Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, August 05, 1882, Image 8

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ijS. JbXrf 11 ,-xn mi*■ J»k*0 ad) '►! MiB .T'I-iDCiM»s«3fc# Yfio «" t08W**j| wnoi*«Ai*Airo|g*au.. .;,* r,n/! a ,i i4? . i bm V& !) '!!• >1 . ■ijh't'i (\* ian~iii}t\ in ! I-1 / ..I ,i ■ iS.v inrm * 148 and ISO Congress, 1<» and 1S1 St. Julian its. SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. • • I a | u *V 0‘ * i I Agricultural Implements^ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN l7 ^' GROCERIES, FEED, HAY, Etc. ALSO FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, < AVERY’S PLOWS. BRINLY’S PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS, HEEL PINS, GRASS RODS. RUBBER & LEATHER BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS, GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE. — per A OK/T A'tf*!K r I w r op—»<«(T«i.' a itsnnH sill -rf -K.J } •tttt-i ivnttli ioaouimH ndt sfaiiutxf «*H ImT OF—rafit IT <*n .Jr V- . . ■ -ill i»MA bm .aodioO .E .!£ elsi ,3moJ jmnr; ni ior,uq&ju .i* at, n House, Brunswick, Ga TJ» attention of the ladies Urespectfally invited to myeelact (took ot ARTICLE© -i i fcju! nPrij •< m , n rrubUUf .1. f Dressing and Fine-Tooth Cojnbsj.^ <>? - yftatr, Tooth and Nail, Brushes, . . Toilet Soapit all Grades, Ladies’ Dressing Cases, Select stock of stationery in boxes, GENERAL COMMISSION AGKNT8 FOH FAIRBANKS’ Standard Scales, DUPONT’S CELEBRATED POWDER, Together with a full line of SHELF HARDWARE, | for pale at the lowait cash prtc*«. i i PALMER BROTHERS. I apr7-ly 1 .■ ■' I ■S#nc •» Goods bought and .sold on closest fig ures. Consignments! s olicited* :wi j*r*« W.BJfell&Cc.. Wholesale and Retail Dealer. In' SADDLES & HARNESS, : Rubber and : ; Leather Beting, WE SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY AND. j« , ^ '' •, cheaper Savannah, Geoigia. ■- Warsiy * Ju.ti I FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALK SKINS, BULK HAKNE88, BRIDLE. AND I'ATKXT LEATH ER, WHIM AND SADDLERY WARE. , INARKESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, Etc, SUITABLE FOR MTLLMKN AND TURPENTINE MANUFACTURERS, A Speoallty. WRITE FOR PRICES. ,Per.umery, Canary Bird Seed, Whitman’s Candies, Gelatine, Bath Sponges and Towels, Chamois Skins, Mineral Waters, -AND ALL THE LEADING- Purc and Fresh Drugs and Chemicals. 49~PHYSI<!1AXS» PRESCRIPTIONS Compounded with Care at all houra of the Day or Night. After business houra can be found at residence ot Mias Susan Armstrong. d24-ly Brunswick & Albany Kailr’d TIMES TABLE. Takes Effect Monday, October 3d, 1881- TRAINS GOING WEST. STATIONS. TRAINS GOING EAST. (BIAS UrWABDS.) FREIGHT NO. 3. PASSEN GER NO. 1 LEAVE. 