Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, August 05, 1882, Image 6

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Announi'fiuenta. FOR H^N ATOR. 41 mtaHra^nw IJL .i SATURDAY MORNING &7fiSrSwf r SATURDAY AT B1UHSWICK. GEORGIA. 8ATDBDAT MORNING. AU0U8T i, 1883. HOME MATTERS. COM * AT .. K BIURSENIOK Sc SON, BOSTON & BRUNSWICK Packet Line. . Grade turpentine has advanced a =| little since last issne. We quote it to-day at $3 00@$3.25. The Texan ponies an being tamed wtf. by degrees. Some of them U make good horses in coarse of a few months. Msson's fruit Jan. pints, quart* and half fall on* Hock 1 *, Tha Boaa Orocar. Wo have eatabltahad a PACKET LIKE BETWEEN I .j.|. .n cnminifisionor’s onlo nf ...... boston and Brunswick. John waiter A Oo., I Hon 10 commissioner B saie 01 estate tl Goldsmith & «wi» ■* SUV «WS UiWW* There veto twO cases of sunstroke on board the British bark Snow Qneen last Saturday, the mate and one teaman. The seaman died from the eflects. We omitted last week to call atten- IG8 State augS-tf of T. E. Davenport, which will take Brunswick, Oa. I nlane next nnln dnv—Tnomlnv in I An Appreciated Gift. We reoeived by mail, this week, the following note: Savanna^ Ga., JnlySl 1882. Mr. T. 0. Stacy:—Deab Sib—I have of volume one and •of the Brunswick Advocate, com prising the issues from Jane 8,1887, to Jane 1, 1839, inclusive—nearly half •tsotoiy, ago. Believing that yon will find them of interest and value, 1 have forward ed them by express, and ask yonr ac- of the the' Yours truly, Wm; F. Symons. Agreeable to the above, a few boars later, a package was delivered, express charges prepaid, containing the above two volumes, bound in book form, and in a remarkable state of preserva tion for documents of snch age. We assure Mr. Symons that we thank him heartily for his thoughtfulness and kind wishes, as well as for the filei T<k the Merchants of the Interior. In view"of 'the*expected excursion from Atlanta, Macon, Borne, and oth e^r points over the new road to our 'fiAolidtited. For the benefit of the Society and the public generally, we publish be- Z33SV8SBX& * stages offered by paoket lines Now tprktothih point A con- low a consolidated report of the re- ceipts and disbursements of the late siderable business has been done in this way by Albany and Macon in a quiet way in the past nine yean, and it is , increasing, bat, until the opening of itemi [ every inditure would,require top much e, sq)wis( give only the total. The committee have" examined all the touchers, and find the same correct. RECEIPTS. m a* r T Odsh on hand from from fair of 1882........ .$ u jj and ^he new line to Atlanta* of oourse the o*t« reooipu—aith trade could not be extended farther. “ 2sth......„.. r Now Atlanta, and, in a short time, ! , « awh!;!!!".*;! Rome, Ohattanooga and other points place next sale day—first Tuesday in I or » rather, books—which will prove APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL, I September. Tho passenger train on the B. k toS. P- Railroad went oat well laiden with o 1 ?-'“wU 1 .“d I passengers last Monday morning. «i.ip»«uoobdoftadaotamo(r im’ “J/S'JjHln fact the travel over that road is lu» proper premises, nnleea good csose be snown I to tho cont»i7 th*«me win b» grjotod »t steadily on the increase. entiling September torn of aid Court. This 3rd | ■> day of August, A. B., 1883. KDOAB C. P. DART, Ordinary Glynn Co. Os. NewFirm! THE BOSS GROCER the pubBojB Mr. E. Solomon offers bis entire stock of goods to-day “regardless of cost.” Now is yonr chance for bar gains as he bas quite an assortment of'goods os will bo seen by bis adver tisement. Mr. Leighton W. Hozleburst Sr., Waynessville, died on Wednesday HO. THO.dAH NOCK ( night last after an illness of several I both interesting and useful. From looking them over we see that its ed' itors believed ns firmiy in, and fongbt as earnestly lor, Brunswick’s future, as we do to-day. We notice in its oolnmns the names of a few of the old men of to-day, many more who have passed away, and a still greater nuui ber of whom we never beard. .We #ill frotniime to time maktf such ex tracts from these old relics as we be lieve will be interesting. Any of our readers desiring to examine these messages from other days, as it were, are