Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, November 04, 1882, Image 6

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Announcements. •for bItok iroforjtcii. it. vt,nowins»vk.t.ii u UnoHhta ttka^*uwicktttU municipal<eo» Uoa In December: tom ifvron: y. j. COLSON. «oa iurjtni: c. L. J«. s - MMMSgsnyh i.r. bibvey.•*'<« |»awTwM>PCTMPP New .Advertisements. A DWELLING H(K'Sa2 wl-i e ^at .rajj*. tl.crfca aud ■onr.ut'a oou. -A»>pV -0 noc4-4. FOE: SALE, llr. Greer, ol the Key Stone St»- blee, bee moved bin family to tbe city. time by Monday next. Mr. Alex. King, o-ie of Atlanta's gifted ^sbhil,'of tbo Vgal firm of Van Epps, Calhoan & Kir g, was in ocr city this week. .vj&jme folks we k MACHINE. Alio, two eight-foot eUrer-mounted Show casta, cheap Ciion Ssts by tne • 'j It ■■ () BLAIN’S 100 BARR ITOEgPAfnjjf. FOR SALE CUEAFTO CLOSECON8IONMENT. AUG. F. FRANKLIN* '&W TAX COLLECTOR S APPOINTMENTS. I w'U flit toe following appO'ntmeiU fog.. 'on ol S^le end count? ti far the joac sethel, Oct. IT end 2(1 end Not. ft ;,| | StnrMng, Oct. '8 a id 281 id Not. T. Ere'-.l, Oct ’!> end cn aid No/, 0. »r.> lawic':, Not. 1 nr l *3 and 14. end Mend J7, Ht. 8' noce.Oc;. ’ ' Lid Su.taM IS. 1'HJlii-.,; My o l'co 1 J U •unawIcH *‘'I be it the con-t homo. R. T1HON, Hu 0»"»<tto >«, C. Milne BARBER SHOP. i OH A RLE Y GREEN " Will open, Aogu: Xth. JSSJ. e FIRST-C-AS BARBER SHOP, whe.-e he win eiec.ue hal-ei tlrg, i id ehtmpoiipg <n tbe Boll Abb'd- e.ylra. shop on El; li cet. nei1; oppoe'te Ft Of's. Wb le cua.oire.i uc | ill beierrii'. augllMni • a — < / ■ and Ms FOR SALE. on the comer of llonh, Earnout end Noiwlrb nt eete, f onting go feet onMonh end ISO feet on V -oiont a id Norwich et-ee a, 90.90 on T • moot end Norwich et.-eeta, Wtolnlng the Acadeni; w'11 oco-ato ; honae, .'12:1# feet, with kitchen ec uoc.ed to Mine, 21:11 feet Home In good older, hnrlig been rcceutl; repel-ed and ‘ The ah ove p: o In faction!, tog Committee. 0)0, Mail /uva* ittiiisw su ||wu uru«r, rcceutl; repal-ed and painted, i propel t; wL’l be aold ea i dvartlaed, as. Few taWmetloB, enquire of Brlld ~. o. UTXXJtncu, D.' A, MOORE. J. M. CONNOLLY. JlfrigMMo Gents’FurnishingGoods A SPECIALTY. &itgH$tr atd Jfwol. fDBUlHXD EBE ”*5 I f ,l; ^Ife SA' AY MORNING AT SRUNSWIOK. GEORGIA. HOME MATTERS. ^ f ofjfTtQaway, this'summer for their health and Icx- nriated in chills and fever. They fcAttfvSW bofer ofent home. Query.—If we can succeed in get ting rfuch a well of tmtef beze ls.. jAl- bfny’p artesian well has proven to'be, who can estimate the value to our city? , I.;],,,': ' ,ii.: : . Messrs. Michdaoa A Bro.’s now brick building is now taking shape.— « wood work plunder the eye of it master wotkfban Burr WiRto'D, who puts up a so’id job, The ^broken bone” sL ;, l finds vic tims, but bs$| materially lessened in ibis psilicul^r. A,'good frost tvcolil p e& . l2lfin theTTOIWy mammWh MONARCH'4 GTGANTIE cn Sni III f - J LOSSES OF ALL AMUSEMENT ORGANIZATIONS PANOPLIED IN S. H. BARRETT & CO.’S /iSHTwi nfon KGimnun \nmnn w ._ 0s Orieifil Circn, Egyptian Carayin and Univemliipositioii of Living Wonih! •■’■'> r Peeltirel; comldg.lnd will eiblblt ti allIti'railantlrel; at;'0. j ( . RltITT\ T f4Wir i ,K nlit 55 ” *VH-SNPy : 3$,.1888 so Vni'tlve'y the largfAt collation ^ntr^Mv bgfjM