Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, August 05, 1882, Image 3

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petition for Incorporation. I STATE OF GEORGIA—Coi'lfTT or Qnn'. I OF BROOKLYN, N. Y., INFORM YOU TBAT SHE 19 NOW tED TO SHOW HEB STOCK OF ^% T paeed, STRING ILLin GOODS TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED Imported Bonnets, UCB SEOK WEAK, TRIMMINGS, fancy wool work, <!IIILDHEN>SiIiACKtflAWS Fancy Ornaments, Buttons, i RIBBONS, Etc. Ollandexamln* dock. deelMy saneiv A SPECIALTY! Bents’FurnisKingGoods _ line ofaboragooda, which I impose' idling d prlocc Sever Before Known! Call on mo w>ifegi expressly tor JF II vW J. B. WRIGHT. look fad Go, AND SEE THEIR GOODS' CALICOES 5c to 80 per yard, LAWNS Soper yard, , ' SHOES (allglitly damaged), 35c, end upward i be sold to mate room for Pall Stock! iJM-tl PARTNERSHIP NOTICE rra formerlp knoin aa Ooldamlth A Co. been changed to Ooldamlth k Nock, the Ihejl: FtifiniFd iiivlng aeeoclaled with him. a* partner, Ir. T. T. Nock. AU parties Indebted to the firm of Ooldamlth k Co.wifi ploacocome torwardanB eottle, a*we wleh j clow the old books* Tlunklng the public tor put fflyore, aodfitttdb 3g future patronage, I remain, lull lTth. L. O. GOLDSMITH. agaggaagflassm jgssAaraisgra.Taiais riS , isSiS‘HS?L2CPV* n l“ a '!“ IF SKpH“JSs“ by comity said Company may bo permitted to »il , uS J Sfes,r' r “' lta " or n. To erect or encourage tne erection of hotels tor the traveling public end aa winter and summer re- "orta. in. TO encourage the establishment ot line* of ocean atoamer. to. 1, between European Bronewiek.for the purposes of tramp ' “itbern, Honthweetern i newioka o*., and eagagi iliahment of coast steamship lines be- wlek and other poru on the ooeet, ts well as ateemihlp end South America. tween Brunswick and other port* lines to the West Indies To engage In a general atorlng, wharfing and shlpplnghnainaa at the port of Brunswick, includ ing the advancing of money on bills ot lading, and goods in store, and sending goods and valuables of ill kinds through infbond to any and from all points, and to enter In eucb contracts with the railroads terminating at Brunswick, ga.,'as may be deemed advisable in furtherance of such business. V. To encourage, aid and promote emigration from Eastern, Middle and Western States, and from Eu rope, to the Southern and Southwestern States, and to enter into any and all oontracts necessary to ef fect the settlement of eneh Immigrants, either on the land* of said company or the lands of Individu als or of other corporations. VL To aid and enuonrage settlers, by erecting houses, furnishing tools, lied end other necessaries, or by sales of land or lots to be , to. appoint agents In the ' i States and in Enrope the enconmgeaent of _ tm and Southwestern State*, and to make *11 and every kind end class of contracts which nity be deemed expedient In the transaction of any and all cliases of business afore said. VII, To engage, ahould It be deemed advisable, in any and all kinds of manufacturing at Brunswick, Ga., or elsewhere in the Southern end Southwestern lg station or itattoiu In r elsewhere in the oount city of BnbMwiok, or olsnrlloffl in tbs county of Glynn, if deemed advisable. IX* To engage in ship building and in the construc tion of steam vesaels In the oonnty of Glynn, Geor gia, if deemed advisable. To erect water end gas works, brick yard', wharves, docka, slips, warehouse#, depots, end end ejjdmprovsihent*, of " ' and to own any and all cornea ot Utlonera'deafre all the power* granted to said corporation Incident to all corporations, and waroliotiBca. denote, and inv ofltny and every kind, which desirable in the business of r mortgage ur deed of trust; to loan nut money deed, with bond to ro-convejr, _ _ elrable for the government of the affairs of said oompanynotlnoonHictwlth the laws of the State of «eof