Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, November 25, 1882, Image 3

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LIST OF REGISTERED VOTERS I Schlitter, 0 L For the Municipal Election to be held I Stalin, j 4' on the Oth of Dec.« 1889. Im?£,* Robert A a . 8tewart, Dick Anderaon, W B Adams. Auguatue Atkinson. 8 E Stevens, Alex Armstrong, D Adams,8/ , Austin,Beoj Simmon*, Aaaeo Armstrong, Bobt Anderson, Thoe B Anderson.Wm Small, Ablnal Anderson, James Armstrong Fred Arnold, c E Simmons, Wo Atkinson, D D Abbott, Wile/ Aikins, R J Sowell, Peter Abbott, George Anderson, Tboe Ames, F H Sullivan, Ohas au* tin. George Adams, Sinclair Adams, Thoe Sampson, Zack Aaplennt, Chas Armstrong, Jno Austin. Panl Anderson, Joshua Anderson, Ohas Ashe, C E Auderson, Jacob Ander on,Johnson Atkins, Geo Byrd. G W Brocklnton. 8 A Beach, J L Borchardt. 8amuel Barkuloo, W F Blount, D R Barber. Ciytus Borchardt, Abram Bee, W J Burns, J 8 Braxtou. Atwell Uurford, H Brock, J N Bartlett, Paul Berrie, W A Billings. Josh Ballad, Laren Burbage,W E Baunipartoer, Jno Butts, Samuel Blue, James Blain. W 8 Ifacou, Frank B Berrie. W H hriocnick, R E Brireeuick, Ernest Brock, T W Bak.-r, Robt Blain, J 8 Beane. G W. Brewater.F A Butler. Jordan Baker, W M Bryant. Bangley Httrrongh, Cato Brown, ('has Brooks, Adolphus B»st, 8 J Brown, Joseph Berrie, Jm Bowser. Henry Baker, Wm Burionghs, Jacob Bugg, Wiley —, shadrach ** Blain. J T Bailor, Edward Bioa-1. Johu Briggs, lti. hard Baker, Nicolas Blan.llng. Aaron Kieving. J F N Blue. Frank Burns, James Butler, BenJ Bessel), Jacob Bryant, Alex Brown, K Beck, H Bank. A C Black, C P Belt, John Blake, 1 Baumgartner, Chas Byrd. Henry Brood, Julian Baker, Samuel C Carpenter, Albert Clayton, Cato Cook, JR » BUgg Bolt, T W Bradley, R B Benue 4, WG Clark, L W Chandler. Geo Cannon. J B Cates. A C Clark, Daniel Christie, ciiaa Cooper, Martin Clark.T G Crovatt, AJ, Clubb. E A Clark. C A Crowder, J G Crovatt, Wm Coker, J N Christopher, Robt Cook, D C Colson. M J Calnan. James Connolly, J M Cadone, Horace Cooper, John Jhrlstt Coburn, Joe Carter, W H Clerk, David Cofleld, Eil Cobeu, laaac £ Carter, Chris Carter, George Clements, Mlugo Carter. J M Cummings, Isaac Campbell, Jos Collins, Lee Christopher, II J Christopher, Peter Creamer, PIJ ~ *"—* Cuyler, Motes Clubb. J 4 Carswell, EB Stevenson,Wm m T - k . : Treadwell, H B Tabbot, J W Thomas, Daniel Taylor, H C Thomas, James Thompson, Jaa, Jr Thompson, ^enj Thomason, Jas Tatnail, Harrty 8lmmone. Henry 8tewart.WF Scarlett MJ 8app. WB Short, E W Short. 4 L Stillwell, c B Sawyer,BM Solomon. Robt Shaw, 0 A BW».Mofrle Smith. JW 8oo|t. Miles 8mlth, A B 8lngleton, Isaac Smith, Chaa Ranndeis, Dock 8avage,John Solomon, Jos 8crugg*,L8 Shines, Acres 8cott, James bcarlett, Masaey fcymona.W F The SrickStore! BB-ESTiiBUaHBP r >‘o ■ ; _j j ....... - Tolbert, Aloert Tinsley, John Tarploy. Robt Taylor, Ed Thomas. J m Troop. Geo Tatnail, Samuel Thomas, titanlord, Ulach. Phillip V V*n Solen, J N Valllant, Neptune Valentino,' J C Waltr.our. Henry. Wilson. Churln* V Vandaily, Jno Dart, E C P Dexter, T W Dart, J E Doerflinger, W F Douglass, FII Davidson, David Davit. David Dupree, L T Donuison, Albert Dunn, U T David, Joe B Evans, William Easterling, J E Farmer, Robt Florid, Louis Frazer, Thomas Floyd, C W Finley, Archie Fears. Eugenia* Foremen, J 8 Florid. J B Fluker, General Gordon, Thomas Oreeu, Alfred Good bread, C G Good bread, T B