Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, November 11, 1882, Image 6

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Announcements. rea watoi: y. J. COLSON, roii Auxamcv: c. t. bcblatteb, Jn.. j. P. babvet, D0KV ^SS^ New Advertisements. 1 i '• * * \ tit A SOLIM-RE 3.K4BYT DIAMOND RIKQ. A l'b. ertl reward will be paid for its retu.n to jf.'t.CBOf/il!?.' NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION, loo oopaitnereliip _ _ the undaralgned, uudcrthe Dorcliardt, la'thla _ between of Malay k coo- . • • • o. n.MAimr. SAM'l. BOBCHATDT. Braoiwiek, Nov. 1. 18W. ^ $500 REWARD'. mm 1 baa a bit e ether wli >alady’e picture will pay five dollar, reward to any one who will leave Mine with,Mr. F. J. Doerfllnger. It S-T. OSBONS, 111 [ ho-ebjaMTer fur .ala my slaca, nlta—WlTiout anhoi One of the unite—sfTTout dShbrone 01 the nneirlorat on the w jo’e coaat. The trait contain. 40 acre, of land, altna.ed on a bold salt atream, wi:b hah and oyatera at tie very doer. Beeldea ‘ - “ " la a four-room cotlaee on the p and title, perfect. For perUculara. apply to LKW1B T. DUPI ■ DPPBEE. NOTICE. . i Notice la boraby »lvon that application will be made to the preaent Legislature fur the passage of un act entitled— AN ACT. _ To prevent the running' at lirgo Of hoga on St. 81. muna Ialand. JA8. POST'iLL, .•>' 1 M. P. KINO. W. U. 8U ADMAN, H. A. OOULD. J. Gents’Fum ishingGoods A SPECIALTY. We have Juat opened. In new brick building ol Vann. Moon k McCrary, a bandaoma Una of above gooda, which wa propoa e celling at prioee Never Before Known! Call on u* and so* cur stock, which was bought •xpraaaly lor this market. J. B. WRIGHT & CO. HOME MATTERS. M#5jtf4night the sermon-will be tddressed the 6ffy,and all" others are cordially ImhfeklQ fctWnl, both tur iMott •“d eight. MATUBDAY, ^fOBNINO, NOVEMBER 11, UM3. Binding Lots FOR SALE. on tho corner of Monk* Earnout and Norwich fttreete, fronting 00 feet on Mon* and 100 feet o v Egrnont and Norwich streets, and one 00x00 on E * mont and Norwich street*, adjoining tha Academy, with one-*tory house, 32x16 feet, with kitchen con* nested to aatua, 22x12 feet, llouae in good older, having been recently repaired and painted. nerty will be aold a* ad For information, enouire of Build- H. O. LITTLEF1EU, C. E. PLANDEK8, M. KAlSEIt. P. A. MOORE, J. M. CONNOLLY. Chicken Feed! Cracked Corn AT Hi PER BU8IIEL.. Alao un hand, a Ana lot of TENNESSEE APPLES, -AND SO.CCO BUSHEL* BusPProof Seed Oats- AUG. F. FRANKLIN & CO. ’ BOSTONfeSiNSWIOK •Ko have established a PV KET UNE BETWEEN IlOnTON AND BUUNSIVICK. John Waller A Cu., 163 State atrvet. Boston, ageuta. LITTLKPlKLD * TISON, Agent* i .. aubh-tf _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ Brnuawlck, On. r >., cijkfiyr;cT~~ aMBOuS-nutni Coc« •. I .j. 'J -M. Whereas William Audcr.on aa admlnlatrator of St™ Margaret M. Barkuloo, hie petition*! ibeCmm o,r Ordinary of aald cuhnfy fbr leave to acll lot or land number four hundred and lilty-elght (4MI, ait- uate lying and being In that pert of tha city of Brunawtck kaown aa the old Town ol Brunawlck tn aald County and State, therefora all per mm a inter- fated are hereby rsuulrad la ahua cauaa. If any they can, at thensrt Mortar fat)* ra of the Court of Ordinary of eatd County, way the aaU William An- »u Mhmdti not, m auehadmiui-itrctor, Lave leave Dell said lot oflatud. WituMM my Ofacial alguaUro tbU 25th day of laS2. •epT-im EDOAIt c. P. DABT. Ordinary O. C.Oa. A certain merchant in our city de nies that bis pepper is half peas (p’s). Call on Mr.