Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, December 09, 1882, Image 6

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fob watobawb c< Mfioftt*Cltjofl ■uMkuW: SATURDAY MORNING UIHMFKMUUU. TfOM* MATTBRB. 0 L. 8CHLATTXB, Js., j RHnui, TUO#. O’ODWOJb ja, v. v. BoauvuRam. VOTIES. HATOREAT MCI W»0. D«0«r-*B t, »8£. New Advertisements. isroTxoja. jftltb.r the Muter, Own«’n« 0*MX*«» •* *' Biii'it* bile LCIU *Al be r.ipewlbbi Sr »J7 rani icitS bj bs.- ere*. CeytW ZM.1 NOTICB. Melthertt# Kuter, Owner nor Coailtnej of the berk 8ACBAMEKT0 will be re.poneible fcr deb!. eoDtresled b, her ore*.^^ >0tot , Tor Douse end lot on Rejnoldj etreet ternt* ee^ telne elx room*. Lot 41 fee* Inrt *•* iBO foot to Union etreet. TorJHV P l!>B»» Wasted. 500 EMPTY SACKS! AUG. F. FRANKLIN A CO. To All Whom it May Concern. I hereby giw notlee to ell j*..www blood to Pinkney A. lexlehnnA e county end the son of P. A. leslehnnw end * county eod the son of P. A. aeslehnrrt eaa PruUy Heslsburst. lete of •eldcowMy.d^se^d.tket Isbell At the December Adjourned term of Olynn Snymtoc Court tike ell neeeeeery lepl efejw to Adept thA Arid PlLkte? A. S.llrhw-t T o tod eorti of yta Are hereby cited to ebow retne. f rey yon cah. et Read advertisement of hours and lot for aalaoa Reynold* street sitnted our the Prvsb/terrn church. The aged mother of onr townsman, Mr. F. H. Awe* died this week. An other household hte thi ; keen wad* ted by the presence of tb# mceeeager of d-ath. Oelf ant sllitr witehea at W. T. Dosrtlafsr’e. Her* w* a Board of Trade T If eo, why not A err aome eigne of life- hare a meeting #r two. W* wail for a reply, Tb-r* are aererel thiage that eborW «agag* their atteatioa The an* a a. t Victor Saving X sbino, the lljht rmnina, oiapF • MAMbMfi.r ~ The laet Tenaeaeca, Virginia and Georgia Railroad nsea Louisville time, which it Lkost tvvealesn minntas slower thaw Brewtwiak t-'rae. Parties takiag thee* treioa should remember this. Bede af every variety: Bleqae. was, cblaa. aing. erjt»i, talklag Ae—tka I-rgMt and beat aa- inr acta la Branawiek-at a aald term of the court, why my fcr the ‘ nlnor. Is * adoption c. raid minor, flnkaey A. Hoskoartt. abould M be (rented by the eoe: A Catholic Fair l At Uolomon'a Iron EclUlnf, Weintsiij, Jlwhf Ini Friitj Eieniijs, December^, 14 and 1 5- SQUARE DANCINC* (Only) BTssraraNine / apaoi/iTias at A. F. Frukllt&Co. SCO IABRFLS TENNESSEE APPLES* Two weeks v jo, “ten can* of toraa teat for •1” we i adrertised. Ln»t *wk eleven were o£f< red, and tc-day Messrs. Goldsmith A Nock advertise “twelve cane lor $1.” So mmh for priatere’ iak. All the liteel »0Tei:: iln bolldey (oode Are ao» t» H Been at elarar a Duan’a. “At coat” is the heating of Mite Hettie William* advertisement tki* w.ek. She ia elosicg out her «jtirn etoek, at coit, aed iaritee the lediea to call, via mil* ber etoek and’ceear# geari** bargains. frccktry, mralcal Ivttrnmtnte. biatols. •ilter-fUUfl Wht*, frncy f&odh, at*- tionery, •to. M wkolhar'e *nd retail, at Glow A I/uan’a, Cna Kvndromt Cincinnati Muggy, CHEAP. ALSO 100 SACKS SICE FLOUR. AT COST! PtOM THIS DATE TO JAW. lot ISM. I OPPB XT BSTIBB SfOCK OV Milliniry l Fancy floods, LACES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Collarette&Ladies’Underwear ennaaBNia buessbu. km, TMis is a Genuine Closing Out Sple, And no anmbng. Oetl at onca and aaenra bar* (line, before the beat good* ere sold. Miss EETTIE WILLIAMS aoo TUBS (SMALL BURS) ITKILd DM BITTER, 'I'/r if For salt cheap by AUG. F. FRANKLIN Ar CO. LOST. Oo or ab*>ut the «»h ult.. TWO GOLI> KINGS. Itttd in the corner vtm w<lk heutlkerchief. 