Goodbread, P T Gallagher, Jas Green, Robt Oibaon, Allen Green, Titus Gonzales, Edward Oormlej, Peter George, Daniel Greeu, llcuj Graham, Jaa cook, S II Davia, L B Dunn, D T Dart. E U Davis. J B Daniels. B H Doerninger, Daniels, Woe Driver, Chat _ DiBignon, Edward Dart, U Jr Dart, Urbanns Daley, D W Davenport,JW " * Davenport. W G Dovcaux. Joe Dart, WR l>ert,FM Duff, W 8 Dart, JB Evans, Joe Dart, Horace Flanders, C E Franklin, J R Ferguson. T B Freeman, Glover Flrudere, T W Fonda. J H Firth, J M Freeman, J J Flint. B E Goldsmith. LG Gill.JD Gilson, Jesse Gale, F P Greenfield,Richard Green, J 0 Gffee, Daniel Grant, Jos Greenfield, JO Goodyear, C P Gale. A D Gardner, Steve Gardner, W 1 Ganntlett, Peter Folk*, C N Florid, O F Futch. H L Fahm, B A Franklin. AF Fateh. WE Frazer, Ed Fletcher,Jno Gray, H P Golden. WP Greer, N C Gates, Wm Green, Aaron Oriel, Benj Glenn, Geo Golden. J P Gary. SU Green, Jas Gilmer, Joe Garnett. Henry Gardner, W J H . Houston, James Harris, W H Hardy, W W Heins, Leopold Harvey, JP Holland,W A Huntington, Klon Holaendorf, P B Hudson,H D Hamilton. Geo Hibbarb.Columbna Harris, L W Holmes, Dempsey Hickman, P C Hanion.G A Houston, U H Heins, A E Hell, W H Harvey. EJ Hlrech, Benj Hoyt. L D liackett, Thoe Haxlehnrat, L W Harris, F H Haywood, A M Holmes, Ajax Hill, R B Harris. F B Polxeudorf; R R Hine, H L Harrison, W H Hazlehurat. Robt Hackett,W A Harris, Jacob Hodges, G D Hall, 6 J Hazlehurat, Joe Hampton, Joro Harris, Chas Higginbotham, FS Holland, Richard Hicks, Tbos Howard. Emanuel Hampton, Hoses Hill, Irwin Heels, Duncan Harris, Henry Harris, Ned Higden, Peter Harris, Adam Holman,Mat Harringtou, Judge HiglmmUh.Weeley Harris, Beuj Howell, Abram Huuter, York I Hughes, P Harriton, J T Isaacs, Aaron Joerger, Fred tohnson, G W Johnson, J V Johnson, Harry Jackson. Jaa Jones, F»ed Jacks-*n, Hardy Jokuaou, Fred Jenkins. Robt Jouea, Wm Jackson, Milus Jaielow, Wm Kyh-, Richard Raul, B H Kenrick, H A Lambright, Jos E Lambright, Jaa E I.uudin C J Lundiu, A A Lnncasler, B F Lloyd. W F Large, David LaFrauce, AP lAtiiner, Arnold Lucas, ll E I .a wren ?e, J 8 Mu ln-lsou, M Mosei>, Dal as > Ji.ehat-, Michael McAiplii, Tully Minch in, Thomas McCrary, ll 8 Moore, C B Mclnioab, •' ll Mason. f*.|i ru Mallory. Robe Miiuigu, ^urnuel Miller, John Maxwell, Solomon Matthis, II D Mtckcns. J T Mann, lieury Mundy, K R T “ * Miller. Brown McCray, Irwin Massey, Burrall Mi-Alpin. Geo Moore. J C Miller, r F Morton, Tim M'u r »>. John .McCoy, Wri K ht Jackson,J W Jones, Jos E Jackson, Wm Jones, W J Jenkins. < uffle Jones, W T Jackson, Burrel Johnson. Geo Johnson, Alfred Jonea, Jos H J .cksou, Wash Johnson.W A Jours. W T, Hr Jenkins. Jos Johnson. Samuel Jones, /.lired James, Prinue Jenkins. Jas Johnson, R R Junes, Robt Jenkins, Geo Jenkins, Jos Johnsou Henry Key. W K Keatt. Jas Kite. Robt Kraius, Peter Krause, Geo Keatt. Butler L Latimer, Richard Lehman, J C Littlefield, 8 0 Lilly, J II 1 Lambright. J T Lewis, John Llo>d, Wilson Leavy, L J Logan. Heury Lang. T II Laug, Emauuel Lunnrd. J U Lawrence. Arnold Lewis, Mat Livingston, 8 J Lloyd. 