Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, September 16, 1882, Image 6

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\ New Ad»ertiHuments. isrotioe. All peiaon. having ei»lni» >s»ln«t the ateame Hinder ere barely —***“• •■“* 4 "** meat* will iiepIMt . l ~ AVI. OnoVATT, Attorney it Lew. Brunewlck. Oe. western „ Beef . Market, Baumgartner Bros., PROPIETORS, , 'C,i /uJlSbll Witz3 cun be had, daily, Freeh Beef end Mutton, T iTcL'2 CUt F*t cattle and alieep received weekly from the Bluegraae regions of Ea»t Tenneaeee, and slaughtered here by experienced butcher* a# la m -1 r itfunrr- J t r Three Doors South of the Nelson House. NOkfoltiM- Wire Grass Beef ‘ Bead our sanitary rules a'ful quar antine regulations adopted by tbe council and printed on our first page. Tbe first shipment of cattle and sheep for the new meat shop arrived ithis week direct from tbe Blnegrass regions. Mac. Haywood is storing this week a northern cargo of -ice. It Arrived j net in' time’for4c hdd butI60 founds left in bis ice bouse. 'Thistle Dew" at Goldsmith & Nock’s, the Boas a ^ o 9 nt - ( ,r j The citizens of Waycrogs are exult ant over the early commencment of work on the Plant Iustitue, ns also the locati F.!, STILL •IT 3 l I lit <3 Uoadquartersfor ;♦* ** ' „ '■_** vi-* fcwtaa GspI «"U» Twa» *-* Choice Family Groceries. ** Ik sit * ?m -k ; u n Low Water Mark 55 BEES. “BELLE CRE OLE” Si PLANT’S A 1 PATENT 1T0UB. * A „ , J i j " ' 40 BOXES SOAP: “NEW PROCESAn •‘OLD FASHION. 1 ' “RED STAR," and the New and Excellent “TOWEL SOAP.'' ’>»- ALSO: 15 HarreleLARABEW^CELE- brated crackers, < f THm l. nbridng all the choice Ad popular brand* #*p. FRESH FROM , >}iji ^ riqii TRAD$ ISSUE. On the 30th inst., we will publish tbe first trade issue ever sent out out from tbq city., It will, bo . ^ pages and well filled with matters of interest connected with our city and its surroundings. Every interest will be written up. Hundreds of extra copies will be sent broad cast over the country. Send in your orders Now for space and extra copies. thuU^omtCd shops of S. Co. The trains on the M. A B. R. R have^been ^omewbaty.irrpgukr the niiyvpart-of | tfce , .we*k{-owing to the high waters. These however have subsided and trains are again regular The beat grade of Arioao coffee, fresh parched, at i cents ner tutiinil at Onldimlth A* Nnek’a $1,.. U/iaa Mr. L. D. Hoyt and family return «d to the ft|y this Neck. lifted in ab sonco of a few mouths to the hills of New England. He' comes back full of life and vim as ever. J The types txjnde Messrs.; Goldsmith and Nock’s'" say Inst week that they sold superior mixed tea ,&t $1.0{Lper pftund." T®'VBre intended to say 50 cents per pound. Try their tea. Stpouuds New Extra Family Flour for fl.OO, Goldsmith k Nock'*, the Bom tirncera. .The ontertaitmont given by Capt. ,G. J. Hall lust Friday night for, the behefit’-bf the Baptist ebnrob was 4 financial success notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. Those who were present had a delightful tjme. •’ __ ji _ ; '.I Our Israelitiah population are cele hrnting their new year. All places of business were closed on Wednesday Sight and. will remain closed nntil to night. Services are being held L’arioso Hali. Members of the Telephone Ex* •hunge will take notice that Messrs >7in We we the mle .genu fir Lem. lirothen' CEL* KBRATED "TOWEL 80AP,” and can supply tbe •trade at Manufacturer’s prices. Remember, a gt»od «L>wel in gW»*n t • the purchaser' of «ach and every, "'"ST3nidA3 8 COOK BROS. & CO. City Tax $otie6.' Mabry and Borcbardt’s office has been attached to the Exchange and will be known on the list as No., 6. Wb mako one more appeal for tbe cemetery. Its present condition is ebame upon ua. Where is the com mittee on cemetery ? Have we got one? If not, will Mayor Colson ap point such a committee ? ^ ^ 4*f I Savan We begin this week the publication of n column of, Sunday reading. You will find it 6n tbe first page un dertime ^ead—“Our, Highest Good.' *xhe^natter forHhiso 1nmn will be *ypish^l)y li£V.'