOX 70, Brunswick, Ga, For Sale. I1LA0K SPANISH »l»t LK/lHORNS, Mlrt ron,,. i both hruKl* fowl* lor nk by .1. K. NIGHTENGALE. ^dvc^er nud J^peal MJRLIEHl:i* KVKBT SATURDAY MORNING AT BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 24.IS82. HOME MATTKJIH. FOll StLE. 2 Fair* »iCQnd>Uml Platn»rm Scalt*. 1 Democrat Wagon. 1 Small New Iron Safe. 1 Show Ca»e. bo Notice. Noltbtr tto Ctptaln. owner, nor conulituet- will re,pon«lblo lor ,ny debt, contracted by tbe w of the Norwegian bark MATILDA. CLAU8SEN, M«t*r. rtfotio©. Neither tbe Captain, owner* or conaigneo will be re* l-oifcl^e for any debt* contracted by the crew of the Korfigii^T* , *^OAU. ' \ GJENILDSEN, Matter. CARD. Tlio nnder,ign*d. b.vlug mot with tb, misfortune of bains burned oat 111 the fire of hut winter, end In too Br, of the 17th lnrt„ h».o determined to form a comrtnerahlp foi the practice of law. to take effect front thl« date, to be known mi««4r« * I’.* C. P. GOOUifcAtti j.&tf W. E. KAY, Assignee’s Notice. F. W. Harlehurat * Co. bare made genenl u- sigwuent to me for benefit of cieditora. Creditor* will prepent claim* ami debtor* make payment to me. Assignment recorded in Clerk ■ office, Supe rior Oonrt, Glynn county. ^ „ , . W1U sell at private sale, for caab. fi timber carta and fixture*, 1 wagon, 1 extra Umber cart wheel (now). 1 tent, blacksmith’s tool* and anvil, 7 tim ber trucks for tram road. WILLUM GABBARD, 144*41 A»i*lguoe, Savannah, Ga. FIRE, FIRE, FIRE! I WILL OPEN. ON MONDAY NEXT. MY STOCK OF WIlRYfflFMMS Sly damaged good* will b* sold only for wbat they are worth, REGARDLESS OF COST* Ladies’ Underwear. Kmbtolderlee. Hats. Plnmes —in fact, everything is damaged! How la your ume tu stcure great lurgiaiiiB ! Come early In the week, before everything i« gone 1 MRS M. C. ROWE. The Jockey Club CONNECTED WITH THE OLYNN CO. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNOUNCE EUR THE 4th OF JULY At 4 P. .If., ON HI IB fiKOVNDN, HORSE RAGES, BASE SOU MATCH. AND OTHEK AMUSEMENTS. AdmUsiou, adult* 50c •• children... 7* At. J. COLSON, D. T. DUNN, Secretary. President, See advertisement of place wanted in a good family by a white girl. Excursion parties from tbe interior continue to come down on route for Cumberland. 1 beautiful IUO Gold See advertisement of racing, etc., in Fair Grounds on tho 4th of July. Ad mission 50c; children half price. Read what Mr. Duuu has to say about some things he wants to sell.— See the advertisement on first column of this page. i splendid set of cups and saucers and plates for at Goldsmith A Co.’s, the Bo*a Grocers. Mrs. M. C. Rowe offers bargains tbis week in damaged goods. Call on ber at her new place, fo front of boarding house of C. G. Moore. Cook, Bros. & Co. cleared Swedish bark Marie Louise, on the 17tb inst, for Rosario with 302,979 feet of pitch pine lumber, valued at $4,646. 100 boxe, of tbe uncut Laundry Soap ever brought to tbl, market Just received and for sale at Rock Bottom Figure, by Ooldamltb k Co., tbu Bom Grocer,. Mr. J. E. Nightengale offers you in tbis issue some fine poultry for sale. Fine poultry, like fine stock you know don't eat any more than common breed. Georgia Land and Lumber Compa ny cleared British brig Rosella Smith, on tbe 23d inst., for Rio Janeiro, with 414,811 feet pitch pine lumber valued at $6,222. u cans of fi i Mr. H. L. Harris, jeweler, has gone North to see his brother, whom he has uever beheld, but who is now en- route from California to the old coun try to see his aged mother. Read interesting letter on first page from the gifted pen of fair woman, touching Cumberland. Ludios, some how, see more than men do as they pass along through the world. A party of young folks started last Thursday night for Si. Simons beacb, in seurch of t lie monster turtle, etc.