Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, December 02, 1882, Image 6

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■fioK —5 following tick, t * I of tho City of Brunswick l tlon In December: job uatob: . H. J. COLSON. rrtg^^^^ocmbn, j.„ TTJ5 “* —IFLINOE® VOTERS, 5; \ |SSv*rr“ W 'w:y. DOBBFLIMO*B New Advertisements. A FINE LOT OF Shingles,Laths*Pickets FOB SALE VT GREER & McCLURE, At Keyatoue Stables. ) XTBBT l!A*Y MORN] AT BRUNSWICK. GEORGIA. home Matters. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2. 1685. ^OO TUBS (SMALL SIZES) SOUTH DM BUTTER For sale cheap by AUG. F. FRANKLIN k CO LOST. On or about the 8th nit., TWO GOLD BINGS, UeO In the corner of a dlk b« dk# E h > of - gram lu oue corner of the handkerchief. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving them at thta office. NOTICE TO THE TRAVELINQ PUBLIC. A line baring been advcrtlecd Aram Florida, rla St. Slmana Mill., which requires the neuengere to remeln orer night et tbl, piece, no tice I. hereby gl von that thle la a private lending, and there le no hotel or accommodation, here for other, than tlioae employed by. or connected with, the Oeorgte Land and Lumber Co. * WAItUEN A. FULLER, Bnpt. St. Simona Mill., Oec. 1,1883. Ini NEWSPAPER FOR SALE! THE BERRIEN.COUNTY NEWS, And office ontBt. including two preaaea.u eight column Washington Hoe end e Gordon jobber In good condition, 1. offered for aele on liberal terma during the neat thirty .eye. The paper U In Ha, eighth volume, and Ita circulation good. Add re, me NEWS. Allapaha, Gg. O.OA u7! . . ■ / 1> ■ ..J. .. I am offering, for the NEXT TEN DAYS, an Mod* lent article ot Coal at tho lollowlng price*. Remember, Only Ten Days I 1 ton.aS ton IT 00 8 75 3 00 100 JESSE WILDER. And. Bran. Having pnrohaaed the Brunswick Urlct Mill, I am prepared to Turn I ah ■ rial. Meal and Bran aa low aa lb, lowest. Mill and tuapenUne men Will take .pe dal notice. Town onlert delivered free of coet. W. E. BURBAGE, dccl-Gm Brunewlck. Oe. SKATING! It’ARIOSO hall. Mr. J. J. Spears bas been pushing work ©b |i« new store this week. See advertisement of shingles, laths and pickets by Messrs. Qreer & Mc Clure at the Keystone Stables. Ohoioe applet and Florida orange* aft J. J. Spear*. Work has been re-commenced on the new Catholic cbnrcb. The build ing will be a handsome one when fin ished. 25 ponnd* floor for $100, aft Moore k McCrary'*. The traveling public will see notice of Mr. W. A. Fuller, Superintendent St. Simons Mills, touching passengers lying over at said mills. If yon want the beat fire work* at loweat prices, go to Glover k Dunn'*. • People lenrn wisdom by experience. A man never wakes np his second ba by to see it laugh.—Ex. The same rule applies to mothers. Blo Coffee 10 to 15 centa per pound, at Moore k McCrary's. See advertisement of coal for sale by Mr. J. Wilder. After ten days be will close out the entire lot, so if you need coal now is the time to purchase. A Tery choice collection of holiday books, album* Ac, for old and yoang. at Glover A Dnnn'a. Cull at the new drug store of R. L. Weed, Eeq., and see a Japanese per simmon as lnrgo ns a man’s fist. It is a real obriosity to-those who have never seen one. Self Raising and Plain Buckwheat, and beat Geor gia Syrup at Moore A McCrary's, The schooner Albury and Malone Mrived in pq^t .tbis week with anoth er cargo of Bananas, oranges and pineapples. She was only gone three weeks. > Just received, choice lot of pig shoulders, hams, dried beef and bologna*, at. J. J. HFjiAJW One week from to-day the munici pal election comes off. A mischiev ous wng has whispered in our ear that some of the numerous candidates "had the pip.” The idea I Compar ing a gentleman to a chicken 1 Toy* oi every verlety end of the latest Invention *t wholesale end retail at Olover A