*Ang. F, Franklin &Co. if yon wiiut Oypres* pr pine shingles, lathes, etc! Lunoh Tongue., Canoed Corned Beef and Brawn juat received at J. J, SPEARS’. Judge Mershon will have a walk over, ns no one has been found who would cruss steels with him .in the vr id x i'O'X-4' - Crowing roosters are usnally brought out filter a Rpptpst. In the tadnicipat face, however, we see they are out in advance. leaj Store and aecure th^brit good. e'B.' & A. trains resumed sched ule time again last Monday. The on- gjijtjer of the lui^b e4 train that causod the smash up has been discharged, r The finder pf jijsohtsire three karat Ijamond riug^will be liberally re ward ed by returning same to Mr. A. J. Cro- vatt See bis advertisement. duet received, a handaome .election of Silverware which I offer at vejy low llgufca. H. L. HARRIS, Jeweler. i'uOor young friend Stewart Mclver, w!e see, has opendd business'at YVay- cross.,, We wish hint’every success in his new field. We .flOtnmend him to the good people of WaycFoss. Georgia Land and Lumber Compa ny cleared schooner E. S. Powell, on the 4th inst, for Buenos Ayres, with cargo consisting of 433,035 feet pitch pine lnmber valued at $G,506. Pina Applet. Orange., Lemon,. Cabbage,, and a fine uBoriment of Preaervosy JeMiea, Pickles, etc., •t Moore h McCrary’s. Verily the municipal campaign wax- etb hot and votes are' in demand.— Prices offered varying from ten yards of oalioo, or a bat, to twenty-fivo dol lars in pure rhino—so the boys say. The most enthusiastic man in town over the Democratic victories is Dr. F. A B. Ho claims that the very "air has become pure and the stench of radicalism gone—and gone forev er.” Beal Glli Edge Butter, Sugar., Coffoe, Rica, and a general awortment of Grocartea oon.tantly ion hand || J. J. Ol iSAlW a The now pilot boat Kate, owned by Captains 0. A. Russell and DuDcan Wright, arrived here this week, aud will at once tako her place on our bar. In onr next we will tell yon all about her. Our city has grown materially or else there has been more activity man ifested by the friends of both munici pal tiokets. Tho list aB completed figures up C79 as against 493 of last year. All lover* of good, iwoet music will And selection of mus'eal instruments at H. L. Ila.Tis* Jewelry Es tablishment. News reached hero this week that Dr. W. B. Burroughs was extremely low at Indian Springs. A later tele gram announces that ho is much bet ter, which news is gratefully rocoivod by his many friends here. Mr. Wm. Harris, who, by the way, always has a nice display at our fairs, has raisod, this season, from 232 little seed cane, less thau two feet each, 1,- 050 element etnlkivtffersging over sev en « sample shown ns being over tpfl/eft, T7/,'l : Boaelaea Beef. Small Pig Hama, Heel T.Jiigii.',, Dried u«f Old Hotel Multou. Cbickeo and Turkey Is (Am at llopra k MaCrary'a. '.Elsewhere will bs'lonnd adveftise- ment of gold locket lost. The owner, Obpbiih Osboue, prizes it very highly itnd has deposited the Toward with Mr. Joseph Docrllinger. If any one ie can get tile money by leav ing the locket with Mr. Doerflinger. .I* v 4 A t ’ iz' 'The "broken bone" fever seems to a'dyini|Aout^fur want of material. bavj,fwap«Kt. Tun of t lie r'a ^buuuenold, including this cool jtve had it. Only cue, onr foremau, as'escaped. A good frost would put a quietus to the whole business. N.uchatalla eheeae, Edam cbaaaa and Pina Apple ehaeva at Moon k McCrarj’a. by”Mi r . Dupree. Health, Ideation and titles are three essentials to be desired in baying a home. For these the place in question is entitled to the