8 X MILES. | PASSEN- GER'NO. 1. LEAVE. .FREIGHT NO. 4.' L. 5:00 AH 9:00 am BRUNSWICK 171 A. 6:45 A. 7:15 L. 6:00 9:50 16 JAMAICA 155 6:00 L. 6:20 L. 6:37 10:22 25 WAYNESWILLE... 146 5:32 L. 5:43 L. 7:10 10:46 32 LULATON 139 5:06 || L. 5:10 L. 8:10 11:26 45 HOBOKEN 126 4:29 L. 4:10 L.8:37 11:41 50 SCHLATRyiLLE.. 121 4:13 L. 3:50 L. 9:50 12:20 pm 60 WAY CROSS 111 3:43 L. 3:05 L. 10:23 12:41 67 WARESBORO 1(M 3:15 L. 2:00 L. 11:12 1:14* 78 MILLWOOD 92 2:43 L. 1:14 L. 12:10 2:10 t 90 PEARSON 81 2:10 t L. 12:10 L. 12:27 pm 2:20 93 KIRKLAND 7S 1:35 L. 11:48 L.l:10 2:47 101 WILLICOOCHEE.. 70 1:10 § L. 11:06 L. 2:14 3:23 112 ALAPPAHA 59 12:32 pm L. 10:15 L. 2:50 3:56 . 122 BROOKFIELD 49 11:52 L. 9:22 L. 3:35 4:21 130 TIFTON 41 11:27 L. 8:40 L. 3:52 4:35 133 RIVERSIDE 38 11:16 L. 8:15 L. 4:21 4:53 139 TYTY 32 10:53 L. 7:44 L. 4:50 5:12 145 ALFORD 26 10:34 • L. 5:37 5:35 1 151 ISABELLA 20 10:15 T, 6-20 L. 6:20 6:01 161 DAVIS 10 9:35 I* 5:35 A. 7:00 A. 6:30 171 EAST ALBANY 9:00 am L. 5:00am JEWELRY YOURORDERS! ADDRESS. sin nvi 7‘iffI - AUG. F. FRANKLIN & Co. i . **. • y. ;*hi’ i FINNEY'S BriLDING- BRUNSWICK,GA M BiDICINBS FOR THE CUBE »>V— FEVER, PILES, DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA. Cancer, Colds and Coughs, »i irinfartuf <| from Vapetabl* Matter only, sud for by * Dp. h. HEINS, BRUNSWICK, CiA 3 door* fr^m o tv3m |W. F. DOERFLINGER, PROPRIETOR. ItHK BEST I’LACK. IS TOWS IS EVERY RESPECT TO BUY YOUR | JEWELRY, WATCHES, Etc,, Etc. I Which have Jtt.t arrived and arc being soldatluw price*. | ltepnlrs of all kind, done on .hnrt notice and 8all.fa.tloa CJunmmred. Having * co-wortmu, I un to do all work with dispatch. , 49*Bom.* Patent of Htiffened-bsck Watches uiRile • specialty. w. r. DOEUKLINOER. A«rut. Monk itra«t, new hotel hulllln^, febl-ly 4 Brunswick, Georgia. R. D. MEADER. Superintendent. Approved: CHARLES L. SCHLA’rTER, Gen’l Manager. (less, (arley 4 G., -WHOLESALE DEALERS IN. ’ ••I.'.m T ‘'III •: I •• i ill Dnjfla! >tdi 'i' 1 ’ : ' - i'i' TIN SHOP, ■ . J'OH J.H t— STOVES & STOVE PIPE, . , f i-UPiStih* OOlfPl * Dd'l il ’’Jfi ior* i j L j4 U * *> ?/ J-’ I Tlu Ware, Plnmbiug, Pumps & Pump Driving. OILS OF ALL KINDS, NAVAL STORES, NAVAL STORE SUPPLIES, SmmuH, Florida m Western Railwat r -~ .iM-saev^ooL: i (d mVWI oroM, Folk* ton, Lkn:.*,:'® ,h d»llT »,.... • ' ' ^ .... .'.V.V."V..'.“.' I i.55 P H 'm' jrnnn. WCTMONVrtLEBw^!^ 1 Lc.yo SsYUmsh c.«. Leave Jesnp Leave Tebeauvllle Arrive at Callahan Arrive a t Jacksonville d *l , , 5r **; U.-OOPJ, hr a:«AM A H ..7:00 AM ,8.00 AM M »8«8*vuTmousiir«..... j* Loito Callahan dally at. *??? « jwisswssasse connect at Jm. »•* PaMODgm ibr Darien uk. thl* Into. “ <U11, • .. ™*“>8« r * from Savannah for Brunswick ten,, this train arrive at Brunswick 8:90AM* “* * Sarannan 3k35^a*m, DS Bran '* I «* » m arrive in ^ara^sssRsass8ra 1 " u ' ALBANY EXPRESS. Leave Savannah dally at „ Leave Jesup dally at IS £ * Leave Tebeauvllle dailv at ; 7.30 p m Leave Dupont dallyS,. 