— A heavy cloud coming up, it was deemed advisable not to attempt to land, so tbe Rnby steamed up to the wharf at St. Simons, where the party spent a few hours “tripping tbe light fan—” etc. The grading of the M. A B. exten sion to Atlanta is now all done. Now put on the railB. The distance from Macon to Atlanta is about one hun dred miles, and from Atlanta to Rome sixty miles, making the distance from Brunswick to Rome three hun dred and forty-six miles. Jnst a nice twelve hours’ schedule. >* pound* of splendid Bio coffee for $1 00 at Goldsmith & Co.’*, tho Bosh Grocers, There is It gentleman in our city who steadily avoids going up town as high as the corner of Newcastle and Gloucester streets. He says he wants to feel the sensation of being surprised with a full fledged brick building, so is staying away for the present—un til that “first brick bnilding” gets done. We liopo he wou’t have to wait long. The tank near our office is being worked on, bat it seems to us queer policy to dig a drain the length of an eutire block when an hour’s practice with tbe fire engine would do tbe work. Hon. John M. Tisou left a few day> since for Hot Springs, Ark., for the benefit of his health. We trust the change will prove of material benefit to Mr. Tisou, who has been in feeble health for some time past. A Ano lot of sugar cured shoulder* Just received Mini am tbe nicest tu th** market, at Goldsmith .v Co.’*, tbe Bo** Grocer*. Have yon observed that charter for the new road from the Buffalo on the M. & B. Railroad to Florida, adver tised in this paper ? Well, it is not a myth. Tbe engineers are now at work locating the line and soon we may reasonably expect the denizens of Camden to be aronsed from their lethargy by tbe engine’s shrill whis tle. t Mr. Chas. E. Flanders wishes us to inform his friends and the pnblc gen erally that, not being able to procure a suitable place up to this time, since he was barnt out, he is prepared to furnish his friends with ice cream, os usual, at his residence on Monk street, corner of Ellis. Orders for parties, picnics and families attended to at shortest notice. ASBESTOS ROOFING INQUIRE AT OFFICE OP lie Baron Drury, * BRUNSWICK, GA. ME, SIGN AND FRESCO PAINTIKTO. llu> undersigned in prepared tu coutract lor *11 kind* of painting in the tuunt artistic stylo. Those who desire miu work dune *t fair price* will du well to call on him at hi* offiiv over W. H. Harriaou'a store, New<actlt utreet, Brinswick, Oa. Portrait* •opted In oil JeUMy L. MADISON. CITATION. .STATE OK GEOROIA-i• i. Where**. John C. Moor . W. Moore, represent* to ti..- flled and • ntered on r> r ministered Jacob W. M" fore, to cit«- all peraoua * Or*, to *hi-w cause, if «i ::iint*trat : »h*»nld not 1 miuistraliim and receive nr*t Monday in August. 1* ■- t LD ’ill aug N Col'NTY. i4 iiuiuUirator oi Jacob <-.»urt, in petition duly l that he h.t* luily ad ■p eatatM, tbia if, there- rued, heir* and credit* they can. why **ld ad* ’.-•harged from hi* ad- di Mil >*b> 7 the FOR SALE. ONE le-HOMSE ENGINE *SD BOILER in ondltion. • heap for 4-aah. Apply to Wv. NIGHTENGALE, lJrmawn-k. 4 Wanted. Turn.' A HOUSE WITH IVOR ROOM* KITCHEN ' r row! t-l.n"- tuft; I.. Mi'.tiUXlS .aelltl At \Y<- note this week the death ol Mrs. M. A. Cornell, which occurred last week. Mrs. Cornell was a sister of Mrs. G. J. Hall, of this city. She has been a sufferer for a long time, bnt has at last past the river, and now rests beyond. Died.