premium. The titles are perfect, the location all that can be desired, and ns to health, we learn that but one person has ever dipd on the premises undo!’ 80 yetii4 df bg«, sin# its settle ment nearly a century ago. "Weife Wh able to purchase this place ourself, this advertisement would never have appeared. ‘‘Mr. Greer and family hove moved to Brnnewick... rYee, they hte goad/ and their remokal bod toade a big gap in our community. Few families were more universally beloved than this one. Nearly the entire town tnrned out en manse to bid them ndieu, and tbbivtish of ‘g6od win’ that weqtv ttp for them waa lb^gj[nffa load. We wislj ^ load for them a dreaiJT%f Unbroken happi ness aud prosperity in their home by the moaning sea, and to -the citizens of Brunswick we take pleasure in com mending, them oq worthy tho courte sies of tue most polished and refined." —Coffee County Gazette. Yon ctn obtain bargain* in wltchea, clock*, jew* elry, etc,, a. II. L. HARRIS’, Jewele-. Only relia ble goods! Neighbor A. T.'Putnam who owns a small farm jusk datt of town in con nection with his stable, is harvesting his potatoes this week. He says the yield is enormous and reminds him of the story of Garter's oat crop, of Ap- pling county. It was so great that it could not be stackod on the ground ou which it grew. So with his pota toes. The patch is bnrdly large enough to bank the crop. The pota to yield this season ie going to be vet-y large. If our farmers don’t got in too big a burry to sell, their crop will prove a bonanza to them. Martel], Honey and other bnndo of Cognac; tl- 00, boot branda of Bjo and other whlikoyo, for mo- dlcinal and other purposes; also, fine, imported nine*, can be found at GEORGJt CHANDI Eli'S, on B*y street, Among the staunch improvements around town is the nice ten foot brick side-walk on the North and West sides of the Moore A McCrary new build ing. It does one good to walk on it. As soon ns Messrs. Michelson & Bro. put up their building aud the Ma sons theirs the block will be well nigh complete. By the way, we are glad to see the old woodeu side-walks giv ing way to those of brick, shell, etc., for rotten wood breeds disease the medical journals tell us. In short, some contend that such is the origin of typhoid fever. Our authorities might look into this matter. ^Ort next Sundtfy morning the pas tor of the Methodist cbnrcb will preach the first of a series of sermons on the- “Temptation of Christ.” At The New Railroad to Florida, ’ The engineer corps of the E. T., V. k G. road locating their Florida branch, are stationed at Jamnica, on B. A A. road—16 miles from this city. The line crosses the B. A A. from the south fonr miles farther west than tho station (about the 20 mile post) and runs a little west of north from that point. This would seem to indicate that ;they are strik ing for a point on the M. A B. farther [up than the point indicated in their charter (Buffalo, br near No. 2). 'The linn now being raft'Will strike the M. A B. about Hack’s mill, tan miles be low Jesup, so sajr, these familiar with the country, trust the company will dismiss this idea altogether and do as was bin ted’in otjriast issue, viz: Revive the Cumberland route, only running the line to the uppej- St. JoU instead of tdif’eruandiina,' ani Oeorge Abbott and tha Ouatom Hoi,an. . The following' letter, from a promi nent colored nkan of tbe which -we publish ing tbat George is not to be bandied about like a .toy. Here is tbe lett r: • Savannah, 0a., 1882. Editor Advertiser, ^JrUhsiotdk Ok i t Dhab SiB-I, qqtjoe, t^RWgb