4 ®ono- gram in oue o» ner of the liacilkerchief. Tbe finder wfU be liberally rewarded by leaving thuiu et thie •Ace. NOTICE TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. A line having boro advertiard ff‘*m Rrnnawick to Florida, vie fit. Sim ana Mills, which requiree the pasaeugera to remain over night at this place, no tice is hereby given that this is a private ia*i -and th»-re is no hotel or accommodations hero for others than those employed )*y, nr connected with, the Georgia Land and Lumber Co. WARRKN A. FULLER, hupt. bt. Simone Mills, Dec. 1. ibtj. itu CMyaa Say erlor court c )a veiled is waa&, vakf, after twodwya’caa- bira, adynarBes) to aeeet ignia the third Ucndny in Juacnry. At jrw* •at there Ee.aii ** t, yecy knsi- (tas ketcro tL* court. Oandtoiae Seley e/cart, Jcat the thins it 4 Oat pahtie eakooU ceeai to he in a very healthy condition. Prufeeeor Cileoa it c..U ialy thcrougbly [ jatad oa the public school eyateme of the age, rod ha bo* an able corps of tcac'sara to axecai; hi* pinna. FIs* Ciackstaat ft -Opisb, at a.lismllbanock'a. Wayerc’e Rqxtler: Tb« 1. T., V. & G. Midway Couipnay sri a wida- awak* eorporatij*. The near fntnre will develop wbat may bn exp< ‘ted of them. Brnoewiek ned Hoathero Georgia will fed lb* impulse of their anoveaieats end k« beh«atied. Amen I thrice ame* I eny we. for the Curiataiu bolidayr. All ha sake that yoa give him a call. before per ehauBg elsewhere. 8«i. pdwrtlfMBa^ ftf ^byoap Oatholia frieadt Taey art baading every effort aow ta the erection their new rbnreh. Give them n call aa toon aa tbe fair opvaa. Tayeulavsry Treaty mt <f Ska la teat ias.ntlon m wheleeela and retail at eiovar * Dusa's Mr. Strickland, who live* aear tbe Altamabarit. rin thieconaty, brought to market Ibis week the eaddi* of ba r t illed by tun near bin place.— The p.u bnenght to 'owm weight 110 pounds, and was parries:?(1 by Mr. W. 0. Beok, of tbe Helen House. Bruia, at the tiiae f t his sir Jgbter, waa fhaatiag on Mr. Stiickland'a heg* A friend who haa tried tbe remedy reqaeete aa to eay to all] mothers whoae ch ldren may fcepofferir j with sore month: TJss a tea a^e of aha etac, atfeprd in hot water, as a waeb for the moafb. F«leys ha h cured hie ehihirjn in two days, after all other remedies had failed. If lea wank a Chrtetmsa preeee* for *Mb or bn»- bane, carau ‘ kratber or Oatur, abllfran.airrathrsrt, •atwtlon cr ir,.ad, do net tall to pay * tlWI at Olo. •r • Cnaa'a. The Grand Jury of Glynn county this week conducted tkeif deUbera- tiooe in a brick building. Thin in the firmt time in the history of the county Wa hope tbe day in eot far dit'anf when tbe entire conrt will be h- ’0 in a brick building, to te uown as the Glynn county court horee. Is this wishing tco much? Pl-s Crackcrt at |V 60 par boi at Ooldamitb a Nock’a. To transform eugnr-cna* jaie* iota tyrnp .'» an art not possersed by every oae. Here and f‘i*:e 1; :h.