Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, August 05, 1882, Image 4

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going to nm rar own* GenerallulHO Booth. • ~ During oon- and the last to leave at night, and he is b* no means rare to have thefcki li^j^P °P . R quire for mail fifteen times a day. ?* 8 “Pf 60 ^. P°«* , V,g0r ° n8 of S “°“' I was in the office at Marietta, G m.W 8 *’ dark ’ earDe8t when an aged darkey limped in and baTe half-weary expression, cansed inquired: *■ c fW “Ait dar to' pr five letters heah’l||p£P5#lN^f Jnnebroke Duke ? 0 [pared by many*: M - ,201W3im DRUG STORE. “No, sir,” replied the postmaster, after taking a look. "Well, den, 111 take one.” “There are no letters for yon*” “Isn’t dar a newspaper?” “No.” Hasn’t I dun got nnffin’ tall ?” and; com oa and Wesley. He was born at Nottingham England, and educated himself in the midst of great difficulties. Early in life he began preaching as Methodist minister, and remained at that work antil be organized the now famous Salvation Army. He now receives and distributes,' with absolute control, “Dat’s cnriiL-werry earns,’’ m „J avenue of *260,000 yearly ^ terorf the old man as he walked out > rents .nhis own name 250 build- I followed after, and when I asked 1D « 81Q varioas of GreatBntam, him if he expected an important let- H d “ 2*™’ “T ter that day, he repUed: than 15,000 itinerantpreachers. The 'circulation of bis official paper, The War Cry, amounts to 250,000 copies. This position be has reached, not by the aid of, but jn spite of the opposi- “WboTd you expeetto write ^1^01 the orthodox clergy and oon- y, soquently he is accustomed to say sardonically : “The last enemy that “Snrtin I does. Dat's why I’ze w ilkud fo’ miles dis mownin.” “Where is the letter coming from?” ‘I dunno.” you “I dunno.’ “Did you' expect news or money in Bha11 be destroyed is-the parson." the letter ?’’ “Deed I did, sab. letter might hab $20 in it.” “Who from V” “I dunno, but I ’spected it” All He Knew. I Spected dat | Detroit Free Prci. At the Union depot the other day an old man who had borrowed a match, then a chew of tobacco, then He then told me he oould neither I a postage stamp and lastly besought read nor write, bad no friends to I the loan of a key to open his old write to him, hud never mailed a lot- satchel, came back for the fifth time ter nor received one,.and yet he had Iand said to the stranger whom he inquired for mail at least five I had most annoyed : hundred times a year for the past ten I “My friend, can you tell me how yeors. In fact, it wasn’t an hour af-j m8ny times the human heart beats t«r I left him before be circled around I p er m j nu t 0 ?>• . to the offioe again and said : I <<jj 0 sir ?" “I reckon I must hab some mail by I "(Jan you tell me who first discov- dis time. Iered the circulation of the blood?” “No, nothing for you.” | .. No> sir j» Wall, if dat hain t corns werry I «*x>o you know whether the pulse curusl Beckon Id better wait for I should beat seventy or 700 times a dat one o'clock train I” j m j uuto ?’’ No, I don’t All I know about the I hnman system is the fact that if you In Germany, some years ago, it I bother me two seconds longer I shall was discovered by tfle authorities exert aq^ssnre p/ pounds , in a railway that a barrelNrhich,*on be-1 tbB endekvor to raise you about six tug dispatched from a certain station, j 1*®* froln the floor.” contained silver coin, had, during the I " dns l so—just so,” growled the journoy to its destination, been I°* d man t a® be sidled off; "but don’t emptied of its content* and filled I try to pass that off on me for physical with sand. For some time no clow I ecioiice.; That’s nothing but what to the perpetrator of the robbery } n,, y boss could do. could bo discovered j but at length a learned professor, having been con-, „ , , „ _ . salted on the subject, flilsl in the! Chicago, July 28. Last cvemnig, aid of the microscope. The professor 8t a B ^° ne qn ”* T m , the “orthweatera went to work on the track at once. 1 0U * sk * r ^ 8 ^ bo a wor ® an He, knowing that, even though in the took ' a two hnndred P° und Cftn of very minutest degree, there’ was Jpowder from the magazine and open- •w- ‘edit with a cold chulb £t^ia T mMtmw F. J0F.R6ER (AGENT,) t r ' '■ V' The Microscope ai a Detective, nil.’ . ■■ ■ Has just Opened a New and Complete Stock of FRESH DRUG, CHEMICALS. Toilet Articles, EtO., Etc., Next door to Goldsmith A Nook, NEWCASTLE STREET StittAa CXSA.CSSS ' . Pit) Ju*4 l#Jt< * 1 - mm t g4hm-zet’; GRIST, MEAL, MEAT, t,!'