Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, October 07, 1882, Image 4

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With western bay standing as we qwy say, cross-legged in the market at $1.501 I, DUb WUOn MJU VJUUlgiU oliavo alittlo Iuncb, \b< I n hundred, we should think to the^conclusion'tbSgrass is grass nrbtti tier it is green or not. The west ern bay which bolds tljo market comes about ns nja; not being grass ns anything that grows. It is rotten iuside tbe bales and woody on tbo the outside, but when the Georgia mule %ttc|s 8t ^Y cotnpellet western hay bed66i$a>4ery valuable. Last winter nearly every farmer in Georgia drove his wagon into some railroad town and earned out a sup ply of this western ba^ paying $1.60 a hundred cash, orabont $2 on time. The difficulty is that whether tbe weather is cold or hot, horses and mules mast be used to cultivate the lands, aid tv Hep Ibeso creatures grow hungry, west^rti biy k about es feood n substitute for food as can be found. It is more nourishing and more easily digested, . for instance, than fence ‘aiU life and probably hardens tbe bone, and when tbe worst comes to tbe worst, alt bough it is woody on the outside and rotten on theinside, the Xarm< are compelled to have Winter Buds tbeir barns though they pay $1.50 and $2 a hun dred. But a very simple calculation will show tbat^?t*VSinoS?'t4^Sny tbe stuff, ovon supposing it, by a romant ic stretch of imagination, to be tbe finest and most nutritious food in .the universe. ‘ Grass t ^e t< 2rA^f t , J out grass at the market price of western hay is only another form of bank- roptSTf - JOm ~WPJ>1' far some stress of climate or some nn favorable condition of soil to buy this staff; bat they are not. Then baa never been ft year sinfis Geergiei-wes a state when tbe fannem. 'W ‘W tittlti extra exertion* apd litll bay 6| ver, tbi thoughtful farmer iu tbe will question this statement. We are told by those who have re cently been upon.the ground that there is now enough bay going to waste in southern and southwestern Georgia to last the farmerf of these seetio|s three years. Thid hay would cost only tl|o labor of ,cotgng. And curing it. > It waB ffiahted by the band of Providence and has boon brought to maturity by the most propitious seasons that have over been known in tbe state. It is far superior to the western stuff that is sold iu tbo rail- rond towns, being genuine bay. We aro farther told,,however, that instead of Baving this hoaven-tjOOt the shortsighted'farmer Tbe mercantile agency is a institution. It exercises a maternal care over tbe interests of merchants, and its effect on tbe) iradbrf oU tte brink of insolvency is a bomb shell from the British fleet in one of Arabi’i forts. Those agencies have printed to them. The questions m those fcir- culars are of a decidedly pointed character, for the mercantile agency is not modest in its search for infor mation. A few days'igo ooe’of these firms sent a circular to a gentleman doing business at a certain seaside resort, end received their blank pijopiptty W?-/ E lile ol fnterri ter it, and a few of tbe answers will give an idea of tbe veracity and promptitude with which tbe agency’s cariosity was satisfied. After some inquiries as to business, age, etc., ‘the agency asks “How much did each partner con- '“Did any of the partners ever fail in business ?” “Always." “When, and where, and in what form ?” “Whenever any firm wpuld trust. “Amount of stock on hand ?” fpM quart id three bed Then tbe agency inquires under tbe head of liabilities: “Owing-for merchandise?” ‘•More than tongue can tell." ,.,',‘In jvbat month do yon usually take aoiaccount of stock?” '“When the moon is at.its fulL” “With-whom do you bank ?” '■\yilHato Briggsand Harry White.’