-oogb the coaatry we find formers who know ezRttly whan to brke off the pot r ~>d have the ayrep jnst exqnisitr. Mr. Joha F. lamb is one of tb : i class. W* know whersof we speak, for we bars this wvek tried some of k!r, just from the pot. A ta? t >Jl#cfioD of holiday kooko, album* k«, *Jt «I4 ««4 jwi ng. *t Glifr fc Luna's. The lorg-tnlkvd-of excursicn from lfeaoa, Borne, Cha'aaor fit and the Wee* over the J. 1J., T. A G. I?oad to oar eity will arrive between this dc'.u aad Jann.ry. We hopj they will have a jUsr. at visit, and oar town te beuefitted thereby. How oar town will jump te so<>n ss we get proper ail and traveling facilities. Tbs eelabiaird If WaUrbuly Wa'.jhaa, tbs r.ry tkla, InruObrlatiaaa prarnut Wa.rsal.d to kasi aict laMliasa. Any psrt rsps'mdforM.atbead qoartsra. Ssptby W. r. I mrllcgar, Jsw.L-r. Don’t forget, ye furmers, to secure some of these alegrnt pumpkin yam potatoes ad .ertisvd by Mr. Wtu. Tur ner, receatly, toreesd. They are as for ahead of the “Florida yam,” “new is roe” and “nigger ki’ler" as light ii above darkness. rul'd aad plated silver war*, epatiedre, tewing machines, etc., St W. V. Due ainj.rV Christmas is coming, and *hs ucr al committees eie abroad on on street*, buying eqoaok-kowiE, et&. for Sabbath School Christmas trees. If *11 the m-vney thus spent wur util ized in evading tbe gospel to the heathen, what an amount of good it might do. File Crackers at f'J to per hnx at (to'dsmttk k Keck's. Softie l*C(«>,'le neem to luive a fond- net* for announcing the <fouth of oth er p jple. Only this week two other persons were so nnnonuced, who are biill enjoying tbeir nsnal health, and last week one of these wretclvw gave us as an item of intelligence, that Kd Simmons, of chain-gniig notoriety, and who had recently been sever, ly cat by another negro, was dead. We have since learned that he is still alive and has no idea <>f leaving this couu- try. Ouo of tko fir^t jobs fcr enr new Conncil nborld by theooasidaratioo of onr water supply. The time has eboat corns far us to coneidc more defiaitely tbe baring of an artesian well. Such an institution, of proper size and depth, world furnish water power enough, if propirly let, to pay a bamfooino dividend on the invest ment. Ilia Orickers at See puzzle udvnrtiHeinuut of Mr. The eyes of tke whole conutry are tamed towards Frnuewiek, waiting to see wbal onr railroads are goiag to do. If they com# cp to what :* rea sonably expeoted, we will witnera a tremendous influx of people into this city ; o the next year. Hundreds of people already have their gripsacks packed. Meaawkile, may wa not ask, wktk will they do for bousist If yaw want tba beet Bra worba at loweat prlcea, ge tu Olorark Ounn’e. Ad c/ster sppper and musical en tertainment will be given at the t >si- deace of Cspt. G. J. Hall, on Thurs day evening, 'he 14th inst. Professor Miuklet, aasixted by his pupils, will furnish musk) for tbe occasion. Ad- luissicn free. The proceeds of tbe entertainment will be for tbe bene fit of the Baptist church. Tbe public generally are invited to attend. Tbe unique advertisements of Mr. 8. M. Glogausr appear in this issue. He ia determined uni to be left in the race for the trade of tbe good people of Brnttswick and vicinity. He claiims to sell at the cheapest average prices. Of this we are sure, that we have been trading with him for years, and have aeldom been dissatisfied with goods furnished. We can commend him to all of oar patrons. His display of toys, fireworks, and other Christmas ID VAIS TOE BRICK STORES !