—At the homo of her rela tions, in Wilmington, N. C., a few days Bince, Mrs. Wilder, wife of onr townsman, Jesse Wilder, Esq. The bereaved hnsbaud has the sympathy of onr entire community in his sad affliction. The niceat thing yet for lunch, picnic*, etc,.—our Canned Chipped Beef—something new. Call and try it Only sue per can at l«old*lUiUi K Co’*, tin Boh# Grocer*. We notice a change in the officers of the little steamer Ruhv Captain Dart and engineer Ruffo left this week for New York. May it not be that onr recent prediction is about to be fulfilled, viz: That Brunswick would soon have n steam tug owned right here at home. We’ll wait and see. Urn# Jnlc M.kti. > mom dellctoue end cooling drink, thr very ttilnfor mimraci. only no rent* per bottle at OuliUuitth .V Co.',. tLo Grocer.. It has been estimated, by one who knows, that the average number of new houses buhl iu the city of Bruns wick, in tho last twelve mouths, has been one a day. They have not all been mausious, it is true, but each serves its purpose to shelter some family tin- weather. This is not a bad showing. Mr. Seyforth, foremen of the cigar factory, broke his arm the other night at tho lire in his efforts to save his clothing and other effects. He was carrying a trunk down the back stairs when the stairway broke under tho weight with the above result. We are glad to state thnt he had jnst a few days belore taken out an accident policy in tho Travelers, which comes in very opportano just nt this junct ure of affairs. We need not point to thu moral. Every reader will see it for himself. PliOUKAMlIE Foil I’HE 4th. 1. Tlie Glorious Fourth will be nsb- ered in by n national salute from the booming cannon. 2. Music. 3. At 11 a. m , raising thf national flag and speech by Hon. 0. P. Good year, iu tbe park. 4. At 12 H., grand barbecue, free to all, in tbe park. FOURTH OF JULY U0T8. Brunswick shall take her place os a “live city.” The city will be decorated, and a good time may be expected. A committee of ladies will have charge of a table especially devoted to ladies and children. Steamers, sail boats, etc., will be at hand to provide moonlight excursions around our grand old harbor. The citizens have moved en masse and generously contributed tho fands to givo everybody a good time. The committee on barbecue is as follows, and that’s sufficient: W. W. Hardy, Chairman, L. Gold smith, A. T. Putnam, Hon. T. W. Lamb, M. J. Colson, W. W. Watkins, Dr. W. B. Burroughs, F. Grant Troup, Dr. Chas. L. Schlattor, M Shannon, J. E. Dart, L. S. Scruggs, J, N. Walker, G. H. Merrifield, W. S. Blain, W. F. Doorflinger, S. C. Little field, T. G. Stacy, J. E. Lambrigbt, W. T. Glover, Ira E. Smith, T. O'Con nor, J. L. Beach, G. B. Mabry, E. Sol omon, Dr. H. Burford, D. A Hous ton, 0. F. Florrid, John A. Phillips, Dr. R. J. Massey. M. J. Colson, D. T. Dunn, Secretary. President Martell, Uoucaay and other brands of Cognac; al so, beat brand* of Bye and other whiakeya, for me dicinal and other purpose*; alio, fine, Imported wines, can be found at GEORGE CHANDLERS, Bay street. junc3-ly liev. J. L. Lyons, agent of tbe American Bible Society, lectured last Sabbath night at the Motbodist church of this city on the subject, “From Dan to Beersheba." Having been himself a missionary to the Ho ly Land for many years, the speaker’s description of the scenes he visited were iudeed pleasing, as he spoke from observation and not from hearsay.— After the lecture, the Brnnswick Bi ble Society wab called to order by the President, and re-organized for the coming fiscal year. The following are tbe officers elect: T. G. Stacy, Presi dent; Revs. W. F. Lloyd, A. C. Ward and I. W. Wadijt-1 and A. V. Putnam, E-q., Vice Presidents; C. H. Wirnber- Ij, Secretary; L. North, Treasurer.