AOjertl^.jj, thl* Continent., ■witiit© isrii© Aij pnt a quietus fo it,and allow,orr pli, who are iBijf ( awsy, ito'm^ro. Have yea rrgigtired 1 The time will to mt next Ihursdsy night Nov. 9th, iftt 0 o’olc ck. The mnnieipal race bids fair to bo a lively one, - > every voter should register I fore the time is out. The schooner Stella M. Kenyon Captain Pendleton, arrived from Bos- t >a on lnursday last, making tbe rut from dock to dock in one hundred ten hours, the quickest passage ou record. Col. Collins left ns this week for Chicago. From there ho will go to New York, after which be will return to Brunswick for • short season pre paratory to leaving for bia new home Leadv'lle. Oar telephone exchange baa tosn working vary unsatisfactorily for tertises a real kitchen and tor- 1 The property is the Fitzgerald place and residence on Union street, next to Mr.' John B. wish to purchase. We eee by the Savannah papers that Col. Griffith, who haa manipulat ed the wires of • the* Savannah tele graph office for many years, baa re signed bis position .as chief in that department, and Mr. B. F. Dillon, onr former townsman, 1 , ifeen elected bis successor. / Frank B equal to the emergency and kjrill fill tbe position with credit. We congratulate him. The schooner Albury & Malone, bailing from Green Earl Key, Abaco, West lades, reached our port: this week with a nice cargo of bananas and oranges. She carries back a cargo of floor and lumber. The Captain in forms ns that he will return in about three WtokJ artth another enjgot dl fruit; fit fact wi}l cqnlipue io rdn here the whole ceason. Tbe frnit was read ily sold at fine prices. We doubt if tbeie be a better market for sneb things oajthjs co*st, I^jiba way, the Hattie Darling oagnt to ta io her appearance now p.ctty scon.— Two or tb^ee more such vessels would not be amiss. Srer luported—A huge Shtmbllog River Horse, the terror of siftir’ffu ■—clelmed hj m»n’ and Zoogrtphen to be ident^al with tbe Bebe nothe of the Mole. A PAIR UP Oil , .GIRAFFES, bfoktu to haruene aud drawing Roman chariots. " r 4 a more than EIQH 1 Ti to ^S cfMttatefl YIeeh-4 moaitu d>1 nn mnrothsn EIGHTY 10:5Sof EdmateaYled,-L|(nioBIUtin.rcn^ el Ta TSVO art So*.iil IdcSoi taller end tbe heat leit aatanlerer w XERXEN,-» h %“i«. b ^* 9 «^ THE UBKltBkT VF ALLFEATIUe!!,THEFIHSTAltOOStVflllrin $15,005»I03^ SX.^-STBI?, $15,000 The onl; animal ot lta kind ever,on exhibition in thli or an; other oonntr;. Yon. ,*U1 ^e the Great AI’YSSINIAN BABIROUSSA, an animal never before exhib- iteil/hi'Alhiaticat' Theifirst and only HOjGIPGP^TT[1V[Tt^ 1 '."’ Ever exhibited.on this continent. The onl; genuine* ' We hare jn«t opened, In new brick building of Messrs. Moore A McCrary, a baudsomo ljue of above goods, which wo propose selling at prices Never Before Known! Cal)onua and eeaonr etock, which waa 'bench, oxpreeal; lor thla market. nOTt#-l; J.B. WRIGHT k COj f TRIMMED AND UNTK1MKED HATS. LACES, RI11UON8, FEATHERS, .am Also, a Large JJuo of Hosiery#Kid Gloves. CORSETS, Of the meet Arelreblemalfif.' ^La.UeeaTl ftAt'tla guwl place to tei,ill k’nde of . Zephyr and Saxonj Wool EmhjoUer|, SJtth BRAIDS. ELEiJANT SECS MtiR'/' ' DI^ESS TRIMMINGS, i KINOES OFjAI.T, DESCRirviONS. ; * < i uI-iarl . lU.oIW; ■' "* mon' h or more past. Unless the com pany fornisbes its patrons