* *“Names of the principal creditors and thA-amount due each ?” “Prttm the corner of Kearney and ihirl^ streets running due east to this vfpier front, thence to Comer of Kearney, thence, to beginning Kear ney and Market, I have scooped them all in.” . “References ?” „ ^ “All-of the Rill collectors. Of W&kAmt**** There aro few men in business who would be so candid with tile ngency. And tbo strongest fea ture of tbis remarkable document is that it is true in every particular. » ~ iramnE, Agricultural Implements, *auiifi*v GRAIN CRADLES, AVERY’S PLOWS. BRINLY’S PLOWS, HEEL PINS, GRASS RODS. whisky, seven cigars 3 of-sour claret.’’ A White Baler in Africa. John Dunn, one of tbe tbirtcon kinglets amongjvhotn, by Sir Garnet Wolsoloy’s agency, Zululnnd was di vided, differs from his twelvo breth l-on not only in being a pure blood European while .they are stark savag es, but also in reserving to himself in a<y especial way privileges of cutting lo luMid-1 timbers with tbo right to mine and TOlUUUin OTAIL RUBBER- & LEATHER BELTING. CIRCUL. CARPL - black,- „ GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE. AGENTS FOR FAIRBANKS' * yn, ■]. i hl?l Standard Scales, „ 11M CELEBRATED POWDER, Together with ft fall line of SHELF HARDWARE, for said ftt the loweet ct«h prices. PALMER BROTHERS. WholaMM tad KfUU Dealer* la t -ii SADDLES & HARNESS, rubber win Leather WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES j! it itiibto II 4V, Ete. —-.M azrj COMMISSION Goods bought and T f tan atrmjjil (SUCCESSORS TO W. HARNESS, Colitis; 'iOLEf, fit, SUITABLE A '<£88X1$$* Savannah, Georgia. dpc JEWELRY ■ - -• .f. ing all their energies toward picking out cotton, although they know that the hay they can save in ono weofc Ot plot)' ^utf thp n the cotton they can pick in'" the same length of time. We allude to south ern and southwestern Georgia in this connection, because we have informa tion from thoA sections. We sup pose, however, that what is said bore will apply to every section of the state. The seasons have been good, equally good in every portion of Georgia, and there is no portion nn- der feix-e that has not produced hay unless other lato crops have been in the way. The probability is that the farmers of the state will never have such another opportunity of saving a supply of forage with so little effort. A large portion of tbis volunteer forage can still be cured and stored, and we write tbis for the purpose of exhorting our farmers to put them selves to a little extra trouble to reap the advantages which a bountiful Providence has placed within tbeir reach. _____ The Color und Liitlre of Voutli Are restored to faffed lit' tirpy, hair by the use of Parker’s Hair Balsnui, a harmless dressing highly <s teemed for its perfume and purity. seek for minerals, divert xtrenius, cul tivate unplowcd lands, adyanco or re tard trade, in such*rind so completion way that be has, ss it were, tbe right of ingress, egress and regress every where that bis autlxdity ^AAAds, IBs 'country, next to tbe Tugela, and bor dered to a great extent by tbe sen, baa within it one landing place, Port Dura- ford, where, it may be'remembered, a notoworthy failure to secure a safe em barkation delayed tbe operations of Sir Garnet Wolseley in the tbe winter of 1879. Dunn bos imposed, after the Natal fashion, n but tux on his people amounting to five shillings per hut payable iu cash, every penny of which bo keeps himself for his own purposes. Dunn is a Kaffir chief with European skill to raise aTevenue for himself.— He taxes all 'wagons going inty his country to the amount of twenty- five dollars, and be has tbe right and power to lay an embargo .on nil trade at will. He is a' clever, oibservsnti brave man, who menus to make mon- MfuirWj and rule reasonably if be can; but he tnkes thought to himself, for he is “wise in bis generation,"nod has no guarantee fur the permanency of his office, one created by him and of most uncertain tenure. It W. F. D^ERFLnffiER, proprietor. THE BKsfT PLACE Ttf TOWS IN EVERY RESPECT TO BUY YOUR **» JEWELRY, WATCHES, ,v, ' i \ '\i \\v,' . Etc,, Etc,, Which have Juat arrived and .re being .old »t low- price*. Repair* of all kind* done on short notice and Smlafactlon Uuurontcrd. f Ilaving & coworxiuan, I am prepared to do .11 work withdi.p.tch. C3-l)o.