Dnon'a. Our cigar mau, Ooodbread, is de termined not to be put down He has been through two fires this year and now, unable to secure a shop, has put up a tent next to Blain's drag store. He certainly deserves patronage. Fine apples by box or barrel, cheap; Malaga grape*, by box or barrel, cheap, at Moore A Mc Crary'a. El Simmons, the notorious negro who escaped from our chain gang some time since, but came back to town two weeks ago and got out by another negro (mention of which we made last week) died from the effects of his wounds during the week. He was a troublesome fellow. Admission and Skating. »S|icctator8, Tb.i Hall wilt hereafter be opened every evening from 8 till 10 o'clock, at above prices. end ou every daturdny afternoon, from 3 till 5 o clock, for ladle* and children exclualvaly, at th* following rate*: Admission and skating, 15c; spectator*, 5c. Ilier, guardian oi uertruu* ;y, baa applied to the Court uty, for leave to *ell thirty - f land, more or Icee. bound- NOTICE FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA—Glytii County. Ordinary'* Office. Where**. John M. Dexter, guardian of Gertrude DuBignon, of said county, * ...... * of Ordinary of said coopt., two and one-half acre* of land, «d by land* of Mrs. Ammon*. Mrs. Waters and Cha*. Day, one-fifth undivided intereet in three and thrre-fonrthe acres of land, fcrmerly the homestead or Col. Henry DulUgnon, all iu aaid county, and alx shares of Central Railroad stock, the property of t*aid Oertrude DuBiguon, for her support, This Is to cite all whom it may concern to file their objections, if any they have, in this office on or before the first day of January, 1883, why leave should not be granted to the said J hn M. Dexter, aa guardian of the said Oertrude DuBiguon. to sell aa'd property. Witness my official signal tro thle 29th day of November, 1882. EDGAR C. P. DART, decMin Ordinary G. C. Ga. Administrator’s Sale. (JEolittlA—Glynn County — By viitue ol an order from the Court or Ordinary « f »:tid county, will be *old at public outcry on the ill ft.Tuesday in Janbvry. 1883. at the Court H 'use door iu aaid county, between the legal hour* of nale that lot of land uuwber four hundred and flty* •ught (45S) lying in that part of the city ot Bruns wick known aa the Old Town ot Brunswick iu said county, sad measuring one hundred and ninety feet by eighty feet. WILLIAM ANDEKHON. Administrator Mrs, Margaret liarkuloo Nov. »Hb, 14*2. lna FRESH MEAT MARKET MACON, GA. «\C8AOE8 A SPECIALTY. I will .hip *t NINE POUNDS Foil $1 OI. II. M. TAYLOR. Uuv35-t! 74 Mulberry street, llicoa, Qa. The sacraments of baptism aud the Lord's Supper will be administered at the Methodist church ou Sunday morning next, Preceding their ad ministration. the pastor will deliver a brief lecture on “The Outlook for the World from a Christian stand point” W. F. Lloyd, Pastor. I pound can tomatoea for il lu p.-r dozen; S pound in peer, II GO per dvzen; a ponud can pineapples |100 per doxen; 3 pound can poacbca IS CO.per doz en; 1 ponnd can peecbcs It 78 per dozen, at Moore A McCrary's. Our trade issue has opened the eyes of scores of people as to Brunswick and her advantages. From every quarter comes letters of inquiry as to openings for various classes of busi ness. Several persons we know of are already making arrangements to locate here, but file great erv is “Can we get houses ?" L'arioso Hall was opened last Thursday night with skating, accom panied by music from the Brass Band. Tin- young folks had a pleasant time. By Deference to the advertisement elsewhere,*it will be seen that the sea son is now open, and lovers of sknting can have* (till sweep. Tito proprietors of the hall deserve n nice patronage from the public for affording them op portunity for enjoying this delightful und health-giving exercise. W«- have