Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, August 19, 1882, Image 5

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One would think that the northern rivers of Europe would furnish salmon enough for ita people. At one time, if W e mistake not, it was a common ertiele of food—so common, in Scot land, that laboring men'and mechan ics bargained in their contracts that galmon should be served onttothem but 8° many 1 *® 68 “ tho week. That, however, seems also changed with the rtflex of trade in meats and grain from the United States to Europe, and, recently, of potatoes from Eu rope to the United States. What p rg «ah statesman, in the thirty odd years of “oorn law” agitation and ••protective duties,” ever pictured, in the wildest flight of his imagination, Great Britain’s present status of free trade, and of foreign meat and grain grain supplies? To beef, mutton, pork and bread, it seems we may add salmon,sS-another of onr large ex ports of food, that, with our farm products, of the dairy and the or chard, we may gratffy the palates and stay the appetites of capital and labor on the other side of the Atlantic. Oar occasional correspondent at the mouth of the Columbia river, on the Pacific coast, writes under date of the 30th of July—his letter having been received ip only ten days by mail from Astoria, that once for away, al most mythical Indian trading post, where John Jacob Astor began to lay the foundations of a fortune and of a family, of whioh Washington Irving has given such an interesting acoount as follows: “We hod our last fresh salmon on Friday (28th), and now that they are gping we begin to long for them. After the 81st of July they are not allowed to be «Mgkt,M it is spawning season. One steamer took out last week to England 49,000 cases of canned salmon,; and in each case there were four dozen cans. It is a paying business.” We should think it was 1 Two million three hundred and fifty-two thousand cans of salmon (2,862,000), whioh, at the very low average cost of ten cents a can, would make the shipment worth $236,200)— and that on only one cargo. v Now, although we may not be able to touch such figures on the coast of Georgia, yet may we not diversify profitably our industries by preparing mullet roes for market on a regular system? And why should we not put also on the market the famous Russian caviare or sturgeon s roe ? The enterprise of Maine supplies us with Mediterranean sardines from her own ooast, and of North Carolina Scotch herrings and Yarmouth bloat ers, and shall Georgia lag with her marine resources? The mullet roe and caviare are not only delicious ar ticles of epicurean taste, but solid ar ticles of diet, and as such we com mend them to the consideration of men engaged in such undertakings. A Carton* Badness. One of the most singular of all avo cations is described by an English journal in a way to indicate that it has an established existence in Lon don. It is nothing more nor less than the bringing off of prize-fights, and the business gives employment to a number of middlemen. The mid dleman has bis regular beat, and calls on regular customers. He also has his pairs of gladiators always at call. Supposing that a set of men wish to see a genuifie combat, they simply subscribe £20 or £80 or £60, and place the money in the middleman s hands. A £20 “miU” sanguinary affair, but £60 will boy a good deal of bloodshed. When toe money is deposited the agent picks out “two lads that want to have a turn." The “lads” are mostly lazy louts who do not love work. They train for a week on money supplied by the agent who arranges the meet ing. When they are finally placed in the ring they do really hurt each oth er a gcK>d deal, and the spectators have the pleasure of battle and con spiracy combined. There is half an hour of heavV hitting, * few spirited rallies on the cords, a large amount of bad language, and then one man gives in. The middleman paskets half the money, and tho rest is divid ed between the battedd W®FWf*** afforded the entertainment ; .win i’ll-* ‘5 .vtotMd 'fad* MALARIA Malaria is an almost in- “ 1 describable malady which not even toe mprt talctited ^t; ltoyaiciaM4wabfetofrto- om. ,Its cause is most far. quently ascribed to Jocal ’ surroundings, and there, is opinion is substantiated by acts. Malaria does not nec essarily mean chills and fever while these troubles usually accompany it It often affects the sufferer with general lassitude, accom panied by loss of appetite, sleeplessness, a tired feeling and a high fever, the per son afflicted growing weak er and weaker, loses flesh day after day, until he be comes a mere skeleton, a shadow of his former self -1 Malaria once hating laid its » human frame, the ■ t tA I' ,i l - t.