Advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1882-188?, August 01, 1885, Image 1

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1 *«* ‘h'J i i if VOLUME XI. BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. SATURDAY. AUGUST 1 IS85 NUMBER .The Advertiser anil Appeal, H BIB WBD rrntT HTTMUT. *T BRUNSWICK. - GEORGLV. . . —- BY T. G. STACY Sl SON. sakarripit** •*». o» Htr ••• f*r:" h. o^MMhTmUI <W> IfcaMato » a4 w—« ***»«• acwrttarfr. tfcmtet. a*-**"* •ssKa*a* t«r IM wUrta* — wiiMiwnw.'^ aituitmaa* VCEAN Iw»I> * E. So. ill. F. A A. I. ‘MtMiimMlia . wt Mtt. *1 1.M *’IW^MID torUr-mla t~4 *—!«« ar. tn- unu4 “ SEe: U SCHUmUL #. B. AS. E. UUDUOHT. fca<wj. SEVPOKT LODGE. Ss. a. I. <’• 0. F.. lt**u-T*rj Tb»J».' ffffgSStSStA,. JAS. E. IJLBDttlOin. I’. A R. fcrtrunr. OGLETHORPE LODGE. A'O. *4-1. OF P. Ilwta *1 lh»tr CmU» 11*11. to Xtoli*toe« - * S«lld- tDf. rrrty Writtortj »* • P- •- . v **. tt ** »»•«**• lutavd aUiiUing *r- !r»t*ru»n* tmltnl to lltort. m «»* * I40KS1S UHUKLSOS.C.C. V. R. Min ilELL. K. of U. »n.l S. SECTIOS SO. JOS. E. R., m*«** Vtra* WwlD*«l»jr tn tttrj avmth. ^ n fgBOVSOft VtmUnt u. J. UK1D. Swrturr. NGEYSESS LODGE. Nn 2903. KNIGHTS OF ilOXJK. • ll*;il*r Btotlnn Uttot 3d Iridnj* to trek cn,n..:^r. «. .. *, XrteDi*, Dictator. II. G. Cnri.n, riMMitl Reporter. X&GXOLIA LODGE, So. 110-% AMERICAS LEGION. OF liCSOK. Kamlar mtotlnw W ud 4tU J' ld.f. toe* ■ T. (1. (TACT, Comnundw. t. mmaat. iimT SEAPORT LOPOE, I. 0. Q. T., NO. 88. Htoti »t SllchtlMn'. 8*11 .wiy Mond*y ftonlu*. at 7 UK). J. "• RICE* w. l, 1. T. V. UOODBBEAD. W. 8. Y. W. <:■ A. The Young Mob’* ObrWUii Atoodalion hold. It* prayarmtoilng for man ovorjr tobbjjb morning at V o’clock s* tli* Method lit church. Zreryoa* I* wel come. ' MUSIC. I aut prepared to nlve mnalcal insiniutiou on all bTUI.SO AND BRASH ISSTUUMKNTfl. Violin a specialty. Headquarter* at Olover k Dnnn'a store. e6«tf Paor. Fn. ltlEUAN. Dr. W. B. BURROUHS, LAND. REAL ESTATE. COLLECTING AND INSURANCE AGENT, Offora for sale 100 or the moat desirable lots in town, and some valuable farms nr*ar the rity, where anything can be grown. Term* reasonable. References :—McrchanU' National Bank. Atlanta, Ga.; First National Bauk, Macon, Ga.; Savanna) Rank and Trust Co., Havannah.Ga. maySl-ly xmmm, LOCAL DENTISTS, .BRUNSWICK. - GEORGIA. Parties having work in the dental line will find to their interest to call. OfUae tn new Kaiser block over druva tor* of Lloyd A Ai’ams D.D.Atkinson DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. OtUce up -Uir# iu WrijLt'* new bulltUu;*. WiA CALL AND BE SHAVED AT THE Artesian Barber SHOP. STRICTLY FIItST-CLASS! llair work of all kiml* a specialty. HAtisrueti.m guaranteed. Shop tn l’«»*‘t Omce nuilding. tn.irtMy !• A SHAW, Proprietor. Tax rvTot:ic©. Taxes due the city for ieM.* ar** pa.v*Uea* follow*: First quarter on or belor.tBii.h «i«y *>( April, Second quarter <jii *>r before aiat nay <1 July, i.v5. Third quarter on or before Jjlxt day nf Oct., Nellie aqd I. Tb« little to** o of Silver Golly **»» ■11 ostir. A crow.I of am were gath ered in froot of Mayor llublt'* In ternal Refreshment Saloon, gazing at n porter stack op on one of tbe shut Urn. Tbe tbin, lanky man rending tbe notine alool lor tbe edification of the lea* portion of tbn crowd i* tbe editor nod proprietor of tbe only nenrepaper in town, tbe Silver Golly Bantam, and tbe pooler in qoeetion ia n aatnpW of bia akill in tbe priutio; line: Teleplionoa. PRIVATE LINES liuilt. tftlippvd with telephonea, »ud routed. Ap-1 pit to the Manager oi the uearent Telephone, *o ! JOHN D. RASTER LIN, bupt. \ l w, 5-tt Charltdoo C. 1 : Notjcz. ; : Tbe Citizens of Silver Onlley : . will be on Mand To-morrow nt S ; : r. m. to meet tbe San Franciaco ; : Stage, nod give a Hearty welcome ; ; to onr New Scbxtl Mistrre*. I : Geo not V. ll\»t.«rrr, Mayor. : I 1’. S.