a brick atore and are prepared to under sell any of our competitor* ou fiue groceries. MOORE A MCCRARY. TO. , _ ..... is pbSriift**fcpAr»tl)M <fcl prise is booked by capital and we pre diet that it will take a little bigger op position to crash it than it has had grist, and we guess be is equal to the emergency. The mill opens np with a splendid patronage.. Chin*, crockery, musical instruments, basket*, fine cutlery, ailver-plated were, fancy goods, at** tionery, etc. etc. *t wholesale *ud retell, at Glover A Dnnn'a. Park? park? pai^.2 Ye^s, we do re member bearing that we wero to have snch a thing, t Let’s see—it was to have nice posts and wjre fencing all around it, and be laid off in walks and have flowers planted in it and have lots of pretty things. Seems to us, we have heard of such a thing, but really we can’t exactly locate the afiair. Can’t some of the "oldest in habitants” come to onr rescue and in form us as to the dates as also the facts. . s - y - - . - r Martoll, Hen ms y tnd other brand* of Cognxc; al so, best brands of Bye and other whiskeys, for me dicinal and other purposes; also, flue, imported wine*, can be fonndat GEORGE CUANDLEK’8, on Bay street. je3-lv Personal- We must commend tofimr remit rs the spirit of heroism and obedience to orders evinced in the late tire, by Messrs. Tom Mundy and Winton Greenfield. The former for remain- ing at bis poet at the fire engiqe wpen his own property was being'derfthjyed, and the latter, just returned from the penitentiary through executive clem ency, and not a member of the fire company, tar; lijpiS9flipqbingty hand ling the nozzle almost in the very midst of the fire. Others did nobly, bnt these seem to deserve special mention. There is -nothiog - like *dis cipline nt a fire. Private families and boarding bouse keepers will find it greatly to th*ir interest to purchase from us, a* wo l*id lu larg* stock* of cauned goo ■ when - - - - • -■ tbdDn!much cheaper they were down, and can lejl a .. . j e i n the city. than any other hotiii MOORE A McCRARX. HAndsome. We note with pride tbe new drug store on the corner of Newcastle and Monk streets, put np by Mrs. Cro- vatt. Tbe construction ii a monu ment to the projector as well ns tbe architect aud builder, Mr. Van Nuise, and an ornament to tbe city. Mr. R. L. Weed, has moved into this hand some establishment and opened out, besides a full line of drugs, an elegent display of toilet articles, Christmas goods, eta Tbe public are invited to call aud see him iu his new place. Go and see his handsome store, even if you don’t need anything in his line. Dolls of every variety: Dlaqne, wax, china, ting ing, crying, tatting Ac.-the l.rge.t and beat aa- aortmant star icon In Brunswick—at Glover a Dnnn'a. Foreign Shipments. R. Terras cleared Spanish sobooner San Antonio, on the 25th lilt., for Guatanimo, with 108,778 feet lumber valued at $1,620. R. B. Reppard cleared British bark Ironsides, on the 25th nit., for Bne- nos Ayres with 318,418 feet lumber valued at $3,980. A. V. Wood cleared Norwegian bark Ellisef, on the 29th alt, for Bris tol, England, with 2,803 barrels rosin, valued at $9,800 If yon want a Christmas presort for wife or hus band, parent, brother or .later, chltdran.sweetbeert, relation or friend, do not fail to pay a at Glov er a Dunn’s. ChrinttiiuM is Coming And the people of Brunswick and vi cinity will find a rare and choice as sortment of watches, clocks, jewelry, silver nnd plated witj-e, cutlery and all articles usually kept in a first-claHs jeweler's stock, at fnb-tlonsly low pri ces—for cash—at rfairis’, the jewel er, store on Newcastle street, in F. Wntnke's tailor shop. Come and price the goods—they must lie sold, and cash will buy them at lowest figures. Make your loved ones presents. Re pairing done ut low prices. Sowing