at liberty to call and do so. c«rj line. »nd othernoYfilti#i. He is brother of Dr. R. £.K'!A, a, ±>SM. fccMimtw? c iiii| Hazlehurstand father of Mrs. Dr. W ami nl low prices HU umIm* to elite goo i* at low prloe* It U um) that we I B. Burroughs of our city. . His fun- wlli not ba undersold by any ops, all we «*;*• » era! took P lace day following. - ■ Mr. W. E. Burgage and wife, left of the sane. 50,000 Bushels of Sweet Potatoes] CROP OP XjB82, WANTED. this week for a trip to the eastern shoro of Maryland, the borne of his boyhood. T^his is the first visit < in thirteen years. We imagine the eastern shore of Maryland a delight ful place for a summer visit. Master guilder John Hatyey, bas w» with to make arrangements to buy oo.oool completed his second express and biiHltelaaweot potatoes tbia coming *eaaon. Ourl r . _ „ , arrangement are about complete to ships luge I baggage Car for theB. & A. Railroad quantity to Northern dtlee tills bll. Wo will I ... _ ... -LI. < 1 Dewtiu in. I A1 ** T. M.i,l,onti on nntt.nn An tVin The Boaa Grocer*. iny or shit on commUsion. Parties in-1 Mr.tL. MlldisoU is putting On the , win so Sock, finishing touches this week. I That car will call loudly for new boaohes to go along with it. Well I is only a matter of time. Mr.; H. L Hine and family, Mr. IO. G. Osgood, Mrs, Bowe and son, Mrs, Aymar and children left on the I Uio j steamer last Saturday . for the He Thought He'd Inquire. “Any mail far Sam Jenkins?" Such was the question propounded at the delivery window of the post office on Monday morning last, by a colored citizen, who was unknown to the clerk. A search caused a nega tivo answer, when the following en sued: “Well, is dere any fur Jim Jenkins or Mary Jenkins ?’’ “Ni JN0 V j i i “Well, how about Ned Jones, John SELLING OFF. OUT SALE AT SOLOMON’S bills of New England on a summer THE INTIRX STOCK OF DRV HOODS AND CLOTHING, trip) We hope they will thiuk of ye editor on their trip and between pleasures find time for a line or for publication. Bacon, ghat, corn and meal are atlU rUIng. but rou can git St pound, of No. 1 FLOUR, gronnd out BOOTS, SHOES, MOTIONS, 4C.. J I WJ ■ ■ I ' Regardless of Cost! you ran g A M pounds of No. 1 FLOUR, ground < ofnsw wheat, (hr tl, at Ooldsmlth A Nock'*, I jggrCALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. aug8-tf A. V. PUTNAM DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Saddles, Bridles, e call special attention to the new advertisements of the Boss Gro cere.. They propose buying all the sweet potatoes thoy can gut this sea son for shipment North. In this they are pnblie benefactors, famishing a market for this commodity. Then 91 let oar farmers look well to their po tato crop and thus reap a rich harvest. Messrs. Littlefield k Tison adver tise this week a packet line between this city and Boston. Considerable business was done last winter be tween the two cities. Hence the present arrangements looking to large increase the coming season. For farther particulars enquire of Messrs. Littlefield and Tison of this «‘y- -- NOTIOE. A meeting of the Democratic party Iia, hereby called for Saturday, Au- I gust 16th 1882, at the Court House in this city at 12 o’clock, for the par- Saddlery,Harness ,*? ‘if MARTINGALES, WHIPS, BUGGY CUSHIONS, AND A FINE LOT OF I Congressional Convention to be held I in Savannah on September 6th, 1882. I Also to reorganize the Democratic party of Glynn, appojpt commit tees kc. SHOES, a ■ £' it r:. ~ 1 J. F. Nelson, Chair’n. Deiu. Ex. Com. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. ang.VGm Scaled Proposals. Yellow fever may not scourge the country this summer, but thousands of children wfil'die* from cholerq in fantum, diarrhoea,^ worms and other bowel disorders, unless they take Tee- beai-d proposal, ,or the coutr^ct to build_thr J vRiNA (Teething Powders). ■•to church at rt cLurcii at r'.niuawi. k. Ga.. fr>»m thia date till Augu»t I3tb, ltort. will roceir.- l by the uti. deratgued at the rectory of tlie Catholic church; the right t** reject any or all bl»ia being r**-er\ed. Plan* and apeciheatiou* to be aubmttted ai rectt>ry. Father 1. 8. M. KENDUICK. Teethina allays irritation and timkea teething eaxy and not a period of suffering aud dread. Smith and Gas Brown ?” “There is nobe for any of them ?”