—White Sbirta. : * * Tbe seeming iucoogrnity of a bnge rooster prioted nt tbe top of tbe pos ter might bavo been explained by statiog that there was only ono wood cat in town, and it vttui need alike, on all occasions, to attract tbe pub lic's eye. Each happening in the town wns heralded forth in a notjeo with tiro rooster rsmpamt at the top. When tbe popnlation wns iocrraaetl by tbo arrival of twins at tbe Reilly homestead (be fact was fully an- uoonced ou tbe bulletin board, wbicb was invariably a .hotter in front of tbe Mayor’s saloou. If n mnlo or borso was wishing from tbo golly, tbe ever-ntefal fowl called attention to its abscence. Ten minutes. after tbe poster was rend there was a corner fu white shirt*. Old Levy’e stock of seven, wbicb bad been in bis store ever since tbe town came into existence, realized lor their owner about 1,000 per cent, profit Tbe nnfortnnates who found themselves without tbe coveted shirts wero downcast and dis consolate, bat genias finally fonnd a way out of tbe difficulty. A roll of muslin was cut np into false shirt (routs, which wore intended to bn packed under tbe vest and pinned to a paper collar. Mrs. Reilly was then called upon to show her skill in tbe laundry bnsiuess. Her busy bands soon finished tbe task, and the pile of snowy, glistening shirt bosoms was a speaking monument of her skill. The dollars dropped in her lap made her smile with delight ns she thought of what they wauld buy for her twin babes. Noontime found tho Gnllyites in full force and arrayed iu their finest. Tim Mayor soon emerged from bis home, and tbe way be strut ted around, all resplendent in a fall dress suit and shiny high bat, would have caused a peacock to die with mortification at being outshone. The iow-eut vest revealed n “sparkler" big 11s u walnut, and emitting sneb brilliant rays that one would almost fe’l inclined 'u believe tbe owner's assertion that he did not need any light ju bis bouse at night time. 14 whs a proud moment for the first citizen of tbe town wbeu lie mounted a sonp box and delived hinntelf of a epee, 1), tbe preparation of which had caused him a sleepless night. As suming tbe altitude of the painting of Andrew Jackson, which hnug on 'he bar room wall, represented to tie Hint Statesman's favorite posture, with one hand liiil beneath his vest, and (lie other resting on his coat tails, be c.j'iimcuced: 'Fellow-citizens: Yeui, vidi, vin - came, we saw, we conquers,!. We came to this now blooming para dise when it was not lung but a waste. We stuck to it, ami struck rock, titnl men we spread like a grease spot on your Son.Lv panto. Soon «• was big enough to support a fiat rim liquor saloon, and now ki* con cluded tb*t «* kin support a school teacher lo make srbolars of out young uns. Noe, when i introduce you. fellcwa, you must bow and take your bat like th>a,'' and suiting his actions to bis* vorJs. bo removed Li* bead covering, end in attempting to make of tbo Gully's moat prized institutions. Miss Jardew. tbo tuber, boarded with lb* HtoietU and was the pet of the town. Er.ry maa aba met oa tbe street raised fan bat and bowed re- apectfally to her. Every man io turn wanted to be ou tbe school board, sad it was amazing y cords of wood Were dump- show be threw hi* centra of gravity 'ed oa tbo Mayor’s sidewalk, with cunt out of line, sad as a natural eoose-! plimonts of so and so. Of coarse it quatice tbe soap box lilted sad landed) may not have bad anything to do lbs flowery orator in a beat n« tbe; with it, hot nevertheless it was a fact groom). Tbe Mayor did not let Ibis j that Uto man sending Iba meat was mishap annoy him, nor did tbe grin-' appointed a director, niog faces of bis bearers excite bia • About six months af'rr tbo <ln- anger, but joining in tbo Uugb, be | matie entry in onr town id tbo tiebool put them through tbeir "politeness j roiatrese, a young stranger nemo to drill,” and soon bad them scraping I tbs Gaily, and soon bis name was in and bowing in a manner that would j every one's oioutb—‘Tarry, tbe ten- havo de'-ghted tbe heart of a French j der-foot,*’ owner of the “Nelly and I” dancing man ter. Way oil down tbe road a cloud ol dost was arising, growing larger and larger, un'.il finally from Us midst tbs stage-cosch