Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, December 16, 1882, Image 5

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In the jaa f pf Davidson .oonnty, llenDVfe now confined, according to | the Nashville Amkriom^i Mapjpfio is charged with marder, and who night ly, in n fit of somnambulism, repeats in pantomime the crime of which h'e I is supposed to bo guilty, He riees from his bed, and having peered sbout bis cell and into the corridor to [ assure himself that he is not observed, rolls op his bed clothes into the sem blance of a man, sets the figure on a chair, takes a broom from the place where it is kept, raises it to his shoul der, goes through the motion of dis charging a gun, creeps stealthily up to the bundle of clothes, carries it to one corner of the cell, scrapes at the j floor as if digging a bole, lays down ' the bundle and carries out the form of burying it and 'covering it with leaves. He then carefully examines his clothes as if looking for blood, washes his hands, retires to his cot and sleeps sonndly all the night. In the morning he denies all knowledge of the crime and of his ghastly ro- hersal of it. The Utah commission, in their first report, say that they have no radical measures for the suppression of po lygamy to recommend, but that the law under which they are working should bo supplemented by other acts of Congress. It seems that the great difficulty in the way is in establishing the fact that plural marriages are consummated in the Territory. These marriages are entered into by con tracting parties who acknowledge no allegiance, as far as snch marriages are concerned, to any authority but that of the Church of the Latter Day Saiutn. The ceremonial is purely ec clesiastical, and the ritual of the Church makes it a secret ceremonial. The commission propose to substitute civil marriage for this, and to legis late so that all other forms of marri age null and void. Precisely wbat legal forms 6hall be observed in order to make tbe marriage obligation a civil obligation under tbe laws of the United States is not determined upon. But tbe scheme proposed, al though it may not prove a sure pre ventive of eecret plural marriages among liio Mormons, is one which certainly should bo adopted in the in terests of piibfie order. « •«» “Yon mustn’t touch tho top of tbe baby’s head,” said a Magnolia street mother to her little four-year-old; “sho has a soft spot there that is very tender.” Tho youngster gazed at it curiously for a moment and then asked: “Do all babies Lave a soft spot on their heads. “Yes.” “Did papa 'havo a soft spot on tho top of his head when ho was a baby ?” "Yes," re plied tho mother with a sigh, “and ho hns got it yet.” And tbe old man who had overheard the conversation from au adjoining room sang out: “Yes, indeed ho has, mv dear ooy, or ho would bo a singlo mau to-day.— Macon Telegraph. That /Is what a great many people are doing. They don’t know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy yet found is Brown's Ikon Bittf.RS, arid this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies arrtl enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and strength. This is why Brown’s Iron Bitters will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent fevers, &c. ,03 S. Pace St., Baltimore. q Nov. 28, 18S1. I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and for several weeks could eat nothing and was growing weaker every day. I tried Brown’s Iron Bitters, and am happy to say I now have a good appetite, and am getting stronger. Jos. McCawley. Brown’s Iron Bitters is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don’t be imposed on with imitations. 0OSHFEr: s Corporal Blucher, of the Second Juried States Artillery, and post cheolmaster at Fort McHenry, Bal- imoro, has accepted nn oiler of a po- itiou on the stall'of Baker Basko, to lid iu the re-organization of the Egyptian army. Corporal Blucher is , lineal descendant of the Marshal llucher of Waterloo fame. He grad- lated from tho Universities of Bonn ind Heidelberg, and was formerly a nilitary otlacbo of the German Lega- ion in Egypt, where he acquired tbe trabic language. He came to Amer ce two years ago, and enlisted in the iecond Artillery os schoolmaster sh een months ago. Suicide of a Rule. Near the town ot Irving, in Estill ounty, Ky., the other day a mule bo- snging to Mr. W. F. Park deliberate- y committed suicide. He put bis lead through a crack in a post-and- ail fence, slipped his neck down to 0 larrow place, pulled back and choked imself. The