columns of tbe News of thiftdty'sdate (Nov. 7), tbe following article from yoar paper: - ' , | ’ "Certain prominent Republicans have . petitioned Col. Far ow, of the custom bouse, for the discharge of George Abbott, a colored,employe, because he vqted for Hon, J. E. Dai t for the Legislature iqBtead of ex-Rep- resentative James Bide (colored) a Republican.” In reply to the above I would now inform those .jackasses that sign such U)f<MQ6n..that--when they through pttjoiAt-o trye • to have a respectabl and Honorable man of our race re move bpcjtuee be would not support uo ignoyant colored man for tbe Leg islature, they mast 'femeinber that they will have a Jumbo to remove ■first. Gei». f Abbott is recognize ns a [true and iryed Republican of the first water and well do Col. Farrow knows iu Also George.. .U well known throughout our State as a prin ciple colored man, and'' one tha stands second to' none in Gl/np fi L am satisfied that Col. Farrow will not grant such a request. Why bless their simple souls, vto. are in a free conntrie, and if Blue, Golden A Co. expect to gag educated colored mens to follow them in their ignorent blind opinion, they are lost, they mast re member that we are not dem Camp bell, Bradley and Johnny Bryant boys of 1866—we are the boys of light— No, no, Golden, that so-call petition will not take. We will' look out for Abbott. Cyclone. To a Bist-er Field. Capt. A. A. Sbarpe, Master of Transportation of tbe M. A;B. Divis ion of tbe E. T., V. A G. bas re signed his position os such to accept position on the Yicksbnrg A Missis sippi Railroad. Before leaving be was presented, by the employes of the road, with an elegant watch and chain in token of their good will and teem. The presentation was made by Condnotor Jeter in a neat speech and warmly responded to by Captain Shar ie. The Telegraph and Messen ger says: ‘‘The watch was selected by Con ductor Dick Harris, and purchased of Chas. H Solomon, the jeweler. It is of the Louis XIY style of case, hav ing on the obverse side a representa tion in relief of a locomotive with a small diamond for a head light. Ou the reverse side is tbe monogram “A A. S.” On tbe inside of tbe lid is tbe following inscription: “A token of es teem to Albert A. Sharpe from tbe employes of the East Tennessee, Vir ginia und Georgia Railroad, Macon and Brunswick Division, November 5tb, 1882.” Tbe watch iB very heavy aud is supplied with the finger grade of Elgin movements. Tile Park. Editor Advertiser and Appeal:—If anyone asks you why the ladies do not oncloso and finish up the park, please tell them we are waiting very patiently for the posts. Nearly half of them are turned, and when the rest are ready, they will be put into the ground without delay. f * : -y-A*' ’ The above explains itself. We are requested, in addition, to state that the post will be finished next week, and tbe work will be comuieuced shortly after. 1 YU ■ 5,(4 »' Col. Niobolln Flouted- ( . M givijR (HP fl'wf | The result of last Tuesday’s voting stoarnsrs would cost iess than a rail- gives Col. John C. Nichulls a lian^- roftd 75 or 80 miles long, and do the ,s6me majority over his competitor.— piMsengyr hmiuegs (Hie 'only kind |The returns are not all at hand as we there will lie) equally its well. 1 go to press, but sufficient to duter- .) 