doing business of mid ei ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ ■"*■ ■" with the to establish agencies sr branches iy point or points deemed desirable. That the capital stock of said company Is to be one million dollars, divided Into 20,000 shares of $50 00 each, with the power to Increase mid capital stock at anv time to any amount not exceeding ton il. 1 Petf&oMta further stale thUthSy dJair* to bwli- corpo rated for the term of twenty years, with-privi lege of renewal, according to law. July 8, ap, Ti£utto&. Attorney tori Notice of Comralesloner’n Sale or Estate PTcpeflf. y v Notice is hereby given tha't by virtu* of a decree I M the Superior Court of Glynn oonnty, Georgia, at the May term, 1802, of mid court, appointing me Commissioner to wind np the estate of Thom** E. bmnport, d-ceased, I will offer for sale, before the Court House door of wld oonnty, on the fint Tues- lav tu September. 18B2, between the legal honr. of ule. alt the notes, aooonnta. Judgment* end other -talma held by mid estate, end not yet collected. Be •all as a smell cumblnatlon-lock Hall offloe safe, at public eatery, to the highest bidder. Terms of ule, c**h ou diy of tale. JOHN P. LAMB. C< ALLORY’S ,W YORK & BRUNSWICK •Steamship Line. r c e i AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL. tUUil house,* on NewcMtle Street. Scndat Houn*;—6 to IOa. U.i If to 3 nod 5 to 7 ^Tcuatom^p.mmtahencUc.^ Lesley an Female College. MACON, GEORGIA. I THE FORTY-FIFTH ANNUAL 8E8SION will be- p October 4th, 1882. The College 1* lMUtahad til modern appliances looking to health, hap- ■eta and comfort of lu Inmate*. , leauipeased advantage* In Literature. Kufeaad :,.t modc»to "g^.^B^Pre^'t, PB-till oct orBcv.C.W. Secretary. Hardware, Stoves, Plo^s, POCKET AND TABLE bUTIJ II TIN WABE. DOOB8. MW. GLASS, PUMPS, CROCKERY. LAMPS AND LAMP nXTUBEg, KER08INE AND LABD OIL, ? uan-iy T JV,.--jyTl ID. GALE & SON LOCAL DENTISTS, JRUNSwioK, - Georgia?. Wee over the a tore of KeiaerA Brother. Thom |Mui! work done will Snd It to their njerest to Harris & Smith, Attorneys and Counselors it tar, fill practice in all the court* of the Brunswick Ctr- «t. end In McIntosh county ct the Eastern Cte- hit. and In the U. 8. Court*. Offlee on Newcastle 'feet, near the ADTXansxa **D Amax. o®oe, Irunawtck. Georgia. Jau36dy FOR SALE. ‘ Pairs second-hand PtUform Scales, 1 Democrat Wagon, Small New Iron Safe, t Show Cue. Pn,utre of __ esi-tr D. T. DUNN. hTEAMSHIPS £ STATS OP TEXAS Captain BISK, CARONDELET, ■ Captain RISK. Leatee New York erenr Friday *»SP. M..mtIt- lag In Bmnawick every Tneaday. Ctoaecionnectlon wuh all points on B. k A. and M. k B. Railroads. Through bills lading signed to all points on above roads. PASJCER’S rassmno fhlncsX ahd all dlwwjena. Tonic, or ask year m WdforjBjytiun^ir.juriotts for«£u!uwu»h-i?orcure. Tryuorw rckfnr-'fM — _ -.oc. n ' i •: dnics.At*. I-irjre tavtr.g - ^ end f r circubr >* H»a»* . Frrr- i. N. V t GsttdrHu * perfect Hair R©» Sold by all dealers in drugs Oberlauter, DEALER IN WITCHES,CLOCKS, JEtfELRV SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, Next to Dr. L. Heins’ Offlee, Bay Street, Bmnswiok, 6a. WATCHES. CLOCKS AND JEWELBY gefnlly repaired. jy«m BAY STREET, BRUNSWICK, - pSt ffcc% GA, A. '< 1 Convenient to Business, the Railroads and the Steamboats. Furniture New, Table Good WiC.9ECX*lCO PROPRIETORS. •# aag20-ly Brunswick Bracket Works RICHMOND STREET, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA. EDWARDS, WARDI& CO ^PROPRIETORS. r \ 1 1 i l~rf Vi Wood Turning, Moulding, SAWING, Era, Pickets of *11 style* nude to order,Wood Taming of every description, also. Scroll and Clronlar Saw ing done with neatness and dispatch. Octagon and Fluted Bains tort, Newel* and Ball* constantly on hand or made to order. Patterns, Models, Bops end Twisted Works, Ten-Pln. and Balls, Indian ciabs, Mouldings, both straight and circular, for carpen- ters, cabinet maker* and piano iorte manufacturers, In tact, ell trades supplied in (heir different branch es. W* have alio the finest line of Brackets, Paper Holden, Slipper snd Stertoaoopio Cases, Picture Frames, Clock Shelves, Hat and Towel Becks, etc. 4a*Please give us n cell, and leave your orders. N. E.