cause of the suicide is ot known. He had not been drink- ag, and there was no trouble with is family. j}eef Market, STOMACH ^ BITTED RemMjiber that stamina, vital energy, the life-principle, or whatever you mav chooso to call tho resistant power which battles against the causes of disease and death, Ja the grand safeguard of health. It is tho garrison of the human fortress, and when it waxes weuk, the true policy is to throw in reinforcements. In other words, when such an emergency occurs, commepco a course of Ilostctter's lilt tors. For sale by Druggists ami Dealers, to whom apply for Ilostctter's Almanac for l$u. WESTERN Baumgartner Bros., PROPIETORS, Where can bo bed, ileily. Freeh Beef end Mutton. Fet cetUe end ebeep received weekly from tbe Bluegrass regions of East Tennessee, and slaughtered heri by eiperlenced butchers as is necessary. Three Doors South of the Kelson House. Wire GrassBeef D.D.Atkinson DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - - # GEORGIA. Oficc up eteire in Crovett’e new building; JyM- (AGENT,) Has just Opened a New and Complete Stock of FRESH DKUGS, CHEMICALS, Toilet Articles, EltOe, Etc., Next door to Goldsmith & Nock, NEWCASTLE STREET ^-PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED, NIGHT OR DAY. ON DECK! Splendid Stock Dry Goods, FANCY GOODS, HATS & GAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ITOTIOUS, CLOTHING, #c, 9 FOR FALL AND WINTER TRADE. LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN’S F. JOERGER, i©@TS / . ^ ... i . a AT VERY LOW PRICES GOODS ARE CHEAP And heving ransacked New York for Bergelne end Style., I fency I een exhibit e etock of (food, which tor price, quality end busty, Will Not Be Excelled In our city. Come end eee, end ee I eell for ceeh only, you may be eure of BAUOAJXtj. D. T. DUNN. LOOK AT A FEW OF OUK GOODS Quoted below 1 Como and oxamiae our stock before purchasing olsowkcro Be convinced of our offerings, and SAVE HONEY! IN THESE HARD TIMES! 3 Button Kid Gloves, worth $1, for 60c. Scotch Plaid Dress Goods at 16c. Worsted Dress Goods from 10c. , Flannels; all wool, for 25c. All Wool Double Width Cashmere at 65c. All AN ool Camel Hair Dress Goods at 35c. Henrietta Cloth, double width; at $1 25. 4-4 Bleaching and Unbleached, good quality, at 83c. Fast Color Ginghams at 8c. Calicoes at 5c, 10-4 White Blankets for $2 00. - AND ALL OTHER GOODS AT A.t "Very Low Prices OUR OLD MOTTO: “QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS!” 1. MicMson & Brother febll llloctn PALL OPENING OP MILLINERY! OCTOBER 16th, 1882. THE LADIES’ STORE RE-OFUED ON SECOND FLOOR OF NEW BRICK BLOCK! CHEAP, CHEAP! HATS AND TRIMMINGS, BEAUTIFUL LACES, GLOVES; DRESS BUTTONS, ELEGANT PLUMES, FLOWERS AND RUCHINGS! ' ■“« Bntterick’s Patterns IN ALL FALL STYLES 1 r . I.bell eudrevor to please ell, end eek thel every ledy In the city give me e cell before buying el where. ALL COUNT11Y OHDEIta1 em prepered to fill et once. ___ Mrs. M. C. ROWE. DIRECT L1MIW.F.PENMIAN GA. & FLA. INLAND STEAMBOAT CO. BRUNSWICK, SAVANNAH. DARI EN AND SATILLA RIVER. The fast steamer ST. NICHOLAS will leave Savan nah for Brunswick every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and on Saturdays leave Brunawick for 8*111- la rivoj. Leave Brunswick for Darion and Savannah over* Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Close connection made with B. k A. Railroad, and tkrongh bills of lading isaued to and from all sta tions on that road. Extra boats for the accommodation of naval store freight. Fo* Florida.—Passengers for Florida will take steamer Ruby at 1:30 o'clock P. M. for St. Simons on Tuesdays and Fridays to connect with Fernsndi- stcamets on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. W. F. PENNIMAN, Agent, sprlll6-3m Collins' Wharf, Brunswick. GENERAL Merchandise Broker, BRUNSWICK, GA. Merchants wleblng to nuke £ rile re foSgoodeer, requested before doing eo to get quotation, on seme from me. Will furnleb on application the lowest market rate, on goods delivered here, such as Oteiu, Iley, Meets, rlour. etc., ete.w —g I represent et present et this point— KENTUCKY PLOUU CO Louisville KEN1TCKY MODEL STEAM BAKERY.. .Lou lerUle H. H. RICHABD80N k CO., Onto, Meet... Chicago B. JONES. Oeoerel Orocerlee Clnetotut HI SOAP * OIL CO Ctnclnnst Eta.,Etc., Eta. F. W ARNKE Mercliant Tailor. -:0: MY STOCK For tbe preoout reason to of unequalled extent end variety, embracing every to materiel end (tyle for MEN'S WEAB, nude up in etyfe end finish unsurpassed. Examination solicited. Joerger’s Block, Brunswick, 6a. April 1V1J