8 W Liptrott. W H Lewis, Daniel Lindsay, Wide n Morel 1, Nelson Molden, Henry Issuer, Leo Lucres, Jos Lamb, J L Mo re. DA Marlin, I, (! Merchant, Gabriel Mim-hsu, J McCullough, J 11 Miner, ,J 11 Meyers, Isaac Meador, R D Mihouey. Tim McDowell, Caleb .Mills, Edmou Merrifitld. G H McCoy, Richard Middletou. Wi * Madden .J M Moore, C G McClure, WC Mudl.on, I, Mitchell. VR Monroe, Jus Morris, liobt h Maaou. W M Mo*»re, Is.iac Masou, A J McCandless.'Wm Miller, Thus Mo-sman. Moses Mack. Jos McAllister. II II Mas»ey, OR Magee, Edward McCaulay. Geo Miller. Adam Morgan, Henry Monroe, Thoe Wilson, Charles Wens, A E Watters, James Wright, L C Williams. Wm Wimberly. C H Wslburg. Chan Walker, Ricbtrd Wade. Jaa Wilder Jeaae Wallace, J W Williams, Benj - Walker, Peter Wright, Steven Washington. Geo Wright, Dnncan Williams. Cesar Wright, Freeman Williams, 8 Youug. W R Y Zimmerman, August W'lnton. Burr White, Jackie Wood, J W Wright. J 8 Wimberley, G W Wilson, Tho* Wright, St. ven Williams, Alex Wright. H N Wilson, G B Wilson, Geo Williams, Jno Wilcox, Joe Williams, Ohas Wallace, Sandy Williams, Ad tin Williams, Moses Winton, 8 8 Wilaou, Jonas Willis, Jere Wllmore, Henry Wilcox,Curtli Waddel, I W Wiggins, M A Winn, Johu Weed. R L Wright, J B Wattles. A E Ward H R Way, W J Wa*-nke, F Ward, AO Way.CF Walker,W M West, O*o Walsh, Pat Williams, GR Ward, 8am*l Having removed to our JYew Store Palmer Brothers WHOLESALE AND BET AIL HARDWARE, \ i \ j 1 148 and ISO Congress, 149 and 151 St. Julian ata. SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. Agricultural Implements, FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES, AVERY’S PLOWS. BRINLY’S PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, PLOW STOCKS, SWEEP SHOVELS, HEEL PINS, GRASS RODS. RUBBER & LEATHER BELTING. CIRCULAR SAWS, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, BLACKSMITH’S TOOLS, GUNS AND PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE Mcuree, Wii Moore. W B Maiiette, doe Moore, J E Mabry, G it Ilf! N«.ck T T Nelson. Ale . Wm Nixon.-iere ,»d.r , D 1( W J II Putnam, A V Parker, W F P-dlard. Aug P'dib*. Luk-i Parker, Beuager Paulk Dennis lUiney. W H Randolph, H U Rusael, J E Robinson, H U Ru e, J M Lice. W A Prioleau, Phillip Jr Palmer, JuB Pinkney Edward Ponder. G F Praer, Frank Price, J T Polite, Lundin Payne, Jas Pylea, Prince Price, W J Penniinau, W F Per»ae,LJD H Randolph. D » Hubert,.U M ltobtnaou. H It. Jr Hubln,. J H Uilit.el.UU Kesd.HJ Richardaon, Leno Robei t*. Wash Boor, J > Rutledge. Nero Bob!anon, Lewie Klee. Peter " " * Rogers, Tlppo Ruesill. C A Roberta. J w Rata ton. O A Roach, Jaa Koaae, J T AOENTH FOR FAIRBANKS' Standard Scales, DUPONT’S CELEBRATED POWDER, Together with a full line of 8IIHLF UAKDWADF, for sale at the lowest cash price*. 9 PALMER BROTHERS. apr7-ly Chicken Feed! Cracked Corn AT :y PER BCSHEL. Alao on hand, a Ana lot of TENNESSEE APPLES, AND 20,000 BUSHELH Rust-Proof Seed Oats• AUG. F. FRANKLIN k CO. BOSTON & BRUNSWICK Packet Line. We tiavr eatabliabed a I’V'KKl' I.1NK ItKTWKLN ROaTON AMI BRUNSWICK. John Walter A .Co., 1«N ,SUt( atreet. Hoston. a«eTit». M k TISON. Alton!., anaJ-tf llrunawleh. ua. FOR SALE! . 1 hereby offer for sale my within the city limits—without doubt one ot the finest lot-atloua on the whole coast. The tra -t contains 40 acres .d land situated on a bold salt stream, with fish aud lanu, mi « ... . u—i.l..