/ IN ALL CORI BRM Mil WHEAT BUM. ■h: BLOWN TO A TO HIS. Thete were near the various stations along the I ^>600 pounds of powder in the mnga- railway line, sent for samples of it | zlue ' from each of the places through °P en 803 Btood 01080 to il while °P en ‘ whioh the train containing the silver j 1D 8» * be oan ‘ ^ 8 P ark * ro,a bl8 C(dd coin hod passed. With the micro- H* 8 ® 1 exploded the can, blowing the scope he then carefully examined workmftn ** of further danger from each sample, compared it with the 4,10 ex P Iosion of 4,10 2,500 pounds re sand found in the barrel, and thus mainin e “ 010 ‘he magazine, which identified the station from which the r°^ owed * mmed > at0 ly. ^ be maga latter had boon procured. Having, rino waa blown int0 fra e monts 80 in this ingenious manner, found out smal1 0,84 08,11101 bo tound . “ d the «tatiaMPra04 ^ 5?* remained; fer the railway servants j P^ 001011 w88 tremendous. Several employed at it, by one of whom the P°°P le were stunned and some bones robbery had been committed, were so | wer0 broken, and a great deal of few in number that the culprit was C Iass was demolished - bat 00 lives readUy detected. Ip this iOgeuious were loet -t,a ^ » manner the thief waa found. 3 T ' I jBJ '. feiviikmiou*. An exchange says "«n absantrariod-1 a»oort : * ed Baltimorean took a bath In hie k Thu 8toryof of- spectacles and lost them.” We ? 0 " " ho extinguished a shell which should thing he would. A pair rf M/^ 11 0,1 do °k by pntting it in a spectacles makes, very poor bathing- bu ° k f^ baB “ omt ‘ ,n,uor ,UttC ‘ tub, arid he must have been a^o7el CarnC,e8 - In the flrBt P laP0 ’ no fu8e p could be extinguished by water, ** secondly, no shell Would be likely to stop long enongh to be picked up ; The Russian robber, Goresko, hav-1 finally, the Egyptians threw solid shot ing been sentenced at Ismail to im- | bat no shell at all. The facts in the sicHTO^DAV™ 1 ' 8 CABKFUL1V rnEPARED. BAKERY! FRESH BREAD, CAKES, PIES, Etc., • BaKed Daily! GRAHAM & RYE BREADS SPECIALTIES. 1 tlclWer bread, etc., every afternoon. Leave your ordtra at the t*ak«ry. PETER Klt.vUSS, Brunxwlok, 6a. My wagon ia lahelle<l, ‘PeterKrauss’ Bakery.” apr2(M5m Dr. W. B. BURROTOHS, WILL SUV .UJI) SELL Land ai\d Real Estate. COLLECTING ANDInSURANCE AGENT. BEPUE8KNTS ■ 1 B«t»1, npithl........... ^ jaAlW,*! Phteuix, of London, capital 1 A,ad<I,:f79 Weatern. of Toronto, rapital i,422,out) Manhattan o*««etaand incoiue.'Hl Olhee next to Post Offioe. may21*tf Goods Sold for Cash Only. & J. K. NIGHTENGALE, Agent, BRUNSWICK, GBA. Newcastle and Grant Streets, BK-crasrswxcK:, . gka.. (OFFICE POBT PHYSICIAN & HEALTH OFFICER) Where will be found t LAUGH STOCK DRUGS, CHEMICALS, —AND- ■W-^OTIED. 10.000 BAKRJBL* CRUDE For which th* hlgheot c*th pile* will be paid on' deliver?. For further lnfornuUou inquire of JESSB WILDElt, m»r25^m i Bruuvlek, Go. spectacle while thus bathing, haps the glasses got into his ear. prisonment for life, the Russian wo- due are that an Euglish shell lodged men crowded about him with tears in the tassel of the Khedive’s cap, and sympathy, and even stripped off and he prevented its explosion by their jewels and gave them to the calmly spitting into the fuse hole, captive assassin os he was leaving the Tewfik tells the tale himself, but it is court room. j Tewfiktitious even for the marines. D.D.Atkinson DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. Offlco up <t*lrm in'a now bnUdins. jy2A- sah H. Uaiuu>. i»* e. Sn,™ Notic' of Dissolution. The ftnu or I*. O. lil.l<*y k Couponv, compoMd of D. O lilAlcy ud B. F. Maeiatire, i, thlv dry dl- •olvod by mutual rouent. D. G. BI8LEV. by hi. Att’y. C.P.Goodyoar, Bruniwlck, o*.. Uil. duly :th, lnuJ. A /. dorstn ATTORNEY AT LAW, BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. offlco next to ismTHUito Appeal LuHding. Hair, JVail and Tooth Hrushes, Perfumery and Toilet Aticlees IN GREAT VARIETY. Soda and Mineral Waters. . FROM MY SPLENDID FOUNTAIN* (Liquors prohibited). Lamps ilamp Fixtures, TRUSSES -AND-- Abdominal Supporters* The v«ry beat CIGARS^’ TOBACCOS! Bnlst’s A Ferry’s Garden Seeds. reen and Black TEAS And other hrtlclw, too numorou. to ni-atlon, umully krpt in • Brnt^lu* Oru« store. Physicians’ Prescnptions carefully Compounded. After .tore l> cloud, will chaorfUUy .ttond »ny cite for medic Inn, if notified »t my ,p>m« Onion .tnd aionaflold otre^ta. JAMES T. BLAIN. LICENSED DRUGGIST.