here with cumething more reliable, tbe exchange will “dry up" before a great while. Ktrtel), Heneei; end other brand, of Cognac; eh I. beet brand, of R;e end flther wblske;e, for me dlcinal end other pnrnoaee; alio. An*. Imported wlnee, can be found at UEOROS CHANDLER'S, c Ba; etraet. JaM; Mesa -a. Moo-e & Merrifield c jntin- ne to advartiaa their new departrre— harness making. Tbe class of work being put up will compare with any to to found. We examintd a set of silver mounted harness this week that is just pretty enough. Gen, 0- W. Field, U. S. Enginesr, is about commencing the work on the jetties, as also' the dredging of onr harbor, the result of tbe last appro priation of $25,000. Before that is expended we trust Ool. NiohoRs will secure double that amount more. The British ship Beethoven, the largest that has been here for several months, is sow loading at our wharves with naval stores. - Site is an elegant craft and, when loaded, will; draw twenty-4wo feet of water. It is not every bar that over wben jMf£ima »!:■[«/.•! r-t The Atlanta Constitution now reach es its middle and&onth-Georgia read ers tbe same'dajr'it is printed, thank's to the new last schedule of the Celn- urRl>from AtiuuU'to Macou and fihr: vannah. If ocr mails came lurough diroat (com Jesup, we would enjoy the saHn^'jirivilege. ' ‘ Dr. Bacbmai), ot Knoxville, Tenn., is expected to visit tuis city at an ear ly day and will hold a series ot servic es' at the Presbyterian church. ' As n tevfxftlist he baf few superio-s. Wher ever be goes, crowds attend on his (Hretohingi' -many who never attend cbnrch as a rule. Fish have been more plentiful in market the post week, and oysters are opening much totter tbis season than last. Mr. Barnes, our oysterman, in- Sr. W. B. BURROUGHS, WILL BUY AND SELL Land ar\d Real Estate. COLLECTING ANDlNSURANCE AGENT. REPRESENTS Roytl, capiUl $M,404,13l Fhotuu, of London, capiUl or Toronto, cptui M22.000 forms us that they are much fatter M.nLatuu Lift,net M*eU wilt Inoomo,'81 11.729,!JS I . . ..... „„ . , omo. mi, to Fo«t Office. m.;2i-ft now than last year this time. This ho Hota2lphn Mj Tison- ) It bet imes our painful duty to an nounce the death of ooe of Glynn’s t ne sad tried citizens, Hon. John 31. Ticon, wbiob occurred doriog Tuos- dar night last, at b'a homo near Ja maica, in this county. He hns been at soneter with rbeamat'sm fer yeais past, and a few months ago he became so feeble that a trip to the Hot Sptlugs waa thongbt advisable. Tbe trip, proved of no avail, and ho came home to die. Few men have figured more prominently in the his tory of our county thsu Hon. John M. Tison. Having resided here from his birth, be baa bon prominent in its affairs for nearly a half century, and hns emphatically g.< own with the country, Loth in wealth and popular-^ ity. Ha hai several time* reprecont- ed the c junty and diitrict in the balls of the Legislature, and now, at the ripe old age of nearly seventy, bos quietly passed away. Foreign Shipment., R B. Beppard cleared bark Sarah A. Staple*, Gapt. Elwoll, on tho 31st uli, for Buenoa Ayres, with 353,437 feet pitch pine lumber, valued at $4,- 695. Captain Albury cleared British schooner Albury and Malone, on the 2d inat„ for Abaoo, W. I., with mis cellaneous cargo valued at $583. D. C. Bacon & Co. cleared Spanish brig Carmen, Capi Isern, on tbe 3d inst, for Barcelona, with a cargo of 182,424 feet pitch pinelamber, valued at $2,645. Messrs* Moore 4 McCrary. Tbis firm have moved into their new briok store, and ore opening op an elegant stock of groct iei, both heavy and fancy, They purchased their ock—wb5ob, by the way, is quite large, when prices were down to “hard pan,” and propose Belling as low as tbe lowest. They invite their “old customers and hundreds of now ones” to call on v tbem at their, new: store and examine their large and va ried stock. Give thorn a call. Dnntb oS Mr. Joueph H. Quinkor. Last Saturday morning at five min- t .»st ,7. o’clock, Mr. Quicker t is last at’tbe'Nolson House . His remains were (car ried to Macon for burial. Ho has been for years a faithful and efficient messenger ip tbe (Service of the ex press company, and at tho time of his death was on tbe line between this city and Albany, Go. The deceased was raised in Macon where ho bos a host of friends who mourn his death. He leavos a wife and four small chil dren. . Central Railroad stock has gone up It now' booming? ' brings 111. You will see the Simian Colossus, Cynocepbalus, >.,• Tbe Five-ton Performing Black Rhinoceros, An Arctio Aquarium of Polar Mammoths. 4oe Mill aeo feature. Hero.- before wltnewed wits an; Exhibition on earth) Elke driven Tandem on tho .treeta, Performing Arabian Dromed.r'e., Zibraa trained to perform IncredibleFe.t., Lapland Hurdle*Racing Reindeer, a Gigantic Biding C;aocephalua, FerWrmlng Den of Hfanaa, ■ School of Learred Beal*. Performing Den of Tigrers, XjIoxis dctieopaidLs- -V PAIB A T^Tari—; ajt -n- . A -1—:— p 14 i CAVALCADE OF fOUHTEEN FEOFOBVIli KENTItGIT TNORDUGBBBEDS. 14 The Urgent number ot the moat beautiful end beet trained Horeee In tbe world, and more than • whole ahow alone I 30 Arabian Camels! A Complete and Exhaustive Collection of Living Zoological Wonders I You will see WILLIS COBB’S Original and only Miniature Cir cus of Dogs, Goats aud Monkeys. 6 Complete Circus Companies United. 6 1AA ehployino over one hundred a AA lwv FAMOUS CHIEF,. 1W 20 DOUBLE SOMERSAULT LEAPERS, 20 Forld, Jas.Quigley & Wm.BatcliIor $10,000 oballenge that their equal la Inot to bo found. 80 CHAMPION BAREBACK RIDERS, 80 SHADED BY Miss Viola Rivera, Miss Jennie Ewers, Mr. Orrin Hollis A Cbas. Ewers, The champion two, fonr and alx hone rider, of tho old and new world. The IXr-fXmed RENO & DUNBAR, Champion arllata ot the triple Ur. Tho onl; icd inimitable) rT ti 5 IDALETTA ana WAUU xya.. Aieiil UjpliaU of tboKIneiMdtli CtlitBTL t/bbki Wonderful pcrforman'cca ou the InTiilble Wlro, ^ feet in the air, holds thousand* ctpeople iu brcathlccs awe* t / IO ^CLOWNS,* 10 Iloadcd by tbe King Laugh-Makers, tbe grent AYMAR BROTHERS. Tho Low Comedy Bear, “Bruuo.” Steam Air-Ship in Operation Outside, free to all. Tbe Sheik’s Return from Conquest. A Quarter of i Million 1 Street Parade. Three Superb Martial Masical Brigades. Tho new Leviathan Steam Baud, a 20-voiced Jubilee CboroH Al ways Exhibits Just What it Advertises. Cheap excursion rates ou R.R.’s to the great “World’s Exposition” One ticket admits to all Advertised Shows. Children under Nine Years Half Price. Two Grand Exhibitions Daily. “ “ Will also exhibit at Baxley, Tuesday, Nov. 14th.