1 * . n ’t* 1 --' Cod bless the children! They should not be permitted to sufier aud did.' We can cure them with Teethika (Tecthinn Powders.) □porize, f !v soothe ana lnll to sleep and quiet. Teetuina cures tbe child aud regulates tho bowels. Druggists keop them. mine that his majority will be in the neighborhood of 3,000. Col. Atkins will now take a back seat. His “still Lnot” availed him nothing. To Promote a Vlgoroae Growth Of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balsam. It restores the youthful color to gray hair, removes dandruff, and cures itching of the scalp. H. X- Hrtrri*. Jeweler. ' W.o.lU,UutW V6tli||k Blent of tbe gentlemen whose n a m„ beads this'article. He ia now pru . pwed4^«RHk6'Mn]d1ifn^ wanted i D Instrument • Iras. ; Ho bug with him his brother from New York; a practi. Old jeweler, and is therefore' ttie bet- Wb iftepitred to do ’ail repaiii tig want. «d. Call-on friend Harris aud 8e - oure some of bis beautiful goods %w. H, Babbett, Augpsta, Gs: Dear 8ir-I take great pta IMmie i„ certifying to the efficiency of R h P. It has done ‘ more good f, }r ' m ’ than any. .laver Medicine 1 have ever usetl, aud has almost eutirely cured m “., Very respectfully, « „ G. Furse, Of Fnrse A Evans, Ins. Agents. ■ Shipping* • Intelligence. f8n iB THE PORT OF BRUNSWICk/foRTUV tree e <),: ; , . KNWHONOVEMBER 11, lattt ^ EiK Ol ARRIVALS. 1 V- ^ T Whitmore, Bleckiuctou, N*»/YoA Itov t^SoCS ltarersj. RIYOn,, Mil" ' Not 7—So Edward Jobowu. 'liopoiiiid,' "liiiifuL ftanb L - Dstla, Burkru, Belfast. Not 8—So f dtetaiiger. NOV 10—Erbraln, Tederaon, Valeatla, ■ \ ■ DEPARTURES. Hot 3—So Ella Eletott, Bdaaall, Now York, Not 4—So E S Powell', Hanna, Bnanoa Ayres. Nor «-Bk Ralph *»»<>. Eldrld**, BalUnura. Not 0—Sc Wm IV iler, Donabne, Pblladelphla. Not 0—So MoHlda. Orooka; OabOno, Now Yoi& BRUNSWICK'MARKET OFFICE ABVERT18EB AND APPEAL, | . . . Bnuxawics, On., ljot.ll, lsS'j. j Below wa quote pricea current tot to-day; ^ - '' COTTON. ‘ ' Good Middling ........101.111 Middling ....' 013-19 Low Middling : 90-1(1' Good Ordlna./ 819-14 Ordinary.,., g M* r BIOS. Broken I.'...'..' ..3»^4>; fififrS'; Fair 8>K»5‘, 1 9 >i@4 _ e«8«« Rough country 90@1 lo NAVAL STORES, BoaiNO—O $1.00, D *1.00; E $1.99;F $1.40, O $1 CO; H tl 70; I, tl 90; K $3 09; M$3C0; N window glass and water white nominal, SriniTs Toantxtiaa—OUa and wblakeya, 48>,'c; regulara, it Ha. CHU JE TURPENTINE. Virgin dip S$ 39, old dip $3 03, par barrel ol 290 potto da. Baihxl Hiatus White oak $39 00, water oak $10 00, hatdlngs, lau or oak, $18 88, par 1,000, da- 11 ttred In BrnjJwloa. SUPPLIES. oow—Clear rib aldaa. 19X; abonldera, 11),'c; bama, 18o; dry aaltad clear ribjaldea none, long elnar, 13Xe;nhonldera none. Ploo»—Superfine, $4 90JH5 00; extra, $9 I3Q $9 90; tamlly, $8 0088 90; tancy. $7 00©$ choice patent, S7 798s 00; bakera’ 17 75. OaAtw—Corn—white 09c; mixed, 90o; Osta— Western 97Xc; bran, $1)3. Hat—Northern, $1.00; Eaetern Timothy, $1.13 Western Timothy, $1.19, Labd—In tierces, 13,qo; kegs and tuba 13)s'o, ILoxa, Wool, Etc.—HI ties, dry flint. 13c; allied 98110. Wool—Unwaahed, tree of bnrra. In balaa, prime, 38c; in bags, prime, 34e; slightly burry 18819c; tary bury, 10313. Wax 34c; deer skins, 37c; otter aklne, 39c8$4 00. IT STANDS AT THE HEAD! THE LIOHT-BUNNINQ “DOMESTIC!” That it is the *cl(i\ow1oJgud lender In tbe Trade is * fact tbit caunot be disputed. MANY IM1TA1E IT! NONE EQUAL IT! AiTboBiTT, f The LARGEST ARMED, THE LIGHTEST RtJNNING, Most Beautiful Wood-work, AND IS WARRANTED To bo made ol tha best material. To <lo auy nnd all kinds of work. To bp complete in every resjmet. Agent* wanted in unoccupied territory. Addren* ! Domestic Sewing Machine Co. RICHMOND, Va. FOU SALE. A DWELLING HOUSE with eight room*, kitchen and serTsnt's room. Apply to uov4-4t . J. SPEAKS-