burst in view. Tbs horses were galloping like msd, and instead of tbe brawny form of Tom, tbs driver, bolding tbs lines, tberu stood a girl, her feet firmly braced against tbe footboard, laying back with all ber strength ou tbe reins. Tbe trained leaders slacked tbeir speed as tbey approached tbeir usual stopping place and slopped stilL As soon as tbe eoneb camo to a stand still tbe girlish form dropped buck in a faint. A dozen men sprang to tbe coacb top and a ghastly sight they saw. There lay Toro, the driver, with a horrible bole in bis chest, from which the blood--pouted with each boart throb. ' ered tbe motionless forms to the ground, where ready arms received them. Tbe Mayor’s bouse was turned into a hospital and bis. wife into » nurse. The girl soou regained bor senses and told ber tale. She was tbo school- inistreaH they wero waiting to wel come. About five miles from tbe gnUey the coacb was stopped by rob bers. She was on tbo seat with Tom, tbe driver, wbeu tbe robbers, with levelled guus, brought tbe stage to a bait. Some half dozen passengers in side were ordered to get out, and while they were being senrobed Tom slipped a revolver into tbe little teach er's hands and whispered, “Shoot nt tbe man at tbe leader’s head.” Quick as a flash she levelled tbe already cocked weapon. Bang! went the heavy Colt. A bullet passed within a foot of tbe robber's bead und struck the horse’s 6ar. Tho frantic animal reared np nud struck the robber with both fore feet. Down to tbe ground tbe crushed robber dropped, and tbe coacb gave a jolt, as the Wheels rolled over the prostrate wretch’s body. Bang! crack ! crack ! went the rob bers’ guns, and one bullet strnck poor Tom iu the breast ns lie turned around to yell defiance nt the out witted rascals. With a moan lie drop ped baek on his seat, senseless. Grasping the lines, which w-re dropping f rom Tom'* nerveless hands, she guided the li*i|’ses to town. A parly from tbe Gnllev rode back over tbe road and found tbe lifeless body of the crushed robber. Tho passen gers were found close by, tied to t’ees, an.I relieved of all tin ir valua bles. The town rang "itll praise |. r I lie plucky schoolmistress, hii I the mine. One evening Mrs. Haalt-U commenced talking about the stran ger. IIa ia from your State, Penn sylvania; ton most meet him, for be would make a good catch, .lie owns tbe ‘Nelly and I' mine, tbe richest in these porta.” Why did a tear tremble on those eyelashes, why did tbo blood reddun bercheecks n fiery hue? Just then tbe Mayor catnu in followed by a tall stranger. “Miss Jurdeu, this is Sir. Parry.” A scream, and tbo tall stranger and tbe little teacher were locked in each other's arms. Well, tbe rest is soon told. Nelly Jardun and Parry Rod- gors were lovers in a Pennsyvnnis town. He started for the West to make bis fortune. Fonr or five let ters came, and then tbey ceased. A 'eml?*£ bnndelSw-H 0 ^ 1 ^ * Mr P**"*' 1 * Dd B0 new * P f Par - ry. Finally th«' dissolute ion of tbs postmaster was nrrestod and confes sed that ho had been stealing letters with money in them, and among them be bad taken two or three from Par ry to Nelly, thinking, probably, tbey might contain money. Tbe brave girl then started to find ber lover. Place after place sbe vis ited, but could find no due, and at lust broken hearted and convinced that ber lover was dead, sbe accepted the place offered ber at the Gully. Well, they married, and yearn of joy and happiness have been tbeir lot. Tbe little town of Silver Gully now owns a church, and a marble tablet on one of tbe walls reads: KRKCTKl) 18G9 An a thanksgiving to tbe Divine Cre ator, whose all-seeing eye found tbe lest. Correcting Her Enzlleli. “There,’' said a woman to a tramp, “ik n nice dinner, bat I .shall expect you to saw a little wood for it.” “Certainly, madam,” politely re plied tbo tramp, attacking tbe diuner with both bands, “but you will par don me, I trnst, if I venture to cor reel your English.” “My what?” “Your English. Some modern au thorities claim that grammar is play ed out. I