machines for sale. H. L. Harris, Jeweler. No tuedicitie ever introduced to tbe Profession nnd Public has given such universal satifhetion or preserved so many live., as Tketbina (Teething Powders). Druggists tell ns the rap id increase in its sale is marvellous. The status of l Wsioktfkilri teen a matUr' of 1 ijieculation ' among' p*pVi'ttft Ibini’'time past, and< ihdWff’itfeWffthe inquiries con ip$ it : ' Fori : « ’^ir pAst there has been golnff on nfcgbtiatibiir between the present owflsta, Rici 1 Geftakti bondholders, and Mr. Wolffe, of tbe Erlanger system. The road bas been virtually sold for along time, but the J iact terms of the, agreement could ot be settled. We are pleased to announce that the trade bas beea fi nally consummated in fall, and all the papers signed. One of tbe re quirements, and, we understand, the real point of dispute, was tbe passage of a bill by our. Legislature that was deemed necessary, ^he following tel egram from Mr. C. P. Goodyear brings the good news of the .passage of said bill: * Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 29,1882. Advertiser nnd . Appeal: Im’portn: bill authorizing increase capital stock B. & A. Railroad and other privileges imperatively required to permit reor ganization of road UD|def, purchase puHHed in seven days from day, it was eturted. Dart has worked 'actively, earnestly and untiringly. Our sec tion also deeply indebted to Hon Win. A. Harris, Secretary of Senate Presid *m Boston mspmer^mr rard, and a boat of friends too numer- to mention in a dispatch. ‘ i C Qood We Ifa{£/roppfcbl. Sohlntte oral Mt^n ffidWtiM be here tills month,* awd take formal possession. At that time jite^d di 'tit. "MSnHfflMl foMffiir-Ail't) ' Ae:;j j ^.Wedimeday, after noon last Rob- mi— —-4—~ -i iw:A A-.uis-k.oJ-ii--i. bie Littlefield, oldest Aon of Mr. atlc j Mrs. S. 0. Littlefield, was found lying ini afotfer about one-foot deeptoear the express oRScefin the- bay.- > flh' bad been seen i only o> short while before ip his usual health. Bein& subject to fjts^ tho that he was suddenly attacked with'PKW of these and fell into the -Water and was drowned before he Obidd recover.— Robbie was a young inan of exempla- ry .habits and well beloved by all bis comrades. His^Arents abd relations have the sympathy of the whole com munity in this sad bereavement. Raleigh News: What we want in North Carolina first, last and all the time, is education. Let this idea be sown broadcast throughout the land and nnrse it, foster it, let it grow. rectors'wil)!# be installed, know what pplicy yiXL Ipiejhaugur^tpd. The road will do known ns the Mem phis, Selma nnd Byqnswick Railroad. The line from. Memphis to! SelmP is now being rapidly built, aud we are safe in'.bajfing that the ext-ension of the B. ft A. vrestward Wifi’soon be be gun. Of the bepefits to accrue to Brunswick from this sale, yre will be better able to write after Mr. Wolffe arrives. It is our candid opinion that great things are in atore for us. We append a telegram from Frank fort, to the New York Herald, touch ing matters connected with the road: Frankfort, Nov. 23d.—A general meeting of tbe bondholders of tbe Brunswick and Albany Railway Com pany, ot Georgia, was held here yes terday. The bonds represented amount to $993,000. Tho agreement in accordance with tbe proposals of the committee and the New York counsel was unanimously approved It was decided that the coupons of 1872 and 1873 should be paid at tbe rate of one mark each. Ginger prcaorvea 50 cent* per J»r; *11 kind* do* mcstic preserve* 40 to 75 eenta per j*r; *11 kinds do* meatic and foreign plokle* cheap, *t Moore k Mo* Crary'*. _______________ A»x Kquitable Fire Insurace Pay merit* B. W. Wilkins, whom most of our readers will remember as being a con ductor on the B. ft A. Railroad, and who feurlessly