[&!*.: llAfcd of the Methodist cburcb. rfrri Otnciorouuiisii luunu. iiunvuL •«»., r»b. m; rm. “Thistle Daw” ai Goldsmith k Nock'* the Boas Grocers. (. Fartfes ia»1iW to receive! theirAd vertiser and Appeal at the regular time will thus trouble is. I please notify us at once, and fsi’nffmiiwdihg onfwberetbe Every now and then some one OMopluirtr bfh lost paper,. That w*e know waa senTby certain circnm stances oounected therewith. ■i-.-tiM*,! »t»«S».or penotul |.ru|>rrw, for the v.-.r ISH3, »r>* A..ioU,tv.; 1,! ‘jUATter, on or I '-'ilrc llo- :;1k, ,1., ,,| M.rch, 1SS3 * ■■ Juno, •• *•* •>.- '•«#«*“ •• Hept.% - *lb , 30tli •• •• Nov., •• Cook, tor the r. vei.tiou of return.. And the c-ollo tiou ol the er.t .inwterly paymeat of uim. are now ;^.i^ ri i fi K hte - th v^ SS»rn ;C2 1 w ' a * birmi8h « et oa the ground where The tops of buildings ip course of construotidu are poor pieces for ~TBe~new Orovat building will Aw. an ornament to the city when com pleted. Mr. Jno. J. Spear will soon erect a store bniltaagortbis bit ^ Catholic (fonrcli.'* ^ “Tbl.tla Dew," at Oold.mlth i KocICa, the Boa. See advertisement of Col. Jobb T. Collins on tbispage. Pointed pickets Soaring, peiling eto,, are offered for sale him, at reasonable figures The Baud discoursed'sweet music for the 1 iorowd wbo assembled. to bear Col. Hardemau’s elegant 1 address on Thursday last. “, Dow." at Ooldamlth t Nock'a, the B4aa Urooen, Our Ordinary was in luok on tbe j!4tb inst. He issued marriage li censes enough to buy bimself a new bat apd a new pair of shoes, and then had a half dollar for good meas- ke. Tlv I!-::.. Dick Harris, the vetran bell puller £>f tbe E. T. Vu., & Ga., is back again at bis post after a months’ recreation pt the Warm Springs of Western North Carolina. His host of friends welcome him back. There are few if any, more popular conductors in Georgia than he. B“Thl«U» Dew, M at Ooldamlth * Nock’s, tbe Bout Grocer*. Cook Bros. & Co.; cleared schooner Lizzie Major on tbe llta inst., for Jeremai Hayti, with a cargo consist ing of 130,589 feet pitch pine lumber valued at $2,200. 1042 feet white pine lumber valued at $201 and 20,- 000 bricks, valued at $175. “Thistle Dew," »t Goldsmith & Nock's, tbe Boss Grocers. j A Ben Hill Mouumental Associa tion was formed in this city on Wed nesday last, with the following officers viz: President, W. E. Kay; vice- president, ira E. Smith ; secretary, T. O’Connor, Jr. A new supply of Bsuketn, Brooms. Tubs A Buck et*, etc., at Goldsmith k Nock’*, the Boss Grocers. — - ■ ar.T-T-y..-,"' 111 iMSfi a railroad omees in tbe city f wil Telopb : ( b&A- at the p: depot and a third at the shop. The M. & It., will have one at their office ajnd another at their wharf on the ex tension. . ... Best quality of mixed tea at 50 centa per pound at Goldsmith k Nock’a. Onr foreman, Mr. Palmer G. Stacy, has been spending tbe week at In dian'Springs,enjoying the luxuries of that delightful place and drinking its henlili giving «uter. Read bis inter esting letter fnnn that point to be found in these columns. Before be returns be will visit Atluuta and points of interest in that section. “Thistls Dew” at Goldsmith A Nock’s, the Boss Grocers. Onr St. Simons correspondent can accomplish fnnsideruble iu any given time when be is really in earnest.— Here is the tecord of one morning's Work Inst week, from 6 to 12 o’clock. Ate breakfast, visited eight pa tients, pulled two teeth, held court, tried one peace warrant case, three telling tbe people of tbe good things they have in store for those who favor them with their patronage. Theii store is situated a little removed ftom the entire of traide but it will repay you to give them a call. Tbe tnith is, onr young friend Mason who hasj charge of this branch of tbe bnsiuess of Cook Bi cannot be pi uTiinsf wn by those more ead the Cor.oert Monday Niirht. We again call attention to tbe con cert to be given next