«- Patent of StlOcnod-back Watch., made .specialty. TIN SHOP, STOVES & STOVE PIPE, Tn Ware, Plumbing, Pumps & Pump Driving. id .ati-faction cnaran- leplicljr liiil f. iji'lll/, 'eiiiHsioltrt a hi i YOURORDERS^ •i .it ADDRESS, AUe.F.FRANHLIN&Co. FINNEYS BUILDING, BRUNSWICK,GA M £3 blOENElS FOB THE CURE OF FEVER, PILES, DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, Cancel, Colds and Coughs, Manufactured from Ve fc -. t d ie Matter only, and for Mlu by Dr. J,. HEINS, tncxstncK, ga. Street. 3 Uoorn from Hotel. oct9-3w Steamship Line. OtpUin BISK, CARONDELET, P. M.. arriv. . J»e connection m b B, Railroads. Through hill. lading algned to Ml point* on .bore roftdi. Freight and puMgo u low *. by u, other lino. ger.od.f~- ^ ‘ ■ter# venues for Glyhn Connty Gu., Held Angnot 19th 1882. Wbbb<u., Upon . petition of many citizen, uk Inn 'or .new MlUtU Dhtrlet of p.rt»of 96th Mi 97 th District., and nld Commlnloou. ‘ . - - - - 1#d ^ itrlcte. territory embraced within th, bonodarle. of nld Now DUtrict, u bid out and defined by th. Commlea!otter., to.wit: Commencing at tbo centra of the bridge aero., th. Brtm.wlck and Albmaha fbnM, ne.rE.elyn Post '“Bee—tunning thence along tno middle of ' hlio road Jeadfng to Station, to loon, bating bran the law In o road icro.s ..Id creek. Tflenco'along the weatarn edge of the Big BuffUo awamp, to the Wayne County Line. Thence along W.yne Connty Lina to the Altamaha river. Thence along tha Mtunaha river to the creek into which the Bruni. beginning, ehall form end alter thla known ai tha 1SSA Dletrtet, O. M„ of nld county. Ann nx it FUETHxm Huolv.d, That what la known u O. W. Wright.' atoro. a building eltn.tcd at Sterling Station, h . _ ■ball ba con.tltutod f rptll A tr^o extract, , Hi GLOYER&DUM T. CLOVER) He. removed frotp tha .tor. next door to the Foot Offleo. and opened afrwh la Where tha public can ba .applied, at wholeaale or retail, with everything tn the Una of STATIONERY, (ji^ooKs, itefemBpAtes'! Received dally and for rale at low prlcra. P-icrfURE '^Rkili^^ibNE octS-ly ON SHORT NOTICE. PARKER’S flnlavljci’iijf: Thi« Hclic'oiis r ;ln<ithatKcverliitoxlca!3i compound of C.inper, Buchu & manyoihcrofibe!:f (vegetable tnrdirinesknowo cures Female Compliiruit, Ncrvoiwncs*. Wake- fiilnew, »nd all disorders of the lxiw* ls stomach, 2 P41U f*»rnnytlunf* injurious in Cinder Tonic, or Cot a fiilurc la help or ctitfi. < Try ii ftr ask your «ck friend to try it DII y« S-y:. am! vl at dn-^^Lti. Tgirpe Having busing dollar sire. Fend :.»r circular to liiscox St Co., |f.^ W.Kiam S’re. t. N. Y. 1 r fasti* I lair Re- and \ »r-ssin^. Sold by all dealers in drugs I IV rriLOOVKan asquUHsly frasrmnt [ M'S Wesleyan Female College. MACON, GEORGIA. THE FOBTY.FIVTH ANNUAL 8E8SI0N will be. gia October 4th. 1881. The College i. turniahed with all modern appliance, looking to hrallh, hap* pine., and comfort of ita lnnutoa. Unanrpaned advantage* In Literature, Mutlcaud el* UUooi Rev. W. or Bar. C. W. SMITH, Secretary. Notice. SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. OFFICE-HOUR 8: to 10 A. M. and 4 lo T P. M. 1. C. VALENTINO, Agent. Hardware, Stoves, Plows, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, TINWARE. DOORS, HA8H, GLASS, PUMPS, CROCKERY, LAMPS AND LAMP FIXTURES. KER08INE AND LARD OIL, roe HALT BT L. D. HUTT & Co. L.J. LEAVY&CO, Anction mk V»mmL«loa 'MefctiS*L*. and - - - Gfneral Collecting Auonts/ Special* ttention given to the collection of rente Duaincaa and cousigumcute a<dicit«:d, aud apeedy return a gt.ftrantced. Office under advertise* and Appeal office, Drunawlrk, Ga. Refcra by permia- •Ion to J.M. Madden, broker. Cook Broa. k Co., niannfact«rera of lumber, and M. J. Colaon. Mayor of the city of Brunawlck. jaul4*ly