. “Well, see here, jes you please look an’ see ef you can’t find ary letter fur Miss Sary Johnson, Miss Nancy John son, Jim Simpson, Joe Davis, Polly Marphy, Mr.—” “See here, old man,” interrupted the official, “you must go slower.— But first tell mo whore do all these people live—I never beard of them before.”: Oh, me an’ nil dem folks lives up to No. 10 on the Macon road, and I alias gits their mail. I seed a post Office here, an’jes thought I’d inquire. I dfdn’t know but dere might be some mail here fur some ub ’em.” Morn Revenue. Some time aince we stated that the grand jury whs investigating the mat ter of tax returns and bad revised the books of returns of last year and increased the taxable property of the county very materially, and at the same time added largely to the revenue of the county. Below we give a com parative statement which shows that the labors of the grand jury have not been in vain or else oar county has really grown richer: 1881. 1883, Aggregate value oflaml 8334,740 $ 388,370 Value of city property * 803,073 1,031,031 Money aud debts 58,003 80,348 Merchandise 88.83S 143,183 Household and kitchen furniture. 48.788 73300 Horae* and stock. 60,338 31..68 Vslueothsr property . 13,603 30,888 4*3 35 14*80 13100 303(0 33 00 44 Ok 87 00 in the interior can get their freights in this way at far less expense than privilege^,... by all-rail routes or steamers. Of Totalreoeipt* course goods of a perishable nature, or where prompt delivery is required, °“ h *»!“<».t no 40 will come by rail or steamer, bat ; The above cash balance of $820 40 there are quantities of heavy goods ^ ns * 3een a Ppl* e< l L° payment of ’••••• *1,387 M Disbursements 1,348 88 which can be shipped for a large. per centage less than by steamboat or Fail, and where time is not so mnoh of an object. The packet lines will not average ten days en route from New York, and often arrive in less time. We also hope onr business visitors will look into the feasibility of load ing the vessels which leave onr port for South America with return car goes of sugar and coffee. It will re quire the establishment of a refinery to go into the importation of sugar on a large scale at some point in the interior—say Atlanta or Macon—but there is no reason why the Sonth should not get its coffee through a Southern port. The salt nBed in the Sonth onght also to be imported. It seems a pity that the vesses which enter onr ports seeking Southern products should bring from foreign countries only worthless rock, stone, gravel, sand, old wood, etc., as ballast, instead of bringing cargoes of yoltmble products, and this state of affairs should furnish the society’s indebtedness on account of the fair of 1881. The; above figures are duly attested by‘the officen of the society in their reports. The Bracket Works. This institution,' inaugurated only a few months since, has become, we bejieve, one of the solid institutions of jour town. Began on a small scale, it has, despite many obstacles, gained ground, and although still not a gi gantic concern, is by no means a dis grace either to the proprietors or the town. New machined have been ad- dud from time to time, and the pro prietors are now prepared to torn out almost anything that okn be conceived of in the fancy wood work line. The proprietors inforin ns that it is their purpose to enter immediately into thei manufacture of sash, doors nnd blinds, in addition to their pr .-at productions. J '# Hi? Promptness.the Trs»v < J. Dexter, Agent Traveler* I iter ance Company: Dear Sib—I wish to thank yon aud lap thought to onr. merchants of, prompt mannertin the in ten no doubt, the company you represent for the which my daim for Mortell, Hcncsay and otber brands of Cognaoi tl-' 1, best brands of Rye and otber wblakeye, for me- osce; ml EORqp otber wbiekeye, illdnal and otber purpose*; also, line, im wince, can be found at QEOR Bay street. Aggregate value of property.. *1,471,834 11,880,363 Foil tax 847 1.373 By comparing these figures we find an increase of over $400,000 of taxable property besides the additional amount of poll tax, which goes to onr school, fixing the per cent the some as lost year. There will be for 1882 an increase in tb° treasury of nearly $3000. With this surplus fund—so