-il'HIH '.HI u'VBjT’f •' , * V<! I :-.j *1k* />v.tlitolli'i THE UHDXB8iaNED,(HAVING BOUGHT OUT THEKET1BK INTEREST OF Dx. i. 1C. MADDEN, . .. ■ .. ! - , ? U - -i*»« i tftffl iie Aii&xijsU* WB* iH .. mul > ■ - - ■ *1) l-i . t ■> > CORNER NEWCASTLE & GLOUCESTER STS., J:* ••-*»'!« * f; •*» M'* 1 *■*-» v . _ w , Irunswick, - Georgia, adi bi aa . ... „o , f ahW wwat iwasM ■ EXTENDS TO THE PUBUOJANIINVITATION TO EXAMUtEfA FULL AND OOMPLETE8TOCX or '*’• ' • & ! system is thrown open i diseases. The body doorc to nervous —. —, weak and enfeebled absorbs no nourishment, but subsisting upon itself, the digestive organs no longer perform their functions; the liver becomes torpid, and other apt to cnstfc. In addition to being a certain cure for malaria and chilli and fever, Brown's Iron Bitter* U highly recommended for all dileases requir ing a certain and efficient tonic; es- pedallyindigeOion,dyspepsia, inter mittent fevers, want of appetite,loss of strength, lack of energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Acts like a charm on the digeoive organs. It is for ode by all respectable dealer* in medicines, price, ft ‘per bottle Be sure and get the genuine BROWN’S IRON BITTERS. Take no other. as DYE STUFFS. Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, TOILET G-OOSS, Etc., Landreth’s Fresh and Reliable Garden Seed. AND EVERYTHINGPEBTAINING TO A F^^DBUG^IOB^ r OUB PRESCRIPTION DEPART* tv/ti*- X■- O’* 33. Jt^AuUSSiil, .. ■ - , , ■; t - ‘1 11 I . An «xP^.ucea»dr^terrtPluamada. sr B S j«^tto.tton glren to compounding phyalcta.' , • 'in • ASPEd H. BURITOItD, M. D. — a aptHKm I am well prepared to sup Spring styles DRESS MORS, CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS! ; -OJ J? -• * SHOES! For men and women, boys and girls, obildren and babies, CHEAP AS DIRT. & CO. CUT BARBER SHOP, J. H. CARTER, Proprietor. SHAVING, Him CUTTINO AND H AmD^K8- ISGdimeto tboW Istsst sad mosUpprored ‘££ies and cniLDBEtra bain ovtting SPECIALTY, l-jATflli’l *1 /fii. -i) dll-vd »<*! T ; iraAtK^a^vAbK tsfvsnls-Ajj 0 WIT4H.OM YACf A 3 t,:i, tmitfui .omnoK INTENSE HEAT OH THE MORNING OF THE 17th INST. TO >icn>iii *iii i*M « Judge Dillon’s Old Stand, On Newcastle 8treat, wham yon can secure BARGAINS! . - .. eiH r HATS from Bo to tlO, PRINTS 60 paryard, BUNTINGS St 160, worth WPc to ISO, DRESS GOODS lOe to UXe, worth ISo to Me, DRESS LINEN ISo to tte. Worth tSo to 36c, - • - i- . -.M A'm; - f#S9* ■ 1 • - PRICES OP OTHER GOODS IH PROPORTION, For Cash Only! A. E. HEINS, Baker & Confectioner, ATOqpytTlUfpw'i ’ TOBACCO, CIGARS and FRUITS. Ice-Cold Soda Water ‘^1 ALWAYS ON HAND. Tobacco and Cigars A SPECIALTY. I am woU prepared to supply 7 u with sny ana srsrythtoR y on wish to sat. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. Give me a call, at either my store on the Bay er on Newcastle atraat, where myself or my clerks will bsh^yrrayou. Alter being burned out st tho lsto hre.hssre-genod. mriJST’a BUILDING, NEWCASTLE STREET, STAPZE&FANCmYOOQPS Notions, Embroideries, Ready-llado Clotting, BOOT© & ©HOE©, HATS AND CAPS, Crockery, Glass and Tinware. rocen e s Totoaoco and. Olgarc, Whioh he offers at BOTTOM PRICES! He solicits the patronage of toe people. Remember, , Opposite Blaines Drug Store I M ATTIKTQS, Wall Papers, Decorative Papers, Etc.*.^tar*»«>-*®^ EBONY PARLOR CABINETS. A LARGE LINE OF FINE Chamber Sets,Wardrobes, Sideboards, Desks,Ohiffoneres JGtc UPHOLSTERING snd MATTRESS MAKING by tho best workmen. Country orders solicited. JL.UXJEZT <& XJXKTJDSJLrsr, 169 and 171 Broughton St.. SAVANNAH, Ga. , SIGN AND FRESCO PADSTTINGp* itorel”Newcastle street, Brunswtek, Ga. Portrslta L. MADISON. L. J.LEAVY&CO, Auction and Commission Herelunts, and Gtneral.Collectliig Agents. OpacUlMtatlon given to tha collection of rata natoas* and oonalmuaila aollrilad, sad speady retornagaannlcad, Ofleeundar ADvzamxs axd Amu. offlea, Brunswick, Ga. Rates by parate Mo. to t.ji Maddao, broker. Cook Bros, k Co., mannteturers of lumber, snd M. J, Colson, Mayor of the city of Brunswick. Imlt-ly (SUCCESSORS TO W. T. GLOVES) « f r j lit) ' f/wFJV Bis removed from the store next dpor to the Fost Office, and opened afresh to Dixon’s New . Building, Where the pnbllo can ba supplied, at wboUssls or retail, with trerythtog to tb* line of STATIONERY, Books, Picture Etc» lEWSfAPERS, PEIIIQDICILS & MtCiZIllES Received daily and for sal* st low prices. PICTURE FRAMPPjQONE ON SHORT NOTICE. H— f r— r.L f %-tx. * HpT± f i/t r'-L Fire Insurance I -ITftf T. O’ CONNOR, Jr. AOENTJFOR THE; BRITISH AMERICA, ■EW YORK UNOERWRITERS' ABENCY. Olfire over Madden’s Drug Store. bbl-ly HARTFORD, CONN. K , ^ 5 Life & Accident Insurance. 3. M. DEXTER, Ins. Agent, Represents tha above Co. at Brunswick, Ga. Assets - $G»114,502 Life and accident policies written on abort notice PMaenger insurance .tickets sold* No medical ex aminstJon required. dcclSly.