ran bis train here da ring the epidemic of 1876, died at Jesap, Ga., in April, 1878, having an insurance of two thousand dollars on his life in the Equitable Insurance Society, of New York. Unaccounta bly, no effort was made by bis admin istrator to make proof of the olaitn, and no demand was made on the Company for over four years,' when our fellow citizen, John H. McCul lough, Esq., took tbe matter up, gojt blank proof from the company, proved the claim and this week received a check from the Company for the fall amount, for Mrs. Wilkins and her children. Mr. McCullough deserves much credit for hi»-strenuous efforts iu hehslf of the wtdow and orphans, and the company, which is one of tbe largest «ud beet To the world, for al lowing and'settling the claim after its lying dormant so many years, without demand made on them. Wo must commend the policies of the Equita ble to our readers. B. O. Naum. Attention of printers is called to advertisement of Mr. Lastinger, of the 11. C. News. The opening, we be lieve, is a good one, and n live man can make a good living there. The paper bus a good patronage nnd a largo subscription list for a country paper. Shipping -Intelligence. .„n ~ Arrivals. Not23—8o § B McFarland. Strong, Naw York. Nov 7i SoE J Simmons, Chadwick, Now York. not 3t-*Bs Hanson, Stubbs, New York, Not 38—So waldemar, Parker, New Haven Not 37f£e Ida Lawrence, Young, New York. Not 37—8c Carrie Strong, Strong, Charleston. Rabat, Sawyer, Mlllbrldge. McDonald, Kingston, Ja. Arolirv. Abaco. NorSTt-Bk/n Rabe Not 38—Brbk Lotus, N6t 39—Ur fio Albury and Malone, Dec 1—Bg 8 £ Kennedy, Pete non, Bermuda, :: 'i;:: '■dipaRtuRw; ■ Dec 1—Sc G E Smith, Jameson, Bsltnsors. bylaw wa quote price* current for,to-day; . OoodOMian»TeMG*<At<U*.'.ii.K.t.v.;8 15-10 Ordinary.... . - v/r « N " nu IrrjR. Broken...... Common 6H@8H FSlJ..l v .i.., 8«@8K Good : prune... a... ►..„......;...6' 4 'Ci#K Rough country uu@l 10 U .-i< £ ’■ NAVAtSTORES. , ! ‘ Rosins—O $1.50. D *1.60; £ *1.65;F *1.60,0*1 70; H $170? I, *1 V0j K *3 Off; H*Tn;N*3 78; window gltll 13 25. ,, •. j , Benin TCarnsTTSl—Oils and whiskeys, 47c; regulars, 48c. . SUPPLIES. Baoow—Clear rib aides, '13J45 shoulders. 11 Xc; bams, l8o; dry sal tea dear rib sides none, long dear, 10}io; ahoaldars non*.. Fnoun—Superffne, *4 00®*t 80; eztra, *5 00® $8 35; family, *5 75®6 00; fancy. *8 00®»0 75 choice patent, *7 , 76®S 00; taken' *700. Onanr—Corn—n.w, 83k. Oats. Western 67c; ran, *1L 16 .• . Hat—Northern, *1.00; Eastern Timothy, *1,15 Western Timothy, (1.16. Lean—In tiercaa, 19X:c kega and tubs 13c. Bum, Wool, Et4—Hides, dry flint, 14c; salted i£13e. Wool—Unwashed, free of bnrn. In bales, prime, 96c; In bags, prime, 34c; aUgbtly burry 15®18e; Tery bnrry, 10313. Wax 35c; deer aklna, 37c; otter skins, S9c®$4 00. WANTED, COF(N & OAT SACKS. AL80 FOR SALE, OOW PEAS, ANDFRESH- TENNESSEE APPLES, —APPLY TO— AUG. F. FRANKLIN & CO. FOR SALE. The Two-Story, Frame. lYlansurd-IIoof Dwelling , . Formerly oocnoled by Jobu B, MoCnllougb. cor- irOand B alreets, Brnnawlck, Os., enuutnlog thirteen room*. Lot 50x180 Asii Wl I b .tables end *U ont-bblldlnge complete. Apply to a. a. McCullough, AJm’r, notl5-3m Norfolk, Va 1,000 FOB SALE AT'fiOcts EACH. AH parties deairing *azne<*rill ple**o call cn M. J. ADAMS, At J. J. Spears’. Dr. W. B. BURROUGHS, LAND, REAL ESTATE, COLLECTING AND INSURANCE AGENT, Offers for sal* 100 of the moat desirable lot* iu town, and some valuable Caros* near • be cUy, wkerc anything can be grown. Terma reaaonable Reference*Merchant*’ Natioual Bauk. Atlanta, Oa. ; Firat Natioi>al Bank, Macon, Oa.; Savannah Bank and Trust Go., Savannah,U*. m*y211y TELEPHONES. PRIVATE LINES Unlit. p<iulpp<vl with telephone., and rented. Ap ply to tho Manager of the nearest Telephone, or to JOHN D. EASTEItLIN, Supt.. Charleston, 8. C.