Monday night at the fair grounds- by tbe Band • The musicr will ' be free, but if you would be kind to the wife or sweet heart you would be sure to carry a little loose change in your left vest pocket for tbe good ladies,. yOu, fN are going to have refreshments there for salSv proceeds to go to the Band in view of their kindness in giving these free open-air concerts. We are requested to say that Floral Hall will be put *in perfect ordet for ! tbe occa sion. Below we reproduce the pro gramme as published last issue : PART FIRST. L Chocolate caromels. , 2: Mountain Violet Waltz. ’U 3. Quadrille by Prof. Bush. 4. Fairy Queen Galop. 5. 13tb Andante and Waltz. 6. Quadrille by Prof Bush. PARE SECOND. 7. Overture, Centennial. 8. Beautiful Star Waltz. 9. Golden Sunshine Mezonrka. 10. Fantasia on Dress Parade. If opr.^piuiog representative wiu« !“ ^ ^ of tbs legislature as in the late convention iSavaii^ab, 'wi shall be prnuj we have sent Film there. We Hfjeak u Be kind to all, Seranaife. What to Out. icb word as fail. Concert of ae- .hqn is, all wel need and we are pleased to know that t4e forces are wheeling into line and with solid phalanx' wifi march to victory. th * edf nui-- SoinHthinE New. f Messrs. Baanagortfier Bros!,' oome to tbe front in to-day’s paper with the announcement that from this date there can be fonnd daily at tbe new meat shop on Bay street, fresh meats from gnimals jnst from the Blaegrass region of East'Tennessee. Then; first carload of beaves and sheep arrived this webk, and onr people can now regale themselves with choice tender beef. These gentlemen have fitted UP their shop in handsome style, with marble counters, .zino-lined refrigera tors, elaborate sausage meat choppers, etc. They have gone into tbe busi ness on a large scale. Read their ad- veriertisment and try their meats. Martell, HaneMy tod’ other bnndi of Cognac; at no, beat brands of Ryo and other wblakeya, forme- feet pitch pine lumbe dieinal and other purposes; also, floe, Imported wines, can be found at QEOBGB CHANDLER’S, on y street. je.l-ly J. H. McCullough cleared British bark Snow Queen on the 12th inst., for Montivideo with a cargo consist- ingof valued at $11,545. BRUNSWICK MARKET; OFFICE ADVERTISER AND APPEAL. 1 Buukswick, Oa-, Sept. ICtli. 1.<S^ | Below we quote prices current for to-<1» b :e ysii •; . cotton. ipod Middling..., 1 fiddling; .v........' .....! I Low Middling 1. i Good Ordinary OrdiMrr,*. v-rv. . BICE. vAO| “ ’Tis’nol Jist has said that SJT”" v: * iritothe paper,"S 00 *— .1 Rough country «?0@1 20 NAVAL 8TORE8. Boann—O II.U, O $1.60; B $1.6S;F *1.70, O It 15; , w ...v^ $1.80, X $1.00; K Si DO; M $3 37;li 1 , *0 -rtf' JLiLV'dAii _aois_ 0 4 window gtaea IS 1»«; water white $3 S3. .... WO never fully realized Sfhiits Trorssnts*—Oils and whl.keya, 41>;c- regulars, 43,‘io. CRUDE TURPENTINE. but what to keep out” is the. great problem,to be solved with every issue] h^ilso, x ti.uo; k laoo; m $ipiik N »2ea>;'; T lift«0 tUJ■-2.LLL«A*il window ’ “ riot; Hioind over to keep peace, tfvo to appear at next court and discharged one person and threatened to jail a half dozen for peijnry, be sides making a temperance lecture. ware at ■nannfaetnxsr'a prieas, a, tho Boa. Grocers. AbW;' Hon. J.R Dart; ex-Mayor of Brunswick, is tbe Demo cratic candidate of Glynn county for Ropreresentative in the General As sembly. Mi*. Dart is a lumber mer- obafii and a gentleman of tq or Iced ability("ffeii falsa a/ go0d, toleir- ‘ Jaded speaker, as was shown by tbe iveral little speeches whiob be has ade during the present Democratic invention of the First Congression al district. He will receive, we un derstand, not only the solid Demo- erjatic vote of Glynn county, but also the votes of nil the Republicans in the county who favor putting the best men in office. b - v C "“" :U on ,1 * , ' ,h, ‘ danger is not so gn-at Being on w. ami upen duriug .ill . (lie roof, yon observe dues not place • Md night I .... r • at th' * .tirt Hoi > HOl'sTuN, Clerk «nd Treasurer. vim oat of tbe city limits. Married* Blain—Moore. On tbe 13th inst. at the residence of the bride’s father, ^ ¥*»•. W ucaV' Dr* J. & Blaine'a ita Miss 1 Jlaggie Moore, all of i this city. j j . , Cornki.i.