—All Jobbing attend ~' B. F. MACIKTIRE. O. W. 8EYFOBTH- B. F. MACINTIRE & CO.. .. v *' MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC At greatly reduced prices. The object is to close out our SUMMER STOCK and make room for our | ; • iJr NEI FALL & WIITER GOODS BRUNSWICK, GA. ONfcT HAND-MADE WORK, Extrg sizes made to order, with any brand de pletory and warerooma In Wenxta bonding, o] 'te Custom Bouae, Bay • treat Jy22-ly East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad ; Lt i ^ * r v ' - * MACON A BRUNSWICKIOIVISION. Taking effect Sunday, July Id, 1882, Paaaenget Trains on thla road will run aa follow*; . NO. 1. Leave 7150PM Arrive at Jcenp 2:10AM Leave Jesup 3:00 AM Arrive Brunswick...., 0:55 AM NO. 2. Leave Brunswick 8:30 PM Arrive at Jasnp 11:00PM 11:45 P M 7:00 AM NO. 3. (Dally except Sunday.) Leave Macon 8:30 A M Arrive at Jetnp 500 PII • NO. 4. (Dally except Sunday.) . Leave Jesup 7:15 AII Arrive at lfacoo. 3:40PM Connecting at Macon tor all PRINCIPAL POINTS In the NOBTH AND NORTH WEST. Close connection* at Jaanp tor all FLOBIDA POINTS AND SAVANNAH. J. E. MALLORY, J. J. GRIFFIN, Superintent. Ass't O. P. A. IHiMV **• • Leave Jeeup Arrivo at Macon.... 11X1,000 Shingles FOR SALE AT$2 60FERMBY ELT-ErtrasrasT ST. SIMONS Marine Hospital Dit. R. J. MASSEY, Pimp’it, NT.NIMONS FULLS, - GEORGIA. Mrs. Masquerade aid Ball Costumers. Newcis tic St. next to Dunn’, dry good, atom, BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA Keep* ou hud every kind of gold and eUver Fringes, Thasele. Lecee—in short, everything eon. nacted with the basins**. Parties can h* supplied with mdy-msde dresses costumes, etc., tor amateur exhibition*, kaajbtlU masquerades, etc. t*n7-tf -MACON- lyunnatflAT. COLLEGE, W. McKAY. Principal. A FIBST-CLASS BUSINESS INSTITUTE—equal to any North or Sooth. Send tor Circntar. Ad- draenPoat Offlc* Pox 422, Muon, G*. feb4 -A i.‘ V. ) 1FU' ';i -. *jani*G .C ’jiiu ai led jio .;,-(ii{tiiiti-' Fa:aaF9i sd gp:U*wc j; , UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1st, AT , - in < ->; - "H-is-v J ;d '•-'■no Jt.air;fti> iat ill .dsff^a ; ' ;> . » i ; . ,(•)• • jgab&vqte v’.-ew-l!.■ -i: 1 ;. * ... „ -,; . iU . J.Miehel8on& Brothers’ i liKhviaiw jH i . . U ,c‘/. • I mi ; . ’ w - r • ‘ 4 ■ We are uow ready to offer our entire etook o ■ |»p» ” end .-.iff : 'ii, at? i; fty* "O.I aH - alb aoilf- ji ><• LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN’S 8 cents ...... ....8 cents .15 cents .10 cents 4! .10cents Nice planes, per yard.... s.... t *.... 1a . 8 cents Ginghams, par yard.......' Figured lawns, per yard. s........ Pore dress linen, per yard......... Summer wooeted, per yard........ Cambrics (80 inoh), per yard Silk handkerchiefs .xV.......60 cents Lace fiohues 60 cents mits.........ij. 85cents Japanese parasols... x;.............. . A 25 cents Ladies’ collars J 124 cents Lisle thread gloves........ 20 cents Lisle thread gloves.1....'.v.......... 15-cents Novelty stripes.'........ V...J;.. 20cents ~ .... .. .26 cents i m Flannel dress goods reduced to....... Large assortment of prints...... A r. i,4. * • Seersucker stripes 8 cents febU-till 00122 2 H. L Hi^RRIB! h bt 7 B Jewelry and Clock#! • ' ______ SILVERWARE, Eta In Grreat Variety ileJi i * •> ! t<’ u,!< - 1. ' 019J. ,i Mil’ i ■ ' If' Victor Sewing Ifecbines l April-D-tf Needles and Attachments. F. WAIINJiE, ^ 'Y 1 utLLl .:■♦ Meronant Tailor. my stock mot aeaaon la of unequalled extent ai£ vartaty. *m sremS&hudenp In style and 8nl.h nnsnipeeaml Joerger’s nlock, : : : AprlUMy every noyelly In matatlal ant Brunswick, 6a.