* oiit.liniisns. there Newcastle I Gloucester Sts., We will be pleased to greet all of our old custom, end hundreds of new ones. We have enlarged our stock very materially and can offer our patrona % i • HEAVY & FANCY Groceries, Canned Goods> HSAT3. Crackers, Etc. ARer balng burned ont at the late flrr. baa n-niH-ned. IK FLINT’S BUILDING. NEWCA8TLK xTRKBr a large atock, consisting of STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Notions. Embroideries, Ready-Made Clothing, BOOT© &c SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Crockery, Glass and Tinware. Groceries, ToDaooo and. Cigars, Which lie oilers ot BOTTOM PRICES! He mjlicita the patronn^n of the , . , ; people. Remember, Opposite Blain’s Drug Store! In abort, anything noodod In.tha Grocery Line. We bought our goods in LARGE ' QUANTITIES, LOW AS ANY! Either at wholesale t>r retell. GIVE US A CALL! AND BE COVINCED. East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R. THE GREAT T SOUTHERN TRUNK LINE BETWEEN ALL PRINCIPAL SOUTHERN CITIES FOR FKIEGHT AND PA8SENOER8! U j\ Shortest, Moet Direct and Comfortable Route tball EASTERN k VIRGINIA CITIES. Only Direct Boats to the Waterlog Pieces end Re* aorta of ,/ • EAST TENNESSEE AND VIRDINIA. The Oreat Emigrant Route to Texes and the North* west, via ita Memphis and Charleston Dlvle* ion, and to all points in Soathern and Central Texas, via Oalera or Me* ridlan and NEW OHLEAN8. Through . Sleeping Cars 1 Memphis to New York VIA Roanoke and the New Shenandoah Valley Lion! Also, THROUGH BLEEPERS to NawOrlasU vis Ho- ' AUOko, connoctlng with Lino to Now York. Georgia Division now Open Through from BRUNSWICK TO DALLA8 via Ifa- con and Atlanta, and will be opened through to Chattanooga via Rome by Sept. 15th. Waycross Line to Florida via its Georgia Division. Illustrated Pamphlet free on Applica tion. For rates or information addreea Jaa R Ogden, G F end P A, Knoxville, T«tm. Jos Gotbard, A O F and P A, Knoxville, Tenn. T 8 Da van t, AGP and P A, Memphis. Tenn. Key Knight, A O F aud P A, nelrua, Ala. J J Griffin, AGP and P A. Atlanta, Ga. M M Welch, Western Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn. IIW Lowry. Ticket Agent, Dalton, Ga. W R Kerr. Paanenger Agent, Knoxville, Tenn. J Bunting. Jr, Ticket Agent, Bristol, Tenn. H D Boyd. Chattanooga, Tenn. MALLORY'S; .. • • •• ! w< •••’' ; NEW V0RK& BRUNSWICK Steamship Line. t STjtrjfer rjuuA ; CipUIhRISK. CA R ONDEL E T, Cspfsin RISK. Lwvss Nsw York . *•«*»•»YorkrrsfrPrWsyslip. J|.. srrlT- n .f .P ran,,r ^ c Y svsry Tussdsy. Closs oonasotlon ™ »11 points o. B. tl A. rad «. A B. Rsllroods. ° Through bills tiding signed to til points on mbovs rosds. Freight rad Tot pssseager puMgs se low ss by toy other tins, er end etste rooms epplr to H. W. MDTHwH)|, AyfU ck. u. Uruuswlck, U» .lire etthe very d.»,r. Be.Me. eut-houses, there 1, , feVr-.oom ettwe on the preo.t.-e H.slth sod UU« perfect. ^ ^DUPREE. Ntockwill. a W Shannon,Mathew Speera.JJ ^ven, Fomtfcy 8mitb, Daniel ®V >rra, LVi J ^lomon, E Scbriever, H E 9iac T; * ® ^rlett, Hamilton Smith, G A "»»ith. E H SummerUn, J H Sutton, W E s fciatter, C L Jr Slrnwon*. Lewis Hmlth. InE *«nt Sinclair, Jaa Searlea. J A ftauforo.F M I s )“iiuc«, Courtlaud Southward, J M HUelfc-r, D L twine, Toney Stalling*. D B NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION, The copartnership heretofore existing between » the undemigned, under the firm name of Mabry A * Borchardt, is this day disaoived by mutual con- Huelier, V A. | . . v . Scott, Jo* I Brunswick >ov. 1. ent« in Canada, England, Franco, Germany, and all other countries. Thirty-sftx yeura* nractico. No chargo for examination of tnoaele or draw ing. Advioo by mail free. Patent* obtained through nn aro noticed in tho SCIKVTIFIC AMERICAN, which has tho largest circulation, and is tho most influ ential newHpnpor of it* kind published in tho world. Tho n<l vantages of ouch a notice every patentee understand*. This large and nplcndidlv illustrated news paper is publinhed WEEKLY at $3.20 a year, and in admitted to ho the bent paper devotee to science, mechanics inventions, engineering work*, and other departments of industrial progi ohs, piihlitthcd in any country. Kinglo copies hv mail, 10 centa. Bold by all news dealer*. Address Mann *'c Co., pnhlwherH ot Scien tific Aincrinaii. 