— The usual collection was then taken up, amounting to $15 50 in cash and subscriptions. A full lim; uf canned k 01 *!* «f uvery de*cription way* kept ou baud by Ooldamltb A Co., th« Boa* That Concert. The concert lost week failing to draw the crowd that very naturally should have been present, it was deemed advisable to repeat the same last Tuesday night, with some slight changes, and meanwhile to advertise tbe same freely. Notwithstanding this was done, and that well, there were very few*more present the second evening. We are truly sorry that so little interest was taken in the affair, especially so when we remember the object for which the funds received therefrom were to be ap plied, viz: Putting tho Academy in good order for the comfort and convenience of the children of the school. Had tbe bourd received the proper support in this matter, in short, had each patron of tbe school done his full duty in the premises, enough money would have been raised, together with the subscrip tions, to have put the bnilding in fine order. Failing in tbis, nothing will he done, and we will lose the sub scriptions as well. Before leaving tbe subject we wish to say that tha concert in itself was a grand success; and the music would have doDe cred it to any stage. Teu iiouuila extra 0 white sugar for ,1 00, at GOLDSMITH A Go.'a, the Bom Grocers. Ottt'de of Thank* The undersigned desires hereby to return thanks to the friends who as sisted in saving his property from the tire on the morning of the 17th inst J. S. Mahein. Where to l-’itul Them Since tbe fire, the occupants of tj, burnt district have , been somewhat scattered. Below we give tbe pl aee8 of business of those who have resumed business: 0. H. Dexter and Post Office j„ Custom House building. Mrs. Rowe in front room of Mrs. Brooks’ residence, on Newcastle street H. L. Harris, jeweler, in building with F. Warnke, tailor. L. D. Hoyt in wnrehoose bnilding in front of onr office. J. J. Spears in Dillon’s old store, next to E. Briesenick's. Dr. Hahzleburst in tbe Collm’i bnilding on Reynolds street exten sion in New Towu, first door from F street Symmes & Atkinson irt O’Connors’ office. Goodyear & Kay in Flint’s build- mg. Concert by Riuley School- Last Monday night we availed our self of an invitatton to attend tbe con cert and festival given at L. B. Toom- es Hall, by members of the colored school, nnder tbe direction of Miss Ida Clark, a teacher of the Risley School. Tbe exhibition consisted of recitations, singing and a short drama called “The Annt’s Legacy,” all of which was rendered in a manner that did honor to all concerned. We were astonished to note the histrionic tal ent displayed by some of tbe per formers. The entertainment was giv en to raise funds to enclose Risley School house with a neat fence. We are sorry to say, however, that there was not enongh money realized to do all that was proposed. Fiv« pound* of tbe boat qualit; Five pound* of tbe boat quxllty coffee for- $1 00, at Ooldamltb & C The Telephone Exoh- -o Is now in first-class order, mid the subscribers are very much pleased. There are now twenty-nine subscrib ers, representing nearly all tbe prin cipal business bouses of the city, and we expect that in two months the number will run np to fifty or more.