| I way Hi th the Boss! Every Prudent Housekeeper OUGHT TO CONSIDER WHERE TO BUY Groceries & Provisions -AT THE ORY- S. M. GLOGAUER, AT THE Little Old Shanty On The Corner NEXT TO The Only Anatomical Shoemaker in Town. Drath of O. H. Dexter, Eaq. . It becomes our ead duty to an nounce tbe death of oar townsman, Mr. C. H. Dexter, which occurred last Tuesday morning, at bis rati- dence in this city. He was jnst re covering fram an attaok of dengua fe ver, sod wee sitting up for the first time in au easy choir before tbe open fire-placa. Hie wife had only left bitu a moment, when she heard a aoiso ia the room in which he was sitting, t-nd hasteniag back, found he bad fainted and fallen headforemost into the fire. Summoning all ber strength, she drew him from tbe flames, but too lat9, for tbe fire had done its work, and after forty-eight hours ba breathed his last. He leava* wife sod two little obildren to iBoaro bis lore. The remains were tHken to Providence, R. I., for bnrisl. Hie death bse cast a gloom over our entire community. produces as fine vegetables in the fall aa in tke spring. These potatcee wsrt raised from reed saved by Mr. Lamb from last spring's crop. He informs ns that his exparienca is that,;for fall plsoting, the Northern potato ie not aa good as onr own spring crop, as they are almost ears to roi Garden ers will stick a pin ia this for faturs reference. THE BOSS GROCEIS' MNDHICEMEIT. Doerfiiuger in this issne, and see if i goods commands your attention. TO-DAY. Before tbe can gees aawn this day there will bs five victorious and five defeated eandidat m in our city. The rnce will fc'e between Mayor Colson, th* present incumbent, booked by Messrs. Charles Schlatter, Jr., JobD Harvey, T. O'Connor, Jr., and W. Doerfiinger, as aldermen, and Mr. T. Dunn, basket! by Messrs. S. C. Littlefield, J. S. Burns, E. A. Nelson and A. T. Putnam. Tbe contest bids fair to be a lively one indeed, as all the forces are marshalled and piles of money bet on individual candidates. e trust there will be uo bad blood stirred, but that.all wifi be quiet and pracr ble, ami tbe defeated five bear their disappointments gracefully. We i^ugiatulate, in advance, tbe winning five, though we don’t know who they bs, for the friends of each ticket are confident of success. ^ K»rly ov LnteP Mr. John P. Lamb, of this county, showed ns this week specimens of Irish potatoes ruined by him this fall. They were planted in August, aud h|d attained very good size. It will thus bo seen that our favored county We have been informed, reliably, that, on account of tba unusual ex citement occasioned by elretion of a Mayor and Aldarman in tba city of Brunswick this week, wo are opt ont of onr naual space allowed us ia tbis paper. W* have been out down to small dimensions, and bavoonly room enough to of >r— 12 lbs prime Rio cofiee for F 11 lbs extra C sugsr for fl 14 lbs whole rice for $1 24 lbs best flour for 95c 20 Ibe beet starch for t 1 20 lbs beet laundry soap for ♦} 12 c os tomatoes (or V Swiss cheese, cream cheese, lund cheese, Neufchatelle ohresv, Fromarge de Rrie, anchovies, Holland and Rus sian herring, dried pears, and a full variety of other goods too numerous to mention. Wo will endeavor to b# in time Dext week, to make our GRAND OFFER of the season of goods in our lino, at such low prices oa will astouisu the natives. Goldsmith & Nock, THE B08S GROCERS. Death of Dr. B- M. Cantyl*-- One by one the old land ui irkH lire passing away. We have to ehrocicle tbis week tbe death of Dr. B.*M. Csr- gyle, au old and respected citizen of this city, which occurred ou Wednes day morning last near daylight. He has been gradually sinking lor » loog time and attbe hour meutiouid abo>« passed away witbaat a straggle. No Humbug. In order to raise money, the un dersigned will sell watches, clocks and jewelry, musical instruments aud holiday presents at fabulously l° w prices. H. L. Haems-