2ol ilroadway, New York. Haudtfook alHfiit putont* mailed Dee. FOR S ALE. Clieap for Cask! ONE 1JOILER Slid SMOKE STACK. ONE SET MILLSTONES, wlthsll theFUfbgv belong to the le. Address MESSRS. bltlKSKNICK A BURNS, .H-tjl Brunswick, Os. ONION SETS, BOTH White and Red R. L. WEED’S, Druggist. AN ORDINANCE, repeal nn ordinance entitled "an to repaid hii oriliimnce entitled 'nn • ordinance to secure the cleitnliutss mill to promote mnl preserve the heidtlifnlnefiH of the city of Bruns wick. prescribe pennlties for it vio lation of thn same, and for other purposes therein mentioned,* passed in Council on the Htb day of May, 1882, except sections seven «nd ten of the said ordinance,” passed in Council on the Oth day of Septem ber, 1882. Hxttiom 1. Tito Mayor end Council of tho city of Druitewick, in Council atfiuunbled, <lo hereby ordatn that the above recited ordinance be aud the nanu- U hereby repealed. Hec. ‘J. And be it further ortlalned, That all ordi nance* anil part* of ordinance* iu conflict with Ihia ordinance be and the aarne are hereby repealed. Faitwed iu Council on the 11th day of Oct., 1H&2. A Meat: M. J. COLSON, Mayor. JAS. HOUSTON, Clerk of Council. HOIK m m FRESCO jpjgLXPJTiiNrcs-. Thn undersigned 1* prepared to contract for all kindx of painting in the moat artistic ntyle. Those *hu deatre fine work done at ialr price* will do well to call on him at hi* office over W. H. Harrtaou’* ■tore, NewcaatU atreet, Drunrwick, Ga. Portrait* copied iu oil. lo-Je 1 L. MADISON. NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that application will be mad* to the present Legislature for the pa*sage of an act entitled— AN ACT. To prevent the runniug at large of boga on 8t. Si mon* Island* JA8. P08TELL, M. P. KING, W. B. 811 ADMAN, H* A. GOULD, JOHN CURRIE. And Other*. $5 do REWARD. LOST—A gold locket with three or foor links of chsin. Lock<: hss » blood stone on one side sad in onyx on the other with letter “O” carved on it; hss also s lady’s picture on the inside. The owner wUlpayAve dollars reward to any one who will leave same withjMr. F. J. Doerflinger. TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATH, LACES, RIBBONS. FEATHERS. FLOWERS AND ORNAMENTS, Alao, a Largo Line of Hosiery $ Kid Gloves, C0R8ETS, Of the Itioat d-slrable nuke. La llm will flnd tt • good place to gst all kinds of Zephyr and Saxony Wool Embroidery, Silks, BRAIDS. ELEUAJUpfECK WEAK. DI^ESS TRIMMINGS, FRINGES OF,ALL DESUItlPnONO. E. EARLE. n B. T. OS BONE. W.B.MeH&Co., Wuole«aIe and Retell Dealers In SADDLT581 HARNESS, RUBBER AND Leather belting, FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF 8KIN8 SOLE HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, Etc, MnTABIJSFO^^Mra^TCBPEsniw, A- Specailty. WRITE FOR PRICES. Savannah, Georgia. CITY BARBER SHOP, J. M, CARTER, Proprietor. •UAvnto, hair curriNQ and haib dressh INO dona In the vary Utaat and most approvcj style. CADIES AND CHILDREN'S BAIR CUTflNQ A SPECIALTY