— We would be glad to have every bus iness firm in town connected with tbe exohange. “The more the merrier.” I cannot express my thanks too strongly to my fellow citizens who, at tin- late fire, by their gratuitous and efficient efforts saved, from certain de struction, and restored to us, with trifling loss, onr fnrnitnre and effects, upou which there was no insurance. Robert Hazlehurst. JiiHt Di«l Min* It. "l':s said a “miss is as good as a mile.” So thought Mr. Joerger the other night when be saw tbe flames I goods at the late tire, destroying the drug store of J. L. Rc-i"*”*, »'‘d through their efforts tuy en- bart<- Co. A few days later and, in Mr. Editor: Allow (pe to express, through your columns, my sincere thunks to the large number of friends who mi kindly assisted in saving my All came to BRUNSWICK MARKET. OFFICE ADVERTISER AND APPEAL, \ BnuNHwicK, Ga., June 33, 1882. f Below wo quote price* current for to-day: COTTON MiddlingFair — Good Middling ljj*' Middling 11X Low Middling 11 Good Ordinary 1<)>; Ordinary 9K RICE. Common... . Fair .. Good Rough country 90^1 2t> NAVAL 8TORE8. Rosins—C $1.75, D $1.75; K $1.80;F $1.90, G $200; H $3.10, I $2.35; K $3,50; M $2 C3>{; N $2 87;i; window glaaa $3 35. Spirits Turpentine—Oil* and whiakeya. 4cl>>- regular*, 41c. SUPPLIES. Bacon—Clear rib aidua, 14>»c; ahouider*. 11V'- liama, 15}£c;dry aaltea clear rib aide*, 13c; loug clear, l|%c;ahouldera, 10 ‘{c. Obain—Corn—white $110,mixed, 98c6*$l 00; oat* bran, $1 50. Hay—Northern, $1.10; Eaatern, $1.25; Weaterc timothy, $1.25@1.30. Laud—In tierces, 12Xc; kega and tuba 13c. Flour—Supertine, 25; extra, $6 75<§>$7 25; family, *7 23&3 25; fancy, $8 25@$8 75; baker*’ $816® $8 75. Hint*, Wool, Etc—Hide*, dry flint, 13c; aaltetl 9@llo. Wool—Unwashed, free of bum, lu bale*. prb»t<3, 2$Kc; in baga, prime, 24#o; alightly burry 15@18Kc; very burry, 10® 13^. Tallow, 8c: wax 2*; deer aklna, 27c; otter akina, 35c@$4 00. NAVAL STORES FREIGHTS. Roain and apirita, 3a. 9dJ^5e. Od. to United Kingdom or Continent direct; to New York, 45c on roeln, GOo on eplrita. Steam—To New York, roain 40c, apirita 80c; tu Philadelphia, rosin 30c, eplrita 80c; to Baltimore, roain 40c, apirita 75c; to Boston, rosin 50c, spirit? Shipping Intelligence. FOR THE FORT OF RUUNSWIOK, FOB THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 2i. issa, to ail 1.1 .liability, it woukl have been bis Inss, as he was negotiating for the drugs, fixtures, etc. Try 'h * Cooking Oil put up b) Goldamtth k Co., the it* -i. Grocer*. It ta jlccly put np in ouart bot* j tlvn, .t •. 4f4*w r* every purpose in cooking that tkf .t- they aur- l*rtl d 1 »t the time got* a good deal hrm sud be con* | furthe- n*u the -erne amount of lard. Try it. On* A . . th. Bo*a , !y 2* '» »'♦’*••. *■ G.diUmith « Co."a. th»- tt<«s(ir«>cera. tire stock was taken ont of th ing building. Again I say barn- thunks many Hits. M. C. Rowe. We daily read of the rope ending many a mis-spent life, bat Cholera In- fnntum, Worms and Bowel Disorders of Children were much more dreaded until the introduction of Tkkthina ; Teething Powders. > ARRIVALS. June 17—Nor bk Iona, Pederson, Havre. June 17—Sc C W Lowis, Hupper, Charleston. June 31—Br bg Martha L. Palmer, Matthew.', Georgetown. June 33—He O B McFarland, Strung, Boston. June 22-rSc • hree Sisters, Hiuts, Coo*aw. June 22—Em »k Nora, Uarrel, Portu lb - •. DEPARTURES. June 17—8w**d bk Mari Louise, Ekelaud. Koiari June 19-ht K 1 Cawley, Itawley, New iMford- June 18—ht UieF Sawyer, Bunker, New York- June I»-b. i -tu, Hlnka, New York. Juwe 23—JN y MoFarlaud, Montgom.*r> . m tug ton, Del-a . ^JwnoS^JrjA 'tnwfll* Smith. Penfleht, Rio J^i. Br. W. B. BURROUGHS. will buy and sell Land ai\d Real Estate. COLLECTING ANdInSURANCE AGENT. REPRESENTS Royal, capital Pbanix, of London, capital 14,266, Weatern. of Toronto, capital 1 » 4a ?’?•\ Manhattan Life,net asset* and income,’81 ll*"^’ V'' Office next to Poet Office. may31-«