to speak—it will not take long for the commissioners to wipe out onr coun ty debt, add another slory to our court house, or build another and improve onr school facilities. - Direct Trade. There has been much written upon this subject at the south since the war. There have been spasmodic efforts to ihstitute it. The tune, is now ripe for its successful inaugera tiou. The south is growing richer and better able to bring in the old world’s markets. Her eottou, lumber, timber and naval stores are shipped to foriegn ports. Gan any good run son be offered why a healthy system of exchange should not be effected of these commodities for artictles need ed for consumption in the south ? Can any good reason be offered why the vessels sailing from our South Atlantic Ports with cargoes of lumber or timber should not bring re turn cargoes of coffee, sngar nnd other products? Why we should not exchange our lumber and timber to the Cnbims for their sugars, molasses aud other products' Why <mr cotton should not be ex' changed iii Liverpool for English goods used by us ? Why most of the vessels which call at our ports for cargoes should come in ballast when heavy cargoes coaid readily be sold in the interior ? We invite communi cations on this subject, of snch deep interest to onr people of the Sonth and to Brunswick. and, wehavA IS 88 ! % accident has been adjusted I 8 ? 1 ^ settled. , You insured me against accident on the 7th of June; on the morning of Jmie ; 17th, at the fire, I arm;,on July 24th I report ed myself able to resume work, and the 20th signed the proof, and tbia, the 31st day of Jnly, have reoeived my money. It is just such prompt, business-like aotion that should make the Travelers the leading acoident in surance company in the' world, and I shall do all I can to increase yonr business. Respectfully, It Oscar W. Seyforth. Deserving Articles Are always appreciated. The excep tional cleiii.liness of Parker's Hair Balsam makes it popular. Gray hairs are impossible with its occasional use. Brick anil Lime. Owing to our city council having passed a fire limit, and in order that all parties who may desire to build within the fire limit should not be de prived for the want of material, we have made a contract with Rogers k Co., ot Macon, by wbioh we Are enabled to deliver brick by the quan tity on car here at $9.25. We are also agents for the celebrated Catoosa lime which we will also offer an in ducement to parties purchasing by the quantity. When we take into consideration that the bnilder in Brunswick con lay down material for a brick building cheaper than can the builder of New York, there should no longer be any excuse to erect wooden bnildings within the fire limits. * Littlefied k Tison. Atlanta, Ga., February 10,1879. Messrs. Hutchison & Bro.: I have used your “J your “Neuralgine” in several in stances, and find it the best remedy for neuralgia and headaohe I have ever tried. It relieves the pain, leaves nones of those unpleasant offsets due to narcotics or other anodynes. I shall always keep it in my office, and take much pleasure in recommending it to my patients. G. S. Holland, M. D. HUTCHINSON & BRO., Proprie tors, Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all druggists. ml5-3m Dm. BUTTER. BUTTER. NEW YORK STATE CREAMERY Butter on Ice! 3 LBS. FOR $1 00. We btva completed our arrangements, end wUt In future keep »U our butteraonicetartwgera. ton. NO MORE FLIES IK BUTTER! Ourcue. turners can depend on getting their butter fresh. Ann end cool. Ice uAtae foe the millions. Goods delivered free to any pert of the eitj. GOLDSMITH k NOOX, The Boaa Orooera. CITATION. STATE OF GEORGIA—* .loti Oouxtt. Where*!, John O. Moore, administrator of Jacob W. Moore, represents hi the court. In petition duly T*i Hied end entered on a-.vgt, that he hat folly sd ministered Jacob W. Mo <re's estate, this is, there. tore, to dte all person**™ ceraed, heirs sad credit on, to ahow Canadian '* they ran. why said ad- discharsed from hta ad- unofdlamftalononthe - andreoatvek'uraofd Brat Monday In A^nat, l» 2. KDOAB O. P. DART. ;. , Ordinary O. C. tUlang hire Insurance! J. M. DEXTER, INSURANCE AND BEAL ESTATE AGENT, REPRESENTS THE SOUTHERN Um M. CO., Inanrance on dwelling* at very low rates in town or country. lei 12m.