12 p “ F~;::::igU Leave Batnbrldge dally at IS! £ n ‘ Leave Thomaaville dally at IS £ ? con, Enlaula, Monttwmery.- MobUe. nSw SSEI&; JS Mi.„ '“‘,r a \: ‘ 0d A ‘ R ' >«»« J“'‘> gain. ti"ptStoSi^ nd ,orSron *» ic ‘ • • ■ p. m. ST-. I» go?D^. ’" 0Xld *“ ,, We, ‘* ni ,- MMt^r 3 Tr.eJ I'lJiS. L.TilXOB, Master Trans'. Oen-1 P'nger Ag't. »•». FLEMING, Supt. u. 1 l .LVHNUr, , ,! DEALER.IN —TOG ETHER WITH- Hay, Grain, Provisions, Etc. Highest Market Rates paid for Naval Stores. Supplies fur nishen at Closest Figures. * jyiwj SPRING & SUMMER SCHEDULE OA. & FLA. INLAND STEAMBOAT CO. STEAMER DAVID CLARK Letves Brunswick every Tuesday and Friday nlug and will arrive at Savannah every Wedneeday aodSaturday. Returning, will leave Sarannah ev ery Monday and Thursday, arriving at Brunswick eraryTuraday and Friday morning. STEAMER CITY OF BRIDGETON Will learr lor Fernandlna every Thursday and Sunday rooming. Fassengrr. and tretght lor SatllU river will be tarwardal weekly par Steamer HOWARD DRAKE, ca application to Agent. Extra steamers ate b«ld in rc»urv** t> •mpply er- •ry demand. * b W. V. PENNIMAN, A^ ; at, •prillR-Jt:t Collins’ Wharf, Brnnawick. W.F. PENMAN GENERAL Merchandise Broker, BRUNSWICK, GA. > Merchants wishing k> make enlen for.goods are requested be lore doing so to get quotations on same from me. Will furnish on application the lowest market rates on good, delivered base, such as Grain, Hay, Meats, Flour, etc,, etc. I represent at present at this point— KESTUCEY FLOUR CO Louisville KENTTCKY MODEL STEAM BAKEKT...Louisville r 5oviS H ^ KI)S ^ ! iA? > ' i 0r * tal Meet... Chicago B. JOciES. G.-aeral Groceries ... cinrfnnat Miami soap a oil oo ::::,clnrt!121t , ,, , Etc.. , Etc. hi* frifff'XtDOUlil Pio HAMS, BREAKFAST BACON, It. -oi *'*it lour, sugar, Coffee, Teas, lard, «Gutter, Rice, Etc. A VARIETY OF Canned Goods. '■...i-'j ;• - M ' • - 9 PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS, Fruit, Nuts, Candies, Tobaccos and Cigars, CORNER MONK & OGLETHORPE STREETS—NEAR HOTEL, Brunswick, - Ga. novlS-ly oasW Bines, Shot Gnns, Kevolvera, Ammnnl- • O&ftSf, IS^: lkUt“; “***• Hammocks, oie. Larga Illustrated Catalogue TUBS. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, VITTSBUBOH, fA. ttSiM^Stl^ 1 - Addraw, Mawltt Naailket’c Box SW. Plttakxrsh, Pa. AMD ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. pWtfcfc 'isisss/misrssss**' J ■ H. Johnaton, Pimkaigk, Pa. M avsn .fall ■fro. 1 US1CAL INSTRUMENTS [or all kinds for sale very cheap. ;uaa free. Address, richIRQ . BOX 868, i'lluburgh. Pa.