know better. The vevb *.ihw' is a verb in 11,is case,’singular number and iniperferl tense. Yuli cannot say, *J shall expect you In saw wood.' ‘I shall expect yon to see wood,' is correct. U yon will indi cate toe pile tu me I will look at it hh I pass not." Connecticut leads in iongevi’v iu Biniam, iu n sp*ciul edition issned to | this country. The majority of very c •iii'ueraoraie the lynching iif three j old people are women. Among men, of the roll bet*, who vtVre caught the soldiers K, 'd farmers are the longest jdav after the affair, alluded to her asi *' wl ’ ^ recent investigator found i _ , , . . ... , , ; one hundred ministers who had pasa- a Joan ,,f Arc. A neat lit.le frame i#ll lllBMUtar y bllt be fono ,, ou _ house had been ere-ted ia an-j|y thirty doctors, tec lawyers and ten 'ticipatlou of her coming, and soon * actors. why an mx n love. Men fall ia lov*. they my. with beauty, with goodneaa. with geutfa- mo, silk intellect Ml qaahiiea, with sweet voice, with a Mails, with an agreeable manner, aitb a lovable dis position, with many ascertainable and measurable things, and )ct we find (Seat cuauaaaUy falling in Live with women who are not beautiful, nor eiae, ihv get,tie, nor praieesiag any a«rerl*iti*l>!» Ibinp. Yon'll find a hundred reaaona for falling in lute, but rarely the right reason—wbicb ia ^omuonly simply because he can’t brip it. He ia in Iota Iwcattse a mva- b-rion* form in natnre baa touched biro. Tbn woman may Im nnbeanti- ful, hjartlrje, selfish, cruel, untrue, coaler, frivolous, empty, lull if tbn •“agio of nature touches him, bn sees not one of these in its true tuqiect. * “My dear," said a father to bia daughter, “how long baa it been since George Jackson went West to seek bia fortnno?” 'Just a year," replied tbe girl with a blush. 'Was tliero anything between yon and George? I sometimes tin night be was fond of you.” ‘ He was, papa,” and tbe girl bid bi-r face on tbe old man's shoulder; “I promised tieorgo when be went away that I would wait for him until be conld mako is fortune.” “I have a letter from him.” “Ob, papa !’’ sbo exclaimed. * Doea be—er—baa be—ob, tel! me wbnt does be say ?” “He wants $20 to get borne with.” UAHDTimBS. Speaking of bard times, “Hermit,” in tbe ^Troy Times, says be Adds by reference to the past that they have been much harder. For iustnnce, prior to the Revolution tbe professors at Harvard received tbeir salaries chiefly in produce, this being tbe on ly way in wbiob many of their stn- deuts could pay tuition. In Virginia tbe clergy were paid in tobacco, auil of course were unable to preach against chewing and smoking. When tbe Revolution began, Con gress began issuing paper money, nud eventually $50,000,000 war cnrreifey was issued, most of wbicb became worthless, tbongb afterwards re deemed. A barber Cbop in New York was ornamented with continental money pasted over tbe walls. Robert Morris, of Philadelphia, was tbe first to establish a permanent cur rency. He lent bis private fortune to Congress, and this enabled Washing ton to capture Cornwallis. He found ed tbe Batik of North* America in 1782, and this was tbe beginning of our present financial system. Tbe entire wealth of A-n.-i i.- i was at that time not as nibcii tho capital of one of onr lending banks. Hence if times be bard at present, what must tbey bn\e been then ? “None of your white-faced damsel* .lor me,” said ihe Rev. John W. ijeud- der, of Miuiieipolis, in a recent ser mon, “nor one whose face is red with consumptive or hectic flush. Give me tnu nut brown girl who ab.iudnus the sun-bonnet, «ho can climb s tree with iiny hoy, who prefersgiaal bread to chocolate carnm-!s ani baked beans to ittlgel Cake. The kind of an angel for me weighs 140 pounds, and hue more calls for crash towels than cos metics. Her waist Is more than nine inches in circumference. She is us straight ns an arrow, sleeps eight hours a day, h** a char head, a bright smile,'and is « joy to iho-e around ber.’’ Now trot oiu tbe 140 pound angel, and let’s bear what sbe tbinka of Scttdder