—Walker. On tbe 14th inst., by R-v. A. C. Ward, Mr. Alfred Cornell and Miss Lillie Walker, all of tbit city. of a paper the troth of tbe above until recently when we were waited on by repre sentatives of two certain interests in themselves not specially antagonistic, the one to the other, bat as touching a third interest, utterly at variance. Party No. 1 wanted ns to heap to gether all of par. thunder and at one blast to crush'to death a certain ob ject. Party No. 2, in asking onr aid to crush out a second -object, natural ly invoked our aid in lauding to tb« skies the very object sought to be destroyed by tbe first party. The matter us presented by each enlisted onr sympathy and we were about to comply with the request of each par ty (for it seemed but right that we should) nntil we discovered that to do so would place us iD tbe peculiar position of landing and condemning tbe Bume object in tbe same issue of our paper. We respectfully declined to aid either party. The liHte Storm. The usual September-gale has come and gone and our fair city as usual has been exempt. Whilst other places ore visited by fearfal cyclones etc., Brunswick, so far, has escaped. A/b far as we have learned tbe storm of last week divided in two on it? way to Georgia ftyiiti the galfocold ’Stems to have made a circuit of tbe f «tnte, ope prong stricking out for South- West Georgia and Florida, and tbe other sweeping across the mi upper 1 portion* ‘of' tbe IStat fury of tbe gale seems to have been spent before'Nabbing the interior for tbe greatest destruction scorns to Imve Virgin dip ^3 25, old dip ; f3 00, per barrel oi *30 P Babiiil Staves.—Wbito o*k $25 00. water oak $20 00, headings, ash or oak, $18 00, per 1,000, de livered in Brunswick. SUPPLIES. Bacon—Clear rib sides, lCc; shoulders, 12‘ac; bams, 17>^o*, dry salted clear rib sides, 15c; lorg dear, 14 ^c; shoulder* none. $$ 505! fancy, $7 00®$ Oats r—Cota—^white $1 05: mixed, Q0@92c; Western 57; Georgia 67 *«; bran, $1 16. Hay—Northern, $1.10: Eastern, $1.25: Western timothy, $1.25® 1.30. Laud—In tierces, 13>4; kegs and tuba 13X* Hides, Wool, Etc.—Hides, dry flint, 13c; salted 0® lie. Wool—Unwashed, free of burrs, 1n bales, prime, 26c; in bags, prime, 24c; slightly burry 15®18c: very burry, 10®13. Wax 24c; deer skins, 27c; otter skins, 35c® $4 00. NAVAL STORES FREIGHTS. Sail— Rosin and aplrit*. 4*. 3d.®6*. ad. to United Kingdom or Continent direct; Baltio direct, same rates; to New York. 45c on roaln, 60c on spirits. been'iu Upturning tretfe, fences, sheds etc., an<l also iu destroying grouiug crops, principally cotton. In Floriilu however, the fuqr of the gale seems to have increased and in Tallahassee and Quincy greater damage was done In all we bear of .nine persons killed in that section. The Episcopal chnrcb in Tallahassee was blown down. --* * v *Wv/ t. D. C. Bacon A Co., cleared tbe Spanish bark America, on the 15th inst., with a cargo consisting 297,932 feet pitch pine lumber valued at $5,571. FOR SALE. 40,000 POINTED PICKETS $12.00 Per Thousand ALSO FLOORING, WEATHERBOARDING, CEILING, ILL Thoroughly Seasoned. —Apply to— John T. Collins< * > . J. . ’ r BRUNSWICK, GA. Notice. SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. OFFlQ£ HOURS; 6 M 10 A. M. and 4 to 7 P. M. J. C. VALENTINO. Ageak NOTICE FOR LEAVE TO SELL UNO. GEORGIA—GLiraCQClOT— , Appliouion will banuid* to th* Ooart of Ordioo- J of uld conat; it tho October term, 1883, tp-wlt: After twentj^ffbt d»i» her* oltpoad from the In- •ertlon at till, notice, for leeee to Mil eU tho land, belonging to the eaUte of B. F. Wimama, Uta of aaid count j, deeaaaed, for the benefit of hair* and crefiltora of amid dacaaaad. _ Thli. Sant. Sd. MB. W. W. WATKINS.* tor EaUta B. F. WUliama.